Fortune telling on matches. The most affordable way to predict fate

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Fortune telling on matches is considered one of the most accurate and fairly simple methods that allow you to find out about the feelings of a loved one. In addition, matches will help you find the answer to the question asked, and also tell you whether your wish will come true. Rooted in the ancient Persian faith, such fortune-telling cannot deceive, since one of the 5 powerful elements, fire, answers the question.

The power of fire was worshiped by many ancient peoples, calling it by various names and endowing it with great power. However, the most active admirers of this element were the people who lived on the territory of Iran. They built fire churches, where they performed frequent ceremonies, blessed newborns, treated the sick, and also made sacrifices in the form of various incense and dried plants and trees.

Fire was considered the most powerful element, the light of which permeated all living things. Hearths, altars were a kind of home keepers from various diseases and evil forces. Endowing the fire with divine properties and purifying power, the people of Iran turned to it every time an important question arose.

In our time, many of these ancient rites have already been lost, since Christianity and Islam abandoned them, considering them a relic of the time. However, the simplest divination is still used today. Previously, they guessed on coals, flames, a torch, and at the present time also on matches.

Fortune telling on a lover - the first method

If you need to find out what feelings her loved one feels for a girl, you need to select 2 matches from the new box, which will symbolize the hidden person and the girl. Then the matches must be placed vertically close to each other (they can be fixed with dough or plasticine so that they do not drown in it). After that, the matches should be lit and watch how they burn:

  • if they leaned towards each other, then this indicates that the girl is very dear to the guy, just like he is to her;
  • if the match, symbolizing the guy, burned out straight, without leaning towards the other, then, unfortunately, the man is absolutely indifferent towards the girl who loves him;
  • if the match sharply turned away from the other, then this means that the person being guessed does not feel sympathy for the fortune-telling woman at all, and on the contrary, she is unpleasant to him.

Divination for a lover - the second way

Do not perform this method more than once per session.

Fortune telling on matches using the second method is used if you need to find out what choice a beloved person will make between 2 people. For fortune-telling, you need to install 3 matches taken from a new matchbox in a vertical position. 2 matches on the sides are the people between whom the choice is made, and the central one is the person who chooses.

After the matches have been installed, it is necessary to light the central one and look: in which direction it leans during combustion, the mysterious person feels sympathy for that. If the match does not lean in one direction, then the mysterious person is indifferent to both. If the match turns away at all in the other direction, then this indicates that the hidden person loves a third person.

Divination by desire

This fortune-telling with matches is performed on the first night of the full moon. For fortune-telling, any matches are suitable: large, small, hunting, souvenir, etc. The ceremony must be performed at midnight in complete solitude.

You should light a white candle and, turning your face to the east, mentally draw around the boundary between the surrounding space and yourself. After that, you need to take a box of matches, close your eyes and make a wish. It must be clearly presented, expressed, etc. In desires, you should always be careful: you should represent only what you really want to receive.

  • if there is an even number, the wish will come true;
  • if it is not even, it will not be fulfilled.

Matches after their appearance immediately began to be used in fortune-telling rites. They are a very effective magical tool with which you can predict the future. It is noteworthy that fortune-telling with matches is a very simple action that even beginners can use.

The main feature of divination with matches is that they use one of the main natural elements - fire. It was this element that many peoples worshiped in ancient times, recognizing its strength and power. Often folk healers and healers used fire to treat various diseases. In addition, the fire in the hearth has always been considered a symbol of warmth and domestic well-being, despite its uncontrollable and destructive power, which is given to it by nature itself.

Previously, rituals were widely used by magicians and sorcerers, in which burning coals or torches were used. Many results of magical rituals required fixing with a flame. Now such magical actions are a thing of the past, and fortune-telling with matches or candles has come to replace them.

Rite of love and attitude towards yourself

This rite is suitable if you have a loved one and you are trying to find out his attitude towards yourself in order to understand his intentions regarding building relationships in the future. Such fortune-telling on matches must be carried out only with a new box.

First, you should pull out a couple of matches from the box, one of them will designate a girl, the second - a guy. Matches must be placed on the table in a vertical position, so that they are not far from each other. To do this, you can use, for example, plasticine or dough.

At the next stage of divination, matches are set on fire. After that, you need to carefully monitor their condition in the combustion process.

Divination is deciphered as follows:

  • If the matches leaned towards each other, then the partners sincerely love each other and will be able to build strong relationships on a trusting basis.
  • If the match, symbolizing the guy, turns in a different direction when burning, then this means that your chosen one has a negative attitude towards you and considers you a temporary phenomenon in his life.
  • If a match, symbolizing a guy, burns evenly, then this indicates the indifference of your chosen one to you. But in this case, the likelihood that you will be able to awaken feelings in the soul of a guy exists.

