Elena Malysheva's diet menu. Protein day nutrition scheme according to the Malysheva diet

It is no coincidence that so many people listen to the advice of Elena Malysheva. She is not only the host of the TV show "Live Healthy!", but also a doctor of medical sciences. Excess weight, according to Malysheva, indicates that a person is not healthy, and only secondarily is a defect in appearance. To help her viewers always stay young, slim, full of energy, Elena Vasilievna spoke about the secrets of losing weight and maintaining the right weight.

Malysheva's diet secrets at home

By following the rules established by Malysheva for losing weight, you can lose weight without strict food restrictions. All methods of the TV presenter are based on the principles of healthy eating, which means they are doomed to success.

The first rule is don't starve!

Fat people make a mistake in depleting their body on diets that promise weight loss in a matter of days. You should not expect that the fat that accumulates for months or years will go away in a short time.

Ironically, malnutrition can lead to even more obesity. As soon as the body is stressed due to a lack of food, it begins to store any food in the form of fat. Starvation is fraught with obesity of internal organs, metabolic disorders, and reduction of muscle tissue. The main advice of Dr. Malysheva when losing weight is to eat enough, but only natural, non-caloric, healthy food.

Eat more often

This does not mean that the green light is given to overeating. According to Malysheva, a person is able to get enough food equal to a glass. Reduce portions, but between the main meals do snacks. Ideally, you should eat every 2-3 hours to keep your body fueled.

Keep track of calories

Elena Vasilievna set the energy value for a losing weight woman at 1200 calories per day. You can exhaust this limit by eating just three cakes, or eat well all day without denying yourself a dessert. The secret is in knowing the composition of certain products and their calorie content. By counting calories, you can control the amount eaten and find out the real "price" of the cake for your figure.

Drink plenty of water a day

Many losing weight do not even suspect how important liquid is for weight loss. Water is involved in almost all chemical processes in the body. It normalizes digestion, speeds up metabolism, removes excess moisture, toxins, and slags from the body.

During the period of weight loss, it is important to cleanse the body of split fats. Without the participation of water, this process is impossible, so the more you drink, the more you help yourself on the path to health and harmony. In addition, the lack of moisture affects the ability to work and energy of a person.

The daily norm of liquid is at least 8 glasses. This is pure drinking water without gas, unsweetened green or herbal tea.

Pay attention to the chewing process

By swallowing large pieces, you do not moisten them enough with saliva and thereby prevent the complete absorption of nutrients. Elena Malysheva recommends chewing each bite 12 times. So you will fully feel the taste of food, and also extend the time of eating. It has been proven that a measured meal in a relaxed atmosphere satiates better than eating on the run.

Arrange fasting days

Buying this diet, you get not only the recommendations of a competent doctor, but also products for good nutrition for a whole month. The standard program includes a menu for 24 regular and 4 fasting days. These are breakfasts, lunches, dinners and desserts, which are packed in a sealed container in a semi-finished state. Each container is marked with its own color, for example, breakfast is green, dinner is red. All that remains for you is to heat up the food at the right time. Snacks, as a rule, can be eaten immediately after opening the container.

Most containers require refrigeration. For your convenience, delivery is made in 2 stages: at the beginning of the month and in the middle. This way you won't fill the entire kitchen with containers.

So, what is Elena Malysheva's diet menu at home? What can be found inside food boxes?

The TV presenter offers a really varied diet. Throughout the month, you are unlikely to find repetitive dishes. All food is balanced in terms of nutrients and beneficial elements. The average calorie content of the daily menu is 1200 calories, the fasting day is 800 calories.

  • For breakfast you will get oatmeal, whole grain bars with fruit pieces, chicken egg omelettes, nuts.
  • Lunch dishes are made up of cereals with meat, pasta, mushrooms, poultry, fish and potatoes, vegetable soups.
  • A snack is a real treat for those with a sweet tooth. You will enjoy mixtures of nuts and dried fruits, sweet bars.
  • Dinner consists of soups, julienne, stewed vegetables, dietary pilaf, stuffed peppers, etc.

In addition to food containers, you will receive a list of tips from Malysheva herself on nutrition and proper water regime. The box will contain a list of all dishes, indicating their composition and energy value.

On the official website, you can order "male" and "female" diets for weight loss and maintenance. Malysheva took into account the desire to lose weight and people with various diseases, so diet programs for diseases are available today.

On the site you can find out real sets of people. Thanks to the Malysheva system, program participants continue to get rid of fat, which can be read in detail in the "We lose weight with a diet" tab. The before and after photos of the members are the real motivation to follow suit. But besides the project, Elena Vasilievna has something to brag about. On the site you can find photo reports of ordinary people who won overweight with the help of a unique diet.

The results of losing weight with Malysheva are different for everyone. The numbers depend on the metabolic rate, the number of extra pounds, age, gender of the person. According to reviews, an average of 4-6 kg is spent per month. This is a healthy weight loss that does not harm the body. Such a uniform breakdown of fat creates a guarantee that the lost kilograms will no longer return.

The disadvantage of the diet is its high cost. So, excluding delivery, the simplest weight loss program costs 14,000 rubles. Not every woman can afford to spend so much on food alone. Defenders of the methodology call this price the real price for solving problems not only with the figure, but also with the selection of products, the calculation of calories and daily cooking.

Disadvantages of Elena Malysheva's diet at home

Diet Malysheva belongs to the category of low-calorie. Elena Vasilievna believes that 1200 calories a day for a woman is enough for a full life. But many Russian doctors think otherwise. You can not average losing weight, because everyone has their own characteristics of the body. You can not ignore the physical activity. When doing fitness and physical work, 1200 calories is catastrophically small, you can bring yourself to exhaustion.

Promoting any of her methods, Elena Malysheva asks to refuse certain dishes. The list of prohibitions is so long that it puts the TV presenter's diet in a number of programs that sooner or later break down. A complete rejection of sweets in almost 100% of cases leads to a food breakdown.

Malysheva advocates reducing fat in the diet. The use of low-fat foods and a passion for fruit and vegetable menus lead to stagnation of bile in the biliary tract. Fat deficiency affects the absorption of vegetable protein, vitamins and minerals.

Many call a minus and slow weight loss. The TV presenter insists that this is the only way the body has time to change after the reduction of adipose tissue. But for the majority of those who lose weight, the lack of results reduces motivation and forces them to switch to another weight loss system.

How to lose weight with the maximum result?

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Talking about losing weight, Elena Malysheva also mentions physical activity. However, when it comes to specific diets, the TV presenter does not give any recommendations on physical activity. Experts call this a serious miscalculation of Malysheva's weight loss systems, because any doctor knows that a passive lifestyle makes the diet much less effective.

Diet Malysheva has recently enjoyed good popularity. This diet is based on low-calorie foods, which are a key element of any healthy diet menu. This principle for effective weight loss is used in many types of diets and it has proven itself perfectly.

Elena Malysheva's weight loss program

Elena believes that low-calorie foods are the key to the success of any diet. After all, only long-term consumption of food with a minimum calorie content will help to achieve the goals of losing extra pounds. And if you want something sweet - which has a fat burning effect.

As Malysheva notes, with a competent diet based on low-calorie foods, there will be no problems with feeling hungry and saturating the body with essential nutrients.

The most optimal result for human health is a decrease in own weight by 0.5 kilograms per day. In this case, the body will not experience discomfort and fatigue.

What is included in the Malysheva diet

As mentioned earlier, Elena Malysheva's diet is based on foods that are low in calories per specific gravity. It is the main component of the diet. In addition to the batteries themselves, you must adhere to other rules:

  1. You should not starve your body, it will bring nothing but poor health.
  2. Count the calories you eat. The optimal number of kcal per day is a figure from 800 to 1200 kcal. But it should not be one product, but a varied menu.
  3. Chew food well. Qualitatively chewed food is easier to digest and easier to overcome the food tract. The diet of Elena Malysheva provides for chewing each serving of food at least 18 times.
  4. Drink enough water. Water does not contain a single drop of calories, but it perfectly removes toxins from the body. Drink two to three liters of pure water a day, and the first dose should be the morning before meals (half an hour before meals).
  5. Get exercise.
  6. Arrange yourself fasting days. It would be optimal to choose for yourself a certain day of the week when you are at home in order to give your body a break from the usual food and saturate it with light fortified food.

Diet Malyshev composition of products

Low-calorie foods include the following: oatmeal, water, vegetables, light (vegetable) soups, low-fat dairy products, of course, honey, buckwheat, rice, fruits, and the like.

The psychological side of losing weight

It is important to remember that belief in the desired result is not the last of the factors affecting the process of losing weight. If you are 100% confident in yourself, you know where you are going, see yourself slim and attractive as a result of the diet, then you will certainly succeed at the highest level.

If you do not know how to set yourself up correctly, then listen to our recommendations:

  1. Make the right decision, do you need to lose weight?
  2. Start materializing your goal.
  3. Plan everything carefully.
  4. Share with your friends the information that you want to lose weight.
  5. Get the support of friends and family, but avoid the opinions of others.
  6. Get started with your plans.

Elena Malysheva's menu for weight loss

The diet menu of E. Malysheva includes any low-calorie foods, whether vegetables, cereals or fruits. The main rule remains the balance of calories, which provides for a restriction on calories consumed per day in the amount of 1200 kcal.

Diet of Elena Malysheva 10 days

It should be noted right away that all the products that you will consume throughout the diet should be devoid of the addition of ketchup, mayonnaise, salt, sugar and spices.

