Yes, everyone knows this! Biography Dolmatovsky E. a

Before the war, the song to the words of Dolmatovsky "Beloved City" became famous, and during the war all the people sang "There is your card in my little pocket", "Oh, Dnipro, Dnipro, you are wide, powerful", "The night is short. Clouds sleep" .

DOLMATOVSKY Yevgeny Aronovich poet, songwriter for films, screenwriter was born in Moscow on May 5, 1915 in the family of a lawyer who was arrested in 1937. Worked at the Moscow Metro. He published his first poems in 1934. He graduated from the Literary Institute in 1937.

Before the war, the song to the words of Dolmatovsky "Beloved City" became famous, and during the war all the people sang "There is your card in my little pocket", "Oh, Dnipro, Dnipro, you are wide, powerful", "The night is short. Clouds sleep" . He was taken prisoner by the Germans and fled. He wrote strongly about the conflagrations of the war in Ukraine in the poem "Missing": "The oak grove writhed, shuddered. Flames emanated convulsions, as if roosters with severed heads were rushing left and right." Touches the image of the Ukrainian Verbina Khristina, who saved him during the escape.

In the first post-war years, like many poets, he practiced the rhetoric of non-conflict - in cycles about the communist future, where there are no locks on the doors, about the Volga-Don, turning a blind eye to the fact that almost all of "this great construction" was on the bones of prisoners. At the same time, Dolmatovsky, teaching at the Literary Institute, brought up many young poets, by no means inspiring them with a rhetorical style.

He owns the collections The Word about Tomorrow (1949; State Prize of the USSR, 1950), Years and Songs (1963), It Was. Notes of a poet" (books 1-3, 1973-88). The book about the Great Patriotic War - "Green Gate" (1981-82). The story "International carriage" (1986).

Lyricist for films:









Evgeny Aronovich Dolmatovsky

Dolmatovsky Evgeny Aronovich (1915/1994) - Soviet poet and writer. Most of Dolmatovsky's work consists of poetic works dedicated to front-line reality, as well as personal impressions of it. Dolmatovsky is also known as a songwriter, his compositions are filled with lyricism, subtle feelings, spirituality - "Beloved City", "Song of the World", "If only the guys of the whole earth." Many of Dolmatovsky's songs were heard in various films.

Guryeva T.N. New literary dictionary / T.N. Guriev. - Rostov n / a, Phoenix, 2009, p. 88.

Dolmatovsky Evgeny Aronovich - poet.

Born in the family of a lawyer, his mother is a librarian. “We lived in a typical communal apartment: six rooms, six families, six gas burners in a spacious kitchen, a queue in the bathroom and toilet in the morning, a telephone in the corridor” (“My Mother's Chest” // SS: in 3 volumes. Vol. 3. 1989). He worked on the construction of the Moscow metro (Okhotny Ryad station, as a drifter, hauler). Graduated from the Literary Institute. M. Gorky (1937), in which later for a long time he was a professor, head of the seminar, educator of many others. young poets. Member of the Great Patriotic War, was captured, fled, rescued by a Belarusian peasant woman, with whose family he maintained relations for many years.

The first book of poems "Lyrics" (1934), which included only 12 verses, attracted the attention of readers with immediacy and liveliness of intonations, recognizability of realities: "We live in a vast world, / We live in the same apartment: / On the right is a bunk, on the left is a bunk, / On the right I, and on the left is Kolka ”(“ Three ”). The following year, the second book, The Day, appeared, in 1937 - the poem Felix Dzerzhinsky, in 1938 - Poems and Poems, in 1939 - Far Eastern Poems, in 1940 - Three Seasons. “The literary generation to which Dolmatovsky belongs ... appeared as a generation of fervent Komsomol poets. And Dolmatovsky’s early poems, one might say, are a document of the era, not only in the sense that they talk about Spain, the construction of the metro and Magnitka, that is, about what people lived then, but also in the most inner sense of heroism, genuine enthusiasm , joyful inner buzz, uplift, delight ”(Vanshenkin K. About the poet // Dolmatovsky E. Selected works: in 2 vols. M., 1971). Only in his declining years, in the prosaic memoir notes “Comrade Writers,” Dolmatovsky wrote about the background (and despite what) this genuine enthusiasm and delight sometimes flourished: “What storms raged, what accusations shook our writers’ corporation, how the threads connecting us, how timidly our yesterday's acquaintances turned away at the meeting, what shameless words sometimes broke from the rostrum of the House of Writers. "Slander hit" the poet's family as well, "clouds began to gather" over him. However, these dramatic circumstances did not force Dolmatovsky to change the convictions of his youth: he continued to write “about how his peers went to shock construction sites, worked on collective farm fields, how they were sent to distant kulak villages to export grain surpluses”, and later - “about the construction Volga-Don, about the festival of youth, about the Ashgabat earthquake, about virgin lands” (K. Vanshenkin).

