Weaving baskets from plastic bottles with your own hands: master class. DIY baskets from plastic bottles Weaving plastic baskets

You can create an original basket from several plastic bottles. Recently, this type of material has become quite popular, its advantages are very clear! You will definitely need such a basket in your household, because it is spacious and reliable!

This master class will help you make an original basket from plastic bottles!

To create a craft you will need the following materials and tools:

- plastic bottles;
- scissors;
- strong threads or fishing line.

The first thing you need to do is blanks for weaving. To do this, you need to cut off the top and bottom of the bottle, that is, the neck and bottom.

Then, from the flat, middle part of the bottle, make strips 15-20 mm wide. In total you will need about 10-13 bottles, of any size.

Then cut along the fold line, you will get two blanks for the parts.

Then, you need to fold the edges of the workpiece to the main line, and press them well too. You will get these ready-made parts for weaving a basket.

They connect very easily! You just need to thread the part into the “ears” of another and so on.

As a result, you get a tape like this.

The place to start is by creating the bottom of the basket! You need to weave several frames.

Then, they will need to be connected to each other using dense threads or fishing line.

You need to wind the thread carefully, without missing a single element.

This is what the bottom of the basket will look like!

After that, you should start creating the side walls of the product. To do this, you need to weave a ribbon of the required length.

And then, using thread and a needle, it needs to be attached to the bottom of the basket, in the same way as in creating the bottom. After the tape is completely fixed, it needs to be lifted. The first row is ready!

Next, you need a ribbon of the same length, which must be attached to the previous one, but the connection method will be slightly different... Each square must be connected separately so that you get end-to-end squares, connecting only the corners of the ribbons.

You can also weave other shades into the ribbons, and it will look quite nice.

The number of rows depends on the desired depth and capacity of the basket. In this case, the basket will consist of three rows.

After the sides of the basket have acquired the required height, you need to attach a handle to them.

Having adjusted its length, you need to make these squares at the ends.

Afterwards, attach the handle to the edge of the side walls of the craft.

And the final stage in creating such a wonderful craft remains, this is decorating the basket with decorative elements. You can cut flowers and petals from the bottoms of bottles.

Connect them with a thread and place them on the basket.

In the end, we got this original basket of plastic bottles!

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

A product made from such material will last you more than one year! Also make a chandelier from plastic bottles.

The age-old question of craftsmen about where to put mountains of waste material has been resolved. From plastic bottles you can make excellent baskets that will decorate your summer cottage or original gift wrapping. If you want to learn how to weave baskets from plastic bottles with your own hands, a master class for beginners will help you with this.

History of weaving

Weaving originated in ancient times. This technique was used to create kitchen utensils, baskets for harvesting and storing crops, traps for hunting, house walls, furniture and toys. Wicker items were made from various natural materials - reeds, grass, vines. The toys had a sacred meaning, because they were made with their own hands. They were slandered about health and good luck. Wickerwork was believed to ward off evil spirits. Everyone knows an item called a “dream catcher” and its properties of preventing nightmares from entering the owner’s mind. And wicker furniture is always in trend, light, comfortable and durable. The first wicker chairs were found during excavations in Ancient Rome.

Times changed, new materials began to appear. They weave from everything nowadays - from ribbons, ropes, small colored rubber bands, plastic bottles and newspaper tubes.

Corner technique

This type of making baskets from plastic bottles is quite simple. First, corners are made from cut plastic bottles, and then the product is assembled from them into a single whole. To complete the product you will need:

  • Plastic bottles;
  • Scissors;
  • Fishing line;
  • Glue gun.

To work, you need to cut the bottles with scissors into strips 1 cm wide and 8 cm long.

If you are planning to take strips of a different size, then when calculating, remember that the length of the strip is eight times the width. It is important to choose bottles that do not have unnecessary bends.

Cut off the bottom and neck, and use the rest for cutting blanks.

The strips are ready, now you need to bend them in half, unfold them and fold the edges towards the center as shown in the photo.

