How to grow tobacco - what do you need to get a rich flavor? How to grow smoking tobacco in a summer cottage Planting shag in open ground.

How to grow tobacco for smoking in the garden? No, it's not the dashing 90s that returned when there was a catastrophic shortage. Yes, and they grew up then for the most part shag. Let's talk about how to get exactly tobacco - high-quality, fragrant and inexpensive.

If you are going to be poisoned, then you need to do it with taste. Instead of paying crazy money to manufacturers for a pack of incomprehensible straw soaked in synthetics.

In general, it is not difficult to grow tobacco in the garden. More dances are obtained with seeds and subsequent processing of raw materials. Following the recommendations will help make it easier and without much effort.

Sowing for seedlings

Yes, you will have to do seedlings. Because tobacco has a long growing season. And he simply will not have time to gain a sufficient amount of aroma if he is sown directly into the ground. Yes, and it's impossible. If only because many, when they see tobacco seeds for the first time, exclaim: “Some kind of dust!”.

Indeed, they are so small that if you sow them in the usual way, you will never see a harvest.

Proper planting of tobacco seeds. You will need a wide container, no more than 10 cm high. Better yet, separate cassettes for each seed. The soil should consist of fertile soil with clean sand, 1 to 1. It is poured in an even layer, then it is well leveled and moistened. Some sources recommend watering the soil mixture after sowing. We do not recommend, because there is a risk of washing off microscopic seeds.

Spread the seeds with a wet toothpick on the prepared soil. You can just sprinkle them on the surface, but only very rarely. Otherwise, the seedlings will interfere with each other, despite the tiny size. From above, carefully sprinkle with earth, with a layer of no more than 0.5 cm.

Next, the container is covered with glass or a piece of transparent plastic. After put in a warm, bright place, with a temperature of 25-27 ° C. Once a day, condensate is removed from the inside of the glass by turning it over to the other side. When the soil dries, gently spray it from the spray gun.

Shoots usually appear in about 7-9 days. When the first sprouts appear, the temperature is reduced to 20 ° C. Otherwise, they will stop growing. The cover is also removed.

When the 3rd true leaf appears, the seedlings must be picked. If landing was made in separate cups, then this item can be skipped.

The first two weeks it will seem that the seedlings sit still and do not develop. Actually it is not. Just during this period, the root system is building up. And only then the above-ground part of tobacco will show all its power.

So that young bushes do not fall on their side under the weight of their own leaves, carefully spud them or add soil to the roots.

It is very important at this time to monitor soil moisture. Waterlogging threatens with the appearance of a black leg and complete lodging of seedlings. Be sure to have good lighting from 7 am to 21 pm. You can use additional lighting lamps. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to substitute seedlings under direct sunlight. Young leaves burn instantly.

Advice. Two weeks before planting seedlings in the ground, tobacco is fed with any phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Tobacco is very heat-loving, it can die even at temperatures below +3°C. Therefore, it is planted in the ground in the third decade of May, when all return frosts have finally passed. The planting pattern is very simple - 30 by 50 cm. The principle is like seedlings of tomatoes or peppers. That is, from 0.5 to 1 liter of pure water is poured into the hole for the plant, an earthen mash is made and a young bush of tobacco is planted. It is advisable to deepen it a little, by 3-4 cm. This is how additional roots are formed.

How do you know if a plant is ready to be transplanted? It should have 4-6 true leaves, well developed. They try not to touch the seedling for foliage in general, it is very fragile and tender. And through an ordinary scratch on the surface, fungal spores and pathogenic bacteria penetrate. It is best to use the transshipment method along with a clod of earth.

On the third day after transplanting into the ground, tobacco is fed with a large amount of organic fertilizer. And no more nutrition is given during growth. The mineral water remains in the leaves and enters the lungs along with the smoke. Nitrogen-rich organics make tobacco smelly, with an unpleasant aftertaste. In addition, the tobacco root is so long and powerful that it will find enough food for itself at any depth.

Advice. If, after planting, the sun begins to bake, then the young sprouts are sure to shade in the first week. It can be a canopy made of gauze, non-woven material. You can put arcs and throw cover on them. The main thing is to leave the illumination, but not to allow sunburn.

Tobacco care in the garden

Despite the fact that the infusion of dried tobacco leaves repels many pests, they are very fond of eating its fresh leaves. Even the Colorado potato beetles sometimes try to feast on them. Some sources advise spraying plantings with formalin solution. But this option is only suitable for industrial plantations. And what to do in your own garden, where next year the same land will be needed for other plantings?

Option two:

  1. Collect pests by hand. The method is suitable if there are only a few bushes.
  2. Use approved insecticides. The method is suitable for large plantations of home cultivation.

Just don’t talk about the accumulation of poisons in tobacco leaves from chemicals now. You might think that when smoking, the body is not poisoned, but becomes healthier.

And so that you don’t have to add industrial poison to nicotine poison, you will have to keep the tobacco area perfectly clean from weeds. After all, it is on them that most of the pests live. Weeding will have to be done not only during the cultivation of tobacco, but also in advance. Then prevention will be effective.

Diseases. Yes, oddly enough, even vigorous tobacco is affected by diseases and fungi. You can dance with a tambourine around the landings, blow off dust particles from them, but one single cold snap below + 15 ° C will nullify all your work. Prevention from diseases is the health and strength of the plant. If it is weak and queer, it is unlikely to survive even to technical maturity.

It happens that sometimes even a plant full of strength gets sick. Then there are a couple of options for getting rid of adversity:

  1. Tear out a sickly bush of tobacco with a root, take it away from the garden and burn it. In this case, there will be no guarantee that the infection will not go further.
  2. Spray the plantings with a solution of copper sulfate. It stops the development of many diseases.

Here again, indignation may follow - but what about smoking tobacco then? Yes, very simple. Because blue vitriol is not absorbed by the plant and is washed off by the first rain or good watering. Such processing does not affect the taste of raw materials.

Watering. Tobacco loves to drink, because its wide leaves evaporate a lot of moisture. Just don't water your plants every day. Usually they are guided by the appearance: do the tips of the leaves fall down and look lethargic? So it's time to properly shed the soil. Under one plant, 5-7 liters of clean water will be enough.

If the temperature outside rises above + 35 ° C, then it is advisable to moisten the air and soil, regardless of the time of the last watering. Otherwise, the plants slow down in growth or die.

Flowers and stepsons. In order for tobacco in the garden to gain sufficient strength and a good amount of aromatic substances, absolutely all flowers and additional stepchildren are cut off from it. In general, it is considered normal to leave no more than 10 leaves on a plant. The rest must be removed. But, if not a garden bed is planted, but at least a hundred square meters of tobacco, then you will have to crawl through the thickets for a whole season and count the leaves.

To facilitate the task, it is enough to remove the stepchildren and all flower stalks 4 times over the summer.

