Children born on Tuesday. What does the day of the week you were born mean? Sunday - Sun

Surely you can't wait to find out what your child will be like. Will he inherit your husband's determination or your gentleness and compassion? Not finally decisive, but an important factor is what day of the week the baby will be born. Today we'll talk about what's in common all those born on the second day of the week.

Tuesday - second day

The patron of the day of the week Tuesday is the planet of warriors and great commanders - Mars. Those born under the auspices of this planet are endowed with a strong and strong-willed character. Martians strive for novelty, they are attracted by the unknown, they are completely absorbed in the thirst for knowledge and new discoveries. These people are able to see all the many options that life offers them, therefore, it is difficult for them to sit in one place or devote themselves to one thing.

People born on Tuesday strive for leadership and love to be the center of attention. It is important for them to see recognition of their merits. Such rigid traits as the desire to be the first in everything and intolerance to objections distinguish those born on Tuesday from other children.

Features of those born on Tuesday

Of course, there can be no pluses in a person, therefore, often the hardness of character of such children is transformed into stubbornness, selfishness and impulsiveness. These traits can just play a cruel joke in the life of a child, as they can spoil relationships with relatives and loved ones. Therefore, children born on Tuesday, in addition to unconditional love and support, also need help in controlling emotions.

Tuesday children have a special charisma and attraction for the opposite sex. They are perfectly built and will have a beautiful physically developed body if they are taught to take care of themselves from childhood. Such people are very unpretentious in everyday life.

Self-reliance is also a common trait for those born on Tuesday. From early childhood, such kids rarely complain to their parents about their problems, as they prefer to get out of their life situations on their own. Sitting in one place for a long time or doing monotonous, boring work is the worst thing for children on Tuesday. Indomitable trackers, they always strive to learn new things, change activities, and this fire never goes out.

How to behave with a child-Tuesday?

Congratulations, you are a happy mother of a Tuesday baby! Now you are a mentor from the birth of an adult, fearless, inquisitive and possessing an extraordinary mind, a child. Therefore, you should behave accordingly. The kid will not forgive the neglect of himself. It is worth respecting his leadership qualities and the desire to solve his problems on his own. But at the same time, it is important to remember that even the most powerful and not requiring help person needs support and approval.

A person born on a Monday is rarely capable of great things. Although the character of those born on Monday, as a rule, is decisive and stubborn. Their words depend on the mood. If you read morality to such a person, you will acquire an enemy in his face. Those born on Monday speak animatedly, love to be listened to and praised. They do not like to lend and repay their debts. They eat a lot of meat. They don't like flowers. They always notice the mistakes of others and make fun of them in front of everyone. However, those who were born in the late afternoon are softer in nature and more sincere.

  • Tuesday

Those born on Tuesday love short hair. Basically they are stooped and swarthy. Somewhat unkempt and untidy. They love to lie, they are not able to be shy. Changes do not surprise them. They agree on little. At the same time, they are brave, they will not abandon their own, they will definitely help out. They live very long thanks to the ability to adapt. By old age they accumulate capital, but you won’t think of them that they are rich - these people know how to keep silent. Their sullenness, however, does not repel, but is encouraging, as they are taken for solid, reliable people.

  • Wednesday

Those born on Wednesday are short-lived. Many live only until adolescence. If, with the support of the planets of their parents and their own, they cross a dangerous line, then they live a long time. As for appearance, these are far from the children of Monday and Tuesday. The one who was born on Wednesday is handsome in face, handsome in appearance, light in disposition. For family ties, there is no person more truly. Those born on Wednesday are ambitious and sincere. With all their positive qualities, in their souls they are unhappy and lonely, but still humbly bear their cross and lay their lives on the altar of the family. True, in the family they are often offended. As for wealth, it simply does not exist, it does not take root near people born on Wednesday. I remember how my grandmother said about one family: “They have Katya the best, but she will have nothing: no money, no happiness, she was born to them on Wednesday morning ...”