Dolmatovsky is one of the most widely published Soviet poets. Twice (in 1978 and 1989) his three-volume books were published, in 1971 a two-volume book, repeatedly (1948, 1955, 1959, 1965) - voluminous one-volume books, not counting numerous collections of new poems, and later prose. It should be noted, however, that these publications were distributed quite successfully and did not stay on store shelves. The popularity of the name Dolmatovsky was largely due to his songs: “Beloved City” (1939), “My Beloved” (1941), “Oh, how would I live ...”, “Accompanying Song” (“We took the Eagle with the battle. .."), "Random Waltz" (both - 1943), "Lenin's Mountains" (1948), "A Siberian went to war" (1948), "Sormovskaya lyric" (1949), "If the guys of the whole earth" (1958 ), “And apple trees will bloom on Mars” (1962), etc. Dolmatovsky’s song texts were distinguished by their undoubted musicality, plot and rhythmic inventiveness, aphoristic memorability of lines - it’s not without reason that many of them became proverbs, were repeated as slogans, newspaper headlines, etc. d.

The same qualities - musicality, plot, aphorism - are attractive in Dolmatovsky's best poems, not intended for song performance. Topics that other authors could sound rhetorical and semi-official, he knows how to "apply" lively and humanely. Along with the poem (the most significant of Dolmatovsky's poems is the trilogy "One Fate", based on personal experience during the Great Patriotic War, the first part - "Missing" - created in 1942-43) and a ballad, he cultivates the genre of "stories in verse ”(“ The Story of a Single Woman ”,“ The Story of a Musician ”,“ The Story of a General ”,“ The Story of a Grandmother ”, etc.), creates, resurrecting the pages of his metro construction youth, a novel in verse“ Volunteers ”(1952-55), based on which was staged a famous movie. At the same time, subtle, laconic lyrics are also available to Dolmatovsky's pen: “It must be very strange / Mysterious in fact: / Poets who died early, / They managed to tell about their death. / But the living poets too, / And more often in the early, first book, / Such that the skin is cold, / There are lines about the last moment.

Along with approving assessments, Dolmatovsky's poetry in different years also caused criticism, reproaches for opportunism, newspaper production, and craftsmanship. An article by A. Sinyavsky in Novy Mir (No. 3. 1965) titled “There are such poems ...” (about Dolmatovsky’s book “Poems about us”. M., 1964) is indicative: “It's time to present an account for poems of an average level . There are such poems - "medium" ones, which you can not refuse the presence of thoughts and feelings, their author - in experience and resourcefulness in the means of image, composition, catchy aphorisms, etc. What they lack is poetry in the big and lofty sense of the word... We lack bitterness, acid and salt in Dolmatovsky's poems...' With all the possible subjectivity and partiality, something really significant is caught here: Dolmatovsky really more a master who knows his craft than a spontaneous singer-improviser, for whom "verses are not written - they happen" (A. Voznesensky). It is not without reason that Dolmatovsky has more thematic books than any of the Soviet poets, subject to a single plan: "The Book of Peers" (1947, with sections "Meetings of Peers", "Tests of Peers", "Love of Peers", "Journeys of Peers") , published in the same year (the year of the 30th anniversary of the October Revolution and the 25th anniversary of the USSR) the book "Constellation", where each of the Soviet republics (at that time sixteen) is dedicated to a poem. The report on trips to Africa was the book “Africa has the shape of a heart” (1961), a business trip to Vietnam gave rise to the book “The Girl in White” (1968), the book “Interstih” (M., 1982) included the cycles “Myths of Modern Greece”, "Poems about Portugal", the poems "Hands of Guevara", "Chile in the Heart", etc.

However, it would be wrong to consider Dolmatovsky an artisan, ready to write about anything. He is a poet of certain positions, strong convictions. In the dramatic situation of the changes that came to the country, Dolmatovsky strove to defend the ideals of his Komsomol youth, and the combat offensive pathos sometimes gave way to a defensive one: “Do not touch our legends, / Involved in blood, / We did not create them - / They created us. / "Aurora" entered the Neva / And fired one shot, / But it turned into a volley / And it sounds like a volley for centuries ”(an example of white verse is extremely rare in Dolmatovsky).

