Space manipulators. Buran design: onboard systems Manipulators with artificial intelligence for spacecraft


21.09.2016 09:41


The ROSCOSMOS State Corporation will allocate almost 2.5 billion rubles to create robots for working in outer space. What kind of “mechanical astronauts” are needed outside the space station? What tests do “cybers” go through before being allowed into orbit? Which Russian geologist robot is designed for Mars? Alexander GREBENSHIKOV, head of the space robotics laboratory at the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering (TsNIIMash), tells RG about this.

- Alexander Vladimirovich, so what kind of robots are required to work in outer space?

At first, these are robots for operational support of extravehicular activities of astronauts. That is, assistants. And then robots that will “independently” perform maintenance of equipment and components on the external surfaces of the station. For example, visual inspection, technological and repair operations, maintenance of scientific instruments, etc.

-What are the main requirements for cyber astronauts?

The main thing is to ensure the safety of people nearby and the object itself - a station or ship. That is, the actions of robots should not lead to emergency or abnormal situations. The second is the effective functionality of the robot. And thirdly, its high reliability and resistance to harmful factors in space.

Robotic avatars will be the most versatile machines for complex operations on the Moon and other planets. And what advantages do they offer?

Two are undeniable: reducing the risks to the life and health of the crew when working in outer space, as well as reducing costs. I can say that every hour of astronauts’ work outside costs, according to various estimates, from 2 to 4 million dollars. The numbers speak for themselves. In addition, the use of robots in the future to perform routine operations on manned stations will free up additional crew time for rest or solving other pressing problems.

As far as I know, Russia has already developed the first robotic system that will help astronauts in outer space? Or more accurately, a prototype?

Yes, design developments have been underway for three years. Based on initial data from TsNIIMash, the Android Technology enterprise produced a ground-based prototype of the SAR-401 android space robot. At the end of 2014, at the CPC named after. Yu.A. Gagarin, its functional tests were carried out. The robot, in remote mode under the control of an operator, successfully performed standard operations: switched toggle switches, grabbed tools, worked with mechanical locks, electrical connectors, inspected the surface using television cameras, illuminated the astronauts’ work area, lowered and raised the visor of the spacesuit helmet, and wiped the window glass.

Later, preliminary designs of a robotic transport and manipulation system were developed to support extravehicular activities, as well as the Andronaut anthropomorphic robot. Prototype samples have been developed and laboratory tests have been carried out.

What does a Russian space robonaut look like? What tests must he go through before going into orbit?

As for the SAR-401 robot, it resembles a person. But so far without legs: it is more expedient to move it along the space station using a transport manipulator. His “hands” and “fingers” have the same dimensions and degrees of mobility as those of a person, and control is carried out using an exoskeleton worn by the operator. The robot exactly repeats all the movements of the operator, who remotely controls the work using a virtual reality helmet in stereo images. It is broadcast by television cameras located inside the robot’s “head”.

Before going into orbit, the robot must undergo a number of serious tests: thermal vacuum, vibration strength and radiation resistance, electromagnetic compatibility and many others.

- Is unity of form and content important here? In what direction is design thought moving?

As for the android robot, no doubt. Structurally, it must be completely kinematically similar to a person. Only then will he be able to perform “fine” operations characteristic of the motor skills of human hands and fingers. In addition, the humanoid appearance of the robot is more suitable for performing the function of psychological support for astronauts.

Space spider robots, snake robots, monkey robots, etc. - is this a flight of fancy for the designers? Or are such forms due to necessity?

In some cases, such forms are due to necessity. For example, spider-like robots are more suitable for climbing steep and loose slopes of craters. They are more stable and can be pulled out using manipulator legs even from an inverted position. But for movement inside narrow labyrinths or pipes - serpentine ones.

- What materials are being developed to protect robots from radiation, microparticles and micrometeorites?

The electronic “stuffing” of the robot is protected from microparticles by its body. It is made from traditional space materials: aluminum alloys, titanium, composites. Radiation-resistant components and electrical and radio products will be used as part of the mechatronic and electronic systems of the robot, and methods of redundancy of critical components and systems will be used.

Many scientists argue: only automatic machines should work in space; there is absolutely no need to risk a person. But one of the cosmonauts once said: “When going into outer space, something needed to be replaced. The control center says: “Take the key for 14.” I took it, and when I approached the system, I realized: there must be a different key. Would a robot complete my task with a key of 14? No. And I did it." It turns out that robots can’t do everything?

Indeed, robots with advanced artificial intelligence cannot yet be created to completely replace humans in all situations in space. And not only there. However, in many cases there is no alternative to robots in space. This applies to the performance of such dangerous and labor-intensive work as, for example, maintenance of space nuclear power plants in the near future, construction and installation work to create lunar and planetary bases, research of asteroids and distant planets. But at the same time, robots will be controlled or controlled by a person. Therefore, active work is now underway to improve robot-human interfaces, as well as adaptive autonomous behavior of robots, and group interaction of robots with each other.

- What kind of cosmic future awaits robotic avatars? Are they difficult to manage?