  • Thursday

Thursday people have a pleasant, bright face with a healthy blush. They look at others without turning away their clear eyes, which are rarely clouded. The head is worn proudly and with dignity. They will not ask for a loan, it is better to survive on water and bread. They love to sing soulful songs. They love water and swim well. They cook well and love to serve food. They fall in love many times in their lives, while they are quickly disappointed, but they do not show a look so as not to offend. Good friends born on Thursday, caring fathers and mothers, do not climb with advice and do not read morality. Comfort and peace are valued more than anything in the world. They do not seek to shove everyone with their elbows for the sake of a career. They usually live up to 60 years.

  • Friday

Those born on Friday can be recognized by their wide-open eyes. Their eyebrows are raised, their gait is stately. Even an ordinary employee at work knows how to behave in such a way that they take him for a boss. They like to joke, but in a way that does not offend. They love to sing and listen to music, read books, are not indifferent to beautiful dresses. They will not buy a new thing if it is not the best!

They like to look at themselves in the mirror and at the sky. They love to dream and often take their own fiction for the truth.

They write letters to themselves, keep diaries, try to write poetry, they can draw well. If they are given the opportunity to get an education, then they will become useful. My grandmother liked to talk about such people: nuggets. Those born on Friday are able to take someone else's child for upbringing, and not for the sake of fame, but out of compassion for the helpless. If a person born on Friday observes a fast on Fridays, he will live a long time.

  • Saturday

Sabbath people are mostly melancholic, embittered, and can sometimes behave like rabid people, saying whatever comes to their mind. After an outburst of anger, they awkwardly try to make amends. They are not averse to profiting at someone else's expense, to eat, drink at someone else's expense, although they rarely have a big belly. Basically, they are lean, fit, flexible, like acrobats. Their heads are heavy and their hair is thick. They do not like to dress up, they are distinguished by old-fashioned clothes. They say that happiness is not in rags. Consider themselves smart. If they condescend to listen to someone's advice, then they will not take it into account in any case.

  • Sunday

If a person was born on Sunday, then his Guardian Angel is strong. The very name of the day of the week resurrects hope.

Among those born on Sunday there are many people with a happy fate. Among them there are more senior officials, scientists, generals, musicians, artists. Those who had the good fortune to be born on Sunday personify the versatility of happiness. If they fall ill, even severely, then a new breath opens up in their body. They are reborn anew, as if from the ashes they raise themselves, their bodies, their lives, their work. If you are careful, they can live a very long time compared to other people. They have every opportunity to do so. They are believed, they are hoped for, they are willingly occupied and forgiven for any offense, because it is possible not to love and not forgive them. They involuntarily decorate our life, as the blue sky, stream and flowers decorate it.

  • Woman born on Monday...
  • Man born on Monday...
  • Woman born on Tuesday...

Generous and passionate in love. She seduces with a liveliness of mind, a sense of humor, as well as a pronounced desire for independence. More than anything, she loves freedom and is afraid of only one thing - monotony in feelings, which can extinguish enthusiasm. For her, love should be an exciting game, she does not need another love ...

  • A man born on a Tuesday...

Endowed with the gift of presenting his thoughts in the most favorable light, his statements always sound weighty. This is a seduce who uses his own inherent techniques to win you over. You can recognize him by his special humor, smile, by the manner of warding off life's troubles from himself. This is an enthusiast who loves to have fun so that others also participate in his undertakings. Although at first glance it seems a little distracted ...

  • Woman born on Wednesday

Amorous, sensual and tender, although she hides it under the guise of modesty and restraint. In love relationships, she needs reliability; sincerity, constancy. That is why she does not trust love at first sight, passion that can flare up and ... then fade away. For her, attractiveness is not associated with external beauty, but with decency and the truth of feelings.

  • Man born on Wednesday...

