The miraculous icon of the Mother of God of quick hearing. The meaning of the icon of the quick hearer: what helps

Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear"

Icon of a quick hearer. Prayer to the Icon of the Quick Hearer.

The icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear”, revered in Orthodoxy, depicts the Virgin Mary, who holds a baby on her left hand. In his left hand, the Divine Infant compresses a scroll, and with his right hand he blesses the people. A very important detail, the heel of the Divine Infant is turned to praying people. The icon tells us that God loves people infinitely, and everyone who sincerely turns to him with a prayer, with all sincerity, will certainly be heard.

In the monastery of Dohiar on Mount Athos there is a prototype of the icon. The holy face was painted in the tenth century, and the quick-to-hearing icon received its name only in the seventeenth century, when a miracle happened with its help.

Icon of the Mother of God Quick to Hearing. Meaning. What helps.

On Mount Athos in the seventeenth century, the monk Nil lived in a monastery. He was a refectory, and every day, when he entered the refectory, he, due to inattention, smoked with his torch, located near the entrance, the image of the Mother of God. Once, when he was walking near the icon, he thought he heard a voice ordering him not to burn the icon anymore. But he paid no attention to him and continued to do everything as before. After some time, the same voice told the monk about his unworthy behavior and that is why he loses his sight. The monk realized his mistake, began to repent every day, ask the Mother of God for forgiveness, wept in front of the icon, in the hope that his sight would return again. After a while, his requests with prayers were heard and a voice told Neil that thanks to his sincere prayers, he would regain his sight. Also, the voice ordered to call the icon from now on "Quick to Hear" and she will soon help people and fulfill their requests. This happened on November 9, 1664.

Since that time, the place where the icon is located was fenced off, and a temple was built on the right in honor of the image. On Tuesday and Thursday evenings, the canon of the Mother of God is sung near the icon of the Quick Listener.

Not all Orthodox can afford to get on the holy Mount Athos, and women generally cannot get on it. Therefore, a list was made from the image with the same name, which is taken out of the monastery, they go in procession around the monastery, and everyone can turn to the icon.

There are also well-known lists: Moscow, Ranunculus, Olivet, Nevsky and others.

Everyone who turns to the image of the Mother of God with a pure heart receives help from her. Prayer to the icon of the "Quick Acolyte" in ancient times helped people save human life in various tragic situations, during wars, during natural disasters. It also helps to cast out demons from a person.

Now the prayer to the “Quick Hearer” helps those who turn to her to find the right solution in an extraordinary situation, sort out their thoughts, and take the right path. For women, the icon "Quick Hearing" helps to give birth to healthy children without complications, as well as to keep milk for breastfeeding as long as possible. The icon helps to get rid of various diseases, and not only to restore vision, but also to recover from lameness, from oncological diseases. Mothers pray to the icon to protect their children from trouble, from problems and various diseases.

If you decide to turn to the Mother of God for help, then do not think about how to solve problems, but simply sincerely state your requests, experiences, light a candle in front of the image, read an akathist or a prayer.

There are many revered images of the Blessed Virgin Mary, famous for their miracles. Among them, the icon of the Quick Listener, especially beloved by many, is among them. Prayer in front of the icon heals eye diseases, and most of all, the Queen of Heaven helps to find your way in life, that is, gives spiritual insight.

How to distinguish the "Skoroposlushnitsa" from other icons?

On the icon, the Mother of God is depicted waist-deep. She holds the Child with her left hand, and points to Him with her right hand. On some lists, the Virgin Mary without a Child. Sometimes there is a crown on the head of the Mother of God, and clothes

The Miracle of Finding the Icon

The history of finding the icon is very remarkable. This happened in 1664. On Holy Mount Athos, in Greece, there is an Orthodox male monastery called Dohiar. The place is quiet and secluded. There are no passions or noisy incidents. The brethren are in silence, leading a righteous way of life, serving the Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother from morning to morning.

One of the pious monks, Neil, was made obedient to the refectory. Having finished his work in the dark, he passed under the arch, on which was placed the image of the Most Holy Theotokos, painted for the monastery back in the 10th or 11th century. In order not to stumble, Neil always took a torch with him and lit the way to his cell with it. He, passing by the icon, stopped, offered up prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos, thanked the Queen of Heaven for the past day, asked for blessings for the coming one, repented for his voluntary and involuntary sins.

