Cissus: description of varieties, care and reproduction. Cissus - home care for room birch Indoor flower cissus

Cissus (room grapes, grape ivy, birch) is an evergreen shrub with elastic, resilient, climbing stems. The name of the plant is translated from Greek as "ivy". Belongs to the grape family. It lives in the subtropics, tropics of Asia, Africa, Australia, South America. Decoratively grown as an ampelous plant. Cissus is beautiful, unpretentious in care, very often found in homes, offices, and various institutions.

The plant has a spectacular appearance. Thin shoots of a reddish hue are covered with leaf plates shaped like birch or grape leaves. The leaves are glossy, dark green in color, there are varieties with a spotted pattern.

In room conditions, flowering occurs very rarely. It is not particularly decorative, so the flower stalks are disposed of when they appear. Creamy, greenish flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences.

Propagation of cissus by cuttings

How to cut cissus photo

At home, cissus is most often propagated vegetatively (by cuttings, dividing the bush).

  • Cut apical cuttings 10-15 cm long, with a minimum of 2 growth buds, at any time of the year.
  • Root in water with a root stimulator at an air temperature of about 18 ° C or in a sand-peat mixture, covered with a jar or a cut plastic bottle.
  • In the latter case, maintain the air temperature within 22-24 ° C, ventilate daily, periodically moisten the soil.
  • transplant into a separate container with soil for adult plants.

How to cut and propagate cissus by cuttings, the video will tell:

How to split a cissus bush

Carry out during the transplant. You can share at the age of 3-4 years. Remove the cissus from the pot, carefully divide into parts (2-3), each of which contains a full share of the rhizome and an adult shoot. Sow in separate containers.

Growing cissus from seeds

Cissus antarctic and quadrangular can be propagated by seeds. Sow in spring in pots with loose soil. Moisten, cover the crops with a film. Ventilate daily, periodically spray the soil. At the stage of appearance of 2 true leaves, plant them in separate containers with a diameter of no more than 7 cm.

To make the bush more lush, you can immediately plant 2-3 young plants in one pot. The capacity should not be large - cissus grows better in tight quarters.

How to transplant cissus

Young plants (up to the age of 3 years) need an annual, then transplant every 3-4 years. For adult plants, change the top layer of soil to a new one (5-8 cm thick). All procedures are carried out in early spring.

Transfer along with an earthen clod: remove the plant from the pot, move it to a new container of a slightly larger diameter, add fresh earth.

If the roots are rotten, they need to be cut off, treated with a fungicide, in this case, replace the soil completely.

At the bottom of the pot, be sure to lay a drainage layer consisting of expanded clay, pebbles. So the water will not stagnate at the bottom, which will save the plant from decay. Drainage should occupy 1/5 of the capacity.

The plant requires loose, air- and water-permeable soil of a neutral reaction. You can use a universal substrate or, if possible, prepare a mixture of the following composition: 1 part of leafy, soddy soil, peat and 0.5 parts of sand, add charcoal pieces.

How to care for cissus at home

The plant is quite unpretentious in care.


Lighting should be diffused, without direct sunlight. The ideal place would be east and west windows, you can place them in the back of the room on interior items - the cissus will adapt to such conditions. On the south window will require shading. It can grow in completely artificial light, but the duration of daylight hours should be at least 16 hours.

Air temperature and ventilation

Cissus withstands a temperature range of 10-25 °C, even a short-term drop to +5 °C is possible. Variegated species are thermophilic: they require a temperature range of 18-25 ° C.

In the summer, move the plant to fresh air (balcony, veranda, terrace, garden). If this is not possible, ventilate the room more often. It should be protected from cold air currents, otherwise the vine will shed its leaves.

Watering and humidity

Like most indoor plants: more abundant in summer, moderately in winter. Watering is carried out as the earthen coma dries up. In summer, it should dry out by half, in winter - by 2/3.

Lush greenery intensively absorbs and evaporates moisture, the air in the room should not be too dry. Spray the plant daily, place an aquarium or any container of water nearby. Periodically place a pot with a vine on a pallet with wet expanded clay, moss, pebbles. Favorably on the condition of the plant is affected by bathing under a warm shower. In winter, keep away from heating systems.

