Flower money tree care at home. Crassula or money tree: home care, features of growing and breeding flowering

The money tree is a plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family, named after the shape of the leaves. Other common names are Crassula and Crassula.

In nature, there are about 350 species of this succulent. In indoor floriculture, the ovoid fat woman is common. Its oval leaves are dark green, fleshy. The trunk is lignified, thickened at the base. The plant is spreading and branched, it can reach a height of two or more meters. Learn how to grow a money tree at home from scratch.

Methods of reproduction of the beautiful Crassula

Growing a homemade money tree on your own is very simple, even for a beginner grower. This can be done in several ways.

With the help of a branch. The rooting of the cuttings of the fat woman occurs quite quickly.

Rooting in water:

  1. A cutting 7-10 cm long is placed in a container with water, removing leaves from the bottom by about 3 cm.
  2. Rooting stimulants, for example, root can be added to the water, but this is not at all necessary, since without any additives the stalk will take root in about a week.
  3. The resulting shoot is planted in the ground.

Plant the shoot directly into the ground:

  1. The base is buried 2-3 cm into the ground for cacti or succulents, sprayed with water and, if necessary, a support is installed.
  2. small sizes, a layer of drainage is poured on the bottom.
  3. Roots appear quickly, within 1-2 weeks.

With the help of a sheet. A money tree is grown from a leaf in the same way as from a cutting. First, I root the leaf in water, then plant it in the ground, or immediately plant the leaf in the ground and wait for the young shoots. The principle is the same as when growing.

Conditions and rules for growing fat men

In order for the money tree, according to beliefs, to bring profit and improve financial well-being, it must be properly looked after. After all, as the legends say, only a healthy, powerful and properly formed plant has magical properties.

Perfect soil and the right pot

Crassula is best suited for soil for cacti and succulents. If a universal mixture is used, then a part of river sand is added to it in a ratio of 3: 1. If the soil has an acidic reaction, then dolomite flour is added to it - crassula does not grow well in an acidic environment.

The pot should be low and wide. Select the size of the pot based on the size of the plant. The diameter of the pot should be approximately equal to the diameter of the crown. The money tree grows equally well in earthenware and ceramic dishes, as well as in plastic pots. A few centimeters of drainage must be poured at the bottom of the tank.

Location and regular maintenance

The fat woman prefers a bright and warm place. Ideal for growing east side, however, western and southern are allowed. When grown on a southern windowsill, the tree must be shaded from scorching sunlight.

Every 2-3 weeks, the pot should be rotated 1/4 of the axis towards the light source. It is necessary to protect the plant from drafts. They can cause leaves to fall. By the way, the toast is recommended as it is believed that its presence improves the relationship of the spouses.

Water the money tree should be regular and plentiful. The earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out by more than 2-3 cm. The water should be at room temperature. In winter, watering is slightly reduced.

Feed the fat woman with universal fertilizer or fertilizer for cacti and succulents. The frequency of top dressing in the spring-summer vegetative period is 1 time in 2-3 weeks. The rest of the time, fertilizers are not used.

Crown formation and wintering

To grow fat money tree, it is necessary to plant it in a pot of small sizes. When the whole earthen ball is braided with roots, the fat woman will begin to increase the mass of the trunk, and then the crown.

To stimulate education lush crown, pinching begins when a young plant has a bud over four pairs of leaves. It is pinched so that after a while two shoots form in its place, which, in turn, pinch in a similar pattern.

The fatty woman does not have a pronounced period of rest. However, from October to February-March, it is desirable to keep the plant in a cooler place, the approximate temperature regime is 15-20 degrees. Watering is carried out when the earthen coma dries out by half.

Dangerous diseases and pests

The most common cause of fatty liver disease is spider mite. In this case, the trunk, branches and leaves are covered with white cobwebs. Soap solution will help get rid of. A soft sponge is moistened with soap dissolved in water and wiped over all parts of the plant. In case of severe damage, it is worth using the drug "Fufanon".