  • Breakfast: boil buckwheat porridge in a volume of 200 grams, boil one hard-boiled chicken egg, prepare a salad of 100 grams of carrots and one apple, you can season with one teaspoon of vegetable or olive oil.
  • Breakfast number 2: dried fruits 4 pcs., Green tea with cottage cheese casserole 150 grams (use semolina instead of flour).
  • Lunch: steam beef meat and cook a soufflé (120 grams), boil 200 grams of cauliflower for it, drink it with a decoction of rose hips.
  • Snack: Eat one grapefruit.
  • Dinner: stew cabbage with zucchini 200 grams, bake one apple with cinnamon. Before going to bed, drink a glass of one percent kefir.
  • For breakfast, Malysheva recommends eating oatmeal, which helps to remove cholesterol from the body. Porridge is best cooked just on the water.
  • Breakfast number 2: eat two apples and two tangerines (in case of an allergy to one of them, you can replace it with another fruit).
  • Lunch should provide the body with proteins, so boil yourself a couple of chicken eggs or chicken fillet.
  • Afternoon snack: you can treat yourself to low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Dinner should not load your stomach, so it will be light: fresh vegetable salad and a glass of kefir.
    • Breakfast will consist of an omelet on two proteins and just one yolk with one tablespoon of milk, a carrot and apple salad - 100 grams, seasoned with a teaspoon of butter.
    • Breakfast number 2: prepare a cottage cheese casserole without sugar.

  • Lunch: vegetable soup (mushrooms, tomatoes, carrots, and so on), boil chicken breast.
  • Snack: eat some fruit (apple, orange, tangerine).
  • Dinner will be minimal - a glass of kefir.
  • Breakfast: 100 grams of peas, 50 grams of boiled beef meat, dietary bread - 2 pieces.
  • Lunch: stewed cabbage with carrots - 150 grams, boiled fish - 100 grams, a glass of rosehip tea.
  • Snack - one green apple, 30 grams of walnuts.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese casserole without sugar, but with carrots - 200 grams, kefir.
  • Breakfast: 200 g of any porridge boiled in water can be added to taste berries.
  • Breakfast number 2: zucchini puree.
  • Lunch: boiled fish or chicken breast vegetables, a glass of rosehip tea.
  • Snack: cottage cheese with fruit yogurt.
  • For dinner, do not eat bread, we need carbohydrates. Therefore, a serving of vegetables is ideal.
  • Breakfast: pour yourself oatmeal with boiling water, without boiling. For a better taste, instead of sugar, you can add a spoonful of honey or pieces of fruit.
  • Breakfast #2: A couple of apples is the best option.
  • For lunch, we need protein foods - lean meat (fish, chicken) and greens. Forget about salt and spices, use lemon juice.
  • Snack: Eat an orange or a couple of tangerines.
  • For dinner there will be a vegetable salad with 1% kefir.

  • Breakfast: pour bran with kefir and let it brew for 15 minutes, you can eat a piece of fat-free cheese and fruit: kiwi or orange
  • Breakfast #2: grapefruit or orange juice
  • Lunch: stew vegetable stew of zucchini, onions, carrots, cabbage and tomatoes, 150 grams of boiled chicken.
  • Snack: fat-free yogurt and a handful of dried fruits with nuts.
  • Dinner: cabbage salad with cucumber, you can add a boiled egg or tomato and sprinkle with herbs, seasoned with a little vegetable oil. You can drink herbal tea.
  • For breakfast, open canned green peas, you can also eat a couple of diet breads and drink rosehip broth.
  • Breakfast number 2 will be presented in the form of fruits: pear, apple.
  • For lunch, we stock up on protein food - steam a fish fillet or a chicken. Don't forget the ban on salt.
  • For an afternoon snack, you can cook stewed cabbage.
  • For dinner, treat yourself to cottage cheese, but not fatty, and drink it with a glass of kefir with 1% fat content.
  • Breakfast: boiled hard-boiled chicken egg, cheese - 30 grams, 50 grams of green peas.
  • Breakfast number 2: vinaigrette - 150 grams, bread - 2 pieces.
  • Lunch: stewed cabbage - 200 grams, one green apple.
  • Afternoon snack: grapefruit.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese casserole without sugar - 150 grams, kefir.

  • For breakfast, you can cook a protein omelet. You can drink green tea or rosehip broth.
  • Breakfast number 2: pineapple, sweet cherry, cherry, strawberry, peach or pear
  • Lunch will be presented in the form of vegetable soup with dietary bread.
  • Eat one orange in the afternoon.
  • For dinner, prepare a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs. Half an hour after eating, drink low-fat kefir.

Recipes for weight loss from Malysheva

What other dishes can be prepared for weight loss according to the method of Elena Malysheva? Elena Malysheva's diet recipes are quite simple, but tasty. Not all people equally love Hercules oatmeal, so you can cook other dishes for a delicious and hearty breakfast.

Salad "Carbohydrate"

We take half a kilogram of white cabbage, cut it into strips. We rub one sweet carrot on a fine grater, add it to a bowl with cabbage. Cut the beets into small slices and pour in the same place. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the bowl and mix thoroughly, crushing the ingredients with your hands.

This will add softness and tenderness to your salad. You need to use such a salad throughout the day for 150 grams. On this day, it is recommended to drink at least two liters of pure water.
In addition to the salad, you can boil the fish fillet, which in itself is very tasty and healthy! Bon appetit!

Vegetable soup with cauliflower

Peel and chop one carrot, an onion, half a head of cauliflower and a bell pepper. Fry onions and carrots in a pan and add 2.5 liters to boiling water in a saucepan. Finely chop 2-3 potatoes and place in a saucepan. Immediately add the remaining vegetables and mix. Boil the soup for 40 minutes, at the end add the bay leaf, hot pepper and herbs.

Diet Malysheva unloading days

Elena Malysheva recommends regularly arranging fasting days, not only for those who want to consolidate the result obtained from the diet, but for people who are not obese. It's just good healthy eating practice. It is recommended to arrange such a day on rice.

Thanks to rice, the body is released from excess fluid and fat. All that is needed for a rice fasting day is to cook rice porridge for yourself, without salt and spices. For this, 250 grams of rice cereal is enough. After boiling it, divide it into equal 5-6 servings. Consume each serving throughout the day instead of your usual meal.

Diet Contraindications

There are no contraindications to the diet of Elena Malysheva, since the diet is the usual low-calorie diet. Attention should be paid only to people who are allergic to a certain product.

In addition, it can be replaced with any other suitable calorie. The diet is absolutely harmless to health and helps to achieve fairly good results, but for a certain period of time.

Elena Malysheva is well known to viewers. For 6 years, the program “Live is great!” has been regularly released on the screens. Thanks to this program, a project called "Elena Malysheva's Diet" was born in 2012 - scientifically based tips and rules for competent weight loss.

Lose the excess: weight loss with a TV presenter

Malysheva's diet is the result of her own struggle with a tendency to be overweight, because after 40 years, many women lose their beautiful figure and become obese. The struggle for their own health and harmony coincided with the requests of viewers: they were also worried about the problem of how to lose weight correctly. The answer was the television project "Reset the excess", which appeared in 2009. The participants in the experiment were convinced from their own experience that it is quite possible to lose 15 kg in a month without exhausting themselves with hunger. E. Malysheva attracted well-known specialists in their field to work:

  • the author of an effective nutrition methodology M. Korolev;
  • one of the best nutritionists in Moscow N. Grigoriev,
  • doctor R. Moisenko.

The TV presenter's own book explains the rules of healthy eating and gives everyone the opportunity to create their own weight loss program.

Elena Malysheva's opinion about diets

E. Malysheva initially rejects some dietary methods, because they are harmful to health:

  • protein diets are dangerous for humans, because excess protein creates conditions for the development of oncology;
  • fasting - helps to lose weight, but it is the strongest stress for the body. As soon as the food enters the body again, it turns it into fat - a reserve in case of a new starvation. Those extra pounds are coming back. Starvation also damages the liver and poisons the body with toxins;
  • vegetarianism and restrictive diets do not give a lasting effect: a person breaks down and eats everything that he previously denied himself, nullifying past efforts.

Video: the danger of starvation in the fight against excess weight

Rules for a balanced diet

The weight loss technique of a doctor of medical sciences and a popular TV presenter is based on the following provisions:

  • reduce calorie intake to a minimum - the level of basic needs of the body. E. Malysheva recommends consuming only 800-1200 kcal / day. Under this condition, the body will use the missing energy by burning fat reserves;
  • from the diet for the duration of the diet, remove or reduce to a minimum foods containing fats and "fast" carbohydrates, the cleavage chain of which leads to the rapid formation of fats. First of all, it should be excluded: lard, butter and vegetable oils. Sugar, pastries, potatoes, rice, alcohol have a high glycemic index. Splitting, they turn into glucose - a source of energy. If the energy is not immediately used by the body, glucose is transformed into fat reserves, so such food is not suitable for weight loss;
  • limit salt intake. Excess weight is also excess fluid, it is retained in the body by sodium salts.

The recommendations of E. Malysheva (and nutritionist R. Moisenko) for quick weight loss are a salt-free BUCH diet, known as “Minus 5 kilograms in 10 days” or simply an express diet. The effect of this technique is based on:

  • rapid removal of water from the body (complete ban on salt);
  • cleansing the intestines from toxins;
  • acceleration of metabolism due to the alternation of protein and carbohydrate days;
  • burning fat reserves when processing large amounts of protein foods.

Animal fats found in lard are high in calories Confections with rich cream are high in calories White flour pastries are high in glycemic index Potatoes are high in starch White rice increases the risk of diabetes Alcohol increases appetite Candy is high in sugar and fat Pasta is high in glycemic index index Sugar is a high-calorie product

Healthy eating as a way of life

The technique of E. Malysheva does not represent any special discoveries in dietology. This is an ordinary balanced nutrition system based on calorie counting, preference for healthy and limiting fat-containing foods. The author of her own weight loss methodology claims that when eating according to her recommendations, up to 0.5 kg of excess weight is lost every day.

