What can be done in minecraft 1.5.1. Recipes for crafting items in Minecraft

Pay attention to some priority things: trees,
stones, ores, animals and
high grass . Destroy tall grass on your way to get
wheat seeds - they will be useful to you in the future. At the very least, collect any necessary things during the trip - then there will be no need to look for them for any recipe.


Biomes are different.

Use a high value for the Render button in the Graphics Settings tab of the Preferences in order to improve the render distance. If the FPS has become significantly lower, then you can return to the default value.

  • sand, then most likely this biome is a desert. It is very likely that you will meet
    cactus and
    cane, which will be needed in the future - collect these resources as soon as possible. If there is no forest biome nearby, then you will have to head in the other direction, occasionally going to a hill to inspect the area.
  • If you are on an island surrounded by
    water, then most likely this biome is an ocean. It will cause particular trouble for beginners, since it will not be so easy to swim across it. They live in the oceans
    octopuses, killing which will bring you as a drop
    ink bags and
    areas of experience. If you are lucky with the presence of trees on the island, then you can build
    boat for further evacuation;
  • If in your visible range the area is surrounded
    mycelium, then this biome is a mushroom island. It is quite rare, so your presence here only means great luck, since hostile mobs do not spawn in it. However, they may come from other biomes, but if you are located in the middle of the mushroom island, you can rely on the safe time of day under the open sky. Having met
    mushroom cows, build
    bowl . By clicking RMB on a mushroom cow, the bowl will become
    stewed mushrooms. It can be eaten. Also, a mushroom cow can be killed by receiving as a drop
    raw beef and experience spheres.
  • If houses are located in your visible range, then this set of dwellings is a village in which they live
    village dwellers. This is a good spawn point for the player, as the village can be inhabited, have access to many crops, and trade with the villagers using
    emeralds. In the forge you can find
    a chest with good things for the initial stages of the game. Will arrive at night
    zombies that will attack the villagers. Help avoid this fate
    bed, but if there is a desire to fight hostile mobs, barricade
    wooden doors in houses.
    • If there is no nearby
      sheep for prey
      white wool, then break the lampposts, which include
      black wool.
    • If there is not enough wool to create a bed, then one option is to move 150 blocks away from the village before nightfall and build a pillar 40-65 blocks high.
  • If there are tall trees in your visible range, then most likely this biome is a jungle. Great amount
    wood will be a good start to the gameplay, but it is easy to get lost among the trees. In addition, in these areas it is inconvenient to build a dwelling. Jungle is the only biome that spawns
    ocelots and growing
    cocoa beans. To tame ocelots, you need
    fish that can be caught in a pond with
    fishing rods. This biome can also cause performance degradation on weak and old PCs.
  • If there are thick trees in your visible range, then most likely this biome is a dark forest. It is recommended to avoid this biome in the first minutes of the game process, because hostile mobs will spawn in it at any time of the day. As well as in the mushroom biome, huge mushrooms grow in it, the extraction of which will bring
    brown mushrooms and
    red mushrooms, necessary for the manufacture of stewed mushrooms.

When traveling, try not to get lost.

timber extraction

This recipe will most likely be the very first - crafting is an integral part of Minecraft. Each item is unique and stacks accordingly, but items of the same origin and different types can be combined with each other.

Create a workbench

Few items are crafted using the 2x2 crafting grid located directly in the inventory. To create weapons, tools and other advanced items, you will need
workbench - a workbench with a 3x3 crafting grid.

The stick in this case is used as a handle for weapons and tools.

Ingredients crafting recipes

The wooden pickaxe is designed for mining blocks such as stone, cobblestone, granite, etc.


Under the ground cover there is a stone in plentiful quantity. Use a wooden pickaxe to craft it.
stone pick,
stone sword
stone axe,
stone shovel and
stone hoe.

The stone ax is better than the previous one in terms of wood extraction speed.

A stone hoe allows you to plow the ground for further planting of seeds.


In addition to item crafting, there is smelting in Minecraft.

Ingredients crafting recipes

The furnace is necessary for cooking raw meat and smelting ore.

Ore mining

Required ores for the first time:

  • Coal ore is mined with a wooden pickaxe and above.

When destroyed, it leaves coal, which is used to make torches and as fuel.

  • Iron ore is mined with a stone pickaxe and above.
Ingredients Process

Obtained from the process of smelting iron ore, an iron ingot is used to create most items.


Initially, choose a location for building a house and further improvement.

Search for food

After creating the necessary items and the first dwelling, your next task will be to get food to satisfy your hunger. Get raw meat as a drop by killing:
, pigs ,
rabbits and sheep. Also, you can get wheat seeds obtained by breaking tall grass. When the wheat grows, it is produced
collection to create
of bread .

Ingredients crafting recipes
Ingredients Process

The satiety bar decreases over time: if it is less than 18 (

They will go out and need to be re-ignited. Four torches can be made from one stick and one coal.

Cobblestone -8pcs

The furnace allows you to both cook food to increase the standard of living, and smelt rocks into ingots to produce weapons and tools of good quality. A furnace is made from eight units of stone arranged in a circle in a 3x3 cell grid.

