Divination for Christmas time: different ways. Divination with a shoe

According to the new style, Christmas Eve begins - Christmas time. Christmas time is divided into holy evenings (from January 7 to the 13th) and terrible evenings (from January 14 to the 19th). It was believed that at this time the forces of evil and good come to earth to fight for the souls of people.

Apparently, therefore, these two weeks are so full of magical rituals and ceremonies, the purpose of which was to protect against unclean forces for the year ahead, to attract prosperity to families: health, marriage of daughters, the birth of a child, good harvests, and so on.

Every day Christmas time has always been surrounded by signs and signs. They paid special attention to. It is believed that on the night of Christmas, as well as on Epiphany, you can see a prophetic dream, especially if the moon is growing.

And yet, the favorite pastime at Christmas time at all times was Christmas fortune-telling.

They say that during Christmas time they come down to earth to see their relatives. But behind them, all kinds of evil spirits rush into the open portal between the worlds, which must be driven away and from which it is necessary to protect themselves. The Christmas period is considered the time "without the cross."

According to legend, God, overjoyed that his son was born, having unlocked all the gates, released the devils for a walk. Perhaps that is why Christmas time is considered the best time for fortune-telling, because the evil spirits walking around the Earth at this time can not only harm a person, but also tell him the future. To avoid trouble, one should guess according to all the rules.

Divination rules

The Church warns: Christmas divination is a dangerous occupation. But how to avoid temptation? After all, when the gates between the worlds are open, higher powers give the most accurate answers to questions about fate.

Experts advise, before starting to guess, to think: do you need it, and how are you ready to pay for the information received.

Those wishing to tell fortunes should also know that fortune telling is a strictly individual occupation. With collective fortune-telling, energy mixes occur. To see only your own destiny, you should remain alone with yourself, so as not to mix your future with the future of other people.

In addition, you should not guess out of simple curiosity and in the presence of children. It should be remembered that during fortune-telling you call on the most unclean and ask about your fate.

For divination, you need to prepare accordingly: loosen your hair, untie the knots on your clothes, remove all jewelry, a belt and a pectoral cross. The scythe, belt and cross protect against direct contact with evil spirits, but without this contact, divination is impossible.

If a candle falls during divination, you cannot continue the action.

Unmarried girls at Christmas time should be especially careful: under the guise of a handsome guy, a terrible werewolf may appear to them.

In the old days, when fortunetelling, if the girls were scared, the grandmother sat, who could guide them so that nothing bad would happen. The help of a knowledgeable person in such situations is vital: dark forces can inflict irreparable damage to an inexperienced fortune teller.

It is very important to thoroughly observe the ritual of divination, because it includes and.

In the old days, serious fortune-telling (for the future, for grooms associated with water, rings) was carried out in non-residential premises, sheds or baths. This is one of the important precautions in case, after fortune-telling, evil spirits do not want to leave.

If water is used for divination, then it should be poured out at the end. Get out of the house, move away and pour in a place where people do not go.

A word of caution from an experienced astrologer:

On January 10 and 11 (28 and 29 lunar days), 2013, it is better to exclude fortune telling. These days there is a karmic retribution for everything we have accumulated, and it is better not to touch them, especially monitoring the purity of our thoughts and actions. And the growing moon begins on January 12.

Here we must understand this: there are no bad lunar days! But it is precisely on these days that tests and checks of the karmic level can surface for any of us, i.e. those that do not lie on the surface of our understanding (although retribution on these lunar days can also be in the form of a reward for a worthy life).

Human energy on such days is weakened. Divination can damage the energy field up to the introduction of entities.

The same applies to the 1st lunar day, when the body is clean and ready for new plans for the month (in any case, it should be clean after realizing the situations on the 28th and 29th lunar day). 1 lunar day will last from 23:45 on January 11th to 8:34 am on January 12th Moscow time.

The final choice, whether to guess or not, will help you make the article "Fortune telling: pros and cons" on the website "Astrology of Lovers in Life" astro-spirit.ru/vibor/gadaniya-za-ili-protiv.