If brown or rusty spots appear on the leaves of the money tree, then we can conclude that the infection scab. The affected areas are wiped with a brush dipped in alcohol, then, as in the case of the spider mite, the leaves, branches and trunk are wiped with a sponge dipped in soapy water. Of the drugs, it is recommended to use Fufanon or Fitoverm.

White flakes in the axils of the leaves indicate infection mealybug. In this case, the plant slows down growth, the shoots are deformed, and the leaves may fall off. If the lesions are small, then extraneous formations are brushed off. If a significant part of the plant is affected, then actellik must be used for treatment.

If the leaves have lost turgor, become lethargic and yellow, then there may be several reasons:

  1. One of the most common is insufficient watering. The pot is placed in a container with warm settled water for 15 minutes, then the excess moisture is allowed to drain.
  2. The second reason is decay. The leaves are wet. The plant is taken out of the pot, shake off the ground, inspect the roots and remove the damaged ones. The places of cuts are sprinkled with crushed coal. Plant a tree in fresh soil, reduce watering for a while.
  3. Long exposure to direct sunlight can cause yellowing and falling of the leaves. To prevent this, the plant pot is removed deep into the room and sufficient watering is provided.

In the warm season, the money tree can be kept outdoors - used for or in. It is important to ensure that the air temperature does not fall below 15 degrees and do not leave the plant in the rain.

Nastasya Vorob, an expert on how to grow a money tree from a shoot or a leaf, told about how to properly grow a money tree. Tips for the proper care of home plants are waiting for you at.

Crassula, or crassula (Crassula) - a popular indoor plant, belongs to the Crassula family. More than 300 species are found in nature. The most common are succulents, annual and perennial herbaceous plants and shrubs.

The fat woman is not whimsical in care and is very popular among flower growers. "Money tree" is found in so many homes. In offices, one might say, a necessary attribute, like a hole punch or a kettle.

People believe that the "money tree" is well aware of the financial situation of the owners and can attract wealth. In Feng Shui, this tree is given a lot of attention. Where should it be, what kind of ribbon should it be tied with, and so on. We will leave this question to the Feng Shui sites. Let's return to the plant and consider how to properly care for the flower. After all, if you take care of it incorrectly, then it will wither away, and what prosperity after that!

The fat woman belongs to the genus Crassulus. These are the most diverse plants that can be. Even aquarium plants belong to this genus. Consider the care of the most popular plant of this genus - the tree-like fat woman. The fat woman belongs to succulents. Even a novice florist who does not have any experience in growing indoor plants will have no trouble caring for a plant.

Location and lighting

Indoors, the fat woman should be placed on the southeast windows, as even Feng Shui recommends. Direct sunlight should be avoided, from this the leaves will turn red, wither and fall off. The leaves of the "money tree" can also fall off from a lack of fresh air.

In summer, Crassula can be taken out to the balcony, where she will be quite comfortable, besides, fresh air will only benefit. In winter, it is better to move the plant to the south side.

Watering a flower

On very hot days, water twice a week. At normal temperatures, once is enough. Carefully observe the earthy clod, do not let it dry out much, but do not flood it either. It is very important not to flood the fat woman, and at the same time, so that the earth does not dry out in any way. Perhaps this is the most important moment when caring for Crassula. In winter, the flower needs to be watered even less often - about once every two weeks.

Temperature for a fat woman

In spring and summer, the optimum temperature for keeping a fat woman will be 20-25 degrees. In summer, it is advisable to take out the crassula outside, the plant needs fresh air. The most suitable temperature in autumn and winter is 15 degrees or less, but not lower than 4 degrees. A fat woman can also overwinter at room temperature, but in this case, it is highly likely that her leaves will begin to fade and fall off.

Important! The fat woman should not be placed near batteries and heating appliances.

