Crafts from music discs for. Several options for using old CD blanks in everyday life

The modern world is becoming more and more technological. Digital storage devices have become an integral part of people's daily lives. However, currently a large number of produced disks are not used. They are disposed of regularly. DIY crafts are a great way to eliminate unnecessary items and create new ones. If the item can no longer be used for its intended purpose, then you can make a completely unique decorative element out of it. And the whole transformation process can be very exciting and fun for both children and adults. You just need to give free rein to your imagination.

Compact crafts

You can find a bunch of used CDs in almost every home. Instead of throwing it away, you can come up with a lot of ways to use this recyclable material. A craft hobby is one of the best options for children's employment. Fake CDs will help you spend your time in an interesting, fun and useful way. If you wish, you can find many ideas and materials for creativity at home.

Used discs are something that is a shame to throw away, and there is no point in storing. There is an alternative option - to give your faithful shiny friend a second life, turning it into something completely different. Using your imagination, creativity and some recommendations, you can create unusual functional or simply decorative fake disks.


Many people have probably heard the saying: “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” But if you look at a large pile of old, discarded things, it is difficult to see anything valuable there. However, if you apply a little creative imagination, you can turn garbage into a beautiful and original thing. Counterfeit disks can be very different. For example, you can make a beautiful candlestick with your own hands. To do this, place the disk with the shiny side up and glue a candle to the surface. This will be an excellent decorative stand that can be decorated with fresh or artificial flowers and beads. The shiny and mirror surface of the CD will reflect the glow of the candle.

Glass coaster

Old, scratched and tattered CDs or damaged DVDs can be turned into some really cute things. In addition, they will also be functional. Counterfeits made from disks can be not only decorative, they can be quite useful things.

A glass or goblet can be made by gluing various images onto the surface. You can also make themed fabric options. They make a durable, protective table stand that can be used every day or for special occasions.

Fun for kids

Old CDs can turn into various insects, animals and birds. At the same time, this magical transformation can be wonderful entertainment for a child. The perfectly round shape allows you to create a wide variety of designs. For example, you can make adorable ladybugs from disks. Counterfeits can even be used as toys.

Using completely simple devices, you can construct so-called spinning toys. The principle of their operation resembles a spinning top or a top. This kind of entertainment can keep a child busy for a long time. This activity will help develop coordination and fine motor skills.

You can also make a decorative clock with your own hands. With their help, the baby will be able to learn time. And thanks to a foam ball and old CDs, it is possible to transform a child's room. To do this, simply hang a craft that resembles the planet Saturn, which glows with all the colors of the rainbow.

To have bright and good dreams, you can hang homemade dream catchers above your bed. A bunch of unnecessary CDs, which can be pre-colored with felt-tip pens in all the colors of the rainbow and then hung around the yard, will help keep the kids occupied on a sunny day. This simple activity can be a real adventure for children of any age.

Fridge magnets

Using paints, felt-tip pens or any permanent markers, you can arrange a real master class. with your own hands they can be decorated with colored stickers and beads of different sizes. The edges can be folded or completely cut off. When the masterpiece is ready, you need to glue a small magnet to it. It will serve as an excellent decorative fastener for children's drawings or notes with reminders.

This activity can be interesting for older schoolchildren. They can make amazing magnets to attach notes, lesson schedules, reminders, drawings or posters to a metal surface. Materials for decoration include clippings from your favorite magazine, photographs of celebrities or your friends, and so on. You can make various inscriptions with nail polish and then decorate with glitter.

Original watches: DIY crafts from disks (step by step photos)

How to turn an old CD into a watch? Just a few simple steps will help turn it into a stylish and original alarm clock. So, for this craft you will need an old CD, a clock mechanism, superglue, AA batteries, and scissors.

Let's get started:

  • Disc selection. First you need to decide on the appearance of the watch. To do this, you need to choose a suitable disc with an interesting image. It could be a music record by some cool rock band or a movie, for example, with a picture of the Terminator, Indiana Jones or The Mummy. In any case, the image should be impressive, since it is the face of the future watch.
  • You need to use a marker to write the numbers from one to 12 on the front panel of the CD. Or you can experiment and glue buttons from an old keyboard onto the front of a CD using glue.
  • Next, you need to very carefully remove the cover of the old watch, exposing two small screws. It is important not to damage the internal mechanism.
  • Glue the battery and the back of the CD together.
  • Carefully insert the batteries and set the correct time.