Christmas divination

There are countless ways to find out your future: with melted wax, with the help of spy songs, stop the first passerby and ask his name, it will reveal the name of the future spouse, fortune-telling for a dream, and so on.

Divination with. At night, sit in front of a mirror, place and light two candles along its edges. In complete silence, without blinking, peer into the mirror, trying to see the face of the betrothed. At a certain moment, the mirror becomes cloudy, if you don’t blink and get scared, you can see the male face.

Divination on paper. Take paper, you can use an A4 sheet or a notebook insert.

We crush into a fairly dense lump. We put it on a straight surface (iron board, flat plate) and set it on fire, mentally asking the question we want to get an answer to. It is important to correctly and accurately formulate the question that worries you: I will get married, I will give birth to a child, will I have money, and so on.

When the paper burns out, we bring it to the wall and turning the plate, we interpret the received prediction by the shadow falling on the wall.

Divination for sleep.Any dream that occurred at Christmas time is considered prophetic. But many people want to know for sure that fate has opened up to them, so they are guessing for the future. The most popular fortune-telling for a betrothed. If a girl is to be married this year, then the betrothed is. If you didn’t dream, then you’ll have to sit in the girls.

They guess on any night of the Christmas week, but the most correct fortune-telling is on the eve of Christmas and Epiphany. When going to bed on these nights, say: “Lord Jesus Christ, three saints are in the hut: one sees, the other will say, the third will show fate.”

Drink water. Before going to bed, prepare and place a glass and a jug of water by the bed. Think after this: "The betrothed-mummer, you will get tired from the road, I have some water, come, betrothed, I will give you a drink."

Incense divination. For this divination, you need to retire. At midnight on Epiphany or at Christmas, close the curtains tightly, cover the table with a clean tablecloth, put two cutlery, light a candle. Place a piece of incense on each plate.

Sit down at the table in front of one of the appliances. While reading the plot, take incense alternately from both plates and bring it to the candle flame. When you finish reading the plot, throw one piece on the table, and put the second under your pillow. You can go to bed: the dream will turn out to be prophetic, you will see what you were thinking about.

Conspiracy: “The incense in the church gets along, At home they rule. Frankincense, incense, it would be good for you to tell fortunes, to know the whole truth. Like you, incense-father, Pure, holy and honest, So be my dream true. Amen".

Divination Salty. Before going to bed, indulge yourself with salty soul: herring or something else, do not drink it, and think: “Betrothed, mummers, come get me drunk.” Your betrothed will dream in a dream, and water, of course, too.

Fortune telling on the betrothed with a comb. Comb before going to bed and leave your hair on the comb, putting it under the pillow, say: "Narrowed-mummer, come scratch your braid."

"Well". Make a well of eight or four matches on the bed, put a thimble filled with water in it, put yours on top so that the well is under it. Think: "Narrowed-mummer, come to water the horse."

Stocking. Put on a stocking on your leg and say a conspiracy: "Narrowed-mummer, come take off your stocking."

One young lady put on a stocking like that, and guessed it. Her night so that she fell out of bed and with fright - to roar! Her father also gave her a beating so that she would not hang out with the unclean, did not sin.

"Views of the Bride". Place the mirror under your pillow and say: “Betrothed-mummer, come see me and show yourself.”

Divination with a cockroach. It is necessary to catch a cockroach and put it in a matchbox, make a wish: “Cockroach, cockroach! You go everywhere, you know everything, bring me to my betrothed in the family. It is possible that in a dream you will see a room or a house - this is the home of your betrothed. You can see in a dream and members of his family.

The young girl dreamed that the cockroach went along the highway, that she could barely keep up with him. He brought her to the neighboring village to the house of a widower, and not to a sweetheart guy. She did not attach any importance to the dream, and in the autumn the same widower wooed her. That's it, you can't run away from fate!