Plant nutrition

You can feed the flower in the summer, twice a month will be enough. Good fertilizer for cacti and succulents. The rest of the time, the fat woman needs to be fed only once a month, and the concentration of the fertilizer should be diluted twice. Top dressing should only be applied to moist soil, so feed Crassula after watering.

Crassula transplant

It is not recommended to transplant a fat woman often. It is necessary to transplant a flower only if it has grown strongly or it is necessary to divide the bush, at least once every 2-3 years. Transplanting a fat woman is best done in the spring. For this, the usual purchased land for cacti and succulents is suitable.

Note! Remember to take care of good drainage.

The fat woman is propagated by dividing the bush or cuttings, and seeds.

Reproduction by cuttings

When propagated by cuttings, they are planted in water to germinate the roots. For faster root formation, charcoal can be added to the water. If desired, the cuttings can be immediately rooted in the ground, but it is still better to germinate them first in the water. After the cuttings of Crassula give roots, they are planted in small pots with soil from leafy and soddy soil, with the addition of sand in equal proportions. Further, pots with small crassulas must be kept at a temperature of 16-18 degrees. Watering is carried out once a day. This is the most common and easiest way to breed a fat woman.

Reproduction by seeds

Propagation by seeds is less common among flower growers, although care for germinated seeds is exactly the same as for cuttings.

It turns out that the fat woman can bloom, but this phenomenon is quite rare. Even experienced florists can't always get the Money Tree to bloom. If you have never seen how beautiful white flowers bloom on your plant, then most likely the problem lies in the lack of illumination of the fat woman. Especially often Crassula begins to bloom during its active growth.

In order for the fat woman to have a beautiful and decorative appearance, it is necessary to form her crown. To do this, you need to prune heavily overgrown tree branches. The cut must be carried out so that four leaves remain on the branch.

Diseases and pests

  • In the event of damage to the Crassula by a spider mite, a barely noticeable web is formed on its leaves and stem. In such a situation, a soap solution or medicinal preparations Fufanon, Fitoverm will help.
  • When the scale insect is damaged, yellow and brown spots appear on the leaves. It is necessary to treat a fat woman in the same way as with the defeat of a spider mite.
  • If the plant is affected by mealybugs, then it is necessary to carry out medical procedures with a solution of laundry soap, and if it does not help, then insecticides should be used. You can also try to get rid of the worm with a piece of cotton dipped in alcohol.

  • The greatest danger to the fat woman is an excess of moisture. If the soil is too moist, then the roots and even the base of the trunk may rot.
  • If the fat woman does not have enough moisture, then the leaves in this case may become lethargic.
  • If you water the fat woman with cold water, then the leaves may completely crumble.
  • Crassula does not tolerate drafts, because of them the leaves can dry out and fall off.
  • It is impossible for direct sunlight to fall on the bottom (base) of the fat woman.

The healing properties of the fat woman

Fat woman according to Chinese Feng Shui brings good luck and success in financial matters. In addition, Crassula is a symbol of wealth, not without reason is it called the Money Tree. But in addition to Feng Shui, the fat woman has healing properties: it purifies the air, relieves stress and tension, improves the microflora, which reduces pathogenic formations in the room. All this in general has a positive effect on human health.

Growing a fat woman at home (video)

The tree, which is more commonly called money, in the scientific community has its own name: fat woman, or crassula. In nature, there are more than 300 species of them, completely different in shape and appearance: among them there are plants and ampelous forms, and ground cover and in the form of a tree, and bushy. The most common and more popular flower is in the form of a tree, and is popularly called the money tree.

The next question after your house has appeared money tree - how to care behind it, so that the plant not only grows, but also grows beautifully, has a fresh look, filled with bright leaves.

Money tree - how to care properly

In fact, caring for a money tree includes only a few steps, and by following the rules and recommendations for each of them, you can achieve excellent results - the tree will grow beautifully and increase your family's material wealth.