On one of these evenings, he heard that someone asked him not to smoke with burning oil in front of the icon. Neil ignored the request, deciding that this was a game of his imagination or the machinations of the evil one, who did not want him to pray in this place. The next time, when he again appeared before the icon with his smoking torch, he again heard the same words. Neil thought that it was the monk brothers who decided to play a trick on him and staged such a performance. Neil did not react to the frivolous actions of the brethren and began to bow even harder, when he suddenly realized that he had lost his sight. At that moment, the unfortunate monk was terrified. He realized that, loving and honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary, he had become so absorbed in Orthodox rituals that he no longer felt the presence of Jesus Christ in his soul. He gave himself so completely to the daily rules and duties that there was no place left for the spirit in his life and soul. Frightened by God's wrath, sincerely lamenting that he forgot about the spirit during the rituals and lost contact with the Lord, he, repenting of the sin of negligence for the soul, told the inhabitants of the monastery about everything. The brethren began to earnestly pray for Nil, and in a very short time his sight was restored.

The icon in front of which the miracle happened was painted in the 10th or 11th century. The incident became known far beyond the walls of the monastery, and pilgrims began to flock to him from all over the world. The speedy fulfillment of the prayer request of the monks of the Athos monastery is another wonderful gift from the Lord to all who resort to Him. The prayer of the Mother of God "Quick Hearer" never goes unanswered.

First lists

Since women are not allowed to enter the Dohiari monastery, the monks made a list from this image. This list also became known as the Mother of God "Quick to Hear". The first icon remained above the entrance to the refectory, and the miraculous list is sometimes taken out of the walls of the monastery and carried around it in procession.

In Jerusalem, in the Orthodox Church of the Ascension of the Savior, there is a miraculous Olivet copy of the blessed Dochiar icon.

"Skoroposlushnitsa" in Russia

In 1878, a list with this image was brought from Athos to Murom. This image became famous for numerous miracles. Men pray before him for good luck in military affairs before going to serve in the army. The girls are asking for a happy marriage. It is believed that the prayer to the "Quick Hearer" for marriage is always fulfilled. The Mother of God not only helps to find a spouse soon, but also gives happiness in family life.

In the same year, a revered list of icons was delivered to St. Petersburg. Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos can be offered at the Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra. "Skoroposlushnitsa" is the main shrine of the complex and the patroness of the whole city. This one is without the Baby.

In Moscow, there is also a place where you can bow to this icon - on the Khodynka field there is a temple built and consecrated in honor of the icon of the Quick Listener. There are temples dedicated to this image in Petrozavodsk, in Arkhangelsk, in Alapaevsk, in the city of Pechora (Komi Republic), in Chelyabinsk, in the village of Bolshoi Doropeevichi, Brest Region.

Does the Mother of God hear all prayers?

Not in every city you can find a church consecrated in honor of this icon. However, according to the promise, every prayer to the icon of the “Quick Hearer” will be heard, uttered with faith and hope. Even if this happens in an ordinary apartment and the face of Mary is depicted on a small square of cardboard.

What do they pray to the Mother of God "quick to hearken"?

In many everyday needs, the Quick Listener helps. Prayer before the image casts out demons, heals mental and physical illnesses. Her effective help is resorted to in a moment of danger from natural disasters and from the attack of enemies. It is believed that she can be addressed when delay can lead to great misfortune. Prayer to the icon "Quick Hearing One" protects against sudden disasters.

The blind turned to this image and received their sight, the lame received healing. Mothers received help when they asked the Virgin Mary to cure a sick child. Childless spouses became happy parents. The prayer of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear" has great power.

How to pray?