Homemade bells

You can make a variety of DIY crafts from CDs (master class: photo below) not only for your home, but also to hang in your yard. Outdoors, especially in sunny weather, homemade bells will beautifully swirl in the wind, reflecting sunlight. To make it, you will need a tool for making holes along the edges of the disk and fishing line.

An ordinary polyethylene or plastic jar with a lid is suitable as a holder. You also need to make holes evenly along its edges, where the fishing line is secured using knots. This is where the discs will be strung later. The finished decorative element must be hung on a tree near the house where children can enjoy it. It looks and sounds mesmerizing, especially when the wind blows.

By conducting a master class with children, you can make simply amazing crafts from CDs for the March 8th holiday. Beautiful products will be a good gift for birthdays, New Years, Easter and any other occasion. It is important to explain the following truth to the younger generation: giving a second life to things that have gone out of use is a great way to talk about planet Earth and that people should be responsible for preserving its resources for future generations.

Previously, we all bought CDs/DVDs with movies, music and various programs, but now they just sit there. All of them have already been reviewed and re-listened to, but it would be a shame to throw them away. Therefore, I want to tell you how to make useful and beautiful crafts with your own hands from unnecessary disks. Even a beginner can cope with the work provided below, but an experienced person will also have something to learn from this article. The range of uses for such crafts is wide: kindergarten, room decor, as well as useful little things for storing various materials.

Napkin holder made from discs

A homemade napkin holder will be an interesting and useful craft. It turns out to be stable and you can decorate it with any design. You can involve your child in the execution process. To make such a napkin holder, read the step-by-step instructions, photos and video descriptions.

You will need:

  • Discs 3 pcs.
  • Ruler
  • Marker
  • Stationery knife
  • Glue gun
  • Paints


  1. Take the disk and draw a line with a marker along the extreme edge of the central part. We do the same with the second disk.
  2. Cut the disk along the drawn line.
  3. On the third disk, draw 2 parallel lines along the extreme edge of the central part of the disk.
  4. We glue the disks from which we cut off parts onto strips with a glue gun onto the marked strips of the 3rd disk.
  5. We paint the outer part of our napkin holder with paints. One side is gold and the other is silver.
  6. When you paint with a sponge you can create texture on the surface. Our napkin holder is ready!

Mirror disco ball

To decorate your interior, you can make a small disco ball from CDs. You can hang it on a lamp and it will shimmer beautifully and brightly. Let's start making the box with our own hands.

You will need:

  • Ball or Christmas ball
  • CD disk - 2 pcs.
  • Scissors


  1. We cut the disks into small squares.
  2. We begin to glue the squares onto the ball in circular stripes. So first we glue one half of the ball.
  3. If you took a ball, then you need to bend one side of the paperclip and pierce the ball with it, pulling it out through a small gap. We bend the paper clip back and then it can be hung. It will be easier with a Christmas ball, there is a ready-made mount.
  4. Now we glue the ball to the very end. Our disco ball is ready!

Video on how to make a disco ball with your own hands

Christmas decoration "Owl"

A bright and shiny owl will be used to decorate the interior for the New Year. You can hang it on the Christmas tree or in another part of the room. Let's start making our craft with our own hands, for this we have made instructions with a step-by-step description.

You will need:

  • CDs - 9 pieces
  • Glue gun
  • Plasticine
  • Scissors


  1. We take 2 disks and glue them together, placing one on top of the other until the outer line of the central circle.
  2. We make a fringe along the free edges of these discs, making frequent cuts up to 1 cm deep.
  3. Under the two disks we glue two more so that they protrude from the bottom by about 2 cm. We glue another disk in the same way, only it should protrude from the top between the two top layers.
  4. Under the two disks of the last layer we glue two more, which should protrude from the bottom a little more than the previous layer. We make fringe on the free edges as described earlier.
  5. Now we glue the side parts, which should protrude by about 3 cm.
  6. We make circles from plasticine and attach them to the circles of two disks, so we will get eyes. The pupils can be made from plasticine, or you can take peppercorns.
  7. We cut out 3 triangles from the disk - the beak and ears, and attach them to the owl with glue. We also need to cut out the eyebrows and glue them at an angle to the center.
  8. For the paws, cut out triangles from the disk, cut off the top of the triangle, and cut out small pieces from the bottom to make three fingers.
  9. Now you can attach a ribbon to the owl and hang it on the Christmas tree.

