Lifespan of an Indesit washing machine. What is the service life of a washing machine

When every consumer looks at a washing machine, he wonders about the reliable choice of equipment. Because now there are a lot of different manufacturers. If a person does not understand this, then sometimes it can be difficult to choose a good washing machine. So that it meets the buyer's requirements. After all, you want the washing machine to have a long service life and not break down. Usually all manufacturers promise that it will work without problems, but in reality it happens differently. And some devices work for a long time, while others break down after a short time of use.

Reliable manufacturer

There are a lot of opinions regarding the operation of the machine. Some people think that cars break down prematurely simply because the person himself made mistakes. Of course, we get used to relying on the assessment of technicians in service centers.

Among various manufacturers, the Bosch washing machine is noted.

It is distinguished from many others by its long service life without breakdowns. On average, it will serve the consumer for 16 years. This service life is a great indicator. Because, for example, washing machines from other manufacturers, namely LG, Atlant, do not have a long service life. They work without breakdowns for up to 10 years. Therefore, German quality in this area speaks for itself. Many consumers have already appreciated the truly long, time-tested service life.

The most important thing is that once you spend money on buying a washing machine, you can use it for a long time and not worry about it breaking. Such fears mainly appear when working with equipment from companies such as Candy, Zanyssi, Vestel. After all, they are considered the most short-lived in use. Many consumers who have purchased cars from these companies often contact service centers with a request to repair them. On average, washing machines from these companies will last up to 5 years. Which is very little compared to other manufacturers. And there is no desire to invest in such a purchase. Because I don’t want to have to fix it in a year. Thus, it becomes clear which washing machine is the most reliable and best.

Factors affecting service life

The period during which you can use the washing machine depends on many factors.

First of all, this is water quality. If it is very hard, then plaque may form inside the machine. It is very important that various small objects do not fall into the drum. Since these factors will shorten the life of the device. Grounding must be done to prevent voltage surges. After all, they can happen during washing, and the program will go wrong. Washing machines from not very reliable manufacturers will break down due to such voltage surges.

Using the washing machine

To use it, for the entire service life of the washing machine you must:

  • At the end of washing, unplug it from the outlet.
  • Do not violate the operating rules.
  • Wipe it regularly, inside and out.

Warranty period

This period may vary slightly among different manufacturers. But for example, a warranty period of 1 year is provided by the company that produces the Bosch washing machine. This is the duration of service established by law.

There are also models that come with a 3-year warranty.

When you purchase a washing machine, you are given a document that confirms that you can repair a breakdown of the washing machine free of charge during the warranty period if necessary. You can extend the warranty period of your washing machine for a small fee, thereby increasing it to 5 years. The warranty extension occurs in accordance with the tariffs set by this company.

Types of breakdowns

A washing machine is a device that is technically complex. Breakdowns can appear in different places. For example, it may:

  • the tank is damaged;
  • the heating mechanism has deteriorated;
  • burst hose;

Therefore, it is important to know what types of breakdowns are covered under warranty.

These include breakdowns resulting from:

  • factory defects;
  • inaccurate storage;

That is, there must be breakdowns that were not caused by the consumer. Only if such signs are present will the warranty on the washing machine be valid.

How not to lose your warranty

It is important to understand that the warranty only applies to those breakdowns that are covered by this document. At service centers, the technicians first check for themselves whether repairs can really be done for free. If a consumer seeks a solution to a problem when the warranty or service life of the washing machine has expired, he will be denied repairs.

If violations are identified by the craftsmen, then on this basis the consumer is deprived of the right to free repairs. In the future, you can repair the washing machine, but only on a paid basis. And at the prices set by the service center. Therefore, it is better not to try to mislead workers by expecting to repair a washing machine that has broken down due to improper care of the owner himself. After all, experts will immediately understand this.

