Samosad tobacco how to grow black earth at home. Smoking tobacco: growing from seeds, collecting and storing Is it possible to plant tobacco

Unfortunately, in Russia there is a huge percentage of people who smoke. People cannot give up their harmful addiction, which harms not only the smoking person, but also his environment. According to VTsIOM data, about 1/3 of all Russians smoke. 75% of men and 21% of women smoke regularly. This is a horrendous statistic. The worst thing is that in recent years the percentage of women who smoke has increased.

We urge you to stop smoking. This habit is killing you from the inside.

This article is dedicated to smokers who can not give up smoking. Who have already tried repeatedly to quit and have tried all the ways. There is a wonderful solution for you - growing tobacco at home. This is a very exciting and interesting thing. Subject to all the rules of cultivation, the finished product is of very high quality. This is not comparable to what we buy in stores under the guise of tobacco and cigarettes.

Tobacco companies openly poison smokers by adding poisonous chemicals to cigarettes in order to reduce the final cost of the product. At the same time, the price of tobacco products in stores is increasing every month.

For reference . The cost of 1 pack of cigarettes is from 1 to 5 rubles per pack.

From all this we can conclude. Tobacco companies poison smokers for huge money, making fabulous capital!

A bit of math. In 2016, the average price for a pack of cigarettes is 75-80 rubles. The average smoker smokes 10-20 cigarettes per day (0.5-1 pack). 80*365=29200 rubles. That is, the average smoker spends on cigarettes per year 15-35 thousand rubles . But that money can be put to good use.

Benefits of growing tobacco at home.

Growing and processing tobacco in a vegetable garden does not incur any costs (other than the initial cost of buying seeds). After you have received the first harvest, you no longer need to buy cigarettes in the store every day, spending a lot of money on it. You yourself will have a very huge amount of tobacco, which will not only be enough for yourself, but you can also treat your friends.

But most importantly, the product will be natural, which means it will not be so harmful.

Tobacco growing is a hobby during which a person takes a break. There is something sacred in this. You will feel like a Cuban tobacco baron. In this article, we will tell you everything about growing tobacco, you will learn the whole process - from A to Z. Everything will be accompanied by visual videos, it will be very easy to figure it out.

How to start growing tobacco in the garden?

How to start growing tobacco in your garden? This question is asked by many novice tobacco growers. Let's try to figure it out. It is necessary to determine the variety, prepare containers for planting seedlings, prepare the soil for planting seedlings.

Variety selection.

First of all, you need to decide which variety or varieties to grow in your garden. There are a huge number of different varieties. For beginner tobacco growers, universal varieties are best suited, such as Virginia 202 or Herzegovina Flora.

Virginia 202.

Photo: Tobacco Herzegovina Flor.

Tobacco Herzegovina Flora is Stalin's favorite tobacco variety. Iosif Vissarionovich himself spoke about this, smoking a pipe. Herzegovina Flor is a very common variety. It has very good taste and aroma. The leaves are of moderate strength. Great for growing beginners.

Planting tobacco seeds for seedlings.

Tobacco is native to South America. The plant is thermophilic and ripens rather late. Therefore, in Russia, tobacco should be planted first on seedlings. Planting time for seedlings is early spring. Tobacco seedlings can be planted throughout March.

Seeds should be planted in small containers. Disposable cups are very good for this purpose. A hole is made in the cups from the bottom to create drainage. Lay a small layer of small pebbles or eggshells on the bottom.

After preparing the container, it is necessary to prepare the soil. Tobacco grows well only on fertile soil. It is advisable to buy a special universal soil for seedlings in the store. With this soil, you need to mix the usual disinfected soil from the garden in a ratio of 1 to 1. A little wood ash should be added to the resulting mixture. The earth must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

He will go directly to the agricultural technology of planting. There are several points here. Tobacco seeds are very small and inconvenient to work with. You need to be very careful. Before sowing, water the soil well in a glass with warm water. Then carefully, straight from the bag, evenly pour the seeds into the container. Sprinkle earth on top with a layer of no more than 1 millimeter.

Cover the container tightly with plastic wrap and place in a warm place. Tobacco germinates within 3-5 days. As soon as the first bores begin to appear, the film must be removed and placed in a bright place, for example, on a windowsill.

Care of seedlings of tobacco.

Let's talk about caring for tobacco seedlings at home.

Care before picking.

Before picking, caring for tobacco seedlings is extremely simple. Immediately after the appearance of the first shoots, you need to remove the film and put the container with seedlings on a bright windowsill, preferably on the south side. If this is not done, then the seedlings will stretch out a lot and will grow very poorly.

Constantly you need to monitor the moisture content of the soil, as soon as it is dry, it should be watered with settled water at room temperature. It is highly recommended not to water the plants with cold water.

Periodically, containers with seedlings need to be turned to the sun on the other side. This will ensure uniform growth and prevent stretching.

Picking tobacco into separate cups.

Tobacco pick

Tobacco pick- this is the process of planting seedlings at a normal distance from each other.

Growing tobacco without picking is simply impossible. The seeds are very small and plant sprouts are very frequent. Tobacco grows quickly enough and the seedlings begin to interfere with each other's growth. As a result, the seedlings are very weak and elongated.

Leaving after picking.

Tobacco seedlings should be dived when 2-3 true leaves appear. By this time, the plants will begin to grow closely in one container. Plants are dived into disposable cups, 1-2 pieces per cup.


After picking, it is advisable to water the tobacco every day until it is accepted in a new place.


2 weeks after picking, tobacco seedlings should be fed. Both organic and mineral fertilizers can be used. The most important thing is that they have a lot of nitrogen. Liquid chicken manure is great. Use it in proportions 1:10 with water. If the growth of seedlings does not satisfy you, then you can make another feeding with chicken manure a week after the first. If there is a risk that the seedlings will outgrow, then the second feeding is not necessary.

Photo: Growing tobacco for smoking

Before planting in open ground, seedlings should be slightly hardened. First, just open the window in the room with seedlings more often, and a week before planting, take it out to the balcony or veranda. Do not water for a week.

Growing mode of tobacco seedlings

Tobacco is a rather thermophilic culture. Therefore, when growing, one should adhere to a certain temperature. The ideal temperature is 18-24 degrees. It should be adhered to.

Planting tobacco in open ground.

Photo: Growing tobacco from seeds in a smoking garden

An important procedure is planting tobacco in open ground.

Tobacco seedlings are grown on windowsills until the threat of frost has completely passed. Then it needs to be planted in a permanent place. Tobacco seedlings are planted either under a film or immediately in open ground. When planting, it is very important to follow all the measures of agricultural technology so that the plants begin and immediately start active growth.

First of all, you need to decide on a place. It is best to make the bed at a slight slope to avoid excessive accumulation of water. The place should also be protected from strong winds.

If you have a small area and there is no way to allocate a whole garden for tobacco, then you can plant plants right along the fence in one row. It will turn out a kind of living fence, which will look very nice.

For tobacco, it is absolutely not necessary to plow the soil. The site will only need to be well cleaned of weeds and loosened a little with a Fokin flat cutter.

Previously, the area for tobacco needs to be fed. Well-rotted compost is best suited for this purpose. 0.5-1 bucket of compost is added per 1 square meter of area.

After selecting and preparing the site, you can proceed directly to planting in open ground. Tobacco is planted at a distance of 20-50 centimeters from each other, depending on the variety. Holes need to be dug in the garden. They should be quite deep - 20-30 centimeters. At the bottom we pour a little rotted compost and pour it very abundantly with warm water (at least 0.5 buckets of water per 1 well).

Watering tobacco in open ground.

Watering after planting in open ground. Immediately after planting seedlings in open ground, tobacco is abundantly watered with warm water. Then water about once a week.

Watering, a month after planting. Plants become most demanding on moisture a month after planting in open ground. It is through this time that a very active formation of the organic tissues of the plant begins. During this period, tobacco should be watered every 3-4 days at the rate of 10 liters per 1 square meter of land.

Watering 2 months after planting. From now on, watering should be minimized. Moisture becomes less important, and the weather outside is already getting wetter, especially at night. Water only when the soil is noticeably dry.

These tips are not universal, they are just general recommendations. You always need to focus on the weather conditions and the climate of your area.

Top dressing of tobacco in open ground.

Fertilizing tobacco after planting in open ground should be done with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Plants immediately after planting need a large amount of nitrogen to start growing a large amount of green mass, and this directly depends on the yield. It is very important not to miss this growth phase and feed on time.

Feed tobacco 7-10 days after. As a fertilizer, you can use any complex, with a priority nitrogen content. Perfectly suited for these purposes. For top dressing, 1 tablespoon of fertilizer is mixed in 10 liters of water and watered under the root.

Pasynkovanie and topping tobacco.

Photo: Tobacco cutting in the garden

Stepsons grow between the leaves. As a rule, a stepson grows between each leaf. They should be removed when they grow by about 1.5-2 centimeters. If this procedure is performed earlier, then there is a high probability that they will grow again. There is no need to do double work, especially if you have planted a lot of plants.

It is most convenient to remove stepchildren with scissors.

Tobacco, usually begins to let stepsons from the moment the flowering begins. You need to watch and not miss the moment.

Tobacco cutting is the removal of flowers at the bud stage. This procedure is also done in order to get more product sheet. Due to topping, tobacco leaves become much stronger, the nicotine content in them increases.