You will need a lot of such blanks. Connect them together by inserting them into each other.

Weave the bottom of the basket from several parts, alternately fastening the corners. For strength, you can glue the bottom with transparent tape. The parts are attached to each other using a fishing line.

After making the bottom, a long horizontal zigzag strip is made. Its size is equal to the girth of the bottom. The strips are also held together with fishing line. You can fasten them in tight rows or make diamond-shaped passes. Don't forget to attach the correct size handle. The basket is ready!

It can be used as a vase for sweets or a garden planter. The advantage of such a product is that plastic is not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity. If you plan to use the basket as a flowerpot, then you don’t have to make a bottom. Simply fasten the zigzag strips together. Dig up the decoration a little in the flowerbed and plant some beautiful flowers. At the end of the summer season, you can simply rinse the basket with water and put it away for storage.


This weaving method is a little more complicated than the previous one, but using detailed step-by-step instructions, you can easily cope with making the basket.

The difficulty with this method lies in making the strips: they must be long. But even here, experienced needlewomen have brought the process almost to perfection. They came up with a great method that allows you to cut strips of the same width, efficiently using the entire bottle. In order to dissolve the container into strips, you need to remove the bottom and neck and apply electrical tape or narrow masking tape to its surface in neat turns. And then cut the entire surface into a long strip one by one.

Don't try to straighten it; it will still lie correctly when working.

To work on making a basket you will need:

  • Strips made from plastic bottles;
  • Scissors;
  • Rubber;
  • Clamps;
  • A small container that you will use as a base for weaving.

Weaving starts from the bottom. To do this, place vertical stripes on the table and weave horizontal ones in a checkerboard pattern using this pattern.

It should look like this. Apply clear tape along the sides to reinforce the bottom.

Now this blank can be transferred to a braided box. For convenience, secure the stripes on it with an elastic band.

Recycling plastic bottles is an easy way to take care of nature and create comfortable and beautiful things that can be used in everyday life. In many yards there are now compositions made of plastic flowers and animals, but they often do not look very attractive and spoil the flower beds more than they decorate them. There are options for more practical use of plastic containers: fishing line of various diameters is cut from it, which is used in gardening, as well as for construction and minor repairs of furniture.

Options for using plastic baskets

Having made a special cutting tool, craftsmen make thin fishing line or thick strips of material for weaving baskets and other containers. Durable, wear-resistant containers become indispensable assistants for the gardener. They can be used for harvesting, storing tools, containers for a not-too-attractive flower pot, or as a decoration for a summer cottage. Weaving a basket from plastic bottles with your own hands helps preserve the environment and can become an unusual hobby for the whole family. Plastic is easily painted with acrylic, which allows you to create bright patterns on the surface of the container.

from plastic ropes: advantages and disadvantages

Making items from waste containers saves money that would otherwise be spent on storage containers. One of the main advantages of the art of weaving baskets from plastic bottles is the use of creative resources and the development of imagination. Each product can be made unique by decorating it with various crafts from the same material, for example, flowers. The only drawback of this type of hobby is that it is a very addicting activity and, once you start weaving baskets from plastic bottles, it is difficult to stop. Using various techniques and combining the colors of the stripes, the master is able to make a basket that is indistinguishable in appearance from a container made of wicker or wood. The process of creating a product takes only a few hours if you prepare the tools in advance.

Tools and materials for weaving

To work you should prepare:

  • plastic tape;
  • scissors;
  • thin fishing line;
  • blank for the bottom;
  • glue gun for attaching decor.

Finding material for making baskets is usually not difficult: unscrupulous vacationers throw a lot of plastic bottles in the forest, on beaches, and in dacha areas. Therefore, you won’t have to spend money on buying tape to create a product. You just need to make a special bottle cutter to speed up the process of preparing plastic yarn.

