Gdz p biology. Biology workbook

GDZ without VIP- These are author's solutions for the people. You no longer need to enter a number for a paid SMS subscription and spend a thousand rubles a month for what you can get absolutely free. You don't need money to enter our website and access to ready-made homework assignments, save with us. Didn't spend - so earned! One can talk endlessly about the fact that the solution books for grades 1-11 are useful. However, even those who were initially against such benefits come to the conclusion that their use for schoolchildren brings many benefits. Studies show that out of 100% of the information that children receive in the classroom, only 30% are remembered. Naturally, in order to replenish knowledge, deal with new material and do homework correctly, the child needs additional literature. This category also includes manuals with ready-made homework, developed by qualified teachers and methodologists!

GDZ for elementary school free of charge without registration

Solution books for grades 1-4 in mathematics, Russian language, social studies and other subjects will be a real help for parents. Thanks to such manuals with correct answers to assignments, it will be easier for them to explain to their child the material that he did not understand in the lesson, and even help him cope with a difficult exercise.

On our site there is a large list of collections that contain the correct answers to all tasks. These are completely solved examples and tasks in mathematics, inserted missing letters and punctuation marks in the Russian language, as well as translations of words and texts in foreign languages. Almost all GDZ for grades 1-4 are illustrated with bright drawings, and ready-made tasks in them are accompanied by legible diagrams, tables, and even brief explanations.

In addition to standard collections with ready-made homework from textbooks, here you will find answers to exercises from workbooks, as well as to control and independent work.

Solutions for middle and high school without a subscription

Every year, the study of a particular subject, starting from the fifth grade, becomes harder even for excellent students. Endless homework, not always clear topics and a huge number of rules is the main reason that children simply do not keep up with the school curriculum. GDZ collections for grades 5-11 will help you cope with the most difficult tasks, improve your knowledge, and therefore improve academic performance.

Modern manuals contain a huge number of completely disassembled typical tasks in various subjects. Exact science publications contain answers to examples and equations, formulas, algorithms and actions for solving problems, filled tables with initial data, graphs and constructed figures.

Solutions for grades 5-11 in geography and biology include completed diagrams and contour maps with all objects marked and other marks on them. In addition to answers to exercises, collections on Russian and foreign languages, as well as literature, contain translations of texts, short essays, dialogues, work with sentences, etc.

With GDZ collections for grades 5-11, you can not only quickly write off the correct answer to tasks, but also compare your solutions, which means you can independently check your own knowledge. Forward, for knowledge and good grades!

Each of us has a bright and tender feeling of love for that sweet corner of the Earth where he was born, grew up, took his first steps and began to learn the ABC of life. Love for the motherland, the land on which a person was born and raised, the desire to preserve, decorate and protect it - there is nothing stronger and nobler, more beautiful than these feelings. They are always concrete, in the sense that they have their origins. They are material and visible, for the origins of pride in one's Motherland go back to the hoary depths of centuries.

Our duty as a teacher is to constantly educate in young people the desire to more fully learn the history of their native land, village, their school, the genealogy of their family. To teach the ability to see in the present, today that which may be of interest for the future, to try to preserve it. All this is reflected in the common problem that our small teaching staff is working on - "Formation of a comprehensively developed personality based on the individual pedagogical activity of students, taking into account the transmission of centuries-old folk culture." This is where my problem arises, on which I have been working for several years: “Elements of developmental education in biology lessons. Practical orientation. Accounting and control of students' knowledge "- these are the main tasks that I have to constantly solve.

To get started in a notebook, you need to learn a few basic requirements.

1. The workbook should be general (preferably in a cage).

2. The "Unified spelling regime for students" must be observed in the notebook. The student signs the notebook strictly according to the model.

3. It is strictly forbidden to make other entries in the notebook that are not related to the subject.

4. The notebook should become a kind of creative laboratory for the student. This is the ultimate goal for both the teacher and the student.

5. Work in a notebook begins in the fifth grade in stages.

First stage.

  • Frontal work (teacher - students).
  • Frontal work with elements of independent work of the teacher on the instructions of the teacher.
  • Frontal work with elements of students' creative work.

Second phase.

  • Self-writing a short note of the main issues.
  • Individual work of strong students.

Third stage.

  • Graphical representation of the text on individual issues of the topic.
  • Graphical representation of general biological concepts.

Fourth stage.

Graphic representation of lecture material. The following activities can be carried out in the notebook:

  • work on the study of one or more small issues in a topic.
  • work on finding various materials of folk art, folk wisdom, folk advice ... (riddles, proverbs, author's poems, grandmother's recipes, useful tips, etc.).
  • basic advice related to the topic of the lesson (lunar, spring-autumn calendar, first aid, herbal treatment, design issues, etc.).
  • creative work of students with the involvement of relatives (drawings, crafts, compiling crossword puzzles, essays, charades, puzzles, essays, poems, etc.).

Notebooks are checked once a quarter, and a grade is given - for keeping a notebook in a special column of the class journal. The main point in the work is the free orientation of students in it. For this, a system of symbols is proposed.

Symbols in the notebook.

  • An important question in the topic under study.
  • Pay attention.
  • A very important conclusion to pay attention to and remember.
  • Do this work at home, with the involvement of elders.
  • When performing, use a paragraph (page) of a biology textbook (or other literature).
  • Complete the task using the instruction card.
  • Control section on the topic.
  • Creative work.
  • Crossword.
  • The final grade, which has the status of "pass" and is put in the classroom journal.