When asking the Mother of God for help, there is no need to figure out how to achieve the desired goal. Read the canonical prayer, akathist before the image, light a candle. Think about your misfortune, repent that you were not in the temple for a long time, did not appear before God with heartfelt contrition about your sins. It is very important to shift your sadness onto the shoulders of the Great Mother, not to resist the will of God, not to build an exact scheme of how to achieve what you want. Think only about the ultimate goal and pray to the Virgin Mary to help you accept what you ask with gratitude and dignity. Sometimes people list their needs in a list. thoughts. As a rule, there is only one problem behind numerous troubles, and it is difficult to see it yourself, even sometimes impossible. Trust the prayer written by the holy ascetics, think about its meaning. Its text is suitable for any occasion of life. Say first: “To the Mother of God, the parish of the being in trouble, and now let us fall to Her holy icon, calling with faith from the depths of the soul: soon hear our prayers. And then talk about why you came to bow to the Holy Face - for a request to forgive sins, guide you on the true path, protect you from enemies, there is peace of mind, a peaceful and prosperous life, overcoming diseases. These are the gifts that the Mother of God “Quickly Hearing” will soon bring to those who resort to Her intercession. Prayer to her should be meaningful and heartfelt.

When asking for healing from an illness, think about it. How will you live, when you get what you want, what will you direct your strength to. It happens that a disease becomes for a person a kind of shield from many of the demands made by life and society. Be prepared for the fact that having gained health, you will receive new strength. What will you send them to? Do you really want to part with your illness or other trouble that you are asking for?

The story of the fishermen

There was such a case. A small fishing boat was caught in a strong storm. The wind tore the sails, broke the masts, the ship lost control and began to sink. The sailors in desperation began to pray for salvation. Suddenly, a large ship appeared in front of them. They shouted from the side to jump into the water and climb onto the boat lowered for them, but the fishermen refused. They did not want to lose gear and miss a rich catch. The ship has left. The storm did not subside, and the fishermen continued to call for help from the Mother of God. Another ship approached them, but they also rejected it. The fishermen were saved or not, is unknown. Probably, someone survived, since the story has come down to our days. Most likely, the barge sank, and the story was told by the one who did not expect the Mother of God Herself to appear on the ship, stop the hurricane and restore the breakdowns. The surviving navigator, in a moment of despair, did not think about the profit that can be obtained for full nets of fish. He trusted in the Blessed Virgin, completely trusting in Her Divine will.

Storms at sea are rarely sudden. Fishermen know that the best catch comes before a big wave - at this time the fish gather in large schools in the place where the water is calmer. You need to catch the moment when the nets are full and, without waiting for the wind, return to the bay. It is better to leave a dangerous place with half-empty gear than to risk your life and the integrity of the ship. Probably greed killed most of the team. The seafarers asked for an ambulance and received it from the miraculous image of the Quick Listener. The prayer of each of them was heard, but the Virgin Mary saved only those who did not bargain with Her, but trusted completely and without a second thought.

The icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear" is known throughout the world as miraculous and one of the oldest, which has come down to our days. It was originally created on the holy Mount Athos in one of his monasteries Dohiar, where it is kept to this day. The history of its appearance is filled with miracles and surrounded by legends. The image is more than 1000 years old, and its author, according to legend, is one of the monks who created the board. Father Neophyte, the founder of the monastery, blessed him for this work.

According to theologians, the monks wrote a list of the Mother of God, which was kept in Alexandria, and he received his original name "Quick to Hear" in the 17th century due to a miracle.

Image history

The monastery of Dohiar was opened in the 2nd half of the 10th century by the hermit Euthymius. This monk was a student of the Monk Athanasius, with whom the miracle of the Economissa icon is also associated. According to legend, Euthymius was a follower of Athanasius and his dochiar, i.e. in charge of supplies. He controlled the stocks of oils and products and kept a strict record of them in the holy Lavra.

Having founded a separate monastery, the monk named it Dohiar.

Later, the monk Nil lived in Dohiar, whose ministry consisted of working in the refectory. Every day there he lit a torch, which, due to his inattention, smoked heavily and gradually covered the burning image of the Virgin.

Once, as usual, lighting a lamp, the monk heard a voice saying: “Do not approach any more with a torch that smokes to My face!”. The monk was very frightened, but later decided that it was one of the monks who said this, and did not take it seriously.

And the ignition of the torch began again and its soot again settled on the holy board. After some time, Neil again heard the words “Unworthy monk! How long will you smoke My image with impunity? As soon as the words were spoken, Neil was completely blind and frightened with great fear. He understood Who spoke and what he did. Sorrow seized his heart, and he was filled with repentance. He sincerely confessed his irreverent treatment of the holy face of the Mother of God and recognized such a punishment as worthy.