Trimming and pinching

To limit the growth of the vine, it is necessary to trim and pinch the tips of the shoots. Old, long shoots are starting to become bare: shorten them by 2/3. Usually pruning is carried out in the spring.

top dressing

In spring and summer, every two weeks, apply complex mineral fertilizers for decorative leafy plants. In winter, the plant slows down all processes, so it is not needed during the cold period.

Diseases, pests, other difficulties


Interveinal chlorosis- a disease that occurs due to a lack of nutrients. Between the veins, the leaves turn yellow. It is necessary to apply an iron-containing fertilizer or a complex of mineral fertilizers in half the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

Leaves and stems turn black, leaves become stained, fall off- this is how root rot manifests itself, provoked by waterlogging of the soil. It is necessary to carry out an emergency transplant of the plant, cutting off all damaged roots. After transplantation, the plant is sprayed and watered with a solution of phytosporin.

Possible pests:

  1. Mealybug (rounded insects covered with a whitish coating).
  2. Shchitovka (insects with brownish shells).

Mealybug and scale insects are located on the leaves of the plant. First, remove them mechanically: moisten a cotton pad with soapy water and wipe the leaves. Then treat with an insecticide.

  1. Podura (small white insects located on the surface of waterlogged soil).
  2. Spider mite. It is necessary to carry out preventive treatments with actara every two weeks if you notice pests in your apartment. Their presence is manifested by yellowing and drying of the leaves, and a barely noticeable cobweb is visible on the reverse side.

It needs to be treated with an insecticide. Adjust watering.

Why do cissus leaves dry and fall off

  • Leaf plates curl, dry, fall off - the air temperature is too high. Move to a cool room or spray more frequently.
  • The stems became woody, the plant stopped growing - the root system completely filled the pot, it's time to transplant.
  • If young plants grow slowly, most likely the capacity is too voluminous.
  • The leaves become smaller, fall off from excessive watering or high humidity.
  • From a lack of moisture, the lower leaves will begin to become covered with yellow spots, and eventually fall off.
  • The leaves are curled, covered with a gray bloom or brown spots - the soil is waterlogged.
  • Growth is slowed down by lack of nutrients.
  • From too intense lighting, the color of the leaves becomes pale.
  • The leaves are covered with brownish spots from a lack of phosphorus and nitrogen.
  • The leaves become smaller, their shape is bent, black spots appear - there is not enough phosphorus.

Types and varieties of cissus with photos and names

There are about 350 species of cissus, but only a few with bred varieties are cultivated.

Cissus rhombolistny or rhombic Cissus rhombifolia

Cissus rhomboid or rhombic Cissus rhombifolia variety Ellen Danica Ellen Danica photo

The name is given due to the shape of the leaf plates. The shoots are long, flexible, curly, green in color, pubescent with a brownish pile. The leaves are glossy, dark green in color. This species grows very quickly, the shoots are attached to the support with the help of antennae.


  • Ellen Danica - dissected leaf plates;
  • Fionia - carved sheet plates.

Cissus mandiana Cissus mandaiana

A variety of rhomboid cissus with dense leathery leaves with a glossy sheen and red-brown shoots covered with short villi. Differs in a larger size of leaf plates, the plant is resistant to temperature extremes.

Cissus antarctica or liana kangaroo Cissus antarctica

Leaf plates are oval in shape with jagged edges, painted green, reach a length of 12 cm.

Cissus multicolored Cissus discolor

The leaves are oblong, entire, the surface is dark green with silvery spots, the reverse side of the leaf is lilac-red.

The following species are rare, mostly seen in botanical gardens.

Cissus quadrangularis Cissus quadrangularis photo

It has thick tetrahedral shoots with a diameter of about 1 cm. The leaves are small, oval in shape, quickly fall off.

Cissus cactiformis Cissus cactiformis

Cissus cactiformis Cissus cactiformis photo

It has jointed tetrahedral stems. Leaves few, small.

Cissus round-leaved Cissus rotundifolia

Liana with hard stems. Leaf plates are rounded with serrated edges, have a green-gray color, their surface is covered with a wax coating.

Cissus glandularis Cissus adenopoda

Fast growing climbing plant. The leaf plates are divided into 3 lobes, strongly pubescent, the surface has an olive tint, the reverse side is burgundy.