You can make a tool from a stationery knife and an iron corner, fastening them together. In the corner above the blade, several holes of the required diameter are cut out with a hacksaw, and then a handle is attached to the base on which the bottle can be hung. Having cut off the bottom of the container, you need to separate the beginning of the tape, insert its “tail” into one of the holes and simply pull the edge. In contact with the sharp edge of the knife, the bottle will begin to cut itself, and the diameter of the hole will determine the thickness of the yarn.

Weaving a basket from plastic bottles: master class

If you prepare strips of plastic of different colors, then you can combine them with each other to get different patterns. If desired, if the usual shades of plastic are not attractive, the blanks or finished container can be painted with acrylic paints.

Step-by-step instructions for weaving baskets from plastic bottles look like this:

  1. Strips of plastic are cut 1 cm wide. For convenience, templates of the required length are used.
  2. Each workpiece is folded in half, both halves are folded inward along the edge so that they touch the central fold. You need to make a lot of these blanks, depending on the size of the basket.
  3. Then the two parts are put on top of each other to create a “corner”. This method is called "snake".
  4. The corners are put on top of each other until you get a strip equal to the circumference of the basket. Zigzag blanks are fastened together with fishing line, forming the walls of the product. The handle is made in the same way. You can use thick cardboard or other material as the bottom.

This is just one option for weaving baskets from plastic bottles. There is also “checkerboard weaving”, which requires a strong frame. In this case, strips of tape are sequentially threaded through adjacent ones in a checkerboard pattern. You can try different ways of weaving baskets from plastic bottles and choose the most suitable one for yourself.

– this is not garbage, but material for wonderful crafts. Craftsmen have long gotten used to decorating city courtyards and playgrounds with products made from multi-colored plastic. However, the opinion that waste material is only suitable for street decoration can be safely recognized as a mistaken opinion. It’s easy to decorate any room with interesting ones, in particular an ordinary city apartment.

Craft from plastic bottles “Basket with snowdrops”

To work on basket preparing:

  • two plastic bottles of equal diameter, brown and green,
  • scissors.

Additionally, to decorate flowers we will need:

  • glue for wood, glass and plastic,
  • white bottle,
  • as well as a flame from a gas burner or a box of matches.

First, cut off the top part of the brown bottle. She doesn't interest us. Cut the resulting glass into strips 1 cm wide.

Cut three rings from the green bottle. The width of the stripes is also one centimeter. To make it easier to pierce the plastic with scissors, you can heat one of the blades over a flame. In this case, the hot metal will melt the surface, that is, make a hole in it. From the brown top left over from the first bottle, cut a ring and divide it in half. We will use one of the halves to decorate the handle of the basket.

Now we pick up a brown glass. Let us conditionally divide the stripes into “even” and “odd”. We numbered them in the picture. We collect a bunch of odd stripes.

We put the first green hoop on the assembled bun.

We put on the second green hoop and lower it down.

All that remains is to collect the last bun and put on the third ring. The bundle will include odd stripes.

The hoops are difficult to press together. They try to fly off the glass. To prevent this from happening, we will turn the brown stripes outward from the basket and insert them into the pockets formed by the first and second green hoops. It is convenient for us to start working with odd stripes.

Now we fill the remaining strips. In this case, we will leave two pieces to decorate the handle of the basket. Our basket for snow-white spring primroses is ready.

Let's start making leaves and stems. To do this, cut two rectangles from green plastic that are wider than the height of the basket (only one is shown in the figure).

This is the kind of beauty we get.

Let's collect one of the rectangles into a bundle and insert it into the neck of the bottle. At the same time, we can cut grooves in the neck and insert some of the leaves and stems into them.

We fill the basket with wealth. One green plastic bottle was enough for us to not look empty.

These are snowdrops. To make them you needed a gas burner. We collected white plastic rings into petals, and so that they would hold the shape of a flower, we melted the edges a little over the flame.

By the way, we also processed the greens over the fire. The grass turned out to have interesting curls. We will glue the flowers to the green leaves with superglue.

Let's put a basket of primroses on the windowsill. There are snowdrifts outside the window. And here, as if in a fairy tale, they bloom.