Useful craft “Clock”

This kind of craft would be interesting to do with school-age children. A clock made from old disks and a broken keyboard will appeal to any schoolchild and can decorate any children's room. You don’t need to “reinvent the wheel”, everything has already been done before you. You just need to carefully study the process of completing the craft and, together with your child, make our original watches and beautiful clocks.

You will need:

  • Clockwork
  • Glue gun
  • Unnecessary number keyboard


  1. Can be used on both sides.
  2. From the old keyboard you need to remove the buttons with the letter F. They are located at the very top, you will need numbers from 1 to 12.
  3. Now you need to glue the buttons. Marking the gluing areas in advance. To make it more convenient, first glue the numbers 12, 6, 9 and 3.
  4. You can write something on the clock, or decorate it with small decorative elements. But don't overdo it with decoration.
  5. Carefully insert the arrows from the old alarm clock into the central hole. You need to glue all the parts together.
  6. Now let it dry for hours and the craft is completely ready. This is how easy it is to make something useful for your home. You can also give such an interesting watch to a friend or work colleague.

Video on how to make an original watch

Craft fish from disks

If you need to make a craft for kindergarten or school, then this fish is perfect. A child of 3, 4, 5, 6 years old can handle it. You will be able to spend time with your child and contribute to the development of his imagination and motor skills. To make a fish craft with your own hands, read the step-by-step instructions.

You will need:

  • Colored paper
  • Scissors
  • Rope
  • Marker


  1. From colored paper we cut out a mouth, an upper fin, a tail and round eyes.
  2. Glue everything onto the disk.
  3. From a sheet of paper of the same color, fold an accordion about 1 cm wide and insert it into the hole of the disk. Spread our side fins.
  4. Using a marker, draw a pupil on the eye.
  5. To hang the fish you can glue a string.

Convenient pen holder

If you have several old disks, you can make an original stand that you can use for both pens and small tools. To make this craft with your own hands, you can watch our master class with photo and video instructions.

You will need:

  • Disks - 9 pcs.
  • Ruler
  • Marker
  • Screwdriver and drill
  • Bolts 120×6 - 4 pcs and nuts
  • Plastic bottle 0.5 l


  1. On the disk with a marker, draw two perpendicular lines passing through the center.
  2. Now we put marks on the lines, measuring 1 cm from the edge.
  3. We put all the disks together and place them on a wooden block. Using a self-tapping screw and washer, secure the discs in a stationary position so that it is convenient to drill.
  4. We make holes using a screwdriver at the marked points.
  5. We disassemble our structure and remove one disk to the side, which will serve as the bottom.
  6. We fix 8 disks to the board using self-tapping screws in 4 holes.
  7. Using a crown of the required diameter, we make a hole in the center of the structure. And then we analyze it.
  8. We take a disk in which we did not drill the center and insert bolts into 4 holes, and secure the disk with bolts.
  9. We put another nut on each bolt and tighten it at a distance of approximately 12 mm from the previous one.
  10. We put the next disk on our structure and secure it with nuts.
  11. We tighten the next row of nuts at a distance of 12 mm and put on the 3rd disk.
  12. We put on all the discs in a similar way.
  13. When the entire structure is assembled, we cut out a part from the bottle 11 cm long and the width that you chose for yourself.
  14. We twist the bottle blank into a tube and insert it into the hole in the stand. This way it will be more convenient for you to insert pens and other objects into the stand; they will not cling. Our original stand is ready!

Magic flower

A flower made from discs that you can make with your own hands can become a beautiful interior decoration. You can also take it to a kindergarten or to an exhibition. Watch our master class and you can make such a flower easily and quickly.

You will need:

  • Discs
  • Candle
  • Scissors
  • Needle


  1. Cut off the outermost part of the disk in a circle.
  2. Using a needle, divide the disk into layers.
  3. On the shiny part of the disk we make 5 cuts to the central circle.
  4. Using a candle, heat the edges of the disks and form petals. This must be done carefully and gradually. This will give us 5 petals.
  5. We form the second part of the disk into a part of the flower in a similar way, without making any cuts. This will be the bottom solid part.
  6. We glue our blanks together with glue.
  7. We turn the flower over from top to bottom and begin to decorate it with beads, gluing them in a small circle. You need to move from the edge so that you can insert the rest of the beads into the hole of the disk.
  8. When you have transferred the beads to the front part of the flower, we place them in the same way, forming the voluminous core of the flower. The magic flower is ready!

