Ficus with spotted leaves name. Ficus: what is it, types and care at home

Ficus is a type of plant that grows in the tropics around the world. It is incredibly diverse, with some species being used as houseplants. To appreciate the decorative possibilities of such an indoor flower, you need to learn more about its subspecies and care requirements.

What it is?

Since this genus is very diverse, it is difficult to make a specific classification or description. Ficus can be a shrub, vine, or just a small ornamental plant. Many subspecies produce aerial roots, while others produce tasty fruits such as figs. The sacred fig is of particular importance to followers of some Asian religions, including Buddhism.

Ficus is the largest genus in the mulberry family and is one of the largest flowering plants currently described. All species were originally divided into several genera in the mid-1800s, providing the basis for a subgeneric classification. This traditional classification has been challenged by recent phylogenetic studies.

Ficus loves a lot of bright diffused light, and is very susceptible to root rot. It is planted in a pot with gravel or rock drainage, but not expanded clay, as it negatively affects the quality of the soil.

These plants love to be watered, but do not tolerate waterlogging, they prefer the soil to dry well from watering to watering.

In general, the genus of ficus has more than 800 species. Each reproduces quickly and easily, making it a sought-after tree in rainforest restoration, and an ornamental pet in homes, offices, and institutions. Ficus trees have been shown in research to play an important role in environmental restoration as they are highly effective in supporting the regeneration of surrounding plant communities.

Ficuses do well in large pots and without pruning. Under favorable conditions, they can reach a height of two meters. The less space and poorer maintenance, the smaller and smaller the tree will grow. Not all varieties can bloom, but if they allow you to enjoy such a spectacle, then at the same time they will also please you with a pleasant aroma.

To maintain the massive trunks and branches of ficus trees in their natural environment, huge and powerful root systems are required, and nature has provided for this.

The roots of the described type of plants spread laterally and often need proper care.

Poisonous or not?

Ficus is poisonous to animals and humans. Many plants, including elastic, produce milky juice, especially after pruning on stems and leaves. It is he who can cause not only irritation on the skin, but also gastrointestinal problems if absorbed through the skin or enters the mouth of a person and animal. Symptoms of poisoning include mouth irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, and redness of the skin.


Ficus can be ordinary or bush. There are several main types, we will consider them in more detail.

  • Pumila. It occurs naturally in East Asia. The plant is 4.5 meters long and 1.8 meters wide. The creeping species has heart-shaped green leaves. Outdoors, the plant can produce "hairy" fruits that are green at first and turn purple when ripe. Such a flower needs regular watering. Thrips and mealy bugs are a major problem as they feed on foliage. Gardeners often plant this species in a container or hanging basket.

At the same time, ficus climbs beautifully on trellises, poles and walls.

  • Ficus Benjamina. This is an evergreen broad-leaved representative of the genus from Southeast Asia, which reaches 15 meters in height and 9 meters in width. The plant has light brown bark, green leaves and arched twigs. Outdoors can produce small, round fruits. Withstands maintenance in conditions of cooling up to 10-12 degrees, sometimes loses leaves in winter. Gardeners mainly use this ficus as a houseplant.

  • Ficus petiolaris. Sometimes it is called stone ficus. It grows well in containers and is used as a bonsai. This species has light green leaves and green flowers, which are inferior in appearance to other varieties of ficus.

  • Elastica. This broad-leaved evergreen plant reaches 30 meters in height and 50 in width. Such huge plants have thick, dark green leaves, purple or pink stipules, and small fruits. This variety of ficus needs indirect lighting or partial shade. Sometimes suffers from aphids and scales.

As a culture, the flower has smaller dimensions and grows well at home.

  • Ficus religiosa. This species has light gray bark, dark green leaves and purple fruits. It is a sacred tree for those who follow Hinduism and Buddhism and has no major disease or pest problems. Grows best in full sun. Gardeners often use the tree as a container plant.

  • carica. Mature trees have a silvery-gray bark that arouses decorative interest in the species described. Leaves with dark green tops and pale green undersides. Inconspicuous green flowers bloom in spring, followed by edible fruits that ripen in late summer. Of the diseases, the most common spots on the leaves, rot. The variety grows well in containers.

  • Ficus albert-smithii. It is a species in the Moraceae family. It grows naturally in Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Peru and Venezuela. It has large wide leaves.

  • Altissima. Ficus altissima is a species of flowering plant in the Mora family. It is a large, majestic evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia.

  • Ficus americana. Commonly known as the West Indian Laurel or Jamaican Cherry Fig. It grows in the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America.

  • Ficus aurea. Another well-known variety that is native to the US state of Florida, Northern and Western Caribbean, Southern Mexico and Central America south of Panama.

  • Ficus auriculata Lour. A type of ficus found throughout Asia. Of the characteristic features, large and round leaves can be distinguished. Used as feed in Nepal.

It is the least resistant to direct sunlight, although it loves a lot of light.

  • Florida Spire. A new, green, narrow-stemmed variety.

  • "Golden Princess" It has greyish-green leaves edged with ivory. This is one of the first variegated varieties that is grown in nurseries.

  • "Jacqueline". It has very colorful foliage with a greyish-green center and a border.

  • Decora. Shows broad elliptical leaves.

  • Doscheri. It has a narrow leaf shape and a bright variegated pattern, green, grayish-green, yellow, white and pink petiole.

  • rubra. Differs in dark leaves with a wine shade. Most of the red color is lost as the plant begins to receive less light.

Home care

Any of the ficuses loves to be looked after in an apartment, namely: they wipe the leaves from dust, produce high-quality and timely watering, and do not put them in a draft. Speaking briefly about the requirements for care, it is worth adhering to the following indicators:

  • temperature - 15-24 ° C, lowering should not be allowed, otherwise the ficus will simply die;
  • the light should be bright, but diffused; in winter, special lamps can be used;
  • watering must be moderate, regular, if the water supply is excessive, the root system will suffer;
  • keep the humidity level above 60%.

If we consider in more detail the requirements for quality care, then it is always worth remembering that this houseplant is one of those that cannot tolerate cold temperatures. The minimum allowable level is at around 15 degrees.

If there is little light, then the ficus will begin to suffer, and if there is a lot, then the branches will become lanky, it will be difficult to restrain the crown.

It is best to put it on the window, but at the same time hang out a thin tulle through which the sun's rays scatter, and do not fall directly on the foliage.

Ficuses feel great in the interior of a room with good humidity. If this is not a problem in summer, then in winter it is not so easy to achieve the required indicator. During this period, special humidifiers are often used or simply placed next to containers of water so that it can evaporate freely. There is another trick - use a spray bottle and delight the leaves with a pleasant shower from time to time.

As for watering, it must be regular. Soft water at room temperature would be ideal for ficus. But you can’t water or spray water every day, this will lead to the occurrence of a fungal disease - usually root rot. If the temperature in the room decreases in winter, then the frequency of watering is reduced. The main condition is that the soil dries well, you can check this not only with a moisture meter, but simply by dipping your finger into the ground. If it is dry at a distance of three centimeters, then it is already possible to moisturize.

Plant care is not only compliance with the conditions of detention, but also the timely application of fertilizers. Organic, mineral and liquid complexes can be used as top dressing. It is recommended to fertilize twice a month in spring and summer.

In winter and autumn, you can use them monthly, while the dose should be four times less than that indicated on the package.