Robot avatars, i.e. humanoid robots (androids), controlled by a person and copying his movements, will in the future be the most universal machines for performing complex operations on space objects in near-Earth space, on the Moon and other planets. Methods for controlling androids are now actively developing. And managing androids, of course, requires some training.

Why do scientists say that avatars will only be able to work near the Earth? For example, on the Moon or space stations? Due to a delay in the signal?

This is a common problem with remote teleoperator control. If the feedback signals are delayed for more than two seconds, a mismatch in the actions of the human operator and the robot may occur. And this is a failure of the task. Near the Earth (subject to direct radio visibility), the delays of control signals are relatively small - less than 0.2 seconds.

As for the Moon, the total delay (there and back) is already more than 2.5 seconds. This caused, for example, difficulties in controlling the Soviet lunar rover. Therefore, it is better to control avatars on the Moon from a lunar orbital station or from pressurized compartments of a lunar base. And also use supervisory control methods with elements of artificial intelligence, including image recognition, autonomous navigation and decision making.

- What is happening now with the Russian robots SAR-401 and Andronaut? When can they go to work in space?

On the basis of SAR-401, as part of the Teledroid space experiment, a flight prototype will be manufactured, which will be delivered to the ISS in 2020. On the new scientific and energy module of the Russian segment, under the control of an astronaut, it will perform extravehicular activities. As for Andronaut, this system will most likely be developed as a means of psychological and informational support for the astronaut inside the orbital station. Similar to the Japanese humanoid robot Kirobo.

- What robots are currently on the ISS?

On the outer surface of the ISS there is a Canadarm2 space manipulator with a Dextre “nozzle”, a Japanese JEMRMS manipulator for servicing the unpressurized EF platform of the Kibo module, and two Russian Strela mechanical cargo manipulators. Inside the ISS are the American android robot Robonaut R2 and the Japanese “robot doll” Kirobo.

The Americans are predicting a great future for spider-like robots SpiderFab, which will build space houses. What kind of system is this?

SpiderFab will be used to build space structures. There are two main technologies here. First of all, a device called Trusselator, which is now being successfully tested in the laboratory: it is a kind of synthesis of a 3D printer and a knitting machine. On one side of the cylindrical body there is a spool of thread (the device uses carbon fiber as a raw material), and on the other there is an extruder through which the three main pipes of the future farm are extruded. The truss is strengthened by winding it with thread. As a result, a device about a meter long can create a farm tens of meters long.

Next, a device called the Trusselator robot, using a manipulator and a special welding machine, will be able to connect the original trusses into large complex structures and cover them with solar panels, reflective film and perform other operations depending on the mission goals.

In general, SpiderFab technology will allow us to move on to the production of comic structures kilometers long! Currently, structures that are sent into space have a huge excess safety margin in order to withstand overloads during launch. Typically, such heavy-duty structures are not needed in space, but a very large size is needed, for example, for interferometer telescopes. SpiderFab devices will allow you to build just such structures: lightweight, large-sized and with a low life cycle cost.

It must be said that the idea of ​​​​creating large-sized trusses of great length in space was studied by Soviet scientists back in the late 80s of the last century. To do this, TsNIIMash planned to use a truss assembly unit based on a spacecraft with two software manipulators, which would assemble a truss from standard carbon fiber rods in software mode, joining them to the node elements. The rods and elements were taken from the cassette storage on board the apparatus. Each rod is equipped at both ends with specially designed magnetomechanical, self-tightening, backlash-free locks. Using the same manipulators, after assembling each section, the entire truss was moved back along roller guides, inside the hollow truss assembly unit, freeing up space for building the next section of the truss.

Magnetic-mechanical locks, rod elements, assemblies were manufactured, and the processes of robotic assembly of farm sections using Soviet industrial robots RM-01 were tested on large-scale mock-ups. As you can see, SpiderFab technology is actually a revival of a well-known idea at a new technological level using 3D printing.

- What kind of robotic space glove did the Americans develop? Do we have something similar?

The RoboGlove was designed to increase a person's grip strength in space. When creating it, technologies used in the development of the humanoid robot Robonaut were used. NASA stated that using such a glove can reduce the load on a person's muscles by more than half. In Russia, similar gloves were not developed separately, and in the ongoing research, attention was paid to the power exoskeleton.

I recently saw a video: a future space debris cleaner being developed by ESA is learning how to catch drones. Interesting. What do Russian roboticists offer to solve this problem?

In Russia, research work is currently being carried out on the problems of servicing space objects, including the problem of space debris disposal. Design and search research is underway, including the development of spacecraft with manipulators to capture spent satellites, their fragments, and subsequently take them to a special so-called disposal orbit or into the Earth’s atmosphere, where they will burn up when they fall.

- Is a satellite repair robot a fantasy or a reality?

Today this is no longer fantasy, but not yet reality. Both abroad and here, research work is underway aimed at solving this pressing problem. Repairing expensive satellites in space will increase their active lifespan, thereby reducing the costs of maintaining the required composition of satellite constellations. But for this it is necessary to change the ideology of creating the satellites and spacecraft themselves, to make

their repairability at least at the level of replacement of standard standardized elements and blocks. And this problem must be solved by the designers of new promising satellites and spacecraft.

