Fortune telling on the feast of Andrew on December 13. Ancient divination on St. Andrew the First-Called for girls

December 13 is the Day of St. Andrew the First-Called. People say that on the night of Andrew (from December 12 to 13), mystical things happen that can reveal the secret of the future. Fortune telling on Andrei can give an answer to many questions: will you get married, who will become your betrothed, when will the wedding take place, will you be happy in marriage, and the like.

Whether to guess or not to guess

Folk traditions of divination are forgotten, losing their form and content. But on the night of December 13, many girls want to look into their future. However, it should be understood that during fortune-telling a person makes a choice: he gives up his will, relying on the decision of signs or a fortune teller. And the more often he does this, the more he loses the habit of independently looking for a way out of a difficult situation, and the more a person becomes weak and dependent.

Besides, divination is a sin against the first commandment of God.

The church is unambiguously against fortune-telling. It is a sin. Because with a person, through supposedly magical rituals, manipulations are carried out with his future, which is known, as we know, only to God. Such tricks with the Creator looking into the future, as history shows, do not bode well. Therefore, fortune-telling has nothing to do with church holidays and traditions, their roots are in paganism,
- explained the priest Michael Leda.

According to him, today more and more shows are being made from fortune telling, that is, it is turning into another way to have fun. After all, many establishments on this day offer to try to tell fortunes on their fate.

"Divination, in whatever form it is carried out, is a sin," the priest emphasized.

Traditions of divination for Andrew

Why are they guessing at Andrey

On Andrei, December 13, young men and women looked at each other during parties. After Epiphany, the season of winter weddings began, so it was quite possible to meet your love at parties on Andrey.

It is not surprising that girls on St. Andrew's day tell fortunes about their betrothed. This is a kind of rehearsal before fortune-telling at Christmas time (Christmas Eve). It is believed that if a girl twice - both on this day and at Christmas time - sees the same guy, the fortune-telling is correct and will come true. But even for divination you need to prepare!

What not to do before divination

If you are going to know your future this night, then you cannot eat anything meat, only bread and water. But the most important condition is that on this day all close relatives are fed. Guessing only girls or women. Before and after divination, you need to be silent until morning comes.

Fortune telling on Andrey: what not to do before fortune telling

There are many ways to predict your destiny. And if you still decide to guess at Andrey, read the material on how this can be done at home.

Divination on dumplings

Girls sculpted dumplings or pies from yeast dough. The girls carried water for the test by mouth, and the guys made them laugh at that time. Each girl sculpted her own special dumpling, after which they were put in a row and the nearest pet was called. Whose dumpling or pie the pet eats, that girl will be the first to marry.

They believed that if a dog or a cat brought a dumpling into a corner, then the girl would get married and go far from home.

Divination with a chain

The girl remains alone in the room and takes a gold or silver chain in her right hand. Clutching the chain in a fist, the girl should focus on the issue that interests her most. This may be a question about the future of the groom, and the number of children. Having clearly imagined what exactly she is interested in, the girl throws the chain on the table and looks at the figure that has come out.

How to guess on Andrey using a chain

There are different interpretations of the figures, the most popular of which are:
- circle: in the future there will be a situation, for the unraveling of which a lot of effort will have to be made;
- oval: a difficult situation, but will not require special losses;
- a straight line: success and the most favorable time for the realization of your dreams;
- snake: you should be careful and not trust the people around you,
- tangled knot: expect intrigues;
- triangle: a sign of good luck in business;
- a butterfly or a bow: for dates, love, and, possibly, a wedding;
- a chain formed into some letter: wait for a new romance with a person whose name begins with this letter.

Divination on cups

You need to take a few opaque cups. Spread bread, onion, salt, sugar, ring, money in them, pour water into one. There should be as many guessers as there are cups. Each of those gathered in turn chooses a cup with their eyes closed. Onions - to tears, bread - to prosperity, a ring - to a wedding, water - pregnancy awaits you, salt - be careful, as trouble may await you in the near future. If you got a cup of sugar, fun will soon await you. Money - become rich.