Flower stalks should be removed at an early stage of budding.

Harvest of tobacco.

Photo: Mature tobacco leaves

Determining the ripeness of a tobacco leaf is very simple. The central vein becomes white. The edges of the leaf become slightly yellow, and the middle becomes a dull green color. It is very important not to miss this period and pick the leaf, otherwise it will overripe, its quality will deteriorate greatly.

Tobacco is harvested from the bottom up as the leaves ripen.

Growing tobacco in a smoking garden is a very entertaining and exciting business. Once you have harvested and tasted it, you will no longer want to buy poison in the store.


Video: Growing tobacco from A to Z. A very visual video about growing tobacco at home from seeds:

This is a whole film dedicated to the cultivation of tobacco.

Another video:

Any horticultural crop requires an individual approach to get a good harvest. Even people who are familiar with how to grow tobacco can make mistakes when choosing a place on a plot or the frequency of watering, which will affect the quality of raw materials later.

What kind of tobacco to grow?

This plant can be either perennial or annual. It belongs to the nightshade family and is cultivated for smoking raw materials - leaves that are dried and crushed to be used to fill cigarettes and pipes. Before planting, you have to make a choice which type of tobacco is better to grow, based on its characteristics:

  1. Rustic tobacco. Ordinary shag, as it is also called, grows up to 120 cm and contains half the nicotine than virgin varieties. The yellowish flowers have a corolla with a short tube and rounded lobes. In the middle lane and in the south, shag has been grown since the 19th century, from the first warm days until late autumn. Varieties of this type - "Holly 316", "Samsun 85", "Turkish", "Datura".
  2. Virginian tobacco. It is also called "real tobacco" (Nicotiana tabacum) because its taste is considered classically strong. The most important feature that characterizes how to grow varieties of tobacco in this category is its high thermophilicity. It will sprout only in regions with high humidity or hot summers. This type includes "Anniversary new 142", "Trapezond 92", "Trapezond Kubanets" and "Pechlets".

planting tobacco

On one hundredth of a hectare of land, you can collect up to 40 kg of raw tobacco, given that the average smoker consumes only 8 kg per year. Tobacco planting and care are carried out based on the type of planting. It has been empirically found that when planted directly in the ground, this plant is severely limited in growth and gives a negligible yield. Therefore, tobacco is planted through seedlings as follows:

  1. Tobacco for seedlings is sown in early to mid-February at home. Before this, the seeds are soaked in water for a day, in which you can add a little potassium permanganate to disinfect the seed.
  2. Seeds are washed 2-3 times and dried.
  3. The soil is intensively loosened, since tobacco can only be grown in soil saturated with oxygen.
  4. 4-5 cm of soil is poured into a box or peat pots, but the depth of immersion of seeds should not exceed 0.5 cm.
  5. After planting the seeds, they are sprinkled with earth and watered abundantly. The box is covered with a film: shoots under it will be noticeable for 6-10 days, depending on the air temperature in the room.
  6. As necessary, the soil is filled up so that it reaches the cotyledon leaves, otherwise the sprouts will die.

Tobacco Planting Scheme

In the interests of any gardener - convenient placement of rows for easy watering, loosening or transplanting if necessary. Planting tobacco in open ground on the site should be optimized for all of the above factors. There are two ways to arrange the beds:

  1. Suspension. Varieties with limited growth can be planted in greenhouses in hanging boxes with drainage holes in the bottom. This option is suitable for growing in the cold season, if you plan to harvest twice a year.
  2. Horizontal. Habitual placement in the open field should not have a circular shape, because planting tobacco in flower beds inefficiently consumes land area. Even rows can be divided by furrows to facilitate watering.

Tobacco planting distance

The scheme of distribution of sprouts after growing up is selected depending on which variety it belongs to. Before growing tobacco seedlings, you need to choose the distance between the ridges, since they are prepared in advance. In autumn, they are scrupulously cleaned of weeds and fertilized with organic additives with potassium and magnesium. And in the spring, seedlings are placed in the ground according to one of two types:

  1. 70x100 cm. This distance between crops is considered optimal for virgin varieties characterized by vigorous growth. They have a strong root system that is prone to overgrowth, which can be prevented by widening row spacing.
  2. 50x30 cm. Makhorka varieties are determinant, so their compact root system is enough for 50 cm between rows and 30 cm between plants.

Date of planting fragrant tobacco

It is time to transfer seedlings to open ground if 3-4 true leaves have already appeared on the stem. As a rule, the age of the plant at this point is 40-45 days. Thin tobacco leaves can be obtained by transferring the sprouts to the ground at the age of 30 days, as is done in some regions of America. The exact planting time of tobacco is calculated taking into account the region of growth:

  1. In the south, early spring allows transplanting as early as 2-3 weeks of March. It is not necessary to harden the plant first.
  2. In the middle lane, tobacco for seedlings is planted later and transferred to open ground in late May - early April.
  3. In colder regions, tobacco can be grown in heated greenhouses, de-linking transplant time from a specific date due to balanced conditions.

Conditions for growing tobacco

Knowledge about the scheme of planting and caring for seedlings is not enough to get a full harvest. A much greater influence on the taste of the leaf is exerted by the regulation of growth by removing diseased and dead leaves, and the timely removal of flowers. No matter how much you want to grow smoking tobacco in your summer cottage with minimal hassle, there are conditions that cannot be refused:

  1. Humidity. If watering is not enough due to a dry summer, humidifiers or sprayers are installed in the garden. Plantation owners who are confident in how to grow tobacco spend a lot of money to install such devices, while inexperienced gardeners cannot even imagine how important moisture is for the juiciness and flavor of the leaves.
  2. growth correction. Stepchildren and buds are best removed so that all the juices go to leaf growth. Tobacco begins to ripen from the bottom of the plant, so it can easily survive up to five leaf cuts. If some of them are damaged, they are removed during harvesting.

Tobacco growing temperature

At each stage of maturation of the plant, it needs a certain temperature regime. In the open field, it is difficult to regulate it from the outside - for example, during the cultivation of rustic tobacco (shag) in the middle lane. Therefore, gardeners are trying to adapt to natural temperature changes, taking into account the fact that:

  • seedlings should root after transplantation at 20-22°C;
  • the development of large leaves begins at 25-28°C;
  • harvesting ends when the temperature drops to 15-18°C.

Growing tobacco in the country - soil

In Cuba and America, the ground for planting seedlings is never cultivated with tractors, because they compact the soil too much. Where tobacco is grown, fertilizer, watering and harvesting is done only by hand for the same reason. In the country, you can repeat the same conditions by creating wide rows so as not to trample the ground near the plants while moving around the garden. Soil care provides for compliance with the following rules:

  1. Use as humus last year's tobacco bushes and roots left after harvest.
  2. Control over the level of chlorine in the soil. Its excess becomes noticeable by the lethargy of the leaves on the shoots, even when they are in the shade. You can get rid of it by adding sand to the top layer of soil and subsequent loosening.
  3. Compliance with the depth of plowing. The layer of land for planting should occupy a maximum of 20-25 cm.

tobacco care

When the seedling reaches a height of 25 cm, it begins to need shade to give the leaf a strong taste and subtle aroma. After planting in the ground, fragrant tobacco care changes: it needs to build an awning or shelter over the beds to create shade on the hottest days. For it to be reliable, some conditions must be met:

  1. At the edges of the bed, 4 pegs of sufficient thickness should be dug in to withstand the weight of an awning made of thin fabric or film.
  2. Pegs need to be immersed to a minimum depth of 5-7 cm so that you do not have to think about how to grow tobacco under a regularly collapsing awning.
  3. You can additionally strengthen the "legs" with the help of stones or gravel poured into the installation hole.
  4. After completing these manipulations, a piece of fabric or a transparent film is pulled onto the pegs according to the size of the ridge.

Growing tobacco in the garden - watering

In contrast to the fact that this crop likes abundant watering during the germination stage, it likes to grow in moist, but not swampy soils. Irrigation method is of great importance. A jet of water directed under the roots erodes them and leads to a disease of the fungus. In all the books that mention how to grow tobacco for smoking in the garden, it is indicated that it must be irrigated with water. Spraying by the type of a small drip shower from a spray gun is carried out so that water gets on the trunk and leaves.

Tobacco seedling care - top dressing

The roots of the plant are so strong that they require complex feeding, so all efforts should be aimed at accelerating the development of the leaves and increasing their area. Growing and planting tobacco is accompanied by watering with the addition of the following dressings:

  • phosphorus;
  • bird droppings;
  • sulfate or potassium chloride.

Growing tobacco in the country - diseases and pests

  1. Black root rot. It affects young plants, which causes the shoots to dry out and wither, and black-brown spots appear on the root part.
  2. Bronzing of tomatoes. The disease of tomato seedlings also affects tobacco: rings and arcs appear on the stem - traces of the slow death of tissues.
  3. Dry root rot. Every gardener understands how difficult it is to grow tobacco if its roots gradually dry out. Dry rot shrinks them, disrupting the transport of moisture and nutrients.
  4. The disease thins the stem, making it brittle and brittle. The base of the plant turns black as a lesion with a microorganism called Rhizoctonia solani Kuehn develops.

The constant rise in the price of cigarettes stimulates the interest of many smokers in growing tobacco on their land. In the pre-revolutionary years, and especially during the revolutionary devastation in Russia, one of the most unpretentious types of tobacco was grown everywhere.