1. Lighting for a fat woman

If the plant does not have enough light, it can get sick and die. Therefore, one of the most important indicators for the good growth of a flower is the place on which it stands. For very important light, but without direct sunlight. Therefore, the most optimal place for this flower in the house is a window on the southeast side. The sun will delight your tree in the morning, but will not bake it all day. In the spring and summer, it is necessary to take the flower out into the air more often, and in autumn and winter it is better to place the money tree on the south side.

2. How to water the money tree

Since it comes from South African countries, she does not like excess moisture. In spring and summer, it is best to water the flower 1-2 times a week. Do not let it dry out, but also make sure that no water remains in the pan - the soil should only be slightly moistened. In winter and autumn, it is desirable to reduce watering by half. The soil must be dry before watering. This is a very important point, since an increased amount of water can lead to fungal diseases, the signs of which are the darkening of the leaves, falling off and acquiring a yellowish color.

3. Feeding the money tree

Feed the plant after watering - while the soil is moist, nutrients are better absorbed. It is recommended to feed in the spring-summer period from April to August. It is best to fertilize once a month with a supplement for cacti, succulents, or an all-purpose fertilizer. In the autumn-winter period, reduce the dose of fertilizer by half.

4. Temperature and humidity

It is not recommended to place a flower near heating appliances. The optimum temperature for crassula is +18-+25°C. In the autumn-winter period, it is desirable to lower the temperature to +15°C. In fact, the money tree normally tolerates room temperature, but leaves can fall and shoots are pulled out, which does not have a very positive effect on the appearance of the fat woman and, importantly, on your cash flows.

Does not need constant spraying of leaves. In spring and summer, the leaves can be wiped from dust with a damp cloth or lightly sprayed with water.

5. Soil for a fat woman

The flower is not picky about the soil. The soil is best suited for cacti or succulents. You can also make the soil yourself at home by combining soddy soil, leafy soil, sand and humus in a 4: 1: 1: 1 ratio. Drainage is best obtained from pieces of coal or brick chips, put it on the bottom of a shallow pot.

6. Money tree - reproduction

The first way to propagate a fat woman can be done with the help of seeds that should be sown in bowls - clay saucers not covered with glaze. Glaze does not allow air and moisture to pass through. It is best to take saucer-shaped dishes with a diameter of 15-20 cm and a height of 5-8 cm. Make holes at the bottom of the saucer. The soil consists of leaf earth and sand in a ratio of 2:1. After sowing the seeds, the bowls are covered with glass or film. Seed care is very simple - you need to ventilate every day for 15-30 minutes and spray the soil with water. Seeds germinate in about 2 weeks.

The second way, and faster and easier, is to propagate the money tree using cuttings, which can be planted directly in the ground or put in a glass of water until the roots appear. A small cutting needs to be well rooted, planted in the ground to a depth of 5-7 cm. The timing of planting the cuttings affects flowering. If you plant a cutting in March or April, then the tree will be able to bloom profusely in the future. And if in July, then it may not bloom at all.

7. Money tree - transplant

The fat woman grows very slowly. It increases equally in length and breadth. An adult flower should be transplanted in the spring once a year. Transplantation should be done in prepared soil with good drainage.

8. Money tree - diseases and pests

The most dangerous and terrible thing for a money tree is excess moisture! If there is a lot of moisture, then the root system and even the trunk of the tree begin to rot, and the leaves dry and fall off. Make sure that your plant is in a well-lit and ventilated place without drafts.

The most common pest is the mealybug. It can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, or treated with insecticides for succulents.

If you know how to plant money tree how to care behind him, supporting his growth and development, how to surround him with affection and care, then the main purpose of this flower - to increase your capital and take care of the well-being of the family, will be fulfilled.

There is a belief that the money tree attracts money to the house, and if the hostess has this flower in the house and grows well, then there is prosperity in the house. The scientific name of this flower is Crassula or Crassula. Caring for a plant is not difficult, the main thing is to follow some recommendations for caring for it.

The money tree can become the main part of the interior. It can also help in creating decorative alpine slides and the beautiful design of artificial reservoirs.