Boards -8pcs

In the chest you can store what you are already tired of carrying with you. There are 27 storage cells in one chest. If you put two chests side by side, you get a large chest in which you can place your things in 54 cells. One chest is made from eight boards arranged in a circle in a 3x3 cell grid.

Other blocks:

Fossil blocks.
Gold Ingot-9pcs or Metal Ingot-9pcs or Diamond-9pcs or Lapis Lazuli-9pcs

They can be used for compact storage of metal, gold or diamond, if storage in a box does not suit you. It can also be used as a building material, or for example, if you play in multiplayer, to show how rich you are :)

Glowing cobblestone
Glowing stone dust-4pcs

From four units of glowing stone dust, which can be mined in a parallel world, you can make one glowing block, which, like a torch, melts snow and ice in a radius of 3 blocks.


Can be used to hold thread, build, create paintings, and create colored blocks. A block of wool is produced from four units of thread, but it is much more convenient and easier to get wool from a sheep.

Gunpowder-5pcs Sand-4pcs

With explosives, you can not only have fun, but also clear the mines much faster, which will speed up the search for minerals. But be careful. The damage dealt by TNT can be fatal.

stone tile

wooden tiles
Boards -3pcs

It is used as a building material, in particular for the construction of stairs.

cobblestone tiles
Cobblestone -3pcs

It is used as a building material, in particular for the construction of stairs.

Sand tiles

It is used as a building material, in particular for the construction of stairs.

brick tiles

It is used as a building material, in particular for the construction of stairs.

stone brick tiles
Stone brick-3pcs

It is used as a building material, in particular for the construction of stairs.

Boards -6pcs or Cobblestone -6pcs

brick staircase

Six units of planks or stones form a one-block staircase that can be climbed without jumping. (Also, by placing two empty plates on the sides, you can use it as a decorative chair.)

stone brick staircase
Stone brick-6pcs

Six units of planks or stones form a one-block staircase that can be climbed without jumping. (Also, by placing two empty plates on the sides, you can use it as a decorative chair.)

snow block

The snow block is used both for storing snowballs and as a building material in winter.

clay block
Clay -4pcs

The clay block is used both for storing clay and as a building material.

brick block
Brick -4pcs

A block of bricks is used as a more modern building material.

Stone brick
Smooth stone-4pcs

Boards -6pcs Book-3pcs

The bookcase after update 1.9 serves to increase the possible level of improvement of the item on the sorcerer's table, but can also serve as a decorative function.


Used as building material.

glowing pumpkin
Pumpkin-1pc Torch-1pc

If you find a pumpkin and insert a torch into it, you get a great decoration for the celebration of Halloween.

glass panel

Flat glass, very good looking.


Stick-2pcs Planks-3pcs or Cobblestone

An ax is the most convenient way to get wood. The stronger the ax, the longer it will last.

Stick-2pcs Boards-3pcs or Cobblestone-3pcs or Metal Ingot-3pcs or Gold Ingot-3pcs or Diamond-3pcs

The pickaxe is the main tool of Minecraft "a. With a pickaxe, you can quickly dig your way through the stones. The diamond pickaxe is the most durable.

Stick-2pcs Planks-1pc or Cobblestone-1pc or Metal Ingot-1pc or Gold Ingot-1pc or Diamond-1pc

With a shovel, you can quickly dig up earth, sand, gravel. It will definitely come in handy when exploring the mine, because digging the ground with a pickaxe takes longer and is not productive.

Stick-2pcs Planks-2pcs or Cobblestone

The main tool for growing crops, since with the help of a hoe you can find seeds in the top layer of the earth, and when the crop is ripe, you can easily collect it with a hoe.

Metal ingot-1pc Flint-1pc

With the help of a lighter, oddly enough, you can kindle a fire. But be careful. Do not burn down your house or nearby trees. And don't set yourself on fire.

Metal ingot-3pcs

A bucket can collect water, lava, as well as milk. With the help of a bucket, you can create not just a puddle, but a source of water or lava. Water is also needed to grow wheat and cane. A bucket can carry water, lava or milk.

Metal ingot-4pcs Redstone-1pcs

Does the compass always point north? Heh! And in our case, it always points to the spawn point. So if your house is located not far from it, you will always find your way home.

Compass-1pc Paper-8pcs

With the help of the map, you can follow how you scouted a particular territory. Not only that, you can see other players' markings on the map if they have a copy of it.

Gold ingot-4pcs Redstone-1pcs

When a watch is at hand, it is always clear when it is safe to go out.

Fishing rod
Stick-3pcs Thread-2pcs

With the help of a fishing rod, you can catch a fish that will restore some of your health.

Metal ingot-2pcs

Scissors can collect blocks of leaves, as well as shear sheep without harming them.


Stick-1pc Boards-2pcs or Cobblestone-2pcs or Metal Ingot-2pcs or Gold Ingot-2pcs or Diamond-2pcs

The sword is your main weapon in the world of Minecraft. The stronger the sword, the longer it will last and the faster it will kill enemies. The diamond sword kills a skeleton in 2 hits.

