Planting tomatoes in May: favorable days and useful tips. Planting tomatoes in the ground in May: the most favorable days Tomato transplant calendar in May

Tomatoes have long been one of the favorite crops for Russians. Housewives use them in almost every dish, and they also salt them for the winter. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that they are grown in almost every garden. However, like all plants, tomatoes have their own characteristics of planting and planting in open ground.

It is important to remember that they are heat-loving crops that will not survive sudden temperature changes. It is for this reason that it is necessary to ensure that the optimally favorable time is chosen for planting them in open ground.

When is it better to plant tomato seedlings in May according to the lunar calendar and region of residence?

Most experienced gardeners know that before planting seedlings, they need to take into account not only weather conditions, but also refer to the lunar calendar. Not only scientists, but also from the personal experience of summer residents, have proven the beneficial influence of the phases of the Moon on different crops.
Favorable days in May for planting tomatoes in open ground will be the 18th, 19th and 31st, in June - the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 10-12th. If you decide to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, the best periods for this are considered to be May 9, 10, 11, 18 and 19.

It is important to take into account the region of residence, since the time for planting seedlings will be different for everyone. For tomatoes, the optimal temperature will be 16 degrees Celsius, and the soil temperature will be at least 10 degrees Celsius.

Often in the Russian Federation, planting tomatoes in open ground occurs from late May to early June.

In the central regions of the Russian Federation, tomatoes should be planted from the end of May to June 10, in the south of the country - from the beginning to mid-May.

In the northern regions there is no need to rush into this, so it is better to plant in early June.

Preparing tomato seedlings for planting in open ground

In order for tomato seedlings to take root in a new place as quickly as possible, they must be hardened off in advance. Therefore, every day you need to take it outside, gradually increasing the time spent in the fresh air. The first sign of hardened seedlings will be dark green leaves and purple stems.

The gardener also needs to take care of preparing the bed. Since tomatoes are a light-loving plant, the area in which they will grow should be well lit. You should not plant seedlings in the area where potatoes, peppers, and eggplants previously grew. Tomatoes will develop well after cabbage, onions or cucumbers.

The area should be dug up in the fall. If this fails, you can dig up in early spring. It is important to remember to add organic fertilizers to the soil.

It is best to plant tomato seedlings in a new location in the afternoon or in cloudy weather. Before doing this, it is important to water all the plants thoroughly. This is necessary to make it more convenient to remove them from the container. The earthen ball should not be removed, as the root system can be damaged.

The size of the hole must be at least the size of the pot. Do not forget about maintaining the distance between plants. After planting, the plant should be watered with warm water and sprinkled with soil. Around the tomato, you can mulch the soil with hay, straw, sawdust or other material convenient for the gardener.

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Gardener's lunar calendar 2018 - Planting tomato seedlings, sowing cucumbers

May 2018

The table of the lunar calendar given on this page is a thematic selection from a universal one made for the convenience of planning work related to work in the beds. Garden strawberries are present in this section, since it is more convenient for us to view works related to them in the “garden” section of the calendar.

May decorates the forests, summer awaits visitors.

May is the most favorable time for planting most plants. In central Russia, at the beginning of the month, cold-resistant crops are planted in open ground: carrots, turnips, radishes, spring garlic. In the middle of the month they plant onion sets, at the end - strawberries, beans, beets, and potatoes. Grow pumpkin seedlings. Depending on weather conditions, seedlings of various types of cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, celery, leeks, spicy and medicinal plants are planted in May.

On a note: Abundant watering helps plants survive spring night frosts, which still occur in May - moistened soil brings heat to the surface from its deeper, uncooled layers, and moisture-saturated air cools more slowly - excess steam condenses and releases heat. By watering, you can increase the temperature in the ground layer of air by 2-3 degrees.