Do Russian designers have any plans to develop new rovers for Mars? Let's say the Americans are betting on Valkyries, which are said to be much more advanced in their capabilities than Curiosity. What do we have?

In Russia, the design of the universal self-propelled platform “Robot Geologist” has been developed. It will be equipped with a manipulator, a logging and drilling rig and the entire complex of scientific instruments that are necessary to conduct geological and geophysical research on the surface of the Moon and Mars. Including seismic reconnaissance using a series of explosions, collection and delivery of stratified soil columns from a depth of up to 3 m along a route up to 400 km long, etc. The development allows us to move closely to development work on the creation of such a rover, which is not inferior in functionality to Curiosity.

Business card

GREBENSHIKOV Alexander Vladimirovich, born in 1958. Higher education, graduated from the radio engineering department of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute in 1981. He has been professionally involved in space robotics since 1986, working at the head scientific institute of ROSCOSMOS, FSUE TsNIIMash. Head of the Space Robotics Laboratory of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise TsNIIMash, expert of the Expert Council of the National Center for the Development of Technologies and Basic Elements of Robotics of the Foundation for Advanced Research of the Russian Federation.

Text: Natalia Yachmennikova

Russian newspaper - Federal issue No. 7080 (212)

Moscow Aviation Institute

(National Research University)

Parts manufacturing technology

Abstract on the topic:

Space manipulators

Completed Art. gr. 06-314

Zverev M.A.


Beregovoy V.G.

Moscow 2013

Manipulators of modules of DOK "Mir"

At the Mir long-term orbital complex (station) (DOK), manipulators were used as part of the modules, both on replaceable modules and on the base unit. These manipulators differed in their tasks and execution.

On the Kvant-2, Spectrum, Kristall and Priroda modules, a manipulator was mounted on their outer surfaces near the main docking station. The main task of this M was to, after docking with the base unit (to the longitudinal docking unit PxO), redock the module to another docking unit, the axis of which lay in the stabilization planes I-III. II-IV. The same manipulator was used to redock modules during operation of the complex. For these operations, 2 special docking units were installed on the outer spherical surface of the PxO between the stabilization planes at a spherical angle of 45 0, to which the module manipulator was docked. After docking with this node, the module undocked from the longitudinal docking node and moved to the nearest free “perpendicular” docking node, conventionally to I-II or III-IV. This manipulator should be classified as a transport (transporting) manipulator operating under a point-to-point program.

Base unit manipulators (“Strela”)

The class of transporting manipulators also includes the “cargo system” “Strela”, installed on the base unit of the complex. This system was intended to transport cargo from modules to the surface of the base unit. After the “star” design of the DOK was formed, all the exit hatches of the storage facility were occupied and the necessary equipment could only be delivered from the second end hatches of the modules. To facilitate the work of the crew, two “Arrows” were installed on the surface of the DOK, on ​​the II and IV stabilization planes at the places where the head fairing was attached. In Fig.1. The work that required the help of this manipulator is listed.

A diagram and photograph of the “Arrow” are presented in Fig. 1.

Domestic mechanical manipulators " Arrow", made in the form of a telescopic rod deployed around two axes, is used on the ISS to move astronauts along the outer surface of the station. Cranes installed on the module "Pier"<#"654688.files/image004.gif"> <#"654688.files/image005.gif">

Dexter looks like a headless torso, equipped with two extremely mobile arms 3.35 m long. The three and a half meter body has an axis of rotation at the “waist”. The housing is equipped with a gripping device at one end, by which Canadarm 2 can grab it and transfer the SPDM to any orbital replacement unit (ORU) on the station. At the other end of the body there is a robotic actuator, virtually identical to the Kandarm organ, so that the SPDM can be attached to the ISS's gripping devices or can be used to expand the functionality of Kandarm2.

Both SPDM arms have seven joints, giving them the same flexibility as the Canadarm 2 combined with greater precision. At the end of each arm is a system called the Orbital Replacement Unit/Tool Changeout Mechanism (OTCM). It includes built-in grippers, a retractable head, a monochrome television camera, a backlight, and a split connector. which provides power, data exchange and video surveillance of the payload.

At the bottom of the Dexter body there is a pair of orientable color image cameras with illumination, an ORU storage platform and a tool holster. The holster is equipped with three different tools used to perform various tasks on the ISS.

Manipulator Canadarm

was a robotic arm originally intended for use on board a spacecraft. The Canadarm was commissioned in 1975 and first flown in 1981, and was a major technical development in the history of human spaceflight. Canadarm demonstrated the potential applications of robotic devices in space, and also became firmly established in engineering in space exploration. Several iterations of the device were manufactured for use on board various missions. It consists of long looped arms controlled robotically from the cockpit. The Canadarm is officially known as the rotary remote manipulator (SRM) system, and it is designed for astronauts to move payloads in or out of spacecraft. It can also be used for other tasks, ranging from repairing the Hubble telescope to assembling the International Space Station (ISS). The second generation of devices, “Canadarm-2”, was installed on the ISS.