Disc curtain

To decorate the New Year's interior, you can make an original curtain with your own hands. It’s very easy to do, you just need to find a lot of old disks and your house will sparkle with bright holiday colors.

You will need:

  • CDs
  • box of paper clips
  • Drill
  • Drill


  1. It is necessary to decide on the size of the future curtain. Place them on the floor in the chosen order. Mark with a marker the places on the disk where you need to drill holes. Using a thin drill bit, drill all the marked holes on them. To prevent the disc from cracking, you need to drill from the picture side.
  2. All that remains is to connect them using paper clips into one curtain. To do this, make a “canvas” from ready-made strips; by the way, the length of the staples can be increased, this will give the curtain dynamism.
  3. Your interesting curtain is ready! You can simply hang it on the wall, it will transform your room, make it unusual and original.

Disk candlestick

From the disk you can make an unusual candlestick that will decorate your room. You can do it yourself together with your child, as it is easy to do. To make such a candlestick, you can read the step-by-step instructions that we made for you.

You will need:

  • Candle tablet
  • Glue gun
  • Half pearls
  • Beads with a flat side (oval and droplets)


  1. We glue the pearls around the central part of the disk, along the edge.
  2. Next we glue the oval beads, this will be your second row.
  3. We glue the droplets between two oval beads with the sharp part towards the center. So we glue it alternating through two oval ones.
  4. Between the droplets you can glue smaller decorations, such as flowers.
  5. Our candlestick is ready, all that remains is to place the candle in the center.

The article gives several ideas on how to make many useful things from CDs: a box, a candlestick, a photo frame or a roof covering.

Many people have accumulated old CDs that become obsolete or become unusable. Of course, you can throw them away, but it’s better to store them and at some point use them for a global project, for example, to cover a roof. And from small quantities you can make interesting crafts.

Original disc roof covering

If you have accumulated a lot of such material, then you can make a roof covering from old disks. It will literally look brilliant, and will also not let moisture into the room due to the correct arrangement of the elements.

First, the discs need to be attached to a wooden base, for example, to plywood, and then to the roof. To lay one square meter you will need 120 pieces. They need to be fixed using this technology.

Place the discs end to end in the first row so that there are no gaps. In the second one, place it in a checkerboard pattern relative to this one so as to block the holes of the first one. The third row will also be located relative to the second in a checkerboard pattern, with the holes overlapping. This is how a scaly roof is made from old discs.

Those who have accumulated a lot of unnecessary vinyl records can also implement a similar technology, but using them.

However, let's return to the idea of ​​​​what can be made from old disks. When laying them, make small holes. Secure parts using small nails or screws.

Come up with a pattern, following which you will lay such an improvised tile roof. You can place the discs either matte or glossy side up.

If you don’t have enough disks or records, then you can put them not on the roof of the house, but on the canopy.

See how English artist Bruce Monroe came up with the idea of ​​using old disks. According to him, he wanted to enhance the natural beauty of the garden in this way. It took him 65,000 discs to make water lilies.

You're unlikely to have that much on hand, so you can make small water lilies or home decor items.

DIY rigid curtains made from discs

You won't need to wash them, just brush off the dust occasionally. Such curtains will decorate the room and add positive notes to it.

The manufacturing process is extremely simple. For it you will need:
  • CD disks;
  • paper clips;
  • drill.
Using the latter, make holes in two disks, placing them closer to the outer edge. Now combine these 2 disks using paper clips, attach the third to the second in the same way, and so on. You can make the curtain rectangular or the way it is made in the photograph. For each of the top three rows, 6 disks were used, for the fourth - 5, for the fifth - 4, for the sixth it took 3, for the seventh 2, and the last eighth consists of only one disk. In total, to make 2 similar curtains with your own hands, you will need 66 disks, 33 will be enough for one.

Such curtains can be easily fixed to the cornice; to do this, you need to use a sharp stationery knife to go through the markings of the larger inner circle, and then squeeze it out with your fingers to enlarge the hole. You can also use a drill for this purpose. Bathroom curtain holders are made using the same technique from old discs.