A man of honor, conscientious and decent in love. His chaste appearance hides an abyss of tenderness. But he does not always know how to open up and express it. You can rely on him: if he loves, then with all his heart. Faithful and attentive, he trusts outbursts of feeling and prefers calm confidence to passions.

  • Woman born on Thursday...

Enthusiastic, impatient in love. It cannot be said that she was too sentimental, lost in the fog of illusions and dreams. She loves freedom and adventure, loves to live, constantly replenishing her experience. She attracts men with her natural charm, spontaneity and cannot stand it when they try to chain her to someone, in whatever form it is expressed.

  • Man born on Thursday...

Born seducer. He wants to know life in all aspects, while maintaining freedom and independence. He is afraid of the routine of family life. At the same time, he cannot live alone ... Behind the excessive sensitivity and theatricality of gestures, he hides great tenderness. He is capable of deep feeling. This is a person prone to paradoxes, a rebel or an opportunist, depending on his mood.

  • Woman born on Friday...

Romantic by nature and dreamy. She is fascinated by beauty and everything that directly or indirectly concerns harmony. She seduces with tenderness, sensuality, hypersensitivity. In exchange, she needs to be comforted, cared for, protected. Emotional loneliness frightens her, and only in the circle of her family or with children does she find absolute peace of mind.

  • Man born on Friday...

Artist. His charm is irresistible, and when he says he loves you, that's exactly what he thinks. Tenderness and gentleness are at the heart of his character. He needs peace of mind. He must feel that he is loved, approved, cared for. Marriage, family, hearth - these are the words that constantly sound in his ears. And when he falls into your arms (he falls faster than you), he can stay in them.

  • A woman born on Saturday...

Secretive, mysterious, because it is difficult to express their feelings. She is original and independent. Charuya, she does not always use the usual female tricks. For her, seduction should be primarily intellectual. The words "I love you" rarely escape her lips. She may seem indifferent, but deep down she is very emotional, and feelings are seething in her.

  • A man born on Saturday...

First of all, independent. This is an individualist, a person capable of living alone. He is unpredictable and secretive. He does not like to show his feelings and make hot confessions. To the opposite sex, he is rather distrustful. This is a very emotional person, hiding his feelings.

  • Woman born on Sunday...

Impulsive and willful. She is driven by passion. She either loves or does not love - the third is not given. She behaves accordingly. She needs to feel a sense of pride in her partner, because she chooses him. It is difficult for her to make concessions, to limit her own freedom. She prefers submissive men. She is dynamic and is often the driving force behind a couple.

  • Man born on Sunday...

Full of ambition and self-confidence. In relation to his woman, he behaves like a patron. He needs appreciation more than love, and can impress you with his initiative and authority. He likes to talk, listen to himself, he is always sensitive to compliments.

A new day begins, and the most inquisitive natures, under the auspices of Mercury, are born. If the baby was born from 24.00 to 2.00 in the morning, then he is always in the spotlight, very active, energetic. Such kids in the future can be recommended to use the ability to absorb information for successful study and career advancement. In the middle of the night, the most industrious natures are born. Those who were born from 2.00 to 4.00 hours are under the auspices of Venus. It gives the ability to earn and spend money, and generally achieve your goals in all areas of your life. Love is no exception here either. If the baby was born at this time, then one can only rejoice for his future ability to get what he wants. Mars operates from 4.00 to 6.00 in the morning. During this period, leaders, future leaders, are born. If a child was born in the morning, then he will be honest, independent and stubborn. A leadership position is most suitable for him, otherwise the desire to command will not lead to good. Raise such a baby as softly as possible, teach to trust others.

  • Morning birds.

Morning comes, and Neptune comes into force. It operates from 6:00 am to 8:00 am. A very vulnerable person born at this time. Such a child, growing up, is likely to prefer loneliness to the crowd, closing his inner world from people, protecting himself from reality by immersing himself in his amazing fantasies. From 8.00 to 10.00 in the morning, people are born under the auspices of Uranus, who have amazing charm. It is to them that everyone who needs a warm word and help will be drawn, because the main qualities of the baby will be ease of communication, humanity and humanism. It is possible that the baby will be able to find a worthy place in a charitable public organization. Late morning, from 10.00 to 12.00, and its patron Saturn gives a person a highly developed ambition, integrity and discipline. As a rule, such people never follow their whims, always clearly presenting their goals. Such willpower is best applied in political activity.

