How to make a cardboard knife. How to make a knife out of paper: description, photo

Today it is very fashionable to manufacture products based on paper. Toys of this type can completely replace real ones. Take, for example, pistols or knives. Unlike plastic options, paper ones are safe, which is primarily important for children. One of the main attributes of toys for boys is a knife. We recommend that you read the instructions below and learn how to make a knife out of paper.

Knife made of multi-colored paper

To begin with, we will tell you how to make a knife from colored paper. To construct this model of a children's toy, you will need an A4 sheet, a stapler (can be replaced with tape), and scissors.

Making a knife:

  1. We take a sheet, carefully wrap any of the corners, but the edges of the sheet should match. Having made such a fold, you should get an open triangle, cut it off, unfold the workpiece and see a square in front of you. We bend the square three times, while ironing the folds well.
  2. Now we take scissors and make all the edges semicircular, like a kitchen knife. To prevent the workpiece from falling apart, it must be secured with tape or a stapler. Now we take a piece, bend it along its length several times, fix it with the same tape and get the handle of our knife.
  3. Next you need to combine 2 blanks into one solid object. After joining, the craft can be painted.

So we told you how to make a simple knife out of paper. Now you can start making a more complex model.

Kunai Dagger

One of the serious paper products can be called a Kunai knife. The paper art of origami is used to construct it. Before you begin the manufacturing process, you need to find two landscape sheets and several sheets of colored paper.

How to make a ninja knife from paper:

Kunai Dagger
  1. We take a landscape sheet as a basis, fold it and get a triangular shape. Fold the resulting triangle in half, and then unfold the workpiece to its original position.
  2. We wrap the corners to the center line and fold the craft in half. Next, we have protruding ends, which we bend into the resulting pockets and thus form the blade of our future craft.
  3. Pressing the edge in the shape of a pyramid with your fingers, we lift the paper a little to achieve volume. We take a second sheet of paper, roll it into a tube with a small diameter and insert the blade five centimeters deep.
  4. Next, use your fingers or a sharp object to level the edge of the tube and repeat folding several more times. A handle with a tip should form. At the end, we fix the craft.

Many people want to make the craft heavier and put a coin or pebble in the middle. This is how a ninja knife is made, there are many more options for making knives. Many are trying to learn how to make karambit from paper, we will also tell you about that, but a little later.

Pirate knife

Now we will tell you how to make not a karambit knife from paper, but a pirate knife. This craft is perfect for games and theatrical performances.

For production we will need:

  • cardboard;
  • regular pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue and markers.

Making a pirate knife:

The pirate knife is ready, for a real look, cover the blade with foil and the handle with colored paper.

Paper butterfly knife

Knowledge of how to make a knife out of paper is not enough in this case, because when designing a butterfly knife, it will take time, patience and some expenses. The craft completely replicates the actions of a real butterfly knife.

What is needed for design:

  • multi-colored material (you can use thick office paper);
  • stationery knife and scissors;
  • glue or tape.

It is also worth knowing that a butterfly knife can be made in several ways.

Manufacturing process in the first way:

  1. We take a landscape sheet as a basis, roll it into a tube and smooth it out well. We cut off the excess ends and get a craft that looks like a blade. We fix the workpiece with tape or glue. Draw dotted lines and cut off the craft.
  2. We cut the workpiece along the marked lines and move all the parts apart. Now let's start rolling the tubes.
  3. From four white and one red sheets of paper, we roll up tubes, after which you need to put one white one into the red one. Now we cut off two identical parts from the red tube, which will resemble wheels in shape, apply glue to them and connect them by winding the ears of one on the other.
  4. We combine three tubes. We cut off the excess part. We mark the holes on the blade, insert one red piece of a red tube there, and glue the other end of the same tube with the ends down. To obtain a stronger structure, you need to stick a white one on the red tube, and it is important to maintain the size. We perform identical actions on the other side of the handle.

As a result, we should have a folding butterfly knife.

Now let's make a butterfly knife using the second method. Before starting production, you need to print out a knife template.