You can also make curtain ties using the same material.

Place a smaller round object on the disk. While holding it, trace it with a knife, then cut along the markings with scissors.

The resulting ring is decorated with a satin ribbon, which just needs to be wrapped around it.

You can decorate curtain tiebacks with satin flowers made using the kanzashi technique, and attach rings to curtains using sushi sticks. They can be painted or also rewound with satin ribbon, gluing it.

Beautiful crafts from CDs

Even from very old disks you can make a New Year's toy using fragments untouched by time. Cut out pieces from this material, which then glue to the Christmas ball like a mosaic. Wipe off excess glue with a cloth.

Using the same technique, you can decorate the collar of a blouse. For this purpose, discs are also cut into fragments. Then they need to be glued to the fabric.

To make a photo frame with your own hands, prepare:
  • thick cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • CD disks;
  • scissors;
  • black paint in a tube with a fine tip.
Make 2 identical rectangles from cardboard. For the first one, draw a circle or a 4-gon inside and cut it out. Glue this cardboard with an internal hole onto the second - solid one. Glue together only 3 of their sides, leaving the top ones free. Through the resulting gap you will put a photo or painting into the frame.

Use scissors to cut the disks into individual elements. Apply PVA to the photo frame - a small area of ​​it, attach the resulting pieces here.

Let your artwork dry, then fill in the gaps between the pieces with tube paint. When it dries, then you can use the frame for its intended purpose.

And from just one disk you can make a candlestick. For it you will need:
  • glass balls;
  • 1 disk;
  • super glue or another one designed for working with these materials;
  • candle.
The photograph shows stages of work that clearly show how to make candlesticks with your own hands.

Cover the outer contour of the circle with balls. Glue the second row on top of these, arranging its elements in a checkerboard pattern. This way create 4 chains. All that remains is to attach the candle using hot wax and you can plunge into the romantic atmosphere.

Homemade jewelry box

It is made of the same material. Here's what it took to create this necessary thing:
  • 3 disks;
  • textile;
  • padding polyester;
  • needle with thread;
  • scissors.
Take a sheet of paper and a compass. Draw 2 circles. The inner one will be equal to the diameter of the disk with a small margin - 12 cm, and the outer one - 20 cm. At the same time, the height of the box is 8 cm, you can change this value at your discretion.

Divide both circles into 16 equal sectors. To make your task easier, first divide in half, then into 4 parts, then into 8 and 16.

Transfer the pattern to the fabric or immediately draw on it. You need to make 2 such blanks from canvas. Now sew along the markings, making 16 stitches from the outer to the inner edge. Place padding polyester in the resulting pockets. Sew up the top of the disc box.

If you want to make handles, then weave a braid from three strips of fabric.

To make a lid for a box with your own hands, fold two pieces of fabric in a pile, place on a disk, outline with chalk, cut out with a seam allowance of 7 mm on all sides. Cover the disc on top and bottom with these fabrics. If you want the lid to be soft, then cut out two circles of padding polyester and cover the disk first with them and then with fabrics. Sew along the edges with a blind stitch.

Here's how to make a box.

How to make an owl from old CDs?

Try making this funny owl from this material. It will become a room decoration or an original gift.

To get started you will need this:
  • several disks (10–12 pcs.);
  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors with soft finger rings to avoid rubbing calluses;
  • scotch;
  • foil;
  • strong glue;
  • yellow and black cardboard;
  • ball pen.
Take two light discs and cut a fringe along their edges with scissors.

Cut out 2 circles from yellow cardboard; they should be larger in size than the holes in the disks. Cut out 2 smaller black circles from thick black paper and glue these bird pupils onto the yellow ones as shown in the photo.

From the dark areas of the disk, cut out the beak, 2 eyebrows and 2 paws of the owl.

Do not throw away the remaining pieces. You need to draw leaves on them and also cut them out. These elements will be useful for decoration.

Glue an eye to the center of each disc. Glue these two disks together and attach the beak to them. Take another light disk and cut fringe on it only on one side and the opposite side. This is the head of an owl. Glue the blank eyes and beak onto it, based on the photo hint.

To make the owl further, take 5 light disks.

To save energy, do not completely decorate their edges with fringe; do it only where necessary. The photo shows this moment.

