Alina arts personal life. Alina artz - biography, information, personal life

The country Russia Professions Years of activity - present tense Genres Pop, pop-dance Aliases "Alina Artts" Collectives "Via Sirius" (2009-2011)

Alina Vladimirovna Artz(genus. February 5th (1986-02-05 ) , St. Petersburg) - Russian singer, TV presenter, actress, editor-in-chief and general director of the Europa Plus TV channel. Host of the morning show "New Morning" on NTV. Host of the reality show "M-1 Fighter" on the TV channel "Fighter", host of the evening show "Hot Secrets with Alina Artz", host of the TV program "Star Secrets", performer of the official song of the Olympic Torch Relay "Olympic Dance".

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Alina Artz - It's about time (Hymn MixFighter Season 4)

    ✪ Alina Artz - It's time - Anthem Mix Fighter




Alina Artz was born in St. Petersburg in a family of native St. Petersburg residents.

Alina's mother - Lorena Anatolyevna Artz has a higher medical education, she is a doctor with 25 years of experience. Despite her extensive background in healthcare, Lorena carried her passion for fashion design throughout her life. Now this hobby has become her favorite thing. Thanks to her talent, Alina's mother created a whole collection of stage costumes in which Alina appears in her concert shows.

Alina's dad - Vladimir Vladimirovich Artz, from student times to the present day, is associated with tourism and travel. Vladimir Artz devoted many years to the development of the tourism business in St. Petersburg.

The son of Alina Artz - Vyacheslav Artz was born on October 10, 2012 in the United States of America, in the city of Los Angeles. The father of the child is businessman Vyacheslav Kamnev.

Childhood and youth

Alina Artz was born in St. Petersburg in 1986. Since childhood, the girl had a pronounced creativity.

From the age of 3, Alina showed interest in dancing and her parents, seeing her daughter's passion, sent her to a dance class.

This was followed by a choreographic school of arts, where the future actress and singer acquired the skills of various dance styles.

Upon completion of the art school, the qualification of a choreographer-teacher was obtained.

Higher education: St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" named after. IN AND. Ulyanova (Lenina) / Faculty of Biomedicine, Instrumentation and Engineering Environmental Protection / Specialty: Environmental Engineer

Actor career

Alina Artz began her television career in 2007.

  • The TV series "Matchmaker" on the TV channel (STS), the heroine of the series, 2007;
  • Children's newsreel "Yeralash", series "Funny People", 2008;
  • Television series Sled (TV series) (Channel One), the heroine of the series, 2008;
  • TV - project of the STS TV channel "Wedding of your dreams", 2008;
  • TV series "220 volts of love (TV series)", episode, 2009;
  • "Roof" (movie, "2009)", episode, 2009;
  • TV series "Expenses", the main character;
  • Dynamic show "ChISo 4102", performer of the main role and vocal parts, 2012;

"ChISo 4102" is an innovative show for Russia, which was shown in the Olympic Sochi.

In the production of "ChISo 4102" Alina owned: The main role of "Dream Girl", the main musical compositions, as well as the performance of aerial acrobatic numbers.

Television career

In parallel with her acting career, Alina Artz has been a successful TV presenter for NTV, Europa Plus TV and Fighter for many years.

Russian TV projects

  • Since 2010 - Host of the Reality show on mixed martial arts "M-1 Fighter" on the TV channel "Fighter".

"M-1 Fighter" - Unique Project of Russian Television / Sports Reality Show in Mixed Martial Arts

Alina Artz - Host of all four seasons of the M-1 Fighter project;

  • 2011 - 2013 - Host of the weekly program "Hot Secrets with Alina Artz" on the music channel Europa Plus TV.

The guests of the show were the top representatives of the Russian show business, who, in a conversation with the presenter, shared the secrets of success, talked about personal and intimate topics of life and work;

  • 2012 - Host of the program "Music Lunch" Show live on Europa Plus TV. The show included two hours of live broadcast, during which current world music news were discussed, as well as interviews with media people in the channel's studio;
  • 2011 - 2013 - Cycle of reports from Europa Plus Live for the Europa Plus TV channel;
  • 2013 - 2014 - Host of the program "Star Secrets with Alina Artz" on the music channel Europa Plus TV.