Useful subtleties

  1. Real tobacco is very depleted of the soil. Therefore, a year before planting, a large amount of fertilizer is applied to the garden. The same is done after harvesting the plant.
  2. There are recommendations to pre-soak tobacco seeds for faster germination. And then they advise to sow the hatched seeds, trying not to damage the sprouts. But be sure to mix them with sand. Where is the logic? If you follow these tips, then all manipulations must be done with a microscope. After all, the sharp edges of grains of sand can scratch tiny seedlings. And how to separate the soaked seeds? If only with a needle.
  3. It is impossible to grow tobacco in the garden on those beds where other nightshade crops grew. Otherwise, there is a high risk that he will catch viral diseases from his predecessors.
  4. On poor and scarce soils, tobacco will have to be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers 2 times per season. Only strictly observe the recipe and dosage. An excess of mineral water makes the raw material rough, smelling bad.
  5. If a tobacco leaf has dried up on a plant during the growing season, then it is not suitable for smoking. Cut off only green leaves. A characteristic signal for harvesting is the appearance of a specific aroma, stickiness on the leaf surface and a lighter shade of green than the entire bush.
  6. Do not break off all the leaves at once. They are harvested only as they ripen. Usually this is a three-time procedure. First, 4 sheets are cut off, then the next 3, and the last 3 are finally broken. This is ideal if only 10 pieces are left, as industrial agronomists recommend. Cleaning starts from the bottom of the plant.
  7. But, sometimes with good care, real tobacco grows up to 2 meters tall. There will already be much more than 10 pieces of burdock. In fact, do not break off half of the plant, if the soil and care allow you to grow such a hero.
  8. The collected leaves are left to dry in a room with high humidity. If this is a barn or attic, then be sure to put additional containers with water. The raw material should, as it were, wither, and not dry out to a crunch.
  9. After drying, it is still not quite smoking tobacco. In order for it to become a quality smoke with a good aroma and proper strength, it must be fermented. How to do this correctly, you can see on specialized forums. There are a lot of recipes, there is a special technology and a variety of additives. The most common are cognac and honey. Only after such processing can you enjoy the quality taste of homemade tobacco. Before the fermentation process, it's just dried leaves.
  10. If after all the manipulations the tobacco turned out to be too strong and saturated, it is recommended to dilute it with chopped stems. They have less nicotine, and the aroma differs little from the smell of leaves.

How to grow tobacco for smoking in the garden? It turns out it's very simple. And you don't even have to smoke it afterwards. You can use tobacco to repel pests in the garden. And properly dried and fermented, it will be an excellent gift for lovers of a good, high-quality smoke. And let the Ministry of Health warn ...

Video: growing tobacco at home

Cigarettes are constantly becoming more expensive, and the quality of tobacco leaves much to be desired, so many smokers began to switch to hand-grown tobacco. For tobacco is not yet imprisoned

Recommendations for growing tobacco on a personal plot are given by a scientist from the Krasnodar Research and Production Association for Tobacco, Shag and Tobacco Products. Tobacco, in comparison with shag, is more demanding on heat. It is possible to grow it south of 55 ° north parallel. Makhorka is more unpretentious. It grows well from the Arctic to the southern regions of Russia.

For a year, a smoker consumes an average of 7.5-8.0 kg of tobacco. Under favorable conditions, 30-40 kg of dry tobacco leaves can be obtained from 0.01 ha. The weight of one dry leaf is 0.8-1.5 g. 25-33 technically mature leaves are formed on the plant per season.
The following varieties of tobacco are cultivated in Russia: Holly 215, Yubileiny, Trapezond 219, Trapezond 15, shag - M. Pekhlets 4, AS 18/7, Pekhlets local, Datura local.

The duration of the period from planting seedlings to harvesting for tobacco is 100-135 days, for shag - 70-80. It takes 40-45 days to distill seedlings. The sowing rate of seeds per 1 square meter is 0.3-0.4 g. 0.7 square meters of a greenhouse or greenhouse is required per 0.01 ha; 800-900 plants can be obtained from this area. At home, seedlings are grown in flower pots, wooden boxes, placing them on windows on the sunny side.

4-5 days before sowing, the seeds are soaked in water or in a 0.01% solution of tartaric acid or in a 1.0% solution of potassium nitrate for 24 hours at a temperature of 25-27 ° C. This accelerates seed germination, reduces the time distillation of seedlings for 5-7 days, in addition, the yield of seedlings increases by 15-20 percent. The consumption rate of the solution is 3 ml per 1 g of seeds. After 24 hours, the seeds are removed from the solution, washed, excess water is removed and, when wet, is placed in a layer of 2-3 centimeters in an enamel or faience dish.

From above, they are covered with a damp cloth and placed for germination (at a temperature of 27 ° C) in a thermostat or in a bright, heated and well-ventilated room. Seeds need to be periodically moistened, stirred 4-5 times a day for air access. Usually, on the 3-4th day, the seeds peck - sprouts appear in the form of white dots. The formation of a sprout longer than the seed should not be allowed, since such sprouts easily break off and die.

The hatched seeds are dried to a state of flowability, mixed with well-disinfected sand, humus or nutrient mixture, sifted through a screen with 0.25 cm cells and sown in greenhouses. If germinated seeds cannot be sown immediately, then they are stored in a room with an air temperature of +1 ... +2 ° C (in the basement, in the refrigerator).

On 1 square meter of a greenhouse, 0.13 cubic meters of nutrient mixture are prepared, including 0.02 cubic meters of powder with a ratio of components: 50% humus, 25% earth, and 25% sand (the powder consists of 75% humus and 25% sand ). The thickness of the nutrient layer is 8-10 centimeters. Sowing dates - the third decade of February - the first decade of March. When sowing on 1 bucket of powder, take 3-4 g of tobacco seeds (or 15-20 g of shag seeds) per 10 square meters of a greenhouse. The depth of sowing tobacco seeds is 0.3-0.5 centimeters, shag seeds - 0.7-0.8 centimeters. Before and after sowing the seeds and their powder, the surface of the greenhouses is watered (water consumption is 1 liter per square meter).

After sowing, monitor soil moisture. Before the “cross” phase, seedlings are watered once a day, 1 liter per square meter, before the “ears” phase - 2-3 liters per square meter, after the “ears” phase - 3-5 liters per square meter. The temperature regime in nurseries from sowing to the "cross" phase is 23-25 ​​° C, in subsequent phases - 20 ° C. During the growing period, seedlings are sprinkled 3-4 times and fed. A solution of mineral fertilizers for feeding seedlings is prepared at the rate of: for 10 liters of water - 30 g of ammonium nitrate, 50-60 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate or 20 g of 40% potassium salt. Top dressing is carried out using a watering can with a nozzle with small holes (0.25 cm) consumption - 10 liters of solution per 4-5 square meters of nursery.

From organic fertilizer, it is better to use an infusion of chicken manure (10 liters of water per 1 kg of manure). Leave it for 10-12 days for fermentation, stir occasionally. The fermented mass is filtered. Water is added to the solution - 4-5 parts of water for 1 part of the liquid.