Description and types of money tree

Crassula plant was named for its thick fleshy leaves, capable of accumulating and retaining moisture in their leaf plates during the rainy period. Depending on the type of fat woman, it has leaves of various shapes:

  • round;
  • heart;
  • oval;
  • elongated, branch-like.

The size of the leaves is from 0.5 cm to 7 cm. The color of the leaf plates is from light green to dark green, sometimes the leaves, when exposed to sunlight, acquire a red border. The arrangement of leaves on the trunk opposite each other, and two pairs on one trunk form a cross of leaves.

Flowering at home is rare, as this plant needs certain conditions. The flower comes from southern Africa, but recently it has spread throughout the world, thanks to flower centers. Since the demand for them is not weakening.

Types of fat woman

This genus has a lot of species more than 350, but no one knows the exact number yet. Among them there are succulents and herbaceous species, there are even species that live under water. And all of them are divided according to their structure into three groups:

  1. treelike;
  2. columnar;
  3. creeping.

But not all species are grown at home. The money tree belongs to the tree-like appearance of the fat women. Since with its trunk and leaves it resembles a tree in miniature. The light, stiff trunk is sprinkled with green leaves, in which the lower side acquires a reddish tint in summer. Almost every housewife has this common species in the CIS.

How to care for a money tree

Caring for this plant is not difficult even for a novice flower lover. But in order for the flower to grow compactly and resemble a small tree, you still need to follow it, know what land to plant it in and its other preferences.


Watering should be moderate at any time of the year. Since leaf plates tend to accumulate moisture, and therefore its excess can lead to plant rotting. Therefore, it is better to underfill than to overfill. There must be drainage at the bottom of the pot so that excess moisture does not accumulate at the bottom of the pot. Otherwise, root rot disease may occur.

You can actually adjust the watering by observing the condition of the leaves. If they become light and pale and wither slightly, then the flower receives too much moisture. In this case, watering is stopped until the soil is almost completely dry, and subsequently watering is reduced. In summer, one watering every ten days is enough.

Watering the money tree should be done only with settled warm water, so as not to cause the leaves to fall.


Since the plant comes from a hot country in Africa, it will not have anything against a great sunny place on the windowsill. Therefore, the southern windowsill for the whole year, except for the summer months, is an excellent habitat for this plant. But strangely enough, in the summer it will require some shading there and it can be placed deep into the room or even transferred to another window sill. Also, the flower will grow well on a non-glazed balcony, but not on the south side.

With sufficient lighting, the money tree will look compact, the leaves will be located close to each other. And if there is not enough light, the trunk of the tree will stretch and bend.

In order for the trunk of the fat woman to be even, it should not be leveled with the help of various devices. It just needs to be rotated evenly with respect to the sun. In this case, the foliage will grow evenly and the plant will not skew.

Soil for Crassula

And here Crassula is not capricious and often grows in any soil. But it is best to provide it with soil that is more suitable for its proper cultivation. For this, ready-made soil for cacti and succulents is suitable, to which a little nutritious soil is added, for example, for ficuses. The soil ratio for cacti and ficuses is 3/1, respectively.


Since the earth in a pot does not have endless nutritional value, then some time after transplanting, the flower must be fed. For this purpose, specialized fertilizers for cacti and succulents, which are sold in flower shops, are perfect. The dosage is done as written on the label or in the instructions attached to the fertilizer.

The flower is fed once or twice a month during strong vegetative growth. You can water every week with fertilizer for cactus plants, but then you need to water the plant, diluting the fertilizer in water in half the dose.

Watering with fertilizer is carried out on slightly damp ground, so as not to cause a burn of the root system of the fat woman. In winter, fertilizer is usually not used, but if the leaves have darkened and begun to dry out, then you can carry out a one-time flower fertilizer in a half dose of fertilizer.


The plant, even with significant longevity, does not need pruning. It is carried out in isolated cases, when the branch is too out of the general growth of the vegetative mass of the plant. And if you let it grow alone, protruding too far beyond the crown, then, firstly, it is not beautiful, and secondly, the center of balance of the crown may shift and the flower will lose balance.