Cissus striata Cissus striata

Beautiful with three-fingered or five-fingered bright green leaves and red-brown shoots. The leaves are miniature, the vine itself grows up to 10 m in length. The name is obtained due to the pronounced veins that line the leaf plates with stripes.

Useful properties, signs and superstitions about cissus

The plant is able to purify the air in the room, providing antibacterial and antifungal effects.

Some believe that the energy of the plant drives men out of the house. Other feng shui experts claim that placing a plant in a house helps to increase vitality and relieves fatigue.

Traditional medicine cissus quadrangularis used as an anesthetic and tonic, for the regeneration of bone tissue, tendons, cartilage. Contraindications for use are individual intolerance, childhood, pregnancy and lactation.

In nature, it grows in Vietnam, is found in India, New Guinea, Malaysia, Australia. This liana is a good representative of ampelous plants.

Cissus striata.

Types of Cissus:

  • Cissus Rhomboid(Cissus rhombifolia).
  • Cissus antarcticus or Liana kangaroo (Cissus antarctica).
  • Cissus Multicolored(Cissus discolor).
  • Cissus quadrangularis(Cissus quadrangularis).
  • Cissus striped(Cissus striata).

About caring for Cissus:

Temperature: The optimal temperature for cissus in summer is 18-25°C, and in winter the temperature should not fall below 16 ºC. It is unacceptable to place the plant near heating appliances or under the cold air of the air conditioner. Cissus is very sensitive to temperature changes and various kinds of drafts. In the summer, the plant can be taken out to fresh air.

Cissus discolor.

Lighting: Cissus needs soft diffused lighting and does not tolerate direct sunlight, this is fraught with leaf burns. A western or eastern window sill is well suited to him, a good option is the northern one. Cissus is shade tolerant and can easily be placed at some distance from windows. In general, the plant is not particularly whimsical in terms of illumination and gives complete freedom of action in choosing a growth site. The plant responds to favorable conditions of the place of growth with rapid development, bright color and large leaves.

Watering: Cissus needs regular and abundant watering. It is necessary to water with soft settled water, it is not permissible to use tap water, as this affects the beauty of the leaves. Water should be at room temperature or warmer. Watering with cold water, even a single one, can cause foliage to fall off. The frequency of watering depends on the temperature of the content. Water should not stagnate in the pot, but at the same time should be constantly wet. It is necessary to constantly monitor the degree of drying of the soil, and watering should be done when the top layer dries out by 1-2 cm. Water from the pan after watering must be drained. If the room temperature is low in winter, it is necessary to reduce watering and maintain a light moisture content of the substrate, but if the cissus is warm, watering is not reduced and is carried out in the same way as in summer, when the topsoil dries out by 1-2 m.

Cissus Rhombifolia.

Air humidity: Cissus needs high humidity and a daily procedure for him should be a light spraying of the leaves twice a day in the morning and evening with soft settled water, especially in the summer. Spraying in the heat has a beneficial effect on the plant. It is necessary to regularly clean the leaves of dust and periodically arrange a shower for the plant. The use of sprays to give shine to the leaves is not recommended.

Crown shaping: Cissus responds well to shaping, which can be done both by trimming and pinching to give the desired shape. During the transplantation of the plant, it is necessary to inspect the shoots and remove the old, thinned, bare up to the stumps.

fertilizers: It is necessary to fertilize Cissus during the period of active growth from spring to autumn once a month with a fertilizer for decorative leafy plants in a half dose. In autumn, all fertilization is stopped.

Cissus antartica.

The soil: For Cissus, it should be light, fluffy and nutritious. The soil is suitable for decorative and deciduous plants, a universal substrate. Good drainage at the bottom of the pot is essential. It is recommended to add perlite, charcoal to the substrate. Grows well in hydroponics.

Transfer: It is necessary to transplant a young copy of cissus only if necessary, when the roots have fully mastered the earthen ball. Large plants can be transplanted by transshipment into a larger pot every 3-4 years. The pot must be selected high and wide, about 3-4 cm more than the previous one. The support is installed before the plant itself is planted. After transplantation, the plant needs to be adapted, it is placed in a shaded place for 2-3 days and is not fertilized for a month. If transplantation is not performed, it is necessary to change the topsoil annually.

Cissus. May be attacked by , and . Insecticides in pest control are used very carefully, since the leaves of this plant are very sensitive.