To show how deeply he repents, the monk decided not to leave that place and wept to the Lord for mercy on his sinful soul.

The brethren found Nil lying in front of the Mother of God, and when he told about everything that had happened to him, the monks lit a lamp in front of the image. Neil prayed day and night, asking for forgiveness, and full of repentance. After a while, a familiar voice said, “Monk! I heard you and grant you forgiveness. I'm giving you back your sight. So go and tell everyone that I am the protector of this monastery. May all Christians turn to Me with their needs, and I will hear all. I will bless everyone who comes to Me and I will intercede for them to the Lord and Christ so that they may have mercy. From now on, call this image of Mine “Quick Listener”, because soon I will hear everyone and will listen to their prayers.

After these words, Neil began to see again. All this happened on November 9, 1664, as recorded in the documents of the monastery.

Very quickly, the story of the miraculous event spread throughout the holy mountain, and many monks began to come from all the monasteries to the monastery of the Nile to bow to the face and tell him about their needs. The monks of the monastery fenced off the place in the refectory along with the icon, thus making it a place of worship. A temple of the same name was also built next to the monastery.

Since then, there has always been a promonarius in front of the icon, who constantly performs prayers in front of it.

Important! Every fourth and second day of the week, in the evenings, the brethren sing the canon in front of the face, and the priest prays for all believers and for the world.

Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear"

The meaning of the holy face

The icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear" is quite ancient. It is said to be over 1000 years old and is one of the oldest original boards that have survived to this day. The Monk Neophyte, the founder of the Dohiarsky monastery on the holy Mount Athos, in Greece, blessed his writing.

The icon depicts the Mother of God with the Child on her left hand, who blesses all Christians with her right hand. The right hand of the Mother of God points to Christ as the Savior and Messiah.

Previously, the board had a different name, and it acquired the name "Quick Hearer" only in the 17th century. Her name means soon hearing, i.e. one that quickly responds to requests and prayers. This is how the Mother of God herself explained it, appearing to one monk from the monastery.

Important! This image should be treated with special respect, for it is the prototype of the holy face. The tradition of the icon gives everyone an understanding that the Queen of Heaven deserves special reverence and will not tolerate ridicule or disrespect.

Prayer always bears fruit, and God always answers the prayers of true believers who pray to Him in faith.

What you need to know about prayer:

Prayer in difficult moments of life in front of the “Quick Hearer” will always be heard and answered, because the Mother of God always answers sincere prayers and intercedes before the Lord for the one who asks. It remains only to believe and pray.

What to pray for the icon

The name of the holy image, as it were, explains that the image hears prayers especially sensitively. However, it is worth remembering that believers must first of all intercede for the salvation of their souls and their loved ones, and only then for any material benefits. Any appeal to Her should be fiery, based on strong faith, and if faith is not enough, this is exactly what the Intercessor should be talking about.

It is worth contacting the Quick Listener for those who:

  • sick with epilepsy;
  • possessed by demons;
  • suffers from panic attacks and frequent depression;
  • who needs peace of mind;
  • who can't handle the rebellion inside;
  • who have poor eyesight or who are completely blind;
  • dumb and deaf;
  • pregnant women should ask for easy childbirth and a healthy baby;
  • mothers should ask for the health and salvation of all loved ones;
  • sick with cancer;
  • stumbled and walks the road of sin;
  • who need God's forgiveness and redemption.

More about the spiritual life of a Christian:

The "quick listener" hears every request and answers each of them, you just have to believe her sincerely. First of all, it is worth being concerned about salvation and begging the Queen of Heaven to intercede for them to the Lord for forgiveness.

Advice! When begging for material and bodily benefits, it is worth remembering that often the Lord does not answer prayers in the way that believers expect, but this is always what the soul urgently needs.

Icon of the Mother of God "Quick Hearing" in the monastery of Dohiar, Greece

miraculous lists

The original image of the Theotokos "Quick Hearer" is kept there, on the holy mountain in the monastery of Dohiara in Greece. Lists were written from the image more than once, and each of them performed miracles in the lives of the believers who asked them.