Designing a knife using the second method:

  1. We cut out all parts of the template, apply it to corrugated cardboard, trace the blank with a pencil and cut it out with scissors. It is better to cut the handle from simple but thick cardboard.
  2. Now we take two thin strips that are cut out of cardboard, grease them with glue and apply them to the inside of the handle parts. We glue part of the handle on top.
  3. Next, take a regular toothpick or an awl and pierce the blade with this object at the bottom of the blade. Now insert the toothpick into the blade; it should stick out only one centimeter. If the protrusions are longer, they need to be trimmed. The resulting structure must be secured with hot glue.
  4. We finish the work with the following action. We place the blade in the body and close the product. Then we pierce the parts near the edge and check that they move freely. And if everything works perfectly, fix the toothpicks with glue.

Swiss knife model

You can also make a Swiss knife out of paper. It received this name because it was used as a weapon in the Swiss army. It was red. The finished craft can be used in gameplay or presented as an interesting gift to fans

The design of a knife is carried out using the following tools and materials:

  • cardboard, preferably white;
  • a simple pencil;
  • bolt with nut or rivet;
  • glue and needle.

Before explaining how to make karambit from paper, you need to find paper for schematic drawing, a glue stick, and scissors. Boys who play computer games will be interested in making a model themselves. The manufacturing process is very simple:

  • download and print the knife drawing;
  • Using scissors, we cut out all the parts, apply the blanks to drawing paper and trace them with a pencil, while the base needs to be traced eleven times, and the handle twelve times;
  • cut out the outlined elements, glue all the parts and place them under a press (or under heavy books);
  • now we take one part of the handle and glue it to the blade;
  • Having coated the second part with glue, close the other side of the blade.

At the end, we paint the craft and cover it with colorless varnish.

Knife like an Assassin

This model of knife can be made without a template. You will need eight album sheets and tape.

The knife is made in this way:

The knife is ready. Your child will probably ask you how to make such a paper knife 232 times, and maybe more, because the toy turns out to be excellent. In addition to it, you can make sure that the warrior is ready for battle. We described earlier how to make shuriken.

When playing with such a knife, the child will be safe and will not be injured during the game, and this is a guarantee of peace of mind for parents. It’s better to make any of them together with your children; they will really like this activity.

Origami weapons are an attractive activity not only for boys, but also for connoisseurs of various types of weapons who are passionate about the art of creating paper figures.

You can make edged weapons (knives, blades, swords) and firearms (pistols, shotguns, revolvers) from paper. Special templates for origami weapons are not needed; everything is made from paper squares and rectangles. Such crafts can be used as toys or props for productions and costume parties. Paper cannot be used to injure anyone, and if broken, it is easy to reassemble the sword or pistol from a suitable sheet.

Most of the presented master classes contain assembly diagrams that are easy to understand for beginners and children.

Speaking about ninja weapons, one cannot help but recall shuriken - a traditional Japanese melee weapon in the shape of a star with several rays-blades. Typically, an origami shuriken is folded from two paper squares and has four corners. Shuriken is easy to fold using the modular origami technique. Beginners can also cope with this task.

This master class suggests making two types of shuriken - with 4 and 8 rays. For a traditional shuriken you will need one single-color square or two multi-colored rectangles, scissors and a little time.

How to make origami shuriken from one square. You need to bend the square in half and cut it along the fold. Bend the resulting rectangles lengthwise.

Bend the corners on each workpiece as shown in the picture (mirror image). Fold them again in a mirror image to each other and turn them over.

To connect the resulting origami figures, place one module on top of another crosswise and tuck the free corners of one module (fold along the lines shown) into the pockets of the other. Turn the origami workpiece over and also tuck the free ends of one piece into the pockets of the other.

An 8-pointed shuriken consists of 8 squares - future modules. Shuriken can be one-color, two-color or multi-colored. To assemble an 8-pointed origami shuriken, you need to follow these steps step by step: bend the square crosswise diagonally and unfold it. Align the left side with the diagonal fold.

Fold the top side of the square back along a diagonal line. Fold the side along the red line, aligning points C and B, as shown in the photo. Turn the origami workpiece on its side and bend it in half along the red line, aligning the green lines.

Fold the bottom corner - the first module is ready.

Repeat steps 1-6 with the remaining 7 squares to make 8 origami modules.

Start combining all the modules: peel back the top layer of the module and insert another into its pocket.

Tuck the previously folded edge into the pocket of the attached figure.

Connect the remaining modules in the same way.

After attaching the last part, turn the “ninja weapon” over and tuck the end of the first part into the pocket of the last one.

