How to plant a vesicle in the fall. How and when to cut the vesicle

There are many ways to create an unusual decorative composition from spirea (as the vesicle is otherwise called): pruning with giving the crown a variety of shapes, a combination of varieties with different colors and leaf configurations. The shrub has a decorative look all season: first, compact bushes with foliage of various shades will decorate the site, then clusters of white or pink flowers, and in autumn, fruits of the original form form in their place. Landscape designers appreciated the plant - using only different types of vesicles, they create interesting and original compositions.

Sanitary pruning

The vesicle rarely gets sick and is damaged by insects, so sanitary pruning will not be very difficult. In early spring, remove all broken or dried branches, take a closer look - suddenly some bush caught an infection or was attacked by pests. After that, look for shoots growing inside the bush. Such branches should also be cut, they make the bush too thick - the wind will not pass through the foliage, and the air will stagnate. On this you can finish the job.

In autumn, after leaf fall, check for damaged fragments, remove weak, undeveloped shoots and all branches that make you suspicious. Only strong healthy shoots will endure the winter cold, all the rest will weaken the vesicle. At each haircut, and especially in the fall, burn all remote areas. If they are left until spring, the pests will definitely arrange a wintering place for themselves on dry wood.

It is not necessary to warm the spirea after autumn pruning. Cover only young and weakened specimens.

Sometimes sanitary pruning has to be carried out in the summer. When you see a damaged shoot, immediately remove it so as not to spoil the decorative appearance of the plant and not create conditions for the development of infection. If a thick branch has cracked and needs to be cut down, treat the wound with a garden pitch or a special putty, the damage will heal faster from these preparations. Small cuts can not be processed, they will heal themselves.

Spirea decorates the site with beautiful leaves of different shades. Sometimes a hybrid plant can release a branch covered with green foliage. Do not expect that with age, young leaves will change color and will not differ from the rest of the crown. Such fragments must be removed: they will not change the color, and they will spoil the look of the bush.

Decorative haircut spirea

Some ornamental trees and shrubs do not need to form a crown - but the vesicle needs to be cut, even if you do not like clear contours and prefer the natural beauty of plants. Unlike arborvitae and other conifers, which in any case will grow many shoots and form a dense crown, spirea itself will not give such beauty. She will release several branches, strongly stretching in length, and consider her mission completed. Neither a hedge nor a flower garden decoration from such a bush will work.

Before you start, keep in mind that you will have to cut branches of different thicknesses, so collect and sharpen all the necessary tools:

  • gardening scissors;
  • secateurs;
  • hacksaw.

To stimulate the growth of new shoots, old shoots should not be allowed to stretch too much. After flowering, shorten the branches of young bushes by 1/3. In the second year and all subsequent seasons, the shoots must be cut already by 2/3 of their length. The bush will take a compact, even shape, and the contour depends on your goals. The plant tolerates a haircut well and will immediately begin to produce new shoots. The crown will become thicker, but the branches grow so actively that sometimes you have to adjust the shape every month.

Sometimes the owners diligently cut off the old shoots, follow all the rules when forming the crown, and the bush remains loose, gives very few new shoots. This is not due to poor shearing, but to poor soil or improper care. The plant is unpretentious, but it also needs moisture and nutrients. Eliminate your mistakes, otherwise no pruning will give the vesicle a decorative look.

If you have to remove young strong shoots during sanitary or decorative pruning, you can use them to propagate the bush. Prepare cuttings with 2-3 internodes, cut off all the leaves so that there is no intensive evaporation of moisture, and plant them in the sand. When you see swollen young buds, plant the branches in a permanent place. Most of all, they will like to grow next to the mother's vesicle, from which the processes were taken.

Shrub rejuvenation

Old bushes lose their decorative effect. If you notice that the foliage has become not so thick and fresh, the bush blooms poorly, and the inflorescences have become smaller, then the vesicle needs rejuvenating pruning. Usually this procedure is carried out 5-6 years after planting. Stock up on garden pitch and a saw in advance, as thick trunks will have to be removed.

To stimulate the development of new shoots, you need to carry out anti-aging pruning. It is best to do this work in the spring before the buds begin to open, or in the fall when the leaves have fallen. Shoots that, from age, can no longer produce dense foliage and lush inflorescences, need to be cut down to the ground. All other trunks are cut to the branch of the first shoot.

Large-scale pruning weakens the bush - provide it with good care, timely watering and top dressing. If the procedure was carried out in the fall, insulate the vesicle with straw or covering material. In regions with frosty winters with little snow, it is better to protect the spirea, which was rejuvenated in the spring, from the cold.

The use of spirea in landscape design

Shrub shoots grow very quickly; after shearing, the plant will become thick and lush in one season. This quality is especially convenient for beginner gardeners. If in the first year you unsuccessfully formed the crown, by the fall all the errors will be covered with young branches, and in the spring you will give the vesicle the desired contour.

Decorative bushes are used for various elements of country design:

  • installation of green fences;
  • decorating fountains, gazebos, sculptures;
  • creating compositions from several plants or single bushes;
  • as a decorative element in flower beds and flower beds.

If spirea is used for hedges, you can’t wait for the end of flowering: the fence will lose its correct shape, young branches will stick out in all directions, like needles on a hedgehog. Shearing should be done in early spring, before the buds open. After about a month, you will again see protruding branches. Cut them off in a timely manner so that the fence does not become shapeless. The fence can be made even, alternating bushes with different colors of leaves, or you can make ledges, waves, turrets. If you add a vesicle or trees, the scope for imagination will become even wider.

From sprawling species, the branches of which first grow up and the ends go down, you can create a thick wide bush. Trim the lower branches to about 40 cm from the ground, trim the tips of the remaining shoots. Depending on the density of shoots, you can create a solid "umbrella" or leave 4-5 trunks and get an octopus-like figure. For a crown of this shape, Kalinolistnaya spirea is well suited. On an empty lawn, randomly arrange a few bushes, and the site will take on an original look. It is even more interesting if, among the drooping species, plants with shoots sticking up are planted.

Plant around the fountain a few bushes of the vesicle. Its sprawling, drooping branches at the ends will repeat the shape of the jets.

When the bush becomes thick enough, its crown can be given any shape. Tall rounded bushes can be made the center of a flower garden or planted near the porch. If you are going to give the vesicle the shape of a geometric figure with straight edges, be prepared for the fact that you will have to adjust the crown very often. The same problem will arise if you want to make green sculptures: young shoots will break out of the contour on one side or the other, and the pruner will become your permanent tool.

Landscape designers offer other options for using the vesicle, each of which requires its own crown shape.

  • Border. If, instead of a high green fence, a low fence is arranged, it will not block the view of the site, but it will emphasize the contour of the paths, highlight the border of other structures.
  • Alpine hill. Dwarf varieties are suitable for decorating this object. Hanging shoots will create the effect of a lace bedspread.
  • Array. If you want the vesicle to require minimal maintenance, plant a group of bushes close to each other. A neatly trimmed top will create the effect of a voluminous green carpet laid on the lawn.

Sometimes novice gardeners do not grow ornamental shrubs on the site, because they do not know how to cut them. In fact, you can learn this in one season. Start with the vesicle, its shoots grow very quickly. Like a fairy-tale monster, 3 new shoots will grow in place of one incorrectly cut branch. The next year, you yourself will not be able to notice your oversight. Do you want to learn how to create green fences, crowns of various shapes? Plant spirea, this is the most suitable material for experiments.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


Among the large number of ornamental plants currently available, not all can boast of their unpretentiousness. One of the most unpretentious plants is the viburnum shrub (lat. Physocarpus opulifolius), which is planted and grown largely due to its spectacular appearance. The spherical dense crown, consisting of spreading drooping branches and corrugated leaves, looks magnificent from top to bottom.

What is the vesicle Kalinolistny

This deciduous shrub belongs to the genus Bubblewort of the Pink family. It has found wide application as single and group plantings, undergrowth in sparse forest plantations, for high hedges, along railway lines and roads. This fast-growing plant is shade tolerant, but the color of the foliage begins to fade over time in the absence of sunlight. Physocarpus opulifolius has only two conditions for soil: the presence of drainage and the absence of lime. The shrub is able to bring a special charm and colorful colors to the site.