Since the early 1970s, Dolmatovsky has been publishing prose. A series of books under the general title "It Was (Notes of a Poet)" (Moscow, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1979, 1988) contains valuable memoirs and reflections on poetry. "Green gate" (Separate edition of M., 1983, 1985, 1989) is defined by the author as "a documentary legend about one of the first battles of the Great Patriotic War."

Over the years, Dolmatovsky acted as a translator and compiler of books of foreign poetry (Rising to a new life: Modern German poetry (1945-53). M., 1954; German poetry 1954-59. M., 1959; Mongolian poetry, M., 1957; Modern Scandinavian Poetry, Moscow, 1959; Poetry Fires: Poems of Vietnamese Poets, Moscow, 1968).


Used materials of the book: Russian literature of the XX century. Prose writers, poets, playwrights. Biobibliographic dictionary. Volume 1. p. 636-638.

Read further:

Russian writers and poets(biographical guide).


Faith in victory. Moscow dawns: poems. M., 1941;

Song about the Dnieper: Frontline poems. M., 1942;

Poems about Stalingrad. M., 1942;

Steppe notebook: poems. M., 1943;

Poems 1941-1943 M., 1944;

Poems from afar. M., 1945;

Ponyri: a poem. Kursk, 1946;

One Fate: Three Poems. M., 1947;

One Fate: Three Poems. M., 1957;

A Word about Tomorrow: A Book of Poems. M., 1950;

Poems, songs, poems. M., 1951;

About courage, about friendship, about love: A book of poems. M., 1954;

Stalingrad poems: 1942-1952. M., 1952;

Stalingrad poems: 1942-1952. Stalingrad, 1955;

Poems and songs. M., 1954. (B-ka "Spark");

In Hungary in the spring of 1957: From a diary. M., 1957;

On the roads of life: poems and songs. M., 1958;

Years and songs. M., 1961;

Everything is just beginning: Poems and songs about bright Africa, about love, about dreamers and builders. M., 1961;

Volunteers. Screenplay / joint. with Yegorov Yu.P. M., 1961;

Poems and songs. M., 1962. (B-ka of Soviet poetry); Love of elderly people: poems. M., 1964. (B-ka "Spark");

From the life of poetry. M., 1967;

50 of your songs and stories about them written by Evgeny Dolmatovsky: for middle and senior school age. M., 1967;

The Last Kiss: New Poems. M., 1967;

Volunteers: a novel in verse. M., 1969, 1976, 1963;

Wishing happiness: Ballads, poems, songs. M., 1970;

Riders, songs, roads: poems, songs. M., 1973;

I ask for words: poetry. M., 1974;

Both song and verse. M., 1975;

ABC. Minsk, 1975;

Journey in verse: for middle and older age. M., 1976;

Hopes, anxieties: poems. M., 1977;

Young poets. M., 1981;

I must tell you: A book of poems. M., 1984;

Poems. M., 1985;

Poems from the diary. M., 1986;

My friend...: poems and poems. M., 1987;

Linear poetry. M., 1989;

Common car: Poems of recent years. M., 1995.


Narovchatov S. The fate of the generation // Youth. 1957. No. 1;

Paderin I. Burns of the heart // Green gate. M.: Roman-newspaper. 1983;

Kazakova R. Not dividing into the general and the personal // Kazakova R. SS: in 3 vols. T.1. 1989.

E. A. Dolmatovsky was born on April 22 (May 5), 1915 in Moscow in the family of a lawyer, member of the bar of defenders, associate professor of the Moscow Law Institute Aron Moiseevich Dolmatovsky (1880, Rostov - 1939, Moscow). During the years of study at the Pedagogical College, he began to publish in the pioneer press. In 1932-1934 he worked on the construction of the Moscow metro. In 1937 he graduated from the Literary Institute. Dolmatovsky's first book of lyrical poems was published in 1934.

Yevgeny's father was arrested on March 28, 1938, sentenced and executed by the VKVS on February 20, 1939 (charge

participation in a counter-revolutionary organization). The ashes were buried on the territory of the Donskoy Monastery in Moscow. He was rehabilitated on December 18, 1954. Yevgeny's brother, Yuri Dolmatovsky, is a famous Soviet car designer.

From 1939 to 1945, Dolmatovsky, as a war correspondent, was in the active parts of the Red Army. In August 1941, he fell into the Uman encirclement and was taken prisoner, from which he fled again to the front (these events are reflected in the poem “Missing” and in the memoirs “It was. Notes of a poet.” A military-historical documentary is dedicated to the battles near Uman story "Green gate").