Fortune telling on small things

By evening, young men and women gather, take a tray, pour various small things on it: some - a ring, some - a cufflink, some - an earring, some - a button, a coin, and the like. They cover the tray with a towel, sing, then shake the tray under the towel several times, throw off the towel, and, without looking, everyone drags with their left hand one of the knick-knacks lying on it.

How to guess on Andrey on small things

It resembles something like a house lottery. The one who gets, for example, a coin will get rich, whoever gets a handkerchief will grieve in the new year, whoever gets the key will get a new home. And the one who gets the ring should roll it on the floor, while observing which way it rolls: if to the door, be in the coming year of the wedding.

Divination with matches

It was assumed fate and with the help of matches. Two matches were placed on a plate of water: one is a guy, ideally the one with whom the girl sympathizes; the second is the symbol of the girl herself. Then you need to blow on these matches: if they come together from the girl’s breath, then this is a sign that the conceived gentleman will become the groom.

Divination at the crossroads

The girls go out at midnight to the crossroads, each draws a circle, stands by him and begins to listen to the sounds of the street - if he hears joyful cries, laughter, songs - he will soon get married. But if a girl hears someone's quarrel, crying or lamentations - she will remain, according to popular belief, in girls.

dinner invitation

This method can be called strange and creepy. The girl covers the table in an empty room with a tablecloth, makes it with dishes, except for a knife and a fork, and says: "Betrothed-mummers, come to dinner with me." Everyone goes out, and she, left alone, locks the windows and doors and waits.

A creepy way of divination for Andrey: an invitation to dinner

Signs of the approach of the betrothed: the howling of the wind, blows on windows and doors. Then the betrothed appears. The girl should sit in her place, not answer questions, notice facial features and clothes. The betrothed sits down at the table and begins to entertain her with a conversation.

The girl should suddenly wake up and point-blank ask: "What's your name?". The betrothed calls the name and takes something out of his pocket. At this moment, the girl should say: "Chur, me!". The betrothed disappears.

Divination for a profession

They believed that it was possible to even learn from Andrei the professions of her future husband. To do this, the girls went to the river, collected silt from the bottom, brought it home and examined it. If a nail was found in the mud, the husband would be a blacksmith, if cod - a carpenter, sand - a bricklayer, and if nothing was found - a farmer.

Fortune telling on chicken feathers

Closer to midnight, the girl should put a chicken feather on the threshold and say: “There is an oak tree, there are 12 nests on it, 4 eggs in each nest, 7 chickens in each egg, one of them - show yourself, let me know what to expect in the future! ". When someone opened the door, the chicken feather, caught in the air, either flew out the door or flew into the house. If you are married outside the door, in the house - you will sit in the girls for another year.

Is it possible to predict your future - to believe only you. However, in ancient times Andreevsky gatherings were associated not only with this. Gatherings on the night of December 13 are a fun and bright action, jokes and laughter, which embraces not only young people, but also the older generation. These are losses, jokes, pranks, mostly guys, which are allowed only on St. Andrew's Night.

Fortune telling and pranks on St. Andrew's night

The night of December 12-13, many are waiting for a reason. And all because on the night of St. Andrew the First-Called, you can find out about your fate. With great trepidation and even fear, unmarried girls are waiting for this date, because fortune telling on Andrei has a special power.

Fortune telling on Andrey on coffee grounds

After drinking coffee, cover the cup with a saucer and turn it up and down three times. Thickness will spread along the bottom, forming intricate shapes. They have to be guessed at.

The outline of the dog symbolizes friendship.
Forest is wealth.
Staircase - achievement of the desired goal.
The cross is patience.
Wreath - glory.
The mill is a lie.
Cliff - sadness, longing, loneliness.
The shadow of a man is a pleasant date.
The shadow of the house is a symbol of abundance.
Arable land is a good sign of fertility, shoots, success.
Meadow, field with grazing animals - the fulfillment of desires.
Church, bell tower - return home.
Deer - fast road.
Gate - the arrival of guests.
The mountain is a difficult life path.