What does it look like

Varieties with purple and golden color are grown only in sunny areas, because. in the shade, the color of the leaves is faded. Shrub does not tolerate stagnant moisture well. It has red and pink fruits that turn brown when ripe. The height of the bushes is from 1.5 to 3 m. The branches are usually drooping. The bark of adult bushes is brownish / brown, with age it begins to flake off. The shrub has convex corymbose pink or white inflorescences with many stamens. Fruiting and flowering begins at 4 years. The diameter of the crown can reach 400 cm!

This ornamental deciduous plant has oblong-ovate brown buds, the length of which is from 4 to 6 mm. Bubble bushes, widely used for landscape compositions, perfectly tolerate urban conditions. The edges of the leaves are serrate-toothed. From above they have a green color (in some varieties dark green), and from below they are lighter. The flowering period of the vesicle falls on June-July.

Photo and description

Young leaves of Physocarpus opulifolius have a round-ovate or round-elliptical shape, up to 3-5 cm long. The characteristic yellow leaves of some varieties acquire a greenish tint by the end of summer, and become golden by the beginning of autumn. The branches rise above the ground up to 1.5 m in length, they are distinguished by good strength, capable of withstanding a large number of leaves. From the buds down the green shoots are clearly visible ribs. The fruits change their colors in the same way as the leaves.

Bubble viburnum in landscape design - photo


When planning to start growing fast-growing shrubs that can be used in garden or house design, check out the popular varieties. Remember that this compact shrub does not always tolerate drought, nor does it like stagnant water and calcareous soils. Varieties differ from each other in their bright colors, height, foliage color. Viburnum viburnum, whose bushes can be planted on garden soil, is represented by two groups of spectacular varieties: red-leaved and yellow-leaved. Popular are:

  • Diablo;
  • Summer Wine;
  • Red Baron;
  • luteus;
  • Dart's Gold;
  • lady in red
  • Aurea;
  • Purpurea;
  • Spirea;
  • little devil
  • Nugget and others.

Spiraea Kalinolistny

Such decoration of gardens as Kalinolistny spirea or meadowsweet is distinguished by unpretentiousness, dense crown and beauty. In the wild, it can grow along the banks of rivers in North America. In Greek, its name means "spiral". The bush itself is sprawling, with a spherical crown with a large number of branches. Such a yellow-leaved viburnum is distinguished by relatively small leaves with small denticles. In winter, the spirea sheds its leaves.

red baron

The variety "Red Baron", which is a shrub of the Pink family at the time of flowering and the ripening period, pleases with rosaceous flowers and red berries. In height, these plants reach 2 m. The leaves of the spherical shrub have corrugated leaves, reaching a length of up to 8 cm. This variety grows, as a rule, on all types of soil. Planting and caring for the vesicle, which stands out with red fruits, must be approached responsibly - one should not forget to feed the plant, cut the branches and water it on time.

This type of viburnum vesicle calmly tolerates dry weather, frost and is not afraid of shade, but the yellow color of the leaves is preserved only in the sun. The plant grows calmly in urban conditions, so that it is not afraid of gas pollution - this allows it to be used for hedges. This variety of ornamental shrubs resembles an unattached grape bush in its appearance, only it has smaller leaves.

The sprawling bush acquires a green tint only by the end of summer. The dense bark of the culture can peel off in small ribbons. The height of this wide bush can reach 3 m. The three-four-lobed leaves have blade-like angles and are up to 5-7 cm wide. The Luteus vesicle has branches that tend upward, but the last 10-15 cm fall. In general, the plant pleases with its appearance many gardeners, even the most demanding ones.

darts gold

When deciding to plant a vesicle, pay attention to Dart's Gold. As for the description, the leaves decorating the vesicle change their color from summer to autumn: from bright yellow to lemon / orange. The shrub blooms with white flowers, which are collected in a bunch, like and all other vesicles.The plant can reach a height of up to one and a half meters.

Variety Diabolo

The Diabolo variety, which is resistant to pests and diseases, tolerates pruning and shearing, enjoys considerable popularity. This sprawling and mighty shrub, forming a dense spherical crown, can reach a height of up to 3 m, and a width of up to 1.2-2 m. It has dark purple leaves that are evenly colored. In autumn, the color of the bladder of this variety almost does not change, becoming only slightly lighter. Description of flowers: pinkish-white, small, collected in dense corymbose inflorescences that appear in early June.


The Nugget variety, which is often used for sowing for decorative purposes, has bright foliage, the color of which changes from yellow to greenish. The height of the shrub, which is compact, reaches 2 m. The crown becomes vase-shaped without pruning. Yellow leaves turn greenish in summer, and intense yellow in autumn. Shoots are vertical with exfoliating light brown bark, flowers are white. The Nugget plant grows best in open areas, but does not tolerate partial shade. Planted and grown in compositions with trees.

Lady in red

Variety Tuilad (Lady in Red) has bright young leaves, dark red and pink flowers. The height of the plant reaches 1.2 m. Its leaves are slightly wrinkled, but at the same time shiny, the color is from red to wine-red. Tuilad has upright, red shoots. Features of the variety are winter hardiness, photophilous, undemanding to soils. It is better to plant on moist and fertile soils that are not subject to flooding. During the growing season, fertilizers are required. Pruning is needed to form a bush.

Shrub Little Devil

Before you start breeding the viburnum vesicle, select the optimal plant variety. A deciduous shrub with a dense crown and a height of 0.8-1 m of the Little Devil species enjoys considerable popularity. It has small pinkish-white flowers in corymbose, dense inflorescences that appear in June. The fruits are represented by swollen leaflets of red color. In shade conditions, the leaves begin to turn green.

It is better to plant on moist, drained, fresh, fertile, loamy and sandy soils. Perfectly tolerates urban conditions, it is desirable to grow in a well-lit area. The variety tolerates pruning, shearing and is resistant to diseases and pests. It is widely used for landscaping urban courtyards, playgrounds, gardens at medical institutions, etc. Little Devil has high winter hardiness, but in severe frosts there is a possibility of freezing of shoots.

Planting and care in the open field

Bare-rooted seedlings should be planted in autumn or spring, although planting shrubs in autumn is considered preferable. It is not advisable to use seeds for planting the vesicle of the viburnum, because. the shrub transmits its original leaf color only to a certain part of the offspring. It is preferable to use for the initial planting a plant that has a closed root system, i.e. grown in special containers. Such bushes are planted at any time of the growing season, whether it be spring, summer or autumn.

Watering the bush

The plant requires competent and careful care. For planting, it is necessary to dig a hole with a diameter and a depth of about half a meter, to the bottom of which you will need to add garden soil based on peat or humus. After planting the plant, the pit should be covered with fertile soil, and the shrub itself should be deepened to 5 cm. Then the bush should be watered abundantly with water or a special solution of Kornevin. After the liquid is absorbed, the trunk circle must be mulched. Thanks to this approach, you can make your site look like in the photo of landscape design magazines.

Plant nutrition

Bushes propagate by seeds, summer cuttings or by dividing the bush. It is one thing to plant such a lush and spectacular plant, another thing is to properly grow it. Particular attention should be paid to top dressing, which is carried out in spring or autumn. In early spring, fertilizers with a nitrogen content are used for this purpose, and in autumn, mineral compounds. In the spring, you can use urea, mullein, ammonium nitrate, and in the fall - nitroammophoska: 1 matchbox per 10 liters of water. For adult plants (10-20 years old), when feeding, up to 15 liters of solution will be needed.

Pruning the vesicle in autumn

To give the bush the desired shape and stimulate branching, you will need careful pruning. Under good conditions, in just one year, the viburnum vesicle can add up to 40 cm, both in width and in height. The active growth and development of the bush depends on how correctly pruning was performed. All types of vesicles tolerate this process well - they do both sanitary and just molding pruning. Helpful hints:

  • During sanitary pruning, damaged, broken branches are removed - it is done in the spring or as needed.
  • Form pruning is done after the end of the flowering period. Shoots are shortened by 1/2 or 1/3 of the crown size. In the second and subsequent crowns, strictly 2/3 of the size is pruned.
  • A hedge created from a viburnum vesicle needs to be cut 1-2 times throughout the growing season, but if necessary, it is carried out more often.
  • The first haircut is performed in April-May, while the buds have not yet fully blossomed. The rest as needed.
  • Sometimes pruning is performed in order to rejuvenate the plant. Old shoots for this are removed to the base, and the rest - to the place where the side shoot begins to depart.