Development work on various aspects of spaceflight may be contracted by agencies such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). While agencies often prefer to work with domestic companies, international collaboration is not uncommon, as demonstrated by the use of Canadarm. NASA has ordered a device that can be used to control transfer for payloads and potentially be used for other activities in space where objects are required to be captured and manipulated. Throughout their deployment, the various Canadarm models never failed, although it was destroyed in 2003. as a result of natural disasters.

The Canadarm was first used aboard the space shuttle Columbia during the STS-2 mission in 1981. During its operation, the Canadarm manipulator participated in 50 missions and completed 7,000 revolutions around the Earth, operating without a single failure. The robotic arm was used to grip the Hubble Telescope, move and unload more than 200 tons of ISS components, and move astronauts.

The manipulator was located in the cargo compartment of the shuttle, controlled remotely from the cabin. Has 6 degrees of freedom. The principle of operation of the capture mechanism is similar to that of a camera diaphragm.


Length - 15.2 m (50 ft);

Diameter - 38 cm (15 inches);

Unladen weight - 410 kg (900 lb);

Weight as part of the overall system - 450 kg

The Remotely Controlled Manipulator (RMS) "CANADARM" was installed on the Space Shuttle. It is possible to establish two arms of the DUM. Only one hand can work at a time. The main purpose of the RMS (RMS) is transport operations:

delivery of objects from the organized criminal group, placement of objects in the organized criminal group, movement of astronauts assigned to the “Remote Workplace” (RWP) to the object in the organized criminal group;

ensuring technological operations:

supporting, securing, positioning of tool and person.

The RMS Canadarm is designed and manufactured by Spar Aerospace. Development and production of the first sample - 70 million dollars. The next 3 “arms” were manufactured for $60 million. A total of 5 were made (arms 201, 202, 301, 302 and 303) and transferred to NASA. Arm 302 lost in the Challenger crash. Service life - 10 years, 100 flights.

The diagram of the RMS Canadarm manipulator is shown in Fig. 2.


The white coating of the structure, working as a thermostatic equipment to maintain the required temperature of the equipment in vacuum conditions, prevents the temperature of the hand from rising under the sun's rays and projects against space cold when the hand is in the shade.

15.2 m (50 ft.)

Weight on Earth

410 kg (905 lbs.)

Speed ​​of movement

Unloaded: 60 cm a second - loaded: 6 cm a second

Upper and lower arm booms

Carbon composite material

Three degrees of movement (pitch/yaw/roll)

One degree of movement (pitch)

Two degrees of movement (pitch/yaw)

Translational hand controller

Right, up, down forward, and backward movement of the arm

Rotational hand controller

Controls the pitch, roll, and yaw of the arm


The Canadarm was first used aboard the space shuttle Columbia during a mission. STS-2<#"654688.files/image008.gif">

After the Space Shuttle "Columbia" accident (flight STS-107<#"654688.files/image009.gif">

European ERA manipulator.


The diagram of the Japanese ISS module JEM is shown in Fig. 4. The physical parameters of the module are presented in Table 3.

The Japanese experimental unit "Kibo", which means hope, is Japan's first orbital laboratory. "Kibo" consists of four modules:

Scientific laboratory (RM):

This is the central part of the block, which will allow all types of experiments to be carried out in zero gravity conditions. There are 10 experimental blocks installed inside the module. The module itself is the size of a bus.

Experimental Baggage Module (ELM-PS):

It plays the role of an equipment storage facility in which movable containers are located. They can be transported on the space shuttle.

External Cargo Unit (EF):

He is constantly in outer space. It will be used for waste disposal. It contains replaceable trash containers that are discarded when full.

Manipulator Arm (JEM RMS):

It will serve the external cargo block. The main arm carries heavy objects, while the small detachable arm is used for delicate work. The manipulator arm is equipped with a video camera that allows precise control of arm movements.

Small luggage blocks will also be attached to all modules.

Physical parameters:

Table 3.




The white coating of the structure, working as a thermostatic equipment to maintain the required temperature of the equipment in vacuum conditions, prevents the temperature of the hand from rising under the sun's rays and projects against space cold when the hand is in the shade.

410 kg (905 lbs.)

Speed ​​of movement

Unloaded: 60 cm a second

Loaded: 6 cm a second

Upper and lower arm booms

Carbon composite material

Three degrees of movement


One degree of movement (pitch)

Two degrees of movement (pitch/yaw)

Translational hand controller

Right, up, down forward, and backward movement of the arm

Rotational hand controller

Controls the pitch, roll, and yaw of the arm


The Canadarm was first used aboard the space shuttle Columbia during a mission. STS-2 in 1981. During its operation, the Canadarm manipulator participated in 50 missions and completed 7,000 revolutions around the Earth, operating without a single failure. . The manipulator was used to grip the telescope Hubble, moving and unloading more than 200 tons of ISS components and moving astronauts.