Currently, you can buy seeds of the most exquisite varieties. Knowing how to grow tobacco for smoking in the garden will probably inspire many lovers of quality cigarettes.


Growing smoking tobacco for a cigarette lover is an exciting activity. It is impossible to compare the taste of fresh fried fish with canned fish, or the taste of squash game with fresh vegetable stew. So, the taste and aroma of real tobacco cannot be compared with what is included in cigarettes.

Tobacco is a plant from the nightshade family, annual, tall, with large veiny leaves, taproot.

The plant is an industrial cultural species of hybrid origin. This species is not found wild anywhere.

A plant that belongs to a different species, well known in our country, is shag or samosad. They belong to alkaloid plants containing nicotine, nicotine, nicotine, nicotellin, cornicotine.

There are over 70 types of tobacco that grow in the temperate and southern regions of America, Australia, China, India, Turkey, and Polynesia. Smoking tobacco is used to obtain raw materials in the tobacco industry.

Growing tobacco in Russia in large volumes began during the revolutionary events, when its supplies from other countries were stopped. Village tobacco, that is, shag, grew well not only in the southern regions, but even in the Ural region.

In Soviet times, many varieties of tobacco were bred for cultivation in the Krasnodar Territory and on the Black Sea coast. After all, this plant is very thermophilic, and, in addition, all varieties are distinguished by a long growing season, more than 100 days.

Currently, the State Register of Plants of the Russian Federation lists 17 varieties of tobacco, including domestic selection:

  • Burley;
  • Virginia;
  • large-leaved;
  • Holly;
  • Ruby;
  • Samsun;
  • Trapezond;
  • Anniversary.

In online stores you can buy foreign varieties:

  • Kentucky Barley;
  • Maryland;
  • Havana;
  • Orinoco;
  • Perik;
  • Herzegovina Flor;
  • Sumatra;
  • Dubec.

Important! Each variety has its own unique aroma and taste, percentage of nicotine content, absorbent qualities.

Even shag has numerous varieties:

  • Mopacho (Peruvian);
  • Moscow;
  • Yeletskaya;
  • Turkish;
  • Crimean;
  • Kherson-7.

This type of tobacco, which is called country tobacco, although inferior in taste to American varieties, is the most unpretentious and frost-resistant.

Shag has a different taste, it is more fragrant than real tobacco and much stronger. Some lovers collect excellent collections of 70 varieties and offer seeds that can be grown on their own plot.

There are no industrial plantations of this plant in Russia today. Agrotechnics once cultivated varieties are forgotten. Tobacco is cultivated by amateurs in their own plots. Cultivation and care is not very different from the cultivation of other nightshades.

It is easy to make cigarettes from home-grown tobacco using a machine for cutting dried leaves and rolling cigarettes. These devices are inexpensive - 500 rubles each. If you take into account the cost of a pack of cigarettes, then with your own raw materials you can significantly save your budget.


Culture takes a lot of time and effort. Seeds are used to grow tobacco. They are very small, and the shelf life reaches 15 years, like a tomato.

Planting tobacco begins with growing seedlings. Sowing dates depend on the region, for the middle lane this is mid-April.

Important! The duration of seedling cultivation is 45–50 days, another 40–60 days pass from transplanting into the ground to budding, and 90–120 days before harvesting the leaves.

The question of how to plant tobacco and how to grow it arises for everyone who has not come across this plant. The seedling preparation technology includes several standard items:

  • landing at a certain temperature;
  • watering and fertilizing;
  • crop protection;
  • hardening.

Growing from seeds begins with planting seedlings. Seeds are laid out superficially in a small container with soil, without falling asleep with earth.

What kind of soil do you prefer? It is better to choose a universal soil for vegetables without excess fertilizer. After sowing, the container is covered with polyethylene or a lid.

How to properly care for crops before germination

The container should be in a warm environment at + 26-30 ° C, the lid over the seedlings for air circulation can be slightly opened twice a day for five minutes. On the 3rd day, we leave the lid over the crops ajar by 0.5 cm, on the 7th day - we remove it completely. Tender seedlings will get used to dry air and will not die. At this time, we do not water the seedlings, the ground is already wet.

On the 7-10th day, we begin watering through the pan. After 2 weeks, we combine watering with top dressing with a weak infusion of onion peel. When mold appears on the ground, it must be loosened with a match and a little potassium permanganate should be added to the water for irrigation.

If there are few plants, you can pick them up and plant them in individual cups. The pick is carried out at the time of the growth of two true leaves, 3 weeks after planting.

Before planting on the beds, the seedlings are hardened off. That is, it should be accustomed to being in the sun. 1.5 weeks before transplanting, we begin to expose the container with seedlings in the sun. On the first day - for 20-30 minutes, on the second - for 40-60 minutes and so on.

At the end of hardening, seedlings should stand outside all day without stress. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the soil.

Planting tobacco seedlings in open ground begins from the time the plant releases 4–5 true leaves and reaches 10–15 cm in height.

When to plant seedlings in the garden? Like all nightshades, after positive temperatures are established above + 14 ° C in the soil at a depth of 10 cm. At an air temperature of + 4 ° C, tobacco dies. Therefore, it is important that there are no return frosts after disembarkation.


To grow tobacco outdoors, you first need the right temperature for the plant. Tobacco is best planted in an open, sunny, wind-protected place. This crop is demanding on soil fertility, but it is better to choose poor lands for a tobacco plantation.

Important! The poorer the land, the better the taste of tobacco.

Tobacco care consists in carrying out the following works:

  • weeding and loosening;
  • watering and top dressing (usually - no more than 2 times per season);
  • plantation protection;
  • removal of stepchildren;
  • topping.

The scheme for planting tobacco in the country is 50 cm between plants, 80 cm between rows. For those who grow several varieties of tobacco, it is worth installing signs with the name of each variety.

Agricultural technology is similar to that of tomatoes. In the open field, the first few days, tobacco is watered daily. After the plant has taken root, it does not need watering.

If there is a drought and the leaves of grown tobacco become wilted in the morning and evening, then the plantation should be watered. Drooping leaves in the daytime do not cause concern.

Important! The more moisture, the weaker the tobacco.


Smoking tobacco is affected by some infections and the most common is tobacco mosaic. Infection occurs through sucking insects. Therefore, immediately when planting seedlings, you can shed each well with Prestige.

Dilute 15 ml in 10 liters of water and pour 200 ml under the plant. That is, the planted plant is watered with 1 liter of water, then 200 ml of the drug solution, and then another 0.5 liter of water.
Among the diseases of tobacco are also found:

  • bronze;
  • mottling;
  • burnt

Diseases are mainly transmitted through insects, so it is worth treating the plantation with insecticide several times. The diseases themselves are not treated; at the first manifestations, diseased bushes should be removed along with the root.

If crop rotation was observed on the site and tobacco grew where there were no nightshade crops before, then the risk of infection is minimal. After 3-4 weeks, it is recommended to cut off 2-3 lower leaves. This allows for better ventilation of the plant and for protection against diseases and mold.

top dressing

At the end of the 2nd week of growth, the first and only top dressing is carried out with Fertika or Kemira Lux. It is enough to dilute 1 matchbox of fertilizer in a bucket of water.

Water under each plant 1 liter of water, then 1 liter of top dressing and again 1 liter of water.

More feeding is not worth it, especially with nitrogen fertilizers. From them, the taste of tobacco becomes unpleasant, tears and burns the throat. Phosphorus fertilizers are applied for autumn digging. Potash fertilizers are scattered under the spring digging of the soil.


At the end of the second week, the plantation begins to overgrow with weeds. They should be weeded out and the soil loosened. Weeding can be done a couple of times, when the tobacco grows to 50 cm, its huge leaves will drown out all the weeds.

In adult plants, the procedure for removing stepsons that have grown to 3–4 cm is carried out. This should be done periodically, as new stepsons grow.

When about 40% of the flowers bloom, they carry out the topping procedure - they cut off the flowers with the upper leaves. This procedure leads to accelerated ripening, for the ripening of seeds, the plant spends a lot of energy and nutrition. After all, tobacco grows for a long time and does not always have time to ripen. The same procedure for shortening the stem is typical for many pumpkins so that its fruits have time to ripen.

Seed collection

To stock up on your own good seeds, you have to try. To collect smoking tobacco seeds, 1-3 plants with central peduncles are left, lateral inflorescences are cut off. To preserve the purity of the variety, you can put on a bag of agrospan on them before flowering.

It is also necessary to regulate the number of seed pods per bush. Leave no more than ten large boxes. On the seed bush, the leaves are cut off only 2-3 times.

Seed pods ripen gradually. Each is cut off at the moment of full ripening. The boxes are laid out in a sunny place on a sheet of paper for 2 weeks. Then seeds are selected from them, sifted from debris through a sieve and laid out in small plastic bags, signing the name of the variety and the year of harvest.

Procurement of raw materials and fermentation

If it is not difficult to take care of a tobacco plantation, then it is not easy to prepare high-quality raw materials for making cigarettes. Even in summer cottages, where a very small number of large plants can be grown, it is necessary to equip a special place for drying leaves - a dryer.

The manufacture of smoking tobacco from raw materials goes through several stages:

  • collection (breaking);
  • languor;
  • drying;
  • resting;
  • fermentation;
  • cutting.