There are several particularly prominent lists:

  • The Olivet copy is stored in the Savior-Ascension Convent of the same name. It is located in holy Jerusalem;
  • since 1990, another copy of the shrine has been kept in the Holy Cross Cathedral in the city of Petrozavodsk;
  • several copies are in Moscow: in the church of the Archangel Gabriel of Antioch and in the church of St. Nicholas;
  • in the church of St. Martin the Confessor in Arkhangelsk;
  • in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in the village of Doropeevich;
  • in the Cathedral of St. Simeon in Chelyabinsk;
  • in the Holy Trinity Church in Belopesotsky;
  • in the Pechersky Bogoroditsky Monastery for women.
Important! In all churches, every year on November 9, the celebration of Our Lady of the Quick Hearing is celebrated and akathists are read together with prayers.

Watch the video about the icon *Quick to Hearing*

The Mother of God, through the icon of the Quick Hearing One, can traditionally be addressed in absolutely any questions, sincere prayers will help to achieve a solution to even the most difficult issues.

But, it was noticed that prayers to the image of the Mother of God through the icon of the Quick Hearer help in incomprehensible cases, in confusion or bewilderment.
A quick listener, which means an ambulance, will help you quickly manage all your affairs, if you need to quickly resolve some issues.

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not "specialize" in any particular area. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
And .


The icon of the Mother of God the Quick Hearer comes from the monastery of Dohiar, located in Athos. Most likely it was written in the tenth century.

In the middle of the seventeenth century icon hung near the entrance to the refectory and near it, more often than all the monks, the refectory Nile passed. One evening, passing by this icon with a burning torch, Neil heard a voice:

“For the future, do not approach here with a lit torch and do not smoke My image.”

The monk was frightened, but then, having calmed down, he reasoned that it was someone who had decided to play a trick on him, and also continued to walk past the icon with fire. Soon everything happened again, and the voice of an invisible interlocutor said:

“Monk, unworthy of the name! How long will you smoke My image so carelessly and so shamelessly?”

After that, Nile lost his sight (kontakion 3).
The monk immediately fell to the ground with repentance and spent the whole night in prayers to the Mother of God. In the morning, all the monks learned about this event and with reverence fell down to the miraculous icon. A lamp was lit near the icon, they made sure that it did not go out, and even the new refectory burned incense before the icon every day. And the blind Nile did not leave the icon, and all the time he prayed to the Holy Virgin for insight. The Mother of God heard his requests and he soon heard a voice:

"Nile! Your prayer is heard, you are forgiven, and sight is again given to your eyes. When you receive this mercy from Me, tell the brethren that I am their protection, industry and protection of their monastery dedicated to the Archangels. Let them and all Orthodox Christians turn to Me in need, and I will not leave anyone: I will be an intercessor to all who come running to Me with reverence, and the prayers of all will be fulfilled by My Son and God, for the sake of intercession before Him, so that from now on My the icon of the Quick to Hearing, because I will soon show mercy and fulfillment of petitions to all those who flow to her. (ikos 2).

This story quickly spread throughout the monasteries of Athos, and pilgrims from other monasteries began to flock to the miraculous icon. The monks came to glorify the Mother of God for protecting Holy Athos and showing it with her miracles (ikos 5). The place around the new celebrity was ennobled, the passage from the refectory was closed, and on the right side a temple was built in honor of the icon of the Quick Hearer (kontakion 5). A special permanent honoring of the icon was also established. Near it, the hieromonk began to be inseparable, who watched the icon lamp, and in the mornings and evenings performed prayer chants.

The Most Holy Theotokos helped many through this icon: the blind received their sight, the weak were healed. There have been cases when people got rid of epilepsy and even demons. Through the prayers of this icon, people were saved from shipwrecks, and the Mother of God also helped rescue them from slavery or captivity.

And to this day, every Tuesday and Thursday, after the evening service, all the monks perform the canon of the Mother of God in front of Her miraculous icon.

No one knows the exact date when this miracle happened to the monk Nile. therefore, the feast in honor of the icon "Quick Hearing" is set on November 9/22. The next day after the patronal feast of the Dohiar monastery - to the incorporeal forces and the Archangel of God Michael.

Until now, the Most Holy Mother of God fulfills Her promise - through Her image of the Quick Hearing One, she helps and consoles everyone who prays to Her and the Lord God.


We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, God-chosen Maiden, and honor Your holy image, and bring healing to all who flow with faith.