Jupiter comes into play. Those born from 12.00 to 14.00 in the shower (or maybe in reality) are travelers. They need new faces, places and experiences all the time. They are quite capable of radically changing their lives by leaving for another country or changing their profession to a fundamentally new one. Such kids need to be taught discipline from an early age. Strong and strong-willed people are born from 14.00 to 16.00. Pluto gives them the ability to endure life's setbacks with incredible ease. If the baby was born during the day, life's problems will only make his character more tempered. Teach your child to strive for real, really important life goals. Toward evening, Venus comes into force again - from 16.00 to 18.00. But here her influence is manifested rather in a great need to find her true love. Thanks to such traits as the ability to put oneself in someone else's place and ease of communication, people born during this period often get married or get married early.

  • The sun is going down

Evening comes, and at this time people are born who can find a way out of even the most difficult situations. The baby was born from 18.00 to 20.00 hours? This means that Mercury commands them, and, no matter what happens, he will never give up. He will be very devoted to his ideas, friends and loved ones. Teach your child not to go to extremes and approach everything reasonably, taking into account not only other people's interests, but also their own when solving problems. At 8:00 p.m., the Sun enters into force. It "shines" until 22.00 hours and also allows those who were born at this time to shine. If a child was born in the evening, then sociability and the desire to change pleasures will become its main features. Such people like to be in public, to speak from the stage, and monotonous everyday life is not for them. Those who were born closer to the night from 22.00 to 24.00 hours are under the influence of the mysterious Moon. Birth under her auspices gives the baby a philosophical mindset, a desire for inner harmony and stability. True, it is difficult for such people to achieve happiness and peace, since the Moon makes them very impressionable. Do not worry if your child's career growth in the future is somewhat delayed.

  • Season
  • Children born in winter should be given soft, melodious names so as not to aggravate the severity laid down by nature itself.
  • Children born in the spring show flexibility in various situations, but do not have fighting qualities. This can be corrected with a more "hard" name. This will give them self-confidence and will be protection from life's adversities.
  • Children born in the summer are proud, courageous and persistent in achieving their goals, they are active.
  • Children born in autumn are realists. Few people take their word for it, they check everything themselves. And they have a clear and balanced fun and easy character. Thrifty, know the value of money, thrifty.

The character of a person is determined by the stars, time of birth and date, but the day of the week on which we were born also has a great influence on fate and character. Moreover, according to psychologists, depending on what day you and your chosen one were born, you can judge your compatibility and future life together.

Birthday on Monday

So, if you were born on Monday, the moon is the patroness of this day. The moon is changeable and accordingly it leaves an imprint on your character. People born on Monday are subject to frequent mood swings and energy swings, they are sensitive and romantic natures. They love to eat well and dress well, sensual pleasures are far from the last place in their lives. Public opinion plays a huge role for such people. These are capricious and stubborn personalities, but at the same time they are responsive and always ready to help. As sexual partners they are affectionate and romantic.

The ideal partner for a person born on Monday will be people of Friday and Tuesday. Such an alliance will give understanding and stability. Saturday and Sunday partners will also suit you, but an alliance with these people will involve constant work on relationships. You will not have to rely on a partner born on Saturday if you are ready to take the reins of government into your own hands - then you have every chance to live happily ever after. As for the Sunday chosen one, here you will have to surround your partner with excessive care and attention, if you are ready to put up with the role of a nanny, then this is your partner!

People born on Friday, Wednesday and Thursday are not suitable for a long and serious relationship. While a Friday-born partner may be the love of your life, alas, this relationship is doomed to fail over time. A Thursday person will be overly critical of you, and a partner born on Wednesday will present you with not always pleasant surprises, you will have to adapt to him in everything.