Fortune telling on Andrei on tea thick

In order to correctly read the sign that will be formed from tea leaves, it is better to use a cup of a simple shape. The liquid should only cover the bottom. Take the cup in your left hand and shake the tea - make three sharp turns of the cup clockwise. Turn the cup over and, holding it with the handle towards you, tilt it so that it is convenient to look inside. Mentally divide the volume of the cup in half. Everything that is closer to the handle is related directly to you, the rest - to strangers, but people you know. Tea grounds at the walls of the cup will predict the near future, at the bottom - the distant one.

The bottle is a health hazard.
Mountains are obstacles on the path of life.
Tree - getting rid of diseases, fulfillment of desires.
The key is to health, prosperity, wealth, happiness in love.
The road - two tracks or two rails - to close changes, if the lines are winding - the path is difficult.
The turn is associated with drastic changes in life.
One big star in the center of the cup is a warning: it's time to change the nature of the activity, otherwise trouble awaits.
The contours of the plane - to an unexpected journey.
Cross - trouble, suffering, anxiety, illness.
Coffin - sad news, loss, regret.
Circle - a happy event, marriage.
Two circles - disappointment.
Ruins - broken hopes.
Ball - ups and downs.
Staircase - takeoff in official and personal affairs.
The heart is a symbol of love.
The heart at the bottom of the cup is a disease, a heart attack in a loved one.
Arrow - bad news. If it flies from you, you yourself can become a messenger of trouble for others.

On December 13, the Orthodox will traditionally celebrate a holiday - the day of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. On this day, for a long time, it was customary for guys to hooligan, and for girls - to guess.

On the night of December 12-13, evening parties usually gathered in Ukrainian villages, where young people could both sing and dance. Closer to midnight, the girls usually kicked the guys out of the hut, and they themselves began to guess, trying to find out what the betrothed and life with him would be like.

For this, both shoes (throwing a boot over the gate) and food were used. Namely: divination on balabushki was one of the most popular. About how our great-great-grandmothers guessed and how you can predict the fate of modern young ladies (and not only unmarried ones).

For those who do not approve of fortune-telling, you can simply bake delicious meatless buns, turn off the TV, light a candle, creating a quiet holiday atmosphere in the house ... After all, the New Year and Christmas holidays will come soon and it would be nice to discuss plans for the future with your family.

Divination for Andrey is one of the most fun Ukrainian traditions. As a rule, on the evening of December 12, girls and boys gathered for parties, joked, played different games, and then guessed. What interested me the most was whether they would get married next year. However, during fortune-telling they tried to find out the occupation of the groom, and even see him himself.

1. One of the easiest ways to tell fortunes about Andrey is to go outside, close your eyes and drop your boot. In which direction the toe of the boot points, the groom will be from there. The place of residence of the betrothed can be found out in another way. In the old days, girls went out into the yard one after another and said:

O Holy One, good Andriy,
I deprive you of my hope!
I also want to know
May I see the stars of the betrothed?

The words had to be spoken three times, and then wait for the dog to bark. From which side he is heard, the matchmakers will come from there.

2. The traditional way of fortune-telling for Andrey is fortune-telling on balabushkas, small loaves of white flour and water. At the same time, in order to knead the balabushki, water must be brought in the mouth from the well itself. Each girl sculpts her own loaf and marks it with a colored thread. After baking, the bread is laid out and a hungry dog ​​is allowed into the house. Whose balabushka the dog eats first, that girl will be the first to marry.

3. However, there is another way to find out who will marry first. The shoes of all the girls are lined up in a chain one after another from the farthest corner of the room to the threshold. The girl whose shoe crosses the threshold first will be the first to marry.

4. To find out if it is worth preparing for the wedding next year, you need to take a ring, a sprig of myrtle, a doll and a paper flower. Put each thing under a separate plate, secretly from the girl who is guessing. After that, the girl must choose "her plate." If there is a ring under the plate, this portends an imminent marriage. A paper flower means that you will have to sit in girls all next year. A sprig of myrtle speaks of separation from a loved one, and a doll speaks of betrayal.

