"We fought for her for two hours." Parents of a suddenly deceased schoolgirl - about what happened to their child

She headed Kommersant - not for long, but she always considered herself part of the business team. I worked with her in 1997-1998 on Channel One. She then headed the channel. It seems that in 1996 she headed the Vremya program, and then the channel itself. True, not very long. I remember Ksenia, who was cleaning the Vremya program from the so-called jeans, from custom-made materials. Before Ksenia Ponomareva, Channel One, the news service, was such a strange Zaporizhzhya Sich, where jeans were dragged, starting from directors, correspondents, everyone saw some kind of small profit. Everyone shared with the authorities, it was such a strange survivalist Zaporozhye Sich, where everyone stole little by little, but was embarrassed. And when Ksenia came, she began to put things in order, she fired on suspicion, she introduced strict criteria for the absence of jeans and supported the correspondent network, generally introduced very important professional things.

We talked about the profession less than about everyday affairs. I was quite independent in terms of hierarchy, career ladder, that is, she was formally my boss, but in reality we had practically no opportunity to influence each other. Nevertheless, we often met with her, she was very interesting to me - an exceptionally aristocratic, exceptionally educated girl, who at the same time constantly spoke obscene language and smoked continuously. I argued a lot with her, I wanted her to become the woman of my ideal ideas. I weaned her from profanity and from smoking. Then I was faced with the fact that she believed that she would die before 40. I remember telling her: “Ksyusha, you are 36. Quit smoking ...” She told me: “Seryozha, you know, I will die before 40.” At the same time, she showed some pills, thanks to which she lives, which keep her alive, and if the Aeroflot plane does not bring her a pack of these pills from Germany, then she will simply die. She had some kind of illness.

Sergey Dorenko

She did not name the disease, I did not ask out of delicacy. But I understood that she considered desperate, incredible hellish smoking the lesser of evils, which means that at 36 the disease was some kind of serious one.

She was a woman who cannot be convinced, a woman who very firmly understands some of her truth and is harsh, up to a break, is able to defend it. I remember how she schooled and put the chairman of Channel One on her knees. At that time, Mr. Blagovolin was the head of Channel One, and, from the point of view of Xenia, he committed reprehensible acts. And she knew how to literally humiliate him, to trample him, looking through him, not to shake his hand. I was so surprised by this. “Ksyusha, Blagovolin is coming to meet you - radiant, full of love (albeit feigned). When he comes up to me, I shake his hand, although I know that he did a bad deed, from our point of view. And then he comes up to you, and you turn away calmly, and you can see in your eyes - you just don’t see him. She knew how to let that coldness in. Ksenia was so principled in assessing people that she told me: “Seryozha, he really committed a reprehensible act and, yes, I don’t watch him, yes, I’m not going to greet him.”

It is also interesting that she knew how to manage men much older than herself, like children. She treated older men like little children. And what was surprising - they obeyed her. I always asked her how she does it. She explained. It turns out that at the age of 17 she fled from Moscow to St. Petersburg with a man who was 20 years older than her or even more. She lived with him. She understood men who are older than her, understood how to manage them. Sometimes, it looked very funny. Everyone is sitting, listening to some frowning boss, who is under 60, who is already tired of himself in this capacity. But everyone writes down, although they turn their eyes away. Ksyusha could suddenly calmly begin to manage this meeting, and the boss was already turning into an apologetic boy, ingratiating and waiting for the boy's praise.

Subsequently, she became the head of ORT, and I, in turn, became the head of information for Channel One. I remember that the formal reason for her dismissal from Channel One was that she did not spend her accumulated profits in June, did not make the necessary payments by June 30, and rolled this money into July. Thus, they went from an expense item to a profit. She was blamed for this by one of the big managers, Berezovsky's colleague - Badri Patarkatsishvili, who said that because of Ksenia, large funds, millions of dollars, were lost. That is, she had to make some kind of payment, it seems, to satellites, she did not do this and these funds turned into profit. And she, as a man of honor, wrote a letter of resignation. I remember it well.

Then, in 2000, she led the campaign headquarters of Mr. Putin's presidential candidate. I must say that not as an ideologist, but as a media coordinator. Good luck. Successfully. She was a brilliant woman, with an incredible strong-willed character and an incredibly masculine mind - iron, steel. Even more masculine than men. At the same time, a beautiful woman, thoroughbred, able to command and able to yearn. Sometimes during the conversation, her eyes showed the depth of suffering. But at the same time constantly smoking and constantly cursing. But a very smart woman, very smart. I must say that my colleagues are now telling me - I swore with her. Guys, I don't remember arguing with her. I do not remember.

Sergey Dorenko

I remember conversations about family life, I remember that she talked about how she would never allow her husband to wash a teaspoon or take out a trash can. She won't allow it, because the house is exclusively on her.