Start gluing them together as follows.

Cut out two wings from a dark disk, decorate them with fringe and glue them, eyebrows, and paws of the bird into place.

Place the pencil on the foil and wrap it in this shiny sheet.

Glue pre-cut leaves from disks to the perch. You have such a wonderful owl that will certainly bring good luck to your home.

Coasters for cups made from CDs

These kitchen utensils will prevent the tablecloth from getting dirty with drops of tea and will decorate the table. They are made extremely simply.


  • disks;
  • textile;
  • ballpoint pen;
  • padding polyester;
  • needle and thread.
For one stand, cut two blanks from fabric and one from padding polyester. Don't forget to leave allowances for the hems.

Now place the padding polyester on the wrong side of the fabric and sew the two layers together using a basting stitch. Place the padding polyester on the SD, tighten the thread, tie two knots. Place another circle of padding polyester and fabric on top of the disk, sew the blanks together as shown in the photo. You can put a loop on the side to hang your DIY cup stand from.

Interesting country ideas from old CDs

You can read how to make such a peacock from a tire in the corresponding article, and its tail is made from the material that this review is devoted to. For it, you will need to cut a metal mesh in the shape of a large fan, attach disks to it with wire in rows or lay out a pattern for the tail from them.

Here are other summer cottage ideas. To create one of these brilliant fish, you will only need two CDs, as well as colored cardboard. If these figures will not hang under a canopy, then it is better to use rubber or other synthetic sheets instead. From these you will cut out the fin, tail and mouth of the fish.

Place these parts between two disks and glue them together. Don’t forget to first put a fishing line or thin cord inside to hang the craft.

It’s also not difficult to create a funny caterpillar by first painting 5 disks, attaching legs to four, and gluing eyes, mouth, nose and hair from threads to the fifth. You can easily attach the caterpillar itself to a chain-link mesh or to a picket fence using wire.

You can also make a windmill or street lamps from disks for your dacha.

Choose your favorite idea and bring it to life. If you want to see how to make these and other things from old disks, we suggest watching the videos:

The invention of the compact disc was a breakthrough in the music industry. They made it possible to preserve sound in a revolutionary new quality. Therefore, every music lover considered it his duty to collect an impressive collection of records. But technology does not stand still, and today we have access to more convenient media. However, don't throw the discs into the scrap yard - they can be used in unexpected ways.

Make coasters for glasses

To prevent a glass of juice or water from leaving wet spots on the table, you can place it on a napkin. It’s better to make decorative stands using your favorite discs. To do this, you need to paint the top of the disk with acrylic paint or make an applique. Use textile glue and any fabric with a non-fraying edge.

Lay out a mirror mosaic

Cut the disks into small pieces. The most convenient way to do this is with garden shears. If there are none, you can try to break them. Choose any surface you want to decorate and cover it with glue. Ceramic tile adhesive works well. After the mosaic has dried, fill the gaps between the shards with tile grout. Mosaic is perfect for decorating tables, cabinets or creating panels.

Use the mirror surface of the disc as a frame

Place children's photos and drawings in a mirror frame. Decorate your child’s workplace with this decor. Now the room will become brighter and more interesting, and the child’s creative experiments will not be lost in a pile of garbage.

Option for advanced

If you are confident in your skills, have time resources and a large supply of disks, feel free to start creating animals in 3D technology. Use drywall and foam as a base. Such animals will be an excellent decoration for the garden and will scare away uninvited birds.

Glue the pincushion onto the disk

Needles and pins are very easy to lose. And they are sometimes found by accident, and not always in a safe way. Due to its small size, an ordinary pincushion can get lost. Increase its area by gluing a bright, noticeable detail. You can use a simple pompom as a pillow. Now everything sharp and dangerous will be in its place.

Build a clock of incredible size

Most inexpensive watches can operate without their original dial. Remove everything unnecessary, leaving only the mechanism, hands and batteries. And make the dial from a large number of old disks attached to a sheet of plywood or thick cardboard. The numbers can be painted with acrylic paint or glued on ready-made ones (use children's counting material). Add any decor, such as glass hemispheres from a craft store. This clock will become a highlight of your home.

Make a jewelry box

It doesn’t matter what exactly you consider to be your treasure - jewelry or a collection of homemade jewelry, the most precious thing needs a decent frame. Make a shiny box by gluing pieces of disks over an ordinary cardboard box.