More complex origami shuriken figures can be assembled from the modules. The photo below shows a few ideas:

In addition to shuriken, ninjas rarely do without a special combat knife - a kunai. It is proposed to make it according to the diagram and video below:

Another cold weapon made of paper is the ninja sword. Detailed assembly instructions are presented in the video.

Video: Origami sword for real ninjas

MK is dedicated to creating various models of firearms with your own hands using the origami technique.

The simplest pistol can be easily made from a square sheet. To do this, you need to wrap the edges on both sides to form a rectangle and bend it in half. Then bend the edge of the workpiece diagonally inward - you get a handle. To form the muzzle, bend the top edges down.

A more elegant pistol is assembled from two rectangles. To do this, you need to perform the following steps step by step:

  • folding the wide side, roll both rectangles into two strips - wide and narrow;
  • bend each piece in half;
  • Wrap the wide strip in a loop, insert the narrow strip into it and pull it up to form a handle and barrel.

A gun is a necessary tool for hunting. It is made according to the same principle as the previous pistol model. A schematic description of the actions is presented below:

A shooting pistol is suitable for games, which you can make yourself in several ways. An origami gun can fire rubber bands or paper. In addition to prepared square and rectangular sheets of paper, you will need glue and tape.

For a better understanding and successful assembly of the origami crossbow pistol, we suggest watching several videos with step-by-step instructions.

Video: Origami crossbow pistol

Now with such an arsenal you can start game shooting.

How to make a knife out of paper

A paper knife is an absolutely safe thing. It's perfect to complement your look at a masquerade party or Halloween. We offer you several detailed master classes on making paper knives. Choose the one you like and get to work!

Master class No. 1: Ninja dagger (kunai)

First, let's look at a simple lesson in the origami technique. This is an indispensable attribute of a modern ninja - kunai.

1. Fold a square piece of paper diagonally to form a right triangle

2. Fold the resulting triangle in half

3. Expand the figure to its original position, then bend each of the corners so that the edge coincides with the center fold line

4. Fold the resulting figure in half along the center fold line

5. Tuck the ends of the paper into the “pocket” on one side of the folded figure. This will be the tip of your dagger

6. Take another sheet of paper and roll it into a thin tube. Push the tube into the “pocket” on the tip of the dagger about 3/4 of its way

7. Smooth out the outer end of the tube (about a third of its length), then bend it to the side at a 90-degree angle

Lesson #2: Cardboard Swiss Army Knife

A folding knife with a red body has become a classic symbol of the Swiss army, and a folding knife-postcard will be an excellent souvenir for any connoisseur of edged weapons.

1. Download the template here and print it.

2. Transfer all the details onto white cardboard and cut them out.

3. Place the file and blade on the back of the body and use a thick needle to pierce all three pieces together. Insert a rivet into the hole (you can buy these at office supply or craft stores).

4. Apply a little thick glue to the areas indicated by the red dots. Make sure that the glue does not get on the side of the knife from which its blades will extend.

5. Place the front half of the body on the back half so that their contours completely coincide.

6. Apply "engraving" to the blades

All! Your personalized Swiss knife is ready!

Instruction No. 3: Cardboard butterfly knife

Another common model, the so-called “butterfly”, can be made entirely from cardboard or from cardboard and foam board. The peculiarity of this knife is that it can be opened or closed, with one movement of the hand turning the blade case into a handle and back.

1. Download and print the template. You will find it here.

2. Lay the paper blade pieces onto a sheet of corrugated cardboard and cut out all the pieces. For the handle body, regular thick cardboard is used.

3. Glue two narrow strips of corrugated cardboard onto the inner surface of the handle halves, as shown in the photo. Don't miss this detail, otherwise the blade of your knife will not be able to move freely.

5. Now pierce the bottom of the blade with a toothpick. Make sure that it protrudes about 1cm on both sides of the cardboard (cut off the excess) and secure the structure with hot glue.

6. All that remains is to connect the handle and blade. To do this, insert the latter into the body, close it, and pierce all three parts with toothpicks at the base - one on each side.

7. Make sure the blade comes out of the handle freely and secure the toothpicks to the outside of the body with hot glue.

Master class No. 4 Knife with a retractable blade

For this project you will need thick and rigid cardboard or foam board. When you press the trigger, the blade pops out of the handle.