Stick-3pcs Thread-3pcs

The bow allows you to get rid of enemies at a distance, unless of course you have arrows for it. A very effective weapon against skeletons.

Flint-1pc Stick-1pc Feather-1pc

From the three components, flint, stick and feather, we get 4 arrows. Arrows are never redundant. Especially during long trips through the dungeons.


Leather-5pcs or Metal Ingot-5pcs or Gold Ingot-5pcs or Diamond-5pcs or Fire*-5pcs

Helmet, gives 1.5 points of armor.

Leather-8pcs or Metal Ingot-8pcs or Gold Ingot-8pcs or Diamond-8pcs or Fire*-8pcs

Basic armor, gives 4 points of armor.

Leather-7pcs or Metal Ingot-7pcs or Gold Ingot-7pcs or Diamond-7pcs or Fire*-7pcs

Pants give 3 armor.

Leather-4pcs or Metal Ingot-4pcs or Gold Ingot-4pcs or Diamond-4pcs or Fire*-4pcs

Boots, as well as a helmet, give 1.5 points of armor.

*Mail from fire cannot be made in Survival mode, since you can get a block of fire for crafting only in multiplayer mode using the admin. commands.


Metal ingot-5pcs

In trolleys, you can move along the rails. You can also carry some mobs in trolleys. By itself, the trolley cannot go up. To do this, you need a self-propelled trolley.

Self-propelled trolley
Trolley-1pc Furnace-1pc

Used to push carts up the rails. You cannot sit or plant mobs in a self-propelled minecart. If the road is very steep, sometimes you have to use several self-propelled minecarts to push the minecart with the player or mob, or the trunk minecart. Works self-propelled trolley on the coals. In order for the self-propelled trolley to go, you need to right-click on it, holding coal or charcoal in your hands.

Trolley-1pc Box-1pc

In such a trolley, you can load items into 27 storage cells.

Metal ingot-6pcs Stick-1pc

If you like building railroads, then you will seriously need to stock up on metal ingots, as they will always be missing when building a railroad. 6 metal ingots and one stick give 16 rails, which will allow you to extend your railroad by 16 cells.

Gold ingot-6pcs Stick-1pc Redstone-1pc

Accelerate (aka "booster") is used to accelerate the trolley (if it is connected to power) or as a brake (if there is no power).

Rails with detector
Metal ingot-6pcs Button-plate-1pc Redstone-1pc

It is used like a regular plate button, only here it can only be activated by a minecart.

A boat
Boards -5pcs

The most economical and easiest way to move around the world and explore it. It is made from only 5 boards. But if you break the boat, it will fall apart into 3 boards and 2 sticks.


Boards -6pcs or Ingot of metal-6pcs

I think there is no need to explain what doors are :). Two doors next to each other form a double door. An iron door, unlike a wooden one, can only be opened using a mechanism (button, plate button, lever, etc.). The wooden door can be opened by hand.

Boards -6pcs

The meaning is almost the same. The same door only on the floor :)

Plate button
Stone-2pcs or Boards-2pcs

The button is located in the floor and activates a nearby mechanism if you stand on it. It is convenient to use for self-opening doors.

stone button

A small button is located in the wall and a nearby mechanism is activated when pressed. After a second, the button itself deactivates the mechanism.

redstone lantern
Redstone-1pc Stick-1pc

The redstone lantern is located in the same way as the torch: on the wall or on the floor. With mechanisms can be enabled or disabled. Lanterns also activate other mechanisms and act as a sensor or LED.

Lever arm
Stick-1pc Cobblestone-1pc

The lever activates and deactivates the mechanisms. Unlike a button, the lever does not deactivate the mechanisms on its own and can take on and off positions. Also used to switch arrows on rails.

Note block
Boards -8pcs Redstone-1pc

Plays notes when interacting. You can set the pitch with the right button. The timbre of the sound and even the instrument depends on which block to put the note block on. A great thing to create a kind of synthesizer.

Music player
Boards -8pcs Diamond-1pc

You can start the jukebox with the help of records. At the moment there are 2 types of plates. The gold record plays the song "13" and the green record plays the song "Cat". You can find the records in the treasuries.

Distributor (Turret)
Cobblestone -7pcs Bow-1pc Redstone-1pc

The allocator uses a 3x3 inventory grid and when running on a redstone it will randomly drop the items loaded into it. If arrows are loaded into the Distributor, then it turns into a turret, arrows fly out of it like from a bow. After using the turret, arrows can no longer be picked up.

Repeater/Retarder for Redstone
Redstone-1pc Redstone Lantern-2pcs Stone-3pcs

Serves as a repeater for redstone circuits. It can also slow down the speed of the signal.

1. Blow up everything with dynamite

It doesn't matter if you're playing in free roam or story mode - blowing things up with dynamite is always fun!

2. Build a boat and set sail

Whether you want to play pirate or you just need to get to a nearby island, it's always fun to do it with a boat you've built yourself. You never know what you can find at the bottom of the sea!