After the Space Shuttle "Columbia" accident (flight STS-107) in early 2003, the Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB) formed a mandate to improve the Shuttle Program. One of the requirements for NASA was the development of an add-on (“pair”) for the Canadarm in the form Orbiter Boom Sensor System(OBSS), which must contain tools to inspect the outer surface of the shuttle's underbody TSR prior to return. Based on the technology and experience acquired by MDA (formerly Spar Aerospace) in creating several generations of space manipulators, MDA developed an extension to the Space Shuttle: a robotic boom capable of performing on-orbit inspections of the shuttle's thermal protection systems. The Inspection Attachment Bar (IBA) had a major role in inspecting the shuttle's thermal protection system.

general information

The Inspection Rod was based on existing Canadarm solutions and is essentially the same design, except that the arm joints were replaced with aluminum adapters, effectively securing the adapters into the cradle. The arrowhead was designed to house and interface with an array of sensors to evaluate the shuttle's thermal protection system.

Weighing 211 kilograms (without sensors), and about 15 meters in length, the IBA was approximately the same size as the shuttle's Canadarm. Thus, the IBA was located on board the ship, where the second-hand "Holding Mechanism" was originally to be installed. On orbit, the shuttle's Canadarm and ISS's Canadarm2 will pick up the IBA using a grapple

2:10 03/10/2016

1 👁 984

Probably everyone has seen photographs at least once. What do you think is the most important component of it? Living spaces? Laboratory modules? Anti-meteor panels? No. You can do without any module. But without space manipulators - nothing. They serve to unload and load ships, assist with docking, and allow all external work to be carried out. Without them the station is dead.

Evolution has endowed man with amazingly perfect manipulators - hands. With their help we can create miracles. The opposable thumb and flexible joints make the hands an almost perfect instrument. It is no wonder that a person uses his own hands as a prototype for many mechanical structures. And space manipulators are no exception. There aren't many of them.

The most well-known (and currently used on the ISS) mobile system is MSS, more often called Canadarm2, although in fact Canadarm2 is only one of its elements. The system was developed by the Canadian company MDA Space Missions for the Canadian Space Agency and was a development of the simpler Canadarm device used on the American shuttles.

In the near future, a “competitor” system, the European Robotic Arm (ERA), developed by specialists from the European Center for Space Research and Technology, based in the Dutch Noordwijk, should be launched. But first things first.

Maple Leaf

The International Space Station was put into operation in 1998, and on April 19, 2001, the American spacecraft STS-100 set off for it, carrying a cargo of extraordinary importance. The main task of the crew was to deliver the SSRMS (Canadarm2) remote manipulator to the ISS and install it. The system was successfully installed - it became the Canadian Agency's global contribution to the construction of the international station.

The MSS system consists of three main components: the main manipulator (SSRMS, aka Canadarm2); special purpose manipulator (SPDM, also known as Dextre) and mobile service base system (MBS).

MBS is essentially the base platform on which the manipulators are installed. It significantly expands the coverage area of ​​Canadarm2. When the “arm” is installed on the MBS, it acquires a movable base capable of moving along the surface of the station on rails at speeds of up to 2.5 cm/s. In addition, weights can be attached to the MBS - thus, having taken one weight, the manipulator can “park” it on the MBS and reach for another.

The main manipulator of the system is, in fact, a 17.6-meter SSRMS, equipped with seven motorized joints. Its own weight is 1800 kg, and the maximum weight of the load moved by the manipulator can reach 116 tons (!). However, in the absence of gravity, this is not such a large number; it is limited primarily by the influence of inertial forces.

During the STS-134 mission, the Shuttle Canadarm manipulator transfers cargo to the ISS Canadarm2 manipulator - a transport and storage pallet for installation on the orbital station.

The most interesting element of the system is Dextre, a two-armed, almost humanoid telescopic manipulator. He appeared on the ISS much later - in 2008 with the STS-123 mission. Outwardly, Dextre resembles a 3.5-meter headless man with arms 3.35 m long. Interestingly, the lower part can be attached to both the MBS and the Canadarm2 itself, thus lengthening it further and allowing for more delicate operations.

At the ends of Dextre's arms, OTCM (ORU/Tool Changeout Mechanisms) mechanisms are installed with built-in “jaws”-grabbers, a television camera and spotlights. In addition, the mechanisms have a socket for interchangeable tools, which are stored in the “body”.

In general, the combination of MBS, Canadarm2 and Dextre makes it possible to “close” the needs of most of the station - move cargo of various sizes, dock modules, transfer astronauts from point to point. For each function there are different “attachment” tools. The main control panel is located on the American Destiny module, activated in February 2001, the secondary one is on the European Cupola review unit (installed in 2010).

MSS is quite capable of unloading shuttles, moving astronauts during spacewalks, and docking new modules. But one manipulator system is still not enough - especially considering the gradual growth of the ISS and the emergence of more and more new units and laboratories. Therefore, for the Kibo module, launched in 2008, the Japanese developed their own manipulator designed for local needs.

Red circle

Everything is quite simple: with an increase in the number of modules, MBS simply stops “reaching” to different ends of the ISS. Plus, in some situations there is a whole queue to use the manipulator system. Thus, new modules for quite modest laboratory needs require independent “hands”.

Visual comparison: the lower manipulator is SSRMS (Canadarm2), the upper one is Japanese JEMRMS. Doing a collaborative task is like eating with chopsticks.