Using the diet of Elena Malysheva, within 1–2 months, without any special torture of your body, eating varied and delicious food, you can lose 12–18 kg and make your weight close to ideal. A long-term diet forms the habit of proper and balanced nutrition. This is a guarantee that extra pounds will not return.

An express diet allows you to lose up to 5 kg or more in 10 days, but it is not recommended to carry it out more than once a year.

When using the technique of E. Malysheva, vegetarians will have to replace protein foods of animal origin with plant foods (mushrooms, legumes). The need for vitamin B12, iron, Omega-3 amino acid, with the exclusion of fish and meat from the diet, must be replenished with the help of pharmaceutical preparations.

Ideal weight and well-being are ensured if a person:

  • eats right;
  • physically active;
  • sleep enough;
  • has no bad habits.

The effectiveness of these banal advice E.V. Malysheva demonstrates every time with her appearance on the TV screen in excellent physical shape.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The diet of Elena Malysheva is based on the doctor's sound reasoning about her health and the competent recommendations of nutritionists. Everything is calculated so that every calorie allowed benefits the body. The menu developed for a month is embodied in dried and frozen products, packaged in containers and sent to customers. This diet is ready-to-eat food, it is the main feature of the Elena Malysheva Diet project.

However, experts note such shortcomings of its power scheme:

  • the calorie content of the diet is very low, designed for minimal human physical activity. International health organizations do not recommend diets with calories below 1200 kcal, and some menus by E. Malysheva have an energy value of only 800 kcal per day. If the body does not have enough energy to meet basic needs, the mechanisms of its conservation begin to work, all vital processes slow down. Recovery occurs only weeks and months after the diet is stopped;
  • lack of fat in the diet, which reduces the content of vitamins such as retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E). Because of this, the appearance worsens, the protective functions of the body decrease;
  • the calculation of the diet was made for people of age and build, similar to the TV presenter. However, it is recommended to everyone as an example of a healthy diet. An individual approach, taking into account the characteristics of metabolism, age and type of activity of a person, contraindications for health reasons - are not taken into account anywhere in the recommendations. Although the author always emphasizes that any diet is stress for the body. It should be applied after consultation with a specialist.

In general, there is only one principle to criticize Malysheva's diet - a person with a medical education is trying to sell "one size for all." It gives out the minimum calorie and nutritional value food (there is little protein in the sets, those who wish can calculate for themselves how the norm of 1–1.5 g per 1 kg of weight is met), which in real conditions is “fed” only to people without physical activity at all and with disruption of the endocrine system, for food "for all". In principle, it does not include in the diet either sources of omega-3 and omega-6 in sufficient quantities, or saturated fatty acids useful for weight loss in adequate doses. Indeed, everyone loses weight on such a diet, but in terms of achieving aesthetic results, such strict restrictions are very, very controversial.

Elena Selivanova, fitness trainer


Malysheva's diet review - video

How to lose weight correctly according to Elena Malysheva

Today, there are already 10 varieties of diets by E. Malysheva, but all variations are subject to the same rules of behavior during the period of therapeutic nutrition. The TV presenter herself identifies 7 rules for losing weight.

To lose weight, you need to eat often

During weight loss, you should not allow the body to experience a strong feeling of hunger. This danger signal will cause every calorie to be turned into fat and stored in reserve. Food should be fractional, 4-6 times a day, excluding the feeling of hunger.

Required diet:

  • breakfast - 25% of the total daily calories;
  • lunch - 30%;
  • dinner - 15%;
  • snacks - 15%.

It is advisable to eat at the same time, then a high metabolic rate will be maintained.

Eating frequently can help you avoid feeling hungry and keep you feeling good throughout the day.

"The secret to losing weight is in one glass"

The amount of food taken at a time (200–250 g) should fit in a glass. Small portions will satisfy the feeling of hunger and gradually lead to a reduction in the volume of the stomach, which means that moderation in eating will form. E. Malysheva was convinced from her own experience that this amount of food is enough not to feel hunger for 3 hours.

"Water is more important than food"

Water in the fight against extra pounds plays an important role:

  • helps to get rid of toxins;
  • accelerates metabolism;
  • dulls hunger;
  • replenishes the salt balance.

To lose weight, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day

Count calories, eliminate fat

As a specialist in the field of medicine, E. Malysheva sets up strict control over the diet. To do this, you need to know the energy value of all consumed products, their composition in terms of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - that is, the basics of dietology.

"I feed you, please eat"

Mood during the period of using the diet plays an important role. E. Malysheva calls to love your body, to respect the processes that take place in it. The advice to chew food for a long time makes it possible to enjoy its taste, it is easier to achieve a state of saturation, it is better to process food with saliva and facilitate its digestion in the stomach. Chew each piece of food twenty times before swallowing it.

2-3 months - the time of application of the diet

During this period, the body is cleansed of toxins, a habit of balanced nutrition is developed, a person's weight approaches the ideal and remains so for about two years.

Diet and sports

Anyone who regularly visits the gym is allowed to increase the calorie content of the diet due to a glass of milk, lunch salad, a couple of apples. One of the snacks should be eaten before training or immediately after it. When using an express diet, you need to plan training on "carbohydrate" days, when the body receives enough energy.

Foods to help you lose weight

For dietary nutrition, the most useful products are selected:

  • meat, eggs, fish, cottage cheese - sources of proteins;
  • cereals - provide the need for carbohydrates for a long time;
  • vegetables - cleanse the gastrointestinal tract well;
  • fruits - consumed during snacks as a source of vitamins and fast carbohydrates.

Chicken fillet is low in fat Eggs contain essential amino acids Sea fish - a source of protein, phosphorus and iodine Cottage cheese - a source of protein and calcium Oatmeal with fruits and berries - a tasty and healthy breakfast Buckwheat contains many useful substances and has a low calorie content Vegetables contain vitamins and fiber Fruits can replace dessert Greens are rich in folic acid

Food product nameContent g/100 gcalories
Kcal/100 g
beef meat18,7 0 12,6 191
Chicken fillet20,4 0,8 8,6 161
Turkey21 0,6 12 192
River fish (carp, carp, pike)16–18 0 0,8–3,5 83–95
Sea fish (pollock, cod, hake)15,7–17,7 0 0,5–2,3 67–86
Chicken egg12,7 0,6 11 153
Omelette9.7 1,7 15,5 181
Milk 1%2,8 4,6 1 43
Fat-free cottage cheese18 1,8 0,6 89
oatmeal porridge11,9 69,1 7,5 93
Buckwheat porridge4,5 27.4 1,6 137
Barley porridge3.2 22.7 0,5 102
Rice porridge1,5 17,3 0,2 79
Beans4,4 4,4 0 36
Green peas5,4 13,6 0,2 75
vegetable marrow0,8 6 0,3 30
Eggplant0,6 7,5 0,1 22
Tomatoes0,7 2.6–4 0 12–19
cucumbers0,7 1,6–3 0 9–15
fresh cabbage1,9 5,7 0 31
Carrot1,3 6,3 0,1 29
Beet1,7 10,5 0 46
Boiled potatoes2 16,5 0.3 80
Greens (onions, sorrel, spinach)1,4–2.5 2,6–5,5 0 21–29
Oranges, tangerines0,9 8,8 0 39
Apples0,5 11 0 48
Berries0,4–1,5 8–11 0 40–50
Dried fruits2,5–3 65–70 0 262–275
Rye bread4,7 49,5 0,6 210
wheat bread7,4 5.3 2,2 246

Table: an approximate menu of the main diet of Elena Malysheva for a week

Eating Menu
(number of products in grams)
Calorie content (kcal)
1st day
  • Oatmeal porridge (150 g);
  • 100 g of berries;
  • 200 ml of milk.
2nd breakfast
2 fruits: 220-250 g120–150
  • Chicken fillet (150 g);
  • rice porridge (100 g);
  • rye bread 40 g
afternoon tea
  • Cottage cheese casserole (150 g);
  • carrots (50 g).
  • Vegetable salad (170 g);
  • egg; a glass of kefir.
2 day
  • Buckwheat porridge (150 g);
  • 200 ml of yogurt.
2nd breakfastBaked apple120–150
  • Vegetable puree soup (80 g);
  • chicken meatballs (170 g);
afternoon teaBaked apple150
  • Vegetable puree (180–200 g);
  • boiled egg, a glass of juice.
3 day
  • Omelet from 2 proteins, 50 g of milk;
  • carrot and apple salad (100 g).
2nd breakfast2 fruits: orange and apple120–150
  • Boiled beef soufflé (150 g);
  • boiled cauliflower (100 g);
  • 1 glass of rosehip broth.
afternoon tea
  • 125 g of bio-yogurt;
  • 100 g of cottage cheese.
  • Cabbage (160 g);
  • stew with zucchini (40 g);
  • baked apple with cinnamon.
Day 4
  • 50 g boiled chicken;
  • 100 g green peas;
  • rye bread 50 g;
  • a glass of curdled milk.
2nd breakfast
  • 150 g of vinaigrette;
  • 1 tsp vegetable oil;
  • bran bread - 2 pieces.
  • vegetable stew 100 g;
  • rosehip decoction 200 ml.
afternoon tea
  • 1 apple;
  • 30 g walnuts.
  • Casserole from 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 20 g carrots;
  • a glass of kefir.
Day 5
  • Barley porridge 150 g;
  • 30 g dried fruits;
  • a glass of tea.
2nd breakfast
  • Puree of their zucchini and eggplant (250g);
  • a glass of kefir.
  • Sea fish (hake, pollock) boiled - 150 g;
  • vegetable stew 100 g;
  • rosehip decoction 200 ml.
afternoon tea
  • Rice pilaf (70 g) with vegetables (130 g)
  • 1 egg;
  • 50 g of cottage cheese;
  • a glass of kefir.
Day 6
  • Omelet from 2 proteins and 50 g of milk;
  • vegetable salad (150 g);
  • a glass of tea.
2nd breakfast
  • Boiled potatoes (100 g);
  • sauerkraut with onions (100 g).
  • Tomato soup (100 g);
  • boiled chicken (150 g).
afternoon tea
  • Vegetable salad (200 g),
  • 1 tsp vegetable oil.
  • Casserole of their cauliflower (200 g);
  • cottage cheese (50 g);
  • a glass of kefir.
Day 7
  • Barley porridge (200 g);
  • carrot salad with apple (50 g).
2nd breakfastapple, orange120–150
  • Cabbage stew (100 g) with meat (100 g);
  • a glass of rosehip broth.
afternoon tea
  • Cottage cheese (100 g);
  • dried fruits 30 g.
  • Fish soufflé (150 g);
  • boiled beans (100 g);
  • a glass of kefir.