The described fortune-telling rite should be carried out in solitude and silence. Before lighting matches, you need to focus on the image of your loved one.

When you like two guys

There is also a special fortune-telling rite with matches that will allow you to decide on the choice of your loved one. This method should be used when you like two guys, and you can’t figure out your own feelings on your own.

Having retired to a separate room, you should pull out three matches from the new box and place them on the table not far from each other in a strictly vertical position. As in the previous case, you can use dough or plasticine. In the center there should be a match symbolizing you, and on the sides - your chosen ones.

Then you need to light the central match and watch it:

  • If it burned down, but at the same time retained its vertical position, then this means that none of the applicants suits you.
  • If she turned away from the matches, symbolizing the chosen ones, then in real life there is another person whom you sympathize with.
  • If you leaned towards one of the installed matches, then this means that this person is your betrothed.

Prediction for the future

With the help of a match, you can clarify the life situation that awaits you in the near future. Such fortune-telling is useful in that even if negative predictions are received, it allows a person to tune in correctly, and, therefore, minimize the negative consequences that often pose a threat to health.

To conduct the ceremony, you need to retire to a separate room, and take a new box of matches with you. After sitting in silence for a while and thinking about the current state of affairs, you need to get a match with your left hand and strike it on the box. It is important to set fire to the match in a horizontal position and continue to hold it in the same way during the magical action.

You can judge what awaits you in the future by how the match will burn:

  • If you fail to strike a match the first time, then this is a warning sign indicating that you are in danger in real life. In addition, it can symbolize the upcoming streak of failures and bad luck.
  • If the match breaks during ignition, this means that you should prepare for the difficulties that will affect all areas of life.
  • If the match first caught fire, but then immediately went out, then in the future you will have serious health problems.
  • If the match caught fire and its flame is even, then this is a good sign indicating that only good things await you in the future and you should not worry about any fictitious occasion.
  • If the match burns, but at the same time it crackles and smokes, then cardinal changes in life should be expected in the near future.
  • If the match caught fire, but went out without burning down to half, then this means that your life priorities will change.
  • If the flame of the match is blue, then great happiness awaits you in life.
  • If the flame of the match is red, then you will meet true love.
  • If the flame of the match is green, then you will be able to achieve prosperity in the financial sector.
  • If the flame of the match is yellow, then sadness and tears await you in the near future.

You can use matches to guess at desire. In this case, you can ask any question, the main thing is that it be specific. The fortune-telling process is similar to the previous option, namely, you need to set fire to a match and watch how it burns. In the ritual, a match should only be used from a new box.

Divination is deciphered as follows:

  • If the match breaks during the burning process, then your plans will not come true, that is, your desires will not come true.
  • If the match at first caught fire, but then immediately went out, then at first you will successfully move towards your goal, but at the moment when it seems that you have achieved it, unforeseen difficulties will arise.
  • If the flame is even, then this is a positive answer to the question that interests you, the business you have made will be completed successfully.
  • If the flame crackles and smokes, then this portends good luck, but it will entirely depend on the correctness of your decisions.
  • If the match has not burned out, then you will not be able to achieve your plan soon. It may very well be that the matter is with you, since you do not put in enough effort to achieve the goal.
  • The blue flame indicates that the wish will come true.
  • The red flame focuses on the fact that a positive result can only be after you have received help from the outside.
  • The yellow flame warns that the desire will not come true due to the treachery and betrayal of loved ones.
  • The green flame indicates not only that you will be able to achieve what you want, but also that you will be able to receive material benefits from this.

In order for the result of fortune-telling to be reliable, you need to dip the match into water after fortune-telling and only then throw it away.

The elements of fire have been worshiped since ancient times. With its help, magicians contact the Universe, communicate with spirits and tune in to work. You can look at fire endlessly, it calms, clears thoughts. And he can give answers to a variety of questions. Fortune telling on water and matches is a simplified version that we inherited from our ancestors.

Divination with matches for love

To perform the ritual, you will need a new box of matches. Mentally imagine the person you are guessing at. Take two matches and set them vertically to each other at a short distance. You can fix it with plasticine, dough, wax, a piece of bread and so on. Mentally decide which match will characterize you. And which one is your favorite.

First way

Light matches and watch them burn.

Leaned towards each other - mutual love.

One of them leaned towards someone, which means that that person has more feelings than the other.

The match burned out evenly - the person is absolutely indifferent.

The match turned away from the other, which means that there is hostility and there can be no talk of any relationship.

Second way

Another option for divination with matches and water.