1. Download the template and cut it out.

2. Transfer all the fragments to cardboard or foam board and cut out the necessary parts.

3. Glue two larger squares on top of each other (all edges must match exactly) - this is the future stopper for the blade. Then, in the same way, connect two smaller squares - the future “trigger”.

4. Now glue the stopper to the side of the future handle, right above the hole (it should remain completely open).

5. Connect the handle fragments as shown in the photo, and then glue the body cover and hilt on top.

Please note that the holes on opposite sides of the case match exactly, and the stopper is visible inside. When you put the rubber band through the holes that will fire the blade, this little part will prevent it from falling out of the handle before you pull the trigger.

6. Thread a piece of rubber band through the holes and, pulling slightly, secure it with hot glue on both sides of the handle.

7. Insert the blade into the handle, simultaneously pulling the elastic band with its base. The notch should be on the side of the stopper and coincide with it.

8. Insert the “trigger” into the hole under the stopper. It should slide easily in its nest without falling out.

Pulling the “trigger” will cause the blade to move to the side and jump off the stopper, and the tension of the elastic will push it out.

9. Paint the body of the knife and, if desired, the blade.

In this tutorial you will see how to make a simple origami knife that is quite easy to fold.

When children play, they often want to have toys on hand that imitate real objects. Boys prefer dangerous games with weapons and, of course, no normal parent would give a real knife to a child. The toy must be believable, but safe! Paper origami comes to the aid of parents and children - weapons, knives and other toys from this material can be made easily and quickly. How to do this, read below.

How to make a ninja dagger?

Many boys are passionate about ninjas and their fighting techniques. Every self-respecting ninja has a knife called a kunai. How to make a ninja knife out of paper?

  1. Take a square piece of paper and fold it diagonally.
  2. Fold the resulting triangle again.
  3. Now return the figure to its original position and bend the corners so that their edges coincide with the center.
  4. Fold the shape in half in the center.
  5. Make the point of the weapon - tuck the remaining ends into the “pockets” on one side.
  6. Roll the next sheet into a thin tube and push it three-quarters of the way into the “pocket.”
  7. Flatten the free end of the tube and bend it at an angle of 90°.
  8. Bend the end of the tube three more times at right angles to form a handle.
  9. Place the end of the tube into the “pocket”. The ninja knife is ready!

How to make a folding knife?

How to make a knife out of paper that will also fold? It's not difficult at all, just follow the instructions!

  1. Fold a square sheet of paper diagonally twice.
  2. Line up the bottom sides with the center line. Bend the top corners and align exactly.
  3. Fold the side strips so that they stand upright, then turn the paper over and fold the strips back.
  4. Bend the lower and upper corners of the future knife.
  5. Make a blade by folding two edges of the paper. The paper knife is ready!

How to make a butterfly knife?

A knife with a flip-out blade can be made by first cutting out its parts from paper. These will be 4 long narrow rectangles, 4 narrow strips and 2 short strips along the length and width of the rectangles. Cut out a blade from white cardboard. Now start the main work.

  1. Take two rectangles and cover them with strips of cardboard, leaving the inner sides free (this is the future pocket for the blade).
  2. Glue the lid on top - the two remaining cardboard rectangles.
  3. Start working on the blade - pierce it with a toothpick, the edges of which should not be more than 2 cm on both sides.
  4. Now insert the blade into the body of the knife, close the knife and pierce with toothpicks on both sides.
  5. To ensure the durability of the knife, secure the toothpicks with any glue.

How to make an assassin's knife out of paper?

Many boys are fond of computer games and dream of having an assassin's blade at their disposal. You can make it from paper very quickly, take only 8 sheets of paper and tape.

  1. Place 4 sheets of paper on top of each other and fold them in half twice.
  2. On one side, cut a strip approximately 1 cm wide.
  3. Make a sharp blade by cutting off the corners on both sides.
  4. Cover the blade with tape to prevent it from falling apart.
  5. Now take 4 sheets of paper to make the case. Also, place them on top of each other and bend them twice.
  6. Cut out the central part of two sheets, secure the rectangular remains of the paper with tape.
  7. Make a stopper out of paper; it will prevent the knife from falling out of the case. Insert the knife into the case.
  8. Now place a sheet of paper on the case; it should move away from the limiter just a little.
  9. Wrap the sheet around the case, leaving a small gap. Secure the ends of the sheet with tape. Now you know how to make an assassin's knife out of paper that jumps out of the case with a sharp wave of the owner's hand!