Physocarpus opulifolius transplant

To improve the growing conditions, the viburnum is transplanted to a new place. In addition, such a need may arise provided that you decide to change the original landscape design of the site. Transplantation of an adult plant is performed in the fall after leaf fall or in the spring before the buds awaken. This process is carried out with a large clod of earth with preliminary pruning of the bush. This is done in order to reduce the load on the root system, otherwise it will be difficult for it to simultaneously feed an adult plant and adapt to a new place.

How to propagate

Some landscape design enthusiasts use the method of dividing the bush, but sometimes the vesicle is propagated by cuttings and seeds. Each of the methods has its own characteristics. At home, they resort to vegetative propagation using layering, cuttings, dividing the bush. There is an order of magnitude more fuss with seeds - they need to be sown in spring or autumn, having previously subjected them to monthly stratification. True, grown seedlings rarely have the same bright color of foliage as the parent plant.


A good option is cuttings of the vesicle in the fall. To use it, you will need to cut green shoots about 10-20 cm long with 2-3 internodes before the bush begins to bloom. Then remove all the leaves from their bottom. The leaves at the top should be shortened by 1/2. After that, soak the cuttings in a solution of Kornevin or other agent that stimulates root formation, and plant them in a mixture of sand and peat. Water the cuttings regularly and ventilate, if necessary, cover with plastic wrap. Transplant to a permanent location in the spring.

Reproduction by layering

If you are interested in using the viburnum vesicle to decorate your site, then resort to propagating the bush using layering. This method is considered the simplest. In spring, choose a healthy and strong shoot, remove all leaves from it except for those that grow at the top, and then lay it in a ditch previously made in the soil, the depth of which should be 12 cm. Pin the shoot with wooden brackets and fill in the groove. In autumn, the layers should be separated from the mother bush to cover for the winter.

The vesicle is a species of deciduous plants that belong to the Rosaceae family, and are successfully grown when planted and cared for in the open ground of our climatic zone. The bright individuality of this plant is the coloring of its leaves. The color of the leaves in most species is burgundy, orange and standard green.

The plant has fragile stems, the diameter of which is about 2 cm. The root system is located in the upper soil layer, and prefers frequent moisture. The plant tolerates hot weather well and is not afraid of open sunny areas. This plant is native to North America, Korea and East Asia. The flowering of the plant lasts about 30 days. The flowers of the vesicle are small and white.

Varieties and types

Bubble "Diablo" or purple attracts attention with foliage of a dark burgundy shade and is an excellent solution in garden design.

Vesicle "Red Baron" the leaves of this species are slightly narrow, unlike Diablo. The leaf plate on the surface is decorated with catchy veins of a scarlet hue. The plant can reach two meters in height. Flowering is not long, but with pronounced pinkish flowers.

Vesicle "Kalinolistny" has several varieties. The bush can reach a height of up to 3.5 meters with decomposed fragile stems and short-lived bark that crumbles from the trunks. The shape of the leaf in the vesicle is similar to an ellipse and with notches along the edge. This species has white or pink flowers.

Vesicle "Red-leaved" popular in cultivation. This species survives winters well, is not demanding in care. The foliage is medium in size along the edging with notches. The shade of the leaves is scarlet in spring, and with the onset of cold weather it takes on a burgundy hue. The flowers have a delicate pink hue. In the design of the garden, it looks bright in the form of a living fence.

Bubble "Nugget" has fragile shoots that stretch to the top. This is a hybrid variety that changes the shade of the leaves from the time of the year. The foliage is sunny at first, turning green in autumn.

Vesicle "Darts Gold" in this variety, at first the leaves have a yellow tint, and over time, with the onset of cold weather, it turns into a fiery one. The inflorescence has a light shade.

Vesicle "Luteus"

In appearance, it resembles a grape bush. Plant height reaches up to 2.5 meters. The shade of the leaves of this variety is yellow, but over time turning into light green. The leaves are elliptical and with a edging along the edge. This variety does not tolerate excessive moisture in the soil.

Or yellow . The leaves of the plant have a rich sunny hue at the beginning of the season, and with the onset of cold weather it becomes golden. The height of the bush is about 1.5 meters, and the bush is about a meter in diameter.

Vesicle "Lady in red" the height of the plant is about one and a half meters, and the diameter is about 1.2 m. The stems grow upwards, the surface of the shoots has a chocolate tint. The leaves are glossy at first a scarlet hue, and in the fall they become fiery chestnut.

Vesicle "Amber Jubilee" this variety was named after Queen Elizabeth on her jubilee. Plant height about 2 meters, diameter about 1.5 meters.

The stems of this variety grow upwards eventually forming a spherical shape. The shade of the leaves is transitional at first has a sunny hue, and ultimately a light lemon with a greenish tint. Inflorescences are white.

Vesicle "Tiny Vine" this variety belongs to a dwarf species, and its length can only reach up to 1.2 m. The leaves are bright and charming with a burgundy tint. In the spring, the plant pleases the eye with its flowering. The flowers have a delicate pink tint.

With the onset of cold weather, the leaves of the plant become a scarlet fiery shade. This species is quite unpretentious in care and survives winter and summer heat well.

Vesicle planting and care in the open field

In care, the plant is rather unpretentious, and does not require special attention. But if you provide the appropriate conditions for the vesicle, then the plant during the period of active development, that is, over the summer, can add up to 40 cm in growth. But to form the desired shape, your shrub should be cut off the shoots. This procedure also stimulates the emergence of new stems.

When watering, the composition of the soil should be taken into account. If the soil is loose, then it dries quickly, so it needs frequent and plentiful watering. The amount of water depends on the size of your shrub.

If the soil is clayey, then the need to ensure that there is no stagnation in the soil, since this threatens to become infected with powdery mildew, because of this plant gradually dies.

Top dressing for the vesicle is produced in spring and late autumn. In early spring, this procedure is carried out with fertilizers containing nitrogen, and with the onset of cold weather, the plant needs mineral fertilizers.

In the spring, you can fertilize with cow litter in the ratio of 10 liter bucket 500 grams of litter and a spoonful of saltpeter with ammonia content.

Pruning the vesicle

The plant needs pruning for medicinal purposes and for the beautiful formation of a bush. Pruning for medicinal purposes is done in early spring until the plant has buds. It is necessary to remove the broken, dry and frozen tips of the branches after the winter.

Pruning of the vesicle in the summer is forced if dry branches appear on the plant and it is necessary to remove faded dry inflorescences.

How to cut the vesicle in autumn

If you want a strong and large bush, you need to prune at a height of about 50 cm. This type of pruning will help form many new shoots. But if you want to give your bush a certain fountain shape. It is necessary to cut off all thin branches from the bush and leave only the most dense and stable shoots.

Rejuvenation of the plant should be done approximately in the sixth year after planting. To do this, cut all the shoots to the ground.

Vesicle transplant

The plant is transplanted in the spring, or the vesicle is transplanted in the fall, after the leaves have shed.

Before transplanting, the stems of the plant should be cut by 40 centimeters, depending on the height of your plant. This is necessary so that the plant has an easier period of adaptation in a new place.

The bush needs to be dug out along with a large earthen clod and transplanted to a new place. Moisten the roots with a root growth stimulator solution.

Reproduction of the vesicle

Propagation of the vesicle by seeds is very rare. Since seedlings from seeds do not inherit the almost saturated color of the foliage, and the waste of time is great. But still, before sowing, the seeds should be stratified.

Sow should be in light peat soil with sand content in spring or autumn after seed collection. After that, cover the container with glass or film. Periodically moisturizing and airing. After the emergence of seedlings and the first pairs of leaves, seedlings should dive.

How to propagate the vesicle cuttings

Reproduction of the vesicle by cuttings can be done in spring, summer and autumn. The stalk must be cut from an adult and strong plant. The length of the cutting is about 10 cm and with several obvious buds.

It is necessary to remove the lower leaves from the cutting, treat it with a growth stimulator and deepen it into the soil with the composition of peat and sand. Seedlings should be covered with foil. Care must be taken by moisturizing and ventilating the collected condensate. After rooting, they must be transplanted to a permanent place.

Reproduction of the vesicle by layering

The easiest way to reproduce. With the onset of spring heat, it is necessary to select the strongest stem from an adult mother plant and dig it to a depth of about 15 cm, after securing it with a bracket.

During the summer it is necessary to irrigate, water and remove weeds around the layer. And after rooting, you need to separate the layers from the mother and cover for the winter.

Vesicle reproduction by dividing the bush

To do this, you need to dig up the plant and divide it into shares with full-fledged shoots and a root system.