You can’t do without top dressing at all, and this applies to any indoor plants., which grow in pots with drainage, as water quickly leaches nutrients from the soil. It is best to use a granular fertilizer with a ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of 3: 1: 2. A balanced top dressing, for example, a water-soluble fertilizer with a formula of 10: 10: 10, is also good.

Very often, by the foliage, you can understand that the tree feels bad. Particular attention should be paid if a suspicious plaque appears, the foliage turns yellow or becomes stained. Sometimes this indicates poor care, and sometimes it is the first sign of disease or insect damage.

It also happens that yellow, old leaves appear, and too small new ones, in this case the tree lacks nutrients. The abundance of water may also have caused a similar condition. The negative influence of sunlight leads to burns and yellowing, but the appearance of brown spots is often associated with a high temperature inside the room. With any of the reasons it is worth understanding, and more carefully studying the symptoms.

Regular pruning helps improve branch formation and create a more attractive crown. The main thing to remember about ficus pruning is that the procedure is carried out only when the plant is at rest, namely in the winter season. Most gardeners have not even thought about how important it is to properly prune, because for many it seems difficult and not entirely necessary. Carrying out the procedure, you must first pay attention to the tiny branches with a node between them.

If you accidentally cut a piece between these nodes, the branch dies. With proper pruning, the plant will lose some foliage, but will immediately begin to sprout, become lush.

When pruning is done correctly, you can extend the life of the ficus. She helps:

  • control or maintain shape and size;
  • promote growth;
  • light and air to penetrate to the lower parts;
  • remove dead, diseased or pest-infested leaves and shoots.

Start by removing all dead branches on the tree. Because some of the smaller inner branches are shaded, they die, and this is a natural process in such light-loving plants. Such branches are usually very small, about the size of a pencil. They don't do any good, they just draw energy onto themselves, so they remove any weak specimens in the center of the plant.

After that, it's time to trim the outer crown. Cut off about a third of the canopy around the tree. Reducing its size promotes new growth. Sometimes branches are obtained that change the shape of the tree. They are removed selectively, moving back to the center.

Root pruning is also done if they are damaged and there is a suspicion that the plant may die in the future.

Basics of the procedure:

  • always cut back to a healthy branch;
  • always make an even cut, never pluck a branch, since such damage severely injures the plant, makes its immunity weakened;
  • never cut too far above the bud, as this leads to further rotting;
  • it must be remembered that the tips (terminal bud) of a branch or stem grow much stronger than the lower buds (lateral ones).

Leaf fall signals the onset of a state of rest. The soil should remain moist, but not soggy. The optimal time for pruning trees is at the end of winter, but if all the leaves suddenly crumble, emergency intervention by the grower may be required. First of all, they try to eliminate the conditions that caused such a reaction, only after that you can start trimming the branches from one quarter to one third of their length. Leave one central shoot.

You can understand that the plant has no problems by the color of the foliage. If the young leaves are light green and the old ones are darker, the tree is healthy. Sometimes the color is less intense, this is due to the fact that the ficus has recently been moved from a bright place to a less sunlit place. Leaf discoloration is not a problem, provided they do not turn yellow or fall off the tree. However, you can always install an artificial light source.

If the leaves of different ages and sizes begin to turn light green, then this indicates that the plant is oversaturated with moisture. Instead of following a previously set watering schedule, it's worth checking the soil and letting it dry out for a week. The same happens with insufficient nutrition, when all the necessary minerals are washed out of the soil.


Transplantation is also one of the forms of ficus care, but it is worth talking about it in more detail. This indoor flower does not like to change position, so it is better to touch it only as a last resort. A transplant is only beneficial when done correctly.

Sometimes transplantation is not associated with soil depletion or any disease., it's just that the root system has grown a lot, and it's time to place the flower in a larger container. Every experienced grower checks the roots of a ficus tree to make sure it's time to repot.

If the pot seems crowded and there is little room for soil, it's time to move the pet to more comfortable conditions.

There is nothing complicated in the procedure, you must first carefully remove the plant from the container. The root ball is cleaned of excess earth, and at the same time examined for the presence of diseases and other damage. It is advisable to rinse well from the soil in order to better see where the roots have already disappeared. These are to be removed immediately, each section is sprinkled with crushed activated charcoal powder to prevent infection.

At the next stage, a new ficus pot is chosen, it should be no more than a few centimeters larger than the previous one. It is filled with a few centimeters of fresh soil, drainage is necessarily laid on the bottom, and expanded clay should not be used. After planting, the root ball should be at least two centimeters below the rim of the container, so it is best to adjust the bottom level first. Fill the space around the root ball with fresh soil.

After planting, it is not tamped down so that the ficus does not suffocate, they simply produce high-quality watering and wait for the excess moisture to drain.

If the pot is not changed, then the plant will not grow. When you want the ficus to please with its dimensions and take up as much space as possible, then it is better to regularly monitor that the root system has room to develop. It is enough just to take the flower out of the pot, cut the horse system, replace the soil and install it in the same container. Any tool that is trimmed needs to be well disinfected. Separate tangled roots with your fingers, unwinding any that have begun to circle around the root ball. They also cut off those that are dead or rotten. Remove about one third of the previous length using small scissors, secateurs.

It is also possible to determine that the root system no longer fits in the container when the drainage holes become closed by it. Do not worry if, after transplanting, the plant began to throw off the leaves, so the ficus reacts to stress, and will soon grow new shoots again.

Some species do not like spacious pots too much, so the container should move no more than two centimeters from the roots.

You can not transplant a tree outdoors during the heat. This can lead to wilting. There are no special requirements for the soil, except that it must be sterile. It is imperative to organize high-quality drainage, it is very simple to check it. If after watering the water soaks into the soil within 12 hours, the level of drainage is fine, when it remains for 24 hours, something is wrong.

Reproduction methods

There are several ways to propagate ficus at home, let's dwell on them in more detail.

Apical cutting

In this case, you need a piece of the stem (often a growing tip), it should be about 10-15 cm in length. Remove all leaves if the sap oozes, wait for it to stop, usually within 30 minutes, and then rinse it thoroughly.

Spring and summer are ideal times for plant propagation. At this time, growth is more active, which means that the root system will form faster. A mixture of sand with peat and perlite is poured into the pot. All available cuttings are planted in the ground, covered with a plastic bottle or plastic bag to create the effect of a greenhouse. Strictly monitor the temperature, which should be at the level of 25 degrees.

It is worth remembering that the rooting rate depends on the variety. So, green-leaved ficuses germinate faster than variegated ones. Not only the soil is suitable for the development of the root system, you can also use water, to which a growth enhancer is first added. In two weeks, the first roots should appear.

sheet plates

This is another way to propagate a plant at home. True, this method is not suitable for all varieties, but it can be used for young ficuses. Spring is the best time, before winter, for such a period, the plant has time to adapt, take root.

The step by step process is as follows.

  1. A leaf with an internode is cut from the stem, and it is necessary to make not only the main, but also an additional oblique cut for the rapid formation of roots.
  2. First, to remove unwanted juice, the leaf is immersed in water for an hour. After that, it is transferred to a liquid with a stimulant.
  3. To prevent the evaporation of moisture through the leaf plate, it is recommended to tie it into a tube.
  4. When the roots appear, you can transfer the plant to the ground. Immersion in the soil is made up to the petiole. After that, the earth is watered, it can be sprayed from a spray bottle and covered with a film to create greenhouse conditions.
  5. If the humidity is at the level of 80%, and the temperature in the room is from 25 to 28 degrees, then in a month new shoots will begin to appear.