3. Build a cobblestone and stone generator

If you need a huge amount of stones, this is the best way to get them.

4. Build a city

Building a city is not so fast, especially if you want to make it well-equipped, but no one has invented a better way to kill time!

5. Build Real Life Buildings

It's always great to recreate something that actually exists: monuments, buildings and other nonsense. This is really a great way to show everyone what you are worth, because building a building from the real world requires remarkable skills and abilities.

6. Collect a complete collection of crystals (64 pieces)

Crystals are always useful in the household, and it is better to have a surplus than a shortage.

7. Kill every creature at least once

It may not be very useful, but the task is still there - to find each creature and kill it!

8. Unlock all achievements!

Wherever you play - XBox, PC, Playstation, tablet or even Smartphone, it doesn't matter, there are always many goals to reach!

9. Build a tower as high as the sky.

There are not many reasons why you would want to build a skyscraper, but there should be enough: you can look at your world from a bird's eye view, evaluate how much more space you have at your disposal, or even build a sky city!

10. Build an animal farm

Animal farms are very useful - you can breed animals and collect animal products, thanks to which you will have a lot of wool and other cool things.

11. Kill the ender dragon

If you want to feel that you have achieved at least something in Minecraft, then try to kill the Ender Dragon. Having killed him once, you can say with full confidence that you have done one of the most difficult things in Minecraft!

12. Create every possible wooden fixture

Making everything possible out of wood is a great way to save resources, because in this way you will have a constant supply of wood - after all, you will grow trees almost non-stop, but you will never use them.

13. Create every possible stone fixture

Same thing - and don't forget that if you have a cobblestone and stone generator, then stone mining will become even easier.

14. Create all possible iron devices

It is very useful to create everything that is possible from iron, because iron tools are famous for their service life, and you can also dig mines with them!

15. Create every possible tool out of gold

Gold appliances are useful if you want to extract resources faster, but they need to be saved for the time being, because they wear out very quickly.

16. Create every possible tool with diamonds

Diamond guns are the best thing you can ever create in Minecraft. They serve for a long time and extract resources very quickly!

17. Build a Creature Crusher

Having a Creature Crusher is always great, as it provides a huge benefit when it comes to resources. For example, if you build a Skeleton Crusher, you can get unlimited loot of bones, which can be ground into bonemeal, which in turn can be used as fertilizer for trees.

Also you can use bones to train wolves :)

18. Build a rollercoaster

Building a roller coaster is always fun because you have no idea what you might find while building it. Well, when the slide is ready, you can show off in front of your friends who don't have one!

19. Build a tree house

Tree houses are cool, because with their help you can easily keep track of your enemies!

20. Find an NPC Village

Searching for non-gaming villages is always fun and beneficial, because once you find one, you can easily steal all their resources or make the village the foundation for a huge city!

21. Go fishing

Fishing is always useful, because you need food for resources and for basic health replenishment! And in general it's fun, so you combine business with pleasure.

22. Build your house in different ways using the same blocks

This idea may not be that useful, but you will definitely have fun if you are already catching flies out of boredom!

23. Build your dream home

If you have a rough idea of ​​what your dream home should look like, build it in Minecraft first! In this case, you can change the details and various building elements until the moment when your ideal home is not in front of you.

24. Build your own subway

The underground train system is a great way to get around quickly. For example, if you have several cities and you need to get from one to another, the subway will help you!

25. Plant a tree in the Nether

One tree now, 100 later. Sooner or later, the Lower World will look much brighter :)

26. Play an adventure/puzzle map

This can give you pleasure, because puzzles require a certain skill, and besides, coping with them is not always easy!

27. Recreate a scene from your favorite movie and upload it to YouTube!

It may not be easy to do, but when you do succeed, you can upload the video to YouTube and show off in front of the whole world!

28. Hunt at night. WITHOUT weapons

It's a lot of fun... and dangerous. Yes, this requires skills: think for yourself what it's like to defend against creepers and skeletons without weapons - they have a bow and arrows, and you have bare hands!

29. Ride a pig - who knows where it will take you?

Pigs stick their curious nose into every corner, so if you need to get somewhere or find something interesting, well, or just get into an unknown place, sit on a pig and ride for at least half an hour - take a look at where it takes you will give up! Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

30. Dig right under you

Dig right under you - this is the first action that you can not do, because everything can end with your fall into the abyss or into lava - that's how lucky you are. However, sometimes it's good, because you may be lucky to find some cave or dig out something else, even more special!

31. Open the mine!

Mines are a great way to extract resources - iron, gold and diamonds.

32. Open a food farm

Opening a food farm will bring many benefits: you will have an unlimited number of melons, carrots and other products.

33. Tame the wolf

Wolves are great to keep as pets as they help you scare away creatures like zombies and skeletons!

34. Collect an entire army of wolves!

What could be better than one wolf? Hundred wolves! When you have so many predators, whoever approaches your city will face the worst day of their lives!

35. Build an underground headquarters

This is a cool idea, because if you're on a multiplayer server, it will be much harder for other players to find you, unless they see a label with your name, so hide very, VERY deep underground!