7-8 days before planting, the seedlings are hardened, the number of waterings is reduced, and 2-3 days before planting, watering is completely stopped. Such hardening increases the resistance of plants to adverse conditions in open ground, promotes better survival and rapid rooting of plants. The stem of well-hardened seedlings does not break when wrapped around a finger.
2-3 hours before sampling, seedlings are watered abundantly. It is undesirable to select seedlings in bunches, since with such a selection many underdeveloped plants are removed. One plant should be pulled out, capturing the two most developed leaves. For planting, take seedlings 14-16 centimeters high with 5-6 developed leaves (not counting cotyledons) with a stem thickness of 0.3-0.5 centimeters with a well-developed root system. Seedlings are planted in the ground when the danger of spring frosts has passed, and the soil temperature at a depth of 10 centimeters is about 10 degrees.

The approximate date for planting tobacco is from April 20 to May 25. The optimal planting density for large-leaved varieties of tobacco (Holy 215, Yubileiny) is 70–30 centimeters, for medium-leaved varieties (Trapezond 19, Trapezond 219) and all varieties of shag - 70–20 centimeters. When planting along a previously prepared furrow, holes are made at a distance of 30 centimeters for tobacco and 20 centimeters for shag. 0.5 liters of water is poured into each hole, seedlings are laid out along the furrow with leaves to the left of the planter. The planter deepens the hole with his right hand with a chivy, puts seedlings vertically into it with his left hand, presses moist soil to the roots from above, sprinkles it with dry earth to reduce moisture evaporation. For better survival and rapid growth, seedling roots are dipped in a mullein solution, which is prepared from fresh cow dung and an equal amount of creamy clay. The excess solution is shaken off and the roots are abundantly sprinkled with finely sifted humus mixed with granulated superphosphate in a ratio of 4: 1.

During the growing season of plants, regular loosening of the soil, removal of weeds, top dressing, watering, and disease control are carried out. In flowering plants, the inflorescences are broken off (top) and lateral shoots are cut off (stepsons). Depending on soil moisture, 2-3 waterings are carried out. The approximate watering rate is 6-8 liters of water per 1 plant. Against peronosporosis, a 0.3% solution of polycarbacin or a 0.4% suspension of cineb (5 liters of solution per 0.01 ha) is used. When aphids appear, plants are sprayed with actelic (20-30 g per 10 l of water) or rogor (10-20 g per 10 l of water).

Tobacco leaves are removed, starting from the lower tiers, as they turn yellow (by 1/3 of the plate) in 5-6 doses. They should not be harvested in an unripe or overripe state, wet from dew or rain. Broken leaves are laid out in the shade with a layer of 30 centimeters, after 12-14 hours, when they are tied, they begin to fix the leaves on cords and hang them in a drying facility (boguns of greenhouses, sheds). Do not dry the leaves in the rain and in strong winds. Solar drying lasts 15-17 days and gives the final raw material. In cloudy weather, the leaves dry slowly, the raw material is dark. Dried tobacco is carefully removed. Cords with tobacco are folded four times and 5-6 cords are attached to a specially prepared hook. Such a garland of cords with tobacco is called a havanka. Harbors are hung on poles placed in the storage room. In autumn, the leaves are removed from the cords, smoothed with hands, and placed in packs.

Fermented tobacco is used to make quality cigarettes. Fermentation can be done at home. Approximate mode: tobacco is heated in a container for 2-3 days to 50 ° C at an air humidity of 60-65 °. After that (the temperature remains constant - 50 ° C), the air humidity is increased to 70-75% within 5-6 days. Then, within 48 hours, the temperature is gradually reduced, and the relative humidity of the air is increased to 75-80%. Next, the tobacco is cooled to a temperature of 20-25 ° C with a humidity of not less than 11% and not more than 16%. Refrigerate tobacco for 2-3 days. Then it is laid for resting - for 25-30 days.

Tobacco is cut into fibers 0.5-0.7 mm wide. The length of cigarettes is 70-85 mm, the diameter is 8 mm. Tobacco consumption per cigarette is 0.8-1.1 g. To obtain high-quality cigarettes, a mixture of various tobaccos is required. Well, there will be no problems with the sale of tobacco, it is always a profitable business.

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Growing tobacco in a smoking garden is quite profitable. If you follow all the rules, then the finished product will be of very high quality. In addition, it is completely natural, so it is safer for the body, unlike store-bought cigarettes. Yes, and the cost of such products increases every year, and growing tobacco from seeds is not only simple, but also cheap.

Seed selection and germination

Before thinking about how to grow tobacco for smoking in the garden, you need to choose a specific variety. There are many varieties of this plant. For beginners who are going to get tobacco at home, it is recommended to use universal varieties. For example, the following will do:

  1. Virginia 202. This variety is very popular and is excellent for growing in the Russian climate. The advantage of this variety is that the final product contains a small proportion of harmful resinous compounds. In addition, this smoking tobacco has a pleasant sweetish taste. This variety is cultivated everywhere. It was created in the Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. Herzegovina Flora. Tobacco of this kind was considered Stalin's favorite. In general, the variety is very popular. This type of tobacco has a pleasant aroma and taste. The leaves are moderately strong. Perfect for people who have just started to get involved in this activity.

When the seeds are determined, it is necessary to choose the soil, containers and a place for germination. Tobacco originates from the South American continent. This plant is heat-loving and ripens late. Because of this, in the summer cottage in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to plant seeds in the spring, as early as possible. It is best to sow the seeds in March.

It is necessary to choose containers of small sizes. Disposable cups are great for this. At the bottom, you need to make several holes in order for water to drain. First you need to pour out small pebbles - the drainage layer is small in thickness.

After that, you can fill the soil. The soil must be fertile. Experts advise not to take soil from the garden, but to purchase universal soil in flower shops, which is perfect for seedlings. It is allowed to mix ordinary garden soil with such soil in equal proportions, but it should first be disinfected by leaving it in the oven for a while or washing it with a small solution of potassium permanganate in a low concentration. It is also allowed to add a little wood ash.

Only after all the preparatory work is completed, you can think about how to grow tobacco at home. In general, landing involves several conditions that must be met. The seeds are very small, so it is inconvenient to work with them. It is necessary to act very carefully. First you need to pour the soil in containers with water (it should be warm). Then evenly spill the seeds from the bag into the container. Fill with soil from above - the layer thickness is not more than 1 mm. After that, the container must be tightly covered with plastic wrap, in which several small holes are made with a needle. The container must be kept at room temperature. After 3-5 days, the first shoots will appear. After that, you need to remove the film and put the container in a bright place (a window sill is also perfect).

How to care for seedlings

Growing tobacco at home is an easy process. It is almost the same as with other plants. Before diving, care is very simple. As soon as shoots appear, remove the film and put the pots in a bright place. It is best to choose a window sill that is located on the south side. If you do not follow these simple steps, then the seedlings will have disproportionately long stems, and its growth will be poor. Be sure to periodically water the soil as soon as it dries out. Use water that has already been settled. The temperature should be room temperature. It is not recommended to use too cold water. Experts advise periodically turning containers with seedlings on the other side to the sun so that the growth and development of plants is uniform and the seedlings do not stretch.