Air layers

This method is used when the trunk is heavily exposed. Small incisions are made along it at a distance of three centimeters, the bark is removed. Kornevin is applied to this place, sphagnum moss is applied, sprayed with a spray bottle, and covered with a film. From time to time they make sure that the moss does not dry out. When the roots break through the polyethylene, the sprout can be transplanted into a separate pot.


This method is not used often, since it is not so easy to get seeds, but if you are lucky, then landing is carried out as follows.

  1. A mixture of sphagnum moss and peat is used as the soil. It must be constantly moist, only in this way it will be possible to germinate the seeds.
  2. The container is covered with a film, as soon as the first roots appear, each shoot is planted in a pot. The composition of the soil changes, for the rooting of the plant it is necessary to use a mixture of perlite, river sand and peat.
  3. At the time of rooting, the ficus is provided with diffused light, abundant watering in summer and a small amount of moisture in winter.
  4. The upper parts are pinched, leaving only a couple of internodes, which in the future will become the basis for the formation of the crown.

It takes about six years to grow a mature plant with a beautiful crown.


One piece can be divided into several parts, each is immersed in the ground, leaving a few centimeters on top of it, covered with a film on top. If everything is done correctly and the soil was well moistened, then in a few months the first leaves will begin to appear. When there are four or more of them, you can remove the plastic bag, as the new plant needs to get used to the surrounding conditions.

Diseases and pests

Ficus is susceptible to several pests that suck the juices from the plant. One of the signs of an insect infestation is light green leaves, which then turn yellow, curl, and eventually fall off. But insects are far from the only problem a grower has to deal with, there are others.

Improper care and non-compliance with the regimen also adversely affect the condition of the plant. Excessive light intensity reflects poorly on ficuses. You can identify the problem by the color of the leaves, which turn light green, with the sides of the leaf blade folded up, the edge is wavy. Under normal maintenance, the flower should be exposed to diffused light.

A large amount of moisture appears as small reddish spots across and on the undersides of the leaves. The symptom is usually observed on plants that stand in the ground, where drainage is poorly organized. As a result of the fact that the root system begins to rot, the plant ceases to receive the required amount of nutrients.

To fix the problem, you need to reduce the amount of watering, check the drainage. The soil needs to be dried with high quality, and if there are damaged ficus roots, it is better to transplant, but before that, remove all rotten parts.

In winter, when the plant is at rest, the soil is watered less frequently.

There is another problem that the grower has to face - salinization of the soil. In this case, the flower remains undersized. You can not overdo it with fertilizers, an overabundance can be traced very simply - the foliage in the early stages is stressed and becomes dark green. The root neck, exposed to excessive salinity, dries out and eventually dies. Salt buildup can in most cases be corrected by leaching the soil.

In addition to an excess of fertilizers, sometimes the opposite situation occurs - a lack of trace elements. At the same time, young leaves become light green, and old ones have a dark color. The flower grows slowly, practically does not give new shoots. In this case, it is advised to adjust the fertilizer program to increase the fertility of the soil. Experts advise mixing top dressing in a ratio of 2: 1: 2 or 3: 1: 2.

Potassium deficiency is manifested by marginal chlorosis and necrosis on the lower leaves. In this particular case, an additional supply of the microelement to the soil is required. Potassium chloride and nitrate are good sources. With a lack of magnesium, the lower leaves suffer. First of all, chlorosis appears on the most distant parts. To fix the problem, magnesium sulfate must be used. Another important trace element is manganese, the deficiency of which is manifested by interveinal chlorosis. Helps in solving the problem of manganese sulfate.


Often growers are faced with bacterial infections. Among them, one of the most popular is caused by the bacteria Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The first manifestations of this disease are swollen areas on stems, leaf veins, and even roots. Over time, they increase and become covered with a crust. In cases of severe damage, the formations increase, unite, resulting in a distorted trunk or root.

Bacterial infestations cannot be eliminated, there are no effective drugs, so the only way to get rid of the problem is to remove and destroy all plants affected by bacteria, then sterilize the entire instrument.

Another, no less dangerous infection is spotting. It is manifested by the appearance of water-soaked areas that can grow rapidly. Sometimes the lesions have a bright yellow border. In a severe form of infection, the leaf abscess spreads strongly throughout the plant. Benjamin plants are most commonly affected. The disease is difficult to control, all affected areas must be removed immediately. Bactericides containing copper can be effective if used as a preventive measure and on a regular basis.

But bacterial infections are not the only ones, often fungal viruses also infect ficuses. An example is anthracnose. The disease is characterized by yellow and brown spots on the leaves. Spores form in zones along the veins. The plant becomes infected with this disease during the summer months. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to maintain stable conditions for keeping the flower. On rooted plants, watering and exposure to precipitation during the winter should be minimized.

Another problem is gray rot. Large, brown spots appear on the leaves and grow rapidly. The defeat of gray rot or late blight occurs primarily on ficus elastic in the cold season, especially on cuttings.

Cercosporosis are tiny and slightly raised, red or dark green spots on the underside of the foliage. Spread quickly over the entire surface. If left untreated, the entire plant can become covered in fungus. The best means of control - insecticides.


The main pests among insects: aphids, thrips, mites, fungal midges. It is they who like to attack ficus even at room conditions. The best means of dealing with them is pesticides, but you can simply use a contrast shower or even treatment with an alcohol solution, soap.

Leaf nematodes appear as spots on leaves. They are usually rectangular. The infection is introduced by the movement of nematodes from the weeds to the lower leaves, so it is important to remove any grass in the pot. When affected by a nematode, the root system is weakened, rot often appears. The best prevention is to use sterile soil. Sometimes the root node is also damaged, then growth retardation and further wilting of the plant occur.

The mealybugs appear as white, cottony masses in leaf axils, on lower surfaces, and on roots. Honeydew and mold are also often present with infestations. The plant turns out to be stunted, if not treated, it dies.

Thrips-infested leaves become twisted or distorted, with silver-gray welts where the insect feeds. Treatment with pesticides and fungicides gives a positive result.

Sometimes growers notice white dots on the edges of the leaves, similar to wax. They may look like pests or diseases, but they don't really need treatment or special care. Scientists have not yet been able to understand what it is, some people think that this is how the ficus gets rid of an excess of minerals.

If the plant oozes juice, it is the result of an invasion of pests, usually mealybugs and mites, which feed by sucking out the nutrients of the plant. Proper treatment is of particular importance, it helps to save the flower. Fungicides and horticultural oils are proven methods to deal with this problem.

For information on what types of ficus are and how to care for them at home, see the following video.

Ficus is an evergreen plant native to the tropics. A representative of the Mulberry family is grown as an indoor flower around the world. Ficuses have received such wide distribution due to their unpretentiousness and decorative effect.

Most species are epiphytes, forming aerial roots, which, descending into the soil, give rise to a new plant. The shape of the leaf plate is very diverse: with jagged edges, oval, heart-shaped, xiphoid or with a pointed end. Ficuses contain a special white juice - milky, used in medicine, however, if it comes into contact with the skin, the secretions of some species can cause irritation. The inflorescences are also different, they are grouped or grow separately, representing a dense ball, in the upper part of which there is a hole. Small flowers appear inside the sphere. At home, ficuses bloom extremely rarely, since insects are needed for pollination. The fruits are like small nuts with pulp and many seeds.

Ficus classification

To date, breeders have bred a large number of different varieties with characteristic features. They are usually divided into three groups, each of which has its own distinctive features, care requirements and external parameters:

  • treelike
  • ampelous
  • shrubby.