36. Build a boat dock

Where else to keep boats, if not at the docks? Whenever you want to sail across the sea, you can easily sit on a ready-made transport. This is much better than building a new one every time.

37. Start a forest fire

Wildfire is a great way to quickly clear the area or just have some fun!

38. Build an underground tree farm

Doesn't it piss you off when you need a bed and you go outside to get some wood and end up getting harmed or even killed? Well, if you choose to grow trees underground, you won't be risking your own life... As long as you have good lighting, of course!

39. Have a staring game with a character

Yes, it's fun, but also challenging at the same time, so be careful!

40. Build a water slide

Just like the American one, building a waterslide is fun because you never know what you will stumble upon while building it. When it is finished, you will have something to show off in front of your friends!

41. Build a pixel art object

This is another way to show everyone what you can do and just create something fun and funny!

42. Build a secret room

The good thing about secret rooms is that you can hide valuable things there.

43. Record music

Recording music is always fun - whether you're creating a full song or just a doorbell ringtone. Yes, it may be hard, but it is very useful!

44. Make a snow golem

Snow golems are great bodyguards as they throw snowballs at your enemies!

45. Make an ARMY of snow golems!

Having collected a whole army of these giants, you will be invulnerable, and you will be able to turn any animal into a snow animal!

46. ​​Color the sheep

Sheep coloring can be very useful, for example, if you need pixel art and you need some unusual color.

47. Enchant something

Enchanted weapons are much more effective than regular weapons, especially if they are diamond weapons!

48. Download and install some mod

Mods are really fun because they add a lot of different activities and things to Minecraft that can be useful.

49. Play the hunger games

The Hunger Games is one of the coolest mods because the skinniest one wins!

50. Build a volcano

Volcanoes look great in the background of any of your villages. You can even arrange a whole volcano island!

51. Build an underwater headquarters

The underwater headquarters is also great for those who play in multiplayer and want to hide from other players.

52. Build a spaceship

If you have nothing else to build, consider building a spaceship! You can even compete with your friends and see who can build the fastest ship!

53. Use a Texture Pack

Texture packs are another way to spruce up your game.

54. Build headquarters in the sky

If the Multiplayer players you encounter don't look up, they will never find your sky headquarters!

55. Massacre

Massacre is a great way to earn experience!

It's quite easy, because all you have to do is find the creature, bring them to your headquarters and trap them.

57. Capture at least 10 zombies, jump towards them and try to survive!

Yes, it is a difficult task, but nothing is impossible, right? If you tried this and it works, please upload the video to YouTube and leave the link in the comments!

58. Arrange the launch of the cannon ... man

Using a human as a cannonball is a great way to get around, as you can reach any height and distance if you have enough dynamite!

59. Collect the entire set of leather, gold, chains, iron and diamonds armor

Each set of armor has a different expiration date and defensive properties, so it will be better for you to use weaker armor on weaker creatures - and vice versa.

60. Build a gladiatorial stadium

Building a gladiatorial stadium is a very cool idea, because you can host games in it where your friends will fight with whole clouds of mobs!

61. Go down to the stadium yourself and participate

By the way, there are special mods to facilitate this task.

62. Record a video

Recording a video and uploading it to YouTube is the best way to show everyone what you've achieved in Minecraft.

63. Build a domino effect in the sand

The domino effect looks really cool! Making a perfect row of dominoes is a very difficult task that will require a lot of skills, but it's worth it!

64. Build a working Redstone TV and watch it

It may not look like a normal television, but just think - what you just can not build!

65. Have a building competition with your friends

This could definitely be fun. One of your friends can be the judge, the other two are building the same building, and then the judge decides who did the best! The only thing to remember is that the judge must not know whose house is in front of him.

66. Make an entire pixel art comic

I've never seen anyone do this, but it's a good idea, isn't it? Make your own comic or recreate something you love yourself.

67. Create everything possible, at least once.

This is very useful because you never know what will come in handy in the future!

68. Get very close to a creeper and then run away without losing any health

This is much harder than you think, because the range of destruction of creepers is hoo!

69. Create a game map yourself

Yes, it will take a lot of time to create your own map, but there you can let your imagination run wild, and then give your friends the opportunity to play on this map and see if they can handle it?

70. Play Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag is a game mode from Call of Duty, but why not play it in Minecraft?

71. Host your own fireworks show and invite all your friends!

Depending on how many fireworks you need, this will take a long time, but once you've installed everything you have, you can just sit back and enjoy!

72. Breed at least 50 wolves, and then hit one...

Oh, this is a difficult test, good luck! Use anything but dynamite.

73. Change your skin

A different skin will help you stand out from the rest of the players.

74. Try shooting a bow while spinning in place

In fact, it is very difficult, because it is impossible to aim, and your target is never in one place.

75. Find a mine shaft

You can find a lot of useful things in the mine shaft, from bread to diamond tools.

76. Find a temple in the jungle

The jungle temples are as rich as the mines, and there are many diamonds and emeralds.