The program "Star Secrets with Alina Artz" is a continuation of the cycle of the program "Hot Secrets", but exclusively with the stars of the world show business, such as:

Christina Aguilera, dj Tiesto, Fatboy Slim, Steve Aoki, dj Loverush UK!, Marlon Roudette and many more;

  • 2016 - Host of the thematic author's music chart of the program "Top chArtts" on Europa Plus TV,
  • 2016 - 2017 - Host of the Beauty Morning column in the New Morning program on the NTV Channel.

International TV projects

  • Presenter of live broadcasts to the European audience of the Russian Song Festival "Zelena Gora" from 2008 to 2013.

Alina Artz adorns the famous Polish Russian Song Festival in the city of Zielona Gora for 5 years in a row, as the only presenter representing Russia.

The festival is broadcast live on TVP2- State Channel of Poland. And also, for all viewers of the show, Alina performs songs in Russian and Polish;

  • Presenter of a series of reports from the Legendary Billboard Music Awards, 2012, 2013.

Since 2012, Alina Artz has been the music ambassador for Europa Plus TV at the world-famous American Billboard Music Awards.

Live broadcasts for the Russian audience from the very heart of Las Vegas, where this enchanting show takes place, is hosted by Alina Artz.

For five years, Alina was in the famous MGM Grand Garden Arena and went on air for interviews with world show business stars;

  • Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk: Conducting and participation in the concert programs of the XXIV and XXV anniversary International Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk", 2015-2016. Management career
    • Since 2016 - Chief Editor of the EUROPA PLUS TV channel.
    • Since 2018 - General Director of the EUROPA PLUS TV channel.

Singer career

Alina Artz was the vocalist of the Vengerov & Fedoroff DJ project, as well as the soloist of the VIA Sirius group.

Since 2011 - solo career as a singer.

Already in 2012, Alina Artz pleased her fans with her debut album “Dance to Live!”, which included 11 original compositions.

The presentation of the disc took place on March 15, 2012 at the MILK club, where Alina performed with a bright concert program and a dance show.

Soon the artist is filming new video clips for the most popular compositions, together with director Alan Badoev: “Beautiful Lie”, “LA” and “Don't Run Away”.

In the spring of 2013, Alina presented the musical trilogy "Music Story", within which she presented three compositions and three music videos for these songs at once: "You can't do it differently with me", "The Brightest Star" and "Hit The Red Light". The clips were filmed in Los Angeles, the director of the musical trilogy was Konstantin Cherepkov.

A new round of Alina Artz's career began precisely with the composition "Hit The Red Light".

The single entered the top 40 of the most played tracks on American radio and entered the Media Base Top 40.

This song was a member and leader of many American charts, including: Hot 100 Chart, Hot AC40 Main Chart, Hot AC40 Indie Chart, America's AC Music Chart and many others.;

  • Performer of the official song of the Olympic Torch Relay "Olympic Dance".

Olympic torch relay

In 2013, after participating in the qualifying music competition and winning it, singer Alina Artz became the official voice of the Sochi-2014 Olympic Torch Relay. Her single "Olympic Dance" was highly appreciated by the jury. The first performance of Alina Artz with the song "Olympic Dance" took place on October 8, 2013 on Red Square.




Year Name of the track Album

Recently, the premiere of the video of the singer "Hit the Red Light" took place. The clip immediately hit the American charts of novelties. WomanHit found out how the artist did it.

Alina Artz.

press materials.

- Alina, did you expect such success in America from your new video "Hit the Red Light"?
I tried not to think about it. I used to set myself up for the fact that it is better to concentrate on work, and splash out the expectation of some kind of miracle in creativity. When I was a little girl, I dreamed of world fame. (Laughs) But I thought that the song "Hit the Red Light" would be a small attempt, a small step in order to somehow attract attention to itself. And the result exceeded all my expectations. We recorded it with American producer Tom Weir in a studio in Los Angeles. And when Tom told me that the song has a very proper commercial sound that corresponds to the new trends of American show business, I thought - he just cheers me up. But the mosaic has developed in the best possible way: the right sound, a hit musical series that is easy to remember, summer. After all, the song is light, cheerful, creates a good mood and sets you up for positive.

- In the Russian version, the name of the composition sounds like "Come on the red!". Are you against the rules?

— To some extent, yes. (Laughs) My protest is that there are no rules in the world. Each person sets them for himself. You need to trust your heart. And as soon as we begin to comply with the rules imposed by society, we go astray.

Have you ever broken the law in everyday life?
- Honestly? Yes. I sometimes break traffic rules and get fined for it. (Laughs.)