The first sign in this area was the JEMRMS manipulator, where JEM is the Japanese Experiment Module (Japanese experimental module), and RMS is the Remote Manipulator System (controlled manipulator system). JEMRMS is installed above the Kibo module gateway and allows equipment to be loaded in or taken out.

JEMRMS consists of two elements - the main “hand” (Main Arm, MA) and the auxiliary one, designed for fine work (Small Fine Arm, SFA). The small "arm" is installed on top of the large one - just like Dextre can be a continuation of Canadarm2. In essence, the Japanese manipulator is a smaller and simplified variation on the MSS theme, controlled from a single local module and performing tasks within its limited needs.

twelve stars

Judging by the emerging trends, in 10-15 years the ISS will be “overgrown” with small manipulators, like a hedgehog with needles. Moreover, each of them will reduce the overall role of the original Canadarm2, creating healthy competition. In particular, in the winter of 2013-2014 (the launch has already been postponed several times, a new date is tentatively set for December) another module, “burdened” with a manipulator, will fly to the station.

The Dextre robot (SPDM) is installed on the tip of the Canadarm2 manipulator - this allows the latter to perform more delicate tasks, and the former to significantly expand the range of action.

This time the module will be Russian - this is the multifunctional laboratory complex “Nauka”, and the manipulator will be European. The ERA (European Robotic Arm) was created at the European Space Agency research center in the Dutch city of Noordwijk. Dozens of engineers from around the world worked on the robot.

ERA allows you to move small loads (weighing up to 8 tons) inside and outside the module. In addition, the manipulator is adapted to carry and hold astronauts during external work, which will seriously save time when moving in outer space. It is much easier to be instantly thrown with the help of a manipulator than to “crawl” for a long time and carefully along the surface of the module. In its initial configuration, the ERA was nicknamed "Charlie Chaplin" for its distinctive "body" shape when folded.

Interestingly, on the surface of the module there will be several fastenings for the manipulator, and the “arm” is “double-sided,” that is, it is symmetrical, at both ends there are sockets that can be used to install tools, or can work as fasteners. Thus, the ERA does not need to be rigidly fixed in one place. It can independently “move” to another location by first fixing one end there and then unfastening the other from the original installation point. Essentially, ERA can “walk.”

The Canadarm2 manipulator performs the first official task as part of the ISS: it brings the Quest joint airlock compartment to the American Unity module (mission STS-104)

The manipulator has three segments. In the center there is an elbow joint that works in one plane, and at the ends there is a combination of “joints” that can change the position of the “arm” in different planes. The total length of the manipulator when deployed is 11 m, while the object positioning accuracy is 5 mm.

Hammer and sickle

It must be said that manipulators on the International Space Station have a history that stretches back to the past, when there was no ISS yet. In particular, Canadarm2 is developed on the basis of technologies tested on another manipulator - Canadarm. It was created back in the late 1970s and first went into space in 1981 on the Columbia shuttle (STS-2 mission).

It was a 15-meter space “arm” with six degrees of freedom. It was with the help of Canadarm - even before the advent of more advanced systems - that the entire base of the ISS was mounted, assembled, etc. For many years, Canadarm was not just the main, but the only space manipulator with several segments, that is, built on the principle of the human hand. The last mission to use it was STS-135 in July 2011; today you can only see it in a museum. For example, a copy from the Endeavor shuttle is kept at the Canadian Aerospace Museum in Ottawa.

But a question arises. Today Russia actively cooperates with other states in the field of space exploration. What manipulators were used, for example, on? In the 1990s, these were precisely the “Canadarms,” since in 1994 the joint Russian-American Mir-Shuttle program was launched. And before that, the most important operating devices of Mir were the Strela cranes (GSt).

Today, two Strela cranes are used on the Russian segment of the ISS. In design, they are fundamentally different from segmental manipulators - they have a 15-meter telescopic structure. It can contract and rotate, but has significantly fewer degrees of freedom than the Canadarm or ERA. In addition, each of the Mir modules was equipped with a robotic arm with a gripper - something like a small segmentless crane-manipulator. They were used primarily for the installation of new station modules.

However, for the Buran, the Central Research and Development Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics once developed a Soviet analogue of the Canadarm - the Stork manipulator. In design, it was practically no different from the Canadarm - the same six degrees of freedom, two lightweight carbon fiber links (“shoulder” and “elbow”). But "Stork", quite technically perfect, was unlucky.

The Buran program was suspended after just one test flight, during which the robotic arm was not installed. "Storks" have never been used in space; Moreover, their developments did not even serve the needs of Mir and the ISS. As a result, this manipulator was successfully tested on the stand, but remained one of the large-scale unfinished projects of the Soviet era.


Systematizing the information, we can conclude that with an increase in the number of countries participating in the ISS, the variety of manipulators will also increase. At first they made do with one “Canadarm” (and on “Mir” - “Strela”), then the ISS required an expanded system - Canadarm2 and Dextre appeared. Now, each new module requires its own cargo system - this is how JEMRMS and ERA were developed. Over time, the Russian segment will also have to engage in its own developments, especially since there are technologies created and tested for Aist.