Menu Variations

  • cereals (barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, oatmeal flakes);
  • omelette;
  • boiled egg;
  • milk.


  • 2 fruits;
  • cheese casserole;
  • boiled potatoes with salad;
  • the vinaigrette;
  • vegetable stew.
  • vegetable, bean or pea soup;
  • boiled chicken;
  • fish or beef;
  • meat or fish cutlets, meatballs;
  • stewed vegetables for garnish.
  • cottage cheese;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • vegetable salad;
  • walnuts;
  • fruit.
  • vegetable stew;
  • cottage cheese dishes;
  • boiled egg;
  • boiled fish.

Express diet "Minus 5 kg in 10 days" - BUCH

The diet is based on protein-carbohydrate alternation (BUCH): within 10 days, days alternate with the use of only protein and only carbohydrate foods.

"Protein" days mode

You must follow the rules:

  • after sleeping on an empty stomach, drink 250 ml of water;
  • during the first meal, eat an egg with a salad of green vegetables;
  • for the remaining 4 doses, boil 800 g of chicken (fill the chicken with water, boil, drain the broth, then boil in new water);
  • eat boiled chicken in portions of 200 g without salt and bread;
  • Be sure to drink water: up to 10 glasses a day.

Mode of "carbohydrate" days

  • on the first day, the “Brush” salad is used: 300 g 5 times a day;
  • on other days, 1.5 kg of any vegetables are consumed, except for potatoes: raw, stewed, boiled. Do not salt or season with spices.

In this case, kilograms are lost due to the cleansing of the intestines from toxins with carbohydrate food and the release of excess water with a salt-free diet. For the processing of a large amount of proteins, the body draws energy from fat reserves - the weight decreases quite quickly.

Recipes for homemade diet meals

Dishes prepared according to these recipes can be consumed during the protein-carbohydrate alternation.

Salad "Brush"


  • cabbage - 500 g;
  • beets - 500 g;
  • carrots - 500 g;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Chop all the vegetables, mix, squeezing them with your hands, sprinkle with lemon juice.

Product yield - 1.5 kg. Daily calorie content - 530 kcal.

chicken meatballs


  • chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • white bread, loaf - 50 g;
  • sunflower oil - 40 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak white bread in milk, squeeze.
  2. Scroll it along with chicken meat in a meat grinder.
  3. Pour milk into the scrolled mass, salt, add pepper.
  4. Form meatballs from minced meat and fry them in a pan.

Product yield - 450 g. Calorie content 1200 kcal.

baked apples

  • apples - 6 pcs. (800 g);
  • Cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • Raisins - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. The middle is cleaned out of apples.
  2. A pinch of sugar and 100 g of raisins are introduced into the cottage cheese, the filling is mixed.
  3. The core of apples is filled with curd filling.
  4. Everything is baked in the oven until golden brown.

Product yield - 950 g. Total calorie content - 850–880 kcal. Calorie content of 1 apple - 140–150 kcal.

Getting out of the diet

The optimal way out of Elena Malysheva's multi-day diet is to turn it into her own nutrition system. For this you need:

  • keep track of calories eaten;
  • try not to go beyond your calculated minimum;
  • do not get carried away with foods that have been restricted by the diet;
  • apply once a week fasting days;
  • pay attention to the amount of food eaten.

It will not be difficult to follow these rules, since within 2-3 months of the diet the habit has already been formed.

The second option is to return to the previous diet, using the diet from time to time when you need to adjust the weight. In this case, forbidden foods (sweets, pastries, potatoes, fats) should be introduced gradually.

To exit the express diet, it is necessary to alternate protein and carbohydrate foods during the day. After a week, you can gradually introduce the usual food into the diet. So that the lost kilograms do not return, it is better to stay on the main diet of Malysheva.

How to reduce the stomach - video

Side effects

Like any dietary restriction, Malysheva's diet has its own possible side effects:

  • low calorie content leads to a metabolic failure and a rapid return of weight after a diet. In boxes with ready-made food "Malysheva's Diet", the energy value of daily nutrition for women is 800, and for men - 1200 kcal. This is not enough even for a basic level of metabolism;
  • insufficient protein and carbohydrates in the diet leads to loss of muscle mass. After the diet, this loss will be restored already in the form of fat reserves;
  • Insufficient food in prepackaged workout kits leads to self-supplementation. If you do not introduce additional calories into the diet, there will be a malfunction in the work of internal organs, health problems will begin.

Video: the composition of the box with the Malysheva diet kits


Despite the assertion of E. Malysheva that her system is a model of a balanced diet and has no contraindications, people with problems such as:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, peptic ulcer, constipation;
  • cholecystitis, hepatitis;
  • kidney stones and urinary tract diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • adolescence, when the level of basic needs of the body is increased - during this period it can disrupt the formation of the reproductive function of the body;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • work involving great physical effort.

The Malysheva diet is an effective weight loss technique that creates a minimal burden on the body and, unlike most mono-diets, improves well-being, optimizes weight and improves the body as a whole.

At present, it is difficult to meet a person who does not know the Health program and its host, Elena Vasilievna Malysheva. A cardiologist by education, a doctor of medical sciences, a therapist and a teacher, she is the author of more than fifty scientific publications and the developer of the author's weight loss system, which allows not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to avoid the appearance of hypertension, stroke, heart attack. The principle of the technique is based on a low-calorie diet (up to 1200 kcal / day) and regular exercise.

The diet of Elena Malysheva promotes gradual weight loss, no more than 0.5 kg per day, since a sharp decrease in body weight leads to a deficiency of nutrients in the body, which causes a slowdown in metabolism. As a result, instead of the cherished figure on the scales, the indicator, at best, remains unchanged, at worst, it becomes even higher. This is due to the fact that the body, for the purpose of self-preservation, begins to store fat "in reserve", in case of "hard times". That is why the process of weight loss requires time, patience and effort.

Elena Vasilyevna demonstrated the results of her own method of losing weight at home by her own example. At the same time, the high effectiveness of this technique is proved by numerous reviews and photos of those losing weight presented on the network.

Currently, along with Malysheva's nutrition system, the best diets in terms of efficiency are very popular: kefir-cucumber and Dukan's nutrition system.

The fundamental rules of Malysheva

The duration of Elena Vasilievna's technique depends on the amount of excess kilograms. If it is necessary to lose a little weight, the leader has developed a low-calorie express diet by Malysheva, which allows you to lose 5 kg in 10 days. However, if the "extra" weight reaches 25 kg, you should go through a full cycle of weight loss, lasting 2-3 months.

We lose weight with Elena Malysheva correctly and completely free of charge!

Consider the fundamental principles of the diet, the observance of which will not only achieve the desired result, but also stabilize it.

  1. Avoid starvation. In the event of a lack of nutrition, the autonomic nervous system creates the so-called cumulative dominant in order to slow down all ongoing processes, as a result, the body begins to make reserves, creating a “fat depot” even from non-caloric meager food intakes. As a result, weight loss stops, which calls into question the expediency of the efforts expended.
    In order to avoid the appearance of "hungry stress", it is better to compose the menu in such a way as to ensure a uniform intake of food into the body in small portions (up to 200 mg) - every 3 hours. five times a day.
    This will help maintain a high metabolic rate for increased fat burning.
  2. Count calories. Subject to Malysheva's weight loss system, special attention should be paid to the quality, quantity and energy potential of products. They should be natural, low-calorie, without preservatives and dyes, and dishes should be low in salt, vegetable and animal fats. In addition, this technique excludes the use of bakery products, pure sugar, alcoholic beverages, and starchy ingredients.
    To saturate the body and simultaneously lose weight, the optimal rate of kilocalories consumed per day for a person with a sedentary lifestyle is 1200.
    Currently, it is possible to determine the kcal content not only in a certain product, but also in the finished dish as a whole. To do this, just use the online calculator, with which you can calculate the daily diet.
  3. Chew food thoroughly. Compliance with this principle will not only facilitate the work of the stomach, but also avoid overeating. This is due to the fact that with slow grinding of products, an abundant secretion of saliva occurs in the oral cavity, which includes many enzymes necessary to break down products and satisfy hunger. That is why, due to the rapid “swallowing” of dishes, a feeling of satiety appears only after overeating, which is absolutely unacceptable, especially during the period of weight loss.
    Based on the recommendations of Dr. Malysheva, you need to chew food at least 18 times.
  4. Plentiful drink. "More important than food" - says the official website of Elena Vasilievna. That is why the fundamental rule of her methodology is the daily use of eight to ten glasses of purified liquid, which plays a primary role in the process of losing excess weight.
    In most cases, a person mistakenly takes a feeling of hunger for a feeling of thirst, as a result, a false “urge” begins to seize, which leads to an uncontrolled weight gain. In order to avoid the occurrence of "false" signs, it is recommended to drink the liquid upon awakening - on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before each meal and after 1.5 hours. after a meal.
    In addition, during the day it is important to drink one cup of unsweetened green tea (for example, 1.5 hours before lunch). According to studies, this drink helps to improve metabolism, cleanse the body of toxins, and normalize blood glucose levels, which helps reduce appetite.
  5. Reduce the amount of fast-digesting carbohydrates in the diet, it is better to replace them with whole grains, healthy cereal cereals.
  6. Exclude sugar, salt, fat from the menu. In the process of choosing lactic acid products, it is recommended to buy fat-free products.
  7. Eat proteins (lean meat, boiled egg) should be for lunch, because for their absorption, the body spends much more energy than for the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates.
    Adding protein will help avoid muscle wasting. And given the fact that it has a fat-burning effect, Elena Vasilyevna developed a special method for losing weight, called "Malysheva's protein-carbohydrate diet."
  8. Positive thinking. The doctor and TV presenter, in combination, is sure that the psychological factor plays a decisive role in the process of losing weight, since it is he who correctly sets up the body for eating, feeling good, and burning fat. Therefore, during the meal, it is necessary to mentally repeat: “I feed you. Eat for health"
  9. Arrange fasting days every week (for example, watermelon diet, rice). A sharp decrease in the calorie content of the diet over a short period of time stimulates the process of weight loss.