5. There are even several ways to see the groom. For example, you can use a mirror. True, they say that this method is suitable only for brave girls, because you need to guess alone, and anything can be seen in the mirror. To see the face of the betrothed, you need to put a mirror in front of you and light two candles on both sides of it. After that say:

I feed you, mirror,
Why do I have my share of evil?
Please contact Ivank
I wear bo yoga in my heart.

These words should be pronounced three times, and then turn away from the mirror and say with closed words:

Saint Andrew, help me,
Show my judge!
I tell fortunes on my wine,
I ask for protection from the stars!
Give, God, the daughter of a daughter,
Ring me with Ivan.

After that, you need to sharply turn around and look in the mirror. The main thing is not to be afraid, because the face of not Ivan, but some unfamiliar guy, may appear in the mirror. If you fail to see the face for the first time, fortune-telling can be repeated two more times. If after three times no one appears in the mirror, it means that the betrothed is somewhere on the road.

6. Another way to find out what the groom will look like is to see him in a dream. To do this, you need to put a scallop under the pillow and say "Sudzheny my, row, come scratch me." And go to sleep. You can use another fortune-telling option - put a bowl of water under the bed, and put a plank on top. This design symbolizes masonry across the river. Going to bed you need to say several times:

0 God forbid, young me,
I dreamed of my judgments in a dream.
I to you, Saint Andrew,
I ask, as I can:
Saint Andrew, help me,
Do not leave me today!
Oh ty, mystochok, she did not hili,
And you, Ivanka, dream of me.
Cross the river - fast water,
Lead me to the slubu me, young.

7. It's easier than ever to find out the name of the groom. The girls write the names of the guys on pieces of paper, and then they put the pieces of paper in a hat and mix it up. It remains only to rely on fate and pull out a piece of paper with a name at random. Another option is to go outside and ask for the name of the first man you meet. This is the name of the groom.

8. There are also ways to find out the profession of the betrothed. So, you can dig up the earth in the garden, pick it up in a handful and bring it into the house. And then take a closer look. If a chip is found in the ground, then the husband will be a carpenter, if a nail, then a blacksmith, if a piece of glass, a glazier. If there is nothing superfluous in the ground, then the husband will be a grain grower. A thread or stem found in the ground means that the betrothed will be a good family man, and a feather will be a learned person. A pebble portends a purposeful husband, but a piece of coal speaks of an unhappy marriage.

9. Even the time left before marriage can be found on the night of Andrei. To do this, the girl must string a golden wedding ring on her hair and lower it into a vase or glass. How many times the ring hits the edges of the vase, after so many months there will be a wedding.

10. A sprig of cherry, apple or bird cherry, you just need to put on the windowsill in the water. While saying:

Saint Andrew,
May I hope on You:
Let the cherry blossoms
And she brought my share to the threshold.

If it blooms before Christmas, the girl will be happy next year.

Prayer of a girl for the gift of good suitors

When the furnace is heated, it is necessary to say into the chimney: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Smokes you smokes, go you, smokes, over high mountains, over blue seas, find you, smokes, the servant of God (name) and kindle you, smokes, the servant of God (name) has a liver and lungs so that the servant of God (name) does not could neither live nor eat without the servant of God (name), so that he would not be at peace, so that he would think everything, mourn for the servants of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
* * *

On the same day, in private, say twice: I will stand, blessed, go out, crossing myself, out of the hut with doors, out of the courtyard with gates, I will stand on the eastern side. On the eastern side, a fiery mother-river flows. I will pray to you, I will obey you. Do not walk through quicksand swamps, do not walk through dense forests, go into action, into the flesh of the servant of God (name). Kindle it, break it up so that you can neither sleep on a soft bed, nor work during the day in the sun, at night for a month, and the servant of God (name) seemed better than the white light, better than the red sun, better than mother and father. Amen».

According to online publications

So, the season of winter weddings can be considered almost open! Tomorrow, on the thirteenth of December, the people celebrate the day of St. Andrew, more precisely, the day of St. Andrew, and it was from him that our ancestors counted the beginning of the "marriage" season in the cold winter season. On the night of the twelfth to the thirteenth of December, the guys looked at the girls, and the girls looked at the guys, and immediately after Epiphany, it was possible to play a wedding of couples in love.

