Attaching flowers from foamiran to a hairpin automatically. Hairpins with roses from foamiran

Decorative accessory: hairpins with flowers made of foamiran

Hairpins with foamiran flowers can make your hairstyle more original Hairpins decorated with flowers, rhinestones, and ribbons are called decorative. They have a dual function: they secure the hair and decorate the hairstyle. How to make them - read below.

Fashion trend: DIY foamiran hairpins

Flowers for stilettos can be made from different materials.


  • Fabrics;
  • Polymer clay;
  • Strazov;
  • Zhemchuzhin.

Among the advantages of foamiran studs, it is worth noting excellent aesthetic qualities and low cost

When choosing decorative accessories for your hair, focus on your planned events, clothing style and your mood. Flowers in hairstyles are a fashionable trend today. Jewelry made from foamiran looks very gentle and natural. This is a plastic suede that can take the desired shape when heated. It is easy to cut with scissors, environmentally friendly, and most importantly, it is not afraid of moisture. Even novice needlewomen will appreciate the properties of this material.

Foamiran hairpins are not difficult to make with your own hands. At first glance, such flowers cannot be distinguished from real ones.

They will decorate the most sophisticated fashionista with dignity.

Beautiful hairpin made of foamiran with a snow-white lily: master class

Lily is a delicate, amazingly beautiful flower, a symbol of purity and innocence. A hairstyle decorated with such an accessory will emphasize the lightness and freshness of the image.

The simple structure of the flower will allow even novice needlewomen to create such decorations. A lily flower consists of 6 separate, oblong petals, 6 stamens on long threads and a stigma. To make the petals, we use foamiran, and we make the stamens and stigmas from wire.

Required materials and tools:

  • Foamiran is white;
  • Hairpin;
  • Glue moment;
  • Knitting needle or dental stick;
  • Scissors;
  • Cotton pad;
  • Semolina;
  • White tape;
  • Crepe paper;
  • Pastel yellow;
  • Cardboard or thick paper.

Flowers on foamiran stilettos may differ in both color and size

To make the petals, you need to make a template from thick paper. The flower will not be large in size, so we draw a small, oblong petal 6 cm long and 3 cm wide. We apply the resulting template to the foamiran and trace it with a knitting needle or a toothpick. Draw 6 petals and carefully cut out along the contour.

Suede easily leaves marks from sharp objects, so using a pencil is not recommended.

For the petals you need to prepare 6 stems. We cut 9 cm columns from wire with a diameter of 0.4 cm and wrap each one in a spiral with white crepe paper. Glue the resulting stems to the finished petals, retreating 5 mm from the edge. Heat the iron until warm, and apply only the edges of the petals, slightly bending and twisting them.

The next stage of work on making a lily will be making the stamens. Let's prepare 6 wires 6 cm long, treating them with crepe paper. On one side, we bend the finished samples with a small loop in the shape of the letter G. Using semolina, painted yellow, we give the stamens a natural looseness. We dip each piece with a loop in glue, then in semolina. Our stamens are ready.

The production of a pestle is carried out in several stages:

  • We cut the wire 6 cm long and process it with white crepe paper;
  • We divide the cotton pad into 2 parts, and cut one of them in half with scissors;
  • We tightly wrap half of the cut disk onto the pestle blank;
  • We wrap the resulting stick in a spiral with white tape;
  • Using the wide side, dip the stamen in glue and then in colored semolina.

We assemble the prepared parts into a flower. We place the pistil in the middle, place the stamens and 3 petals around it, and glue the remaining leaves in between. We wrap the entire structure with white tape, cut off the remaining wire, and place a compressed small piece of foamiran on the “tail” of the flower. We insert the pin from top to bottom, piercing it between the petals. Your unique head accessory is ready.

Lily will be a worthy decoration for voluminous hairstyles, giving them airiness and tenderness.

Choosing a foamiran hairpin design

By decorating her hair with decorative pins, a woman wants to emphasize her individuality.

The design of the hairpin should be chosen depending on the hairstyle and outfit.

Properly selected flowers will complement the image and create a unique style.

It is possible to make a foamiran hairpin with any flower. Your imagination will tell you whether it will be a large rose or lily, a fluffy daisy or a small forget-me-not.