Replace tiles with discs

Using the same principle that you can use to decorate a table or cabinet, you can cover an entire wall. An excellent option for the kitchen, bathroom or balcony. You will only have to spend money on tile adhesive and fugue. And you can ask all your friends for free CDs for the project.

Make decorations for the Christmas tree

Sleighs are prepared in the summer, and new Christmas tree decorations can be made at any time of the year. Cover foam and glass balls, or toys with peeling paint with disc fragments. Now the tree will shine without compromising your budget.

Decorate your clothes

Large necklaces and collars have been popular for several seasons now. Supplement the finished inexpensive product with fragments of CDs, and it will sparkle with new colors. You can do without a necklace and decorate the collar or cuffs with mirror pieces. In this case, cut the disk into smaller pieces.

Build a big lamp

The mirror surface of the disk perfectly reflects light. For this project, choose discs that don't have a lot of pattern and have a clear center section. This lamp will create beautiful shadows on the walls. An excellent option for decorating a room for a music lover or teenager.

Make curtain ties

Classic curtains can be secured using a disc decorated with textiles or satin ribbon. Decorate the tie with artificial flowers or interesting brooches. The curtains are easily secured using wooden hair sticks. Choose contrasting shades if you want to add color, or solid colors for an understated interior.

Build a candlestick from glass hemispheres

Glass half spheres from a craft store look great in any room. If you love these little beautiful things, but don't know how to use them in your creativity, you will love this idea. Use the disk as a base for a candlestick, gluing hemispheres to it in the shape of a well. When you place a candle in such a candle holder, the flame will reflect off different surfaces, creating a stunning decorative effect.

Over time, a lot of unnecessary things accumulate in the house, taking up extra space. But not all of them need to be thrown away during the next spring cleaning. For example, old CDs, DVDs and even cotton pads can find new life and turn into a stylish interior element. We have collected the best ideas for crafts from this material: simple ones for children and more complex ones for adults.

Craft options for the New Year

As the long-awaited holiday approaches, children and adults strive to decorate their home with cozy handmade crafts. Computer disks can be found in any home; many interesting, beautiful New Year's decorations can be made from them.

New Year's toys

  • Old CDs.
  • Alcohol.
  • Cardboard.
  • Gouache is white, blue or any other light color.
  • Paper napkin with a New Year's pattern (Christmas tree, Santa Claus, snowflakes).
  • PVA glue.
  • Glue gun.
  • Ribbon made of organza or satin 2-4 centimeters wide.
  • A lace or thin ribbon 0.5 cm wide.

Alternatively, instead of napkins, you can print any New Year's pattern on plain paper, but I recommend napkins, they fit better on the work surface.

  • First, degrease the surface of the CD with alcohol or cologne. After drying, apply several layers of gouache until it stops showing through. We glue a cardboard circle into the central part, which should be slightly larger than the hole in the disk.
  • From a napkin we cut out a pattern, drawing, or a circle slightly smaller than a disk. Cover it with PVA glue and stick a napkin on it. To level the surface, apply a towel or soft cloth to the surface and smooth out the resulting wrinkles.
  • After drying, we open everything with varnish.
  • We repeat all the above steps with the surface on the reverse side.
  • We make a bow from ribbon. We twist the lace into a loop and glue it with a glue gun along with a bow to the top of the craft.

Transformation of an old ball

This is a quick and easy way to update old Christmas balls. For the craft you will need:

  • Old New Year's toys.
  • Glue gun.
  • Computer disks.
  • Scissors.

We cut the disks using scissors into small fragments, triangular and diamond-shaped. Glue the cut objects to the surface of the New Year's toy with a glue gun. The craft is ready.

To cut discs, you need to use only large, strong scissors; small ones can break and become dull quickly.


This is a simple, quick way to make a candlestick.

You will need:

  • CD.
  • 5-6 fir cones.
  • Glue or glitter nail polish.
  • Aluminum candle stand.
  • Candle, up to 3-4 centimeters in diameter.
  • Rhinestones, decorative stones.
  • Rubber glue.

Before making the craft, you need to immediately prepare the cones, cover their upper branches with silver or shiny varnish, or sparkles that will imitate snow. If desired, you can also glue small pieces of cotton wool, New Year's rain.