And the other dreamed that the cockroach said: “How can I bring you to the betrothed if you pinched my paw with a box?”. In the morning he looks, and in the box there is a dead cockroach with a pinched paw.

Bread. From the festive feasts leave a crust of bread that you haven’t eaten, put it under your pillow at night, uttering a conspiracy: “Betrothed, mummers, come to supper.”

These are fortune tellings that have come down to us from time immemorial. It is difficult to perceive many without a smile :).

Are the predictions received during Christmas divination correct? According to knowledgeable people, basically these predictions come true. Nevertheless, to hobnob with evil spirits and look into the future according to Christian canons is considered a great sin. After divination, it was customary to go to church to repent and atone for this sin.

Christmas time is a great time to build plans, desires to guess, guess and tell fortunes for the future - to ask the subtle world about the future.

We invite you to plunge into the world of magic and try to predict your future with the help of Christmas divination.

You will need four glasses, which you need to fill halfway with water. Add half a teaspoon of sugar to the first glass, the same amount of salt to the second, bread to the third, and the ring to the fourth. Then turn away, ask to be blindfolded, and turn around your axis 2 times. At this time, your friend or your girlfriend should rearrange the glasses.

Fortune telling on four glasses will help you find out what life will be like in the New Year

Stopping, choose one of them. If you took a glass of sugar, it means that the new year will be rich in happy moments, bring harmony in your personal life and success in the monetary sphere. If there was salt in the glass - in the new year, be prepared to meet with difficulties, you will have to fight for success, achieve everything with your own work. A glass of bread promises a good profit in the new year, the financial sector will be in perfect order. Well, the ring speaks of imminent marriage (marriage) or replenishment in the family.

Divination for relationships

This Christmas fortune telling will help you find out the future of your relationship with your loved one. On the night of the old new year, take a plate, pour water into it and pour in a pinch of sugar, salt and ash. Mix well. Then put strands of your and your loved one's hair in the water and leave them overnight. Look what happened to them in the morning. If the strands are connected, then your relationship will develop as well as possible, if not, your paths will diverge in the new year.

Christmas divination on the mirror

You need to take a small mirror, douse it with water and take it out into the cold at exactly midnight. When patterns appear on the surface, bring the mirror into the house and carefully examine it.

To find out what to expect in the New Year, tell fortunes on the mirror

If circles are visible on it, it means that you will live in abundance all year, if you notice a spruce branch, you will have to work hard. Squares portend various life difficulties, and triangles promise great luck and success in any business.

Divination on the leaves

Write your cherished desires on 12 leaves, add an empty one to them and put them under your pillow on the night before Christmas. The next morning, take out one at random - the wish that is written there will surely come true in the new year. Well, if they took out an empty sheet, the plan was not destined to come true.

Fortune telling on a wish for the old new year

A couple of minutes before the old New Year, write a wish on paper. When the chimes start to beat, set fire to the leaf. It will have time to burn out in the old year - the desire will certainly come true, it will burn out already in the new one - it is unlikely to come true.

Divination for a future husband

Fortune telling for the old new year with a mirror and a decanter

On the night of January 13-14, place a clear glass carafe of water on a flat surface. Behind him should be a mirror, and on the sides are three burning candles.

Divination for the future with a mirror and candles

As soon as the clock strikes midnight, carefully peer into the mirror through the decanter. Most likely, you will see in it what awaits you next year.

Divination for the fulfillment of a wish

For this divination, you will need two clean glasses. Fill one of them with a little more than half of the water. On the eve of the old new year, make a wish, and then start pouring water from one glass to another. When you're done, take a look at the table you were doing this on. If there are two or three drops of moisture left on it, or nothing at all, the wish will come true. If much more water has spilled, the plan is unlikely to come true.

Fortune telling for a pregnant woman on the gender of the child

On holy evenings, pregnant women, with the help of simple fortune-telling, found out who would be born to them - a boy or a girl. To do this, take a needle and thread a thread about twenty centimeters long into it. If the needle moves in a circle above your palm, there will be a girl. If it sways from side to side - wait for the boy.