Now about how the notebook helps with the control and accounting of knowledge, skills and abilities. To do this, a certain systematic work is being carried out in the notebook. At the beginning of the study of a new educational material (topic), a frame is made - from all sides, one cell, including fields. The theme of the block is written in a special font and much larger. For example: “The stem is an integral part of the shoot”, “The seed is the germ of the future plant”, etc. You can do this in the form of sayings: “He who has flowers in his hands cannot do bad things.” Then additional material is introduced in the form: “Who lives how long?”, “Giants and pygmies”, etc.

Block start page example with grid at the bottom

At the bottom of the “Title Page”, four cells are left for the grid of control and accounting for the knowledge of the student by the teacher and parents. In my opinion, at each stage of learning, the child should know and see his results, and since visual perception has the greatest effect, this is designed for:

  • for a student - the opportunity to see their own shortcomings, gaps in knowledge.
  • teachers - a reflection of the quality of teaching this particular issue in the topic (practical, laboratory, independent, creative work).
  • parents - visibility, a deeper acquaintance with the success of their child or in providing all possible assistance in a particular case.

Options for the grid of accounting and control of knowledge in grades 6-11

In addition, the teacher needs to take into account not only the work that tests knowledge on the topic, but also:

  • knowledge of biological terms (terminological dictation).
  • children's creative work.
  • aesthetic design of works.
  • work with relatives related to search activities (local history, folklore).
  • in-depth analysis of additional literature (useful tips, do you know what ..., it turns out, you need to know this, worldly wisdom, worldly affairs, etc.).

In carrying out this work, it is necessary to clearly understand all the basic requirements. All this in a complex requires a lot of painstaking work on the assimilation of educational material from the teacher and students. Therefore, the first stage includes knowledge of the following parameters.

  • all the basic requirements for maintaining and designing a workbook.
  • methodology for working with the instruction card.
  • a technique for solving a crossword puzzle compiled by a teacher.
  • the main questions proposed in the grid of accounting and control of ZUN.
  • quickly navigate in your notebook with the help of symbols.
  • correctly, timely, meaningfully and accurately transfer everything to a notebook during the teacher's explanation.
  • solve and complete crossword puzzles.
  • work with additional literature.


  • meaningfully process the information received and record it in the form of a graphic image.
  • work according to their system of signs for further reproduction of information.

A notebook in which students perform written and graphic work contains a lot of information. It can be used to judge the activities of the student and teacher in the classroom and at home. The volume and versatility of knowledge, the ability to apply knowledge in practice. The notebook reflects some character traits of its owner - neatness, accuracy, diligence, frugality and other qualities of the child. At the same time, you can learn from the notebook the methods and techniques used by the teacher in the learning process. These are the types and volumes of knowledge offered to them in the classroom and at home, as well as the quality of their verification. It is not for nothing that a student's notebook is used primarily in the control of his educational work by parents and becomes the object of close study during the inspection of the teacher's work.

Some teachers find it expedient to use one notebook, which allows you to concentrate all types of work in one place. In addition, this option makes it possible to have data at hand and, if necessary, use it. Despite the fact that children already have certain skills in using notebooks, in the first lessons they are still reminded of the requirements for the design of notes. At the same time, they indicate that each work must have a date and a title, that entries in a notebook should be made cleanly and competently. From the first lessons, it is necessary to strive to write down new or difficult biological concepts and terms in a notebook under the heading "Glossary". To do this, allocate the lowest lines in the notebook and write down new words with a paste of a different color, or this work is done at the end of the notebook.

Notebooks will perform teaching and educational functions, provided that the teacher systematically checks. Naturally, checking notebooks requires additional time in the classroom and outside of school hours and, accordingly, increases the teacher's workload. But, despite these difficulties, it should be remembered that without control over the maintenance of notebooks, it makes no sense to start them, because. Lack of control in students reduces perseverance and loses a sense of responsibility. You can avoid overload and increase the efficiency of this work if you use certain methods of checking notebooks - selective review of notebooks before the lesson.

The control of homework can be entrusted to the students themselves. Go around the students in the rows to check the performance of the work. Students should be taught that when marking an oral answer, the state of the notebook is also taken into account. A cursory review of notebooks should be carried out at all stages of the lesson. A more thorough check is carried out after lessons in such a way that each student's notebook is subjected to control once a month.

When evaluating a notebook, along with biological errors, stylistic and grammatical errors are also taken into account. In addition, they control the cleanliness and accuracy of entries in notebooks. Marks for maintaining notebooks must be put in a class journal and taken into account when summing up the results for the semester and year.

This teaches them to conscientiously keep notebooks, a conscious attitude to educational work. When checking, errors are not corrected, but only with a pen with red paste using symbols (one dash, two, tick, etc.) shows that there is an error in this line. The mark for keeping a notebook must be objective. Such a mark has educational value only if the assessment and assessment of knowledge and skills is not stereotyped and the assessment is announced on time.

Thus, keeping notebooks should become an integral part of the work of both the teacher and the students. Teaching notebooks are an important means of organizing and activating cognitive activity, they form the ability to work independently, help to more firmly and deeply assimilate educational material, develop diligence and responsibility.

In conclusion, a few examples of pages from the workbook of a 9th grade student Irina Pavlova (1997-1998 academic year).

Block "Oral cavity"

Block "Digestion in the stomach"

Block "Gastrointestinal diseases and their prevention"