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time *)

Moon calendar

Gardening work, activities for caring for vegetable plants

from May 01, 2018 00:00 (Tue)
to 01 May 2018 18:19 (Tue)

Waning Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Short period of time this month, so it may be better to schedule these jobs for the next day:
Laying out potato tubers in a warm room for germination, spring garlic and onion sets for warming up. Sowing nigella onion for growing sets. Watering and fertilizing with organic fertilizers. Favorable time for picking seedlings(including tomatoes and peppers). Soil treatment: loosening, mulching. Root begonia tubers are planted in pots. Soaking seeds of zucchini, pumpkins and cucumbers and sowing them in greenhouses, under film cover or for seedlings (depending on weather and regional conditions). Planting white cabbage seedlings. Sowing seeds of late varieties of cauliflower into a nursery for autumn consumption. It is possible to plant seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants in greenhouses under additional cover; planting seedlings of zucchini, pumpkin, and squash in open ground under cover.

Work on the gardener's lunar calendar table for May 2018 was completed on 04/15/2018

The gardener's lunar calendar was made in this form at the suggestion of one of the active visitors to our site on the forum.
We try to take your comments into account. Please contact us with your suggestions at

* To determine the local time of a lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

Tomatoes are one of the most important vegetables in the human diet. Red tomato fruits are consumed fresh or processed. Tomatoes are easy to plant in your own garden. Growing tomatoes requires careful care.

The ancestors of tomatoes were brought to Europe from South America. Therefore, the culture is difficult to adapt to our climate. The plant is not resistant to frost, and also reacts poorly to copious amounts of moisture. The crop is often subject to diseases and pest attacks. Without abundant light, the crop's stems become elongated. Elongated stems break under their own weight. Therefore, it is so important to know the rules for growing tomatoes in May.

Methods for propagating tomatoes

Culture multiplies two ways:

  1. Sowing seeds in the ground.
  2. Planting prepared seedlings.

The plant is grown in greenhouse conditions from seeds. Tomatoes can be replanted after they have grown to seedling level. The quality of seedlings affects the amount of harvest. The greenhouse consists of a support and a polyethylene covering. Such shelter creates favorable conditions for cultural life. Planting of seedlings in open ground is carried out in early May. The plant can be grown on any land. Land for growing tomatoes may have a neutral or weak reaction.

Planting of seedlings is carried out after the disappearance of the last frosts. If you plant early, the plant will die when the night gets cold. Seedlings must be hardened off before planting. Hardening occurs by removing the seedlings to fresh air.

Greenhouse seedlings It is hardened a little differently. To do this, the greenhouse opens during the day and closes in the evening.

Soil for seedlings

Early tomatoes are planted in a well-lit area of ​​land. It is advisable to choose a site on the south side. Do not place tomatoes on heavy soils. Tomatoes Fine grow after cucumbers, onions and beans. It is not recommended to plant tomatoes after tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplants. Planting tomatoes after nightshade crops risks late blight.

Complex fertilizers are applied to the soil before planting. The land is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or Bordeaux mixture.

Tomatoes grow well in areas of the ground protected from the wind. Tomatoes are grown in the same place after 3-4 years. It is advisable to add manure to the soil 1-2 years before planting. Dwarf varieties are planted in the first year after adding manure to the soil. 3-4 kilograms of manure are used per 1 meter.

Fertilizer application

The soil is weeded before planting, and then dug up and leveled. If compost has not been added by this time, then it is added in an amount of 5 kilograms per 1 meter. Fertilizing with nitrogen is applied to the soil up to 30-60 grams per 1 meter.

Spring and autumn the area is plowed and harrowed. It is prohibited to introduce fresh manure. Fresh manure slows down the process of fruit formation. During plowing, phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is applied.

Rules for planting seedlings

Seedlings are planted after the air has warmed to 12 degrees. This temperature guarantees the safety of seedlings at night. Seedlings are considered ready for planting when they have 6-9 leaves. The height of the seedlings should be 25 centimeters. In greenhouses, the height of seedlings can be much higher. For planting, it is better to use seedlings older than 50-60 days. Adult seedlings are more difficult to take root. To avoid risks, some sprouts younger than 45 days are used.

Good tomato seedlings have thick stems.