Probably everyone has seen photographs of the ISS at least once. What do you think is the most important component of it? Living spaces? Laboratory modules? Anti-meteor panels? No. You can do without any module. But there’s no way without space manipulators. They served to unload and load ships, assist during docking, and allow all external work to be carried out. Without them the station is dead.

Summer 2005 Astronaut Stephen Robinson stands on the leg platform mounted on the SSRMS manipulator, or Canadarm2 (mission STS-114).

Tim Skorenko

Evolution has endowed man with amazingly perfect manipulators - hands. With their help we can create miracles. The opposable thumb and flexible joints make the hands an almost perfect instrument. It is no wonder that a person uses his own hands as a prototype for many mechanical structures. And space manipulators are no exception.

There aren't many of them. The most well-known (and currently used on the ISS) mobile system is MSS, more often called Canadarm2, although in fact Canadarm2 is only one of its elements. The system was developed by the Canadian company MDA Space Missions for the Canadian Space Agency and was a development of the simpler Canadarm device used on the American shuttles. In the near future, a “competitor” system, the European Robotic Arm (ERA), developed by specialists from the European Center for Space Research and Technology, based in the Dutch city of Noordwijk, should be sent to the station. But first things first.

July 15, 2001. The Canadarm2 manipulator performs its first official task as part of the ISS: it brings the Quest joint airlock compartment to the American Unity module (mission STS-104).

Maple Leaf

The International Space Station was put into operation in 1998, and on April 19, 2001, the American spacecraft STS-100 set off for it, carrying a cargo of extraordinary importance. The main task of the crew was to deliver the SSRMS (Canadarm2) remote manipulator to the ISS and install it. The system was successfully installed - it became the Canadian Agency's global contribution to the construction of the international station. The MSS system consists of three main components: the main manipulator (SSRMS, aka Canadarm2); special purpose manipulator (SPDM, also known as Dextre) and mobile service base system (MBS).

MBS is essentially the base platform on which the manipulators are installed. It significantly expands the coverage area of ​​Canadarm2. When the “arm” is installed on the MBS, it acquires a movable base capable of moving along the surface of the station on rails at speeds of up to 2.5 cm/s. In addition, weights can be attached to the MBS - thus, having taken one weight, the manipulator can “park” it on the MBS and reach for another.

May 18, 2011. During the STS-134 mission, the Shuttle Canadarm manipulator transfers cargo to the ISS Canadarm2 manipulator - a transport and storage pallet for installation on the orbital station.

The main manipulator of the system is, in fact, a 17.6-meter SSRMS, equipped with seven motorized joints. Its own weight is 1800 kg, and the maximum weight of the load moved by the manipulator can reach 116 tons (!). However, in the absence of gravity, this is not such a large number; it is limited primarily by the influence of inertial forces.

The most interesting element of the system is Dextre, a two-armed, almost humanoid telescopic manipulator. He appeared on the ISS much later - in 2008 with the STS-123 mission. Outwardly, Dextre resembles a 3.5-meter headless man with arms 3.35 m long. Interestingly, the lower part can be attached to both the MBS and the Canadarm2 itself, thus lengthening it further and allowing for more delicate operations.

At the ends of Dextre's arms, OTCM (ORU/Tool Changeout Mechanisms) mechanisms are installed with built-in “jaws”-grabbers, a television camera and spotlights. In addition, the mechanisms have a socket for interchangeable tools that are stored in the “torso”.

2008 Visual comparison: the lower manipulator is SSRMS (Canadarm2), the upper one is Japanese JEMRMS. Doing a collaborative task is like eating with chopsticks.

In general, the combination of MBS, Canadarm2 and Dextre allows us to “close” the needs of most of the station - move cargo of various sizes, dock modules, transfer astronauts from point to point. For each function there are different “attachment” tools. The main control panel is located on the American Destiny module, activated in February 2001, and the secondary control panel is on the review European Cupola (installed in 2010).

MSS is quite capable of unloading shuttles, moving astronauts during spacewalks, and docking new modules. But one manipulator system is still not enough - especially considering the gradual growth of the ISS and the emergence of more and more new units and laboratories. Therefore, for the Kibo module, launched in 2008, the Japanese developed their own manipulator designed for local needs.

2008 The Dextre robot (SPDM) is installed on the tip of the Canadarm2 manipulator - this allows the latter to perform more delicate tasks, and the former to significantly expand the range of action.

Red circle

Everything is quite simple: with an increase in the number of modules, MBS simply stops “reaching” to different ends of the ISS. Plus, in some situations there is a whole queue to use the manipulator system. Thus, new modules for quite modest laboratory needs require independent “hands”.

The first sign in this area was the JEMRMS manipulator, where JEM is the Japanese Experiment Module (Japanese experimental module), and RMS is the Remote Manipulator System (controlled manipulator system). JEMRMS is installed above the Kibo module gateway and allows equipment to be loaded in or taken out.