Birthday on Tuesday

The warlike planet Mars is responsible for this day, so it is not surprising that those born on Tuesday are quick-tempered, wayward, like to command and have a strong character. Sometimes their actions are quite difficult to explain, they love dynamics and vivid impressions. In partnerships, as a rule, these people are not simple, because of their complex nature. In intimate relationships, they often lack romanticism and affection, in view of their hyperactivity, representatives of Mars prefer sex fast and hard. It may seem to a partner that they are more having sex for their own pleasure and they care little about the feelings of others, partly there is some truth in this ...

The perfect match for Tuesday people is Monday. The soft nature of the Lunarians is able to adequately perceive the wayward and tough Martian. The combination Tuesday / Tuesday is possible only if one of the partners takes the lead of the other. Also, you are waiting for a relationship filled with understanding and love, with a person born on Thursday. A partner born on Wednesday will annoy you with his frivolity and inconstancy. A Saturday partner will not put up with your dominance and directness, so a long-term relationship is hardly possible. Friday and Sunday people are focused mainly on their loved ones, so if you are ready to “dissolve” in them, then maybe you will succeed.

Birthday Wednesday

Mercury patronizes you, which means that it gives you eloquence, frivolity, windiness. You shouldn't have any problems with communication. As a rule, Mercurians in life and love have a lot of acquaintances and admirers, thanks to their sociability and charm. You are full of new ideas, you like change and communication. Mercury develops curiosity in a person and endows him with an excellent receptivity to languages ​​and information in general. In sex, such people also prefer innovation and experimentation, it is difficult for them to limit themselves to one partner...

An ideal partner for you will be a person born on Friday and Sunday. Common interests, cheerfulness and indefatigable energy will make this union interesting in every way. For a person born on Tuesday, your lifestyle will be unacceptable if you agree to live by its rules - a union is possible. A soul mate born on Wednesday will make the same claims to you as you do to her. If you learn to sacrifice interests for each other, you will live together to gray hair.

A partner born on Thursday is your complete opposite, and although everyone knows that opposites attract, it will be quite difficult to maintain such a union, you are too different. You may have a strong attraction to a person born on Saturday and for some time such a union will have the right to life, but alas, physical passion alone is not enough for a long-term relationship.

Birthday Thursday

True family men are born on Thursday. The patron saint of this day is Jupiter, he endows a person with seriousness, self-confidence, organizational skills, striving for leadership, and justice. These people inspire confidence. They love stability and are wary of change and innovation. They love constancy in relationships, however, they do not come to this immediately, usually in their youth they have many hobbies. In sex, they do not like haste, a romantic setting and love foreplay are important for them. They love to travel. Spirituality and compassion for these people are in the first place, so they often do charity work and missionary work.

In your case, a very promising union will be with a partner born on Saturday. There will be passion and understanding and respect. Good prospects with a partner born on Tuesday, however, this wonderful union can destroy your unbridled jealousy. Thursday goes well with Friday, although you will have to adapt to your partner's changing tastes because he has 7 Fridays in a week! If you are ready for this, a completely harmonious life awaits you.

But those born on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday are completely unsuitable for you. An alliance with these partners is of course possible, but! A partner born on Wednesday, most likely, will not tolerate your leadership and superiority over him, a person born on Thursday has a lot in common with you and that is why it will be quite difficult for you to be together .. learn to give in and then there will be a chance for a long-term relationship. But with Sunday there are so few points of contact that one can confidently say here that the future is very vague.

Birthday on Friday

The patroness of Friday Venus, therefore, born on this day, she endowed with charm, the ability to get along with others, cheerfulness, a beautiful voice and artistry. For such people, external beauty is very important, this applies to everything: things, nature, partners. Usually people of art, actors, peacemakers are born on Friday. These are reliable people who you can always rely on. Sex in such people should be painted with romantic colors, they love long love games, often get carried away and fall in love.