Early varieties are considered ready for planting when their first buds form. Seedlings are planted in batches. Part of the batch must be left in case the sprouts freeze. To protect the sprouts from frost, polyethylene covers are used. The sprouts take refuge in night time. The rest of the party lands after the final warming.

It is necessary to carefully consider the distance between tomato bushes. Too much distance threatens to degrade yields. A large distance between bushes does not affect the yield, but this is not practical.

It is best to plant tomatoes in rows according to the following scheme:

  1. Low varieties are planted in rows. The distance between rows is 40-50 centimeters. The distance between bushes is 30-35 centimeters.
  2. The distance between rows of tall varieties is 130 centimeters. The distance between bushes is 70-90 centimeters.

Preparing for landing

Before planting, the sprouts are watered abundantly. The soil should be so soft that the seedlings can be pulled out by hand. The sprouts should be pulled out along with a lump of wet earth. It is necessary to pull it out carefully so as not to damage the root system.

The hole should be of such a size that the root system and a little trunk fit into it. Long stems are planted at the same level as short ones. For longer stems, dig a deeper hole. Tomatoes should grow at the same level so that the bushes do not shade each other.

When planting, it is important to water the hole. After watering, the hole is sprinkled with a small amount of dry soil or humus. This treatment allows the seedlings to survive well.

Planting tomatoes in a permanent place

Planting dates are determined in accordance with the variety. Early varieties are planted on May 15-20. Seedlings of later varieties are planted before June 10. Planting dates depend not only on the variety of tomatoes, but also on the region of planting. Climatic conditions also affect planting. Planting should be done in warm soil up to 10-12 degrees. The air temperature should be 12-15 degrees.

Planting in mid-April threatens a repeat of night frosts. The seedlings are covered with shelter at night. The shelter should be completely removed in early June. It is best to plant tomatoes in cloudy weather. The best time for planting is morning or evening.

Planting seedlings in May is carried out as follows:

Fruits slow down their development in hot weather. Under the scorching sun, tomatoes do not turn red for a long time. Picked fruits can be brought to readiness by artificial ripening. After a while, the picked fruits will turn red, but they nutritional value will decrease significantly.

Caring for tomatoes in the garden

Tomatoes require regular care. Before planting, seedlings are sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate. A mixture of compost, ash and superphosphate is added to the hole. The seedlings are planted in such a way that the bottom leaf is located next to the ground. The plant goes deep to the cotyledon leaves. The soil must be loosened after the seedlings have taken root. The plant hills up slightly after each watering. Tomatoes need to be watered regularly. Watering should be regular, but in moderation. A bountiful harvest depends on the application of organic and mineral fertilizers to the soil.

The first feeding is carried out 10 days after planting. For the first feeding, the following solutions are used:

  1. Ammonium nitrate. It is necessary to spend 100 grams of ammonium nitrate per 10 meters of area.
  2. Manure diluted 6 times with water. 50 grams of superphosphate per 1 bucket of solution is added to this liquid. Each plant should receive 0.5 liters of solution.

2 weeks after the first feeding, the second is applied. The second feeding is carried out with superphosphate 13-18 grams per 1 meter of area. Also add 10-12 grams of potassium salt per 1 meter of plot.

Do not overdo it with fertilizers containing nitrogen. Such fertilizers increase the chance of barren flowers and poor fruit development. The need for fertilizers is determined by the appearance of the plants. Healthy plants with thick stems do not need further feeding.

During the summer, it is necessary to weed the area from weeds.

Some varieties have large fruits. The branches sag under the influence of heavy fruits. Supports should be dug into the ground so that the branches do not break under the weight of the fruit.

It is advisable not to water tomato bushes with cold water. A container should be installed to heat water under the sun.

Planting tomato seedlings in the ground in May. Many gardeners have encountered the problem of planting a new variety using old experience, but in the end the harvest leaves much to be desired. The plant is not resistant to frost, and also reacts poorly to copious amounts of moisture.