Seedlings quickly appear from seeds at home, after a while it should be swooped down. This process is understood as planting seedlings at a sufficient distance in relation to each other. It is best to start this procedure after about 2-3 true leaves appear on the plants. It is allowed to do this later, when growth begins to slow down.

Growing from seeds suggests that it is impossible to do without picking. Since the seeds are too small, the seedlings are too close to each other. In addition, tobacco grows very quickly, so the plants will simply interfere with each other. Because of this, the seedlings are too weak and elongated. It is best to plant plants in different containers. You can use regular plastic cups again. Only 1 sprout per container is allowed. Then, from plastic containers, seedlings will need to be transplanted into open ground after a while.

After completing the picking procedure, it is necessary to monitor watering. It should be daily until the plant is accepted in the new soil. But it's also not worth filling up.

A couple of weeks after picking, it is recommended to feed the seedlings. It is allowed to use both mineral and organic fertilizers. The main thing is that some contain a large amount of nitrogen. It is this element that is required at the stage of vegetative growth. Chicken manure is suitable for these purposes. It must be diluted with water in the following proportions: 1 part of the fertilizer requires 10 parts of water. If such top dressing is not enough, then in a week it will be possible to repeat the procedure. If there is a chance that the seedling will become too large, then you should not fertilize it a second time.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, it is required to harden it. Experts advise to open windows and doors to the street more often. A week before transplanting, it is necessary to transfer all containers to the balcony. It is not recommended to water until the next transplant (that is, no more than a week). In general, smoking tobacco is considered a heat-loving plant, so it is necessary to monitor the air temperature the rest of the time. The indicator can vary from 18 to 24 ° C.

Transplantation in open ground

Growing tobacco outdoors is not difficult, but the final transplanting process is very important. Seedlings should be kept indoors until a person is sure that frost will not return. Tobacco will not be able to survive them. Only when the threat of a drop in temperature to minus levels disappears, it is allowed to transplant the sprouts to their permanent place. Some prefer to transplant into large pots, others grow in the garden. In any case, it is imperative to follow all the rules of agricultural technology so that the sprouts do not disappear and take root in a new place, begin to actively develop further.

First of all, you need to choose a suitable place. It is best to build a bed with a slope (the angle should be small). This will help to avoid the accumulation of a large amount of water. In addition, you need to choose an area that will be well protected from drafts and strong winds.

If it is not possible to allocate a small area for growing tobacco, then you can simply plant the sprouts in a line near the fence. The result is a kind of additional hedge that will look beautiful.

For tobacco, it is not necessary to plow the entire soil. The main thing is to remove all weeds from the territory and loosen the soil. For the latter, it is recommended to use the Fokin flat cutter. In addition, you need to do soil fertilization in this place. It is best to use rotted compost. No more than 1 bucket of fertilizer will be needed per 1 m² of territory.

After the site is selected and prepared, you can proceed directly to the process of transplanting seedlings into open ground. Sprouts must be placed at a distance of 0.2-0.5 m from each other (the distance depends on the variety, since the size of the shrubs will vary). Make holes in the garden. They need to be made deep enough - about 20-30 cm each. Pour a small amount of previously rotted compost onto the bottom. Then pour everything with water (it should be warm). For each hole, you will need about half a bucket of water.

Now you need to carefully remove the plant from the pot and place it in the hole. After that, sprinkle with soil. It is best to place the tobacco a little deeper than it was previously grown in a pot. Experts advise not to forget about mulching the soil around the tobacco, but this procedure is optional. Now it remains only to water the seedlings with warm water.

tobacco care

After planting in open ground, seedlings must be watered. After that, the procedure is carried out only once a week (but look at the rate of drying of the soil). A month after planting, the plants become very demanding on water. They need watering much more often than before. This is due to the fact that organic tissues begin to actively form. At this time, watering is required every 4 days. It will take about 10 liters per square meter of territory. A couple of months after transplanting into open ground, it is necessary to minimize watering. At this time, plants do not need water as much as before. In addition, the weather becomes more humid, especially at night. It is necessary to water the tobacco as the soil dries out.

In addition to watering, tobacco must also be fertilized. After transplantation, fertilizing with substances that contain a large amount of nitrogen is required. This is necessary so that the bush grows green mass faster. This depends on the yield. It is very important not to forget about top dressing during the growing season.

It is recommended to use fertilizers 1-1.5 weeks after transplanting into open ground. You can use any complex fertilizer that contains a large amount of nitrogen. Urea is perfect for this. It will take only 1 tablespoon of the substance per 10 liters of water. Pour the composition under the root.

It is recommended to remove the stepsons that are located between the leaves. This should be done when they are 2 cm. As for topping, this is a procedure in which inflorescences are removed while they are still buds. This must be done in order to get more quality leaves. In addition, the tobacco will be much stronger.

You need to harvest when the foliage is ripe. It's easy to determine. The main vein, located in the center, turns white. The edges begin to turn yellow, and the middle of the leaf becomes dull greenish. It is very important to cut the leaves at this time, otherwise they will begin to overripe.


Before you start planning your harvest, you need to determine how to grow tobacco in your garden. All important aspects should be studied. Be sure to decide on the variety, learn how to germinate seeds, care for sprouts. It is also important to properly harvest the crop, dry it before use. Only after that you can start growing products in the country. All of the above tips are universal. It is recommended to listen to them, but be sure to take into account the situation.

What they just do not grow in garden and summer cottages, avid gardeners in vegetable gardens. An unexpected option is smoking tobacco. Why not? For a gardener-smoker, a good way to stock up on your own.

How to grow tobacco for smoking in the garden

Features of the growing process

The main feature of tobacco is a wide variety of varieties. They differ greatly in the way they are planted, cared for and harvested. For example, shag is the most unpretentious option. If you grow ordinary tobacco in the garden, you will have to make a little more effort. He loves warmth more than water.

IMPORTANT! To grow tobacco in a garden, it is better to know in advance which variety is suitable for a particular area.

In general, tobacco is planted, processed and fed like many other plants. For example, the process of transplanting smoking tobacco seedlings into the ground is very similar to planting tomatoes. It follows that everyone can grow tobacco in a garden.

Tobacco seedlings in a separate pot

Planting seeds

In order to get seedlings of tobacco, seeds should be sown. Tobacco is quite capricious and heat-loving, therefore it requires proper care and knowledge of the process. At the first stage of interaction with him, it is recommended to plant a small number of plant units in order to understand the principle of its cultivation.

Tobacco seeds have some features:

  • size. They are so small that they look more like dust. Hence the peculiarities of planting the seed of tobacco for smoking: it is enough just to “scatter” them over the surface of the earth and only slightly press;
  • germination. Tobacco seeds retain their germination property for a long time. This means that fairly old seeds can also be sown;
  • quantity. A quarter of a gram of tobacco seeds is sufficient to obtain a result in the volume of the annual "smoker's supply". Such a small amount of material gives a decent yield.