Important! The leaf matures gradually along the stem, in tiers. Leaves are removed from one plant in 4–8 approaches.

40–45 days after planting, they begin to break the leaves in the lower tier. This happens around the same time with the appearance of flower buds. After 40-45 days from the beginning of harvesting the lower tier, they reach the breaking of leaves on the upper tier.

The ripened leaf is very dense, bumpy and sticky, rolls down, and the color changes to pale green with yellowness. Mature sheets click when assembled.


Drying is one of the main operations for obtaining real raw materials from leaves. The leaves are cut off by hand when yellowing by 90%, strung on ropes in piles and moved apart to the width of a finger. After that, they are hung up for several days in wooden sheds or attics for languishing. They weigh in the dark, without sunlight, at a temperature of + 25–35 ° C and a humidity of 80–90%.

Important! The leaves change color, becoming yellow or red-brown, but do not completely dry out. And they also acquire a specific smell.

Drying usually lasts 3-4 days for light leaves and a week for dark green leaves. Hang bundles of leaves to a height of about a meter.

The second necessary operation for the preparation of raw materials is drying. Bundles of leaves for drying can be hung higher to make room for languishing the next batch. Dry for at least a month. In a well-dried leaf, the central vein breaks with a crunch, but does not bend when folded.

After going through the full manufacturing process, any tobacco needs rest - aging. Dry leaves are placed in a box, where they lie for 3-4 months.

Important! Taste and aroma during harvested and properly prepared tobacco after aging becomes more refined and nobler.


The fourth operation is fermentation. Fermentation technology at home is different. It is developed by the gardener himself, who should be satisfied with the taste of tobacco resulting from this process.

To start the fermentation process, a heat source is needed: an oven, an oven, a radiator, a microwave oven, a special cabinet, solar heat. The easiest way to ferment is with an electric oven:

  • completely dry and yellow leaves are slightly moistened from the sprayer on both sides and stacked for a day, covering them with polyethylene;
  • disassemble the leaves and remove the central vein;
  • using a noodle cutter, the leaves are cut into strips 1-2 mm thick;
  • put the cut in glass jars, filling 2/3 of the volume, and close with a sealed lid;
  • jars are placed in a cabinet and turned on at a temperature of +50 ° C, leaving them there for 5-7 days.

Important! Condensation must not form on the glasses during the fermentation process.

As a result, the leaf acquires its usual dark brown color, the grassy smell gives way to a specific tobacco aroma, bitterness is lost, and combustibility increases.

It is worth saying that some types of tobacco are not fermented: Jubilee new 142 and Kentucky Barley.

Being engaged in the cultivation of tobacco, it is still worth remembering the folk wisdom: "Smoking is harmful to health." But everyone is free to choose for himself what to do.

However, tobacco leaves can be used for more than just smoking. This is a very valuable tool for protecting against pests of many crops. They also use tobacco for medicinal purposes, in the treatment of:

  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • dropsy;
  • epilepsy;
  • as anthelmintic;
  • in diseases of the legs.


Growing tobacco plants in a smoking garden is a fascinating activity. In the State Register of Plants of the Russian Federation, 17 zoned varieties of Soviet selection are registered, and several dozen foreign varieties can be purchased in online stores. And each with its own unique taste and aroma.

Growing tobacco in the garden can become an interesting hobby, no worse than winemaking or growing exotic and rare plants.

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In our country, up to 75% of the male half of the population and about 21% of women "smoke". A depressing statistic, you can't say anything ... And this is against the backdrop of active promotion of a healthy lifestyle and a gradual rise in the price of cigarettes. It is the latter fact that pushes many smokers to master the cultivation of smoking tobacco on their own. But does it make practical sense? It all depends on how much garden space and effort you are willing to spend on this activity, as well as on your desire to understand all the nuances of tobacco farming.

Pros and Cons of Growing Tobacco in a Smoking Garden

The harm of smoking is undeniable, and getting used to this potion comes very quickly. Scientists have found that smoking is second only to addiction to such a hard drug as heroin! But you can and should give up cigarettes: this way you will increase your life expectancy by 15-20 years. Let me tell you a little secret - I also suffered from this addiction until the age of 18. Among friends, everyone indulged in cigarettes, but there were times when there was not much other entertainment (and if there were, then we could not afford them).

I quit easily, overnight, due to the fact that the dependence was more psychological than physiological.

Well, we got a little off topic. If you are still a heavy smoker and you “leave” at least a pack of cigarettes per day, then you should definitely consider the possibility of cultivating tobacco on the site from all sides.

So to benefits the presence of a tobacco bed on the site can be attributed to:

Firstly, subject to all the subtleties of the technology of growing and harvesting tobacco leaves, you will get excellent homemade tobacco. They will be able to fill smoking pipes, as well as wrap them in cigarettes (cigarette paper can now be bought in many online stores);

Secondly, shag is successfully used in the fight against an uncountable army of garden pests. You can read how to use tobacco dust and tobacco to repel harmful insects.

Third, the presence of nicotine in tobacco makes it a medicinal plant. Let me remind you that it is not the tobacco leaves themselves that cause harm, but the smoke generated from their combustion. Accurate dosage and competent use - and, you see, nicotine turns from poison into a remedy for headaches, burns, constipation, female sores, asthma and a number of skin diseases.

But in general, growing smoking tobacco on the site is not a good idea, and that's why:

  • if you are a non-specialist in the tobacco business, then it will be extremely difficult to ration the nicotine content in hand-rolled cigarettes. If this substance is not enough, then you will not get any buzz from smoking. If, on the contrary, the tobacco turns out to be too strong, then sooner or later you will simply part with the remnants of health (do you need it?).
  • excessive passion for tobacco dust in the war against garden pests can also be by no means harmless to humans and plants.
  • if you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, then in order to fully provide you with smoke for the whole year, the area of ​​your tobacco plantation should be about 40 square meters, which corresponds to about 300 (!) plants of this crop. I think you will agree that for the owner of a plot of six acres, this is too unreasonable and wasteful.

Types of tobacco

Tobacco belongs to the nightshade family and is of two types - ordinary tobacco and ordinary shag (village tobacco). Their main difference lies in the fact that ordinary tobacco is more thermophilic and whimsical, but at the same time it is more productive and gives better raw materials (plants of this species can reach up to three meters in height, but shag usually does not even reach 1.2 meters) .

How to grow tobacco, step by step instructions

Next, I will tell you the main points of the agricultural technology of ordinary or real tobacco. Growing shag is much easier - it is enough to sow seeds in open ground in the second half of May, and in a few months it will be possible to harvest odorous leaves.

  1. Sowing seeds for seedlings is best done in February. Tobacco seeds are just super small - one gram contains about 12 thousand pieces. They are sown in bowls in a loose and moist substrate (compost, garden soil, sand 2:1:1) to a depth of no more than 7 mm.

    Tobacco seeds are very small.

  2. Until the emergence of seedlings, the containers are kept in bags at a temperature of + 27 ... 28 degrees. Further, tobacco seedlings are grown on a bright windowsill (in March, lighting is simply necessary!) At a temperature of + 18 ... 20 degrees.

    If tobacco seedlings stretch out, then soil should be carefully added to their stems. Otherwise, they may die.

  3. Watering is needed regular, but moderate with a syringe or spray. When the plants throw out the first pair of true leaves, they must either be broken through or planted in separate cups with a deepening to the cotyledons (if the seedlings are stretched out). At first, I recommend leaving only 5-6 bushes in order to understand how profitable and interesting it is for you to keep this culture on the site. As a result, 2-3 of the strongest plants will move to a permanent place (the rest can be distributed).

    Small but remote!

  4. Tobacco care in the "nursery" period is elementary: light, heat and water are in abundance, but not in excess. Do not forget about the periodic loosening of the soil in pots.
  5. Tobacco seedlings are transferred to a permanent place at the age of 40 to 45 days in the second half - the end of May. By this time, the plants have time to acquire 5-6 real leaves and reach a height of about 15 centimeters. To make the plants less sick from transplanting, they are subjected to hardening for 5-7 days and do not water for two to three days before this stressful procedure.

    In the garden, tobacco plants develop very quickly and increase the vegetative mass

  6. Tobacco shows the maximum yield on sandy, manured soil, while it is preferable to grow it after winter crops or after fallow. But beets, potatoes and all nightshade plants are bad predecessors for tobacco.
  7. The optimal distance between the bushes when planting is 40-50 centimeters. One liter of water should be poured into the planting holes with the addition of one teaspoon of complex fertilizer.

    Blooming tobacco is very decorative.

  8. This culture cannot stand even a short-term drought, so at first it needs weekly watering (usually only two or three times per season is enough). However, in adult plants, the root system pierces the soil to a depth of two meters and successfully supplies them with moisture even during dry periods. In this regard, some experts - tobacco growers even believe that too frequent watering reduces the yield of tobacco.
  9. Top dressing is combined with irrigation, adding one or two complete mineral fertilizers per 8-10 liters to the irrigation water. If you are not a fan of "mineral water", then you can feed the bushes with nettle infusion and 2-3 times during the summer close up the ashes in the aisles.
  10. To improve the quality and quantity of leaves, topping is used for tobacco plants, that is, flowers and stepchildren formed in the axils are regularly removed from the bushes.
  11. The first wave of tobacco harvest is harvested within a month and a half after planting seedlings in open ground. The readiness of the leaves is indicated by a slight yellowing of the leaves, their slightly glossy appearance and smoothing of the tubercles.