Christmas divination on wax

On one of the holy evenings, melt the wax and pour it into a deep plate of cold water. The wax will quickly harden, and the outlines of objects will appear that can be used to judge the future. So, a horseshoe promises great joy, an asterisk - receiving long-awaited news. These figurines can be saved and carried around as a talisman. If you find it difficult to determine the form, call on fantasy to help. She will surely give you some advice.

Christmas time is a period that lasts from January 7 to January 19. Divination at Christmas time is a very ancient tradition, rooted in the deep past. It is believed that during this period the real and magical worlds merge into one whole, so it is possible to find out your fate with high certainty or get an answer to any question of interest.

Divination rules

If fortune-telling is taken seriously, and not as a festive entertainment, then the following rules must be observed during the ceremony:
    You can not close yourself from magical energy during the session by crossing your arms and legs. It is imperative to take off all closed objects, such as rings, bracelets, belts, belts. It is advisable to carry out fortune-telling in light-colored loose-fitting clothes; women and girls are advised to let their hair down and remove hair ornaments. In the room where the ceremony is held, a comfortable atmosphere should be created and absolute silence ensured. During fortune-telling, one cannot emphasize religious affiliation, for example, a pectoral cross must be removed.
One of the popular fortune-telling, which is held at Christmas time, is an action aimed at finding out your fate in the coming year. It is best to perform such a ritual on Christmas Eve, that is, on the first day of the Christmas period. For fortune-telling, you need to prepare a few twigs from apple, birch and oak, as well as coasters for each type of twig or ceramic bowls. In doing so, you need to understand that:
    The apple tree symbolizes home and family; Birch is associated with the sphere of relationships, primarily love; Oak is associated with society and work.

Fortune telling by twigs

It is necessary to move closer to yourself a bowl with apple branches installed in it and ask a question:

“What changes await me and my family in the coming year?”

After that, the branches should be set on fire and a bowl with burning branches should be held next to you. At this time, you need to observe the behavior of the flame and note all the changes that occur with it. If the flame burns evenly and does not change its color, then the coming year in the family sphere will be very calm and stable. If the flame crackles and changes color, then very violent events can be expected in this area. Similar conclusions can be drawn by setting fire to branches of other types of trees that are associated with other areas of life.

Ask a housekeeper a question

Fortune-telling at Christmas time was very popular, in which they turned to the brownie for help. In this case, you need complete confidence that you live in harmony with your brownie. Analyze if extraneous noises and sounds disturb you at night, it is quite possible that this is a naughty brownie who is dissatisfied with something. Try to appease him by talking to him on various occasions and leaving various sweets on the table for him. . After that, pour milk into a saucer and place it near the threshold of the front door. Then you need to melt some wax and pour it into the prepared saucer. In the process of this, you need to say:

“Brownie, my brownie, we are friendly with you. So come drink milk and tell me what awaits me in the near future?

Then carefully examine the frozen wax cake. The interpretation can be any, it should prompt your inner voice. But at the same time, you need to pay attention to the following:

    The shape in the form of a flower predicts an early marriage or the appearance of a loved one in life; The image of the beast foreshadows travel in the coming year; Separate stars indicate that almost all areas of life will be successful.

Reliable divination by a torch

Divination by a torch was considered very reliable. This practice is very popular even today. It is usually held on Vasily's Day, which corresponds to the Old New Year. For the ritual, it is necessary to prepare a birch torch. You need to light it and put a glass of water next to it. After the torch flares up brightly, you need to quickly extinguish it by sharply lowering it into a glass of water. After that, you need to try again to light the torch. If it turned out without difficulty, then the coming year will be prosperous. But if the torch could not be ignited immediately and it began to burn, crackling, then you need to pay attention to your own health. But at the same time, it may well be that your torch is soaked, since you kept it in the water for a long time. Therefore, you should not be upset, and you can try to repeat the ceremony on another holy day.