There are also branches of Crassula that simply do not want to branch. They grow to a considerable height up to 20 cm, without giving a single branch. In this case, pinch the two upper internodes. At the same time, the leaf plates are not removed from the trunk, they themselves will eventually begin to fall off themselves when the trunk becomes stiff, growing in width.

Also, if the crown does not want to branch strongly, creating a fluffy crown, then you should pinch the branches, which will cause new shoots to appear, which will lead to the formation of a denser crown.

Pinching is carried out either with secateurs, which is best, as it leaves more even cut edges, and at the same time they heal quickly. And also cut with scissors and pinch with nails.


After acquiring a flower in a store or from hands in the market, it is worth transplanting it into a new land. Young crassulas are transplanted annually to a new land, and old ones as far as possible. In this case, the capacity is selected end-to-end along the root system of the plant. It can be advised instead of expanded clay, for older money trees, to use gravel. This will create an excellent counterbalance to the growing vegetative mass of the crown, and the flower will be more stable.

Old trees are transplanted mainly by transshipment, so as not to damage its root system. To do this, take a container only 1 cm larger in diameter from the previous one. Gravel is poured at the bottom, a flower is placed and new earth is poured around.

If the pot suits the size, and the condition of the flower does not need to be transplanted, then in the spring only the top 2 cm of the soil can be replaced.


Crassula reproduces quite easily with the help of layering. For this, a stalk no more than 10 cm is cut off and placed in water. After 10 days, he already has a small root system, after which he is planted in the ground. It is necessary to ensure that the soil of a young tree does not dry out, but is slightly moist.

The stalk can not only be rooted in water, but can be immediately stuck next to the mother bush into the ground. When it begins to grow, it is carefully pry off with a tablespoon and, with a clod of earth, is transferred to a separate small glass for seedlings.

It can also be propagated by leaf. To do this, the leaf is placed on the soil and lightly pressed down with that end into the ground, with which it was attached to the tree trunk. After some time, the leaf acquires its own root system. But this happens only if the leaf was absolutely healthy, and did not fall due to wilting.

The money tree does not propagate by seeds, since flowering, and, consequently, obtaining seeds, is a rather rare phenomenon. It is easier to use cuttings. But, if there is a desire, then they are sown in a bowl on slightly damp ground and covered with glass to obtain friendly shoots.

Daily airing of such a small greenhouse is required. It is carried out twice a day in the morning and in the evening. This is done in order not to get mold instead of small crassula sprouts. The temperature in the room where the seeds are grown must be within 25 degrees Celsius, otherwise the seeds will not hatch. When the sprouts break into the light, the glass is removed.

And when the seedlings acquire leaves in the amount of 4 pieces, they are seated either in one planting box at a distance of 10 cm from each other or in separate 200 gr. cups for their further development.

Air humidity

Humidity is not of particular importance for the fat woman, but the leaf plates must be washed and she will not refuse a warm shower in the summer. This is all done for hygienic purposes so that the foliage can breathe, saturating the bush with oxygen.

In summer, fat women feel great in the fresh air and therefore the best place for summer maintenance is an open terrace or simply a place in the garden, but covered from the midday heat. Since sometimes the summer temperature in our country exceeds 40 degrees Celsius and then the Crassula can burn out in the sun and lose leaves.

He likes spraying from a small spray gun, but this cannot be done in the sun, as the leaf plates will burn out and they will not recover after such a burn. Comfortable temperature for the existence of summer 25 degrees Celsius.

When the heat rises above 30 degrees, the crassula stops absorbing water and you need to be more careful with watering so as not to destroy the plant. Summer bathing in the shower is also welcome, but at the same time, the pot must be put in a bag and tied so that water does not fall on the ground. Because an excess of moisture, even in summer, can cause rotting of the root system, and then the death of the entire plant.

