Denis reader how old. Denis rider biography

BIOGRAPHY OF Denis RiDer CHILDHOOD Actually, it all started in my childhood... I don't remember exactly, but I was about 6-7 years old when I first heard my voice from an old tape recorder. I took any cassette, pressed the PLAY and REC buttons at the same time and-and-and ... Here it is !!! Here it is the very miracle that surprised me so much, delighted me and forced me to make these recordings again and again, however, as to this day. I recorded everything and everyone: myself, my parents, my friend, the cat Marusya, my favorite songs from the radio on the cassette. It impressed me, I was wondering how that person would sound through my tape recorder, but like this one! I also loved to draw and kept my encyclopedia about animals. I took a book about animals or dinosaurs, took a carbon paper and transferred the drawing of this or that animal to my notebook, and then wrote out all the information about this animal. I don’t know what the point was, but it gave me spiritual pleasure ...

SCHOOL YEARS Once, my first serious fight took place, well, like a fight ... I was beaten, but I endured. Honestly, I was not hurt, but it was a shame that I could not stand up for myself. After this incident, my interests change towards sports. I tried myself in various sections: wushu, judo, karate, sambo. But he began to engage in boxing more seriously, and then bench press, where he completed the CCM. In my heart I may have remained creative, but during this period I strongly suppressed it in myself. "REZONANS" In high school in 2006, I again return to creativity, while doing sports at the same time. Together with my classmate, we organize a rap group called Resonance. Then there was no Internet, there were no such opportunities as now for beginner musicians, we had no idea about rap music. We were just doing something, trying to fit in with that culture. I remember our first song, which was recorded on a genius stick microphone (for 100 r) and to music collected from samples in the eJay program (who knows, he will laugh now). Our song was called "Heroin"! We probably chose this theme for the track, because our city was full of drug addicts at that time, our city even ranked second or third in the county in terms of HIV-infected people. And I also remember that feeling from childhood when I heard my voice in a song! Goosebumps all over my body! Probably, since then I have become a musician, I realized that nothing will give me such emotions as the music written by me gives! We showed our first song to a classmate and did not say that we were singing it and asked the question: “Do you know who sings this?” And she said, "That's Factor 2, right?" Ha-ha-ha… Later, we start performing in our city, and then we got to the neighboring ones. For a long time I thought about how to present myself as a performer ... I went through hundreds of titles, but I didn’t like everything. And so, once we were walking around the city in the summer, I was in my favorite green T-shirt and lowering my head down, I said: “I chose, I am RiDer!” I read this large inscription on a T-shirt, on my chest, and I don’t even know why I didn’t pay attention to this inscription before. It didn’t even matter to me what this word meant, but I knew that from now on in music I would be called that way ...

"RIDER" The age has come when it was necessary to go to college... Many of my classmates went to the cities, like my "partner" in music, and I entered the local institute. So we separated from each other, and I continued to make music alone. It's time for internet battles. I never took them seriously, but they gave me something. On battles, I started to earn my first name, but later I realized that I could not write forcibly. I was tired of adapting to certain limits, I understood that they fetter me in my creative possibilities. And so I begin to write from the heart, I begin to write, really, what I am concerned about. All my songs are mostly written about relationships, about cheating. All this is due to the fact that I cannot come to terms with modern psychology and the behavior of girls, women. I burned myself, heard and saw how betrayal takes root in the most loving couples and it became scary. I can write a lot on this topic now, but it's easier to listen to me in my songs. Later, it becomes interesting for me to express my thoughts to the invigorating club music. I begin not only to read, but also to sing.

Denis Ryder is a Russian rap artist. Born in Russia, Tyumen. His love for music manifested itself at an early age. Then Denis was only 7 years old, he went to school. I decided to record my voice on a cassette and then listened to what happened. He did this many times, and Denis liked it. Then there was no such equipment as now, an old tape recorder rescued. Ryder recorded not only his works, but also everything that happened around, the voices of relatives, the sounds of nature, songs from the radio, which were especially impressive. These actions were definitely mesmerizing and he continued to do it all the time.

In addition to such a simple lesson, Denis really liked to draw. He could sit for hours with pencils and with a book where animals are depicted and draw, draw ... Near the drawing, complete information about this or that animal was presented. It is not clear why Denis did this, but he liked this kind of creativity.