This procedure must be carried out during the warm summer season. Just don't let the root system dry out.

Diseases and pests

  • Why do the leaves of the vesicle dry - the cause may be a recent transplant and poor adaptation, so it is necessary to treat the roots with a growth stimulator.
  • The edges of the leaves dry at the vesicle - Excessive sun may be the reason for this. Therefore, the edges of the leaves begin to dry out, that is, burn.
  • Vesicle darken the edges of the leaves - your plant is affected by powdery mildew, the cause of stagnant moisture in the soil.
  • Vesicle leaves turn yellow due to a lack of nutrients in the soil. It is necessary to feed the plant with nitrogen containing fertilizers.
  • Why the vesicle does not bloom - the cause may be improper pruning of the plant. Since inflorescences are formed on new formed shoots.
  • The plant is quite resistant to pests and is rarely affected by insects. .

Peculiarities of the vesicle

What time to plant

How to plant

Caring for the vesicle



Diseases and pests

Reproduction of the vesicle


How to propagate by layering

Vesicle in winter

Autumn Care

Preparing for the winter

  1. luteus
  2. Aureomarginata
  3. Nana

  1. Darts Gold
  2. Diablo (red leaf)
  3. Red Baron
  4. Lady in Red

Deciduous shrub vesicle (Physocarpus) is a member of the rose family. The Latin name of such a plant consists of 2 roots of the ancient Greek language, namely: "physo" - "bubble" and "carpos" - "fruit". There are 14 species in this genus. In the wild, the vesicle can be found in North America and East Asia. When grown in the garden, this shrub is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, as well as the fact that it is able to maintain its spectacular appearance throughout the growing season. Also, this shrub is fast-growing and resistant to air pollution. Such a plant is grown as a single plant and used in landscape design. However, the hedge of the vesicle looks most impressive.

Peculiarities of the vesicle

The sprawling bush of the vesicle consists of drooping branches that form a lush spherical crown. In an adult shrub, peeling of the bark occurs, and in wide stripes. In height, it can reach 300 centimeters. Three-five-lobed leaf plates are shaped like viburnum leaves. Simple white flowers have many stamens. They are part of hemispherical inflorescences, which can reach 5–7 centimeters in diameter. Lush flowering occurs at the beginning of the summer period. The fruits of such a plant also look quite impressive, they are swollen leaflets that turn red when ripe. Only 2 types of vesicle are cultivated, while there are several spectacular varieties, the leaf plates of which have a different color.

Planting a vesicle in open ground

What time to plant

If you managed to buy seedlings with a closed root system at a nursery or garden center, they can be planted in open soil at any time of the year (but not in winter). If the acquired seedlings have an open root system, then spring should be chosen for planting them, and autumn is best. For planting such a plant, a well-lit, open place is suitable, next to which large trees will not grow. In the event that the variety has a green leaf color, then such a shrub can grow normally in a shaded area. The vesicle is not picky about the soil, but it must be well-drained, and lime must be included in its composition. If you want it to have the most decorative appearance, then you should choose loose loamy soil rich in nutrients.

How to plant

When preparing a planting hole, it should be remembered that its size should be such that a layer of soil saturated with nutrients (or an earth mixture consisting of peat, sod, earth and sand) can fit in it, while the root collar of the seedling after planting should be flush with the surface of the site. In this regard, it is recommended to prepare a hole by digging it and filling it with fertile soil half a month before the scheduled planting day, in which case the soil will have time to settle well. The seedling is placed in a planting hole together with an earthen clod, while remembering that fertilizers should not be applied to the soil during planting, since a young plant is simply not able to absorb it normally. Then the hole will need to be filled with soil mixture (the composition is described above) or soil saturated with nutrients. The planted shrub needs abundant watering. If after watering the earth settles, then it will be necessary to add it. The first days it should be observed that the near-stem circle of the vesicle is constantly slightly damp. The surface of the site should be covered with a layer of mulch (humus or peat).

Caring for the vesicle

When caring for such a plant, it is very important to water it on time, as it reacts extremely negatively to drought. When watering, make sure that the liquid does not get on the surface of the leaf plates and inflorescences, because this can lead to burns. In this regard, this procedure is recommended to be done in the early morning or in the evening. In the summer, during the hot period, watering will need to be carried out approximately a couple of times a week, while 4 buckets of water should go to 1 bush at a time. Observe the condition of the leaves of the vesicle, because not only drought, but also waterlogging of the soil can harm it. In the event that the site is not covered with mulch, then each time after the shrub is watered, it is necessary to loosen its surface and weed.

It is necessary to feed the plant a couple of times a year (in spring and autumn). In spring, the plant should be fed with the following nutrient mixture: for 1 bucket of water, take a five-hundred-gram jar of mullein, as well as 1 large spoonful of urea and ammonium nitrate. For 1 adult bush, 1.5 buckets of such a solution are taken. In autumn, one and a half buckets of nutrient solution should be poured under each bush, consisting of 10 liters of water and 2 large spoons of nitroammophoska.


This shrub needs systematic sanitary and formative pruning. In the spring, it is imperative to prune for sanitary purposes; for this, all injured, diseased, frost-affected stems and branches, as well as those that grow inside the bush, are cut off. By trimming the vesicle in autumn, you prepare it for the coming winter. Pruning to form a crown can be done in the fall, but experienced gardeners recommend doing it in the spring. In order for the bush to have the shape of a fountain, you need to cut off all the thin stems at the base, leaving 5 or 6 of the most powerful, which need to be shortened a little. If you want the bush to be wide, it must be cut at a height of 50 centimeters. When the shrub is 6 years old, rejuvenating pruning is performed on the stump. On thick stems, the places of cuts should be smeared with garden pitch.


In some cases, it becomes necessary to transplant this plant, for example, you need to move it to another place. If the shrub is already an adult, then it should be transplanted in early spring, before the buds swell, or in autumn, when the leaf fall ends. The bush is transplanted with a sufficiently voluminous earthen clod, while first it is pruned, during which the injured, diseased and thickening stems are cut off, and the remaining ones should be shortened to 0.2–0.3 m. Thanks to this, you will be able to put a load on the root system weaker, because during adaptation it will be extremely difficult for her to feed an adult plant. Transplantation is carried out in almost the same way as landing, only it should be noted that the vesicle in this case is already an adult. The transplanted bush must be watered using a solution of Heteroauxin or Kornevin for this, and you also need to spray the leaf plates with Epin or Ecogel-antistress.

Diseases and pests

Planting and growing a vesicle is quite simple, and the gardener will also be pleased that it has a very high resistance to pests and various diseases. However, if the soil does not get enough nutrients, then the plant develops chlorosis, which causes the apical stems to dry out and young leaf plates to turn yellow. If you notice signs of this disease, then you should spray the foliage or water the bush itself under the root with a solution of Ferrilen, Antichlorosis, Ferovit, but experienced gardeners recommend using Iron Chelate. As a rule, after this procedure, the vesicle recovers very quickly.

Reproduction of the vesicle

The vesicle can be propagated quite easily vegetatively, namely by cuttings, layering, and also by dividing the bush. The generative (seed) method of reproduction is also suitable for this. Sowing seeds is carried out in spring or autumn, while for a start they must be stratified within 30 days. However, you should be aware that shrubs grown in this way rarely retain the rich color of the leaves, which is inherent in the parent plant. And growing a vesicle from seeds is a rather labor-intensive process. In this regard, for its reproduction, it is recommended to resort to vegetative methods.


Harvesting cuttings should be done before the bush blooms. To do this, cut off the green shoots of this year. The length of the cuttings can be from 10 to 20 centimeters, and each of them must have 2 or 3 internodes. All leaf plates at the bottom of the handle must be cut off, and those at the top should be shortened by ½. Prepared cuttings must be immersed in a solution of a root-stimulating agent (for example, Kornevin). Then they are planted in a training bed in a soil mixture consisting of peat and sand. They are watered and covered with polyethylene film. Caring for the cuttings is very simple, they must be watered on time and systematically ventilated. In winter, rooted cuttings need shelter, and in spring they can be planted in a permanent place.