Reproduction of Cissus:

Cissus is propagated by cuttings, layering and dividing the bush.

In order to propagate Cissus with a cutting, it is necessary to cut it off and process the cut with crushed coal. The cutting should have 2-3 internodes. It easily takes roots both in the earth, and in capacity with water. If rooting is carried out in the ground, planting must be carried out so that one of the buds is above the level of the substrate and it is imperative to install a greenhouse. The greenhouse is aired daily and the level of humidity is monitored, if necessary, spraying is carried out. The stalk must be treated with root formation stimulants. The main thing is to provide him with a stable heat of 20-25 ºC and humidity.

Cissus Rhombifolia.

When propagated by layering, part of the stem is added dropwise to the ground in the same pot or immediately into a separate one and wait for the roots to appear. When the roots on the shoot form, the stem is cut off and planted in a separate pot.

The division of the bush is carried out during transplantation.

Cissus. Growing problems:

  • Dry ends the plant speaks of very dry indoor air.
  • Leaves become curled due to the lack of humidity in the air, it is necessary to spray the plant more often.
  • Slow plant growth with a lack of nutrients in the soil.
  • Pale leaf color indicates that the plant lacks fertilizer or in excessively bright light.
  • leaf twisting with a lack of oxygen in the soil. It is necessary to loosen the soil.
  • wrinkling of leaves, the appearance of spots indicates that the plant lacks moisture.
  • massive leaf fall indicates that the plant is exposed to drafts and sudden changes in temperature.
  • Leaf curl in combination with the appearance of brown spots, it means that the soil is waterlogged.
  • Leaves fall in combination with drying of shoots occurs when the soil and air are waterlogged.

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Cissus is otherwise called indoor grapes, birch, grape ivy or indoor liana. The plant is very popular due to its dense bright green foliage with a glossy sheen around elastic climbing stems, amazing growth rate and versatility - cissus thrives in a variety of conditions: whether it be an apartment, office, shop or medical facility. In addition, the culture is completely unpretentious, so both an experienced grower and a beginner in this business can decorate their home with a room liana.

Cissus is a genus of plants belonging to the Grape family. The name of the culture is translated from Greek as "ivy". From this it becomes clear that the flower belongs to the category of ampelous. At home (that is, in hanging pots, baskets, flowerpots, etc.), only a few types of culture are grown, for example, Antarctic cissus (room grapes), multi-colored cissus, etc. The genus includes about 300 species that are found in wild, mainly in areas with a hot tropical climate. Some of them, including those mentioned above, are used for practical purposes, such as food, malaria medicine, hedge building material, etc.

Cissus ampelous

Cissus is attached to the support with the help of antennae. The shape of the leaf plate is of two types - whole or dissected - and depends on the type of plant. Indoor grapes cannot boast of flowers, with the exception of false umbrella-shaped inflorescences. They include miniature pale yellow or greenish-white flowers that are almost invisible and have no decorative value. The main advantage of grape ivy, as mentioned earlier, is its beautiful lush foliage.

Liana is characterized by very rapid growth, but only when the most favorable conditions are created for it.
A creeping shrub is often grown in winter gardens.

Flowers in cissus almost never appear under indoor growing conditions. However, in rare cases, the culture can bloom and even bear fruit.

Cissus multicolored flowers

The genus Cissus consists of more than 300 species, each of which is divided into several varieties. Among such a large number of varieties, only a few plants are adapted to living in room conditions:

  1. Cissus rhomboidus. It is a vine with long curly elastic stems, densely covered with brown hairs. From the name it is clear that the leaves of the plant are diamond-shaped, while painted in a bright green color. The plant spreads its stems in all directions, braiding the surrounding surface, clinging to the support with the help of tendrils covering the stems.

    This species is fast-growing: providing the most favorable environment, you can achieve incredible growth rates - up to 200 cm in one growing season. The culture is characterized by amazing endurance, due to which it is actively developing even in far from the most favorable conditions. Cissus rhombifolia has become widespread in home floriculture. At room content, the culture also shows rapid growth.

    Cissus rhomboidus

    In another way, this species is often called room birch. Another common name is rhombic cissus, which is mistakenly called rhomboid cissus. In fact, this name belongs to a completely different culture from Southeast Africa, which is not at all suitable for home content.