In this regard, it is necessary to know the cases of warranty cancellation:

  • if the installation of the washing machine was carried out by an employee who does not have a certificate;
  • if the unit breaks down when using an extension cord;
  • if a small object gets into the drum;
  • if the machine has already been sent in for repair;

The latter case is sometimes regarded ambiguously. Because there are situations when a store sells equipment that has been repaired.

After this, the consumer bought a washing machine with a non-existent warranty. It is difficult to prove that it was repaired before purchase. For this it is necessary to conduct an examination. Also, in order not to lose the warranty, you do not need to open the washing machine case for any reason.

Now you know how long the washing machine lasts. Having examined the main points regarding the purchase of a washing machine and its maintenance, you can make a purchase. It is better to know the terms of warranty service before going to the store. So that the technicians do not refuse to repair the washing machine due to the fact that the breakdown is not covered by the warranty.

According to GOST 8051-83, concerning household washing machines, their average service life should be from twelve to fifteen years - or up to seven hundred hours of operation. However, as practice shows, most washing machines operate no more than seven to ten years in frequent use. A series of tests, during which certain models of washing machines worked around the clock for eight months, it was found that the most “tenacious” part of these units is the engine.

The service life of a washing machine usually depends on the quality of its assembly and parts, which can only be guaranteed by well-known companies with a good reputation.

On average, the engine of a standard washing machine can withstand three and a half thousand washes or ten years of operation. Most often, the heating elements of the machine, electronic control units, and pumps that wear out or become clogged with foreign objects fail. In addition, the service life of a washing machine largely depends on the intensity of its use, the quality of tap water and washing powders.

Average statistics: how much and for how long

Automatic washing machines made by German, Italian and other European manufacturers have the longest service life. They are able to serve the owner faithfully for ten to twenty years. Korean products of average quality will last from ten to fifteen years, while Chinese or Turkish washing machines will most likely need to be replaced after five years.

All of the above periods are statistical averages and also depend on operating conditions and compliance with the rules for handling the unit.

Most manufacturers deliberately do not provide their washing machines with a large safety margin, since this is unprofitable for business. A long service life will allow the consumer not to purchase new household appliances, thereby depriving the manufacturer of a permanent income. It should be remembered that the quality of the assembly rarely depends on the place of assembly - but the quality of the parts used plays a very large role in the life expectancy of the washing machine. If the unit has worked for seven years without breakdowns, it means that its manufacturer is conscientious and in the event of a breakdown, you can turn to him for new equipment.

In order for your home helper to serve you as long as possible, you need to know her “weak points.”

Therefore, it will be better to carry out preventive repairs of your washing machine than to then spend a lot of money and time on expensive repairs and listen to the reproaches of your loved ones.

How to deal with scale

Heating element and water hardness. Since tap water is quite hard, and also contains various suspended particles (rust), this can have a bad effect on the service life of your washing machine.

When heated, such water releases carbon dioxide and forms an insoluble mineral precipitate. Over time, the heating element (tubular electric heating device) becomes overgrown, which reduces the thermal conductivity of the metal. As a result, it overheats.

If you wish, you can check its condition from time to time. Through the holes in the drum, you can illuminate the lower part of the tank, in which the heating element is located, and see how much it is “overgrown with scale.”

1.Chemicals. To combat scale in washing machines, chemical methods are often used: the heating element and the inner surface of the tank are treated with substances to remove scale, such as “Antinakipin-M”, “Kron Star” and so on.

If your washing machine is equipped with an enamel tank, then this method cannot be used under any circumstances.

Only those that only inhibit the formation of lime deposits, but do not dissolve them, will be suitable for it. For example, a product for reducing water hardness “Calgon”. It is added to the machine with each wash. In some types of powders, such as “Ariel”, “Persil”, “softeners” are added at the manufacturer’s factory.

The imperfection of this method is that it has a negative effect on the operation of the automation system, on the rubber seals and on the fact that you yourself breathe these fumes.

2.Technological method. When water is heated to 50 degrees, the rate of scale formation is less than at higher temperatures.

Try to choose washing modes that are below 50 degrees.