The crop is often subject to diseases and pest attacks. Without abundant light, the crop's stems become elongated. Elongated stems break under their own weight. Therefore, it is so important to know the rules for growing tomatoes in May.

What you will learn from this material:

Favorable period for planting tomato seedlings in open ground in May

You can start planting hardened tomato seedlings in beds, including under film and in a greenhouse, as early as the second half of May, in stable warm weather above +15 degrees.

In 2018, the new moon will be on May 15, and after this date, from May 18, 2018 to May 28, 2018 is a great time to plant seedlings.

Preparing seedlings for planting tomatoes in May

Before planting, the sprouts are watered abundantly. The soil should be so soft that the seedlings can be pulled out by hand. The sprouts should be pulled out along with a lump of wet earth. It is necessary to pull it out carefully so as not to damage the root system.

The hole should be of such a size that the root system and a little trunk fit into it. Long stems are planted at the same level as short ones. For longer stems, dig a deeper hole. Tomatoes should grow at the same level so that the bushes do not shade each other.

When planting, it is important to water the hole. After watering, the hole is sprinkled with a small amount of dry soil or humus. This treatment allows the seedlings to survive well.

Planting tomato seedlings in May

The first step is to decide on the area where the tomatoes will grow. The soil should be well heated by the sun's rays, there should be no drafts or exposure to wind. In a shaded area, the plant will not develop properly and you can forget about the harvest.

Tomatoes are not planted in the same area. The earth must change every year. Also, you should not plant tomatoes after onions and garlic.

To get a good harvest, you need to plant strong seedlings. First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the stem - it should be thick and strong. Secondly, for the leaves - there should be from 6 to 8 pieces. After planting, after 1.5 months, the lower leaves are torn off to reduce damage.

In the evening before planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly. This will make it easier to get it out without damaging the root system. If the plant grows in cups, then this should not be done, since dried soil is much easier to remove from the glass without damaging the root.

It is better to plant in the afternoon or in cloudy weather. If the decision is made to plant in the morning, then in the evening watering is canceled.

Rows should be spaced 70cm apart and plants should be planted 40cm apart.

Holes are dug along the rows with a shovel. The depth will depend on the height of the seedling (long ones are planted deeper). During planting, it is important to thoroughly water the hole, then cover the seedling with dry soil or humus.

Tomato pinching

In all tomatoes, so-called stepsons begin to grow from the leaf axils at a certain point in time. These shoots do not make the bush more fertile; on the contrary, they slow down the ripening of already formed berries.

And in addition, stepsons make the bush more luxuriant, which creates unnecessary shade for the planting and increases the likelihood of infection. To reduce all these risks and eliminate unfavorable factors, pinching is carried out, that is, removing unnecessary side shoots.

Watering a tomato

Watering must be organized so that the soil does not dry out. In hot, dry weather, water tomatoes generously once or twice a week. The most important period is the period from the appearance of the ovary to the end of fruit formation.

To avoid fruit disease from blossom end rot, water the plants at the root or drip in the evening. The addition of wood ash during watering is very useful for plants: a few pinches in a bucket or sprinkle the ash on the soil under the bushes.

The need for loosening and weeding when growing tomatoes

Caring for tomatoes includes the necessary agrotechnical techniques, such as loosening, which is done after each watering. Loosening is necessary when a hard earthen crust forms after rain. The first loosening is carried out between rows to a depth of 10-12 cm. As the plant grows, the depth of cultivation is reduced to 6-7 cm, as the roots of the plant grow and there is a possibility of damage during deeper cultivation.

Thanks to surface tillage of the soil, the access of oxygen to the roots increases, the processes of absorption of nutrients begin to proceed more intensively, therefore, fruit formation improves and the yield of tomatoes increases.

They loosen the soil as the weeds become overgrown and a crust forms, which must be broken. The bed is cleared of weeds and kept clean throughout the growing season. Weeds absorb nutrients from the soil no less than tomatoes, often absorbing more microelements. What is the main crop growing in the garden?