On this, the path to obtaining homemade tobacco is far from over, because the most interesting thing is ahead - drying and fermentation of the collected raw materials. All the nuances of these two procedures are well described in two videos.

Well, if you decide to thoroughly study all the secrets of growing tobacco in a smoking garden, then I advise you not to regret an hour and a half to watch the movie. By the way, on this channel you will find a detailed analysis of all the points related to the cultivation of tobacco on the site.

Ordinary tobacco, home garden or fragrant - all these concepts refer to one plant that is easy to grow on your site. It is believed that the very principle of growing tobacco is not so complicated, it is only necessary to devote more time to post-harvest processing or fermentation. But there is no need to be afraid of this either, there is nothing complicated in this work. Moreover, if you know how to grow garden crops and seal for the winter, then you can handle tobacco fermentation just fine.

What you need to know before sowing seeds?

Let's first think a little and think about whether this long process of growing a self-garden is so important for you, or is it still better not to waste your personal time and buy a pack or two of cigarettes in a store? No, heavy smokers believe that the efforts are justified in full, the savings in the family budget are obvious, and it’s not a pity for time and effort for yourself. Moreover, the result will exceed all expectations: the product is clean and tested, there will be no chemicals or additives.

These positive moments are the best proof that it is better for a smoker to smoke a cigarette of his own tobacco than to buy a "tar" cigarette with an admixture of chemicals. And now forward, we will learn to grow tobacco together.

Before you start work, you need to know that the property of the plant will directly depend on the soil in which it grows. Tobacco adapts to any weather and climatic conditions, only the end result may differ from the original grown in the South of the country. Now it becomes clear that tobacco is a thermophilic plant. Don't worry, there are several varieties of self-garden that adapt to soil composition and temperature.

What else to consider before boarding:

  1. The composition of the soil directly affects not only the size, but even the color and shape of the leaves.
  2. The aroma of tobacco depends on the mineral salts contained in the soil, as well as the level of moisture.
  3. If there is not enough air (cultivation in greenhouses), then this affects the taste of the leaves.

A bit of history

It is difficult to say how many centuries ago humanity discovered the properties of tobacco and the fact that this plant can be smoked. The plant is native to Peru and Bolivia. But Europe is obliged to Columbus for the fact that he brought this plant and taught Europeans how to smoke.

Currently, this crop is widely cultivated in India, China and North America. In Russia, or rather in the former USSR, it was also customary to grow tobacco in plantations in countries with a warm climate: Moldova, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. At present, in the outbacks of Transcaucasia, people still grow tobacco on their personal plots, as they say, in the old fashioned way.

The main requirement for growing this crop is high air temperature. Tobacco loves when it is hot outside, so the optimum temperature for preserving the juiciness of the leaves and color is +30 ° C. The soil is more moist and light, as well as “loose” with an admixture of sand.

The method of propagation of tobacco is with the help of seeds, from which it is necessary to first grow seedlings, and then plant them in open ground.

Attention! Each of you should know that the stems and leaves of this plant contain nicotine, and there is more of it in the leaves (up to 3%). Nicotine is a toxic substance that can cause euphoria. This condition passes quickly, but it is not necessary to abuse tobacco smoking. By the way, they use tobacco not only by smoking, but also by chewing, and sniffing tobacco powder. Natural nicotine is a potent toxic substance that is unsafe for human health.

So do you still need to grow tobacco or not? Theoretically, yes, if health problems do not bother you, then you can try to grow smoking tobacco yourself. The first advantage is that there is little space on the plot, the second is simple mathematics. It is known that there is very little tobacco in 1 cigarette, even less than indicated on the pack, about 1 g. It turns out that there is only 20 g in a pack. If you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, then this is already a blow to the family budget. Suppose you have to buy 30 or 31 packs per month, and a large amount is obtained per year. As a result, tobacco will cost almost nothing, and even if only 6-8 kg is needed per year, this is not as much as the cost of purchased cigarettes.

If conditions allow, then from just 1 bush you can get up to 30 g of tobacco! And only on 1 acre of land to grow up to 7 plants! Seedlings are located at a distance of 20 cm from each other, and large-leaved ones - 30 cm, planting density is 70 by 30 or 70 by 20 cm. If you take a plot equal to 40 m 2, then you will have to plant 300 seedlings in total. And yet, if the plant turns out to be concentrated or, as they say, “evil” tobacco, then it will have to be diluted with the stems of the same plant, and this is even more profitable.

Find out which plant varieties are best to plant

If you are among those who dream of harvesting your first tobacco crop from your own plot, then you need to get seeds. Planting material must be purchased at the store. Consultants will offer a choice of several popular varieties of tobacco, it can be "Rural" or "Virginia". Let us consider in more detail each type of this plant.

Variety "Virginia" - the taste of the leaves is soft, delicate. This variety of plants adapts to any climatic conditions. Elite varieties of tobacco are grown in favorable conditions in Brazil. Collected leaves are processed in a simple way: fumigation with smoke.

Variety "Rural" - resistant to changes in weather conditions, the leaf is strong and tart. The aroma is subtle.

There are many more different varieties of tobacco that you can also try to grow at home. Each variety is bred taking into account cultivation in central Russia. It is very important to consider the area where the tobacco will be grown in order to select the right variety.

So, it is worth paying attention to such varieties of tobacco:

  • "Kuban Trapezond", from planting to collecting the last leaf takes about 100 days. The content of the main substance - nicotine, is 2.6%;
  • "92 Trapezond" is a resistant tobacco variety that is not afraid of diseases and pests. Short growing season. After planting, 98 days pass and you can start collecting the sheet;
  • "New Anniversary" - a short growing season, only 78 days. Standard nicotine content: from 2.0%;
  • "85 Samsun" is an intensive variety with a high ripening rate. It takes 105 days from planting to the moment the leaf is collected. Collection of mature leaves from one bush - up to 50 pieces;
  • "316 Holly" is a late-ripening plant variety, characterized by a low percentage of nicotine content. Average growing season: 120 days including the last leaf collection.

Cultivation of fragrant tobacco

To grow tobacco from seeds, you first need to prepare the planting material. This is easy to do, as we prepare any seeds before planting: we simply soak them in a wet cloth with the addition of an antiseptic (it can be tartaric acid or a little potassium nitrate). We wrap dry seeds in a cloth dipped in water with the addition of an antiseptic, leave for a day. This method improves the quality of seeds.

After exposure, it is necessary to rinse the planting material, carefully squeeze out the excess liquid, spread it on a saucer or enamelware, and then put it on the windowsill (the place should be warm). From time to time you will have to moisten the cloth with seeds. Make sure that the sprouts do not germinate to a length exceeding the size of the grains, then the sprouts quickly break off and the germination of tobacco decreases.

After the seeds germinate, they become dry or loose. They must be mixed with a special solution (sold in stores) or with sand.

Estimated date of planting seeds: late February or early March. Sowing tobacco seeds is carried out at home. Watering - very carefully so as not to overdry or overmoisten the soil, as this negatively affects the aroma of the leaves. We moisten the soil every day, maintaining the optimal level of moisture. The temperature in the room is + 23-25 ​​° C.

When growing tobacco seedlings, it is very important to apply top dressing, it can be chicken manure or mineral fertilizers.

Seedlings ready for planting in open ground reach a height of 15 cm with 6 developed leaves and a strong root system.

7 days before the expected planting date, it is necessary to gradually accustom the seedlings to changes in temperature conditions in order to harden the young plants.

Planting seedlings of tobacco

It is very important when growing tobacco from seeds to choose the right place for planting. Choose a site so that there is no stagnation of moisture and drafts in this place. Fertilize the soil and loosen well. Fertilizers are suitable such: manure or compost. Be sure to remove weeds from the site before planting.

Rules for planting tobacco:

  1. Planting dates for seedlings are the end of April and inclusive until the end of May. Just these months are the most favorable time, because the frosts are already behind.
  2. Seedlings need to be planted, adhering to a distance of 20 cm. Between the rows we leave a gap of 70 cm so that each plant develops fully and the leaves are large.
  3. After planting tobacco seedlings, pour 1 liter of water into each well.
  4. Lateral shoots and inflorescences must be broken off during the planting period.
  5. The first top dressing is immediately after planting with a mixture of slurry with superphosphates. You can also use water, with the addition of sulfur powder.
  6. When you see the first inflorescences, treat each bush with onion peel tincture or garlic-infused water.
  7. After 7 days, you need to repeat the treatment of plants with onion tincture, and after another week - the last time. Then you can ensure that the tobacco grows fragrant.

About pests and diseases

Tobacco has many "fans", so it is necessary to carry out protection measures in time to save the harvest.

Common tobacco pests:

  • "Peach aphid", tobacco or greenhouse - the most terrible pest for this plant. It affects many crops, including wild ones. Aphids suck out all the juices from the plant, reducing the quality of the crop;
  • "Black leg" - massively affects all seedlings, affecting the base of the stem. A dark or light coating appears on the surface affected by the pest. Pathogens can remain in the soil for a long time;
  • "Mosaic" - the distinctive properties of this pest are visible to the naked eye: light spots appear on the plant. Over time, these affected leaves die off;
  • "Powdery mildew" - spots resembling cobwebs appear on the leaves. Powdery coating gradually becomes continuous, affecting the tops of plants;
  • "Root black rot" - this pest tends to infect young plants, but an adult plant is also affected by the disease. The leaves gradually fade, white spots with black dots form on the roots;
  • "Ryabukha bacterial" - the tips of young leaves on seedlings and young plants are covered with oily or wet spots. If the street is humid, then gradually the plant dies.