Tobacco seeds - photo

Due to these features, a specific fit is required. Tobacco seeds are not planted deep. The maximum depth of their planting is up to 1 cm. To do this, simply scatter them on the surface of the soil and only slightly press into it. After that, carefully pour a thin stream of water. If the pressure is too strong, the seeds will easily wash out and spread over the surface, going beyond the allotted limits.

ATTENTION! Tobacco seeds can also be planted slightly germinated, this will speed up the seedling germination process. To germinate seeds, you need to soak them in water 4-5 days before planting.

Temperature is an important factor influencing the rate of seed germination. It should be in the range of 25-28 degrees, otherwise the seeds may not sprout at all.

Video - tobacco seed planting technology

Planting seedlings in open ground

How to understand that tobacco seedlings are ready to move into the open ground of the garden? There are a number of signs for this:

  • seedlings have a height of about 15 cm;
  • leaves have formed on it, on each unit there are about 5 plants;
  • the root system has developed sufficiently;
  • frosts have passed and the likelihood of their occurrence is minimal. This factor is extremely important, since any sudden drop in temperature can destroy the entire crop.

ATTENTION! Before transplanting into open ground, tobacco plants must be hardened off. Otherwise, they will not be able to adapt to the changed conditions.

The essence of hardening is to reduce the frequency of watering and the periodic removal of seedlings to the open air. This will help strengthen the plants and make them a little more resilient to the environment.

The process of landing in the ground is not much different from the standard. Each bush is planted in separate holes, after pouring plenty of water into it. In addition, it is worth planting tobacco with a small amount of soil so that the root system is not badly damaged. This will help the plants to more easily survive the stress of transplantation and “get sick” faster.

Planting tobacco seeds in open ground

Care and feeding

Tobacco care involves doing the following regularly:

  • weeding from weeds is necessary as they appear;
  • loosening the soil around the plant. This helps oxygen saturate the soil and nourish the root system of the tobacco;
  • top dressing. It is similar to that which is made for tomatoes;
  • watering. Tobacco does not like abundant watering, it is better to water rarely, but plentifully. In total for the summer (not very hot) 3-4 times is enough.

When to harvest and how to dry it?

Growing tobacco is not such a responsible process as harvesting and drying it. The result directly depends on the correct implementation of these actions. Improper drying or fermentation can negate all efforts to grow tobacco for smoking.

Drying tobacco is a critical step in the tobacco growing process.

Tobacco that has changed the color of the leaves should be removed. If at first, at the stage of maturation and growth, they are green, then ready for harvesting, they are closer to yellow. If there are leaves of different colors on one bush, then they should be collected as soon as they are ready. Hence, the harvesting process is sometimes delayed for a long time.

Drying tobacco takes place in several stages:

  1. Hanging leaves. After harvesting, the leaves are hung in a room that must be ventilated and sufficiently humid. This is necessary so as not to dry out the leaves.

    Hanging tobacco leaves

  2. Drying directly. It will take about a month for tobacco to dry to the desired limit. During this period of time, it remains only to wait and monitor the maintenance of conditions in the room.
  3. Preparation for fermentation. Sufficiently dried leaves are evenly moistened by spraying water on them. They should soften up a bit. After that, they are stacked on top of each other and covered with a film.
  4. Fermentation. Prepared leaves are folded into jars or other containers. This is necessary to regulate the strength of tobacco and change its taste.

    The process of drying tobacco in the attic

Pests and diseases

To protect the crop from pests, it is worth knowing which ones threaten tobacco.

peach aphid A pest that infects the leaves of a plant It threatens with the complete destruction of the crop or a significant decrease in the number
Mosaic Appears as the name suggests. Some of the leaves remain green, some turn yellow Lack of treatment threatens to destroy plants
Blackleg The plant lies down, the stem becomes thinner, withers plant destruction
black rot Plant wilting, drying Harvest death
powdery mildew White-yellow coating in the form of cobwebs on the leaves, gradually full coverage of the plant Reduces yield, adversely affects the quality of tobacco

Diseases can completely cover the entire plant and move to neighboring ones. Treatment is carried out in the same ways as for other plants. Copper sulphate and other means are well suited for processing, depending on the degree of damage to plants.

Video - step by step instructions for growing tobacco in the garden

Thus, growing tobacco for smoking in the garden is real. To do this, it is enough to take care of it approximately the same as for other plants. Tobacco does not like abundant watering, but loosening should not be neglected. In addition, air temperature is important. After harvesting, it is important to properly dry and ferment it. It's a shame to lose the harvested tobacco crop at the last stage, so the drying process should be taken with special responsibility.

In our country, cigar or cigarette tobacco can be grown in open soil only in the southern regions. As for the northern and central regions, they will need greenhouse structures for this. But shag has become widespread throughout Russia (with the exception of the Far North, of course).

Growing tobacco at home

Once growing tobacco at home for the purpose of its further sale was considered a common activity for many families, and self-garden, as it was called, was a familiar product in the markets. This was largely due to the high cost of tobacco products, but later, when cigarettes became noticeably cheaper, this type of business began to decline. Be that as it may, even today shag has a lot of admirers, so the question of how to grow it on your site is still relevant.

Growing smoking tobacco - is it worth it?

Let's say you are a smoker and live somewhere in the southern part of the country. You have several acres of land on which you would like to grow tobacco. In this case, you should start with simple calculations: one cigarette contains about 1 g of tobacco (the lower the quality, the less), which means that there are about 20 g of tobacco in a pack. On average, a smoker needs one pack of cigarettes per day or from 6 to 8 kg of tobacco annually. If the conditions are favorable, then one plant can produce up to 30 g of tobacco, while 6-7 specimens can be planted per 1 m². If the variety is large-leaved, then the planting density should be 30x70 cm, and if we are talking about shag or plants with medium leaves, then 20x70 cm. From this it follows that in total it is necessary to plant from 270 to 300 plants, which will require about 40 m² . Moreover, the tobacco itself in this case will be extremely strong, so it will have to be diluted with stems. If this suits you, if you consider everything to be quite appropriate, or if you plan to sell products, then proceed according to the step-by-step instructions given in this article.

All parts of plants contain nicotine.

Note! All parts of plants contain nicotine, a powerful cardio- and neurotoxin, which leads to short-term euphoria (most of this substance is in the leaves - from 0.75% to 2.8%).

Step by step instructions for growing tobacco

The article will discuss how to breed ordinary tobacco. If you choose Nicotiana rustica (that's the scientific name for shag), you won't need much of the advice given, as this variety is less heat-loving and easier to care for. In the regions of the middle lane, it is sown in May in open soil (under a film or any other covering material) so that it has time to develop and give a good harvest.

Growing tobacco on the plot

Traditionally, work should begin with the selection of planting material. There are a lot of tobacco varieties, but you should choose only local ones.

Table. Tobacco varieties zoned in the CIS

Note! There's also the Kentucky Burley, which has the advantage of being low in sugar so the leaves don't ferment. Immediately after drying, the leaves are steamed and crushed for consumption.

Stage one. Sprouting seeds

The technologies for breeding tobacco and shag are in many ways similar, and the main difference lies in the same ripening period. So, shag ripens in 75-80 days, and tobacco, therefore, in 105-120 days. You also need to remember that the seeds in this case are not grown in the garden, that is, in open soil - this should be done in a greenhouse or, alternatively, at home, using pots or seedling boxes.