Take a bowl and fill it halfway with water. Light one match and wait until it burns out, and throw it into the water. Do the same with the second match. Then watch how they behave. If they stay away from each other, then your relationship is not destined to develop. If they are side by side, you have found your soul mate.

Third way

This divination is more complex, it refers to magical rituals. For these purposes, you need to buy two wax candles, preferably in a church. You can not entrust the purchase to others.

On the first candle, draw the first letter of your name with a needle, on the second - your loved one. Light a candle, wait until the match burns out to the middle and throw it into a container of water. Do the same with the second candle.

Take candles in both hands and drip wax into the center of the dish. Do this for thirty seconds. A pattern will begin to emerge on the surface of the water. Watch closely and evaluate.

If circles have arisen, then a wonderful relationship awaits you.

The heart is love, but with an obstacle and a nervous jolt.

Wax connected two matches - there will be a wedding.

Fortune telling on matches for a betrothed

This type of fortune-telling is carried out if you need to make a choice between two contenders for the heart. Take out three matches from the box and fix them on the table. Decide mentally which one is which. You should be at the center as the choice is made. Contenders on the sides. Light the central match and watch the process. Meaning:

If the match burned out evenly, then none of the guessed ones is narrowed.

If the match turned away in the other direction, then there is a third person to whom you are not indifferent.

If the match leans towards someone, you have found your betrothed.

Divination by desire

Method one

The ritual is performed after sunset. You will need a wax candle and matches. A candle is needed to connect with the universe. Light it up and put it on the table. Mentally formulate a question and pull matches out of the box at random. Throw them on the table and count them. An even number - the wish will come true. Odd - no.

Method two

It is better to use long matches, for example, hunting ones. To burn longer.

The match did not light the first time - the wish will not come true.

Broke down when trying to ignite - there are obstacles to execution.

Not burned out to the end - everything will start well, but in the end it will not come true.

The match burns with a bright flame - the wish will come true in the near future.

Fortune telling with matches is quite simple, but the results are true in most cases.

Video compilation

Many people use a very simple and effective way to find out what a loved one feels for you - fortune-telling with matches. In addition, thanks to matches, you can easily find out the answer to the question asked, because they can tell you whether your cherished desire will come true. If you dive deep into the ancient Persian faith, then it is generally accepted that such fortune-telling always gives the correct answer, since the powerful element, fire, answers the question posed.

Fire is endowed with an incredible power of purification, and it also has divine wisdom, which, without a doubt, makes it easy to see your past and look into the future. And in order to predict your fate, you do not need anything but to have matches at hand.

Even in ancient times, the power of fire was worshiped, endowed with great power and called by various names. Most of all, the inhabitants of Iran revered the element of fire. This people constantly built churches of fire, in which rites were held, they were treated for serious illnesses, they blessed babies and performed sacrificial rites: dry plants, trees.

Even then, fire was considered the most powerful element, since it was endowed with all living things that are on earth. The inhabitants of Iran believed that the fire had a cleansing power, divine properties, thanks to which one could protect oneself from diseases, and also not let evil spirits into the house. That is why many people asked for help from the element of fire, especially when there was a need to find out the answer to an important question.

Today, few people remember all the ancient rites that were carried out in those days, and the reason for this was the rejection of Islam and Christianity, considering the rituals old-fashioned. But be that as it may, many people use most simple fortune-telling to this day. Previously, the most common fortune-telling was considered to be those in which coal, a torch, flames were used. But today it is fortune-telling with matches that is very popular.

Divination for a loved one

Fortune-telling for love on matches is in great demand and is considered the most common type of fortune-telling, which allows you to quickly find out the answer to a question of interest.

If a girl is very worried about how her lover feels for her, then all that is required for this is to buy a new box of matches and choose two from it. These two matches will be considered symbols of a couple, that is, one match is a lover, the second is a fortune-telling girl. Matches are placed vertically close to each other. It is best to fix them with plasticine. After that, the matches are lit and it is necessary to observe their combustion:

The match, symbolizing the guy, burned out in a straight position - he is indifferent to the girl and feels absolutely nothing for her.

If the matches burned out, leaning towards each other, there are mutual feelings between the lovers, and they love each other very much.

If the match burned out leaning in the other direction (not towards the match symbolizing the girl), then this means that the man does not have feelings for the girl at all. You can say more - he feels rejected by her.

Divination with matches for love

There is another simple way of divination with matches, which allows you to find out which of the two people the hidden person will give their preference to.

A person very often resorts to the help of such fortune-telling, for whom it is important to know whom the beloved man will choose between two people. In order to start fortune-telling, you need to select three matches from a new box and place them vertically. The two matches that are on the sides are the persons between whom a choice must be made, and the central match characterizes the person who chooses.