Proper harvesting

Growing tobacco at home is an interesting activity. Gradually, you have mastered the intricacies of growing seedlings, and now it's time to harvest. First you need to break off the lower leaves from each adult plant. The collected leaves must be spread out in 1 layer in the sun and left for 2 days. Then transfer the leaves to a dark room with high humidity. Leave the leaves to dry for a whole month. To maintain a certain level of humidity in the room, you can put a container of water in the room where tobacco leaves are dried and monitor the level.

Be careful when collecting tobacco. The fact is that each bush consists of 4 tiers and the leaves of each tier ripen gradually. Therefore, when harvesting, each time you need to sign the harvest, so as not to get confused. The break between harvesting is 2 weeks. The collection of leaves is now from the top down. The top leaves will be the most valuable.

How to Ferment Tobacco

Proper drying of the leaves is already half the success. There will be very little left to achieve the final result and smoke the long-awaited cigarette of hand-grown tobacco. Do not rush to improve the quality of the collected material, you must perform the fermentation procedure. You can do this yourself at home. But for this you will have to try.

A special cabinet is needed to process the leaves. You can make it yourself from an old refrigerator. Place the thermostat and heating element inside. Remember that each type of tobacco has a different fermentation technology.

What is fermentation? This is a complex process of processing the collected raw materials at a high temperature (+50 ° C) for 2-3 weeks.

Why is complex fermentation necessary? To get rid of excessive strength, that is, to reduce the nicotine content, etch resins and improve taste.

If it is not possible to build a special cabinet for drying leaves, accelerated fermentation is allowed. Place the crushed leaves in the oven (temperature not higher than +60 o C).

Ready-made tobacco can be crushed, stored in linen bags, protected from moisture. They smoke their own grown tobacco in a pipe, wrap cigarettes using special paper (sold in stores).

Now you know how to grow tobacco at home. Good luck in your endeavors!

There are plants that can decorate any site or home collection.

Aromatic fragrant tobacco is one of such types. Consider how to grow it with your own hands.

Fragrant tobacco: a brief description

The plant comes from South America. In nature and warm regions it is, but as in temperate latitudes, only one season blooms. Belongs to the Solanaceae family.

The branched erect stem reaches an average height of 80 cm. Depending on the variety and growing conditions, this figure can vary from 0.3 to 1.5 m. The leaves of the plant are large (the basal ones have a rounded shape, while the stem ones are narrower and longer).
The average size of the flowers is 6-8 cm. They differ in their star shape, and their tube is quite long. The most common color variant is white, but there are varieties with yellow, pale green and red in different shades.

Important! Tall varieties can deplete unprepared soil. Therefore, the site is treated even before they are planted.

Fragrant tobacco is loved for the smell exuded when it blooms. Bloom time (June to October) flowers bloom in the dark filling the air with a gentle scent. During daylight hours, the plant "closes". This does not apply to red hybrid varieties - they are constantly open during this period, but they do not have a smell. White flowers, on the contrary, give out the strongest aroma.

Popular among domestic flower growers are the varieties "Winged", "Green Light", "Mazhu Noir", "Aroma Green". Of the hybrids, tall (from 80 cm) lines "Ringing Bell" and "Dolce Vita" are preferred.

Growing seedlings of fragrant tobacco

This plant is considered exotic for our latitudes, so its cultivation requires some preparation. Let's see where to start.

Timing and seed preparation

Suppose we are ready to take on fragrant tobacco, or rather, its cultivation from seeds, but when to plant this plant?

For this culture, the usual time is March, April. Some sow already in the last decade of February. This is also permissible, but only by providing all the conditions for full growth and appropriate care.

Did you know? Fragrant tobacco seedlings are easily confused with plants of "smoking" lines - their leaves almost do not differ, which cannot be said about flowers.

Fragrant tobacco seeds are very small (almost 7000 pieces per 1 g). The processing of such material is simple: many dry seeds are placed in the soil. You can also place them in warm water beforehand (a day or two before sowing), throwing a couple of crystals there. Such measures.

Soil for growing seedlings

Before you sow fragrant tobacco, take a closer look at the soil. The soil must be nutritious."Shop" substrates are suitable, but you can cultivate the soil from the site yourself (ignite it for disinfection). For the best, a little sand is added (no more than 1/3 of the total volume), which loosens the layer.

Immediately before planting, the soil is moistened.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

As already mentioned, the seed material is very small, which is why accuracy is important when working. The process of sowing fragrant tobacco looks like this:

  • seeds are evenly scattered over the entire surface;
  • the grains are slightly pressed into the soil (maximum depth - 5 mm);
  • after that, the crops are not covered with earth;
  • the pot or box is covered with a transparent or lid and placed in a place with a constant temperature of +20 °C.

Important! Due to the small size of the seeds, they can be mixed in the sand, and then evenly spread this layer over the soil.

Conditions for seed germination

Described heat-loving culture does not tolerate drought well. Therefore, the first task in its cultivation is to provide suitable light and irrigation regimes. During the first two weeks after sowing, the pot is left covered with a film. If you put it on the sunny side, the moisture will be regulated without much intervention.
Top dressing and capital at this time are not carried out. Another thing is the cultivation of fragrant tobacco from seeds in cold regions. As with early planting, additional lighting and watering may be needed.

The phytolamp will do an excellent job with the first point, although the old-style fluorescent ones will also work. As for watering, it is done only spray gun(no watering cans), which will not give a lot of pressure and will not wash fragile seeds.

Seedling Care

Seedlings appear in the second or third week after planting. To strengthen them you need:

  • remove cover;
  • lower the temperature slightly (usually the pot is simply transferred to another room);
  • carry out moderate watering (at this stage it is impossible to overmoisten the soil);
  • reduce the light intensity, as the sprouts are shade-tolerant.

Did you know? There are cases when the seeds remained similar for 7-8 years.

Of course, there should not be any in the area with young shoots. This is true for plants sown in greenhouses.

After that, the sowing of fragrant tobacco for seedlings goes to the next stage and we are preparing for picking.

Seedling picking

Around the 20th day, the first leaves open. When there are already two or three of them on one shoot, they do a pick.
This procedure is familiar to all gardeners:

  • Half an hour before picking, tobacco is watered to soften the old soil.
  • Holding the plant by the leaves, it is undermined with a small spatula. Grabbing a fragile stem is undesirable.
  • After the flower is removed, the main rhizome is carefully trimmed by about a third.
  • Make a small hole in the new pot. The recess should not exceed 5 mm from the so-called growing point (this is a seal that is visible slightly above the rhizomes).
  • Seedlings are sprinkled, slightly pinching the soil layer itself.

After such an operation, moderate watering of the plant with water at room temperature. Top dressing is not done in the next week, the seedlings should still germinate in a new place without feeding.

Note that immediately after picking, fragrant tobacco experiences a slight shock, and such planting, as well as care, requires some skills.

Transferring new containers to heavily shaded places is not particularly desirable; nevertheless, it can harm heat-loving sprouts. It is important not to miss the moment of growth, that is, not to wait until the seedlings are thoroughly strengthened. Yes, they are fragile, but at the same time they adapt faster (do not tighten the pick). Often when transplanting a plant disinfect. For hybrid varieties, this is a must, because young seedlings cannot fight bacteria themselves. A weak solution of potassium permanganate (1 ml of the agent is dropped per liter of water) will prevent the appearance of rot and fungi on the roots.

Plants can be hardened by taking them out to a balcony or open veranda.

Planting seedlings of fragrant tobacco in open ground

The crucial moment comes: fragrant tobacco in the form of seedlings has finally grown stronger, planting in the ground is being prepared. How to do this process quickly and efficiently - read on.

Dates and choice of location

Very often, plants are planted in, making sure that there is no further frost. But in fact, this is not enough, because the soil should still warm up. For most of the varieties we have presented, the best time for such a planting will be end of May – first days of June.

The soil itself must be Saline and "heavy" soils are excluded. Neighbors of tobacco in the area can be any garden crops. There are no requirements for "predecessors" either.

Plants by this point should have a fairly strong (0.5 cm) stem.

Important! The height of the bush can reach 13-15 cm. Such specimens are completely ready for development in open areas.

Thinking about where to plant fragrant tobacco in the garden, take a closer look at the locations. Constant sunshine for a flower is undesirable (it closes faster and fades altogether).

Scheme and landing process

Everything is simple here:

  • Seedlings stop watering 2-3 days before transplanting.
  • A couple of hours before the “relocation”, the plants are abundantly moistened.
  • Carefully removing the seedlings from the pot, they are placed in a wet hole (about 0.5 liters of water is poured).
  • A recess is made in the center of the hole, where the plant is placed. The distance between adjacent seedlings should be within 25-30 cm.
  • The roots are sprinkled with wet soil and a new layer is crushed, after which dry soil is laid on top. In this way moisture can be retained.

It has been observed that tobacco easily tolerates planting even during the flowering period.