It is fortune-telling at Christmas time that allows the girl to find out what her betrothed will be like. And for this there are many simple rituals. All that is needed is to perform simple actions, pronounce certain words and go to bed. After this, the betrothed will be able to be seen in a dream, and, subsequently, it is easy to recognize in real life.

To see the betrothed in a dream

For example, you need to put a new comb under the pillow and say the following words:

"My betrothed, mummer, come to me, comb me and show yourself."

You can also put two cutlery near the bed and say before going to bed:

"My betrothed, mummers, come to me, we will have dinner together."

To the feelings of a loved one

You can tell fortunes on your chosen one to find out his feelings. For the ceremony, you need to use a photo of your loved one. The picture must be placed face up on the table. Then you need to take a silver ring without a pebble, thread a natural thread into it, so that it looks like a pendulum. Holding on to the knot, you need to place the ring in a hanging position directly above the photo of your loved one. It will take quite a bit of time, and the ring will begin to move. In doing so, the following should be noted:
    Circular movements mean that soon you will get married; Swinging from side to side portends an early parting; If the ring remains motionless, then the ritual failed and higher powers do not want to give you a hint about your future relationship with the chosen one.

Relationships with candles

You can tell fortunes about love relationships with the help of a candle. For the ceremony, you need to use a candle of orange, red or bright yellow. Fortune telling can be carried out on any of the holy days, the main thing is that the ceremony is held at midnight. It is necessary to retire in a separate room and, setting a candle on a flat surface, light it at exactly 12 o'clock at night. It is necessary to carefully observe the flame of a candle and distract from any third-party thoughts. Divination can be interpreted as follows:
    An even and transparent flame indicates a strong love relationship in the coming year. In case you do not have a loved one, it is very possible that you will meet your destiny in the near future. Light bursts of flame, reminiscent of blinking, indicate that the relationship with your loved one will bring you joy. A bright flame with a clear crackling predicts romantic adventures in the new year. A flame with a reddish tint predicts trouble in the coming year in the field of love relationships. If soot is observed, then love relationships will be overshadowed by everyday problems.
You should not be afraid to conduct fortune-telling at Christmas time, because it is so interesting. To eliminate negative consequences, you need to conduct the ceremony in a positive mood.

Two weeks of January give everyone the opportunity to look into the future or get an answer to the most secret question. The New Year holidays are over and it's time to start an important process for any girl. Fortune-telling for Christmas time can be chosen at your discretion, and the choice is truly great!

If you are no longer attracted to such divination methods as calling a lover with the help of sweets and throwing a boot over the gate, then this means that you are ready to take things more seriously. Make sure that you have all the necessary items and materials at hand.

Fortune-telling days - from January 6 to 19. The night before Epiphany is considered the most successful. At this time, it is customary to guess at love.

For money and luck

Who doesn't want to be successful and rich? Some patiently wait for fortune to turn to face them, and we offer to find out in advance whether it is worth counting on an improvement in financial situation in the coming months. This fortune-telling is very popular during Christmas time. You will need:

  • Several copper coins;
  • Fabric bag (you can sew it yourself):
  • Chalk or any cereal (rice, millet, buckwheat).

Draw a circle at home on any flat surface (or make it with cereal). The diameter should not be large - about 20 cm. Put 10-15 coppers in a bag and shake, saying the words:

Today I want to know
When wealth is to be expected.
Should I walk in furs today
Or will I be in debt?

Pour coins into the center of the circle at a height of 10-15 cm from the surface. Decryption:

  • All the pennies remained in the circle and lie heads up - good luck will accompany you all year, and the level of income will increase many times over!
  • Half of the coppers are tails, and half are heads - your wealth will exceed your needs.
  • More coins fell on tails - no special changes are expected in 2019.
  • Eagle - get a good salary increase or inheritance.
  • If all the coins roll out of the circle, there will be no significant change.
  • At least one penny is worth an edge - the whole year you will be incredibly lucky and the money will stick to your hands!
  • Half remained in the circle - the year will pass without changes.
  • More rolled away than left inside - you may have to work very hard to get a reward in cash!
  • There are more inside the circle than outside - there will be expensive gifts, but luck will bypass you.
  • If it so happened that all the coins rolled out and fell on tails or heads, expect a real money sea.