But how can you find out in advance whether the girl will be able to cope with the groom, and indeed: what will he be like, betrothed-disguised? It was in order to find out all the details that they resorted to traditional fortune-telling, the secrets of which were passed down from generation to generation. They were given great importance, since the rites contained both elements of mysticism, which was very interesting and even scary, because they also carried an entertaining background.

You can guess on Andrei both in the company of friends, and one by one. Let's start with those rituals that are easy to perform on your own. The most common is the guessing at the future groom before going to bed, and there are a great many options for such a ritual.

You can eat a pinch of salt at night, but do not drink water - on the contrary, whisper the words before going to bed:

My betrothed, mummers, bring some water to drink!

And then in a dream the image of a young man should appear, who will give you water to drink. It is believed that this will be the future groom, the main thing is to try to take a good look at his face.

They also put a comb under the pillow, unravel the braids, and say:

My betrothed, mummers, come, comb my braids!

Betrothed-mummers, comb my hair!

They also put a crust of bread under the pillow, and ask the betrothed to "come to dinner."

One of the most terrible and mysterious girl fortune-telling is, perhaps, fortune-telling with a mirror. Such a ritual has several options, and we will talk about one of them. Ideally, of course, you need to stay alone in the room, otherwise fortune-telling will not work, but you will be much calmer if your girlfriends are still sitting outside the door of the room.

For such fortune-telling, a large mirror is installed on the table in the room, opposite it is a cutlery, two candles and a towel. The girl who will guess should turn off the light in the room, close the doors tightly, unbelt and remove all jewelry, including the pectoral cross. If there are icons in the room, then they are covered with something, or turned away to the wall.

The girl looses her hair and sits down in front of the mirror, peering into the mirror surface and saying:

My betrothed, mummers, come to supper!

You can add something from yourself, the main thing is to force the groom to appear in the mirror. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers said that if you peer into the mirror and read the plot, then soon the silvery surface will become cloudy, as if covered with perspiration - then it must be wiped with a towel. When, nevertheless, it is possible to discern the image of the betrothed, then you need to quickly shy away (Chur me!), And turn on the light.

Our grandmothers also said that the devil himself appears in the image of the “groom”, so you can’t hesitate - she saw the image of a man, quickly examined it and immediately “backed down” so that the unclean one did not have time to harm. And they also say that the “groom” can give some kind of fact - a ring, a lighter or something else, and she actually appears at the one who is guessing. And then, already when meeting a real groom, it turns out that he lost the same one just when the girl was wondering.

Several opaque cups are suitable for this. It is necessary to spread bread, onions, salt, sugar, a ring, money in them, and pour water into one. There should be as many guessers as there are cups.

Each of those gathered in turn chooses a cup with their eyes closed.

  • Bow - to tears,
  • bread - to prosperity,
  • ring - for the wedding,
  • water - pregnancy awaits you,
  • salt - be careful, as trouble may await you in the near future.
  • with sugar - fun.
  • money - become rich.

To believe or not to various fortune-telling - decide for yourself, but in no case should you be upset if suddenly "fate" predicts something bad. First of all, fortune-telling should be taken as entertainment, and not to take into account the “bad”. It is quite possible to understand our ancestors: then the course of everyone’s life was supposedly predetermined in advance: the girl had to get married once and for all, and it was desirable to give birth to many children.

Why is that? Because it was not customary to get divorced in Russia, and people did it very rarely. The very first impression, as we understand, was deceptive, and you had to live with whom you got along with in your younger years: of course, many wanted the marriage to be successful! For women, in fact, there was practically no other way - either to get married or to a monastery, while other options were weakly encouraged. It goes without saying that some ladies still managed to break into people in a different way, but it was worth a lot of work.

In other words, great hopes were placed on the groom, and thanks to fortune-telling, they wanted to ensure that the future would become bright. Now the old concepts, fortunately, are outdated, and therefore you should not take everything to heart.