Mulching tomatoes

Mulching is an excellent care for tomatoes. This process will save you time from weeding or loosening the soil. Tomatoes in open ground Mulch performs many useful actions, namely:

  • Protection of soil and soil from moisture evaporation;
  • Prevents the appearance of weeds, various cracks and crusts on the soil;
  • Also saves you time from loosening;
  • Stabilizes soil temperature and humidity;
  • It has a positive effect on the breeding of worms, which contributes to more loosened soil.

Top dressing tomato

The minimum norm would be three times fertilizing throughout the season; tomatoes also respond very well to regular fertilization at intervals of two weeks. The nutrient mixture should contain less nitrogen than potassium and phosphorus.

This recipe is universal for 10 liters of water: ammonium nitrate 15 g, superphosphate 50 g, potassium chloride 30 g. A good way to feed tomatoes is a solution of bird droppings.

Tying up tomato bushes

Seedlings are tied to pegs or trellises after planting and rooting. If the bushes grow from seeds, after the appearance of 6 leaves.

Hill up tomatoes 2-3 times per season to produce additional roots. At the same time as hilling, it is convenient to pull out weeds, preventing them from growing around the tomatoes.


Growing tomatoes, planting and caring in open ground will seem simple and will be a pleasure if you provide the crop with everything you need and follow agricultural practices. And as a result, you will get an excellent harvest.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new varieties bred by breeders; grow tomatoes that will be much easier to care for due to their resistance to diseases and temperature changes.

Favorable days for planting tomatoes are determined not only by the characteristics of the variety, but also by the phase of the moon. According to gardeners, the right date affects the quality of seedlings and the formation of a bountiful harvest.

Many gardeners believe that there are favorable days for planting tomatoes. This applies not only to sowing seeds, but also to transferring grown plants to a permanent place. The choice of date is largely determined by the phase of the moon. For this purpose, a lunar calendar has been developed, which shows favorable and unfavorable periods for carrying out dacha work.

The time for planting tomatoes is determined taking into account the signs of the zodiac and the phase of the moon, which it passes on certain days of the month.

According to experts, seedlings grow safely and give maximum results when the night luminary is in the signs:

  • Libra;
  • Taurus;
  • Capricorn;
  • Cancer;
  • Scorpio.

The days for planting seedlings when the satellite is in the constellation Aquarius, Aries, Virgo, Gemini, Leo are barren.

According to the lunar calendar, days when the moon is in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Libra, Pisces are suitable for feeding tomato seedlings. This period is considered wet. Harvest during the dry season. It begins when the moon is in its waning phase and passes the constellations Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius or Gemini.

For planting seeds, as well as replanting or picking plants, the first two days after the new or full moon are considered unfavorable. During this period, planted plants are weeded, the soil is loosened, and other necessary work is carried out on the summer cottage.

Effect on yield and duration of seed storage

The night light affects not only the volume of the harvest, but also the quality of the tomato seeds, which are collected for later use. This is suitable for non-hybrid varieties that are regularly grown in garden plots.

  1. The waxing moon is suitable for planting work. It is considered the most favorable and contributes to obtaining maximum yield.
  2. If the days according to the calendar are considered favorable, but the moon is waning, the seeds are sown on the last day of the suitable period.
  3. If a favorable time falls on the sign of Pisces or Cancer, then the harvest is expected to be plentiful, but the seeds of such tomatoes do not differ in quality. They are not suitable for long-term storage and subsequent use.
  4. If favorable days fall on Capricorn, Scorpio or Libra, then not only the tomatoes will produce an excellent harvest, but the seeds obtained from them will be of high quality and suitable for storage.
  5. If it is necessary to obtain seeds for subsequent propagation, tomatoes are sown in the sign of Sagittarius. The harvest is not fertile, but the seed material is of increased quality.

Determining the timing of sowing seeds according to the lunar calendar

Sowing seeds for seedlings begins in the last ten days of February and ends by mid-March. Late-ripening varieties, as well as tomatoes grown in greenhouse conditions, are sown earlier. If it is intended to grow early ripening species in open ground, then they are sown in mid or late March.