Every parent will have peace of mind knowing that their child's toys are safe.

There are several ways to make such toys. For example, you can make a butterfly knife out of paper. This toy can be made in just a few minutes.

What materials will be needed

To make your own safe knife you will need:

  • several sheets of thick paper 15x20 cm - 2 red, 2 blue, 1 yellow.
  • sharp scissors;
  • several wooden toothpicks;
  • transparent tape.

Also, to assemble a plausible paper knife, you will need to prepare an awl.

Knife blanks

To make a paper knife with your own hands, take a red sheet, fold it in half along the long side and cut it into two equal parts. Fold each piece in half again and fold it into thirds to create a strip about 1cm wide.

Do the same with the second red leaf. You should end up with 4 identical red stripes. In the future, these will be the “handles” of the knife. Wrap the strips with tape to prevent them from unraveling.

Also fold a sheet of blue paper in half and cut it into two parts. Fold one of the halves in half, then in half again, and again. Cut off the end of the resulting wide strip in the form of a knife tip and wrap the resulting “blade” with tape.

From the second blue half, roll up a narrower strip, folding it in half and then three times. Also cut off its blade-shaped end. Insert a second strip into the first to make the “blade” more rigid.

Cut the second sheet of blue paper in half. Roll a wide strip from one of the halves. Cut the blunt end of the “blade” along the edges along the length by 2-3 cm. Insert the blue strip at the bottom of the “blade” perpendicularly and secure it with tape.

How to make a safe knife out of paper: assembly

At the intersection of the “blade” and the strip, make two holes with an awl. Insert a toothpick into the holes. Punch holes in the ends of each of the 4 red strips you made earlier.

Roll a yellow sheet of paper into a thin tube and secure it with tape. Cut two lengths from the tube equal to the length of the red stripes.

Place the red stripes on both sides of the toothpicks. Coat the yellow tubes with glue on both sides, place them between the red stripes in pairs and press down. As a result, you will have two movable handles along the edges of the “blade”.

The final stage

Cut the toothpicks so that they protrude only a couple of millimeters beyond the plane of the paper. Cover them with tape on both sides.

Cut the perpendicular blue strip at the level of the “handles”. A real paper butterfly knife for a child is ready. Depending on the position of the “handles”, the “blade” in such a toy will be open or closed.

Each boy in the toy box has attributes such as plastic guns, swords, knives. And very often, manipulations with such dummy weapons are a cause for concern for parents, because the child can injure himself or harm other family members and pets. But is it possible to prohibit a future man from having a toy weapon in his arsenal? Of course not. And so that such entertainment is safe for the health of all household members, we suggest you learn how to make attributes for games with your own hands from scrap materials.

Learning to make toy edged weapons from paper

In this article you will find information on how to make a knife out of paper. Readers are presented with two ways to perform this accessory.

The first model was made using the origami method. A paper knife according to the following description is simple and quick to make. Even a child can easily master this method of making toy weapons. The second version of the knife is made using the papier-mâché method, which children can also do. So, here are the master classes.

How to make a knife out of paper using the origami method?

To work you will need A-4, scissors and a stapler.

When making this model, you can use tape instead of a stapler. To add rigidity to the craft, you can insert a wooden ice cream stick into the blade part.

We make toy weapons from papier-mâché

Do you want to know how to make a knife out of paper this way? Then study the description. We prepare the following materials for work:

  • wooden blank of appropriate shape;
  • newspapers;
  • bowl of water;
  • PVA glue;
  • sandpaper;
  • paints;
  • acrylic lacquer.

Cover the blank or finished plastic toy with wet pieces of newspaper in one layer. Next, dilute the glue with water and treat the paper for the next three tiers with this solution. And glue the last layer with clean PVA. Leave the craft until completely dry. Then carefully cut it, take out the shape, and glue both paper parts together. When the product is completely dry, clean it and paint it. And the last stage of work is processing the craft with varnish.

You have learned two ways to make a knife out of paper. We hope that you will find them useful, and very soon your son will be playing with an original, and most importantly, safe toy.