Did you know? The first European tobacco plantations appeared in Spain at the end of the 16th century.

Care and features of growing fragrant tobacco

We figured out when and how to plant fragrant tobacco. Next in line is care and feeding.

Watering frequency

Outdoors normal the interval between watering is one week. For southern regions with an arid climate, the frequency will be more “dense” - the earth should not dry out.

An already flowering plant does not require frequent watering. In this regard, tobacco is ideal for, because the flower endures the lack of watering, although it should not be abused.

Weed control and soil loosening

No different from the same work with other cultures. Weeds are best removed immediately after watering to pull them out by the roots. With drier soil do weeding. If there was one on the site, you will have to dig up and remove its roots before planting. Of course, this is long, but effective.

Chemistry, harmful to surrounding plants and used in extreme cases.

Loosening is not bad to do after each watering or rain: the soil must breathe, as well as rhizomes.

Did you know? Sandera hybrids do not close the flower at the end of daylight hours.


Top dressing is done 3-4 times per season. The pros know that you can't get carried away with just one. They grow green mass and leaves, but not flowers.
Otherwise, the same fertilizers are used as for other garden flowers. Suitable - potassium magnesia and potassium sulfate. in the form of granules - also nothing. Chlorine compounds are contraindicated.

In our country, cigar or cigarette tobacco can be grown in open soil only in the southern regions. As for the northern and central regions, they will need greenhouse structures for this. But shag has become widespread throughout Russia (with the exception of the Far North, of course).

Once growing tobacco at home for the purpose of its further sale was considered a common activity for many families, and self-garden, as it was called, was a familiar product in the markets. This was largely due to the high cost of tobacco products, but later, when cigarettes became noticeably cheaper, this type of business began to decline. Be that as it may, even today shag has a lot of admirers, so the question of how to grow it on your site is still relevant.

Let's say you are a smoker and live somewhere in the southern part of the country. You have several acres of land on which you would like to grow tobacco. In this case, you should start with simple calculations: one cigarette contains about 1 g of tobacco (the lower the quality, the less), which means that there are about 20 g of tobacco in a pack. On average, a smoker needs one pack of cigarettes per day or from 6 to 8 kg of tobacco annually. If the conditions are favorable, then one plant can produce up to 30 g of tobacco, while 6-7 specimens can be planted per 1 m². If the variety is large-leaved, then the planting density should be 30x70 cm, and if we are talking about shag or plants with medium leaves, then 20x70 cm. From this it follows that in total it is necessary to plant from 270 to 300 plants, which will require about 40 m² . Moreover, the tobacco itself in this case will be extremely strong, so it will have to be diluted with stems. If this suits you, if you consider everything to be quite appropriate, or if you plan to sell products, then proceed according to the step-by-step instructions given in this article.

Note! All parts of plants contain nicotine - a powerful cardio- and neurotoxin, which leads to short-term euphoria (the most of this substance in the leaves - from 0.75% to 2.8%).

Step by step instructions for growing tobacco

The article will discuss how to breed ordinary tobacco. If you choose Nicotiana rustica (that's the scientific name for shag), you won't need much of the advice given, as this variety is less heat-loving and easier to care for. In the regions of the middle lane, it is sown in May in open soil (under a film or any other covering material) so that it has time to develop and give a good harvest.

Traditionally, work should begin with the selection of planting material. There are a lot of tobacco varieties, but you should choose only local ones.

Table. Tobacco varieties zoned in the CIS

NameImagea brief description of
The time interval between landing and the last break is on average from 103 to 134 days. Technically suitable leaves - 27 on each plant. Nicotine concentration reaches 2.6%
The variety belongs to late-ripening, characterized by intensive development of foliage. The nicotine content is quite low, and the time that elapses between planting and the last withdrawal is approximately 120 days
It is characterized by increased resistance to a number of irritating factors, including viral diseases. The growing season is short. Leaf breaking is done already 98 days after planting
Another intensively ripening type of tobacco, belonging to early ripening crops (the time between planting and breaking is somewhere from 105 to 110 days). The percentage of technically suitable leaves is quite high - up to 50 pcs. from one plant

Note! There's also the Kentucky Burley, which has the advantage of being low in sugar so the leaves don't ferment. Immediately after drying, the leaves are steamed and crushed for consumption.

Stage one. Sprouting seeds

The technologies for breeding tobacco and shag are in many ways similar, and the main difference lies in the same ripening period. So, shag ripens in 75-80 days, and tobacco, therefore, in 105-120 days. You also need to remember that the seeds in this case are not grown in the garden, that is, in open soil - this should be done in a greenhouse or, alternatively, at home, using pots or seedling boxes.

Step 1. First, prepare the previously purchased seeds - 2-3 days before sowing, soak them in a solution of tartaric acid (proportions - 3 ml per 1 g of grains) for 24 hours. The air temperature all this time should fluctuate between 25-30 ° C. This simple procedure will ensure earlier maturation of seedlings (approximately 7 days) and an increase in germination by 20%.

Step 2 After 24 hours, remove the seeds from the solution, dry a little and spread in a ceramic / enamel dish with a 3-centimeter layer.

Step 3 Keep the material in this form for several days, moisturizing and mixing at least 5-6 times daily. As for the air temperature, it should already be 27-28 ° C.

Stage two. We prepare the greenhouse

Due to the fact that it is more expedient to grow tobacco seedlings in a greenhouse, we will focus on this option. So, take care of the nutrient layer, consisting of humus and sand in a ratio of 3:4. Fill the greenhouse with the resulting mixture with a layer 10 cm thick.

Seeds should be sown in the last days of February or early March, so additionally make sure that the greenhouse structure is heated. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure will be insignificant, so this will not cause any special difficulties.

Stage three. Sowing seeds and growing seedlings

Step 1. Immediately before sowing, moisten the nutrient layer (water consumption during irrigation should be 1 l / m²). Over time, by the way, the watering rate will have to be increased to about 4 l / m².

Step 2 Sow tobacco grains superficially, evenly scattering them over moist soil. Consumption should be 4 g / m² (if you sow shag, then 20 g / m²).

Step 3 After sowing, gently press the seeds into the soil about 0.3 cm (for shag, this figure is 0.7 cm), then pour water. Water with extreme caution, otherwise the grains may sink too deep.

Step 4 Lower the air temperature in the greenhouse to 20°C.

Further care for seedlings is to comply with several important requirements.

  1. Regularly feed the plants with a solution prepared from potassium salt, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate (20 g, 50 g and 30 g, respectively, for every 10 liters of liquid).
  2. The consumption of the finished solution should be approximately 2 l / m² of soil.
  3. You can also use organic fertilizer - chicken manure, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 7.
  4. 7 days before the expected transplant date, reduce the frequency and abundance of watering. Moreover, for the last three days, tobacco seedlings do not need to be watered at all.
  5. Hardened and high-quality plants should be with an elastic stem that does not break during bending.
  6. A few hours before transplanting, water the plants with plenty of water - this will make it easier to remove them from the ground.

After 40-45 days, when the height of the stems reaches 15 cm, the thickness is 0.5 cm, and there are already several true leaves on each plant, transplant the seedlings into open soil.

Stage four. We transplant seedlings

During transplantation, the temperature of the soil at a depth of 10 cm should rise somewhere up to 10 ° C (the specific indicator depends on the climatic zone).

Step 1. Make shallow holes first. The distance between them should be from 25 cm to 30 cm, and the row spacing should be at least 70 cm.

Step 2 Pour 0.5-1 l of water into each well.

Step 3 Remove plants one at a time and transplant into holes. In fact, the technology is almost the same as when planting tomatoes. However, remember that any transplant is a shock to seedlings, so try to keep the soil in which the plants grew on the root system.

Step 4 Before planting, dip each plant in a special mixture of clay and cow dung.

Step 5 Fill the holes with soil, compact it gently.

Stage five. Further care

In the future, regularly weed and loosen the aisles, and also feed. During the entire growing season, tobacco should be watered no more than 2-3 times (water consumption should be 8 liters per bush). Also periodically pinch (remove lateral shoots) and topping (breaking off inflorescences).

Possible diseases

There are two most common tobacco problems. Let's see how to deal with them.

  1. Aphid. To fight it, use "Rogor-S".
  2. Peronosporosis. It can be defeated with a 4% suspension of cineb, applied in a ratio of 5 l / 10 acres, or with a 0.3% solution of polycarbacin.

Harvest Features

Step 1. As soon as the leaves turn yellow, you can remove them, without fail, starting from the lower tiers. It is important that each leaf is intact and dry.

Step 2 Transfer all these leaves to the shade for 12 hours, carefully laying them in a 30 cm layer. During this time, they are quite attached.

Step 3 Next, put the leaves on the cords and hang to dry. If you will dry outdoors, then choose a suitable place for this, protected from rain and wind. If the weather is sunny, the leaves will dry faster, and the process will take no more than 2 weeks in total.

Step 4 Take 5-6 cords with foliage, folded four times, and hang them on a special hook. A similar design is also known as a harbor.

Step 5 Move one or more of the harbors indoors to dry later by hanging them on the crossbars.

Step 6 With the onset of autumn, remove the leaves, gently smooth them out and put them in piles. Everything, tobacco is already ready for use!

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in growing tobacco, the main thing is desire, as well as compliance with all the tips given in the article.