In this case, it is important to take into account two factors: the state of the moon and the zodiac sign in which it is located. If it is in the growing phase, then the best day will be in the first ten days. It is important that the satellite passes the constellations Scorpio, Cancer, Libra, Pisces, Taurus or Capricorn.

If we talk about the new summer season, then in February and March there will be a sufficient number of favorable days.

In February we grow seedlings for greenhouses. If you rely on the state of the moon, then the favorable period begins on February 17. The satellite enters the growing phase. It continues until February 28. In March, the moon waxes on the 1st, then from the 18th to the 30th. These dates are considered conditionally favorable for planting seeds for seedlings.

If you take into account the zodiac signs, then in February it is better to plant:

  • 17-18th, located in the constellation Pisces;
  • On the 21st-22nd, it is in the first growing phase and passes the constellation Taurus;
  • On the 25th-26th, the second growing phase begins, the transition from the constellation Gemini to Cancer takes place.

For March, favorable days according to the constellations are:

  • On the 1st, the waxing phase ends, the moon leaves the constellation Leo;
  • 20-21, goes through the first growing phase in the constellation Taurus;
  • 24-26, is in the second growing phase in the constellation Cancer.

For northern regions, where the last frosts occur late, planting tomato seedlings can be shifted to early April.

In April, favorable days occur after the 17th, when the moon enters its waxing phase. It is optimal to sow seeds on the 17th-18th, 21st-22nd, and also 27-28th.

The most unfavorable days in February are considered to be 2-3, 9-10 and 15. In March, the unfavorable period begins from 8 to 10, then from 13 to 15 and 17.

Selecting the date for planting seedlings in the ground

Which days to choose for planting seedlings in a permanent place depends not only on the phase of the moon, but also on the condition of the plants, as well as climatic conditions in the region. Therefore, in addition to the phase of the moon and the choice of favorable days, the condition of the plants is of key importance.

Before planting in a permanent place, it is important that:

  • the age of the seedlings ranged from 45 to 50 days from the moment of germination;
  • the plants had 5-7 true leaves, a powerful stem and a height of about 30 centimeters;
  • the plants had a formed root system;
  • the seedlings have passed the hardening stage;
  • there were no night frosts;
  • daytime temperatures reached 20 degrees;
  • the night temperature did not drop below 15-16 degrees

Plant plants in film greenhouses from late April to mid-May. For those who grow vegetables in open ground, the planting period begins in mid-May. In middle and northern latitudes this period shifts to the end of May and lasts until mid-June.

According to the lunar calendar, the best period for planting in closed greenhouses and open ground in May occurs on the 18th-19th, as well as from May 24th to 28th. May 15 is considered an unfavorable day. In June, the moon enters its waxing phase on the 14th. It continues until June 27.

The benefits of planting tomatoes on favorable days

The correct time for planting seeds and plants in the ground is of serious importance. Along with proper care, it affects the development of plants during growth and formation of the ovary.

  1. Fast germination. If you sow seeds during the growing phase, the plants will germinate in a shorter time. The first shoots appear after 5-6 days.
  2. Powerful root system. Plants planted on favorable days for sowing have a more powerful and well-formed root system.
  3. Picking and diseases. Plants tolerate picking better, do not get sick during the picking period, and better tolerate being transferred to a permanent place.
  4. Development of tomatoes. Choosing favorable days for planting promotes active growth of bushes and the formation of a uniform crown.
  5. Flowering and fruit formation. Tomatoes planted in the growing phase on the right dates produce a friendly ovary, abundant flowering and harvest. It ripens according to the timing specified by the breeders. Also, such plants are more resistant to pests and diseases.

Depending on the growing method, sowing tomato seeds for seedlings begins at the end of February. The date is determined by the variety, the rate of ripening of the crop, and cultivation methods. For this reason, experienced gardeners recommend calculating in advance favorable days for planting the selected varieties. This will allow you to get strong plants and a bountiful harvest during the season.