Member of the CPSU (b) since 1941.

Dolmatovsky was most famous for the songs written to his words (“Random Waltz”, “Song of the Dnieper”, “Volunteers” by M. G. Fradkin, “Sormovskaya Lyric” by B. A. Mokrousov, “My Favorite” by M. I. Blanter, “Second Heart”, “Beloved City” and “Lizaveta” by N. V. Bogoslovsky), many of which sounded in popular films (“Fighters”, “Alexander Parkhomenko”, “Meeting on the Elbe”).

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  11. A. S. Pushkin worked on his most significant creation for more than seven years. The poet began the novel in 1823, and finished in 1830, however, the famous “Onegin’s letter” was written even later ...
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Dolmatovsky Evgeny Aronovich

EVGENY ARONOVICH DOLMATOVSKY(1915-1994), Russian poet, prose writer. Born April 22 (May 5), 1915 in Moscow. Son of a lawyer; studied at a pedagogical college, since 1929 - a children's correspondent for pioneer periodicals ("Friendly guys", "Pioneer", "Pionerskaya Pravda", where his first publication took place in 1930). In 1932-1934, following the Komsomol call, he worked on the construction of the 1st stage of the Moscow metro. In 1933-1937 he studied at the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky.

He began with a small book of poems "Lyric" (1934), then, constantly expanding the volume and range of problems, he published the collection "Far Eastern Poems" (1939), reflecting Dolmatovsky's impressions of a business trip to the Far East in 1938 (in 1939 he was awarded a rare in those days Order "Badge of Honor"), "Moscow Dawns" (1941), "Steppe Notebook" (1943), "Faith in Victory" (1944), "Poems from Afar" (1945), "Word of Tomorrow" (1949; State USSR Prize, 1950), "Stalingrad poems" (1952), "On courage, friendship, love" (1954), "Years and songs" (1963), "Poems about us" (1954), "And the song and verse" (1975), "Hopes, anxieties ..." (1977), "I must tell you" (1984).

Dolmatovsky's poetry, since 1939 as a war correspondent who participated in the campaign of the Red Army in Western Belarus and in the war with Finland, and since 1941 in battles with the Nazis, was largely fed by front-line impressions, like his prose works - the story "Green Gate" . A documentary legend about one of the first battles of the Great Patriotic War "(1979-1989), in which - one of the first in Russian literature - is told based on the personal experience of the author, who was surrounded in 1941 and escaped from captivity again to the front, though about the first terrible months of the war and the cruel injustice of the Stalinist state, which accused all Soviet "encirclement" and prisoners of betrayal; memoirs "It Was" (books 1-2, 1973-1979; the final version - "Notes of a Poet"), stories and essays.

Evgeny Dolmatovsky was truly famous for his songs based on his poems, sincere and lyrical, marked by their closeness to the traditional Russian urban romance and at the same time animated by fresh imagery, always sensitively capturing the pains and joys, the train of thought and feelings of a contemporary - whether it be an old patriot, entering in an unequal battle with saboteurs ("Far Gatehouse", 1939), in love, overflowing with the spring joy of being ("Everything became blue and green around ...", 1941), a soldier leaving for the front ("My beloved" - "I then left for campaign ... ", 1941), an officer fascinated by a piece of peaceful life in the crucible of war ("Officer's Waltz", another name is "Random Waltz", 1943), the first guy in the village, going to the city to study ("The accordion player is being escorted to the institute ... ", 1948), or a working boy waiting for his beloved on a date ("Sormovskaya lyrical", 1949). Many songs based on Dolmatovsky's verses were included in popular films ("Beloved City" - the film "Fighters"; "Oh, how would I live to see the wedding-marriage" - the film "Parkhomenko"; "Homesickness" and "Song of the World" - the film "Meeting on the Elbe"; "I am the Earth! I see my pets off..." and "Apple trees will bloom on Mars" - the film "Towards a Dream", etc.); many are perceived as an indispensable sign of the times and even as folk ("Song of the Dnieper" - "At the coastal vines, at high steeps ..."), "Lenin Mountains", "Behind the factory outpost ...", "We lived in the neighborhood", "School years"). Even where the impetus for creating a text was an explicit or implicit ideological setting, the strength and sincerity of the poetic language, plot ingenuity, versification flexibility give the poet's texts artistic expressiveness, supported by the gentle or powerful beauty of the melody of many prominent Russian composers (including N. AT. Bogoslovsky, V.P. Solovyov-Sedogo), who worked with Dolmatovsky ("The motherland hears, the motherland knows ...", Recollection of the Normandie-Niemen squadron - "I get excited when I hear French speech ...", "If the guys of the whole Earth ...", "The Danube Wreath" .