"I thought 'Hit the Red Light' would be a small attempt, a small step to get some attention. And the result exceeded all my expectations." Photo: materials of the press services.

- In the video you have very bright costumes: corsets, chains, gold and silver - is this also a kind of challenge to the rules?
- I think this style is fully consistent with the image of the song. And in life I focus only on those rules that I set myself. Everyone agrees that designers dictate new fashion trends. But they are peculiar, and the big question is why people should follow them. Maybe Alina Artz is better - who knows? I consider different world designers and recognize them, but I always adapt any style of clothing for myself. And if in some season, for example, green is not fashionable, but it is pleasant to me at the moment, then these rules do not exist for me. Moreover, when our artists are accused of bad taste, it makes me smile. If a person puts on colorful, incompatible colors, it means that he has such an atmosphere in his soul. And what you see in my video and my images, in the same way corresponds to my perception of life.

— You filmed the video in Los Angeles. They say this city never sleeps. Did you have any problems filming on the streets?
“It's actually a misconception that Los Angeles doesn't sleep. I recently had my first concert at a club and the organizers asked me to come on stage around 11pm. I was very surprised by this, because they called me the headliner. And then it turned out that all the clubs in Los Angeles close at half past two at night, and at one you can’t buy alcohol anywhere. And this is in nightclubs! All restaurants close at 23.00, and at two in the morning the city is fast asleep. I have never met such kind policemen in my life, with a smile naming prices, according to which you can easily block the main street, and traffic will be allowed to go to a different route. We were told that this was done on purpose by the authorities, so we did not cause any discomfort to anyone.

- Alina, you conquered Los Angeles, what's next?

- To be honest, I have not conquered Los Angeles yet. When I feel that I am really desired there, that I can gather thousands of fans for my concerts and perform not only in clubs, but also on large venues, then, perhaps, I will be satisfied. In fact, I feel happiness not from the fact that I have rotations in different countries of the world, but from work, new songs and that I do not stand still.

Alina Artz* - singer, actress, TV presenter.

Alina Artz, a native of St. Petersburg, came to Moscow in 2007. Her career began with the program of the NTV channel "Das IstFantastish". This program devoted to sex became one of the highest rated TV projects of 2008, in no small measure thanks to the artistry of its co-host Alina Artz, who tried on dozens of various seductive female images during the filming.

However, television alone was not enough for Alina, and in 2009 she decided to try her hand as a singer, becoming a soloist of the Sirius VIA, which “lights up” the dance floors of Russian and foreign nightclubs with the hits “Dance to Live!”, “ Breathe Deep", "It's all right" and "Shards". As a vocalist, Alina also worked with the DJ duo Vengerov & Fedoroff, including at such major events as RMA MTV and Night Life Awards. And in the summer of 2010, VIA Sirius performed more than successfully at the famous Russian Song Festival in Poland - the Russian Song Festival Zielona Gora, the permanent host of which has been its soloist Alina Artz for several years in a row! The young team looked very worthy against the background of their more experienced and eminent colleagues: Valeria, Dima Bilan, the Fabrika group.

Natural sexuality and bright appearance allowed Alina to become one of the sexiest girls in Russia. In particular, Alina took first place in the Miss Russian Night contest and became the face of the adult TV channel of the same name. In March 2010, Alina was invited to shoot in MAXIM magazine, and a year later, the video of the second photo shoot blew up the world video hosting youtube. Alina herself is not at all ashamed of her erotic works. In her opinion, a modern view of the world, the absence of complexes and a healthy dose of self-irony help her in her acting career, which is successfully developing in parallel with her music one.

She managed to star in the TV series Sled (Channel One), Matchmaker (STS), 220 Volts of Love (NTV), played a school teacher in Boris Grachevsky's Yeralash TV magazine, and also a journalist in his first feature film Roof ". In July 2010, Alina was invited to shoot the program "Raffle" on Channel One.

Alina Artz not only manages to record her debut album and shoot video clips, successfully tour and act in films, but also work as a host at various events. A sharp mind, a sense of humor and, of course, Alina's bright appearance attracted the attention of the creators of the first television reality show about mixed martial arts fighters "M1 Fighters" (Boets TV channel). In April 2011, this show became the winner of the All-Russian competition "TEFI-region 2010" in the nomination "Program about sports".