How to care for a fat woman in winter

The winter temperature of keeping fat women should ideally be close to 10-15 degrees Celsius. The dryness of the winter air in the apartment due to central heating does not pose a threat to life for Crassula. But at the same time, it is worth ventilating the rooms and wiping its leaves from dust.

In order for the plant to bloom with small delicate flowers, it needs to provide some care in the winter. To do this, the following rules must be met:

  1. The flower must be at least seven years old.
  2. The plant should stand on a windowsill with a southeast orientation.
  3. Avoid sunburn on leaves.
  4. In winter, the plant must, first of all, be kept in the correct temperature regime. That is, the temperature in the room should not exceed 10-15 degrees Celsius. Under this condition, flower buds will be laid at the crassula. Pruning is not worth it, as the buds are laid at the ends of the branches.

How to make a fat girl roll

Watch the video to find out why the money tree does not bloom.

The secret is very simple - when transplanting, try not to use large pots and planters, otherwise you will not see the beautiful, bewitching flowering of the money tree for a very long time.

Diseases and infections of the fat woman

Most often, the plant begins to hurt only when the rules for caring for the money tree are not followed. If the plant receives an excess of sunlight, then its leaves wrinkle.

fall leaves

Sometimes a money tree has an unhealthy abundant leaf fall. Causes:

  1. Too frequent watering.
  2. Cold water used for irrigation.
  3. Lack of moisture.
  4. Overfeeding the plant with various fertilizers.
  1. Adjust watering schedule.
  2. Excess moisture can be removed by carefully pulling the flower out of the pot and wrapping it in disposable towels, which will absorb excess moisture.
  3. Adjust feeding mode.

The money tree may be subject to root rot disease: the foliage turns black from below. It is necessary to remove the damaged roots, treat the plant and, of course, plant it in fresh soil and a new planter. The cache-pot can be simply processed. If left untreated, the plant may die.

It is also noticed that the fat woman depends on the psychological state of the owner. If a person gets sick, then something wrong can happen to the tree.

When purchasing a flower, you should always read the literature on how to care for it in order to achieve good growth. As people say: "Get a money tree in your house, and it will attract financial well-being to your home." Whether this is true is up to each individual. But this wonderful plant always attracts the admiring glances of people who love flowers.

To have money at home

Where and how to buy Crassula

Like many plants, the money tree can be purchased at flower shops. But usually they don't have much choice. Since this particular tree is the most popular plant for a gift, many are looking for an already adult tree. And the Avito website will help us with this, where a huge selection of trees of various ages and species from lovers of indoor plants is presented. Some flower growers specifically grow crassula for sale.

And I found my money tree in the Ikea store, it was love at first sight. It is quite small, costing only 250 rubles.

Learn how to plant a money tree to attract money so that the energy of this home plant works for your benefit. A fat woman, according to signs, attracts cash flows to the house, but for this they follow the rules.

In the article:

How to plant a money tree to attract money

Money tree, fat woman, or crassula It is considered a plant whose presence is mandatory in every home. Its thick fleshy leaves resemble large coins. Because of this similarity, the fat woman began to be considered a money plant. However, the right care alone is not enough to increase income. You should properly plant and speak it, and then follow the old ones.

Caring for a fat woman and correct treatment from an esoteric point of view will help to establish a connection with the money egregor. People who follow the rules of this energy-informational entity are connected to it. Money signs, and about indoor plants, are included in their list. When you want to connect to the egregore of wealth, try starting with the money tree.

When planning to plant a money tree to attract money, consider the phase of the moon. Growing is important. They don’t plant on the waning moon, like any other plant - it will take with a negative value. The day of the week for this is Wednesday.

The fat woman does not emit the energy of wealth, but conducts it through herself. Therefore, take a plant shoot from people whose income level makes you jealous. They will not lose their wealth, and the cash flows they open will go to your home. In order not to share success, break off the process yourself, do not trust other people's hands to touch the plant.