    Among the varieties of culture can be distinguished:

    • Ellen Danica (has dissected leaves);
    • Mandianna (has large foliage with a glossy sheen, is characterized by resistance to temperature changes);
    • Fionia (leaves are large, dissected).
  2. Cissus multicolored. Differs in variegated, densely growing foliage. The basis of the color scheme is a pale red hue. The front side of the leaves is covered with silvery spots, and the wrong side is painted purple. Of all the "domesticated" cissus, this species is the most decorative. Growing Cissus discolor is not an easy task: since the culture is found in the wild in the tropics, the air in the room must be humid, and its temperature must be at least 25 degrees Celsius.

    Cissus discolor

    The local inhabitants of the island of Java cut off the shoots of cissus and drink its juice.

    This variety is considered one of the rarest and most demanding on growing conditions. In this regard, the flower rarely becomes a "resident" of apartments, offices and other similar premises.

  3. Cissus striata (striated). The shape of the leaf plate resembles girlish grapes. For decorative purposes, those varieties of creepers that are painted in a pale red hue are grown. Cissus striata is hardy, fast growing and easy to care for.
  4. Cissus antarcticus. This species has high decorative properties, needs special care. The leaves are painted in a monochromatic green color. Lack of light and humidity leads to a slowdown in crop growth. Cissus antarctica is one of the most popular types of domestic liana. Due to the similarity of its leaves with grapes, the plant is also called indoor grapes. In the wild, the stem of the plant curls heavily and becomes woody over time. Under home conditions, the vine also twists, but the stem retains flexibility and plasticity.

    indoor grapes

Among other known types of vines are:

  • cactus;
  • glandular;
  • round-leaved;
  • quadrangular;
  • and others.

    All of them are almost never found as a house plant. Rare specimens of cissus can be seen in the collections of botanical gardens.

    As mentioned earlier, cissus does not require special care. However, for faster and more active growth, the plant needs certain conditions. In addition, proper care and well-chosen conditions of detention will provide the plant with protection from pests and the prevention of various diseases. Cultivation of cissus must meet a number of requirements and include several important activities:

Due to the rapid growth, propagation of the culture is not a problem. There are several ways to increase the vine population:

  • mealybug (an insect with a rounded white body, covered with a shell with a whitish coating);
  • scale insect (the body of the insect is covered with a brownish shell).

You can get rid of a small number of pests manually - remove insects from the vine and rinse the plant. You can also apply various infusions - from garlic, tobacco, orange. A large population of pests can be dealt with only with the help of modern insecticides.

Cissus diseases are almost always associated with improper care of the culture:


Cissus is a very spectacular, beautiful and at the same time not too demanding plant in care and maintenance. In addition to aesthetic value, the liana has other useful properties, for example, it purifies the air of harmful substances and carbon dioxide, while producing a large amount of oxygen.

Birch, indoor grapes, grape ivy - this is what the people call cissus, a magnificent ampelous plant that can often be found. It is grown in apartments, and in offices, and in shops, and in medical institutions. Why is cissus so fond of flower growers? First of all, of course, for the spectacular appearance and bright glossy leaves, reminiscent, depending on the variety, birch leaves or mini-grapes. And secondly, the plant is unpretentious and does not require much effort from flower growers. Let's get to know such a wonderful representative of indoor floriculture closer.

Cissus belongs to the grape family (lat. Vitaceae), and in the wild is found in the humid tropics and subtropics of Africa, Asia, Australia and South America. Under natural conditions, you can find at least 350 species of cissus, some of which a person has adapted not only for decorative, but also for quite practical purposes: as a food product, as a cure for malaria, to create hedges, and so on.

The name of the flower comes from the Greek word, literally meaning "ivy", which indicates the ampelous nature of the plant.

Cissus is an evergreen climbing plant, or rather, a creeping shrub with elastic, elastic stems and glossy, rich green leaves, the shape and size of which varies depending on the species. Cissus flowers are collected in pseudo-umbellate inflorescences and are painted in cream or greenish-white color. In general, flowering is not of decorative interest, and almost never occurs under indoor conditions. However, in some cases, cissus growing at home can bloom and even bear fruit.

Types of cissus

Despite the fact that in the wild there are a fairly large number of varieties of indoor grapes, only a few of them are adapted to indoor conditions.