  1. It is important to remember that for large flowers you need a large hairpin, otherwise the decoration will not stay in the hairstyle.
  2. Small items will require more time and patience from needlewomen, but an excellent result will certainly please those around you.
  3. The choice of jewelry depends on the color and type of hair. A hairpin with a large bright flower will highlight dark-haired beauties. Blondes will be decorated with an accessory with delicate tones.
  4. The flower must certainly match the color and style of clothing. Lilies and orchids are perfect for an evening dress. For a woman's sundress - wildflowers and medium-sized bed roses. Very young girls will be enchanted by a scattering of small roses.

The main rule is not to overload, but to emphasize the image and style.

Small roses on foamiran heels

Small flowers scattered over the head or collected in small bouquets look very elegant in the hairstyle. Unlike large jewelry, small “stars” in the hair will be appropriate in everyday life.

To make small roses you need:

  • Foamiran of the desired color;
  • Iron;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue moment;
  • Hairpin;
  • Tweezers;
  • Foil.

Foamiran roses for hairpins are best made small in size so that they look harmonious

Hairpins made of foamiran are a very popular trend in needlework. If you already know how to make flowers from foamiran, then making your own hairpin will not be difficult. The whole secret lies only in securely fastening the flower. Hairpins with flowers made from foamiran are worn by young girls, mothers decorate their daughters' hairstyles with foamiran flowers, and hairpins with flowers can be woven into a wedding or evening hairstyle or used for a photo shoot. Nowadays, hairpins made from glitter foamiran are gaining popularity, but it is very difficult to make small flowers from this material, because... it's dense. I prefer the foamiran bow clips with glitter. I have already made them in previous master classes on foamiran. In this tutorial we will try to make our own children's hairpins from foamiran and hairpins with flowers to decorate any hairstyle.

Hairpin with cherry blossoms from foamiran “Chic”: step-by-step master class

Similar hairpins with cherry blossoms made from foamiran can diversify your everyday hairstyle or decorate an evening hairstyle.

To make flowers for the “Chic” hair clip, you will need the following materials:

  • white, pink, olive, burgundy, green Iranian foamiran;
  • second glue;
  • scissors;
  • wire No. 28-30;
  • foil;
  • stamens red, pink;
  • red, yellow acrylic paint;
  • pink, green oil pastels;
  • white tape;
  • clip fastening - crocodile.

Templates for hair clips made of foamiran with spring cherry blossoms

We take olive foamiran, cut out a strip 1 cm wide, a strip of white foamiran 2.5 cm wide. Cut out squares from pink foamiran measuring 3.5 * 35 cm - 5 pieces per flower, 3 cm * 3 cm - 5 pieces per flower . From white foamiran we cut out squares 4 cm * 4 cm for a cherry flower and 2 * 2 cm for a cherry flower bud. From burgundy foamiran we cut out 1.5*1.5 cm squares for the sepals of the cherry and the bud of the cherry flower. We cut out 1.5*1.5 cm squares from green foamiran for the flower sepals, and we also cut out 2*4 cm rectangles from green foamiran for cherry leaves.

From white squares we cut out four-petal circles for cherry buds, from a large white square we cut out a five-petal circle for a cherry flower. Cut out sepals from burgundy and green squares. From pink squares we cut out petals in the form of droplets, and a strip of olive foamiran we cut out a small fence for the middle of the cherry flower.

Making flowers for hairpins with your own hands: step-by-step photos

We tint the pink petals with dark pink oil pastel on the bottom and end of the petal. Apply tint to the bottom of the petal on one side.

Take a five-petal circle and apply tinting with red acrylic paint in the middle of the petal circle. We apply the tint when spanking; for this we use a sponge or a cotton swab.

The tips of the sepals are burgundy and green and tinted with green and olive oil pastels.

We take a five-petal circle, iron it at silk-wool temperature, heat it, put all the petals together and twist it, then straighten it and pull it out with your finger.

We process the petal circles with an iron and help them close with our fingers.

We simply heat the sepals a little on the iron at wool-silk temperature.

We process the small pink petals on an iron at silk-wool temperature, then fold them like an accordion and rub them between our fingers, straighten and stretch them. Do not touch the top of the cherry petal and leave it grated.

Anyone who has never heard of foamiran, much less worked with it, has no idea how many things can be made from these colored leaves. Children's elastic bands are often decorated with delicate roses made of foamiran, and beautiful hairpins with products made of foam will decorate the collection of hair accessories not only for girls, but also for adult ladies.

Hairpins can be small, or they can be quite bulky and accentuated. Such hairpins are the essence of a hairstyle, and they are often made specifically for some kind of celebration. These can be crab hairpins or clothespin hairpins. Most often, a flower is chosen as the main object.