By following the basic principles of Elena Malysheva's weight loss methodology listed above, you will soon see the result of your efforts. Already in the first two weeks, weight loss will be 5-10 kg, but in the future, the process of losing body weight will slow down a bit.

Regular physical activity (aqua aerobics, fitness, brisk walking, running) during the diet significantly increases the effectiveness of the technique, and accelerates weight loss several times.

The Malysheva diet, like any other weight loss technique, has pros and cons.

Its main advantage is its high efficiency, which is evidenced by numerous reports of people losing weight. The second indisputable advantage of the diet is the availability of food. As a rule, for weight loss according to this scheme, the purchase of expensive drugs is not required. To lose weight, it is enough to include healthy low-calorie foods recommended by a gastroenterologist in the daily menu.

And, perhaps, the most important advantage of this technique is the fact that the diet of Dr. Malysheva can significantly improve the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the process of losing weight, the following changes occur in the body:

  • activation of metabolism;
  • normalization of appetite;
  • improving well-being;
  • strengthening hair and nails;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • acceleration of the removal of toxins from the body.

Today, the Malysheva diet is an excellent alternative to separate meals. However, among those losing weight, you can find not only positive, but also negative reviews. The main disadvantage of this technique is the high duration.

Elena Malysheva's weight loss program is designed for strict adherence to a dietary diet for up to 3 months, since long-term use of low-calorie foods allows you to get a more stable result than following a three-, seven- or ten-day express diet. However, due to the monotonous menu, not everyone can practice this technique for a long time. That is why the TV presenter has developed a variety of diet variations that differ in duration and diet.

Dr. Malysheva's weight loss technique is a balanced nutrition program, her daily diet consists of foods that have a low glycemic index. Before practicing this system, it is important to carefully study the list of allowed and prohibited ingredients.

Products for consumption without restrictions:

  • cucumbers;
  • greenery;
  • cabbage (all types);
  • zucchini;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • string beans;
  • mushrooms;
  • radish;
  • green peas (fresh)

Vegetables can be consumed boiled, baked or raw. However, in the process of their heat treatment, the use of fat is strictly prohibited.

List of products allowed for moderate consumption:

  • lean poultry meat (preferably for lunch);
  • seafood (no more than 3 times a week);
  • potatoes (baked);
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • olive oil (1 tsp per day);
  • mature grains of legumes (beans, lentils, peas);
  • side dishes and cereals from whole grains (200g per day);
  • fruits (except banana);
  • bakery products made from wholemeal flour;
  • eggs (3 pcs per week);
  • nuts;
  • honey (2 tsp per day).

An important condition for the Malysheva diet is the use of 2 liters of clean water per day.

List of forbidden foods:

  • butter;
  • fat sour cream (over 10%);
  • salo;
  • mayonnaise;
  • margarine;
  • ketchup;
  • sauces;
  • cheeses with a fat content of more than 30%;
  • sausages and smoked products;
  • bird skin;
  • offal;
  • canned food;
  • fatty meats;
  • peanut;
  • jam, jams;
  • sugar, salt;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sweets, chocolate, cakes;
  • sweet pastries;
  • ice cream;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • vegetables and fruits with a high glycemic index (grapes, peaches, melon, banana);
  • shop juices.

In the process of following a diet, all foods must be steamed (for example, in a double boiler, slow cooker), baked in an oven or microwave oven, or boiled on a hob.

In the absence of time to prepare dietary dishes, today a ready-made set of products for weight loss according to the scheme of Dr. Malysheva is on sale.

Each Internet user can check on the official website of the TV presenter how much this kit costs, as well as order it. As a rule, in such a set there are 4 packages of different colors, in which ready-made food for one day is placed. The use of these low-calorie products allows you to achieve systematic weight loss.

Power scheme

Malysheva's diet for 10 days involves drinking plenty of water and five meals a day in small portions strictly by the hour:

  • 8:00 - breakfast;
  • 10:00 - second breakfast;
  • 12:00-13:00 - lunch;
  • 16:00 - afternoon snack;
  • 19:00 - dinner (no later than 3 hours before bedtime).

Eating food at the same time contributes to the development of chemical reactions, as a result, the body gets used to the constant intake of food and does not force a person to eat up for the future, putting "reserves" under the skin.

10 day diet Malysheva: menu for every day

Day #1

  • breakfast - carrot salad 80g, buckwheat porridge 200g, hard boiled egg 1pc;
  • second breakfast - prunes (3 pieces each), cottage cheese casserole 150g, herbal tea, sour cream 10% 1 tbsp;
  • lunch - beef meat 120g., rosehip broth 150ml., Boiled cauliflower 180g.;
  • afternoon snack - pear 1pc;
  • dinner - baked apple 1pc, stewed vegetables (zucchini, cabbage) - 200g;

Day #2

  • breakfast - milk 0.5% - 1 glass, fresh-frozen berries - 30g, oatmeal - 200g;
  • second breakfast - bread with bran - 3pcs, beetroot salad with prunes - 180g;
  • lunch - boiled chicken fillet 70g, pilaf with vegetables 150g, tomato 1pc, olive oil 1tsp;
  • afternoon snack - fat-free yogurt - 200 ml, apple - 1 pc;
  • dinner - boiled green beans 180g, cod fillet 120g;
  • at night - kefir 1% - 1 cup.

Day #3

  • breakfast - carrot-apple salad 150g, steamed omelet from one yolk, two proteins;
  • second breakfast - grapefruit - 1pc;
  • lunch - boiled hake fillet 100g., stewed cabbage with carrots 150g.;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt - 150 ml, cottage cheese 2% - 100 g .;
  • dinner - cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots 150g, sour cream 10% - 1 tbsp;

Day #4

  • breakfast - rye bread - 2 pieces, green peas - 80g, boiled beef 100g;
  • second breakfast - an apple - 1 pc;
  • lunch - boiled chicken fillet - 120g, vegetable soup with green beans - 200g;
  • afternoon snack - salad of cabbage, herbs, tomatoes - 150g, 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • dinner - stewed cabbage, pepper - 150g., nuts - 2pcs, bran bread - 1pc;

Day #5

  • breakfast - dried fruits 30g, oatmeal with milk - 150g;
  • second breakfast - boiled zucchini and eggplant soufflé - 200g;
  • lunch - stewed vegetables - 180g, boiled pollock fillet - 100g;
  • afternoon snack - fat-free cottage cheese - 150g;
  • dinner - boiled shrimps 120g, baked tomato - 1pc;
  • at night - kefir 1% - 1 glass;

Day #6

  • breakfast - cheese 30g; stewed cabbage - 150g, hard-boiled egg - 1pc;
  • second breakfast - sauerkraut - 100g, mashed potatoes - 150g;
  • lunch - pilaf with vegetables 200g, bread with bran - 2pcs;
  • afternoon snack - pea soup 150g;
  • dinner - cottage cheese 2% - 100g;
  • at night - fat-free kefir - 1 cup;

Day #7

  • breakfast - stewed carrots 50g, greens, barley porridge 200g;
  • second breakfast - low-fat cheese 30g, 2 rye bread;
  • lunch - boiled chicken fillet - 120g, buckwheat porridge - 150g, radish 50g;
  • afternoon snack - - 1 piece;
  • dinner - cottage cheese 50g, baked cauliflower - 200g;
  • at night - kefir 0% - 1 cup.

Day #8

  • breakfast - oatmeal 200g, walnuts - 2pcs, raisins - 30g;
  • second breakfast - 1 orange;
  • lunch - boiled lean beef - 70g, carrot and apple salad - 150g, rye bread - 2pcs;
  • afternoon snack - low-fat yogurt - 125g .;
  • dinner - boiled green beans 150g, steamed hake fillet - 150g;
  • at night - kefir 1% - 1 glass.

Day #9

  • breakfast - pumpkin porridge - 200g, hard-boiled egg - 1 pc, prunes - 5 pcs;
  • second breakfast - pear - 1pc;
  • lunch - boiled turkey fillet - 150g, beetroot and walnut salad seasoned with lemon juice - 100g;
  • afternoon snack - cottage cheese casserole - 150g .;
  • dinner - a salad of onions, herbs, cranberries, tomatoes, sweet peppers - 100g, bran bread - 2 pcs, grapefruit - 1 pc;
  • at night - fat-free kefir - 1 cup.