Rhomboid cissus (lat. Cissus rhombifolia) is one of the most unpretentious types of cissus that have become widespread in home floriculture. The name "rhombus" indicates the shape of the leaves of the plant, which resembles a rhombus. In general, cissus rhomboid is a vine with long, flexible, curly stems, pubescent with brownish hairs and bright green diamond-shaped leaves.

One of the features of rhomboid cissus is its rapid growth and development even at room content. The plant spreads in all directions and braids any suitable support with the help of tendrils located on the stems.

It is this species that is popularly called room birch.

There are several cultivars based on species, such as:

  • "Ellen Danica" - with dissected patterned leaves;
  • "Mandianna" - with large glossy leaves, the variety is resistant to temperature changes;
  • "Fionia" - with large carved leaves.

[!] Rhomboid cissus is often called rhombic cissus. This is not true: rhombic rocissus is a completely independent plant from Southeast Africa, which is not suitable for home cultivation.

Cissus antarctica (lat. Cissus antarctica) is the second most popular type of ampelous plant. Due to the similarity of leaves with grapes, it was called "Room Grapes".

In the wild, the Antarctic cissus is a highly curly, creeping vine with a woody stem. In room culture, the climbing qualities of the plant are not lost, but the stem, at the same time, remains flexible and plastic.

Multi-colored cissus (lat. Cissus discolor Planch) is a very rare variety of creeper. This variety is quite demanding on the conditions of detention (high humidity and air temperature), therefore, despite the unusual color of the leaves, it is rarely grown as a houseplant.

Cissus multi-colored differs from other species in its original pattern on the leaves: light silver spots on a dark background, the reverse side of the leaf is painted in red-lilac color.

Cissus quadrangular, cactus-shaped, round-leaved, glandular and other species are practically not found as a home culture. Individual rare specimens can only be found in the collections of botanical gardens.

Cissus care at home

Cissus, and especially the Antarctic and diamond-shaped, are valued by amateur flower growers all over the world for their unpretentiousness, rapid growth and decorative leaves. Indeed, a room vine does not need special conditions - cissus will grow in almost every room. But, you still need to know some subtleties of care, in order for the plant to look healthy, and its foliage to please with splendor and rich greenery.

Temperature and lighting

The two most common cissus, diamond-shaped and Antarctic, have been adapted by breeders to a fairly large temperature range: from 10°C to 25°C. Individual specimens can withstand a short-term drop in temperature of about 5 ° C. Cissus multicolored is more capricious, comfortable air temperatures for this species are from 18°C ​​to 25°C.

It is believed that the liana does not like drafts, and therefore it is not recommended to take the plant out into the fresh air. This is not entirely true. Cissus perfectly perceives fresh air and a slight breeze, only a cold sharp draft is dangerous, from which the plant can get sick and shed its leaves. Therefore, if the climate allows, in the summer the cissus can be moved to fresh air: a loggia, a balcony, a veranda or a personal plot.

Indoor grapes are not picky about lighting.

[!] Only direct sunlight is harmful to cissus - they can cause a thermal burn on tender leaves. Therefore, placing the plant in the open sun, you should artificially create partial shade.

Liana can grow even with completely artificial light, although in this case you need to use fairly powerful phytolamps for at least 16 hours a day. For indoor cultivation, east and west windows are good for placing cissus, in addition, the plant can be placed not only on window sills, but also on pieces of furniture in the back of the room. Even with this placement, the amount of sunlight will be quite sufficient.

Watering and humidity

How to water cissus? Just like most other houseplants: quite plentiful in summer and moderate, at intervals, in winter. The frequency of watering can be determined by the degree of drying of the earthen coma in the pot. For example, in summer the earth should dry out at least half of the volume of the container. In winter, you can dry the soil by two-thirds.

[!] In inexperienced flower growers, cissus often dies due to root rot that occurs as a result of plant overflow. Therefore, the volume and frequency of irrigation should be treated carefully and overflows should not be allowed.

[!] For irrigation, it is necessary to take only soft, settled or filtered water at room temperature.

When it comes to air humidity, more is better than less. The lush cap of liana leaves intensively evaporates and absorbs moisture in the atmosphere, therefore, the air must have a fairly high humidity. The problem of air dryness becomes especially acute in winter, during the heating period, since radiators and other heating devices dry the air very much.