Rose is the most popular option. It's not very difficult to do, but sometimes it's not an option for beginners. Still, there are easier schemes, using examples of which you can practice working with foam.

Wedding hairpins with foamiran flowers are very popular. Such handmade jewelry is the best compliment to the bride. Especially if they are in tune with the circumstances of the celebration. For example, a wedding in May - and the bride has a hairpin with a sprig of lilac in her hair. Or during the season of peonies, the bride flaunts a hairpin with a foam peony.

Features of working with the material: DIY foamiran hairpins

Before attaching a beautiful flower or berry to a hairpin, you need to make this very flower or berry. And without knowledge about the material itself, it will be difficult to make a product of high quality. Therefore, the following information will not be superfluous.

What you need to know about foamiran:

  • The main property of foam is to remember the shape that you gave it, but remember that you cannot stretch the material too much (it will tear);
  • The material does not absorb water, so a product made from it can be washed, and if you are caught in the rain with such a hairpin, it will not be deformed;
  • Sheets can be cut perfectly with ordinary scissors, but modern hole punches are often used;
  • The color range is wide, but light foamiran is traditionally more popular, since it can always be tinted if necessary.

PVA glue is not suitable, ideally you need hot second glue. Therefore, all lovers of foamiran will have to stock up on a glue gun. The disadvantages are the porosity and softness of the material, so indentations from nails and sharp objects may remain on it, be careful.

DIY hair clips from foamiran: list of essentials

So, you want to make a wonderful hair clip for girls. However, such a hairpin is also suitable for young girls. First, see if you have everything you need.

To work you need:

  • White and green sheets of foamiran;
  • Green corrugated paper;
  • Regular scissors;
  • Hot glue;
  • Ready stamens;
  • Cardboard;
  • The hair clip itself;
  • Lighter;
  • Thin wire;
  • Pencil.

And, as always, the work begins with preparing the place where you will work. Don't forget about good lighting (ideally daylight), and a clean place where nothing will distract you from your work. Well, be patient, the process is not the fastest and requires attention and caution.

Beauty from foamiran: MK hairpins

So, first you need to make a template in order to draw and cut out the petals. Make a blank for the petal from cardboard. The diameter is usually within 4-5 cm, the entire workpiece will consist of 4 petals.

The template is cut out of cardboard and applied to the foam so that there are minimal scraps left. It is not recommended to do this with a pencil or pen; make the contours for cutting with a toothpick or the back of a brush. Moreover, it has a pointed tip.

Eight four-petal blanks need to be cut out of the foam. And then use nail scissors to make a wave along the upper edge of each piece so that future petals look natural. Then take 4 blanks and stack each one on top of each other. And then twist them together like you twist laundry when washing. But not very much.

  • Warm up the middle of each workpiece - use a stick to make a depression in the middle, from the inside;
  • At a distance from the outside, direct the flame of a lighter to warm up the material - let it take the shape you want;
  • Do this with each workpiece;
  • Then the flower can be assembled - fold the stamens in half, glue them to the center of each flower with a glue gun;
  • Then you need to make the sepals - cut the foam into 8 squares 2 by 2 cm;
  • Cut out the sepals, and twist each edge of the workpiece with your fingertips, and then glue it to the base of the flower;
  • Make twigs from wire, wrapping each stick in corrugated paper (optionally, tape);
  • The length of the branch will be 8 cm, and for the buds you need 5 sticks of 5 cm;
  • Leaves and sepals are formed from the green foam.

The final part: automatic hairpin made of foamiran

A wire is screwed to the inside of each leaf; set them aside for now. Make buds, cut out petals from white foam, about 5 for each bud. Collect a bud on a short stick and secure each petal with hot glue. The sepal is the last to be fixed.

You need to collect the twig from the top edge, securing three buds and one leaf on the twig. Screw the wire onto the twig, cover the places with green corrugated paper, attach one leaf lower down on each side of the twig. Then go lower so that you can wrap 2 branches with buds and 2 leaves on each side. Secure the flowers to a branch; free space is needed for each flower.

You will get a beautiful twig, which all that remains is to glue it to the clip with hot glue. Press the workpiece onto the glue and hold for a few seconds. The glue should set. If you want more shine, you can arrange additional decoration for the hairpin - beads, glass beads, seed beads, etc.

Is a rose hair clip made of foamiran in fashion?

Of course, the rose was and is considered a classic option, although a little boring. Therefore, even for a wedding, brides prefer to do something more original - sometimes the hairpin can be in the form of strawberries or candy. But this, of course, is for bolder brides.