Day #10

  • breakfast - corn flakes 200g, dried fruits - 30g, honey - 1 tsp, baked apple - 1 pc;
  • second breakfast - ryazhenka - 150 ml, rye bread - 2 pieces;
  • lunch - steamed beef cutlet - 1 pc., rye bread - 1 pc., vegetarian borscht - 200g;
  • afternoon snack - tomato juice - 150 ml, dried apricots, prunes (3 pieces each);
  • dinner - boiled green beans - 80g, baked salmon 120g;
  • at night - kefir 1% - 1 glass.

In the process of following a diet during the day, it is important to drink 10 glasses of water. The liquid will cleanse the body of harmful substances and replenish the water-salt balance.

Compliance with the diet will help you lose 5 kilograms in 10 days, so the Malysheva diet contributes to the gradual weight loss as safely as possible for the body.

In addition to the allowed products listed above, on the network you can find recipes for dishes that can be consumed during Elena Vasilievna's express diet.

In case of changes in the diet, it is important not to exceed the prescribed number of calories per day (1200 kcal / day). Otherwise, a ten-day diet will not bring the desired result.

Depending on the duration, the list of allowed and prohibited ingredients, Elena Malysheva's author's weight loss system is of the following types:

  • protein-carbohydrate, protein;
  • rice;
  • salt-free;
  • glass "energy".

Let us consider in more detail the main features and power supply system of each of them.

According to Malysheva, this weight loss program is the most effective and safe, because it has a balanced diet that provides a daily supply of nutrients to the body. As a result, a person does not experience a feeling of hunger, thanks to which the loss of extra pounds occurs as painlessly as possible.

Enriched with organic substances of carbonyl and hydroxyl groups, Malysheva's protein diet is based on the alternation of protein and carbohydrate days (1-1, 5-2, 3-1), which contributes to accelerated fat burning and dropping up to 6 kg within 10 days.

However, despite the high efficiency of the technique, such a diet has a stressful effect on the body, which is why the TV presenter recommends using it only in emergency cases.

The maximum duration of the protein-carbohydrate diet is 10 days, however, depending on the excess body weight, it can be reduced to 5-7 days. During the period of its observance, it is important to exclude from the diet, seasonings, sauces, spices.

Protein day nutrition scheme according to the Malysheva diet

  • on an empty stomach (30 minutes before meals) - warm water - 1 cup;
  • breakfast - salad of green vegetables and herbs 200g., boiled egg - 1pc;
  • lunch - steam fish - 180g., cucumber - 1pc;
  • afternoon snack - kefir 0% - 1 glass;
  • dinner - chicken fillet, steamed - 350g;
  • at night - low-fat fermented baked milk - 150g.

During the carbohydrate day, you should limit yourself to eating only the Brush salad. The number of its receptions should not exceed 8 times / day.

Diet brush from Elena Malysheva is designed to cleanse the digestive system of toxins and toxins that have accumulated during the period of obesity. The composition of the salad includes 0.5 kg of fresh beets, carrots, cabbage. Raw vegetables should be peeled, chopped, mixed, then squeezed thoroughly and seasoned with lemon juice.

According to the doctor's conclusion, a strict alternation of protein-carbohydrate days contributes to accelerated weight loss and the rapid achievement of the desired result.

In addition to this nutrition system, the TV presenter patented another author's weight loss technique called the protein diet from Elena Malysheva. Its essence lies in the saturation of the body with organic substances of animal and vegetable origin, which, when taken in large quantities, contribute to accelerated fat burning, which is especially important for rapid weight loss.

Protein diet Malysheva for 5 days allows you to lose weight up to 5-6 kg.

The second most popular weight loss technique from Elena Vasilievna is based on the daily use of 150-300g. boiled brown rice for 1-2 weeks.

In the process of choosing the main product of the diet, it is important to give preference to unpolished cereal with long narrow grains, in which, compared to other varieties, the amount of nutrients is several times higher. Namely, vitamins of group B, E, magnesium, phosphorus, protein, fiber, folic acid, selenium, zinc, potassium.

The rice diet from Elena Malysheva allows you to normalize the metabolic processes in the body, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, removes food waste, reduces the level, improves blood circulation, skin condition, increases the elasticity of the heart muscle, and prevents constipation. However, the benefits of the product and the effectiveness of the technique directly depend on the correct preparation of the cereal.

First of all, rice must be soaked overnight, after 5-9 hours. it is recommended to rinse it and pour it with warm water, in the ratio of 1 part of the cereal to 3 glasses of liquid, then put on fire. Considering Malysheva's recipes, the cereal does not need to be fully cooked, since this weight loss technique is based on the use of solid, undercooked brown grains, which have the maximum cleansing effect on the human body.

According to the doctor of medical sciences and the TV presenter, in combination, after achieving the result, to stabilize the weight, you should arrange unloading rice days once every 4 days, during which you should eat every 2 hours from 08.00 to 18.00 for 150 g of boiled cereal, and drink in between meals water, green tea 200 ml.

Considering the fact that unpolished cereal contributes to the intensive removal of potassium from the body, in the process of losing weight, minerals should be taken to help compensate for the deficiency of macro and microelements.

Consider the "rice" menu for the week from Dr. Malysheva.

Day #1

  • breakfast - an apple - 1 piece, a portion of boiled rice 100g, seasoned with lemon juice;
  • lunch - boiled rice 100g., vegetable broth 100g., carrot, cabbage, apple salad 150g, with the addition of 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • dinner - green beans 80g., boiled rice with raisins 100g.

Day #2

  • breakfast - orange - 1pc, pumpkin porridge with rice - 200g;
  • lunch - boiled rice 100g., vegetarian soup 250g.;
  • dinner - salad of kiwi, grapefruit, sweets or a slice of watermelon - 200g, boiled rice 150g.

Day #3

  • breakfast - pear - 1 pc., boiled rice 100g, sprinkled with lemon juice;
  • lunch - vegetable soup-puree 200g., salad of tomatoes, sweet peppers and herbs 150g., boiled rice 100g.;
  • dinner - avocado 20g., steamed carrots 40g., boiled rice 100g.

Day #4

  • breakfast - boiled rice 100g, watermelon slice 100g;
  • lunch - pear, apple, quince salad - 150g, boiled rice 100g, vegetable soup 200g;
  • dinner - steamed 70g., boiled rice 100g.

Day #5

  • breakfast - boiled rice 100g., grapefruit - 1pc;
  • lunch - cabbage and carrot salad 150g, oatmeal 100g, boiled rice 100g;
  • dinner - a mix of lettuce, radish, avocado, sweet pepper 150g, boiled rice 100g.

Day #6

  • breakfast - apple - 1pc, boiled rice with lemon juice 100g;
  • lunch - boiled rice 100g, mushroom puree soup 180g, greens, cucumber - 1pc;
  • dinner - walnut salad, boiled rice, green onions, spinach, avocado - 200g.

Day #7

  • breakfast - nuts-2pcs, dried apricots - 5pcs, boiled rice 100g;
  • lunch - vegetable broth 100g, stewed cabbage 100g, boiled rice 100g, green onions;
  • dinner - boiled rice with the addition of quince, apple, pear, dates, dried apricots, prunes - 150g.

The rice diet from Malysheva allows you to lose -3-6 kg per week, 10 kg in 10 days, 12 kg in 14 days. At the same time, the effectiveness of the technique depends on the correct preparation of the cereal and the dose of the meal, which should be observed with maximum accuracy.

In addition to the above ingredients, Malysheva's diet for a week allows the use of the following foods: vegetables, herbs, millet porridge, raisins, peas, beans, lentils, walnuts, fruits, except bananas.

To avoid returning the lost kilograms, the exit from the rice diet should be gradual.

On the fourth day after the completion of the cereal cycle of weight loss, it is allowed to include in the diet: a glass of fat-free kefir, gray pasta 200g., 2 pieces of wholemeal bread. On the seventh - to introduce familiar foods, especially rich in protein. At the same time, it is worth limiting the use of bakery products, alcoholic beverages and excluding spicy, fatty, high-calorie foods.

High employment, irregular working hours, frequent business trips, stress, traffic jams, fatigue contribute to a catastrophic lack of time. As a result, after a working day, there is neither strength nor desire left to prepare low-calorie food for weight loss. Given the rapid pace of life, the TV presenter has developed a special energy diet. This food system, unlike mixtures and freeze-dried powders, is a frozen food.

Consider in more detail what is included in the diet.

Malysheva's ready-made diet is a set of multi-colored boxes with diet products for 28 days. At the same time, each dish from the complete set is sealed in a plastic container and has instructions for use.

The Malysheva diet for a month involves daily four meals a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner) from the set. Depending on the processing, the ingredients need only be thawed before use, poured with water, low-fat kefir or low-fat milk.

A set of products for a day contains about 800 kcal, while the diet is allowed to include: unsweetened green tea, watermelon, orange, apple, herbs, radishes, lettuce, cucumbers, in unlimited quantities.

In the process of losing weight, it should be remembered that, according to the TV presenter, the value of water is much higher than food, which is why often her author’s method is tacitly called Malysheva’s diet of 10 glasses, since the required amount of liquid drunk per day (2.5 liters) for losing weight is ten cups , capacity 250g.

Elena Vasilievna's "dietary" boxes include turkey, chicken fillet, rice, oatmeal, potatoes, carrots, onions, fish, eggs, milk, broccoli.

Energy diet Malysheva for a month allows you to lose up to 15 kg of excess weight.

Currently, buying a set of ready-made meals is not difficult. To do this, select the appropriate section in the menu of the site of the same name, and then make a payment. At the same time, the price of this kit often justifies the investment.

Also, on the doctor's website, there is a design book, which is an indispensable tool for the correct preparation of the daily menu for losing weight. In addition, everyone can apply for participation in the author's project of Elena Malysheva - "Drop the excess." As a rule, people who have passed the qualifying competition in a TV show, under the supervision of experienced professionals, begin a competent process of losing weight.