Dolmatovsky's publicistic, lyrical, and "life-descriptive" poems ("Felix Dzerzhinsky", 1938; "The Last Kiss", 1967; "Hands of Guevara", 1972, about the Latin American revolutionary E. Che) are imbued with genuine pathos. Guevara; "Chile in the Heart", 1973, about the democratic president of Chile, S. Allende; "Escape", 1974; "Journey to Ryazan", associated with Yesenin's reminiscences, 1975; "Letters from a son", 1977; "At the village" Bogatyr ", 1981) - as well as in many respects the autobiographical poetic novel "Volunteers" (1956, about the first builders of the metro), and the poetic trilogy "One Destiny" (1947).

Dolmatovsky was also engaged in literary criticism ("Books From the Life of Poetry", 1965; "Young Poets", 1981), translations, editorial and compilation work.

There are loud, famous names ... And there are names of the era. Among these - Evgeny Dolmatovsky, writer, songwriter, journalist, publicist, translator. Dolmatovsky's poems are the standard of civil lyrics, and his songs have become a connecting thread for generations.

The first steps

In the spring of 1915, a second, late child, Eugene, appeared in the house of a brilliant Moscow lawyer and library worker. Unlike his older brother, who became a designer, Zhenya chose the humanitarian path. He, still a schoolboy, is willingly published in publications for the pioneers. He continues to compose and publish while studying to become an educator. But in the 1932, succumbing to the impulse of the Komsomol, he decides to try proletarian bread: he sets off to build a subway.

Loss and victory

When Eugene graduated from the Literary Institute in absentia, his father was arrested. Aron Dolmatovsky, who once studied abroad, was accused of espionage. By that time, the youngest son had already released a debut collection. And in the 39th, in the year when the parent was shot, Eugene received the first laurels - the Badge of Honor. This is how the state evaluated Far Eastern Poems and the poem about Dzerzhinsky. That the father is no more, the poet found out only years later.

War and captivity

Since the late 30s, Dolmatovsky has been a military commissar of the army press. In the 41st, near Uman, part of it was surrounded. A fierce battle, injury, captivity ... The first attempt to escape failed, and only a chance saved the poet from reprisal. A peasant woman, whom he remembered all his life, helped him escape from the "Uman pit" and hide.

And fellow writers were sure: Dolmatovsky died. And they arranged a memorial evening, to which his mother was invited. The woman, however, did not come, passing through Tvardovsky: "The son is alive, I know."

At the zenith of glory

Rays of popular recognition touched him even before the war. During the filming of the film "Fighters" they were looking for a song - light and light. Dolmatovsky's lines fit perfectly. This is how “Beloved City”, an ageless hit, appeared.

However, all his songs became hits. The music for them was created by Bogoslovsky, Shestakovich, Pakhmutova, Fradkin and other composers. The most famous hits:

"In the city garden"
"My lovely"
"Random Waltz"
"Komsomol volunteers"
"Behind the Factory Outpost"
"School years"
"Old Drummer"
"Years Fly"
"Apple trees will bloom on Mars"

The composer's songs were performed by Utyosov and Bernes, Zykina and Gulyaev, Tolkunova and Kobzon. They are sung by young, modern artists.

In addition to poetry, Dolmatovsky also wrote prose: books about Che Guevara and Allende, memories of fellow soldiers with whom he went all the way to Berlin, scripts. For twenty years, since the 60s, he has been editing, translating and reviewing.

The coryphaeus of Soviet poetry died in the fall of 1994.

Dolmatovsky's talent, his winged songs were given their due by both the people and the government. At various times he was given:

Order of the Badge of Honor, the Red Star and the October Revolution
medals "For Military Merit" and the name of Alexander Fadeev
Stalin Prize and Prize of the Union of Writers and Goskomizdat
two Orders of the Patriotic War and two Red Banners of Labor.

Interesting touches

At the age of 15, Zhenya made acquaintance with Mayakovsky and received a “ticket” to life from the hands of Boris Pasternak.

Somehow, captured officers, among whom was Dolmatovsky, were herded into a school and forced to listen to the division commander Daniels. He claimed that the Wehrmacht was indestructible, and the USSR was defeated. When Dolmatovsky heard that Daniels was in captivity near Stalingrad, he asked Rokossovsky to arrange a meeting for them. The general was also seated at a desk, and Major Dolmatovsky taught the German his “history lesson”.