To increase the humidity in the microclimate of the room, it is necessary to spray the plant quite often and intensively, as well as place several cans of water next to the vine. From time to time, you can arrange a warm shower for the cissus.


As mentioned above, a healthy adult cissus grows rapidly, releases new shoots and processes. To regulate the growth and maintain the decorative appearance of indoor grapes, it must be cut periodically.

For pruning, the longest and oldest lashes are selected, the number of leaves on which has decreased. Shoots are not cut at the root, but about half or two-thirds. After pruning, lateral branching usually begins, so the vine takes on an even more magnificent appearance.

Soil and top dressing

For cissus, ready-made universal soil with neutral acidity is quite suitable. For greater air and moisture permeability, a little sand can be added to the soil, and in order to prevent the appearance of root rot, pieces of coal can be added. You can also prepare the soil mixture yourself by mixing leafy soil, soddy soil, peat and sand in proportions of 1: 1: 1: 0.5.

In addition, it is important to organize a good drainage layer of expanded clay, with a height of at least one fifth of the entire volume of the bowl. Thus, the water will not stagnate at the bottom of the pot, which will protect the roots from rotting.

Fertilize the vine with fertilizers in spring and summer, with a frequency of about once every two weeks. For top dressing, they usually take universal fertilizers for decorative leafy plants, for example, Etisso, Pokon, Bona Forte, Flower Paradise and many others.

Transplant and reproduction

Young cissus is usually transplanted once a year, an adult plant - once every two to three years. The best time of the year to transplant indoor grapes is early spring.

The least traumatic method of transplantation is transshipment (the vine is removed from the old pot and, together with a clod of earth braided with roots, is placed in a new container, while adding the required amount of fresh substrate). If indoor grapes have been flooded and rot has formed on the roots, the soil must be completely changed.

[!] Do not plant cissus immediately in a large bowl "for growth". The plant prefers rather cramped conditions and will grow worse in a container that is too voluminous.

Cissus reproduces in two ways:

  • cuttings,
  • dividing the bush.

In order to get a new plant, the apical cutting with several leaves is cut off and placed in water or a moistened peat-sand mixture. After the stalk gives roots, it can be planted in the usual soil suitable for an adult plant.

[!] In order for the vine to be more lush and branched in the future, several cuttings can be planted in one pot at once.

The division of the bush is a method of reproduction used during the spring transplantation of cissus. An adult plant is taken out of the pot and carefully divided in half into the required number of parts. Each part should contain an adult formed shoot and a sufficiently voluminous root ball. After separation, each new plant is planted in a separate container.

Diseases, pests and growing problems

Cissus as a whole is quite resistant to diseases and pests.

The main insect pests that threaten indoor grapes are the mealybug and scale insect. The mealybug is a rounded white insect, the shell is covered with a whitish coating, the scale insect is an insect with a brownish waxy shell. If the pest population is small, they can be dealt with in fairly simple ways - by mechanically removing and washing the plant, as well as using tobacco, garlic, and orange infusions. When there are too many insects, modern insecticides will come to the aid of the grower, successfully coping with even the most persistent pests.

Almost all diseases that affect cissus occur due to improper care of the plant. Let's consider the main ones:

Spots appeared on the leaves of cissus, the leaf plate turns black, the plant intensively sheds leaves. The likely cause is overflow and waterlogging of the soil. Irrigation needs to be significantly reduced. If the condition of the flower has worsened, check the roots for root rot, if necessary, remove the affected areas and transplant the cissus into a new substrate.

[!] One of the signs of excessive watering is the appearance of podura - small white insects crawling or jumping on the surface of the substrate. and appear only on swampy, waterlogged soils.

Cissus leaves dry, fly around, curl. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in summer, in the heat, or in winter, during a period of intense heating - too high an air temperature adversely affects the condition of the vine. If it is not possible to move the cissus to a cooler place, you can try to increase the humidity of the air with intensive spraying.

Cissus has practically stopped growing, the stems have become woody, new shoots do not appear. These are symptoms that the roots have braided the entire earthen ball, and the nutrients from the soil have ceased to flow in the required amount. The plant has become too crowded in its pot. In this case, you can transplant the cissus into a new, larger container, or rejuvenate the plant. To do this, you need to take a few young shoots, root them and plant them in a new bowl.