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Decorations for your garden plot can be bought in the store, but not all of them are truly unique and interesting. Homemade wicker baskets can be a beautiful feature on your front lawn.

To make this decoration as cheap as possible, plastic bottles are suitable as a base. Moreover, it only takes one evening to make one basket.

Materials and tools

To make a basket you will need:

  • plastic bottles;
  • scissors;
  • fishing line or nylon thread;
  • cardboard or thin sheet of plastic for the bottom;
  • glue for plastic.

As for the color of the bottles, first you should do all the work in one color, and then try to combine different options. Baskets made entirely of brown or green plastic look most beautiful. But, if the final version is disappointing, the work can be painted with regular paint.

Step-by-step instructions for making a basket

Method one - “corners”

It’s better to work in stages (below there will be an explanation for each stage):

  • first cut the bottles;
  • then make strips of plastic;
  • bend the strips into blank corners;
  • intertwine corners;
  • connect all rows together;
  • form the basket into a circle and fasten the edges;
  • attach a handle;
  • glue the bottom.

Long narrow strips about 1 cm wide are cut from a plastic bottle. You will need a lot of strips, and their number varies depending on the size of the finished product.

Each such blank is folded in half so that a fold is formed in the center. Then both halves are also bent separately from the edge. Do this inward, the tips should eventually come into contact with the fold in the center of the workpiece.

As a result, you will get a part 4 times shorter than the original plastic strip, on one side of which there is a fold, and on the other there are 2 free edges (they are also folded, since the free ends are “hidden” inside).

Take two blanks and insert the ends of one into the second and move both middles closer to each other. The result will be a “corner”.

The third part is inserted into the second in the same way, the fourth into the third, etc. As a result, these “corners” should form a zigzag. This is done until the length of this strip is equal to the desired girth of the basket.

The extreme parts are simply tied with fishing line or thread. The “handle” for the future basket is made in the same way.

The number of these “circles” depends on the height of the finished product. Next, weaving baskets from plastic bottles proceeds to assembling the structure.

All rows are tied together with fishing line, a handle is tied (it is better to make it 2-3 rows wide from the corners) and the bottom is cut out according to the shape of the finished basket, if necessary.

For the street, it is better to take plastic and glue it with glue or a glue gun. If the basket will stand under a canopy, you can use thick cardboard.

The most painstaking work when making a basket is to secure the finished rows of “corners” together with fishing line or thread. The bottom, if desired, can be made from the same blanks. But since no one sees it anyway, you don’t have to waste time on it.

Method two – “chess”

This method may be more difficult than the first, but only in the initial stages. The tools you need are the same, but you will also need a box.

First, cut out the longest strips from a plastic bottle using thin electrical tape. They do it this way: the middle part of the plastic bottle is wrapped slightly at an angle with thin electrical tape so that its layers do not overlap each other.

Then the bottle is cut along these lines and the electrical tape is removed. It turns out to be a long strip of plastic.

Then a cardboard box is taken, which will serve as a guide for the size of the future basket, and at the same time almost like a machine for its production.

The box is turned upside down and plastic strips are secured in one direction (vertically or horizontally) very close to each other. This is done with tape on the side edges. Then, one by one, they take new strips and thread them in a checkerboard pattern between the ones that are secured.

The same steps can be done without a box, on any flat surface, for example, on a table.

When the bottom is woven, the side parts are made in the same way. When the basket is completely woven, the edges of the plastic are carefully folded and glued with glue to the inside of the basket.

The product can be left as is or a handle can be made as in the first method. Both weaving options are equivalent in terms of service life.

Baskets are rarely left empty. Usually pots with flowers are placed there or a whole flower bed is made inside. Thanks to the durability of the material, they will not lose their appearance for many years.

Such baskets can be easily washed from dirt under ordinary water, and can be moved freely into the house during the winter. This interesting decoration will definitely delight your guests, and making them can become a whole hobby for the whole family.