77. Find all biomes

When you do this, you will get a huge advantage, because in every biome there is something interesting that you have not seen before. Temples can be found in the jungle biomes, oak trees in the ice, and emerald in the high hills! According to Wikipedia, there are about 61 different types of biomes in the game.

78. Build an archery row

Shooting ranks help you not only improve your skill, but also find a new way to fight skeletons or an enemy player in multiplayer.

79. Build a 50x50 castle with (at least) three floors

Building castles is always fun, but what if you play a little role-playing game and go to war with a friend? Why are there three floors? Simply so that you can show your imagination!

80. Throw eggs at chickens

Why not? It's funny to watch how chickens run away from their own eggs;)

81. Build an amusement park

Earlier I wrote that you can build several slides. Why not a whole park at once?

82. Build a Lighthouse (No Mods)

Lighthouses are good at pointing home when you are at a distance, so I would suggest building one as soon as possible!

83. Run around

Running is cool! I usually just run ahead until I find something interesting or a place where I can build a house.

84. Build an elevator

Is there a better way to get to the tree houses and sky headquarters than with an elevator?

85. Join the server

When you're bored, it's always interesting to join a server, as it's a new atmosphere and environment that you can explore, or maybe play with others - it all depends on the server you get on.

86. Try to beat as many Minecraft records as you can on recordsetter.com

There are many world records on this site that you are invited to break. Good luck!

87. Build a museum and put on display everything you find in the game

Above, I talked about creating everything that is possible in the game, so why not brag about it to the rest?

88. Build a dive board out of native materials, jump into a 2x2 pit that is at least 5 blocks deep, and try to survive!

It will be very difficult, because in the process of falling you will constantly move.

89. Try to recreate an entire episode from your favorite TV series

This will require a lot of dedication from you, because the episode needs to be recreated second by second. Good luck!

90. Try to recreate an entire movie

It will take you 3-4 times longer to make a movie than an episode of a TV series, because they usually last from one and a half to two hours, depending on the movie. Good luck!

91. Start your own Minecraft server

When you start your own server, you can play with friends without any problems. And, by the way, this is not difficult.

92. Build a monument to yourself

Just to decorate.

93. Build a monument to your idol

Is there a better way to express your gratitude to someone than by building their monument in Minecraft? :)

94. Play Walls

Walls are another great game map!

95. Grieving

Of course, this is not the best thing to do, but if you are really so bored, and you have nothing against hatred, then go ahead - attack the first server you come across and destroy everything you see. Just don't touch your friends and their villages!

96. Set goals to achieve yourself

For example, select a few items from this list and try to complete them as soon as possible.

97. Play Minecraft in Hardcore Mode

Hardcore Mode is even harder than Survival as you only have one life - see how long you can stay alive. GOOD LUCK!

98. Play Minecraft in Survival Mode

This is the easiest way to play Minecraft, because the main thing is to survive.

99. Play Survival Island

Survival Island is another cool game map so enjoy!

100. Play the Sky Block card

Last but not least, the card is the Sky Block.

The Minecraft 1.9 update was released at the end of February and is available for download. It has a number of new blocks and items, but in this article we will not talk about them, but show all the new crafting recipes.

New craftable items and blocks in 1.9:

To create shields, you need any wooden board + an iron ingot.

barbed shield(Damaged Shield)

The durability of two shields + plus another 5%. The restored shields have no drawings.

Drawing on shields

To draw a flag on a shield, simply place the shield and flag on the crafting grid.

The flag is consumed during the process, and the shield before the start of the process should not have any drawings. Applying the flag will fully restore the shield's durability.

Shield Enchantment

Shields cannot be enchanted using an enchantment table, but an anvil can apply repair (Mending) and durability (Unbreaking) to shields.

Purple Block Crafting

Purple Blocks and Purple Columns are decorative blocks that are generated in the End Dungeons. Purple Blocks and Columns can be mined with any pickaxe, they cannot be obtained without a pickaxe.

purple block

Ingredients: cooked corus fruit.

Cooked Corus Fruit can be obtained by melting Corus Fruit.

purple columns

Components: purple plate

purple stairs

Components: purple blocks

purple slab

Components: purple blocks

Craft Rod Edge

The End Rod is a decorative light source that emits white particles. You can get it with any tool or block. It is destroyed by water, like torches.

Components: fire rod + cooked corus fruit.

These crystals spawn in the End on top of obsidian pillars. Their main task is to restore health when he flies up to them. End Crystals can also be placed on bedrock and obsidian, as long as the two blocks above them are air or playable blocks and no other items in the area interfere with them.

If a crystal is placed on each of the four sides of the End Exit Portal, they will respawn health and dragon crystals before exploding.

Components: Glass + Eye of Ender + Tear of Gast

Craft Stone Brick End

Components: end stone

Beet soup craft

Beets can be used to feed pigs. Pigs can follow the player if they are holding beets. Beets can also be eaten to restore 1 hunger point and 1.2 saturation points.

Beet soup

Beet soup restores 6 hunger points and 7.2 saturation points.

Components: plate + beets.

red dye

Ingredients: beets.