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On the day of St. Andrew the First-Called, as in, the girls are wondering about their betrothed. Many of them, according to the established custom, observe fasting on the eve of the holiday and, in general, about giving them good suitors.

Therefore, we share known information about this. How to guess on Andrei, see our material.

The most famous fortune-telling on the night of St. Andrew's Day

On the night of December 13, put a bag under the pillow with male names written on separate pieces of paper (11 names at your discretion, you can choose from friends, acquaintances, and leave one piece of paper empty). On the morning of December 13, pull out one of the sheets. Whatever name comes up, that will be the name of your future husband. If you got a "dummy", then the name of the betrothed remains a mystery.

Take a handful of hemp seed, go outside at midnight, and walk around the house three times, scattering the seed and saying, "I, St. And the groom will definitely dream of you!

The girls gather and go out into the street. Here everyone asks about the name of the first man they met - his name will be the name of the betrothed.

On December 13, on the day of St. Andrew, "water" fortune-telling works out best. On the evening of this day, on the eve of the holiday. It is believed that if the same person is seen twice - both on this day and at Christmas time - the fortune-telling is correct and will come true. For this fortune-telling, the girl needs special preparation. For it to be true, you can’t eat anything meat, only bread and water, but the most important condition is that on this day all close relatives are fed. only girls or women. Before and after divination, you need to be silent until morning comes.

Fortune telling on Andrew the First-Called on the mirrors

It is assumed that people with strong nerves should guess here. Two mirrors are taken large and preferably of equal size, placed opposite each other, illuminated by two candles; it is best to hold the mirror against the illuminated wall mirror so that a long corridor illuminated by lights forms from the directed mirror in the wall. The fortuneteller must remove cats, dogs, birds and strangers from the room, except for one or two modest persons. On the part of these latter, however, it is required not to look in the mirror, not to approach the fortuneteller and not to talk. And at the end of this corridor, the betrothed should appear; True, sometimes you have to look for a very long time, and you can see not only the betrothed. And all evil spirits, but the game is worth the candle!

Invitation to St. Andrew's Night Dinner

The girl covers the table in an empty room with a tablecloth, puts down the utensil, except for the knife and fork, and says: "Betrothed-mummers, come to dinner with me." Everyone goes out, and she, left alone, locks the windows and doors and waits. Signs of the approach of the betrothed: the howling of the wind, blows on the windows and the door. Then the betrothed appears. The girl should sit in her place, not answer questions, notice facial features and clothes. The betrothed sits down at the table and begins to entertain her with a conversation. The girl should suddenly wake up and point-blank ask: "What's your name?". The betrothed calls the name and takes something out of his pocket. At this moment, the girl should say: "Chur, me!" - and the betrothed disappears.

Fortune telling on St. Andrew the First-Called on a towel

Usually, on the eve of Christmas night, girls hang white towels outside the windows with the words "Betrothed, mummers, come and dry yourself." If by morning the towel is wet, it means that the girl who hung this towel will be married in the new year, and if the towel remains dry, the girl will sit up in her parents' house.

Fortune telling on Andrei for a dream

They put a comb under the pillow, saying: "Narrowed-mummer, comb my head." The betrothed appears in a dream and scratches his head. They take a thimble of salt, a thimble of water, mix and eat. Going to bed, the girl says: "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummers - he will give me a drink." The betrothed appears in a dream and serves to drink. They put four card kings under the pillow and say: "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummers - that dream in a dream." The betrothed dreams in a dream in the form of some kind of king.

Fortune telling on Andrey on a glass and a ring

Pour into a glass of water in the evening, lower the ring and expose to frost. Before going to bed they bring a glass: how many tubercles there will be so many sons, and how many holes - so many daughters.

Fortune telling on Andrey on the betrothed

On this feast of St. Andrey, all divination has magical power. But it all depends on you, how much you will believe in them. By your faith, your future will be revealed to you!

Do not forget also, look for the best poems and congratulations on the site.

Photo: open sources on the Web