You also need to know that when washing heavily worn linen, it will quickly become covered with limescale, since particles of fabric are separated from the linen and contribute to additional scale formation. If you have to use very hard water, it would be better to purchase magnetic converters or softener filters.

The solenoid valve is very sensitive to mechanical particles in the water. They provoke its accelerated wear when they become jammed between the bolt gaskets.

To prevent this, it is necessary to install mechanical water purification filters with replaceable cartridges.

Other problems and solutions

Drain pump
. since it is in water most of the time, after several years of operation it will need to be replaced. Sometimes they break due to the fact that small objects (paper clips, buttons, etc.) get there. This problem can be eliminated by using a pump that has anti-blocking.

It is available in Asko and Aeg washing machines. Thanks to it, it can pump water in the opposite direction and free the pump from an object caught in it. Some machines have an automatic drain control function. It displays information about problems with the pump on the display.

Hatch door.
One of the weak points of front-loading washing machines is on the hatch door. If you load laundry into the machine carelessly, this can lead to a defect in the seal and its premature failure.

It is also necessary to leave the machine doors open in order to dry the rubber seals and the inner surface of the tank (especially the enameled one).

. Most often, the programming pen goes out of use. It happens that everything breaks. Mainly due to terminal oxidation caused by high humidity.

But the main danger is power surges. The machine begins to malfunction (it may not spin or rinse the laundry). Its service life becomes shorter and the quality of work becomes worse. There is only one way out - a stabilizer.

You shouldn't waste money on it. Remember that the miser pays twice.

. Tank leaks can cause serious problems. When buying a car, you need to pay special attention to the material from which it is made.

The tank can be made of enameled or stainless steel, as well as synthetic polymer materials (Carboran, Silitek). It is clear to everyone that stainless steel tanks are good.

In enameled tanks, the surface begins to quickly deteriorate during operation, as soon as even one crack appears.

It has been noticed that a plastic tank can last as long as a stainless steel one. But the advantages of plastic are that it is less noisy and lighter. And finally, the main advantage of non-metal tanks is that they are absolutely resistant to corrosion. Also, the cost of a unit with such a tank will be lower.


You can’t do without it at this stage, since due to the uneven distribution of things in the drum, it increases.

In this case, the machine begins to “pound”, which, in principle, is the cause of most breakdowns.

To dampen vibration, the design of the machine includes spring suspensions, anti-inertial weights made of concrete or cast iron, as well as hydraulic tank shock absorbers. Basically, the machines use concrete weights rather than cast iron.

Also, the large mass of the machine itself helps reduce vibration. The larger the drum volume, the more evenly the laundry is distributed inside the drum.

In the design of the ASKO washing machine, the moving unit does not contact the body. It is tightly mounted on a frame with a powerful base through shock absorbers.

In fact, you can overcome vibration yourself. To do this, you need a perfectly flat floor or a foundation specially installed for this purpose. Then it is advisable to fix the machine well on it.

Important: do not overload the machine with laundry.

For every consumer, it is of great importance how durable the washing machine he purchased is. Of course, the service life that manufacturers promise depends on many indicators.

If you believe the statistics, the average service life of an automatic machine is 7 - 10 years. But what do the standards say about this and what requirements apply to this category of products?

Requirements according to GOST

Let us turn to State Standard 8051-83 with this question. It says that On average, a household washing machine will last from 12 to 15 years. The survivability of a machine is often measured in the hours it can work. In GOST this figure is 700.

The service life itself is calculated during a series of tests on several machines, and then the average indicator is recorded in the technical data sheet of the product.

Manufacturer data

Often, unscrupulous manufacturers specifically indicate reduced service life so that people change their washing units at least once every 5-6 years, which has a good effect on their revenue. The service life of a machine directly depends on the quality of the components, and not on where it was assembled.

In any case, all manufacturers and repair shops agree that the service life is determined by the hours that the machine can work. Miele promises 10,000 hours of operation for its products, which is much higher than GOST requirements.