How to propagate by layering

This method of reproduction is the simplest and most effective. In spring, the most powerful and absolutely healthy shoot should be selected, which must necessarily grow outward. All leaf plates should be cut off from it, leaving only those growing at the very top. Then this stem is placed in a pre-prepared groove, the depth of which should be about 12 centimeters, then it is fixed using a wooden bracket for this (you can take hairpins), then the groove must be filled with soil. Throughout the growing season, layering will need timely watering, weeding and loosening of the soil surface. By the onset of the autumn period, the layering will have to give roots, and it must be separated from the parent bush and covered for the winter.

How to propagate by dividing the bush

By dividing the bush, it is best to propagate the viburnum vesicle. This procedure is carried out in spring or autumn. However, if you have experience and certain skills in this matter, then you can divide the bush in the summer. In order for this procedure to end successfully, it must be carried out very quickly, because the root system, which is in the fresh air, should in no case dry out.

Vesicle in winter

Autumn Care

In the autumn period, this shrub looks especially impressive, because it is at this time that the foliage is painted in various colors. It has a relatively high frost resistance and in winter, as a rule, only those branches that have not had time to ripen freeze. But it should be noted that rooted cuttings, like young specimens, need shelter for the winter.

Preparing for the winter

In the event that weather forecasters portend a very frosty winter, then adult bushes of the vesicle should also be covered. To do this, you need to carefully pull the shrub with twine, and then “put on” a roofing material cone on it or loosely wrap it with lutrasil. However, first you need to cover the surface of the near-stem circle with a layer of mulch (peat), the thickness of which should be from 5 to 8 centimeters. Young shrubs should be cut off, their near-stem circle should be mulched, and then covered with spruce branches.

Types and varieties of vesicle with photos and names

At the moment, only 2 types of vesicles are cultivated, as well as their varieties and varieties.

Amur vesicle (Physocarpus amurensis)

This species in natural conditions can be found in North Korea, North China and the Far East, while it prefers to grow in mixed forests. The height of such a shrub with a spherical crown is about 300 centimeters. Young stems are brownish-red and smooth, while on old trunks the bark peels off in longitudinal strips. The three-to-five-bladed leaf plate has a heart-shaped base and is about 10 centimeters long. Their front surface is dark green, and the wrong side is whitish-gray, because it has star-shaped felt hairs. The corymbose inflorescences consist of 10-15 white flowers with a one and a half centimeter diameter. Flowering lasts approximately 20 days. The fruit is a swollen leaflet that turns red when ripe. This species is highly frost resistant. It is used to create hedges, as well as in group and single plantings. Cultivated since 1854. Most popular forms:

  1. luteus. In summer, the leaf plates are painted in rich yellow, and in autumn they become bronze.
  2. Aureomarginata. The leaf plates have a dark golden edging.
  3. Nana. Such a dwarf shrub has dark green plain leaf plates.

Bubbleweed (Physocarpus opulifolius)

The homeland of this species is the eastern part of North America, while it prefers to grow in the undergrowth and on river banks. This shrub with a hemispherical lush crown in height can reach 300 centimeters. Elliptical three- to five-lobed leaf blades have an elongated large middle lobe and a serrated edge. Their front surface is green, and the wrong side is painted in a paler shade, sometimes it can be pubescent. Small (diameter about 1.2 cm) flowers have a pink or white color, and red stamens. The fruit is a swollen, collapsible pale green leaflet that turns red when ripe. This species can be used to create a hedge, as well as in single or group plantings. Cultivated since 1864. The most popular varieties are:

  1. Darts Gold. The height of a dense and wide bush can reach up to 150 centimeters. Yellow leaf blades turn greenish-yellow in summer. Racemose inflorescences consist of white or pink flowers.
  2. Diablo (red leaf). The height of the bush is about 300 centimeters. The color of its foliage is purple or dark red. If the bush is grown in a shaded place, then its leaves will be green with a purple tint, and when grown in a sunny place, they will have a red color. In autumn, the color of the foliage does not change. This variety is the most popular.
  3. Red Baron. The height of the bush is about 200 centimeters. Bare oval three- to five-lobed leaf blades reach 7 centimeters in length and have a serrated edge. They are painted in a spectacular dark red color and are narrower compared to the Diablo vesicle. Umbrella inflorescences consist of white flowers with a pink tint, reaching a diameter of 5 centimeters. The fruits of red color, which include from 3 to 5 pointed sacs, also look quite impressive. This variety is among the most valuable.
  4. Lady in Red. Bush in height can reach 150 centimeters. This variety was bred by breeders from England. Leaves of deep red color gradually darken. The color of delicate flowers is white-pink.

Among the shrubs, there are few that would be as beneficial as the vesicle, combining decorativeness, ease of cultivation and undemanding care. Look at the photo, how can you pass by such a handsome man, because he does not lose his charm even in winter. Planting will not take much time, but you will admire the decoration of the bush for many years.

Varieties and varieties of vesicle

Sometimes the vesicle is mistakenly called spirea, but this is a misconception. These two plants belong to the same family, but belong to different genera. In an adult plant, the bark is separated from the shoot in wide strips. The fruits of the vesicle are similar to a bubble, which gave the name to the plant. In decorative landscaping, varieties of viburnum vesicle are used. Combine these varieties in groups according to the color of the foliage.

Varieties with red color leaf blade:

  • Diablo;
  • Summer Wine;

Variety Summer Wine

  • Red Baron;

Grade Red Baron

  • Schuch.

Varieties with yellow leaf blade:

  • luteus;
  • Darts Gold;

Sort Darts Gold

  • Nugget.

Varieties with double color:

  • Center Glow;

Variety Center Glow

  • Coppertina.

Variety Coppertina

Of course, planting a vesicle, like any plant, begins with choosing the right place. The vesicle grows well both in the sun and in the shade. It develops poorly on soils with a high level of groundwater and a high content of lime. Such soil can provoke chlorosis or rotting of the roots, which will lead to the death of the shrub. The plant does not impose special conditions on soil fertility.

You can safely plant the plant as a hedge along the road, as the vesicle tolerates urban air pollution very well.

The vesicle is completely unpretentious to the landing site

It is better to purchase a plant for planting with a closed root system in nurseries. So you will have a guarantee of buying a varietal seedling. A container seedling can be planted at any time, excluding the winter months. Planting material with an open root system is planted in spring or autumn. Autumn landing is preferable, since the conditions for rooting are more favorable than in spring.

There are no tricks when planting: a hole is dug out so that the root neck is at ground level. Filled with fertile soil composition and well watered. From above it is mulched with humus, peat or simply dry soil.

Vesicle seedlings

To get a hedge from the vesicle, young seedlings are planted in a two-row way in a checkerboard pattern. A distance of 35 cm is left between rows, and 45 cm in a row. Such a fence can be formed by trimming, giving it the appearance of a meter-high rectangle. A free-growing hedge, limited only on the sides by pruning, will grow 1.8 - 2.5 m, depending on the variety planted.

Advice. Shrub varieties with golden or purple foliage, such as Diabolo or Darts Gold, are best planted in sunny areas, as foliage is less decorative in the shade.

Hassle-free care

Despite the fact that the vesicle belongs to unpretentious plants, this does not mean that it is worth planting and forgetting about it. The life expectancy of a shrub is 30 years. Under favorable conditions, the shrub during the vegetative period is able to add in breadth and height up to 45 cm, in the second year only flower-bearing shoots are formed on the regrown shoots, so stimulating pruning and crown formation are vital for the bush. The plant tolerates this procedure very well and recovers quickly. It does not require any additional shelters for the winter, the vesicle is very winter-hardy, only in severe frosts can the tips of the shoots freeze.

The bladder does not require special care


Particular attention to soil moisture is required for young, only planted plants, because their survival depends on it. In general, the frequency and abundance of watering depends on the age, composition of the soil and the climatic zone of growth.

  1. When the vesicle grows on loam and high temperatures in the summer, regular watering will be required twice a week, four buckets of water per adult bush.
  2. On heavy clay soils, it is important not to overmoisten the soil so as not to provoke the death of the root system.

Keep watering in moderation


Pruning can be divided into sanitary and forming. Sanitary pruning is carried out in the spring, its task is to remove broken or frozen branches of the plant. Formative pruning is best done in spring, but can also be done in autumn.

Free-growing bushes of the vesicle have the shape of a crown in the form of a fountain. The plant wakes up first and always starts growing with the top buds. If you want to get a wide bush with many shoots, cut the branches at a height of half a meter. The fountain-shaped form is given by cutting all thin shoots to ground level. Five of the strongest shoots should remain in the bush, they are additionally shortened to a height of one and a half meters from the ground. Radical pruning is carried out every 4 - 5 years, leaving stumps 15 - 20 cm from the ground.