Most often, these are large branched plants, reaching a height of 2-5 m. The main feature is a stiff stem that securely holds the shoots. The shape of the leaves of the species is different: there are representatives with small ovoid plates or with long glossy ones covered with vegetable wax.

This type is actively grown by indoor flower lovers due to its unpretentiousness and rapid growth.


The most decorative type, including dwarf and compact varieties with long hanging shoots. The leaves are rounded, dark green, often grow oppositely. Instances are shade-loving, can be grown even in an open area.

The stems are represented by liana-like sprouts that do not need additional supports. Reproduces by layering and buds. Cuttings of this type take root relatively quickly and form a new root system in a matter of days.


In the natural environment, individual representatives of this type are able to reach 60-70 m in height, however, small varieties have been bred for keeping in room conditions, which are convenient to care for. The stems are dense, often lignified, contain white juice, which, if it comes into contact with the mucous membranes, can cause irritation.

The leaves are oval with a pointed tip, rich green color. It rarely blooms, small round buds appear on the shoots, which are not of decorative value. Bush specimens need bright diffused light and regular watering.

Photo gallery of the most popular ficuses with names:

For breeding at home, breeders have bred special species and varieties that are very popular with flower growers, thanks to lush foliage, numerous shoots and rapid growth.


Branched ficus-succulent with numerous branching plastic shoots in the upper part, which must be cut regularly. The stem is thick, woody, grows up to 50 cm tall, diameter is about 10-15 cm.

The leaves are small, greenish. It tolerates various works well, including transplanting and cuttings. Unpretentious, resistant to pests and infectious diseases. Doesn't bloom.


A popular species, including a variety of varieties: dwarf and tall. The shape of the leaf plate is different: there are representatives with ovoid, sword-shaped or resembling a maple leaf with rounded edges, there are curly ones.

The stem is cylindrical green-brown in color. The fruits are small, similar to slightly elongated nuts. The main requirements for care are direct access to sunlight and maintaining the temperature regime within + 18 ... + 23 ° С, plentiful regular watering and spraying, especially in hot weather.


Large with large glossy elongated leaves of dark green color, which are covered with vegetable wax. Ficus grows profusely and quickly, the root system is stable, takes up a lot of space, so this species requires deep containers and regular transplants so that the plant is not crowded.

Leaf plates should be sprayed regularly and dusted off with a dampened sponge or cloth. The name of the species was due to the consistency of the juice contained in the stems, used in ancient times for the production of rubber.


At home, it grows by 50-60 cm, in nature it can reach more than 20 m. The leaves have an unusual shape: elongated, with a pointed tip (acute), variegated or monochromatic light green in color. The stem is straight, woody, branches abundantly in the upper part and lets out numerous shoots used for reproduction.

Requires maintenance of room temperature and diffused light, shade-tolerant, with frequent drafts it becomes ill and may die. It tolerates pruning well and needs regular feeding.


A characteristic feature is the numerous aerial shoots that descend from the crown of the plant and take root in the soil, which greatly complicates growing at home. The height of the ficus in the apartment is 3-5 m, while the diameter is several times larger. The leaf blades are wide, pointed, dark green with protruding whitish veins.

The trunk is stiff, thick. The plant requires a large pot and regular pruning. Representatives are unpretentious in care and develop well both in shaded and well-lit places.

Oakleaf (mountain)

Climbing ficus with unusual leaves, rough and similar to oak.

Shoots branched, brown-green.


A unique plant with an unusual appearance: a thick large trunk and a small crown with many small leaves (small-leaved). The root system is represented by both aboveground and underground branches, while the first is stiff and has the same whitish color as the stem.

Ficus does not tolerate direct sunlight and can shed foliage when changing location. However, the species is not demanding in care, it tolerates low temperatures well and actively develops even in winter.


Shrub with creeping liana-like shoots, on which dark green rough leaves with pointed ends grow, reaching about 8 cm in length. It has small fruits, as they ripen, changing color from yellowish to bright red.

An excellent decorative representative that is suitable for growing in any light. It is used for landscaping the interior, although in its homeland it is considered a weed. Heat-loving, does not need special care.


Tall with a rounded crown. A thick elastic stem, on the top of which large dense leafy plates of a light color grow. It is important to choose the right location, as the plant does not tolerate drafts, temperature changes and direct sunlight, so the pot should not be placed on the windowsill or next to the batteries.

Dry hot air adversely affects the condition of the flower. Otherwise, the ficus is unpretentious and quite resistant to various diseases.


A valuable specimen for flower growers, as it grows delicious sweet fruits - figs. A culture grown at home can live up to 15-17 years with proper care. The plant regularly sheds leaves, in place of which new ones appear.

Ficus requires regular transplanting and pruning to maintain vitality and vegetation activity. The stem is brown, woody, with many branches. The leaves are large, greenish with protruding whitish veins.


Development is carried out in an unusual way: initially, aerial roots form on a bare stem, which descend into the soil, creating banyan trees (life forms with a separate trunk). The leaf blades are glossy, waxy, dark green with a pointed end.

The fruits are poisonous, the juice of the plant causes irritation on the skin and mucous membranes. It does not tolerate hot air and sudden changes in temperature. In its homeland in Indonesia, this species is ranked among the sacred plants.


It has drooping branches and an unusually variegated color of oval leaves. The decorative species used to decorate the premises is quite unpretentious and can be grown in partial shade.

It grows and develops rapidly, forming many branches. In the summer, it is also grown in open ground, does not require additional fertilizers, is resistant to pests and fungal infections.


Lianoid branches reach large sizes, so a large space is required for active growth and vegetation. It is grown in a variety of locations, both indoors and in greenhouses or greenhouses.

Not picky about the composition of the soil and lighting, but does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. The leaves are dark green, elliptical with a pointed tip, plain. It does not need additional support, it is used for vertical gardening.


Unusual ficus with a unique twisted shape of a woody stem. At the top is a large crown with numerous elongated green-beige, slightly drooping leaves of medium size.

Able to grow even in direct sunlight, so in the summer it is not recommended to additionally shade it without special need. Watering should be regular, but not frequent, as stagnant water in the soil can lead to death.

Pumila White

Lianoid with long numerous branches. The leaves are medium, oval in shape with a pointed end, variegated colors. Sprouts are able to reach a width of about 5 cm, tolerate doom and transplant well.

It has many aerial roots used for propagation. Actively grows and develops under any conditions. It does not need additional care, regular watering and moist air are required. It is recommended to feed the flower with mineral fertilizers.


It reaches a height of about 1-1.5 m and, with proper care, forms many branches. The stem is stiff, thin, gray-brown in color. The main feature of the ficus is its unusual leaves: they are able to grow in a variety of forms, for example, on one plant there are round, heart-shaped, oval and xiphoid.

Their color is dark green with a slight brown tint. The fruits are small, ellipsoid, similar to olives, but are not eaten, as they contain poisonous juice.


In the natural environment it can reach 60 m or more, at home it grows by 3-5 m. The stem is cylindrical, dense, woody, strongly branching. Numerous shoots should be cut regularly so that the ficus becomes more lush and actively develops.

The leaves are wide, shiny, large, in vain the species is called large-leaved, covered with a thick layer of vegetable wax, therefore they are resistant to pests and fungal infections. This species is considered one of the oldest on Earth.