You will have the most romantic and sensual union with a person born on Monday. A partner born on Saturday is also ideal for you, he will surround you with care and love - this is the person you can always rely on. A partner born on Tuesday will demand from you increased attention to his person. The combination of Friday / Wednesday is interesting in every way, the relationship will be colorful, filled with feelings and romance, but the union will not be stable. A partner born on Thursday is unlikely to find mutual understanding with you, the difference in tastes is too great. Friday / Friday combination is difficult, mutual accusations and distrust will eventually destroy your union. The combination of Friday / Sunday is quite acceptable, the only threat to your union may be your partner's relatives.

Birthday on Saturday

The planet Saturn is responsible for Saturday. This planet patronizes scientists and teachers, psychologists, philosophers. Serious and responsible people. These people are firm and decisive, they do not like noisy companies and dubious acquaintances. They are constant in relationships, they take family and marriage very seriously. They do not fall in love at first sight, even in matters of the heart they are able to maintain a clear mind, relying on logic and reason. As a rule, those born on Saturday begin to engage in sex later than others, because the issue of partnership and relationships plays a huge role in their lives.

If you were born on Saturday, those born on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday will be ideal partners for you. These partners will share your outlook on life, you will complement each other well. A partner born on Tuesday will give you a relationship filled with passion and emotion, but alas, such a relationship will not be long-term. Differences in views and too different attitudes towards partnerships will serve as an impetus for a break.

The Thursday/Saturday union will lack mutual understanding, if you are always ready to meet your partner halfway and forgive him a lot, the union is possible. A partner born on Friday can charm and even fall in love with you, but be careful - this chosen one can break your heart. Well, the same as you, a Saturday partner, will constantly confront you, make claims and even reproach. If you manage to overcome resentment and disappointment, the union will be long enough.

Birthday on Sunday

Sunday - This day of the week is ruled by the Sun. These people know how to be happy and enjoy every moment. These people have a creative approach to everything. It is believed that these people are lucky, since at birth they received a charge of sunlight, hardships and disappointments in their lives are short-lived, and success and joy are long. People born on this day have a predisposition to creative professions, they make good doctors and teachers. In relations with a partner, they try to be new every time, however, I demand constant attention.

A smooth and calm life awaits you with a partner born on Monday, although this union will be without violent emotions and passions. A rather interesting union will be with a partner born on Wednesday, because he does not like monotony and boredom, and you, in turn, also know how to diversify the life of a loved one, so such a union will be promising.

Sunday/Sunday is ideal despite the fact that you are very similar. The ability to enjoy life and be optimistic will keep your union for many years.

A partner born on Friday can conquer you at first sight, and if this happens, you will be together for a very long time. But if the relationship gives a crack, you should not even try to save them. In such an alliance, either it goes right right away, or there will be nothing good anymore. Also, a partner born on Saturday will suit you, however, if you forgive each other and do not fall into ambition. But Tuesday and Thursday are not suitable for you at all. The first partner will find fault with you with or without reason, and the second will try to subdue you.

People born on Thursday have a special, unique aura, they are both active and full of self-esteem, wise and light, cheerful and serious.

In general, a person born on Thursday tries never to lose heart and even in the most difficult life situations to remain optimistic. He is an open nature, whenever possible he tries not to drive himself into a narrow framework, and even more so does not tolerate when someone else does it. Freedom is the keyword for him.

A person born on Thursday is sociable, talkative, but is not afraid of situations when it is necessary to be silent. He loves entertainment events, parties, carnivals, discos, loves noisy fun companies, adventures, love adventures, intrigues and so on.

With a person born on Thursday, it is always interesting, he has a good sense of humor. He is erudite and, on occasion, can tell a lot of interesting things, especially from a set of information like “do you know that ...”

A person born on Thursday always strives for leadership, but in his absence he does not particularly worry. He is a fidget, loves to travel, learn new things, get new experiences. He is especially attracted to the exotic.