The vesicle looks great as a hedge

Pruning begins when the plant reaches the age of three. To give the bush a more compact shape, young shoots can be shortened 2-3 times during the growing season.

Advice. If, for any reason, an adult bush needs to be transplanted to a new place, do it in the fall, after the foliage has flown around. Remove excess branches, and shorten the rest by 30 cm. An adult bush is planted in the same way as a young plant.

Fertilizer and fertilizing shrubs

Feed the vesicle twice a season. In the spring, fertilizers containing an increased dose of nitrogen will be required for the growth of the vegetative mass. This should be done at the time of bud break. Apply an infusion of mullein or bird droppings at the rate of half a liter per bucket of water. In autumn, a solution of nitroammophoska is used, approximately a matchbox of fertilizer in a bucket of water. For adult vesicle bushes that have reached 10 years or more, the dose of top dressing is increased by half.

Feed the crop 2 times a year

The vesicle responds well to mulching the near-stem circle with organic materials. Mulch creates favorable conditions for the roots of the plant: the soil does not overheat, is structured and breathes, moisture jumps are minimized. Mulch will save you from constant loosening and weeding.

Ways of reproduction of the vesicle

The vesicle is easy to propagate on its own - by layering or cuttings, like currants, or by dividing the bush. The seed method is also possible, but the fact is that seedlings rarely inherit the characteristics of the mother plant from which the seeds were taken. Plus, it's a tedious job. The vegetative method of plant propagation is more reliable and gives consistently fast results.

Reproduction by layering. This is the least labor intensive option. Select a healthy and strong shoot in the spring, tear off the foliage, leaving only the top untouched. Now we put this shoot in a pre-dug trench, 10–15 cm deep, and press it to the ground with a wire or wood pin. We bend the top with leaves vertically upwards and tie it to a wooden peg. The buried part of the shoot will give roots. Now the main task is to timely moisten the soil so that the young roots are well strengthened by autumn. The following year, in early spring, you can plant a young bush in a permanent place.

Bubble in landscape design

Propagation by cuttings. For this purpose, young shoots of the current year about 20 cm long are cut. At the crown, the foliage is shortened by half, the rest is completely removed. The lower part can be slightly scratched so that callus is formed faster, which will subsequently give roots. For a day, we put the cuttings in a bucket of water, into which we add a drug that stimulates the formation of roots or a spoonful of honey. Now you can plant cuttings in the school.

The soil must breathe, therefore, under the cuttings, we prepare in advance and introduce soil from a mixture of peat and sand. We cover the shkolka with a film and do not forget to moisten, ventilate and spray. In winter, the cuttings need shelter, and in the spring they can be planted in a permanent place.

Vesicle cuttings

To propagate the vesicle by seeds, they must be stratified within a month before planting. Seeds are planted at a depth of 2 - 3 cm.

Diseases and pests

Another advantage of the vesicle is that it is practically not affected by diseases and pests. Leaf chlorosis is rarely observed - when the tips of the shoots dry out and the foliage turns yellow, the veins remain green. This is due to a lack of microelements in the soil: elements of iron, magnesium or nitrogen, or waterlogging of the root ball. Chlorosis can cause viruses and microorganisms that are carried with pests. Applying complex fertilizers with watering or spraying foliage with chelating compounds will help the vesicle restore health.

Diseases of the vesicle mainly occur due to improper care

The vesicle is good as a solo plant, it is beautiful as a living fence in mixed group plantings. In this shrub, even the bark is decorative. Leaves and flowers that change hues during the season will bring a contrasting color variety to the green decoration of the garden plot.

Bubble in the garden: video

Growing a vesicle: photo

Bubble (Physocarpus) is a deciduous shrub from the Rose family, which is decorative throughout the season. This unpretentious bush with lush inflorescences can be grown by a beginner. We will talk about the features of growing a vesicle.

In landscape design, the viburnum vesicle is especially popular. This plant has spreading and drooping branches, three- or five-lobed leaves (like viburnum), the color of which depends on the variety, and white or white-pink globular inflorescences, from which it is impossible to look away in summer. In autumn, instead of flowers, very decorative and unusual fruit-leaflets appear.

    Bubble Diabolo - a bright accent for your garden

    An unpretentious, fast-growing and devilishly effective shrub, ornamental throughout the growing season.

To enjoy this beauty on your site, you need to make quite a bit of effort.

Planting a vesicle

For beginners, it is best to choose seedlings with a closed root system. Such plants can be planted from spring to autumn. And it is recommended to “settle” vesicle seedlings with open roots in the garden only in autumn (in September), in extreme cases - in early spring, but then the plants take root worse.

The vesicle prefers open sunny areas. Tall trees should not grow near this place. By the way, varieties with green leaves develop well in partial shade, but bright colors can only be achieved in the sun.

In order for the plant to form a lush crown, and in summer there were many inflorescences on the shoots, the soil on the site must be well-drained, loose, fertile (a mixture of garden soil, peat, sand and turf is suitable), loamy and without lime.

A pit for the vesicle is dug of such a size that a seedling with an earthen clod can fit freely there. Fertile soil is poured into a hole 2 weeks before planting, so that the earth has time to settle. When planting a seedling, the root neck should be at the same level as the soil surface.

The seedling is watered abundantly. If at the same time the earth sags heavily, then it needs to be poured. To preserve moisture, the young vesicle is mulched with peat or humus.

This shrub is suitable for single and group plantings, but the hedge of the vesicle looks best in the garden. To grow it, young seedlings are planted in a two-row way in a checkerboard pattern. Distance between rows - 35 cm, and between plants in a row - 45 cm.

Caring for the vesicle

The plant does not tolerate drought well, so first of all you need to take care of timely watering (in summer - an average of 2 times a week). But the earth is moistened early in the morning or in the evening and so that the drops do not fall on the leaves and inflorescences. Otherwise, under the influence of the sun on the plant, burns may form. If the shrub is not mulched, then after watering the soil is loosened and weeds are regularly weeded.

When planting a vesicle in fertile soil, it is not necessary to apply fertilizers, but after a few years the plant begins to be fed 2 times a year. In the spring, 0.5 liters of mullein and 1.5 tablespoons are used. ammonium nitrate or 1 tbsp. urea (urea). All this is dissolved in 10 liters of water and poured under one plant. For a shrub older than 10 years, about 15 liters of such fertilizer will be needed. In autumn, the vesicle is fed with nitroammophos (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). 10-15 liters of fertilizer are spent on a bush.

Pruning and shaping the vesicle

Pruning the vesicle in the spring should be both sanitary and formative. At the same time, all broken, diseased, frozen branches are removed, as well as those that grow inside the bush and thicken the crown. The remaining shoots are pruned so that the bush acquires an attractive shape.

In autumn, cutting the vesicle is needed in order for the plant to overwinter better. At this time, all damaged and dry shoots are cut out, after which they are burned to destroy pests that like to winter on dry branches.

Rejuvenating pruning of the bush (on the stump) is done at the age of 5-6 years. At the same time, sections on thick shoots are recommended to be covered with garden pitch so that fungi and bacteria do not penetrate there.

Diseases of the vesicle

The vesicle practically does not get sick and is not damaged by insects. But if the plant lacks nutrients (in particular, iron and magnesium), then it may develop chlorosis. In this case, the leaf plate (excluding the veins) turns yellow, and the young shoots dry out. To save the shrub, it is watered under the root with Antichlorosis or Iron Chelate.

Wintering of the vesicle

Adult plants winter well in the middle lane without shelter, but young seedlings are insulated in autumn: after pruning and mulching with peat (a layer of 5-7 cm), they are covered with spruce branches. If the immunity of an adult vesicle is weakened, and a frosty and snowless winter is expected, then it is better to carefully pull the shrub with twine and insulate it with a cap to cover the plants for the winter or wrap the bush with spunbond.

How to propagate vesicle

The most popular reproduction of the vesicle cuttings before the plant starts flowering. To do this, use young green shoots of the current year 10-15 cm long. The lower cut on the handle is made just below the bud and at an angle of 45 degrees. The leaves are removed, leaving only the top two and at the same time shortening them by half.

The cuttings are placed for a day in a container with water, to which a root formation stimulator (Kornevin, Heteroauxin) is added. Then the cuttings are planted on a school bed in a mixture of sand and peat or rooted at home in a container. The container is covered with a film or a plastic lid, periodically ventilate and moisten the soil. In the spring, the cuttings are planted in a permanent place.