Talk about family life, about health, about people's behavior, assessments of people's behavior, morality, immorality of actions. This was the sea between us, the sea ... the sea. And I don't remember arguing with her. Yes, do not tell me, even if you remember something about my abuse with Ksenia Ponomareva. I don't remember it myself.

She would have been 55 in September. Needless to say, she died early. But I remember how I mocked her that she did not die at 40. Once we met with her, she was over 40, I teased, ironically and in every possible way mocked her ideas of dying at 40. But ... I don’t know how much she would appreciate this joke today ...

Yesterday, at the age of 55, Ksenia Ponomareva, one of the most famous domestic media managers in the professional environment, died.

About her death posted on his Twitter account Demyan Kudryavtsev, who for 6 years held the post of general director of the Kommersant publishing house - it was there that Ksenia Ponomareva's career in the media began.

Ksenia Yurievna Ponomareva was born on September 19, 1961.
In 1984 she graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

Until 1989, she was engaged in teaching work (a teacher of Russian language and literature in a secondary school, then a teacher of Polish and Slovak at the Diplomatic Academy of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
From 1989 to 1992, he was deputy editor-in-chief of the Kommersant publishing house and the first editor-in-chief of the Kommersant weekly (later, when the newspaper became a daily, Kommersant Daily). She left due to disagreements with the founder and owner of the publication Vladimir Yakovlev.
In 1992-1995, he was General Director of CJSC Scheme-5, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine Inspector.

In 1992 she came to ORT (later Channel One).
Since 1995 - First Deputy Director of the Directorate of Information Programs of ORT.
Since 1996, he has been the chief producer of the Information Programs Directorate of Channel One.
Since October 1997 - and. about. General Director of CJSC Public Russian Television (ORT), was appointed on the recommendation of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin.
From December 1997 to October 1998 - General Director of ORT.

Since 1998 - Member of the Board of Directors of the Capital Evening Newspaper.
In 2000, she worked as deputy head of Vladimir Putin's campaign headquarters in the presidential election.
In 2004, he was the head of the campaign headquarters of presidential candidate Ivan Rybkin.

Vladimir Evstafiev, Head of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations of the Institute of Industry Management of the RANEPA, shares his impression of Ksenia Ponomareva: "Ksenia Ponomareva made a significant contribution to everything she did. First Kommersant, then ORT. She was a strong-willed person, an excellent manager and a talented media worker. She sounded so loud that she was remembered. Kommersant had ten in my memory directors, and Ksenia Ponomareva was remembered not only because she was the first, but also because she was talented.

Colleagues in the workshop treated Ponomareva differently, but one thing is for sure: she is from that small number of people, thanks to whom modern Russian journalism was created. This is recognized by both friends of Ksenia Yurievna and her opponents. And with her death, journalism and the media sector in general suffered an irreparable loss.

I express my condolences to everyone who knew Ksenia Ponomaryova closely, and to all her former colleagues.

On the night of March 13, 10-year-old Ksenia Mokhoreva died in the 3rd Gomel city hospital. Just a few hours before her death, the girl frolicked with her younger brother, did homework for tomorrow, chatted with a school friend on the phone. And then she suddenly became ill. An ambulance was called, taken to the hospital, but they could not save. The cause of the sudden death of a schoolgirl has not been established - and this haunts the baby's parents.

A huge cottage in a prestigious village near Gomel. The disturbing smell of Corvalol is already on the threshold - it smells of grief here. A week ago, it broke into this house and took from its owners the most precious thing they had - their daughter.

It was a normal Monday. In the morning my mother took Ksyusha to the gymnasium. I was supposed to pick it up after lunch, but I was late at work. No problem. After all, there are loving grandparents.

- At about 12 o’clock, my daughter called: “Mommy, when will you pick me up from school?” I told her that I didn’t have time and that her grandfather would pick her up, ”recalls Nina Kugaeva. And then he adds: if I could return everything back, I would give up everything, run after my baby on foot, pick me up from school, hug and kiss ...

At four o'clock, Nina returned from work, grandparents handed over their granddaughter to their daughter and left for home. My husband returned from work soon after. Were doing some household chores. Everything, as always.

- Ksyusha cut through the first floor on a scooter, played with Kolya (three-year-old brother. - Approx. TUT.BY). They stuffed him with a bump, I even scolded her: they say, you are big, you have to think. Then we watched videos on the computer with her. At eight o'clock she complained that her stomach hurt. And for some reason she asked for Coca-Cola, - Nina remembers the smallest details.

Nina does not turn off her daughter's phone. It does not even close the last tabs in the browser that Ksyusha opened on Monday. Here is her Instagram, the last call to a friend, the request “find a verse in Belarusian”, photos, videos ...

The woman admits: then she did not attach much importance to her daughter's complaint. Which of the children does not sometimes have a stomach ache? Yes, and Ksenia is still a lover of jokes. In addition, after a few minutes the girl calmed down, stopped complaining and went about her business: she finished her homework, collected her portfolio for Tuesday, chatted on the phone with her friend.