By the way, if you're in debt

Fortune telling on husband and marriage

This issue is of particular concern to young girls and divorced women. They are looking forward to when the long-awaited time begins and it will be possible to find out whether it is worth expecting Cupid's arrows this year. Marriage is of primary interest, and it is also curious to know who will be the chosen one.

You need to guess in the evening or after midnight and always alone. You will need:

  • Candle;
  • Gold ring;
  • Several sheets of paper;
  • Any large container.

Crumple the paper, and wrap the ring in one of the sheets. Throw into a bowl and mix thoroughly. Without looking, lower your hand and pull out the first lump that your hand touches. If you are destined to get married in 2019, then you will find a ring in the paper. In the same way, you can determine the name of your chosen one for Christmas time - write names on pieces of paper and arbitrarily pull out the first one that comes across.

For love

The easiest and most effective way to look a little ahead and find out if romance is waiting for you this year. The day does not matter much, you can decide for yourself when to guess at the Christmas time, but traditionally such a ritual is held from January 13 to 14. It is important to observe one condition - you must spend the night in your house and there should not be anyone else in bed except you.

Divination for sleep at Christmas time is as follows: take a spool of thread, bread, a comb, a towel and soap. Put it all under your pillow and say the words:

Betrothed-mummers are waiting for you in a dream. Come, show yourself, treat yourself to my bread. I will feed and wash, comb and snuggle, as I will love my own.

In the morning, first of all, do not open your eyes, but carefully analyze your dream. If a young man dreamed, then remember his face. If you see a familiar man, then take a closer look, maybe this is your love? It happens that a former lover dreams - then you need to reconsider the reasons for parting. Perhaps this is your destiny.

For the future

Knowing what lies ahead is not only interesting, but also useful. In addition, this is a real mystical adventure, and such an activity excites all the senses. Christmas divination is very diverse and you have a wide choice, but we suggest using the most effective way to find out what awaits you in the coming months. You will need:

  • Candle;
  • A bowl of water;

Do not take church candles for divination at Christmas time. It is important that there is wax, and whether they are consecrated or not, it makes no difference. At midnight, light a candle and tilt it over a container of water. Think about your future and drip wax in one place. Even if he scatters all over the dishes. At least three minutes should pass and a bizarre figure should form.

Let the mass cool and remove from the water. Carefully consider what the candle predicted for you - by the outlines you can understand what to expect. You need to do this only at home and with your own dishes! After that, the figurine should be thrown to a place where no one will definitely pick it up.

Fortune telling

If you are interested in a larger vision of the future, then you will like this method. An unpretentious and rather simple Christmas divination will tell you about what awaits you in the coming years.

On Christmas night, take a mirror, pour water on it and leave it in the cold. In the morning, bring it into the room and literally press your palm against the frozen surface for literally three seconds. You need to decipher according to the thawed places. Usually, at Christmas time, fortune telling is based on the prints of the left hand.

The thumb warmed up the place best of all - you will be happy and life will turn out wonderfully.

  • Forefinger - to be the head of the family and have many children.
  • Medium - a great career awaits.
  • Nameless - there will be problems in his personal life.
  • Little finger - the husband will be a real support, but the work will get very fussy and low-paid.
  • The middle of the palm - the house will be a full bowl, and marriage for life.

Christmas time - the time of witchcraft

In addition to fortune-telling, there is also the opportunity to make a strong conspiracy or love spell. But today you will read about the most popular ritual that girls are so interested in. The new year is over, but its unpleasant consequences are yet to be faced. Appetizing salads, chicken and alcohol will remind you of yourself for a long time with extra centimeters at the waist.

Christmas time, like no other time, is suitable for giving strength. You will need:

  • A piece of fat (butter, margarine);
  • Cup;
  • Water;
  • Vinegar (any).