As you can see, cuttings of the vesicle are not difficult. But if you want to make even less effort, then the plant can be propagated using layering.

In the spring, a healthy and strong shoot is chosen, the leaves are cut off (only the crown is left), placed in a pre-dug hole (10-15 cm deep) and pinned to the ground. A wooden peg is driven in nearby and the top of the allotted shoot is tied to it. The soil at the place of layering is regularly moistened, and the next year, in early spring, the formed young bush is transplanted to a permanent place in the garden.

Also popular is this method of reproduction of the vesicle, such as dividing the bush. In spring or autumn, the bush is dug up and divided into several parts, each of which should have several shoots and a lobe of roots. Delenki are immediately seated so that their roots do not have time to dry out.

The vesicle is propagated and seeds, which are sown in spring or autumn (required after stratification). But this is a very laborious process. Yes, and varietal shrubs cannot be propagated in this way: they will not retain the characteristics of the mother plant.

The unpretentious vesicle will decorate your garden from spring to late autumn. The plant has attractive leaves, inflorescences, and fruits. Set aside a place for it in your summer cottage - and a spectacular shrub will not disappoint you!


Location selection

Landing time selection

Soil preparation

Caring for the vesicle


top dressing

Preparing for winter


Reproduction by cuttings

The division of the bush



  1. diabolo
  2. Luteus
  3. Dart's Gold
  4. Center Glow
  5. Red Baron

Jul 21, 2015Elena Timoshchuk

There are many ways to create an unusual decorative composition from spirea (as the vesicle is otherwise called): pruning with giving the crown a variety of shapes, a combination of varieties with different colors and leaf configurations. The shrub has a decorative look all season: first, compact bushes with foliage of various shades will decorate the site, then clusters of white or pink flowers, and in autumn, fruits of the original form form in their place. Landscape designers appreciated the plant - using only different types of vesicles, they create interesting and original compositions.

Sanitary pruning

The vesicle rarely gets sick and is damaged by insects, so sanitary pruning will not be very difficult. In early spring, remove all broken or dried branches, take a closer look - suddenly some bush caught an infection or was attacked by pests. After that, look for shoots growing inside the bush. Such branches should also be cut, they make the bush too thick - the wind will not pass through the foliage, and the air will stagnate. On this you can finish the job.

In autumn, after leaf fall, check for damaged fragments, remove weak, undeveloped shoots and all branches that make you suspicious. Only strong healthy shoots will endure the winter cold, all the rest will weaken the vesicle. At each haircut, and especially in the fall, burn all remote areas. If they are left until spring, the pests will definitely arrange a wintering place for themselves on dry wood.

It is not necessary to warm the spirea after autumn pruning. Cover only young and weakened specimens.

Sometimes sanitary pruning has to be carried out in the summer. When you see a damaged shoot, immediately remove it so as not to spoil the decorative appearance of the plant and not create conditions for the development of infection. If a thick branch has cracked and needs to be cut down, treat the wound with a garden pitch or a special putty, the damage will heal faster from these preparations. Small cuts can not be processed, they will heal themselves.

Spirea decorates the site with beautiful leaves of different shades. Sometimes a hybrid plant can release a branch covered with green foliage. Do not expect that with age, young leaves will change color and will not differ from the rest of the crown. Such fragments must be removed: they will not change the color, and they will spoil the look of the bush.

Decorative haircut spirea

Some ornamental trees and shrubs do not need to form a crown - but the vesicle needs to be cut, even if you do not like clear contours and prefer the natural beauty of plants. Unlike arborvitae and other conifers, which in any case will grow many shoots and form a dense crown, spirea itself will not give such beauty. She will release several branches, strongly stretching in length, and consider her mission completed. Neither a hedge nor a flower garden decoration from such a bush will work.

Before you start, keep in mind that you will have to cut branches of different thicknesses, so collect and sharpen all the necessary tools:

  • gardening scissors;
  • secateurs;
  • hacksaw.

To stimulate the growth of new shoots, old shoots should not be allowed to stretch too much. After flowering, shorten the branches of young bushes by 1/3. In the second year and all subsequent seasons, the shoots must be cut already by 2/3 of their length. The bush will take a compact, even shape, and the contour depends on your goals. The plant tolerates a haircut well and will immediately begin to produce new shoots. The crown will become thicker, but the branches grow so actively that sometimes you have to adjust the shape every month.

Sometimes the owners diligently cut off the old shoots, follow all the rules when forming the crown, and the bush remains loose, gives very few new shoots. This is not due to poor shearing, but to poor soil or improper care. The plant is unpretentious, but it also needs moisture and nutrients. Eliminate your mistakes, otherwise no pruning will give the vesicle a decorative look.

If you have to remove young strong shoots during sanitary or decorative pruning, you can use them to propagate the bush. Prepare cuttings with 2-3 internodes, cut off all the leaves so that there is no intensive evaporation of moisture, and plant them in the sand. When you see swollen young buds, plant the branches in a permanent place. Most of all, they will like to grow next to the mother's vesicle, from which the processes were taken.

Shrub rejuvenation

Old bushes lose their decorative effect. If you notice that the foliage has become not so thick and fresh, the bush blooms poorly, and the inflorescences have become smaller, then the vesicle needs rejuvenating pruning. Usually this procedure is carried out 5-6 years after planting. Stock up on garden pitch and a saw in advance, as thick trunks will have to be removed.

To stimulate the development of new shoots, you need to carry out anti-aging pruning. It is best to do this work in the spring before the buds begin to open, or in the fall when the leaves have fallen. Shoots that, from age, can no longer produce dense foliage and lush inflorescences, need to be cut down to the ground. All other trunks are cut to the branch of the first shoot.

Large-scale pruning weakens the bush - provide it with good care, timely watering and top dressing. If the procedure was carried out in the fall, insulate the vesicle with straw or covering material. In regions with frosty winters with little snow, it is better to protect the spirea, which was rejuvenated in the spring, from the cold.

The use of spirea in landscape design

Shrub shoots grow very quickly; after shearing, the plant will become thick and lush in one season. This quality is especially convenient for beginner gardeners. If in the first year you unsuccessfully formed the crown, by the fall all the errors will be covered with young branches, and in the spring you will give the vesicle the desired contour.

Decorative bushes are used for various elements of country design:

  • installation of green fences;
  • decorating fountains, gazebos, sculptures;
  • creating compositions from several plants or single bushes;
  • as a decorative element in flower beds and flower beds.

If spirea is used for hedges, you can’t wait for the end of flowering: the fence will lose its correct shape, young branches will stick out in all directions, like needles on a hedgehog. Shearing should be done in early spring, before the buds open. After about a month, you will again see protruding branches. Cut them off in a timely manner so that the fence does not become shapeless. The fence can be made even, alternating bushes with different colors of leaves, or you can make ledges, waves, turrets. If you supplement the vesicle with other ornamental shrubs or trees, the scope for imagination will become even wider.

From sprawling species, the branches of which first grow up and the ends go down, you can create a thick wide bush. Trim the lower branches to about 40 cm from the ground, trim the tips of the remaining shoots. Depending on the density of shoots, you can create a solid "umbrella" or leave 4-5 trunks and get an octopus-like figure. For a crown of this shape, Kalinolistnaya spirea is well suited. On an empty lawn, randomly arrange a few bushes, and the site will take on an original look. It is even more interesting if, among the drooping species, plants with shoots sticking up are planted.

Plant around the fountain a few bushes of the vesicle. Its sprawling, drooping branches at the ends will repeat the shape of the jets.

When the bush becomes thick enough, its crown can be given any shape. Tall rounded bushes can be made the center of a flower garden or planted near the porch. If you are going to give the vesicle the shape of a geometric figure with straight edges, be prepared for the fact that you will have to adjust the crown very often. The same problem will arise if you want to make green sculptures: young shoots will break out of the contour on one side or the other, and the pruner will become your permanent tool.

Landscape designers offer other options for using the vesicle, each of which requires its own crown shape.

  • Border. If, instead of a high green fence, a low fence is arranged, it will not block the view of the site, but it will emphasize the contour of the paths, highlight the border of other structures.
  • Alpine hill. Dwarf varieties are suitable for decorating this object. Hanging shoots will create the effect of a lace bedspread.
  • Array. If you want the vesicle to require minimal maintenance, plant a group of bushes close to each other. A neatly trimmed top will create the effect of a voluminous green carpet laid on the lawn.