Thus, in order to exclude the possibility of acquiring fakes, it is better to buy Malysheva's products on the official website of the doctor, where certificates of product quality are attached to the kits.

The main rule for effective weight loss is the correct attitude to salt, since it is it that contributes to the retention of water in the body, which leads to rapid weight gain.

Currently, Elena Malysheva has developed a salt-free diet for weight loss. It excludes this powder in its pure form from the daily diet, as well as products produced by pickling (salted tomatoes, cucumbers, herring) and cheeses, sausages, canned food, which contain sodium chloride in large quantities. Instead of a white crystalline substance, the TV presenter recommends using herbs. It is extremely rare that salting of ready-made dishes is allowed, while it is strictly forbidden to salt them during the cooking process.

Sample diet menu:

  • breakfast - low-fat natural yogurt - 1 glass, salt-free oatmeal - 200g;
  • lunch - fish or poultry fillet - 150g., Boiled egg - 1pc;
  • dinner - vegetable salad - 200g., fat-free kefir - 1 glass;
  • snacks - apple, grapefruit, tangerines, no more than 1 piece at a time.

In the process of exiting the salt-free methodology, the TV presenter recommends cutting back on the consumption of alcoholic beverages, flour, confectionery, carrots, potatoes, animal fats, vegetable fats, and polished rice. It is necessary to introduce prohibited foods into the diet gradually, while it is important not to exceed the allowable number of kilocalories consumed per day. You can calculate this indicator using the online calculator presented on the network.

Most people who suffer from diabetes are overweight. Given the fact that this disease involves the constant adherence to a special diet, it can be extremely difficult to lose extra pounds on your own.

One of the most effective weight loss programs for diabetes is the technique of Dr. Malysheva. This nutrition system, thanks to the selection of products with a low glycemic index, allows not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also significantly reduce the load on the pancreas, as well as stabilize the optimal balance of blood sugar.

The essence of the Malysheva diet is to follow simple principles.

  1. Complete exclusion from the daily diet of confectionery, sugary drinks, fatty fermented milk products, semi-finished products.
  2. To maintain an optimal balance of blood sugar, it is recommended to increase the consumption of fresh herbs and unsweetened fruits. In addition, in the daily menu for diabetics, it is important to include fresh vegetable salads prepared by oneself.
  3. Meals should be taken at regular intervals. However, when using non-prohibited foods, it is important to consider their carbohydrate saturation. To do this, use a special indicator, the so-called "bread unit" (XE). This coefficient is equal to 12 g of carbohydrates.

The Malysheva diet for type 2 diabetes involves the use of tables that indicate the glycemic index of various foods. Due to the availability of these reports in the pharmacy, it is possible, using a calculator, to calculate the carbohydrate saturation of the finished dish.

Product classification

  1. Slow carbs. This category includes cereals that are made from cereals. The use of such products contributes to a gradual increase in the level of insulin in the blood.
  2. Fast carbs. Dark chocolate is one of the most popular products of this type. Fast carbohydrates can be used if you need a rapid increase in insulin levels in the blood.

The Malysheva diet for type 2 diabetes allows you to eat fresh fruit or a small sandwich as a “snack”.

Given the rapid pace of life, it is often quite difficult to follow the nutrition plan proposed by Elena Malysheva. That is why fasting days can be an excellent alternative to such a weight loss program, designed to cleanse the body of toxins and remove excess fluid from the tissues, which contributes to weight loss.

Currently, for fasting days, Elena Vasilievna has developed 3 different diets. Let us consider in more detail the composition of the diet and the features of the use of each of them.

Diets for fasting days

  1. Protein. The minimum duration of this technique is 5 days, the maximum is 3 months. The basis of such a diet are foods containing a large amount of protein. The energy that the body spends on the processing of protein foods is disproportionate to the number of kilocalories that come with food. For this reason, there is an intensive burning of body fat. Strict adherence to this diet guarantees a daily weight loss of about 600-800 g. The main sources of protein are cottage cheese, chicken meat, boiled fish fillets, eggs, nuts, beans, peas, buckwheat.
  2. Vegetable. This diet is based on the consumption, during the day, of foods high in coarse fiber. These include: carrots, beets, cabbage, celery. Such a diet allows you to lose up to 1 kg per day. In addition, regular vegetable fasting days helps to restore the correct microflora in the large intestine.
  3. Grapefruit, can significantly reduce appetite, as well as remove excess fluid from the body. At the same time, daily weight loss often does not exceed 0.8 kg. Fasting day on, due to possible liver dysfunction, is contraindicated in people who systematically take statins. Otherwise, it can lead to a deterioration in the state of losing weight.

Regular fasting days allows you to both lose weight and normalize metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, these diets are indicated for use by almost every person.

Basic rules for fasting days

  1. Compliance with equal intervals of time between meals (2-3 hours).
  2. In the process of heat treatment of products, it is strictly forbidden to add salt and oil.
  3. Frequent and fractional meals in 100-gram portions (up to 9 times / day).
  4. To achieve a lasting result, daily sports are shown. At the same time, due to the complex effect on the body, the activation of the lymphatic and circulatory systems occurs, and as a result, intensive burning of adipose tissue.
  5. Exclude canned foods, seasonings, spices, coffee, as well as confectionery and bakery products from the diet.
  6. The volume of water drunk, in addition to tea and juice, should be at least 2 liters per day.
  7. When using fermented milk products, it is important to monitor their fat content, which should not exceed 2%.


Thus, the author's weight loss system developed by the doctor of medical sciences and the host of the Health program does not require colossal energy expenditures of the body to burn fat, which is especially important for maintaining health and improving the well-being of a person who is losing weight.

In the process of losing excess weight, you should give up fatty, spicy, sweet foods and pickles, as well as control the number of calories consumed per day (up to 1200 kcal / day).

Which method of Elena Vasilievna to give preference to depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the number of extra pounds and the required timing of weight loss.

For example, Malysheva's express diet for 3 days will help "eliminate" 1-2 kg. If you need to drop 8-10 kg, you need to use a salt-free, rice technique, designed for two weeks. If overweight exceeds 10 kg, a carbohydrate-protein or protein diet from Elena Malysheva, lasting from 10 to 30 days, will help to solve the problem.

A real salvation for business people with a high workload will be Malysheva's ready-made diet in boxes, which allows you to lose weight both at home and at work, without requiring enormous time and labor costs to prepare diet meals.

Regardless of the choice of weight loss method, the effectiveness and result of the system directly depend on the observance of the fundamental rules and the amount of effort applied.

From the article you will learn how to properly use the diet from Malysheva, what results can be achieved, what you need to exclude from your diet, how long you can lose weight and much more.

Do I need to tell you who Malysheva is, and for what reason many people are interested in her diet? From friends, on TV, in fashion magazines, we hear and read every day: a miraculous diet, how to lose weight according to the Malysheva system.

Is the popularity of this diet connected with the program “Health” or did the success come from the TV program “Live Healthy”? A couple of years ago, the presenter herself had extra pounds, she wanted to prove by her own example that her diet really “works”.

We dare to note that the diet from Malysheva really justified itself 100%. It was created solely on the basis of proper nutrition, does not lead to depletion of the human body, slowly but surely reduces weight. In this article, we will study in detail the diet from Elena Malysheva and find out a lot of information that will come in handy if you decide to follow such a nutrition system.

Don't expect a quick effect.

If your goal is to lose weight in two weeks or a month, then this diet is definitely not for you! This method of weight loss implies a period of at least three months.

At the same time, in order to achieve the desired result, you need to strictly follow the program, which you can study for free on the official website of Elena Vasilievna, or buy a ready-made weight loss course.

The second option is good because when buying a course, you will be sent a package with ready-made food, which you will need to eat for three months according to a certain regimen. This weight loss system is rather unusual, but judging by the reviews on the Internet, it is very effective.

There are basic rules for losing weight that must be followed daily, for example:

  • the amount of calories consumed for an adult should not exceed 1200 kcal per day;
  • if you are engaged in excessive physical activity, it is allowed to slightly increase the calorie content;
  • there is a certain list of prohibited products, but more on that later;
  • eat as often as possible, but in small portions;
  • chew food thoroughly, so you will not only improve digestion, but satiety will come much faster;
  • you can’t starve, the human body, with a lack of food, begins to store fat;
  • drink as much liquid as possible before and after meals, water helps to burn body fat.

How Elena Malysheva's diet "works"

Everyone who has ever made fasting days for themselves will agree with the judgment: "The hardest thing is not to lose excess fat, but to keep the weight down afterwards." If you are serious and want to lose weight by several sizes, we advise you to immediately follow all the prescribed rules of this diet. Only then will you achieve the desired result.

Rule #1 - Say no to hunger!

Do not assume that by eating half of the established portion, you will lose weight faster. Yes, we do not argue, at first a short-term effect will follow, but then the metabolism will slow down, and the result will be less visible. And if a person breaks loose and deviates from the rules of the diet, he will quickly gain weight back.

Rule number 2 - fractional nutrition.

As mentioned above, you need to eat as often as possible, but in small portions. Only such a diet will allow our body to be saturated with the necessary nutrients, even with a low calorie diet. And if a person does not adhere to these rules in losing weight, he will not be able to diet for a long time, because he will constantly think about food.

Rule number 3 - count calories.

Be sure to keep track of what you eat. On average, it will be enough for an ordinary woman to consume about 1200 kcal per day. Elena Malysheva advises to gain exactly this number of calories. To make it easier to calculate the calorie content of foods, you need to count through a special diet counter, which can be easily found on the Internet or downloaded to your phone. Also, the calorie content of any product is easy to determine in the calorie table on the back of the package.