The boy grew up and his interests became more and more serious. Once he was attacked by a crowd of boys and beaten, and he could not even resist them. After this, an idea was born in his head to learn self-defense with the help of sports. He tried various martial arts, but in the end he chose a more understandable sport for him - boxing. He launched his creative impulses a little and devoted himself entirely to sports achievements.

Creative biography of Denis Rider

Already in grades 10-11, Denis again remembered his creative beginning and decided to combine classes with creativity. Then he organized the Resonance group, where he invited his like-minded classmates to participate. The fact that it will be a rap team, Ryder did not doubt for a minute. The boys had a very vague idea of ​​the rap direction, but they created with soul. Their first song "Heroin" was recorded using an old microphone. And the song itself was born as a tribute to the spread of drug addiction, which then rapidly progressed.

After this albeit unprofessional recording, Denis was 100% sure that he would become a musician. He really liked to create and perform his tracks. Having recorded the first song, he heard from a girl friend how she compared his music with the works of the mega-popular Factor-2. It gave me more strength and confidence. Denis and the group began to perform at city events. Here was the question of how to introduce myself on stage. He was looking for a suitable name for a long time, everything was not right. The decision came spontaneously: Denis just saw the inscription RiDer somewhere and he really liked it. So he began to call himself Denis RiDer, and this name is assigned to him now.

When school years passed, Denis thought about further education. I did not choose for a long time, I entered a local university. The members of his group dispersed to different cities, and he was left alone with his work. But he did not give up making music. The era of the Internet has come and Denis transferred his creativity to its open spaces, took part in Internet battles. In them, he gained invaluable experience and moved on. His compositions began to take on a personal character, Denis wrote about painful things. He suffered many times because of the girls, their frivolity and infidelity, so this particular topic became close to him. All his songs are taken from life situations, so they win over the listener, because many people have faced betrayal.

Then Denis RiDer moves to a new stage and writes all his words exclusively to bright dance music. In addition to recitative, he shows good vocal abilities.

Closer to the end of the institute, Denis began to combine work with study and moved to the correspondence department. Just at this time, he began to be invited to participate in concerts. At his work with an uncomfortable schedule, he did not stay long and soon moved to another city. This gave him a free breath in creativity and complete absorption in his favorite business. So in his life only creativity and sports remained. Success with fans and good physical shape confirmed that he made the right choice. His style is distinguished by a good style of recitative, slightly impudent texts, not without the use of obscene words. But these songs are true, about real life and relationships.

Denis Ryder- Russian rap artist. Born in Russia, Tyumen. His love for music manifested itself at an early age. Then Denis was only 7 years old, he went to school. I decided to record my voice on a cassette and then listened to what happened. He did this many times, and Denis liked it.

Already in grades 10-11, Denis again remembered his creative beginning and decided to combine classes with creativity. Then he organized the "Resonance" group, where he invited his classmates-like-minded people to participate. The fact that it will be a rap team, Ryder did not doubt for a minute. The boys had a very vague idea of ​​​​the rap direction, but they created with soul.

After this albeit unprofessional recording, Denis was 100% sure that he would become a musician. He really liked to create and perform his tracks. Having recorded the first song, he heard from a girl friend how she compared his music with the works of the mega-popular "Factor-2". It gave me more strength and confidence. Denis and the group began to perform at city events. Here was the question of how to introduce myself on stage. He was looking for a suitable name for a long time, everything was not right. The decision came spontaneously: Denis just saw the inscription RiDer somewhere and he really liked it. So he began to call himself Denis RiDer, and this name is assigned to him now.

The era of the Internet has come and Denis transferred his creativity to its open spaces, took part in Internet battles. In them, he gained invaluable experience and moved on. His compositions began to take on a personal character, Denis wrote about painful things. He suffered many times because of the girls, their frivolity and infidelity, so this particular topic became close to him. All his songs are taken from life situations, so they win over the listener, because many people have faced betrayal.