Video - How to remove and how to dry tobacco

Video - Film about growing tobacco from A to Z

Video - Features of growing tobacco

According to one version, the mention of fragrant tobacco dates back to the Paleozoic. And from the end of the XIV century, he also became the "culprit" of the beginning of the era of smoking on our continent. It was then that this flower of the nightshade family was brought by Christopher Columbus to Europe from America.

With the light hand of the diplomat and scientist Jean Nicot, snuff began to be used in the French palace just a few years later. Perpetuating the memory of the founder of European tobacco smoking, botanists called the plant Nico grass (in Latin - "nicotiana").

Today, these annual bright, fragrant flowers with a healing effect are favorites of colorful clubs in gardens, parks, summer cottages, balconies. When starting to grow fragrant tobacco, you need to be prepared for the fact that, like mattiola, you can only admire them in the evening. After all, during the day they are closed and open only in cloudy weather or at dusk. Therefore, the external charm of flowers, their unique aroma, for the most part, is felt only in the dark.

The plant has thin erect branched stems of different heights with large rounded and oblong leaves.

Small fragrant star-shaped flowers 6-8 cm in diameter on long tubules, collected in paniculate inflorescences. Their color is striking in its diversity. Here you can see not only white, cream, yellow, crimson, pink inflorescences, but also greenish, purple. A very wide palette of red shades, especially among hybrid varieties.

Of particular note is the relationship between the color and smell of tobacco flowers. Some of them, having bright colors, practically do not smell. These include mainly hybrids that do not close even during the day. The most intense aroma exude white or slightly colored flowers. There is a pattern that bright colors seem to absorb odors.

Along with the world-famous varieties of real tobacco and shag, their fragrant counterparts include more than 60 varieties. Breeders slightly "tweaked" mother nature and brought out many varieties of fragrant tobacco. Their distinguishing features are the height and color of the flowers.

Based on the height of the plant, according to which you can choose placements on the plots, there are such types as:

  1. dwarf(up to 30 cm) are relevant for growing near borders, as well as on balconies, window sills of dwellings
  2. medium height ( from 30 to 70 cm). These varieties are commonly planted in flowerbeds, containers and balcony boxes. They are placed in the background of the flower garden, near the pavilions of terraces and paths.
  3. tall(from 80 cm and above) look great near fences and buildings, mixborders, planted in groups near shrubs, in the background of lawns.

Dwarf fragrant tobacco plants are represented by the smallest group. Here are the best known:

Among medium-sized The following types are very popular:

Leaders tall species among gardeners are:

Along with the above colors, many other hybrids with different colors are being bred. So "everyone chooses for himself ...".

When to plant tobacco seedlings

Seeds of heat-loving fragrant tobacco, as a rule, are not planted in open ground. For its cultivation, pre-grown seedlings are used. The optimal time to start preparing seedlings is from late January to early March, and even later in cold regions. After all, by the time they move into the soil in 15-2 months, the seedlings should grow, get stronger and fall into the already warmed ground.

Growing seedlings at home is not difficult. In general, the requirements for sowing these plants for seedlings, caring for them are the same as for petunias.

The first step is the correct selection of containers for pre-prepared soil, seeds. Flat forms, low containers with sides not lower than 7 cm, transparent coatings are suitable here. They are filled with pre-prepared soil, watered with settled water.

Land preparation for seedlings is its drainage, creating looseness, moderate fertilizer. When growing seedlings, you can use ready-made soil from specialized stores. But it is quite possible to prepare its analogue at home by mixing soddy land, peat, rotted humus and sand in a proportion of 3x3x3x1.

Preparation of very small seeds fragrant tobacco (1 g \u003d about 8,000 pieces) involves only mixing them with dry sand or loose earth. This allows you to distribute planting material more evenly on the substrate. To improve germination, it is allowed to pre-moisten the seeds in gauze until they swell slightly.

During planting, the seeds are not buried, but only slightly pressed into the ground and sprayed with water from above. After that, the containers are covered with film or glass and placed in a warm, bright place (up to +25 ° C).

Care for future sprouts consists in moistening the soil every 2-3 days with ventilation, freeing the coating from condensate. After the first shoots appear after a couple of weeks, the film / glass must be removed. When the 2nd true leaf appears, the seedlings are dived (seated) into separate containers by transshipment with clods of earth. For its hardening, a room in cooler fresh air (up to +18 ° C) is required.

During this period, watering is carried out as needed, without allowing the soil to dry out / overmoisten. Before transplanting, pinching of the tops is done, moderate top dressing with complex mineral fertilizers.

It is held at the end of May after the threat of a return of frost has passed. This is preceded by the choice of a sunny place of “residence” of fragrant tobacco with fertile soil, without drafts. When determining them, the growth characteristics of future flowers are taken into account.

The heated area needs to be dug up, fertilized with organic matter (5 kg of rotted manure per 1 m²), and moistened. Then, superphosphate mixed with the ground is added to the dug holes at a distance of up to 30 cm from each other. Seedlings are placed here along with the "native" substrate, lightly compacted and watered.

An important condition for summer development, abundant flowering of tobacco is constant soil moisture. With proper agricultural technology, flowering lasts from June to September inclusive, and sometimes during the first autumn frosts. To prolong the life of fragrant flowers, timely removal of dried inflorescences is recommended.

Along with regular watering, complex top dressing is required. Fertilizers are applied on the eve of budding and during flowering. However, nitrogen-containing elements should be treated without fanaticism. Otherwise, the plants develop greenery to the detriment of the inflorescences.

Fragrant tobacco is a fungicide plant. Therefore, it is quite resistant to all sorts of sores, attacks of harmful insects. Its smell scares away uninvited "guests" not only from itself, but also from its neighbors.

Such a true decoration of any garden is a natural health shield for fruit trees, vegetables, and other plants. This is very important for organic farming, as well as for kids and pets present on the site.

In order to avoid self-seeding, subject to freezing, after flowering, stock up on seeds for future sowing. For this purpose, already yellowed and drying fruits in the form of beans are plucked from the bushes. This is done in several steps, since the mature testicles quickly crack, and their smallest contents crumble.

After removing the planting material from the bushes, it is peeled, dried and placed in linen or paper bags. After wintering in a dry place, fragrant tobacco seeds are ready for their revival.

How to sow fragrant tobacco Your fragrant garden: video

Growing is not difficult, knowing some secrets. It will be more difficult with its post-harvest processing.

This article will discuss how to grow and at home.

Varieties of tobacco for home cultivation

Consider the most famous varieties of tobacco for smoking, the cultivation of which is easy to do at home:


Consider how to grow tobacco at home. First you need to germinate, grow and prepare.

Soil preparation

Loose and fertile land is considered the best option for tobacco growth. Seedlings are good to grow in. before sowing, seeds are prepared by clearing from. And also fill up a nutrient layer 10 cm thick of sand (4 parts) and (3 parts).

seed germination

Seeds are best used when germinated. Therefore, about 4 days before sowing, they must be soaked in cloth in warm water. It is recommended to add tartaric acid or and leave for a day. This results in faster seed germination and higher yields.
After that, the seeds are washed, removing excess water, and put in a warm place to germinate. Use enamelware, which is not recommended to be covered. The cloth must be moistened periodically. Approximately on the 4th day, the seeds begin to peck. Make sure that the sprout is not longer than the seed - they can break. After most of the seeds have hatched, they are dried to a loose state, mixed with very fine sand or humus.

Important!If it is not possible to sow sprouted seeds immediately, then they can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days at a temperature of + 1-2 ° C.

Sowing seeds

This procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Before sowing, it is necessary to moisten the top layer using 1 liter of water per square meter.
  2. Seeds must be sown superficially. It is important to scatter them evenly - 4 g per 1 square meter.
  3. Next, you need to carefully press the seeds into the nutrient layer by about 3 mm.
  4. Then watering should be done. This must be done carefully so that the seeds do not go too deep into the soil.
  5. The temperature in must not exceed 20 °C.

Growing seedlings

During the maturation of tobacco, it is necessary to make three top dressings, using with a high content,. The plants are fertilized for the first time at the beginning of the ripening period, the next top dressing is carried out after 15 days, and the third - 7 days after the second.


Tobacco trimming includes trimming and pinching.

Vershkovenie is the removal of inflorescences. Thanks to this, nutrients will not be spent on flowering, but will go to the development of leaves.

After the flowers are removed, additional lateral processes begin to actively grow. They also need to be removed (stepping).

Diseases and pests

This plant can be sick or affected by insects:

  • - the data eat the leaves, which is very dangerous for tobacco. To prevent the appearance of thrips, it is necessary to treat the soil with Hexachloran dust 30 days before planting tobacco. Also, 3 times per season, the bushes should be treated with "Rogor" or "Metation";
  • - sticky discharge appears on the bushes. It is necessary to fight with this "Rogor" or;
  • - mostly seedlings are sick, but adult bushes can also be affected. The leaves wither and dry, and the roots die off if the disease is running. It is necessary to water the land with "Benlat" at the first symptoms of the disease. And for prevention, they treat the soil with this preparation immediately after planting tobacco;
  • - the main stem becomes thin and dies. The disease manifests itself at high humidity and with an excess of nitrogen in the earth. For the purpose of prevention, seedlings are sprayed with an 80% solution of "Cineba";
  • - a white coating appears on the leaves, the leaves turn brown and their aroma is lost. Helps with this disease