In 2010, on the waves of City-FM radio, Alina successfully hosted the talk show Sex and the City. Alina's experience in implementing outstanding projects, positioning in the music and media environment determined her choice as a host on the new and long-awaited Europa Plus TV music channel, where already in May 2011 Alina Artz will appear as the host of the weekly evening show HOT SECRETS with Alina Artz.

“The guests of my show will be artists, musicians, actors. As you understand, we will talk not only about music. Honestly, I would not like to reveal all the secrets of my show, but I can confidently say that fans of Europa Plus TV will be hot and interesting!” Alina says.

Here she is, the restless singer Alina Artz! One can only guess in what capacity she will perform next time. Maybe she, a girl with two higher educations (financial management and acting), would like to write a dissertation? Be that as it may, we are sure that she will turn even her scientific work into a bright and super-successful show, writes

IN 2011 Alina Artz, well known to the public from the musical project VIA "Sirius", shot her first video for the song "Do not run away", which was her first serious step in her solo career. Having looked at Alina for the first time, the director of the video, Jamilya Azizova, offered to shoot a video based on the plot of Stanley Kubrick's legendary film Eyes Wide Shut. Although the name Jamila did not have time to set the teeth on edge in Russian show business, she has already worked as a producer with such famous artists as Arash and Basshunter. The idea to shoot a remake of this film, which caused a wave of indignation among the stiff European public, Alina liked right away - she watched Eyes Wide Shut more than once, but she could never imagine that she herself would be able to act as the heroine Nicole Kidman. If you have seen Stanley Kubrick's painting, you will understand why there is so much eroticism in the video.

The natural beauty and sexuality of Alina Artz and her unsurpassed ability to transform and live on stage form a spectacular tandem. However, it would be difficult to convey all the passion of the main character of the clip without the outfits of designer Sergei Pugachev. The fashion designer, whose hallmark is the ability to embody images and ideas that are sometimes difficult to imagine, and the plot, where reality goes hand in hand with fantasy, created a mysterious atmosphere that, even through the screen, will take you to Kubrick's New York. “I have an amazing experience working on the video - together with my team, we created a very beautiful and emotional video. I hope you will enjoy!" - says enthusiastic Alina. Fashion designer Sergei Pugachev was also present at the shooting of the video and called Alina Artz his best model. “Each thing I created, like a separate novel, has its own images and ideas. Alina, which is amazing, managed to accurately convey the mood that I put into this outfit! The dress, tailored specifically for the heroine of this clip, consisted of two corsets and had a rather complex design, so the author of the dress himself undressed Alina after filming.

Life in art

Filmed in the exciting erotic series “Sex. Cinema. Spies" with elements of humor, romance and spies. She also performs vocal parts at the Sirius VIA, giving her voice to the hits Dance to Live, Breathe Deeper, Shards.

Life online

He maintains a video blog on the website of the Russian Night channel -, where he tells everything to his fans without hesitation (their number increased after winning the Miss Russian Night contest).

Special Advantages

As a soloist of VIA Sirius, she appeared on the pages of the May issue of MAXIM in 2010. So don’t be scared, you don’t have deja vu, but just a new meeting with a wonderful friend.

Selected Quote

“I am a native Petersburger, not deprived of ambitions, or rather, endowed with a hot temperament. And I have always felt a conscious interest in erotic art, whether it be paintings, sculptures, photos and, of course, videos. From the very beginning of our cooperation with the Russian Night TV channel, I realized that both men and women will be able to feel in my videos a real cocktail of tenderness, passion and not a single gram of vulgarity! I'm really not afraid to experiment!"

* Artz is not an alias. The surname has Austrian-Jewish roots. In our family, such a national cocktail is mixed that it is difficult to say what kind of blood is more in it, says Alina Artz.

A new song called "Olympic Dance" performed by Alina Artz was performed in 2900 cities and towns of Russia. The singer performed it at the evening city celebrations of the Relay Race, whose Presenting Partners were Coca-Cola, Ingosstrakh OJSIC and Russian Railways. In each region, the meeting of the torchbearers and the solemn Lighting of the chalice of Fire was accompanied by a festive program. The final celebrations of the Relay were decorated with a bright flash mob with scarves to the song "Olympic Dance" performed by Alina Artz. The Russian singer performed the "Olympic Dance" in every city hosting the Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch Relay. The text of the song was written by Russian authors and exists in several versions for live performances, radio and television. Everyone could take part in the "Olympic Dance" at the final celebrations. The song comes with an instructional video with dance moves that you can learn to join the flash mob with scarves and become part of the Olympic dance! The premiere of the song "Olympic Dance" performed by Alina Artz took place on October 8, 2013 at the Europa Plus radio station. In addition, a video clip was shot for the song "Olympic Dance", written and directed by Evgeny Kamnev. In the video, Alina Artz and her team perform a dance that formed the basis of a flash mob that took place near the Moscow Kremlin, on Palace Square in St. Petersburg and near the Grand Ice Arena in Sochi. The premiere of the video for the song "Olympic Dance" in the near future can be seen on the TV channel Europa Plus TV and on the Internet.