Compact tree-like with a well-developed root system. Another name is Laurel tree. The leaves are medium in size with a characteristic smell. There are many small channels on the trunk, outwardly resembling red marks, through which air is exchanged with the environment.

The branches are flexible and tolerate pruning well. Dry and hot air negatively affects the flower, so the ficus should be placed away from batteries and heaters. Regular spraying is required.


A plant originally from Africa has become widespread as a flower for office space, due to its unpretentiousness. Able to reach huge sizes, therefore, it needs regular pruning, otherwise it loses its decorative effect.

The trunk is thick, the leaves are large, wide, tapering towards the end, rough. It does not tolerate direct sunlight and stagnant water in the soil. Resistant to pests and infectious diseases. Actively develops in partial shade.


Medium-sized with an unusual color of the leaf plate: at the base it has a dark orange tint, reminiscent of rust, so another name for the plant is Rusty. It develops with the help of numerous aerial roots and layering. Young shoots are reddish. Good for breeding.

It is unpretentious in care, but does not grow well in rooms with high temperatures and low humidity. Regular mineral supplements are needed.

Sacred Fig (Religious)

The stem is flexible, dense, stiff at the base. The leaves are heart-shaped with a pointed end. It has a unique property: when atmospheric pressure changes, the flower begins to “cry”.

At the ends of the leaf plates, juice secretions appear, dripping into the soil. Requires good diffused lighting and high humidity. Among Buddhists, this ficus is considered sacred.


It got its name due to the unique triangular shape of the leaves, which have a dark green color. Shrub compact plant is used for landscaping apartments and office space.

Comfortably develops both in partial shade and in well-lit places. Does not tolerate drafts and a sharp drop in temperature. At home, it practically does not bloom. The trunk is slightly curved, gray in color.


Lianoid with long branches, on which many small variegated leaves grow. Able to reach large sizes, so a support is necessary. The shoots are quite flexible, tolerate pruning well.

It is hardy, can grow at low temperatures, tolerates heat and dry air well, but watering and spraying should be carried out regularly. It is recommended to feed with organic matter every spring, but not often, otherwise the plant will begin to lose leaves.


Large tree-like, the main feature of which is a thick short stem and a lush crown. The leaves are elongated, light green, with pointed ends. It has a strong underground and aerial root system.

Needs direct bright lighting, additional sources such as phytolamps are needed in winter. It does not tolerate drafts well, the temperature should always remain at room temperature. This decorative look is used to decorate apartments and greenhouses.


Compact plant with creeping shoots. The leaf plates are small, there are representatives with variegated and monochromatic colors. For the active development of ficus, a special soil mixture is needed, the composition of which is as close as possible to the natural one. In addition, the plant needs a certain temperature regime and air humidity, which greatly complicates the cultivation of this species at home.

The plant is quite painful and, if not properly watered, becomes infected with root rot. However, if you take into account all the subtleties of care, you can easily breed ampelous ficus in greenhouses and greenhouses.


Medium size with standard leaves and woody stem. It is necessary to provide diffused lighting and high humidity.

The soil should always be moist, but too frequent watering can harm the flower. Poorly tolerates a change in location and transplanting into a new soil.


In nature, it is a tree with small leaves. In room culture, grown on a support. Moderately photophilous. Thermophilic, content temperature +17…+22 °C.

Likes moderate watering and spraying with chilled boiling water. From the end of winter to summer, pruning is carried out with the rapid growth of shoots.

Ficus flower is a decorative leafy plant from the mulberry family. Large tree-like individuals took root well in the apartments. They are not capricious and are not demanding in care.

Less commonly, tropical ficuses are found on window sills. They are called ampelous, and they are famous for their capricious character.

Ficus is loved for its special energy - it is able to absorb all the negativity, in return giving positive energy.

Ficus plant varieties

There are many varieties of ficuses. We list just a few of them:

  • Ficus Bengal. A plant with broadly oval leaves, with blunt tips, leathery, with yellowish veins.

  • Ficus Benjamin. A small tree up to 2 m in height with strongly branched branches. The leaves are long, pointed, leathery and shiny. Most often green, but there are also motley individuals.
  • Ficus cherry. Shrub with orange shoots and elongated leaves in the shape of an ellipse. Above is a dark green gloss, and below - with a light green fluff.

  • Ficus rubbery. The most common type of ficus for growing at home. Evergreen tree, reaching a height of up to half a meter. The most unpretentious species that can grow even in the most gassed rooms.

  • Ficus tiny, ampelous

ficus care

Caring for ficus at home requires minimal effort.

  • The plant prefers moderate lighting. On the one hand, ficuses tolerate shade well, but far from a light source, their crown stretches out, acquiring an unsightly appearance.
  • Ficus loves water, so uniform abundant watering in summer and slightly reduced in winter should be done.
  • The level of atmospheric humidity for such flowers is not very important. When the cuttings are just taking root, they must be sprayed. Mature plants are sprayed depending on the weather (it definitely won’t hurt on hot summer days). The main thing is to do it away from the light, otherwise you can provide your pet with a leaf burn.
  • Ficus can be propagated by stem and leaf cuttings. Treelikes need time to adapt to the new environment and grow.

Video: How to care for ficus at home

Ficus flower reproduction

The best time for cutting ficuses is spring or early summer. When the cutting is cut, rinse the cut with clean water and allow time to dry.

It is very important to use the stiff section of the cutting. It is better to cut off the upper sections, departing from the top of the head 10-15 cm.

When the cutting is ready, lower it into the water and create a kind of small greenhouse. So you can see new roots faster.

Video: How to propagate ficus

How to transplant a ficus flower

A transplant is required when the pot becomes small. This can be seen from the roots, which tightly braid the entire earthen ball. Transplant plants in spring or summer. For this, it is optimal to use sheet, turf and greenhouse soil with sand.

A young ficus is transplanted annually with a gradual increase in the volume of the pot by 2-3 cm. The plant is watered, the top layer of the earth is removed, and then immersed in a pot. New earth is poured from above.

Video: Ficus transplant at home

Video: Transplanting ficus from the store

Ficus will surely become a favorite and bring a lot of positive energy to your home.

For hundreds of years, home plants have been an integral part of the interior of residential or work premises, and the evergreen miracle ficus stands out among them. If you want to get to know this plant better in order to learn more about what types of ficus exist, then we invite you to go with us on an exciting journey through the variety of shapes and colors that make your head spin.

The main types of ficus:

Your attention is presented to the varieties of ficuses that can be grown at home.

Ficus Benjamin (Ficus Benjamina)

So, the first stop is Ficus Benjamin, which can be seen in the photo below: Of course, the description of this green beauty can take up a lot of space, but we will try to briefly reveal the essence of the plant. Ficus benjamina is one of the most common types for home cultivation. Its leaves are oblong in shape, 6 to 12 cm long and 3 to 6 cm wide. They can be plain or variegated. The bark is dark gray with brown streaks across the trunk. The plant branches profusely, from which the crown seems voluminous. Care:

  • Does not like frequent watering.
  • Does not tolerate direct sunlight.
  • Depending on the color of the foliage, it can be located both in a shaded and bright place.

Ficus rubber (Ficus elastica)

This type of ficus is distinguished by massive leathery leaves of dark green color or with light spots. Usually, in decorative conditions, the plant does not branch - the leaves are located on the trunk, which, with good care, can reach a length of up to 2 meters. And this is not strange, because the rubber-bearing ficus from the beginning of spring until late autumn can add one leaf per week. Sometimes a milky sap is released on the leaves, which is used in industry to produce rubber, but the plant itself heals wounds or repels pests. May cause irritation in case of contact with skin. Care:

  • Prefers bright but diffused light to direct sunlight.
  • He likes moderate temperatures both in summer (+20 - +25 ºC) and in winter (not lower than +15 ºC).
  • The soil should dry out before each watering.