The main credo of a person born on Thursday is "you need to try everything in life."

People born on Wednesday, as a rule, have non-standard thinking, the ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations.

Usually a person born on Thursday is a leader, an inspirer of ideas, often completely crazy, but oddly enough, in the end, real. As a rule, his opinion is listened to, and often he has unquestioned authority. Those around him are captivated by his natural charm, the desire to make a holiday out of everything and an unquenchable desire to move forward.

© Svyatoslav Gorsky

The day of the week you were born on can tell a lot about you and your destiny. Every day is magically associated with a deity, color, stones and herbs. It is important to learn how to apply the magical properties of your birthday in life.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Why are there 7 days of the week? This is due to the fact that there are 7 main planets in astrology.

Each day corresponds to a planet/deity and is imbued with their power. Similarly, the day we were born endowed us with the power of a particular planet.

According to scientists, the origin of the names of the days of the week and their connection with the planets dates back to the first century of our era. The days of the week are named after the ancient Scandinavian and Roman gods.

According to the director of the Hartwick College Observatory in New York, starting on Sunday, the days of the week are associated with the planets in this way: "Sun day, Moon day, Mercury day, Mars day, Jupiter day, Venus day and Saturn day."

What does the day of the week you were born say about you?


Monday, day of the moon (MoonDay).

The Lunar Forces bless the Child born on Monday. They reward him with outstanding mental abilities and the gift of understanding other people.

Most children born on a Monday are very sensitive, they are easily irritated, they are often disappointed by the emotions and behavior of other people.

Empathy is their strongest ability. Usually they are soft people, because the light of the moon softens them from the inside.

It is said that children born on Monday suffer from insomnia, as the Moon always watches over them at night, preventing her children from falling asleep quickly.

A child born on Monday may suffer from digestive problems, but most often they are very strong, emotional people.

Monday is dedicated to the moon, its magic and mystery. This is the day of women's mysteries, illusions, prophetic dreams, emotions, travel and fertility.

Those born on Monday have the following character traits:

  • You are creative, but you know how to keep your ideas secret.
  • You are a very sensitive person.
  • Your priorities are family and a few close friends.
  • You know how to negotiate very well, and are convinced that everyone gets what they want.
  • You are likely to be successful in running a business.


Tuesday is the day of Mars.

Passionate Mars endows the Child born on Tuesday with fiery will, passion and enthusiasm.

These are people who act spontaneously and like to always get what they want.

All children of Tuesday are warriors, but this is not always immediately noticeable. Their call is to assert their power and become "brave children" like Mars, the God of War.

In childhood, they are very arrogant, but as they grow up, they understand that they need to listen to other people's opinions. Accidents can happen to them, but they are also considered very loyal and powerful.

People born on Tuesday are extremely good at showing enthusiasm, enthusiasm, and inspiration. The key to their magical powers is enthusiasm!

Those born on Tuesday have the following character traits:

  • You have a lot of energy and drive.
  • People are drawn to you and love to help you.
  • You are successful in your career.
  • You sometimes worry about things you can't control.
  • You like chic things and find it difficult to save money.
  • You are honest and do what you think is right.
  • You speak the truth, and this sometimes repels those who want to hear flattery.
  • You are sensitive to criticism.


"Smart people are born on Wednesday"

Wednesday (Wednesday) is the Day of Mercury (Day of Vodin, the day of Odin, the Norse god of wisdom associated with Mercury / Hermes).

The wisdom and dexterity of Mercury endows the Child born on Wednesday with a very strong and practical mind.

Curiosity is your second nature, and you have a natural talent for business and communication. You are called to discover and learn something new every day.

People born on Wednesday have the ability to cope with various problems at the same time. Multitasking allows them to achieve great results in almost any job. It is said that these people are usually satisfied with their lives.