Rule number 4 - healthy products.

It is necessary to choose only fresh, natural foods. Before purchasing a product, always study its composition, there should not be additives and dyes.

Compliance with these 4 rules will not be enough, you must also refuse at least for a while:

  • vegetable fats;
  • salt;
  • any sweets;
  • bakery products;
  • alcohol.

Types of diets

1. To burn extra calories.

The purpose of this diet is to reduce the number of calories consumed and cleanse the body. As mentioned earlier, on such a diet you will not lose weight instantly, after about three months you can evaluate the result of your labors. But unlike other methods of losing weight, this one is absolutely safe.

2. For weight support.

This method of weight loss is suitable for people with digestive problems, as well as for those who dream of having a stable weight. Elena Malysheva recommends taking short breaks during the diet in order to maintain the achieved result.

If you think that by losing weight, you will get a beautiful body shape, then you are deeply mistaken in this. For this, you still need to work hard! Beautiful forms of your body can only be created by training in the gym.

This nutrition kit is suitable for those who have lost a lot of weight and the skin has become flabby. A set of special exercises will transform your body in a month, for this you need to visit the gym 4 times a week.

4. In chronic diseases.

The composition of the products of this diet is focused solely on the characteristics of the patient. The program is compiled on an individual basis, taking into account all the subtleties of the client's disease.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

Elena Malysheva claims that in one day you can lose 0.5 kg. But, really, 500 grams in one day for fourteen days give good results. It is easy to calculate that a person will lose about seven kilograms.

Another significant advantage of this method of losing weight is that Malysheva herself is a gastroenterologist. Not only is she an excellent doctor, but she is also a Ph.D.

As for the very composition of her menu, it is impossible to find any significant shortcomings in it, since it consists entirely of the necessary products, selected in ideal proportions, with a low calorie content. How else? A diet compiled by an excellent doctor just has to be effective and healthy!

Many doctors in the world of nutrition highly appreciate the weight loss method developed by Elena. Without special contraindications, this diet is able to put digestion in order in a short period of time, improve metabolism and completely eliminate some appearance problems.

However, there are obstacles for those who do not like to work, such as a long enough diet. The minimum period of time during which it is necessary to follow the recommendations is fourteen days. For many people, this is an unnecessarily long time. Another bad side of this method of losing weight is the monotony of nutrition, but there's nothing you can do about it.

Free menu for the week

The diet from the TV presenter Malysheva Elena does not have any specific terms for losing weight. At its core, this is just a special system of healthy nutrition. Reducing the usual portion and eliminating harmful foods from your diet leads to a significant reduction in the volume of the stomach.

Many patients note that after using this weight loss program, they no longer feel like eating at night and eating harmful foods.

Here is a list of useful and necessary products in the daily human diet:

  • bird;
  • eggs;
  • dried fruits;
  • seafood;
  • any vegetables;
  • any cereals.

The diet should contain enough calories for the stable functioning of the body. If you have doubts about ready-made food from Elena Malysheva, then for you she specially created a menu for the whole week, with the correct implementation of which, you can easily get rid of unnecessary deposits.

Tip: be sure to monitor the amount of food consumed, one serving should be no more than 200 grams. The number of snacks per day should not be less than five times! These are the prerequisites for a weight loss diet from Malysheva.


  • morning - weak coffee without added sugar, oatmeal;
  • snack - apple juice;
  • lunch - lean chicken breast. Vegetable salad dressed with olive oil;
  • afternoon snack - fat-free cottage cheese;
  • dinner - tomato salad, scrambled eggs (2 eggs).


  • morning - buckwheat on the water, rosehip compote without added sugar;
  • snack - one grapefruit;
  • lunch - boiled chicken breast, zucchini caviar;
  • afternoon snack - a sandwich with cheese (replace bread with a grain loaf);
  • dinner - an omelet with broccoli, and cocoa without added sugar.


  • morning - tea, any porridge (you can add a berry);
  • second breakfast - grain bread with cheese;
  • lunch - vegetables stewed or baked on a baking sheet;
  • afternoon snack - a handful of nuts;
  • dinner - fruit salad seasoned with low-fat yogurt.


  • morning - carrot juice, fat-free cottage cheese;
  • second breakfast - one orange or tangerine (at your discretion);
  • lunch - boiled chicken breast, vegetable soup;
  • afternoon snack - pomegranate;
  • dinner - carrot salad and baked eggplant.


  • breakfast - apple juice, buckwheat on the water;
  • second breakfast - boiled egg (1pc);
  • lunch - fresh cabbage soup;
  • afternoon snack - low-fat yogurt;
  • dinner - an omelet with carrots.


  • breakfast - millet porridge, tea;
  • second breakfast - an apple;
  • lunch - chicken with vegetables;
  • afternoon tea - orange;
  • dinner - vegetable salad with a steam cutlet.


  • morning - squash pancakes;
  • snack - low-fat yogurt;
  • lunch - pumpkin soup - mashed potatoes;
  • afternoon snack - an apple;
  • dinner - two soft-boiled eggs.

As a rule, with this diet, in the first six days of proper nutrition, 2 to 3 kilograms should go away.

But of course, everything is purely individual and depends on the age category of the person losing weight, initial weight and his physical activity.

Diet success secret

The diet from Malysheva is carefully thought out and has step-by-step instructions, the composition of the products is written on the package. If you have any questions about the diet, then on the official website you can ask your questions. If all the recommendations are followed, it is impossible to gain weight.

Attention! The Malysheva diet is suitable at any age, it is absolutely safe and gives an excellent result in losing weight, which will be noticeable in a month.

The nutritional complex is not a medicine; it is impossible to know the ingredients of a ready-made meal until you purchase it. But it is known for certain that the composition is based exclusively on natural products and is not capable of causing harm.

The nutrition complex has its own characteristics:

  • there is practically no salt, which prevents the occurrence of edema, problems with blood pressure;
  • the menu is fully adapted for the older generation, taking into account possible diseases that occur in old age;
  • the products contained in the packages have a low fat content. Accordingly, by eating them, you will significantly reduce the number of calories;
  • such a menu is an excellent prevention against stroke, atherosclerosis and myocardium;
  • the composition of the Malysheva diet is so thought out that using it, a person remains full for a long time.

Mental attitude is also very important.

To make the process of losing weight easier, it is necessary that food is beneficial. Often, during diets, women begin to become depressed, they have a bad mood, and as a result, they do not sit on separate meals for long. This is due to the fact that initially there was no right attitude.

It is necessary to adjust your body and even "convince" that we are not going to take it "starve". To do this, you need to mentally say to yourself every time you eat: “I feed you exclusively with healthy foods, please eat.” This approach to losing weight can significantly improve the absorption of all nutrients.

Tip: chew your food thoroughly, the longer you chew, the faster the body will be saturated and the less likely it will be to overeat.

If you sit on this diet for at least 3 months, you will lose weight and come to your ideal weight. But you should not relax, as you will later need to keep this weight. And in order for it to be stable, you need to eat this way throughout your life.

Of course, you can allow yourself once a week some deviations from the menu, but not more often than the established norm. Otherwise, your weight will start to go up quickly, and all the work will go down the drain.

Nine golden diet rules

  1. You can't starve! The human body is very sensitive, realizing that it is in danger of starvation, it begins to store fat even from the smallest amount of food. The result is no weight loss. As mentioned earlier, the Malysheva diet is aimed at gently accustoming the body to smaller portions.
  2. It is imperative to count calories, this will help keep yourself within limits. Calorie counting not only distracts a person who is losing weight from thinking about snacking, but also meaningfully makes it clear that even a small bun is extremely “dangerous” when losing weight. According to Elena Malysheva, 1200 kcal per day is considered the norm.
  3. Chew your food slowly, this way you will be safe from overeating and greatly facilitate the functioning of the stomach. It is recommended to chew food at least twenty times.
  4. Drink as much water as possible. The liquid has no calorie content, it perfectly fills the stomach and delays the feeling of hunger. During fasting days, water improves metabolism at times, removes all toxins. It is recommended to drink about 10 glasses of disciplined water per day.
  5. Fast carbohydrates are bad allies for weight loss. Try to keep your carbohydrate intake as low as possible. Buns, sweets, cakes, you must immediately exclude. It is better to replace them with vegetable fiber.
  6. Do not eat anything fatty, choose exclusively low-calorie foods. In addition, avoid consumption of oil, sugar, and most importantly salt.
  7. Eat proteins - boiled chicken meat is the best option. The intake of animal and vegetable protein will help prevent the development of muscle dystrophy.
  8. Go in for sports. Moderate exercise, such as aerobics, running. The most important thing is not to be lazy and constantly go in for sports, regularity in this matter is very important!
  9. Do fasting days weekly: on rice or buckwheat. Many nutritionists believe that this stimulates the weight loss process well.

How to make it easier to transfer weight loss

According to the weight loss program from Elena Malysheva, moral preparation is also very important. You also need to be able to overcome your desires, many break down without even having time to really start the process of losing weight.

In order to achieve the desired result, you need to reorient your brain and set it up to achieve the goal.

  • Get a notebook. You need to record the dynamics of your success. This strategy will help you keep your weight in place. Rejoice at every small result, be sure to fix the food eaten, if more than it should be, write it down. Sometimes Malysheva's weight loss diet does not help because we break the rules;
  • Thoughts while eating must be filtered. Swallowing food without chewing is at least ugly, at most dangerous;
  • Small dishes will create the so-called illusion of large portions. Zooming in this way can trick your brain. Such a simple trick is useful if you have just embarked on this path;
  • Like-minded people on websites and in personal life are welcome, the more there are, the easier it is for you to succeed. If now you do not have such an environment, this does not mean that it cannot be found.