But when there are no such people or do not want to share the money tree, get a process. Do not buy an adult plant when you need a money tree to attract money. Grow from a cutting.

The magic of the money tree is enhanced when planted with the help of affirmations. Speak in the present tense, without the “not” particle - the Universe does not perceive it. Say: "I attract money, become rich, my income grows." And so that no one distracts during landing.

Conspiracy on a money tree when watering

A plot on a money tree is read while watering the plant.
This is done after landing. But at any other time they speak to bring profit. When watering a plant, say:

You grow, and I flourish in wealth. Amen.

Take water for irrigation, what you insisted on silver or gold. For about three days, it is saturated with the energy of precious metals and profit. Iron coins are also suitable, but they are weaker than gold and silver. Do not use decorations to charge water, they contain the energy of the owner, which can be negative.

Conspiracy when planting a money tree

When planting a wealth tree, place ordinary coins on gravel or expanded clay, which is laid at the bottom of a flower pot. the same denomination and coat of arms up and sentence on each coin a conspiracy:

Let the tree grow in the house
It will bring me a lot of money.
I'll hide a coin in a damp earth,
I will bring a big salary to the house.
Rich people will give bounties
I don't care about money anymore.
May it be so! Yes, done three times!
Key locked! Amen. Amen. Amen.

After planting the plant and proceed to watering, which is also accompanied by a conspiracy. It is repeated on coins every time you decide to place coins in a plant pot.

Money tree - signs and customs

To the question of how to plant a money tree so that there is money in the house, they will answer, customs, teachings Feng Shui and belief. The Chinese consider green, red and gold to be the color of wealth. To enhance cash flow, choose a pot in one of these shades. On an adult plant, tie a ribbon of one of these colors. Place the pot on a red tablecloth, under which put a coin.

Chinese coins of wealth will help to strengthen the energy of the plant. To do this, bury the "treasure" in a pot with a flower of three coins. Arrange the hieroglyphs up. Hang feng shui coins, knots of happiness and other wealth on a plant - it will bring profit. Take ordinary coins, which are in use where you live.

Place a statuette of a dragon near an adult and steadily attracting capital plant. He will protect wealth, protect from the evil eye and the intrigues of enemies. An owl will help fight squandering, but will not make you a miser. Chinese lanterns, candles and feng shui figurines are also suitable for this and will enhance the energy.

The fiery monetary energy is incompatible with water. Keep the wealth tree away from such sources. When there is a fat girl and an indoor fountain or a picture with a waterfall, place them far from each other. Water fights fire, and cash flows will be “extinguished” by the energy of water. Do not place the flower near cacti. Signs about them say that they protect the house from energies that are not characteristic of them - they will not miss the cash flow either. Thorns and curly flowers are not combined with a fat woman and prevent money from flowing.

It is not enough to know how to plant a money tree and attract money. The traditions of placing plants and other objects in the house are also important. The southeastern sector of the house or apartment is responsible for material wealth. The fat woman and the rest of the money symbols in this part of the dwelling are a suitable place. But when there is a toilet or corridor, put the plant where there is a lot of light - regardless of the cardinal points.

The magical properties of the money tree are manifested when the plant is cared for carefully. In a prosperous family, a fat woman helps to increase income. If you do not like plants, and caring for them is a concern - choose other methods of witchcraft. It is important to talk with the tree of wealth, give it time and attention, and then income will increase. Do not forget to wipe the dust from the leaves - it makes it difficult for the flow of monetary energy.

The fat woman rarely blooms, the cool climate does not suit her. But when it blooms, it portends a significant profit. One person should take care of the care - the tree has a memory and will establish contact with one owner. Do not worry that you will not be able to go on vacation - the plant is watered once every 2 weeks.

The fat woman really helps to establish financial affairs. She is kept both in houses and in offices. In order for the wealth tree to reveal its full potential, follow certain rules - from the teachings of Feng Shui and Eastern folklore. To enhance the effect, the plant is spoken during watering and planting.