We glue an aluminum candle tray into the center of the product with rubber glue. We attach varnish-dried fir cones to it in a circle using glue. We decorate the free surface of the craft with rhinestones, sparkles, and decorative stones. The candlestick is ready, you can safely put a candle in it.

Underwater world from CDs

Children love to be creative; they can make many simple crafts from CDs and decorate their children's room with them. They can make souvenirs on their own or with the help of their parents.


You will need:

  • Glue gun.
  • CDs.
  • Colored paper.
  • Gold leaf
  • Scissors.

We cut out eyes for future fish from colored paper: a slightly smaller black circle for the pupil, a larger white circle that will become the main part of the eye. We glue them together. Cut out lips of any shape from red paper. We will also work on the fins and tail; we will make them from gold foil of any shape.

Now you can begin the final stage. We begin to glue all the previously made parts. First, glue on the eyes and lips, fins on top and bottom, and glue the tail to the back.

The goldfish is ready, all that remains is to attach a lace or thread to it; if desired, you can cover its surface with nail polish with gold glitter.

sea ​​turtle

You will need:

  • Plastic bottle.
  • A simple pencil.
  • CD.
  • Stained glass paints and outline.
  • Glue gun.
  • Rhinestones, flat stones.

In addition, for the job you will need comfortable small scissors.

  • Cut a piece of plastic from the bottle. On it we draw with a pencil the outline of the head of the future turtle, its legs and tail. Carefully cut out the selection.
  • Let's take a look at the disk - this is the future turtle shell. To begin, we outline the shell using a decorative outline in a circle. Then, we draw a contour of stained glass fragments along the entire circumference of the shell.
  • After the outline has dried, fill the selected fragments with stained glass paint. Apply paint in several layers. Try to use different colors, it’s much more beautiful and colorful.
  • Glue the shell, head, paws and tail of the turtle with a glue gun. We decorate the shell with rhinestones, small stones, and sparkles, securing them with glue. We glue two pebbles to the head as eyes. The turtle is ready.

Sea bottom

To make a craft you will need a minimum of time and materials:

  • Paints.
  • Seashells of different colors, sizes and shapes.
  • Colored beads (preferably transparent).
  • Old disk.
  • Rubber glue.
  • Transparent nail polish.

We paint the shells with paint, each in a different color. Leave them to dry and cover the surface with clear nail polish. Grind the remaining shells into fine crumbs. Glue the shells to the disk, sprinkle it with shell crumbs, imitating the surface of the seabed. Additionally, we decorate the product with transparent stones and beads.

Decorating with fragments

This material shimmers colorfully in the sun and has a bright shiny surface. This property can be used to decorate various items: boxes, photo frames, vases, flower pots.

Picture frame

To make crafts you need:

  • Rubber glue.
  • Old CDs.
  • Thick cardboard.
  • Scissors.
  • Gouache.
  • Ruler.
  • A simple pencil.

Before starting work, you need to measure the size of the desired photo for which the frame will be made. You can simply trace the photo on cardboard, and create the outline of the future frame around it.

  • From cardboard we cut out a frame for photographs of the desired size. We paint it with gouache (you can use different colors) on both sides. We apply paint in several layers so that the cardboard does not show through.
  • We cut the disks with scissors into fragments of different shapes and sizes. We glue them to the frame, after first attaching them to the surface and figuring out how they will look. If desired, use a thin brush to go over the cracks and crevices between the fragments, painting them with white gouache.
  • Leave the frame for 30 minutes until completely dry. Cut out a stand from cardboard and glue it to the back of the frame.

Flower pot sparkling in the sun

Turning an ordinary flower pot into a magical one is as easy as shelling pears. You will need old CDs, scissors, a glue gun and a little imagination.

First, we wash the pot; if there are any particles of earth left on it, wipe it dry. We cut the disks with scissors into small fragments of different shapes. Glue them to the pot with a glue gun. The craft is ready.

From box to box

It's hard to believe, but an ordinary cardboard shoe box can turn into a beautiful and useful thing.

To make the box you will need:

  • Shoe box (it must be intact, it is advisable to use a new box).
  • Glue gun.
  • Old CDs.
  • Big scissors.
  • Furniture stapler.
  • A piece of fabric large enough to cover a box.
  • Decorative elements: stones, rhinestones, beads, seed beads.