This image is one of the oldest. According to historical data, it is more than a thousand years old. The prototype of this strong and amazing icon is now located in the center of Orthodoxy, in one of the monasteries of Mount Athos. This image was created with the blessing of the Monk Neophyte, who became one of the founders of the Dohiar Monastery, which is located on the steep slope of Athos.

The icon depicts the Mother of God with the Child, who sits on her left arm and blesses each parishioner with her right. The holy face, previously had a different name, and began to be called the "Quick Hearing" only in the seventeenth century. This story is connected with one monk who lived in the Dohiarsky monastery and carried out obedience there. We will write about this later in the article, and now we will reveal some of the facts of the monastery itself and the miracles performed by the icon of the “Quick Acolyte” through the prayers of Christians.

The prehistory of the construction of the monastery itself and the miracles taking place in it

The Dohiarsky monastery was founded in the tenth century, in honor of the main angels Archangel Gabriel and the Heavenly Governor Archangel Michael. According to documentary records, it is known that the founder was Euthymius, an associate and student of the well-known Christian monk Athanasius of Athos. His duties included the disposal of food and supplies of olive oil (dochiarstvo) in the Lavra. The monastery was so named in honor of the obedience of Euthymius.

To build such a holy monastery was a very costly and time-consuming undertaking. There was a catastrophic lack of funds to complete the repair and construction of the monastery. But the Mother of God revealed to one boy in a vision, who was in this monastery in obedience, a certain place where treasures were hidden, which would just help in completing the construction work for the monastery. The treasures were hidden on the metoch - this is a certain part of the monastery itself, or the land adjacent to it.

Two more monks were sent with the boy, since the metoch was at a distance from the monastery and it was necessary to get to it across the river. Tempted by the treasures, the monks thought in their hearts to destroy the lad. They tied him up, hung a heavy stone around his neck and threw him into the river, thinking that the monk had drowned. But at that moment, Heavenly incorporeal forces intervened, in whose honor the monastery was consecrated, which, by the miraculous providence of God, transferred the monk safe and sound to the monastery monastery. The conspiracy that was being planned was immediately revealed. The funds that were found by providence went to the completion of the monastery and it was successfully completed. After this incident, they decided to dedicate the monastery to all the Disembodied Heavenly Forces.

The icon "Quick Hearing" is one of the main shrines, which is located in the monastery. Not far from it, a stone was also laid, with which the boy was thrown into the water, but he miraculously escaped. Later, he became abbot and was named after Barnabas. "The Quick Acolyte" is not a portable image, as it is a fresco that is laid out on the wall in the chapel. For the procession, which takes place annually, a copy of this icon is brought out. She also heals and helps parishioners through their prayers.

Why did the icon "Quick Hearing" got such a name

For more than seven centuries, the image of the Most Holy Theotokos had a different name, which is unknown to history. But in the seventeenth century, in the Dohiarsky monastery there lived one monk, whose name was Nil. He fulfilled the obedience of a trapper. Every time Neil entered the refectory with a torch, he smoked the holy image of the Mother of God with the smoke that comes from the fire. For all the time, he never noticed the insult that, due to his ignorance, he committed. But one day, again passing by the icon with a torch, a voice was heard near him, telling him not to come again with a lit torch and smoke the Holy Icon with smoke.

Initially, Neil went into a frenzy, but after that, he thought that these words were uttered by someone from the brethren and did not give them due attention. He continued involuntarily to smoke the image. Again, after a while, he heard stern words that told him that he was not worthy of the name of a monk and asked if he would go on duty again and smoke the Holy Icon. After Neil heard these words, he immediately lost his sight.

Neil realized all his sinfulness and came to contrition. He firmly decided to lift up prayers before this icon of night and day until forgiveness is granted to him. In the morning, other monks found him on the floor in front of the Holy Face of the Mother of God. Neil recounted everything that had happened to him. At the same moment, the brethren lit a lamp in front of the icon, which never went out (an inextinguishable lamp). Nil himself, day and night, offered up a fiery prayer in front of the icon and lamented in his sins and insolence, which he allowed himself. After a while, after a long prayer, Neil nevertheless received the long-awaited forgiveness and received his sight.