Craft ghost arrows

Ghost Arrows grant a glowing effect for 10 seconds. It creates a target outline that is visible through blocks and has different colors depending on the targets (white by default). If the bow is enchanted with an infinity spell, ghost arrows are still consumed.

Ghost Arrow

Components: glow dust + arrow.

Craft arrows with tips

Arrows with arrowheads affect mobs or players differently. The duration of the effect is 1/8 of the corresponding potion and does not depend on the strength of the arrow. The effect is the same as from. If the bow is enchanted with the Infinity spell, the arrowheads are still consumed.

Tip Arrow Types:

  1. Fire resistance arrows;
  2. Arrows of harm;
  3. Arrows of treatment;
  4. Arrows of invisibility;
  5. Jump arrows;
  6. arrows of luck;
  7. Arrows of night vision;
  8. Arrows of poison;
  9. Recovery Arrows;
  10. Slow Arrows;
  11. Arrows of strength;
  12. Arrows of agility;
  13. Breathing arrows underwater;
  14. Arrows of weakness.


Components: any potion + arrows.

These are all crafting recipes for the new version of Minecraft 1.9. This article does not describe items and blocks that appeared in 1.9, but only new crafting recipes.

Minecraft is a sandbox game. Allows gamers to build a wide variety of block objects in a 3D environment. The user controls a character that can create or destroy. The possibility of playing online with many other users is presented.

Game description

This game has gone through quite a long development cycle. However, crafting in Minecraft has always been the main occupation. You can buy the game for twenty euros and start using it with the help of a special client. In addition, there is also a demo version, which provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the main features.

The creation of the game began in the distant 2009. Minecraft was released in autumn 2011. Even before the release of the full version, the game was able to gain immense popularity among gamers. In the autumn of the same year, the program was released on Android devices.

Maps for Minecraft come out with enviable constancy. In addition to them, many other improvements are constantly being added to the game, which are aimed at diversifying the gameplay.

Crafting in Minecraft

As mentioned above, this lesson in the game is, one might say, the main one. In general, crafting in Minecraft is a way to get items and blocks. To obtain a certain object, it is necessary to place the required amount of materials in a special grid. There are two types of grids in the game - 2x2 and 3x3. The first is in inventory, and to use the second, you will have to create a workbench.

Minecraft crafting rules

Skins for Minecraft can help decorate the game. But still, crafting remains the basis, whatever one may say. However, in order to create any thing, you will have to follow some rules. They will help beginners understand the basics and make crafting in Minecraft quite simple and interesting. Below is a list of ground rules.

  • Crafting things is possible only if there is a certain amount of material.
  • Boards, stones, and so on can have an absolutely diverse look. However, the player will only be able to repaint white wool. Some skins for Minecraft make changes to this rule.
  • The material must be located in the grid in a certain way. It will not be possible to do the required thing if the ingredients in the grid are placed just like. Crafting a ladder, for example, is possible only if all its parts are correctly positioned. However, the creation of some things does not require a specific placement of ingredients.
  • With a single click on the crafting button, one item will be created, and, accordingly, one ingredient from each cell will be spent. However, you can create the maximum possible number of items at once if you hold down the Shift key.

Crafting in the pocket version of the game

The adaptation of the program for mobile devices also affected the game system. In addition to the fact that some maps for Minecraft did not make it to the mobile version, we had to use a completely different type of crafting - MATTIS. Compared to the version for personal computers, the usual 3x3 and 2x2 cells were removed here. Instead, the user is given the opportunity to select the desired recipe from a list that is presented in alphabetical order.

To date, the mobile version has four types of sections for crafting. The undoubted advantage is that the user does not have to remember how the materials should be located in the creation grid. The downside is that the list of recipes for creating things is much longer.

The crafting panel itself in Minecraft Pocket Edition is presented as follows: on the left side of the screen there are four categories of items (they look like simple icons without any signatures). The central part of the display is occupied by the crafting list. The right side of the screen is represented by a button that shows how much material is needed to create. Just below this key is information about the item that will be created.

To date, there are one hundred and sixty-four crafting recipes.

Crafting in Minecraft: Recipes

So, having considered the main features of the game, let's go directly to the recipes for creating various items. Each object can be assigned to a certain category. Below we will analyze various recipes, for example, how to craft a ladder and so on.


Blocks are, one might say, the basis of the game. All maps in Minecraft are made up of them. Together they create the surrounding virtual world. Blocks can be removed, remade, and returned back to the Minecraft map. The volume of one element is equal to one cubic meter. Most of the blocks are static. However, for example, water or lava can change its appearance under any impact.


Today, a huge number of the most diverse blocks in Minecraft are presented. The crafting mod can also add a number of blocks to the game. In the original Minecraft world, which is randomly generated, you can find many blocks, for example: stone, snow, grass, sand, iron, coal, gold, ice, various flowers, wood and much more.