What happens in practice?

There is an opinion that the service life of a washing machine directly depends on the manufacturer. You can argue for a long time on this topic, but in practice, the opinion of professionals - repair shops, or rather those who are directly involved in repairs - remains objective.

They can tell you which brands were least likely to be seen in their work. Based on their words, a rating of the durability of washing machines has been compiled:

  • The first place in the ranking is occupied by German manufacturers. The service life with the proper method of operation reaches 30 years. For example, Miele. Of course, the cost of such units is simply prohibitive for most, but the percentage of calls for service is extremely low.
  • Cars of Swedish and Austrian assembly were not far behind. Electrolux and AEG. They can last 20 years.
  • Korean and Italian specialists take an honorable third place. Their brands Samsung, LG, Indesit, Ardo last 8 years.
  • And at the end of the list are Chinese, Russian and Turkish manufacturers. Washing machines Beko, Samsung, Candy, Zanussi, Vestel operate for up to 5 years, and then only with original components.

What factors affect service life?

Of course, the operating life is greatly influenced by the conditions in which the machine is used.

  • Excessive water hardness damages the heating element.
  • It happens that small things that you forgot to take out of your pockets end up in the drum of the unit. This inevitably leads to repairs. And of course, it reduces the period of use.
  • Power surges are another reason why washing machines fail. If you neglect to install protection against such surprises or simply do not install grounding, then you should not count on the operating time according to GOST.


To ensure that the life of your machine does not shorten due to external factors, you need to perform simple steps:

  • Do not overload the washing machine with work and do not allow washing around the clock. Take breaks.
  • Choose high-quality washing powder.
  • Don't forget to check the contents of the pockets of the items you load.
  • Install water filters to ensure the required hardness.
  • Monitor the weight of the laundry you load.
  • Periodically it is necessary to clean the drum and heating element from scale. You can see how to do this yourself at home in the next Ukrainian program “Everything Will Be Good.”

The water softening filter can be installed either simply on the water supply system or on the washing machine. A good solution would be to install a polyphosphate filter, which envelops salts, thereby softening the water and protecting the washing machine from scale. In the video below you can learn more about the polyphosphate filter and how to install it.

If you follow these simple rules, you can even increase the life of your washing machine. Choose wisely and be careful!

The washing machine has long been firmly established in the everyday life of modern people. The benefits of the purchase are obvious: washing happens quickly, less water is wasted, and in addition, in the end you get clean, almost dry laundry.

Below we will try to figure out how long it can last, what it depends on washing machine service life, how to increase it and what to do if the machine nevertheless becomes unusable.

According to existing statistics, Chinese-made machines last on average from three to five years, Korean and Italian-made washing machines last from five to eight years, and German representatives of the segment last from 10 to 15 years. Cars produced in Austria and Sweden are rightly recognized as “long-livers”, because their service life is a record 15-20 years.

What determines the service life of a washing machine?

It seems that the more expensive the washing machine model, the longer it will last. However, the operating time of the equipment is influenced by many factors, such as:

There are manufacturers that are distinguished by the increased reliability of their equipment, and among them are Miele, Electrolux, and AEG. However, such machines are significantly more expensive, and in addition, there are their “back-ups” - Indesit and Zanussi, LG, others - which work just as reliably, but cost one and a half to two times less.

You can determine which model will be the best by the combination of all the components, and not just by the “big” name and high price. Thus, in Russia, automatic machines from Samsung and LG have proven themselves to be excellent, which are assembled in our factories and have a full range of consumer qualities, including, of course, reliability and durability.

How to increase the service life of a washing machine

Washing machine service life on average is at least ten years, but if certain requirements are met, it can be significantly extended:

Disposal of washing machines

And yet, every washing machine sooner or later becomes outdated and breaks down, and then the issue of its disposal becomes relevant. “Takeaway” will quickly free your apartment from broken equipment, carrying out dismantling, followed by removal of non-working or outdated equipment, saving you from problems.