Denis Ryder is a Russian rap artist. Born in Russia, Tyumen. His love for music manifested itself at an early age. Then Denis was only 7 years old, he went to school. I decided to record my voice on a cassette and then listened to what happened. He did this many times, and Denis liked it. Then there was no such equipment as now, an old tape recorder rescued. Ryder recorded not only his works, but also everything that happened around, the voices of relatives, the sounds of nature, songs from the radio, which were especially impressive. These actions were definitely mesmerizing and he continued to do it all the time.

In addition to such a simple lesson, Denis really liked to draw. He could sit for hours with pencils and with a book where animals are depicted and draw, draw ... Near the drawing, complete information about this or that animal was presented. It is not clear why Denis did this, but he liked this kind of creativity.

The boy grew up and his interests became more and more serious. Once he was attacked by a crowd of boys and beaten, and he could not even resist them. After this, an idea was born in his head to learn self-defense with the help of sports. He tried various martial arts, but in the end he chose a more understandable sport for him - boxing. He launched his creative impulses a little and devoted himself entirely to sports achievements.
Creative biography of Denis Rider

Already in grades 10-11, Denis again remembered his creative beginning and decided to combine classes with creativity. Then he organized the Resonance group, where he invited his like-minded classmates to participate. The fact that it will be a rap team, Ryder did not doubt for a minute. The boys had a very vague idea of ​​the rap direction, but they created with soul. Their first song "Heroin" was recorded using an old microphone. And the song itself was born as a tribute to the spread of drug addiction, which then rapidly progressed.

After this albeit unprofessional recording, Denis was 100% sure that he would become a musician. He really liked to create and perform his tracks. Having recorded the first song, he heard from a girl friend how she compared his music with the works of the mega-popular Factor-2. It gave me more strength and confidence. Denis and the group began to perform at city events. Here was the question of how to introduce myself on stage. He was looking for a suitable name for a long time, everything was not right. The decision came spontaneously: Denis just saw the inscription RiDer somewhere and he really liked it. So he began to call himself Denis RiDer, and this name is assigned to him now.

When school years passed, Denis thought about further education. I did not choose for a long time, I entered a local university. The members of his group dispersed to different cities, and he was left alone with his work. But he did not give up making music. The era of the Internet has come and Denis transferred his creativity to its open spaces, took part in Internet battles. In them, he gained invaluable experience and moved on. His compositions began to take on a personal character, Denis wrote about painful things. He suffered many times because of the girls, their frivolity and infidelity, so this particular topic became close to him. All his songs are taken from life situations, so they win over the listener, because many people have faced betrayal.

Then Denis RiDer moves to a new stage and writes all his words exclusively to bright dance music. In addition to recitative, he shows good vocal abilities.

Closer to the end of the institute, Denis began to combine work with study and moved to the correspondence department. Just at this time, he began to be invited to participate in concerts. At his work with an uncomfortable schedule, he did not stay long and soon moved to another city. This gave him a free breath in creativity and complete absorption in his favorite business. So in his life only creativity and sports remained. Success with fans and good physical shape confirmed that he made the right choice. His style is distinguished by a good style of recitative, slightly impudent texts, not without the use of obscene words. But these songs are true, about real life and relationships.

It's hard to even imagine a more mysterious and secretive performer on the Russian stage than rapper Denis Rider. The young man records albums, gives concerts, maintains pages on social networks, but at the same time does not tell anything about himself, preferring that fans form an opinion about him from Denis's work, and not biography facts.

Childhood and youth

Denis is so secretive that nothing is known about his biography. According to unconfirmed information, the real name of the musician is Denis Fedorovich Petrov. The young man was born on February 21, but the year of birth is also not known for sure, according to one version 1991, according to another 1995. The young man also keeps the place of birth a secret. According to unofficial information, the rapper comes from the provincial town of Megion of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, but the young man himself calls Tyumen his hometown on his personal page on VKontakte.

There is no information about the family in which the rapper was born and raised. Denis himself recalls that in his childhood there was an old cassette recorder with a sound recording function at home. Once while playing, the boy accidentally recorded his voice on the cassette and turned on the playback. The child liked the sound of his own voice from the speakers of the tape recorder so much that he began to purposefully record the sounds of the world around him on a magnetic tape.