Treasures allow the player to find a number of additional blocks. After one of the updates, some elements can not only be created, but also found in the corners of the map. For example, someone who wondered how to craft a fence may forget about this problem. Now it can be found on the vastness of the map. However, for those who still create everything with their own hands, we present a recipe for crafting a fence. You will need six sticks (or two or four pieces of wood).


This category represents things the player needs to perform any actions that cannot be done with bare hands. For example, the extraction of resources or the commission of new actions. Many tools are repairable, and some can be enchanted. Crafting things, namely tools, is of great importance during the game. It is able to facilitate the extraction of rare resources and speed up the process.

Crafting tools

So, let's go directly to what tools can be created in Menicraft, and what ingredients are required for this.

Application of tools

It should be noted that every tool wears out sooner or later. The duration of its life depends on what the object was created from. One use is to completely destroy a block or hit a mob. Please note that if the tool is not used for its intended purpose, it will wear out sooner. For example, if you use a pickaxe to cut trees, then each hit will be equal to two uses.

  • Wood is one of the simplest ingredients. It can withstand sixty uses.
  • Gold is endowed with little durability, but is able to destroy blocks much faster. Able to withstand thirty-three uses.
  • Cobblestone is a fairly common item in the game. Withstands up to one hundred and thirty-two uses.
  • Iron has good strength and can withstand two hundred and fifty-one uses.
  • Diamond is the most durable item in the game. It can withstand 1562 uses.

Weapons in the game

In the game, you can use weapons that are stored in chests. Crafting a chest can be done without difficulty.

  • The fist is the default weapon in the game. Of the pluses, one can single out the fact that with its help you can repel enemies. For example, you can push a monster off a cliff.
  • Sword. To perform an attack, the left mouse button is used. Three blocks - the distance of the sword. You can kill an enemy with a different number of blows - it all depends on the material from which the sword was made. Gold and wood are able to kill many enemies with five or six hits; stone - from four to five, iron - from four, diamond - from five. Many swords break very quickly. The only material that will last long enough is diamond. However, finding it is a difficult task. To defend against a blow, you must press the right mouse button. You will need the following items: one stick + boards (except for boards, you can use diamonds, iron and cobblestones).
  • Onion. Arrows are also required to use this weapon. They can be crafted or picked up from dead skeletons. Once fired, they can be picked up and reused. We need to pull the string with the right mouse button. The range of the arrow and the damage depend on the tension force. With a good tension, enemies die from two or three shots. The bow can be used three hundred and eighty-five times, after which it will break. Crafting a bow requires: three sticks + three strings. To create an arrow, you need: flint + stick + feather. To create a ghost arrow you need: four light dust + an arrow.


Armor in the game serves to increase the overall protection of the character. Leather, iron, gold and diamonds can be used to craft armor. Breastplate, helmet, boots and greaves are components. At the moment the armor appears on the character, a scale appears that shows the level of protection.

Armor significantly reduces the damage that the character receives, but at the same time has the ability to wear out. Its strength depends on the material from which it is made. The most durable armor is made of diamonds. However, the damage it can absorb is only twice the strength of the iron shield. Making armor out of diamonds is quite difficult, as they are hard to find.

Craft armor

  • Helmet. This category of armor, made from various ingredients, can provide additional protection. For crafting, five pieces of leather are used (besides it, diamonds, iron or gold ingots can be used).
  • The cuirass adds a certain amount to the character's defense. It can be made from various ingredients. The choice of the player determines how much protection his character will receive. To craft, you need eight pieces of leather (diamonds, ingots of gold or iron).
  • Leggings, like the rest of the armor components, give a certain amount of protection to the character. For crafting, seven pieces of leather are used (diamonds, ingots of gold or iron).
  • Boots provide additional protection. For crafting, four pieces of leather are used (diamonds, iron or gold ingots).
  • Mail armor. This type of protection can only be obtained by using fire. However, it cannot be purchased legally. To get fire, you will have to use either cheat codes or certain modifications. After the next update in the game, the recipe for obtaining this type of armor was cut out.

Protection Durability

Like all items in the game, armor wears out sooner or later. How quickly this happens depends on the material chosen to create it. The level of wear depends on the amount of damage in a certain part of the armor.

  • Leather armor. The leather helmet can withstand 55 damage. The leather cuirass will break after 80. Leggings last seventy-five, and boots sixty-five.
  • Golden armor. A helmet of gold will withstand a level of seventy-seven damage. Breastplate - one hundred and twelve. Leggings are able to withstand one hundred and five damage. Boots - ninety-one.
  • Iron armor. An iron helmet will withstand an amount of damage equal to one hundred and sixty-five. Breastplate - two hundred and forty. Leggings will withstand two hundred and twenty-five hits from enemies. Boots - one hundred ninety-five.
  • Diamond armor is the most durable and can withstand a huge level of damage. The helmet will deal with three hundred and sixty-one hits. The cuirass will withstand five hundred and twenty-eight damage, the leggings - four hundred ninety-five, and the boots - four hundred and twenty-nine.

So, the article provides the basic recipes for creating the most common items. Of course, these are not all instructions for creating things. To get the most detailed crafting recipes, you should download the program and start playing. Remember that everything comes with experience!