Sometimes novice gardeners do not grow ornamental shrubs on the site, because they do not know how to cut them. In fact, you can learn this in one season. Start with the vesicle, its shoots grow very quickly. Like a fairy-tale monster, 3 new shoots will grow in place of one incorrectly cut branch. The next year, you yourself will not be able to notice your oversight. Do you want to learn how to create green fences, crowns of various shapes? Plant spirea, this is the most suitable material for experiments.

The vesicle will look great both as a free-standing shrub and as a hedge.

Bubbleweed is a perennial ornamental shrub that is popular with gardeners due to its easy cultivation and care, as well as its excellent external qualities.

A hedge made from this shrub looks very impressive. It will decorate any suburban area.


The choice of place, time and soil for planting depends on how the shrub will develop and grow.

Location selection

Here are some tips for choosing a place to plant a vesicle:

  1. It is recommended to plant a shrub in an open, well-lit place. In a darkened area, the plant does not take root badly, but the color of the leaves will begin to fade over time and become not as pronounced and bright as in the sun.
  2. It is not recommended to plant a vesicle next to branched fruit trees.
  3. The plant is unpretentious to the soil. It is desirable that it be light, pass water and oxygen well to the roots. If the land is not rich in minerals, it is recommended to feed the bush.

Landing time selection

The vesicle is most often planted in May or early June. Over the summer, the plant will have time to get stronger and prepare for the first wintering.

In our lane in the fall, planting is risky. If a cold snap and rainy cloudy weather sets in early, the shrub may not take root well and survive the winter poorly.

Soil preparation

Before planting, the soil is dug up well, roots, pebbles, dried grass, leaves are removed and loosened.

The soil should be well-drained, slightly acidic and free of lime.

Features of planting in open ground

Given the tendency of the vesicle to grow, leave as much space as possible between the bushes.

  1. Before landing, they dig a deep hole (about 50 by 50 cm). A small layer of humus is placed at the bottom.
  2. The plant is carefully removed from the container in which it was located and moved into the pit in an upright position. The root neck is not sprinkled with earth.
  3. The pit is covered with earth, lightly compacted and watered. It is advisable to do mulching immediately after planting, sprinkling the ground under the plant with peat.
  4. There should be up to two meters of free space between plants.

Growing Chinese lemongrass - instructions here.

Also read the article about the daylily, planting and caring for it.

Caring for the vesicle


The vesicle loves regular, plentiful watering. Before the next watering, the soil should dry well. In hot weather, it is recommended to water more often.

top dressing

Tips for feeding the vesicle:

  1. You need to fertilize the plant twice a season.
  2. In early spring, they are fed with a nitrogen-containing fertilizer. For ten liters of water, take one tablespoon of urea and ammonium nitrate, half a liter of mullein.
  3. In autumn (before the onset of cold weather) fertilize with mineral complex fertilizers.

Preparing for winter

The plant tolerates winter well, if you follow the recommendations:

  1. Before frost, you need to mulch and add a small layer of humus, hay and peat. This will serve as a good shelter from severe frosts, and with the advent of spring it will become food for the plant.
  2. Young plants (planted in the first year) need additional shelter.


Most often, the shrub is propagated using cuttings or by dividing the bush. Do this in late May or early summer (before the flowering process). With the help of seeds, the plant is propagated extremely rarely, since the varietal characteristics of the shrub are lost.

Reproduction by cuttings

The appearance of buds on the cuttings is a sign that it is time to plant the vesicle on the site

Step-by-step instructions for cutting the vesicle:

  1. To propagate the plant by cuttings, first, healthy strong branches (2-3 internodes) are cut with a sharp knife and cleaned of leaves.
  2. The cuttings are dried a little and planted in warm, clean sand.
  3. When the first buds appear on the cuttings, you can plant them on the site. It is better to plant next to the plant from which the cuttings were taken.

The division of the bush

Only an adult, healthy, well-developed bush is suitable for this.

The separated part from the bush is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and planted in a new place.

It is better to shorten the branches in a new place a little in order to give the plant a good root and not waste energy on the formation of leaves.


Bush pruning can be sanitary or decorative (or molding).

  1. During sanitary pruning, damaged, dry, broken branches are removed. Most often it is done in spring and early autumn.
  2. Forming is done after flowering. Cut off the shoots by about 1/3 of the size of the crown.
  3. The vesicle hedge needs pruning (cutting) 1-2 times during the growing season. The first haircut takes place in April, the next as needed.

Also read about clematis, planting and caring for it.

And here you will find information about growing climbing roses.

Pest and disease control

The shrub has excellent immunity and is extremely rarely exposed to diseases or attack by pests.

Sometimes root rot can occur from an excess of moisture (especially on heavy soil). In this case, you need to dig up the plant, remove the affected parts, treat it with potassium permanganate and plant it in a new place.


Each variety of vesicle is distinguished by its individuality. Consider the most popular of them:

  1. diabolo- the most preferred variety. Has good decorative qualities. It features beautiful maroon leaves that will decorate various landscape compositions.
  2. Luteus- a variety with good and fast growth. It has a playful leaf color. When blooming, they are yellow with an orange tint, in June they become green, and golden in autumn. Inflorescences are white.
  3. Dart's Gold- a wide shrub, rounded, reaching 3 meters. The leaves are yellow with a golden hue or lemon. Inflorescences are white or with a pink tint.
  4. Center Glow- Shrub with expressive coloring of leaves. The leaves are burgundy along the edges, and yellow and lemon in the center. The color is especially pronounced in young leaves. With age, the color changes and becomes like a Burgundy wine, only a slight yellow tint remains at the center.
  5. Red Baron- has an expressive red venation of the leaves. The shrub reaches a height of 2 meters. Flowers are pink.

You can see photos of these varieties in the gallery:

Application in landscape design

The vesicle will become a worthy decoration of any landscape design. With it, you can decorate small rocky paths near the house. You can create a decorative hedge.

The vesicle will be an excellent solution for hedges

Plants planted singly next to benches or an artificial reservoir look good.

If you choose the right shade of foliage, the vesicle will look great next to various bright colors.

The vesicle every year attracts more and more attention of gardeners. It has good decorative, aesthetic qualities and is easy to care for.

If you give him your care and attention, he can become a real decoration of your garden plot.

Jul 21, 2015Elena Timoshchuk

The vesiculate shrub belongs to the Rosaceae group. It is undemanding to growing conditions. In caring for him, timely pruning is the most important.

Pruning the vesicle

The crown of the vesicle is voluminous and spreading. Its diameter can be more than 2 m. The edge of the leaf plate is pointed, serrated. The leaves are irregularly shaped and a shade of bright green. The bush is valued for inflorescences resembling a hemisphere in shape. They consist of many small white flowers. The fruits are like red bubbles. Over time, they darken and acquire a brown tone.

Pruning of the vesicle should be timely

The shrub develops rapidly and is undemanding to external conditions. It's easy to take care of him. It is important to provide the plant with abundant watering. It does not tolerate drought well. Timely pruning is equally important. It will help preserve the beauty of the lush crown. Pruning can be of 3 types:

  • Sanitary - necessary to maintain the health of the plant and its active development. This manipulation consists in cutting off the broken branches and removing the dried ones.
  • Forming - is required to give the crown a certain shape and increase its density, as well as to give power to the stems. The minimum height of such trimming is 40 cm.
  • Anti-aging - consists in getting rid of old shoots and shortening the length of lateral shoots.

The shrub needs regular pruning. In vesicles with colored foliage, it is necessary to remove the shoots on which green leaves are formed.

When to prune the vesicle?

Shrub care is carried out as needed. The best time for cutting and shortening branches is spring and early autumn. The timing of pruning the vesicle depends on its variety:

  • Sanitary - can be carried out at any time if damage is present on the plant. In the absence of a direct need, such a procedure is performed in the spring for preventive purposes.
  • Forming - carried out after the bush has faded. Shoots are shortened by half the length.
  • Anti-aging - produced in the fall after the foliage has completely fallen off. In the spring, you can rejuvenate the shrub only before the leaves bloom.

If shrubs make up a hedge, they will need to be cut a little more often. During the growing season, up to 4 haircuts are needed. The first time the procedure is carried out in April until the moment when the buds begin to bloom.

The pliability of the plant allows you to give its crown any shape. Its aesthetic properties can be used in landscape design.