Ficus Bengal (Ficus Benghalensis)

Ficus Bengalis is an evergreen tree that has a banyan life form in its natural habitat. Thus, “settling” on a larger and stronger plant, the ficus releases aerial roots, which, having reached the ground, begin to take root and turn into an ordinary trunk. The leaves of this species have an oval shape, green plate with light green veins. In room conditions, it can reach 3 meters in height, while in nature - up to 40 m. Care:

  • Light-loving plant (without direct sunlight).
  • Likes moderate temperatures from 14 ºC in winter to 30 ºC in summer.
  • Requires moderate watering, except during the period of active growth, when watering should be frequent.

Ficus Binnendijkii (Ficus Binnendijkii)

Binnendiyka - an evergreen ficus, has the shape of a shrub or tree. The bark of an adult plant is somewhat rough, light gray with white strokes. The leaves are oblong, glossy and smooth, 25 to 30 cm long, 4 to 4.5 cm wide. The color of the foliage can be monophonic - dark green, or variegated - with colored spots. Care:

  • The temperature is moderate, from 13 ºC in winter to 25 ºC in summer.
  • The plant prefers diffused light or light partial shade.
  • In summer, watering is carried out when the topsoil dries out, in winter - when all the soil in the pot dries out.

Ficus Dwarf (Ficus Pumila)

This type of ficus is fundamentally different from the above. Firstly, this is not a tree or a bush, but a herbaceous plant that can take root with the help of its own shoots. In a word, the shoots are thin, flexible, abundantly covered with foliage. The leaves may be round or oblong, depending on the variety. The color is also different: from light green, monotonous to motley. Care:

  • Can withstand temperatures as low as +8 ºC in winter and as high as +25 ºC in summer.
  • He likes a little sunlight in the morning or evening, for example, and diffused light.
  • Watering is quite plentiful - it is impossible to allow complete drying of the soil.

Ficus Triangularis (Ficus triangularis)

A small tree or shrub with triangular leaves. The bark is brown, the shoots are elastic. The leaves are leathery, non-monotonous in color: green, light green and white predominate in the color scheme. There is a concave vein in the middle of the leaf. Care:

  • In winter, it likes to be warm, the minimum temperature is +16 ºC, and in summer the maximum is +25 ºC.
  • Likes high humidity, daily spraying.

Ficus Lyrata (Ficus Lyrata)

The names of many ficus species come either from their habitat or from the shape of the foliage. So the leaves of a lyre-shaped tree really look like a violin or a lyre. They are quite large, reaching a length of up to 50 cm, and a width of up to 25 cm. Dark green in color, leathery, elastic, somewhat wrinkled with a pronounced vein. The bark of the trunk is rough to the touch, gray-brown in color. Aerial roots are poorly expressed or absent altogether. Care:

  • Requires maintaining conditions close to natural - loves high humidity.
  • Does not tolerate direct sunlight.
  • Sensitive to sudden changes in temperature.

Ficus Retusa (Ficus Retusa) or blunt

Ficus retuza photo

This type of ficus is most often grown as a bonsai, as it has a bizarre trunk shape. The leaves are slightly elongated, resemble an ovoid green oval, glossy. The tree branches well, from which the crown seems wide. Care:

  • Likes a bright place in the room, but not direct sunlight.
  • In summer, it likes frequent watering and keeping the soil moist; in winter, watering should be reduced.
  • Likes optimal temperature from +15 ºC to +25 ºC.

Ficus Ginseng (Ficus Ginseng Microcarpa) or Microcarpa

Ficus ginseng photo

In its natural habitat, ficus Ginseng behaves quite aggressively - in order to continue its own growth, it strangles another plant. But this does not happen at home. In ornamental floriculture, this species is grown in the form of bonsai, mainly due to the fact that its trunk looks like intertwined roots growing in a winding path. The crown, on the other hand, looks quite neat - these are small "islands" of short branches with oval-shaped green leaves, glossy. The trunk and roots are light gray. Care:

  • Likes semi-shade.
  • Does not tolerate drafts.
  • Optimum temperature from +16 ºC to +22 ºC
  • Watering is moderate, without drying out the soil.

Ficus mountain (Ficus Montana)

Ficus mountain is a creeping shrub that is grown at home as an ampelous plant. Its leaves are shaped like oak, green, slightly rough. The leaves are 8 cm long and 4-4.5 cm wide. The shoots are thin, brown-green. Care:

  • The optimum temperature for this plant is from +17 ºC to +22 ºC.
  • Likes partial shade or diffused light.
  • Likes abundant watering in spring and summer, and moderate in autumn and winter.

Ficus Deltoid (Ficus Deltoidea)

Ficus deltoid photo

This type of ficus got its name because of the unusual shape of the leaf. The fact is that the leaves resemble the Greek letter "delta", i.e. in other words, a triangle, 4 to 8 cm long and up to 7 cm wide, light green, leathery, glossy. On the front side of the leaves there are small light dots, and on the back - a few black ones. The bark of the trunk is gray or light gray. Young deltoid ficus can bear fruit with globular syconia of yellow, orange or red. Care:

  • Optimum temperature: +16 ºC - 23 ºC.
  • Likes high humidity, daily spraying.
  • Photophilous, preferable bright diffused light.

Ficus Karika (Ficus Carica) or Figs

Ficus carica photo

A small pretty tree with somewhat heart-shaped leaves, quite large. The trunk has gray-brown bark and slightly branched shoots. The fruits are juicy, slightly flattened figs that may or may not be edible. All parts of the plant, except for the fruit, secrete a milky sap, which can cause irritation if it comes into contact with the skin. Care:

  • Loves the light, but it is necessary to shade the plant from direct sunlight.
  • He likes not very high temperatures in summer - +16 ºC - +20 ºC, and in winter - +6 ºC - +10 ºC.
  • In the warm season likes frequent spraying.

Ficus Parcelli (Ficus Parcellii)

ficus parcel photo

Another unusual type of ficus is the parcel. This is a small tree with elongated leaves that have sharp tips that look like stings. The color of the plant is peculiar - the leaves are green with white or yellow patches or stripes. They reach a length of up to 18 cm. The trunk is branched, the shoots are generously strewn with foliage. It doesn't grow very fast. Care:

  • Heat-loving ficus - +18 ºC - +20 ºC.
  • In summer, watering should be increased by adding spraying.
  • Does not tolerate bright colors.
  • Doesn't like drafts.

Ficus Ivy (Ficus Hederacea Roxb)

Ficus ivy photo

This type of ficus is in every sense similar to ivy: both in the shape of the leaf, and in the ability to wrap around poles, etc. Leaves, among other things, green, leathery. Shoots are long and elastic. At home, it is grown as an ampelous plant. Care:

  • A very demanding plant for watering - the soil should not dry out.
  • Likes a lot of space for escapes.

Creeping ficus (Ficus sagittata)

A small shrub with climbing shoots. The leaves are small, rounded, rough, with wrinkles and a bright green pattern. On the lower part of the stem there are some suction cups, due to which the plant can attach to any surface. Care:

  • Likes moderate temperatures.
  • Abundant watering will not harm the plant, likes spraying.