If you still like the pink option, think about a hairpin made from a small bouquet of small spray roses. It will look more elegant and original than a once-blooming bud. And at the same time it will emphasize the freshness and youth of the bride.

Ideas: headbands and hairpins made of foamiran

The craftswomen just don’t come up with any ideas! Nowadays, New Year's hairpins are being actively made - such as a fir branch or New Year's balls. You can use shiny foamiran for these purposes.

Also look great:

  • Berry headbands and hairpins;
  • Hairpins in the form of sweets - candies, marshmallows, cookies and marmalades;
  • Hairpins in the form of smiley faces;
  • Hairpins in the shape of sea creatures - from shells to skates.

But, of course, no one limits your imagination. You can make entire compositions from foamiran. And sometimes a simple chamomile or cornflower on a hairpin becomes a favorite decoration.

Foamiran hairpins: master class (video)

Be sure to try working with foam - this material is interesting to use, it turns out very natural. And the hairpins are a sight to behold, and you wouldn’t be ashamed to give them as a gift.

A peony made from plastic foamiran is a rather lush, beautiful bud that even a novice craftsman can make.

To carry out MK we will need the following types of materials:

  1. Porous foamiran. To make the craft as realistic as possible, purchase material with a thickness of no more than 1 mm. We will need dark green, dark pink and light pink canvas.
  2. Fixation tape, which can be light green or green.
  3. Water-based acrylic paints. To make the artificial flower interesting and as realistic as possible, purchase dark pink, marsh and yellow shades of paint.
  4. Volumetric thick wire that will bend well, with a diameter of 1-1.5 mm. It will be needed to form the stem. For the leaves you need a small piece of floral or thin wire.
  5. A set of art brushes, as well as foam rubber from which you need to make a small sponge (or sponge).
  6. Nail scissors and a standard glue gun. You can use any manicure tool that can easily cut foamiran.
  7. A beautiful mother-of-pearl stone, a voluminous bead or a piece of foil from which the core of the bud will be formed.

We also need a pattern that can be printed or hand drawn. With its help we will form the petals and components of our bud. When everything you need is on the table, you can begin to create a peony step by step.

  1. Cutting the component parts of the flower according to our pattern.
    - A – 10 light pink petals;
    - B – 10 petals of a light pink shade and 5 blanks of a dark pink color;
    - C – 10 parts of a light pink shade;
    - D – 5 dark pink petals;
    - E – 5 dark pink parts;
    - Z – 3 leaves of a dark green hue;
    - M – 6 sheets of dark green color;
    - K and L – 5 dark green sepals;
    - F – a blank in the form of a sun with rays, from which we will form an interesting core with imitation of stamens.

    We cut out a pattern from the existing image, transfer it to light pink foamiran and cut out a circle. After that, cut the rays with sharp ends.

  2. Tinting leaves and petals

    Using acrylic paint, we lightly tint the petals of our peony, trying to get the effect of a non-uniform color (either darker towards the edge of the petal, or darker closer to the base). To do this we need a small brush with which we paint all the petals on both sides.

    The second stage is the creation of “living” leaves. For this we also use the technique of manual tinting. We paint our foamiran leaves on one side only with darker green paint, and then draw the central veins in the center of the trefoil, distributing the paint from the center to the edges of the workpiece.

  3. Corrugation of leaves and petals

    The initial stage will be corrugating the petals B. We fold the workpiece in small folds according to the “accordion” principle.

  4. Flower assembly

    We prepare the base on which many peony petals will be fixed. To do this, we form a tight ball from foil, the diameter of which should not exceed 1.5 cm. If you decide to use a bead, make sure that it has a wide enough hole. We pierce a hole in the foil ball, pour glue into it and immediately thread the prepared wire into the hole.

    We string the workpiece G onto the wire and tie all the upper parts with a thread, placing them above the bead.

    We dip the tips of the stamens in yellow acrylic paint, and then attach 10 petals A to them using a glue gun.

    We fix the petals B, folded like an accordion at the base, so that small folds are obtained. In this way we secure 10 light pink and 5 dark pink petals.

    Next next to each other we glue 5 petals C, and behind them, in a checkerboard pattern, 5 more of the same blanks.

    The pre-final stage will be gluing five petals D in a checkerboard pattern in relation to the previous ones.

    And the creation of the final row of the 5 largest petals of E.

    We fix the sepals and begin to collect leaves as shown in the photo.

    Decorate the hairpin with a lush poppy

    A red foamiran poppy is a great way to decorate any hair accessory or diversify a flower bouquet consisting of wild plants.