Official (updated) biography at
Official page of Alina Artz Vkontakte:
Twitter: no. blog: no.
Official site: no.
YouTube channel: no.
Livejournal: no.
MySpace: no.
Alina Artz in Odnoklassniki (official group): no.
Photo on FLICKR: no.
Community on LIVEJOURNAL: no.

Materials used in the creation of the biography:
1. Official press portrait of Alina Artz in the media.
2. Wikipedia.
3. Media.
4. Photo from open sources.

The future star of Russian television screens first saw the light in St. Petersburg. On February 5, 1986, a girl was born in the family of a medical employee and traveler, who was destined to become a mega-star. From a young age, the young talent developed in a creative direction: he loved to sing and dance. The girl attended a dance studio, and then a choreographic school, leaving from there as a professional teacher-choreographer.

In addition to a bright creative streak, the girl miraculously also had a penchant for mathematics. After graduating from high school, Alina becomes an applicant at the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation. The energy, as well as the craving for knowledge, is over the top of the newly minted student, therefore, in parallel, she enters the St. Petersburg State Institute of Service and Economics in absentia, and after a few years the girl is already the owner of two diplomas at once.

Career Artz

After graduating, in 2007 the girl moved from the northern capital to Moscow. There, the St. Petersburg beauty is already studying in a theater studio and first appears on television: she was invited to host the program “Das East Fantastish” on the NTV channel.

Since that time, Artz's career has gone uphill: she began to be noticed in television series and movies. In addition, she becomes a member of the musical group "Sirius". As part of this group, she participated in 2010 at the Polish festival of Russian songs - "Zielona Gora", where, after she decided to become a solo singer, she was the host for 5 years.

In the spring of 2010, Artz tries himself on the radio. On the air of City FM, the girl hosts the program Sex and the City, after which she participates in the program Prank on Channel 1. A year later, she becomes the host on the Fighter cable channel: she hosts the popular sports reality show M-1 Fighter, Igor Petrukhin becomes her co-host. By the way, this project received the TEFI-region 2010 award as the best sports program.

The spectacular brown-haired woman took part in the Miss Russian Night contest, where she won first place. After she starred for the erotic magazine MAXIM and appeared in the Playboy edition. 2011 turned out to be a very creative year for Alina. On the Europa Plus TV channel, the girl hosts the provocative program "Hot Secrets".

The following year, her first concert was held, which was called "Dance to Live." After that, the girl leads a series of reports from the famous Billboard Music Awards Ceremony, participates in the Chiso 4102 project, and interviews world stars as part of the Star Secrets program. Along the way, Alina has been reporting on TV with Europa Plus Live for 3 years.

The private life of a showbiz star

Alina is an active user of social networks, she gladly uploads her photos and communicates with her followers. But, despite the seeming openness of her character, Alina is not going to devote fans and the press to her personal life. According to rumors, she has a man, which is not surprising, but who he is is unknown.

Interesting Facts

  • one of the girl's hobbies is decorating objects with Swarovski crystals;
  • Artz considers red and blue to be his favorite colors;
  • Alina loves to sit over a cup of strong pu-erh tea;
  • the girl performed the composition "Olympic Dance", which is the officially recognized anthem of the Sochi 2014 Relay.

Films with Alina

  1. Comedy series "Matchmaker" (STS, 2007).
  2. Detective "Next" (1st channel, 2008).
  3. Children's TV magazine "Yeralash" (2008).
  4. Comedy series "220 volts of love" (2009).
  5. Film "Roof" (2009).

What do you think of Alina Artz? Write your answers below.

Alina Artz - singer, TV presenter, actress.