Ficus Rusty (Ficus Rubiginosa)

Ficus rusty photo

This variety of ficus is somewhat similar in appearance to rubber, but has shorter leaves. Actually, the leaves are dark green in color, oval in shape, the plate is smooth on top, and rough to the touch from below. Shoots rusty brown. The crown is very dense. The bark of the trunk is smooth, dark gray in color, the trunk itself is entwined at the base with aerial roots. Care:

  • The optimum temperature for this asthenia is from +16 ºC in winter to +23 ºC in summer.
  • Requires maintenance of high humidity due to daily spraying.
  • Loves bright diffused color.

Ficus Sacred (Ficus Religiosa) or Religious

ficus sacred photo

A representative of this species in its natural habitat has a banyan life form. And at home it is often grown as a bonsai. The sacred ficus is distinguished by its powerful trunk and gray shoots. The leaves are heart-shaped, green, smooth to the touch. Care:

  • Does not like direct sunlight, but bright diffused light is favorable.
  • Does not like sudden changes in temperature, the permissible minimum temperature is +12 ºC.
  • Frequent spraying is necessary in all seasons.

Ficus goblet-leaved (Ficus Cyathistipula)

Ficus goblet stipules photo

This species is very similar to its counterparts: elongated oval leaves, up to 20 cm long and up to 7 cm wide, green in color with a light vein, leathery. But there is one significant difference - this plant has large scaly, brown stipules. The fruits of this ficus are quite edible, yellow in color. Care:

  • Very hardy plant, tolerates shade well.
  • Both high and low humidity are not harmful to him.

Ficus Palmera (Ficus Palmeri)

ficus palmera photo

Palmera or bottle ficus is grown as a bonsai at home, although its bizarre shape requires little or no additional shaping. The leaves are heart-shaped, have an embossed vein pattern on the underside of the leaf, and the top plate is dark green with a glossy sheen in the sun. Care:

  • The plant is able to accumulate moisture in the trunk, so it does not require frequent watering.
  • thermophilic.

Here is how many of these amazing plants we can have the pleasure of having at home. And after all, these are not all manifestations of ficus that exist both in the wild and in decorative floriculture.

Ficus home care - this phrase is typed in Internet search engines by indoor plant lovers who decide to acquire an unpretentious green handsome man. All species of the mulberry family and the ficus genus once appeared in hot tropical countries, but now many of them have perfectly accustomed to the role of indoor dwellers. We are talking about a specific group of tree-like instances. As for all varieties, there are a total of more than a thousand. Each of them is distinguished by individual features, properties, characteristics.

There are ficuses, the description of which characterizes them as ampelous. These are tropical species that are highly sensitive and moody, so they are rarely used as indoor plants.

Ficus in the house - good or bad

It is believed that the ficus flower is a carrier of a certain kind of energy. That is why among flower growers there are still disputes about whether it is possible to keep him at home, is it good or bad, and what effect does he, in general, have on the situation.

There are several well-known signs that indoor ficuses can promise owners. Most of them are positive:

  • with a sudden impulse to acquire a plant, you should not interfere with your desire: most likely, an addition will soon appear in the family. But in order to speed up the desired event, it is imperative to accept a flower as a gift from a person close or pleasing to the soul;
  • if a girl or woman intends to find a soul mate as soon as possible, she is recommended to grow a ficus herself from a small layer or cutting. Then she must take care of him on her own: in this case, constant contact with the flower is necessary to receive the necessary energy from it;
  • if there is a desire to improve the financial situation, it would be best to put the pot in the kitchen;
  • with insomnia and regular stress, it can be put in the bedroom;
  • traditionally it is believed that this flower helps to attract money, good luck and stabilizes the energy in the house;
  • flowering ficus - to the addition to the family or the acquisition of a pet. However, under indoor conditions, the plant blooms very rarely.

In addition to popular beliefs, it does not hurt to know the opinion of biologists. If we talk about the real, “non-mystical” benefits of ficus, their release of special volatile substances stimulates air purification in any room. Plants also absorb harmful substances and carry out their subsequent transformation into saccharides and amino acid compounds.

It becomes harmful only if there is a person in the family suffering from allergic reactions. There are so-called rubber-bearing varieties that produce juice, which can cause a reaction in people with bronchial asthma. It is important to remember that the juice of the plant should never be tasted, and its contact with the skin often causes burning, redness and itching. Therefore, if there are pets or small children in the family, you should be especially vigilant and monitor their behavior.

Thus, ficus has much more advantages than disadvantages, and subject to certain security measures, it will never harm living beings.

Description of indoor ficus

Like other indoor plants, ficus has adapted perfectly to life at home. To be more precise, to designate the place of his “historical homeland” is the tropics of Southeast Asia and New Guinea. It is also found in the Solomon Islands. Most of the representatives are evergreen, except for the fig tree (fig), which is deciduous.

Sometimes it looks like a tree, but there are also species that resemble small shrubs in appearance. The leaf is most often dense, green, with different shades, up to 70 centimeters in length. There are cultivars with two-tone foliage that look especially beautiful and exotic (for example, the Starlight cultivar with silver-white leaves).

Do they bloom - some flower growers claim that they managed to achieve their flowering in room conditions. However, if the plant is not constantly cared for and a special microclimate is not created, it, unfortunately, will not bloom. How ficuses bloom - in different ways, depending on the growing conditions, varieties and pollinating insects that live in certain latitudes. Most often, plants have small flowers that have a simple perianth. However, in the wild and in botanical gardens there are specimens with luxurious snow-white flowers that look like a lotus.

In their natural habitat, ficuses grow in the form of huge trees, up to 40 meters in height. There are varieties that grow on other, stronger trees and put down such powerful roots that the tree can die. At home, you can get both bushy and tree-like forms of culture. If you pinch off the crown, the side branches will begin to grow intensively, which will give the ficus a resemblance to a shrub, and when the side lashes are cut, it will quickly turn into a tree and begin to grow up to two meters in height, even in room conditions.

There are several beautiful species that can be successfully grown at home:

  • rubber-bearing - a large shrub, lush branches, a beautiful and thick leaf (long, in the form of an ellipse or oval, the ends are pointed, like a lancet). The leaf length is up to 45 cm; in an adult plant, it acquires a classic dark green color;
  • willow or Ali - its leaves are shaped like willow, hence the name. The foliage is dark green, the color of the trunk is dark brown, with characteristic white stripes. Hardy, but loves the constancy of the place: it is better not to rearrange it;
  • Bengali - in room conditions it can grow up to three meters, so it will be best to feel in a large room. The shoots are strong, the root system is aerial, the leaf is green, oval in shape, with lanceolate ends, length is up to 25 cm;
  • lyre-shaped - it happens in the form of a large bush or small tree. The foliage is stiff, about 25 to 45 cm long, has characteristic light veins and an original guitar shape. Very beautiful, often found as a house plant;
  • dwarf - climbing or ampelous species with heart-shaped leaves. The foliage is thin, small, and the stem in appearance resembles a flexible wire;
  • Ficus Benjamin - one of the most popular and unpretentious varieties. Presented as a small tree or branched shrub. The leaf is hard, pointed at both ends, the color is varied: classic green, or dark with light stains, sometimes there are white spots.

Benjamin ficus care at home

Caring for ficuses at home involves observing simple measures aimed at maintaining life, growth and the formation of a beautiful crown. How to grow a ficus is not difficult at all. The process will be within the power of both a novice grower and a person who is very busy. If you follow the simple rules of care, you can expect rapid growth (up to twenty centimeters per year), after which, if desired, grow a real tree at home - two to three meters high.