The ritual will not require much effort and time: after midnight, throw the oils into a glass of water and pour a couple of tablespoons of vinegar into it. Stir with a spoon and say the words:

How fat doesn't stick to water
So it does not settle on my body.
Fat leaks, dissolves,
Appears on other sides.

Ideally, the resulting liquid should be poured under the threshold where the animal (cat, dog) lives, but it would be better if it is at the door of your rival or.

The tradition of guessing at Christmas time is the most ancient and, apparently, will live on for a very long time. For in addition to the natural desire to know what is hidden, the sacrament of Christmas divination is very spectacular and exciting, and sometimes frightening and frightening. Christmas time lasts from January 7 to 19. So if you didn’t have time to tell fortunes on Christmas night, when magical sessions are most powerful, you will have almost two more weeks at your disposal when you can spend Christmas fortune-telling.

Fortune-telling for Christmas time is very popular among young girls and family persons. Late in the evening or early at night, the girls get together to find out the name of the future groom or the date of their wedding, and the ladies of the family wonder about the prosperity in the house.

During the session, everyone had to adhere to certain rules and conditions.

1. You can not cross your arms and legs. One of the explanations for this is that it can kind of confuse the things with which you intend to perform the rite.

2. Be sure to remove all rings and other items that are tied to you or encircle some limbs. It can be belts or bracelets. In some cases, they let their hair down or even take off their shoes and clothes.

3. There must be no noise in the room, there must be complete silence. All other lighting is excluded, except for candles.

4. During Christmas divination, a girl should not be under the protection of her religion. Therefore, be sure to remove the pectoral crosses and remove the icons from the room.

Particular attention was paid to the choice of a place that must necessarily be considered "unclean". The bath was considered one of the best places. After all, it was here, according to legend, that spirits, various scarecrows and other evil spirits lived. Some abandoned old house, basement or attic was very good for divination at Christmas time. Particularly courageous dared to guess even at the cemetery, because it was the places at the junction of two worlds - the border places that were considered valuable. Such places can be thresholds, gates, corners in the house. But, perhaps, one of the most sinister places has always been considered a crossroads. They say that each of them belongs to some kind of demon, and in this place anyone will feel the presence of dark forces. (when this particular proposal was being written for the site, a cat tray suddenly fell in the corridor, which stood sideways near the wall and was drying ...)

1. At night, go to the crossroads and ask a question about your future groom, draw a circle around you. After that, you should carefully listen to what is happening around. Cheerful conversations, laughter, singing, any other positive emotions will mean an early marriage. Swearing, quarrels, crying will push your marriage back for a year.

2. On one of the evenings during the Christmas week, a cheerful company of several people gathers. Small objects specially prepared for this are laid out on the table: a coin, a ring, a needle, an earring, a scarf. You can show your imagination and add a few other items. Then the man, without looking, puts his left hand on the table. This Christmas divination is to understand the meaning of the thing on which the hand fell. For example, a coin - to wealth, a scarf - to sorrows and problems, a key - a new apartment. Ring for the wedding. Girls can change this fortune-telling a little and in this way find out the profession of their future groom. A coin is a banker, a passport is a lawyer, a driver's license is a minibus driver, a flash drive is a programmer, scissors is a builder, a spoon is a cook. Again, it's all about fantasy.

3. For the next Christmas fortune-telling, you will need a cat or a cat. Let the animal stand outside the room. Make a wish and call the cat. If she crosses the threshold with her left paw, the wish will surely come true, and if she crosses the threshold with her right paw, obstacles will arise that you will have to overcome.

4. This is a very famous fortune-telling that can be used on any day, not only during Christmas week. Take some book. Guess the page and line number at the top. It remains only to open the book and interpret what was read.

You can also tell fortunes at Christmas time online, sitting at a computer. We are sure that on our site you will find some fortune telling that is dear to your heart. We hope you enjoy your holidays with us!