Having entered the top five sexiest girls in Russia according to MAXIM magazine, Alina began to conquer the musical Olympus. Alina Artz's first hits "Breathe Deeper" and "Shards" got into radio rotation, and the official remake of East 17's song "It's Alright" held the second place of the Eurohit Top 40 hit parade on Europa Plus radio for three weeks. "And traveled in the performance of Alina to clubs on all continents.

Big solo concert by Alina Artz in support of the release of the album "Dance to live!" took place on March 15, 2012 at the MILK club, where Alina performed with a bright concert program and a dance show. Shortly after her debut solo concert, Alina presented the new tracks “You Can’t Do It Differently With Me” and “LA!”. The videos released in support of these singles have received over 2,000,000 views on YOUTUBE.

In 2012/2013, Alina Artz presented the musical trilogy “Music Story”, within which she presented three hits and three music videos filmed in Los Angeles. The tracks "It's impossible with me otherwise", "Hit The Red Light" and "The Brightest Star" are united by one common story. On March 3, 2013, Alina presented the English-language track “Hit The Red Light” at the trendy Los Angeles club LURE at her concert, and on June 23 she presented the track to the Russian audience at a concert held on Red Square in honor of the graduates.

To date, Alina Artz owns the compositions "Hit the red Light", "The brightest star", "It's impossible with me differently", "Dance to live!", "Breathe deeper", "It's all right", "Shards ”, “Beautiful lies” and others. In total, more than 20 songs have been released.

For 5 years in a row, Alina Artz has graced with her presence the famous Russian Song Festival in Poland (Russian Song Festival Zielona Gora), which all these years has been held with her participation as the host of the festival and is broadcast live on TVP2 - the state channel of Poland. For the international audience of the Festival, Alina annually performs songs in Russian, Polish and English.

2013 began for Alina Artz in Sochi with shows of the innovative show for Russia ChISo 4102, in which she played the main role. Alina Artz acted as the "voice" of the show, in which she sings, dances and performs aerial acrobatic numbers.

Alina Artz won the competition of songs and performers for the official song of the Olympic Torch Relay, organized by the Organizing Committee of Sochi 2014, and went on tour with her song "Olympic Dance", accompanying the solemn ceremony of lighting the torch in each city of the Relay with performances.

TV presenter

Despite the fact that Alina devotes most of her time to musical projects and choreographic training, her appearance on television as a presenter does not cease to be in demand. In 2012, Alina made her debut with her own evening show "Hot Secrets with Alina Artz" on the music channel Europa Plus TV. In the same year, Artz traveled to the largest music awards ceremony Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas in order to conduct a live report from the scene. In 2013, the tradition continued - Alina was again invited to the ceremony for interviews with world celebrities and a report from the red carpet of the famous MGM Grand Garden Arena, where the Billboard Music Awards ceremony takes place.

In September 2013, the third season of the sports reality show in mixed martial arts M-1 Fighter started at the Fighter TV channel, hosted by Alina Artz from the moment it appeared. Alina became the voice of a reality show, supports the fighters with her performances and, especially for the M-1Fighter project, recorded the Combat Hymn "It's About Time".

In 2013, a new program cycle “Star Secrets with Alina Artz” was released on the Europa Plus TV channel, which the TV presenter dedicated to communicating with world celebrities. In Star Secrets, Alina interviewed world stars such as Christina Aguilera, Steve Aoki, Tiësto, Fatboy Slim, Loverush UK, Marlon Roudette, Mohombi and many others.


Soon the multi-part youth film "Expenses" will appear on the screens, in which Alina Artz played the role of herself. One of Alina's first roles in cinema was as one of the heroines of the humorous film magazine Yeralash. Then, the aspiring actress tried on the role of a strict teacher. Alina's immersion in the cinema began in 2007 with the filming of the television series "Next", in which she played the role of an assistant judge. After a successful start, Alina received an offer to star in the serial film "The Matchmaker", followed by a role in the film "220 Volts of Love" and a role in the feature film "Roof" by Boris Grachevsky, in which Artz played a journalist.

Olympic torch relay

The first performance of Alina Artz with the song "Olympic Dance" took place on October 8, 2013 on Red Square. Since October 2013, together with the Relay, she crossed the whole country, from west to east and back to Sochi, performing the song “Olympic Dance” at all official celebrations of the Olympic Torch Relay, which, thanks to the participation of hundreds of volunteers, was organized by a specially staged flash mob. October 28, 2013 Alina Artz became an honorary torchbearer of the Olympic Torch Relay in the city of Pushkin (city).