The general rules for choosing a place are as follows:

  • without strong sunlight;
  • lack of heating devices near;
  • room without drafts;
  • the level of air humidity is medium.

Soil for ficus

Growing ficus at home should begin with the correct selection of soil mixture. What ficus loves as a soil composition is, first of all, peat, sand and earth, which has rotted leaves, as it is very rich in nutrients. In flower shops you can always buy all the necessary components.

Soil environment: necessarily slightly acidic or with a neutral level of acidity. Before placing the earth in a pot, you should cover its bottom with drainage in the form of fine crushed stone or expanded clay. Sand should be poured on top of the drainage layer.

Ficus lighting

What kind of lighting does the ficus prefer, does it like the sun or shade - such a question worries any novice grower. It has already been mentioned that this plant is not too light-loving, and direct sunlight is contraindicated for it, since in its natural environment it is accustomed to cool partial shade and moderate diffused lighting. He will need an additional dose of light only in winter: as a rule, a special lamp is used, which should be kept on for twelve hours.

If the plant does not have enough light in winter, its leaves will begin to fall off. In conditions of short daylight hours, it is recommended from time to time to turn the pot closer to the window - in order to evenly develop the crown. By the way, ficuses with dark leaves react to a lack of light much more sensitively than variegated varieties. This should be kept in mind in autumn and winter.

What kind of air does ficus love

Domestic ficus, which has tropical plants as ancestors, inherited from them poor draft tolerance. You can not put the pot in a place that is too cold, as the roots are sensitive to the cold floor and can freeze. The temperature in summer should fluctuate between 25-28C, in winter - 16-18C. An undesirable but possible level is 10 - 12 degrees, while classic green ficuses tolerate cold much better than more attractive variegated species.

Fertilizers for ficus

Ficus care includes fertilizing. In winter, they are not introduced, as the plant is at rest. It should be fed from the beginning of March until September, twice a month. The composition of complex fertilizers should include nitrogen, as well as natural components (nettle infusion, ash). It is allowed to use complex compositions intended for ficus.

Ficus transplant at home

Timely transplantation is another guarantee of successful ficus care at home. There are several signs that a plant needs a larger pot: roots growing through the drainage system, and soil drying out quickly after watering.

It should be borne in mind that young specimens are subject to mandatory transplantation once a year - until they reach the age of four. As soon as a tree or shrub crosses this age limit, transplant procedures are reduced and are carried out no more than once every two years. As the upper layers of the earth are depleted, it is recommended to regularly pour fresh into the pot.

The best time for transplanting is spring, but it is also important to remember that after the procedure, the process will “ache” for some time: its growth will slow down, and the leaves may fall off. You should not worry: over time, the plant will go through an adaptation period and will actively begin to develop.

Transplantation consists of several steps:

  • moisten the earth in a pot (to easily get the ficus);
  • carefully remove the top layer of soil;
  • take a new pot;
  • put drainage on the bottom of the new pot and sprinkle with earth;
  • get the plant out of the old container;
  • carefully remove the old soil from the root system;
  • move to a new container;
  • gradually add the soil mixture, taking into account the level of deepening of the ficus.

Sometimes it happens that the owner does not want the tree to grow to a huge size. In this case, no transplant is needed at all: branches should be removed and activities aimed at crown formation should be carried out. You can also lightly cut off the roots during the transplant process, and then plant the plant in a tighter pot.

How to cut ficus at home

Pruning activities should also be included in the care of ficuses from time to time. For sanitary purposes, dry foliage and weak branches are removed. The crown is also thinned out - both outside and inside, and the main branch is cut annually by twenty to thirty centimeters. After trimming, the minimum number of sheets left should not be less than five. If the top of a plant is cut off, it will not grow at all. The sections themselves are made in an oblique direction, while their bottom edges should be located directly above the kidneys.

The correct cut looks like this:

  • you will need a secateurs treated with an alcohol solution + fine coal (wood or activated to process cut points);
  • the optimal time for the procedure is the beginning of the month of April; in order to maintain the shape of the crown, the top is carefully trimmed. Side branches will grow faster, and the top will slow growth;
  • if you want to “let” the tree grow up, on the contrary, cut off the side branches (cut length from 4 to 6 cm);
  • juice at the cut points is quickly removed with a damp cloth and processed with charcoal;
  • two weeks after pruning, the plant can be fertilized.

Ficus Benjamin - reproduction

When breeding, homemade ficuses reproduce well both by cuttings and with the help of layering. In this case, the first method is the easiest. The cuttings are cut in the spring, while their length depends on the place of the cut. If the material is taken from the top, its length should be about 15 cm, and if the side branch, you need to focus on the number of leaves (the minimum number is three). The leaves are rolled into tubes, not too tight, and tied with a soft rubber band. This will prevent moisture loss. In order for the poisonous juice that appeared on the sections to “leave”, it is enough to place the cuttings in clean water with the addition of the stimulating drug Kornevin.

The soil for the young shoot should consist of earth mixed with perlite or sand, as well as peat. Planting is carried out with the cutting deepened by a centimeter or one and a half, then the sprout is covered with food-grade polyethylene (this is how the greenhouse effect is created). Instead of plastic wrap, it will be most convenient to use parts of plastic bottles. The container with the sprout is placed in a warm place, and the greenhouse is regularly ventilated. The duration of the rooting process is usually no more than one and a half months.

Reproduction by air layering is a more troublesome task, but no less interesting. A strong branch is selected, growing straight, foliage is removed from it at the planned incision site. Then, using a thin knife, several neat cuts are made at a distance of three centimeters from each other. The bark is removed in between. Now you need to attach a moistened piece of moss 4-5 cm thick to this place and fasten it to the branch with cling film. Next - make sure that the place is constantly moistened, and after a while roots will grow on it. After the roots appear, the sprout can be transplanted.

Subject to all the rules of home maintenance, the ficus will live for years, and how many years nature has given him - you don’t have to worry about this. A houseplant has rightfully earned the title of a long-liver, since its lifespan is from 10 to 15 years. Such a period is not surprising, because the home tree inherited it from its relatives living in the wild. In tropical countries, a mighty and tall tree lives from 400 to 600 years.

Ficus diseases

A pet, unfortunately, can be vulnerable to fungal diseases and attack by harmful insects. Among fungal infections, the most typical are black spot, root rot and an unpleasant disease - gray rot, which is difficult to treat. Insects that often attack the plant include mealy worms, spider mites, scale insects, thrips, and aphids.

It is recommended to use effective insecticides against insects, in particular - Aktara, which ranks first among all existing drugs. In addition to Actara, you can use Confidor or Actellik. As for fungal infections, most often they occur due to improper care (abundant “flooding”, temperature changes, stuffiness and heat). In this case, all affected areas are cut off with a pruner and destroyed, and then the plant is treated with preparations containing copper (especially in the presence of gray rot).

Among antifungal agents, the most popular are Gamair or Fitosporin. If the roots finally rot, this, unfortunately, cannot be treated.

If the flower is constantly transferred from one place to another, this can cause leaf drop and a decrease in resistance to diseases. Fungicides are also recommended for prevention purposes, spraying ficus in spring and autumn.

With proper and timely care for any ficus, it will always look healthy and delight with its greenery - especially if there are several of them in the room. It is important not to forget about the elementary rules of care, and then communication with the flower will not cause serious trouble.