JEMRMS consists of two elements - the main “hand” (Main Arm, MA) and the auxiliary one, designed for fine work (Small Fine Arm, SFA). The small "arm" is installed on top of the large one - in the same way that Dextre can be a continuation of Canadarm2. In essence, the Japanese manipulator is a smaller and simplified variation on the MSS theme, controlled from a single local module and performing tasks within its limited needs.

twelve stars

Judging by the emerging trends, in 10-15 years the ISS will be “overgrown” with small manipulators, like a hedgehog with needles. Moreover, each of them will reduce the overall role of the original Canadarm2, creating healthy competition. In particular, in the winter of 2013-2014 (the launch has already been postponed several times, a new date is tentatively set for December) another module, “burdened” with a manipulator, will fly to the station.

year 2013. Due to the fact that the ERA manipulator currently exists only in laboratory conditions, artists are given complete freedom of action. The sketch shows an ERA supporting an astronaut (not an astronaut! - the module is Russian) while working in outer space.

This time the module will be Russian - this is the multifunctional laboratory complex “Nauka”, and the manipulator will be European. The ERA (European Robotic Arm) was created at the European Space Agency research center in the Dutch city of Noordwijk. Dozens of engineers from around the world worked on the robot.

ERA allows you to move small loads (weighing up to 8 tons) inside and outside the module. In addition, the manipulator is adapted to carry and hold astronauts during external work, which will seriously save time when moving in outer space. It is much easier to be instantly thrown with the help of a manipulator than to “crawl” for a long time and carefully along the surface of the module. In its initial configuration, the ERA was nicknamed "Charlie Chaplin" for its distinctive "body" shape when folded.

Interestingly, on the surface of the module there will be several fastenings for the manipulator, and the “arm” is “double-sided,” that is, it is symmetrical, at both ends there are sockets that can be used to install tools, or can work as fasteners. Thus, the ERA does not need to be rigidly fixed in one place. It can independently “move” to another location by first fixing one end there and then unfastening the other from the original installation point. Essentially, ERA can “walk.”

The manipulator has three segments. In the center there is an elbow joint that works in one plane, and at the ends there is a combination of “joints” that can change the position of the “arm” in different planes. The total length of the manipulator when deployed is 11 m, while the object positioning accuracy is 5 mm.

Hammer and sickle

It must be said that manipulators on the International Space Station have a history that stretches back to the past, when there was no ISS yet. In particular, Canadarm2 is developed on the basis of technologies tested on another manipulator - Canadarm. It was created back in the late 1970s and first went into space in 1981 on the Columbia shuttle (STS-2 mission).

It was a 15-meter space “arm” with six degrees of freedom. It was with the help of Canadarm - even before the advent of more advanced systems - that the entire base of the ISS was mounted, the Hubble telescope was assembled, etc. For many years, Canadarm was not just the main, but the only space manipulator with several segments, that is, built on the principle of the human hand . The last mission to use it was STS-135 in July 2011; today you can only see it in a museum. For example, a copy from the Endeavor shuttle is kept at the Canadian Aerospace Museum in Ottawa.

But a question arises. Today Russia actively cooperates with other states in the field of space exploration. What manipulators were used, for example, at the Mir station? In the 1990s, these were precisely the “Canadarms,” since in 1994 the joint Russian-American Mir-Shuttle program was launched. And before that, the most important operating devices of Mir were the Strela cranes (GSt).

Today, two Strela cranes are used on the Russian segment of the ISS. In design, they are fundamentally different from segmented manipulators - they have a 15-meter telescopic structure. It can contract and rotate, but has significantly fewer degrees of freedom than the Canadarm or ERA. In addition, each of the Mir modules was equipped with a robotic arm with a gripper - something like a small segmentless crane-manipulator. They were used primarily for the installation of new station modules.

1988 The “Stork” manipulator on a stand simulating weightlessness. The installation of the manipulator to the starboard side of the Buran is simulated; at the articulation points the device is suspended on special nodes.

However, for the Buran, the Central Research and Development Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics once developed a Soviet analogue of the Canadarm, the Stork manipulator. In design, it was practically no different from Canadarm - the same six degrees of freedom, two lightweight carbon fiber links (“shoulder” and “elbow”). But "Stork", quite technically perfect, was unlucky.

The Buran program was suspended after just one test flight, during which the robotic arm was not installed. "Storks" have never been used in space; Moreover, their developments did not even serve the needs of Mir and the ISS. As a result, this manipulator was successfully tested on the stand, but remained one of the large-scale unfinished projects of the Soviet era.


Systematizing the information, we can conclude that with an increase in the number of countries participating in the ISS, the variety of manipulators will also increase. At first they made do with one “Canadarm” (and on “Mir” - “Strela”), then the ISS required an expanded system - Canadarm2 and Dextre appeared. Now, each new module requires its own cargo system - this is how JEMRMS and ERA were developed. Over time, the Russian segment will also have to engage in its own developments, especially since there are technologies created and tested for Aist.

And if China implements its grandiose Tiangong (“Heavenly Palace”) program, then in the coming years the ranks of space manipulators will be replenished with a significant number of Chinese models. However, the “Made in China” brand sounds quite proud these days, especially when it comes to space technology.