The Mother of God told him that his sins were forgiven, because his prayer was heard. She also said that from now on this icon should be called the “Quick Acolyte”, because she will be an emergency helper for every Christian who falls to her in prayer. Such words the forgiven monk conveyed to all the brethren. This fact is documented on November 9, 1664. It was this day that was chosen for the veneration of the icon "Quick to Hear".

Who and what helps the icon "quick to hearken"

From the name itself, it becomes clear that the prayer offered before this icon will be heard soon, and help will come in a very short time. But you need to pray with all your heart, with fiery faith. You should not ask for material wealth or enrichment, because it is all worldly. Praying in front of this image is for those who:

  • He suffers from epilepsy or possession, as well as panic attacks and frequent causeless depression. He describes a large number of cases that after the first prayer, a person was healed of demon possession. Only it happens quite scary, because those who are nearby need to be sympathetic to such purification. A quick listener helps to restore peace of mind and pacify a rebellious soul;
  • Those who suffer from blindness, dumbness and deafness also need to offer prayers to the Mother of God before this holy image;
  • Expectant mothers need to pray for a successful resolution in childbirth and the health of their child, relatives and friends;
  • In case of severe oncological diseases and other ailments, it is necessary to order a prayer service in front of this icon and often pray yourself, both in the temple and at home for the sick;
  • Also, those who have gone off the path of life, set foot on the path of sin and cry out for forgiveness, often need to read the akathist standing in front of the icon and pray daily for the forgiveness of sins.

The holy image of the "Soon to Hear of Sinners" helps everyone through their prayers. Those who have committed serious sins and sincerely repented and asked for forgiveness before these images will also be forgiven. All Christians turn to this icon with various requests and prayers, and She will hear everyone and help everyone. It is only necessary to remember that when asking for help, we can often receive it in a completely different form than we expected.

Prayer to the icon "Quick Hearing"

Prayer one

O Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Most High Lord, quick-to-obedient intercessor of all who resort to You with faith! Look from the height of Your heavenly majesty on me, indecent, falling down to Your holy icon, hear soon the humble prayer of me, a sinner, and bring me to Your Son, implore Him to illuminate my gloomy soul with the light of His Divine grace and cleanse my mind of thoughts vain, may my suffering heart die and heal its wounds, may it instruct me in good deeds and strengthen me to work with fear, may it forgive all the evil I have done, may it save me from eternal torment and not deprive me of His heavenly kingdom. O blessed Mother of God! Thou hast deigned to be called in Thy image, the quick acolyte, commanding all to come to Thee with faith, do not despise me, the mournful one, and do not let me perish in the abyss of my sins, in Thee, according to God, all my hope and hope of salvation, and Your protection and intercession I give myself forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

To the Mother of God, the parishioner of being in trouble, and to the holy icon of Her, now let us fall, with faith calling from the depths of the soul: soon hear our prayers. Virgo, like the Quick Hearer named. For thee, Thy servants in need are the ready Assistant of the imam. Amen.

Prayer three

Blessed to the Lady, the Ever-Virgin Mother of God, God the Word, more than any word for our salvation, giving birth, and His grace more abundantly more than all received, a sea of ​​Divine gifts and miracles, an ever-flowing river, pouring out goodness to all who, with faith, come running to You! Falling down to Your miraculous image, we pray to You, the all-generous Mother of the philanthropic Lord, surprise us with Your rich mercy and our petitions, brought to You, quick to hearken, speed up to fulfill everything, hedgehog for the benefit of consolation and salvation to whom you arrange. Visit, Blessing, Thy servants of Thy grace, give the ailing healing and perfect health, overwhelmed silence, captivated freedom, and various images of the suffering consolation. Deliver, All-Merciful Lady, every city and country from famine, ulcers, cowards, floods, fire, swords and other temporary and eternal punishments, with Your motherly boldness averting the wrath of God; and spiritual relaxation, overwhelmed by passions and falls, free Thy servant, as if unstumblingly in all piety lived in this world, and in the future of eternal blessings we will be merciful with the grace and love of mankind of Thy Son and God, all glory, honor and worship with His Beginning Father is due to Him and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

You can pray both at home and in the temple in front of the Holy Icon. The main thing is that the prayer comes from a pure heart. You can pray both in your own words and with special prayers, and then She will hear everyone and help him through prayers.