If young rooted cuttings do not grow, the reason is most likely in a bowl that is too large. A voluminous earthen ball does not have time to dry out between waterings and the soil becomes swampy. Under such conditions, the young plant will not develop. It is necessary to transplant cissus into a smaller container.

Cissus leaves turned yellow between the veins, the veins themselves remained green. Most likely the reason is. This disease occurs due to a deficiency of iron, magnesium and other nutrients. For the treatment of chlorosis, it is necessary to apply iron-containing and other complex mineral fertilizers at a dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

Cissus is a magnificent plant that can give its owner many pleasant minutes. But at the same time, the liana also has quite practical benefits: it purifies the air of harmful impurities and toxic substances. This means that in a room with cissus there will always be clean and fresh air.

The cissus plant belongs to the group of vines and is characterized by a high growth rate. Within a few years, one vine can grow up to 3 meters in height.


Cissus is a plant that is famous for its leaves, they are either whole or dissected. Flowering occurs quite rarely, and the flowers themselves are small and inconspicuous. More details about the appearance of cissus can be found in the photo.

Cissus is a good choice for those who do not have time for long-term flower care, but want to have several representatives of the flora in the house.

The plant grows well indoors.


There are a large number of varieties of cissus, but among gardeners the following varieties have gained the greatest popularity:

Antarctic. The evergreen plant has oval or egg-shaped leaves, 12 cm long and with serrated edges.

Rhomboid. Gardeners call this species "birch". The stems are thin but flexible. The leaf consists of 3 small rhombic-shaped leaves. Caring for a flower at home is absolutely no problem.

Multicolored. Compared to the previous varieties, this variety requires more careful care. It is characterized by the presence of quite beautiful foliage. The upper part of the leaves has a dark green color with silver patches. From below, the color turns into a dark pink hue.

The difference between this variety of cirus and others lies in the fact that by winter it sheds foliage. Gardeners cut the stems, which quickly grow back in the spring.

With good care, cissus grows quickly enough. The main thing is to follow the instructions for caring for a flower, then the plant will delight the gardener for many years.


Cissus loves diffused lighting, but takes root pretty well in dimly lit rooms. The brighter the light falls, the darker in color and the larger the leaves will be in diameter. The plant does well on windowsills. Growing a plant is also possible with artificial lighting.

In summer, the normal temperature for growing a plant is 18-20 degrees, with the onset of winter it changes to 16-20 degrees. It all depends on the variety, for example, the Antarctic variety feels good even at 5 degrees. Cissus does not tolerate drafts and sudden changes in temperature, because of them the plant sheds foliage.

Cissus should be watered 3-4 times a week. Variety "multi-colored" does not tolerate drought and requires daily watering. In spring and summer, the plant needs more moisture as new stems and leaves are formed that need water.

Cissus need special soil for vines. He also feels good in a mixture of leafy and soddy soils, sand, humus and peat. All components are mixed in equal proportions.

You need to feed the plant in spring-summer, when there is active growth (April-September). In the winter season, the flower does not need to be fed.

Once every 2-3 years, cissus should be transplanted into a large pot.


The bushes are divided among themselves during transplantation.

Cissus can be propagated by the cutting method all year round. Cuttings with 2-3 buds are cut and planted in small pots. The temperature should be 20-22 degrees. After 2-3 weeks, the cuttings take root.

The variety "Antarctic" is perfectly propagated by seeds. They are sown in the ground at a shallow depth. Transplanting sprouts into separate pots occurs when the first 2-3 leaves appear on them.

Diseases and pests

The main pests of cissus are leaf aphids and spider mites. They are fought with chemical solutions. The foliage of the plant is extremely sensitive, so the bushes must be handled with caution.

There are no diseases that affect only cissus. The exception is soil infections, which do not harm a specific species, but all plants in the garden.

Poor plant development indicates improper care:

  • the lower leaves curl up and darken - more moisture is needed;
  • muddy dew on foliage - excess water;
  • dull color - lack of nutrients;
  • the appearance of mold on the leaves - poor drainage.

If the gardener carefully monitors the cissus, the plant will grow well and delight its owner for many years.

Cissus photo