Step 1. First, prepare the previously purchased seeds - 2-3 days before sowing, soak them in a solution of tartaric acid (proportions - 3 ml per 1 g of grains) for 24 hours. The air temperature all this time should fluctuate between 25-30 ° C. This simple procedure will ensure earlier maturation of seedlings (approximately 7 days) and an increase in germination by 20%.

Tobacco seed

Step 2 After 24 hours, remove the seeds from the solution, dry a little and spread in a ceramic / enamel dish with a 3-centimeter layer.

Step 3 Keep the material in this form for several days, moisturizing and mixing at least 5-6 times daily. As for the air temperature, it should already be 27-28 ° C.

Stage two. We prepare the greenhouse

Due to the fact that it is more expedient to grow tobacco seedlings in a greenhouse, we will focus on this option. So, take care of the nutrient layer, consisting of humus and sand in a ratio of 3:4. Fill the greenhouse with the resulting mixture with a layer 10 cm thick.

The greenhouse must be covered with humus and sand

Seeds should be sown in the last days of February or early March, so additionally make sure that the greenhouse structure is heated. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure will be insignificant, so this will not cause any special difficulties.

Stage three. Sowing seeds and growing seedlings

Step 1. Immediately before sowing, moisten the nutrient layer (water consumption during irrigation should be 1 l / m²). Over time, by the way, the watering rate will have to be increased to about 4 l / m².

Step 2 Sow tobacco grains superficially, evenly scattering them over moist soil. Consumption should be 4 g / m² (if you sow shag, then 20 g / m²).

Step 3 After sowing, gently press the seeds into the soil about 0.3 cm (for shag, this figure is 0.7 cm), then pour water. Water with extreme caution, otherwise the grains may sink too deep.

Step 4 Lower the air temperature in the greenhouse to 20°C.

Sowing tobacco seeds for seedlings

Further care for seedlings is to comply with several important requirements.

  1. Regularly feed the plants with a solution prepared from potassium salt, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate (20 g, 50 g and 30 g, respectively, for every 10 liters of liquid).
  2. The consumption of the finished solution should be approximately 2 l / m² of soil.
  3. You can also use organic fertilizer - chicken manure, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 7.
  4. 7 days before the expected transplant date, reduce the frequency and abundance of watering. Moreover, for the last three days, tobacco seedlings do not need to be watered at all.
  5. Hardened and high-quality plants should be with an elastic stem that does not break during bending.
  6. A few hours before transplanting, water the plants with plenty of water - this will make it easier to remove them from the ground.

Tobacco seedlings ready for transplanting

After 40-45 days, when the height of the stems reaches 15 cm, the thickness is 0.5 cm, and there are already several true leaves on each plant, transplant the seedlings into open soil.

Stage four. We transplant seedlings

During transplantation, the temperature of the soil at a depth of 10 cm should rise somewhere up to 10 ° C (the specific indicator depends on the climatic zone).

How to transplant tobacco seedlings

Step 1. Make shallow holes first. The distance between them should be from 25 cm to 30 cm, and the row spacing should be at least 70 cm.

Step 2 Pour 0.5-1 l of water into each well.

Step 3 Remove plants one at a time and transplant into holes. In fact, the technology is almost the same as when planting tomatoes. However, remember that any transplant is a shock to seedlings, so try to keep the soil in which the plants grew on the root system.

Step 4 Before planting, dip each plant in a special mixture of clay and cow dung.

Step 5 Fill the holes with soil, compact it gently.

Growing seedlings of tobacco in the open field

Stage five. Further care

In the future, regularly weed and loosen the aisles, and also feed. During the entire growing season, tobacco should be watered no more than 2-3 times (water consumption should be 8 liters per bush). Also periodically pinch (remove lateral shoots) and topping (breaking off inflorescences).

Tips for Growing and Caring for Tobacco

Possible diseases

There are two most common tobacco problems. Let's see how to deal with them.

  1. Aphid. To fight it, use "Rogor-S".
  2. Peronosporosis. It can be defeated with a 4% suspension of cineb, applied in a ratio of 5 l / 10 acres, or with a 0.3% solution of polycarbacin.

Downy mildew of tobacco

Harvest Features

Step 1. As soon as the leaves turn yellow, you can remove them, without fail, starting from the lower tiers. It is important that each leaf is intact and dry.

Step 2 Transfer all these leaves to the shade for 12 hours, carefully laying them in a 30 cm layer. During this time, they are quite attached.

Step 3 Next, put the leaves on the cords and hang to dry. If you will dry outdoors, then choose a suitable place for this, protected from rain and wind. If the weather is sunny, the leaves will dry faster, and the process will take no more than 2 weeks in total.

Drying tobacco leaves

Step 4 Take 5-6 cords with foliage, folded four times, and hang them on a special hook. A similar design is also known as a harbor.

Step 5 Move one or more of the harbors indoors to dry later by hanging them on the crossbars.

Drying tobacco after harvesting in the harbor

Step 6 With the onset of autumn, remove the leaves, gently smooth them out and put them in piles. Everything, tobacco is already ready for use!

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in growing tobacco, the main thing is desire, as well as compliance with all the tips given in the article.

Video - How to remove and how to dry tobacco

Video - Film about growing tobacco from A to Z

Video - Features of growing tobacco

It is not difficult to grow tobacco or shag, these crops have no more secrets than vegetables. True, you will have to tinker with the post-harvest processing of tobacco - to ferment it so that it becomes fragrant. But it's no more difficult than canning cucumbers. If you smoke, feel free to follow the path of the ancient Indians, from whose “home gardens” tobacco came to us.

If shag grows everywhere: from the south of Russia to the Arctic, then tobacco is more thermophilic. It succeeds well south of 55 ° north latitude, approximately this line passes through Ryazan, Smolensk, Ulyanovsk, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo.

Varieties of tobacco for growing

It is better to choose zoned varieties. Thus, Trapezond Kubanets and Trapezond 162 are recommended along with the North Caucasian for the West Siberian region. Cigarny 17 and Bryansk 91 are considered the best for the Central, and Trapezond 15 - for the Central Black Earth region. Most varieties have been created and zoned for the North Caucasus, where tobacco is a traditional culture.

On a personal plot, I advise you to plant Trapezond 15 and Trapezond Kubanets. They ripen in 100 days, a month earlier than many other varieties. Plastic - quickly adapt to different climatic conditions, while maintaining good smoking properties.

Tobacco beds and seeds

The average smoker smokes up to 8 kg of tobacco per year. Based on this, we will determine the landing area so that we do not look into the tobacco kiosk for a whole year.

Under favorable conditions, about 30 g of smoking tobacco can be obtained from one plant, and six to seven plants can be placed per 1 sq.m. Planting density of large-leaved varieties is 70 x 30 cm, and tobacco with medium-sized leaves and shag - 70 x 20 cm. It turns out that you need to grow 270-300 plants, taking about 40 square meters. m.