Children of the environment have the ability to telepathy and Astral projection, because they have an extremely powerful consciousness and they know how to control it. The key to their Magical Powers is Curiosity!

Those born on Wednesday have the following character traits:

  • You learn new things quickly and do your job well.
  • You find it difficult to organize yourself.
  • You are unpretentious and easy-going. People love the way you are relaxed.
  • You like to learn from other people and communication is a great joy for you.
  • You get along well with a variety of people.
  • You love your job and the people you work with.


"Children with nobility are born on Thursday."

Thursday (Thursday) - Day of Jupiter (Day of Thor, the god of lightning associated with Jupiter / Zeus). The royal nature of Zeus blesses the Child born on Thursday with optimism and good luck.

Their developed sense of justice inspires respect and enables them to find out what is good for them and strive for it. One way or another, they attract attention and many doors open before them.

People born on Thursday have the ability to succeed, although this may take some time. They often behave well, but at the same time, they always tell the truth, which can sometimes cause them problems.

Thursday children are able to attract good luck and success. The key to their strength is Optimism!

Those born on Thursday have the following character traits:

  • You are optimistic.
  • You respect people and others respect you.
  • You are an independent worker.
  • You are a leader by nature and are willing to work hard to get to the top.
  • You don't like people who criticize you and you may resent them.
  • Variety is important to you and you often get bored.
  • You attract attention with your charisma.


"Wizards are born on Friday."

Friday - Venus Day (Freya Day - the goddess of love and beauty, which is associated with Venus / Aphrodite).

People born on Friday are able to charm almost everyone if they accept their nature and realize how beautiful they are.

They are talented and creative. Those born on Friday bring harmony and beauty to the world.

It is said that the "shadow of children" born on Friday can "beautify" everything that falls on.

As they grow older, they tend to become aware of their power and understand that beauty can be seen in the most amazing places. These are kind-hearted people who can comfort those who have had their hearts broken.

Satisfaction will help them open up and become even stronger.

Those born on Friday have the following character traits:

  • You value beauty and harmony and try to create it.
  • You are more creative than your friends.
  • You tend to be emotionally sensitive in relationships.
  • It can be difficult for you to survive failure, and you are often tormented by past disappointments.
  • Your intuition is well developed.
  • You are a spiritual person.
  • You are wise beyond your years.


"The Sabbath Child is Born with Power"

Saturday is the day of Saturn / Kronos. The god of time blesses children born on Saturday with extraordinary magical powers. Saturn is considered the planet of witches, so children born on Saturday have very strong abilities.

Sabbath children are hardworking people and will go to great lengths to find what they are looking for. People born on Saturday can withstand any challenge, they are very patient.

If they realize their divine nature, nothing can stop them.

The key to their strength is Honesty!

Those born on Saturday have the following character traits:

  • You are trusted and you have many responsibilities.
  • You tend to live in the past or future rather than in the present moment.
  • You are smart and tend to be a perfectionist.
  • You are proud of your appearance and like to take your time to put yourself in order.
  • You can express a negative opinion if asked.
  • You are confident in yourself, which others may consider snobbery.


Sunday is the Day of the Sun, the day of Apollo, the god of the Sun.

The God of the Sun and Light blesses his children with generosity, valor and honor. They are excellent in sports, talented in art, and possess great magical powers.

Sunday children are noble but not humble. They are very generous if it is appreciated. They are optimists, and they know that life will eventually smile at them.

They associate with many people who probably admire them, but they usually have few close friends.

These are very sensual people, but for some reason they feel unloved. Sunday kids love to help those in need.

The key to their powers is pure faith!

Those born on this day of the week have the following character traits:

  • Positive attitude towards life.
  • You like helping others.
  • You need a lot of time to trust people because of your suspicion.
  • You are emotionally sensitive and are affected by other people's comments.
  • You get frustrated easily and may leave projects unfinished.
  • You value time spent alone.

Remember that every day can be magical. And everything always depends only on you.

Do you agree with this? Tell us in the comments!