An hour later, Ksyusha again began to complain of pain. Nina went to the kitchen to get some medicine. I could not think of anything to help - my daughter rarely got sick. For all 10 years of life, there were only chicken pox and several times SARS.

- I'm coming back - and my legs buckled. She's curled up in the bathroom, on the floor, on the rug. I say: “Ksyusha, what are you? Get up! She says: “Mommy, now I’ll lie down a little and go to bed, it’s just that my stomach hurts a lot and my head is spinning.”

Husband came running to Ninin's cry Sergey, at this time he was putting his youngest son, three-year-old Kolya, to bed.

- I start to lift - it is cotton. He took it to the room, put it on the bed - white as a sheet, blue lips. I'm calling an ambulance. And she heard and asked: “Dad, don’t, they’ll take me to the hospital, I’m already feeling better!” - says the man.

Ksyusha looks very lethargic, but she still talks to her parents. She reassures her mother, says that the pain in her stomach has already passed, only her head is still very dizzy.

- Everyone sent me out of the room: “Mom, everyone, go, I will sleep peacefully!” And then she began to lose consciousness.

While the ambulance was driving, the parents poured cold water on the baby, shook her, forced her to talk to them - they did everything so that she would not turn off.

- The ambulance arrived. They take one hand, then the other. They barely found a pulse, they said that it was very low. Doctors hooked up a cardiograph, exchanged glances. At first they planned to take us to a children's hospital, but in the end they took us to the one that was closer. In the car, Ksyusha became very ill. She was given ammonia to smell, but she almost did not react. Now I think, perhaps, if it had been an ambulance, and not a simple ambulance, my daughter could have been saved.

Around 22.40 Ksenia was brought to the 3rd city hospital.

We were in the waiting room. The nurse's phone was ringing. These were calls from the intensive care unit where Ksyusha was. They urgently demanded laboratory assistants, then some tubes, a cardiologist was called from home and a resuscitator. Two and a half hours later, a doctor and two nurses came to us. As soon as I saw them, I understood everything. “Are you parents? We fought for two hours. We couldn't save."

How they returned from the hospital, Nina does not remember. At four o'clock in the morning the police and the Investigative Committee came to the house. They questioned everyone for a long time, seized Ksyushin's computer.

Today, almost a week after that terrible night, Nina does not cease to ask herself and those around her one question: how could her absolutely healthy daughter die like this all of a sudden? There are no answers yet. Neither the doctors, nor the forensic experts who performed the autopsy, nor the Investigative Committee.

Recall that the Gomel city department of the Investigative Committee is conducting an investigation into the death of a schoolgirl. A comprehensive forensic medical examination was appointed to establish the cause of Ksyusha Mokhoreva's death.

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The first editor-in-chief of the Kommersant newspaper, Ksenia Ponomareva, died at the age of 55. On Tuesday, August 16, he wrote in his microblog in Twitter Demyan Kudryavtsev, who held the position of General Director of the Kommersant publishing house for six years.

“Xenia Ponomareva has died. RIP,” wrote Kudryavtsev.

The place and causes of death, as well as the date of the funeral, are not reported.

According to the data, Ponomareva worked at the Kommersant publishing house from 1989 to 1992, first as a deputy editor-in-chief, and then as an editor-in-chief. Later she held the posts of First Deputy Director and Chief Producer of the Directorate of Information Programs of ORT. Then she was appointed to the position of acting general director of ORT. From December 1997 to October 1998, she led Channel One as the general director of ORT. Later she was a member of the board of directors of the Capital Evening Newspaper.

Andrey Vasiliev, who was Ponomareva's deputy at Kommersant in 1991-1992 and the newspaper's editor-in-chief in 1999-2010, noted in a publication on the publication's website that Ksenia Ponomareva published only one, the first issue, and then quit.

“The first issue of Kommersant, if anyone does not remember, came out on January 8, 1990, and we have been warming up, that is, we have been releasing numbers for internal use, since the fall of 1989. Ponomareva was the head of the commercial information department, and the author of these lines was in charge of non-commercial information. Then, however, she overtook me on the career ladder, becoming the first deputy editor-in-chief, ”said Vasiliev.

According to him, at first the editorial office of Kommersant rented residential premises at 17 on Khoroshevskoye Shosse. “From that dense time, I remember her legendary signal, weekly (the newspaper was then weekly) distributed over the speakerphone at three in the morning: “Jews, turn in the files!” We called the “Jews” the political department, which constantly missed deadlines,” Vasiliev wrote.

According to him, later Ksenia disappeared from sight, she had problems with alcohol. “I remember inviting her to a solemn (very solemn, really!) evening at the Bolshoi Theater dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Kommersant. She refused: “I look so terrible, Vasya, that I can’t be shown to the public.” I understood everything and did not insist.