After the matches are established, the central one is set on fire: a determination will be made on it. It all depends on which way the central match leans. This is the answer to the question. If the match burns out in a straight position, then this will mean that the hidden person does not have feelings for any of the two people. If the match burns out, leaning to the other side: there is a third person whom the mysterious person loves.

Difficult fortune-telling with matches and candles

In order to start divination, you must have a deep container of water and two thin wax candles (bought on your own). We take a needle and on one candle we write the first letter of our name, and on the second - the first letter of the name of the person you are going to guess.

Each candle must be lit with a different match. After that, each match, after burning, is more than half thrown into a container of water. Now you need to pick up both candles and start dripping wax into the center of the container for 30 seconds.

With the help of wax, a certain pattern should form in the water, which needs to be examined and understood in more detail. Often this method of divination allows you to find out your future and the development of further relationships. For example, if you saw that the wax formed a circle or other figures that connected with each other, then this indicates a strong connection.

If a heart-shaped figure has formed, then this indicates an upcoming emotional shake-up, which will turn out to be good and will benefit, strengthening your relationship with your chosen one (tsei) more strongly. If both matches are captured along with the wax, then this is a harbinger of the wedding.

In any case, it is necessary to turn on the fantasy and carefully peer into the resulting pattern. Only in this way will it be possible to understand the interpretation of fortune telling on matches and candles.

Fortune telling on matches - an effective way

Thanks to fortune-telling on matches, you can easily find out the answer to an exciting question. For example, about who is not indifferent to you, who feels hatred, and who is completely indifferent to you. Fortune telling with matches can also be used with a cigarette. Just be careful not to burn yourself.

It will take two matches, one of which must be given the name of the guy, and the second - the name of the fortune-telling girl. Set the matches vertically, securing with plasticine. Burn and watch. When the matches completely burn out, then you can begin to interpret. Which match turned to the second - the one who is not indifferent to that. If the guy's match remained standing in a straight position, then this indicates indifference towards the girl; the match turned the other way - the guy begins to hate the girl.

For many centuries, man has been attracted by three mysterious elements: burning fire, running water and the endless expanse of heaven. Fire was considered a strong element. They feared him, bowed before him, inspired and deified him. We were looking for the voice of fate in all its manifestations. Many of the ancient rites: divination in flames, on coals, are almost forgotten. But nowadays matches have been invented - and a new kind of fortune-telling has appeared.

Small sparks of a powerful element help in matters of love, to determine the truth and deceit. Christmas divination with matches was true. It's a whole ritual. To start it, you need to tune in complete silence, free yourself from unnecessary thoughts.

Divination for a loved one

The question that torments a girl in love is whether the guy loves. Check. Take two matches from the new box. Name one by your name, the other by the name of a loved one. Place close to each other and secure so that they do not fall. Set in a matchbox, in plasticine, dough. Light at the same time and follow the flame:

  • bowed to each other - your feelings are mutual;
  • burned evenly - he is indifferent to you;
  • looks the other way - you are unsympathetic to him.

Divination for love

Some young men like you, and they confess their love, and offer a hand and a heart. Which one to choose?

Arrange by the number of admirers and say the names out loud, but do not forget who is where? Put another one in the center. Light it first, and from it - the rest. As they burn out, look which one leaned where. A serious relationship will begin with the person whose match looks at the central one. A few matches may lean toward yours. Then listen to what your heart tells you. It will choose the one you love.

Divination with matches and a candle

Prepare two wax candles and a deep bowl of water. On each of the candles with a needle, write the first letters of your name and loved one. Light candles with two matches and throw them into the water. Drip the wax into the center of the dish until the pattern appears. If there is love between you, the circles or shapes will connect. If the heart is indicated, a shock awaits your feelings, which will unite even more. If both matches are filled with wax - for the wedding.

Divination on the water

You are faced with a choice: how to solve the problem? Fortune telling on matches can help. All you need is a glass of clean water. Hold it in your hands for a few minutes. Get rid of obsessive thoughts. State the problem. Light a match and, without extinguishing it, throw it into the water. Behind her is another one. If they are located in parallel, everything will be decided in your favor. Crosswise - there are obstacles. Smoke comes from the water - they interfere with you. It won’t burn out right away - you need to repeat fortune-telling.

Divination by desire

The first night of the full moon... You stand to the east and mentally shield yourself from space. Light a white candle. Take an unused matchbox and, closing your eyes, more than once clearly pronounce the desire. Scatter matches on the surface of the table. Now you can open your eyes and count the scattered matches. The plan will surely come true if the number of matches is even. But don't get frustrated with an odd number. The wish will come true, but not immediately.

Fortune telling on matches does not require special preparation. And it needs to be taken quite seriously. Believe - and the answer to any question will be correct.