    To create it we will need:

    • dense foamiran in black, green and red shades;
    • acrylic paint (red and white);
    • bright pastels and a sponge for tinting;
    • simple threads, a piece of foil, an iron and curly scissors;
    • automatic hairpin without decorations;
    • glue, a manicure stick or wooden toothpick, and phlox powder.

    When all the materials are ready, you can start the master class. To do this, follow the instructions below.

    We draw paper templates by hand in the amount of 8-16 pieces. We need 4 small blanks - 5.5 * 4.5 cm, as well as 4 large ones - 7.5 * 5.5 cm.

    We cut out a strip of black foamiran and process one side to create a fringe.

    We make the base from a ball of foil, the diameter of the workpiece is approximately 1.7-2 cm.

    We tint our petals on one side using a sponge.

    Smooth out sharp corners with curly scissors.

    Lightly touching our petal with a sponge, apply white paint on one side to the bottom of the petal.

    We cut out a circle from green foamiran, put a ball of foil in the middle and begin to form a poppy head. We tie the ball with thread as shown in the photo.

    Cut off the excess thread. We turn the ends over (turn them inside out) and glue them. You can lightly tint the core, first with red and then with white paint.

    We begin assembling the flower by gluing the fringe.

    We form poppy petals by heating the material on an iron set to “silk-wool” mode. We fold the warm pieces like an accordion, twist them and stretch out the middle a little. We do this with all the petals.

    We paint the fringe a little white. We begin to glue the petals overlapping, forming rows. First there are 4 petals in one row.

    Then we glue the large petals below the first row by about 1-2 mm, also slightly overlapping.

    We cut out the leaves and apply texture to them, tinting with paint and shading it with a sponge on both sides.

    Glue the leaves by sprinkling them with phlox powder.

    The flower is ready. Now all we have to do is glue it to the automatic hairpin using a hole punch or glue. You can do your hair!

Today we want to show you how to make a beautiful hair clip from foamiran with your own hands. This delicate flower will easily decorate the head of a girl or girl.

Before we start making hairpins with flowers from foamiran, we want to remind you what foamiran is. Foamiran is a foam rubber characterized by flexibility and wear resistance. That is why a hairpin made from this material, if handled with care, will retain its appearance for a long time.

To make a foamiran hairpin, we will need: a base for the hairpin, foamiran in white and green colors, oil pastels, a glue gun, a sheet mold or a real leaf of wood, a piece of foam sponge, scissors, a ruler, a toothpick.

First, let's make rose petals. From white foamiran we cut out twenty squares with a side of three and a half centimeters.

We give each square a leaf shape. You can use a sheet template: cut it out of cardboard, transfer the outline to the foamiran with a toothpick and cut it out.

You can simply do this “by eye” by rounding three corners with scissors.

After all the petals are cut out, we will need to color them. Take a foam sponge and lightly moisten it with water. Take an oil pastel of pink, lilac or another suitable color and crumble it.

Using a moistened sponge, take some pastel crumbs and apply the pastel along the upper edge of the petal. We tint all the leaves in this way.

Shape the petals. To do this, heat the iron to medium temperature. Take the petal and place it on the iron. Under the influence of temperature, it should begin to deform slightly.

We take the petal away from the iron. Immediately, before it cools down, curl the upper tinted edge of the petal.

Then we straighten it and with our thumb we squeeze out the middle of the petal, giving it a dome-shaped shape.

After heating on the iron, twist the last petal into a tube. Then lightly rub the top edge between your fingers. This is the middle of the rose. From there we will begin to collect our flower.

We begin to glue other petals in a circle to the lower edge of the middle. We try to cover half of the previous one with each subsequent petal. We cut off the bottom edge of the last four petals - they will give the flower splendor.

Making rose leaves. We cut out three squares with a side of approximately eight centimeters from green foamiran.

Heat the square on the iron. We throw it on the table and immediately, while it is hot, press a sheet of wood to it. Keep it like this for one or two minutes until the foamiran cools down.

We apply a paper template of a rose leaf onto the resulting relief, aligning the middle line. We outline it with a toothpick.

Cut it out.

Using nail scissors, we make small notches, giving the edges a characteristic relief. We tint the leaves using pastels or acrylic paint.

Prepare the metal base of the hairpin. Cut out a rectangle from green foamiran. Glue it to the top of the hairpin. Tint to match the leaves.

From green foamiran we cut out a sepal for the rose.

We tint it and glue it with hot glue to the bottom of the rose flower.