Another old hobby of the musician characterizes him as a diligent, purposeful and assiduous person. Most people in childhood loved to draw, but Denis was different in this respect. The boy spent day and night in the company of coloring and pencils. Denis took special pleasure in drawing and painting figures of animals. And next to each drawing, the boy gave a detailed description of the species, showing encyclopedic knowledge in zoology. But the young man subsequently did not want to connect life with biology.

Considering that Denis grew up as a closed and balanced child, from time to time he had conflicts with aggressive peers. One such situation turned into a serious fight, and the forces in it turned out to be unequal - several people attacked Denis at once. Having received not only physical injuries, but also psychological trauma, the young man thought about sports.

Denis went through various sections of martial arts for a long time, but he didn’t like some, others seemed ineffective or overly complicated, so in the end the young man settled on boxing. Then Denis faced a new problem: in order to achieve success in sports, he had to spend 2-3 hours in the gym every day, but then the young man had absolutely no time and energy for musical creativity. In addition, growing up, Denis also sought to receive female attention by gaining a perfect physical form. Then he got carried away with the bench press and even fulfilled the standard of a candidate for master of sports.


By the age of 16, the young man still missed music and began to devote a little less time to sports so that he would not interfere with school and creativity. Then Denis finally found like-minded people who also dreamed of a stage and loved the rap direction in music. The guys decided to try to bring experiments with an old tape recorder to a new level and created a group called "Resonance".

The group's first author's composition was recorded at home on a cheap GENIUS MIC microphone (schoolchildren simply didn't have the money for better equipment), and the song itself bore little resemblance to classic hip-hop, since young people did not have access to the Internet and draw information about rap culture they simply had nowhere to go.

The guys devoted the first musical composition to the topic of drug addiction and the consequences of drug use. According to Denis, the choice of the topic is due to the fact that Tyumen, where he then lived, was the leader in terms of the level of drug addicts and HIV-infected people throughout Russia. And the younger generation, as always, wants to make the world a better place, improve society, so "Resonance" tried to draw the attention of their peers to such a serious problem.

The soloists themselves were satisfied with their work and decided to give the song to the court of classmates for a start. Oddly enough, the work of Denis and his comrades was highly appreciated, so soon the guys were already giving small concerts at private parties and in clubs in Tyumen and surrounding towns. Considering that the group began to gain popularity, Denis, as a soloist, needed a creative pseudonym.

For a long time, the young man went through all sorts of versions in his head, but he could not stop at any of them. Until I read Rider on my own T-shirt. Then Denis did not even know what this word means, but he already firmly decided that it would become his rapper name. Later, the young man found out for himself that “Rider” is translated from English as a rider, and although he is indifferent to equestrian sports, the pseudonym stuck.

Despite the apparent success, the group lasted only 2 years. When the guys finished school, the Resonance comrades chose a different path and left Tyumen to enter major Russian universities. Denis stayed in Tyumen and continued to write songs. Now the age of the Internet has come, and it was through the World Wide Web that the young man promoted his work.

A special role in the popularization of the music of Denis Rider was played by the increasingly popular Internet battles between novice rappers. But soon the musician realized that he did not want to write songs specifically for Internet battles, there was no soul in these words, and Denis wanted to convey the inner world in his texts.

The main theme in the work of Denis Rider now is the relationship between a man and a woman, betrayal, betrayal. So the popular compositions "Girl", "Future" were born. Fans of the rapper's work especially liked the song "I Promise", recorded together with. Soon, the guys shot a video for this composition in support of the artist's debut album, which is called "Hybrid".

Personal life

Denis is still young, but his songs already clearly show that he wants a serious relationship and even a family. Only the absence of a beloved girl stops a young man, although on the page in "Instagram" the performer posted a Christmas photo in the company of a charming stranger.

At the same time, Denis talks on social networks about the unpleasant experience of relationships with women, the betrayals that he had to endure. The rapper's distrust of female representatives is also connected with this, although in the song "Future" he says that he is still looking for and waiting for his only one.

Denis Rider now

Denis Rider graduated from the correspondence department of the institute, and devotes his free time to music. In 2017, the musician released a new album called "Lavender", and it was recorded in a fundamentally new style.

Denis' songs are an original hybrid of hip-hop and dance music, and the words are filled with a thirst for love and affection. Fans appreciated the flair of romance in the work of Denis, as well as the original presentation of compositions in the dancehall style.