The seeds of the crops in question are as fine as dust. In one gram, there are about 12.5 thousand pieces of tobacco seeds, shag - 4 thousand pieces. To get the annual "norm" of a smoker, you need to sow only a quarter of a gram of tobacco seeds or three-quarters of a gram of tobacco seeds.

Sowing and planting tobacco

Tobacco and shag are grown through seedlings, with or without picking. Seedling age 40-45 days. It works well in a greenhouse, a greenhouse, on a sunlit window sill in a room - in a flower pot or a wooden box, where nutrient soil is poured with a layer of 8-10 cm.

It is easier to sow dry seeds, but better - pecked. In this case, 4-5 days before sowing, the seeds in a cloth should be soaked in warm clean water, you can add a few drops of tartaric acid or a few crystals of potassium nitrate to it. Soaking time is 24 hours. This accelerates the germination of seeds, reduces the time for forcing seedlings by 5-7 days. It develops better, yield increases.

Then rinse the seeds, remove excess water and put on germination in an enameled or earthenware dish in a warm place, and it is better not to cover. Moisten the cloth periodically. Usually on the 3-4th day the seeds peck: white "dots" appear. The formation of a sprout longer than the seed should not be allowed: such sprouts break off easily. When two-thirds of the seeds are hatched, they must be dried to flowability, mixed with well-disinfected fine sand or crushed humus. If germinated seeds cannot be sown immediately, then they can be stored for a day or two at a temperature of plus 1-2 ° in the refrigerator.

Important! The depth of planting seeds is not more than 0.3-0.5 cm for shag, 0.7-0.8 cm for tobacco. Sprinkle seeds with humus and sand (3:1). Water the soil before and after sowing through a thick strainer.

Watering small-seeded crops is a delicate matter. It is impossible to overmoisten, as well as overdry the seedlings. It is better to water little by little almost daily. Before the “cross” phase (cotyledons and two true leaves growing across), they usually spend only 0.5 liters of water per seed box; keep crops where it is warmer + 23 + 25 °. Then it is desirable to reduce the temperature to 20 °, and double the watering to the “ears” phase (3-4 true leaves usually stick up). It is better to dive seedlings in the "ears" stage.

Sprinkle the seedlings two or three times with fertile soil and feed with a solution of mineral fertilizers (for 10 liters of water, 30 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of sulfate or potassium chloride). You can use an infusion of chicken manure: pour 1 kg into 10 liters of water, leave for 10-12 days for fermentation, stir from time to time. Strain the fermented mass and add 4-5 parts of water to 1 part of the liquid.

Seedlings are planted with a height of 14-16 cm, having 5-6 developed leaves, not counting the cotyledons, a stem 0.3-0.5 cm thick and a well-developed root system.

7-8 days before planting, seedlings need to be hardened off, reducing watering and accustoming them to open air. 2-3 days before planting, watering non-dive seedlings should be completely stopped. Water the seedlings abundantly 2-3 hours before planting.

They start planting in the ground when the danger of spring frosts has passed, and the temperature of the soil at a depth of 10 cm rises to 10 °, from about April 20 to May 25. Make holes along the prepared furrow, pour 0.5 liters of water into them and spread the seedlings. Deepen the hole with a peg with your right hand, put seedlings into it vertically with your left hand, press moist soil to the roots, and sprinkle dry soil on top so that moisture evaporates less. It makes sense to plant elongated seedlings deeper - additional roots will grow.

During the growth period, regularly loosen the ground, remove weeds, feed and water. You can feed, focusing on the norms of fertilizing tomatoes. Usually limited to two or three waterings per summer, spending 6-8 liters of water per plant. It will tell you: if the leaves are a little wilted, watering is needed. But it's better to under-water than over-moisturize.

In flowering plants, break off the inflorescences (topping) and regularly remove side shoots (stepping).

S. Cherkasov, candidate of agricultural sciences. Journal "Homesteading".

Growing tobacco, video

  • Video.

Unfortunately, in Russia there is a huge percentage of people who smoke. People cannot give up their harmful addiction, which harms not only the smoking person, but also his environment. According to VTsIOM data, about 1/3 of all Russians smoke. 75% of men and 21% of women smoke regularly. This is a horrendous statistic. The worst thing is that in recent years the percentage of women who smoke has increased.

We urge you to stop smoking. This habit is killing you from the inside.

This article is dedicated to smokers who can not give up smoking. Who have already tried repeatedly to quit and have tried all the ways. There is a wonderful solution for you - growing tobacco at home. This is a very exciting and interesting thing. Subject to all the rules of cultivation, the finished product is of very high quality. This is not comparable to what we buy in stores under the guise of tobacco and cigarettes.

Tobacco companies openly poison smokers by adding poisonous chemicals to cigarettes in order to reduce the final cost of the product. At the same time, the price of tobacco products in stores is increasing every month.

For reference. The cost of 1 pack of cigarettes is from 1 to 5 rubles per pack.

From all this we can conclude. Tobacco companies poison smokers for huge money, making fabulous capital!

A bit of math. In 2016, the average price for a pack of cigarettes is 75-80 rubles. The average smoker smokes 10-20 cigarettes per day (0.5-1 pack). 80*365=29200 rubles. That is, the average smoker spends on cigarettes per year 15-35 thousand rubles. But that money can be put to good use.

Benefits of growing tobacco at home.

Growing and processing tobacco in a vegetable garden does not incur any costs (other than the initial cost of buying seeds). After you have received the first harvest, you no longer need to buy cigarettes in the store every day, spending a lot of money on it. You yourself will have a very huge amount of tobacco, which will not only be enough for yourself, but you can also treat your friends.

But most importantly - the product will be natural, and therefore not so harmful.

Tobacco growing is a hobby during which one takes a break. There is something sacred in this. You will feel like a Cuban tobacco baron. In this article, we will tell you everything about growing tobacco, you will learn the whole process - from A to Z. Everything will be accompanied by visual videos, it will be very easy to figure it out.

How to start growing tobacco in the garden?

How to start growing tobacco in your garden? This question is asked by many novice tobacco growers. Let's try to figure it out. It is necessary to determine the variety, prepare containers for planting seedlings, prepare the soil for planting seedlings.

Variety selection.

First of all, you need to decide which variety or varieties to grow in your garden. There are a huge number of different varieties. For beginner tobacco growers, universal varieties are best suited, such as Virginia 202 or Herzegovina Flora.

Virginia 202.

Tobacco variety: Virginia 202

Description. Virginia 202 is a very common tobacco variety that grows well in Russia in various climatic zones. The advantage of this variety is the low content of various harmful resins. At the same time, it has a very pleasant sweetish taste. Tobacco Virginia 202 is one of the most common varieties in the world and is cultivated everywhere. It was bred in Russia, in the Krasnodar Territory. Read more: Tobacco Virginia 202.

Tobacco Herzegovina Flora.

Photo: Tobacco Herzegovina Flor.

Tobacco Herzegovina Flora is Stalin's favorite tobacco variety. Iosif Vissarionovich himself spoke about this, smoking a pipe. Herzegovina Flor is a very common variety. It has very good taste and aroma. The leaves are of moderate strength. Great for growing beginners.

Planting tobacco seeds for seedlings.

Tobacco is native to South America. The plant is thermophilic and ripens rather late. Therefore, in Russia, tobacco should be planted first on seedlings. Planting time for seedlings is early spring. Tobacco seedlings can be planted throughout March.

Seeds should be planted in small containers. Disposable cups are very good for this purpose. A hole is made in the cups from the bottom to create drainage. Lay a small layer of small pebbles or eggshells on the bottom.

After preparing the container, it is necessary to prepare the soil. Tobacco grows well only on fertile soil. It is advisable to buy a special universal soil for seedlings in the store. With this soil, you need to mix the usual disinfected earth from the garden in a ratio of 1 to 1. A little wood ash should be added to the resulting mixture. The earth must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

He will go directly to the agricultural technology of planting. There are several points here. Tobacco seeds are very small and inconvenient to work with. You need to be very careful. Before sowing, water the soil well in a glass with warm water. Then carefully, straight from the bag, evenly pour the seeds into the container. Sprinkle earth on top with a layer of no more than 1 millimeter.

Cover the container tightly with plastic wrap and place in a warm place. Tobacco germinates within 3-5 days. As soon as the first bores begin to appear, the film must be removed and placed in a bright place, for example, on a windowsill.

Care of seedlings of tobacco.

Let's talk about caring for tobacco seedlings at home.

Care before picking.

Before picking, caring for tobacco seedlings is extremely simple. Immediately after the appearance of the first shoots, you need to remove the film and put the container with seedlings on a bright windowsill, preferably on the south side. If this is not done, then the seedlings will stretch out a lot and will grow very poorly.

Constantly you need to monitor the moisture content of the soil, as soon as it is dry, it should be watered with settled water at room temperature. It is highly recommended not to water the plants with cold water.

Periodically, containers with seedlings need to be turned to the sun on the other side. This will ensure uniform growth and prevent stretching.

Picking tobacco into separate cups.

Tobacco pick

Tobacco pick- this is the process of planting seedlings at a normal distance from each other.

Growing tobacco without picking is simply impossible. The seeds are very small and plant sprouts are very frequent. Tobacco grows quickly enough and the seedlings begin to interfere with each other's growth. As a result, the seedlings are very weak and elongated.

It is best to dive tobacco into separate containers. For these purposes, it is best to use plastic disposable cups. For tobacco seedlings, they are spacious; plants will grow better in separate containers. From plastic cups, then it will be convenient to plant seedlings in open ground. Read more in the article: Picking tobacco.

Leaving after picking.

Tobacco seedlings should be dived when 2-3 true leaves appear. By this time, the plants will begin to grow closely in one container. Plants are dived into disposable cups, 1-2 pieces per cup.


After picking, it is advisable to water the tobacco every day until it is accepted in a new place.


2 weeks after picking, tobacco seedlings should be fed. Both organic and mineral fertilizers can be used. The most important thing is that they have a lot of nitrogen. Liquid chicken manure is great. Use it in proportions 1:10 with water. If the growth of seedlings does not satisfy you, then you can make another feeding with chicken manure a week after the first. If there is a risk that the seedlings will outgrow, then the second feeding is not necessary.

Photo: Growing tobacco for smoking

Before planting in open ground, seedlings should be slightly hardened. First, just open the window in the room with seedlings more often, and a week before planting, take it out to the balcony or veranda. Do not water for a week.

Growing mode of tobacco seedlings

Tobacco is a rather thermophilic culture. Therefore, when growing, one should adhere to a certain temperature. The ideal temperature is 18-24 degrees. It should be adhered to.

Planting tobacco in open ground.

Photo: Growing tobacco from seeds in a smoking garden

An important procedure is planting tobacco in open ground.

Tobacco seedlings are grown on windowsills until the threat of frost has completely passed. Then it needs to be planted in a permanent place. Tobacco seedlings are planted either under a film or immediately in open ground. When planting, it is very important to follow all the measures of agricultural technology so that the plants begin and immediately start active growth.

First of all, you need to decide on a place. It is best to make the bed at a slight slope to avoid excessive accumulation of water. The place should also be protected from strong winds.

If you have a small area and there is no way to allocate a whole garden for tobacco, then you can plant plants right along the fence in one row. It will turn out a kind of living fence, which will look very nice.

For tobacco, it is absolutely not necessary to plow the soil. The site will only need to be well cleaned of weeds and loosened a little with a Fokin flat cutter.

Previously, the area for tobacco needs to be fed. Well-rotted compost is best suited for this purpose. 0.5-1 bucket of compost is added per 1 square meter of area.

After selecting and preparing the site, you can proceed directly to planting in open ground. Tobacco is planted at a distance of 20-50 centimeters from each other, depending on the variety. Holes need to be dug in the garden. They should be quite deep - 20-30 centimeters. At the bottom we pour a little rotted compost and pour it very abundantly with warm water (at least 0.5 buckets of water per 1 well).

Now very carefully remove the plants from the containers, put them in the hole and cover with earth. It is better to plant tobacco a little deeper than it grew in a glass. It is desirable to mulch the earth around the plant (although this is not necessary). It remains only to pour the planted tobacco with warm water. Read more in the article: Planting tobacco in open ground.

Watering tobacco in open ground.

Watering after planting in open ground. Immediately after planting seedlings in open ground, tobacco is abundantly watered with warm water. Then water about once a week.

Watering, a month after planting. Plants become most demanding on moisture a month after planting in open ground. It is through this time that a very active formation of the organic tissues of the plant begins. During this period, tobacco should be watered every 3-4 days at the rate of 10 liters per 1 square meter of land.

Watering 2 months after planting. From now on, watering should be minimized. Moisture becomes less important, and the weather outside is already getting wetter, especially at night. Water only when the soil is noticeably dry.

These tips are not universal, they are just general recommendations. You always need to focus on the weather conditions and the climate of your area.

Read more: Watering tobacco in open ground.

Top dressing of tobacco in open ground.

Fertilizing tobacco after planting in open ground should be done with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Plants immediately after planting need a large amount of nitrogen to start growing a large amount of green mass, and this directly depends on the yield. It is very important not to miss this growth phase and feed on time.

Tobacco is fed 7-10 days after planting in open ground. As a fertilizer, you can use any complex, with a priority nitrogen content. Urea is excellent for these purposes. For top dressing, 1 tablespoon of fertilizer is mixed in 10 liters of water and watered under the root.

Read more in the article: Top dressing of tobacco in the open field.

Pasynkovanie and topping tobacco.

Photo: Tobacco cutting in the garden

Stepsons grow between the leaves. As a rule, a stepson grows between each leaf. They should be removed when they grow by about 1.5-2 centimeters. If this procedure is performed earlier, then there is a high probability that they will grow again. There is no need to do double work, especially if you have planted a lot of plants.

It is most convenient to remove stepchildren with scissors.

Tobacco, usually begins to let stepsons from the moment the flowering begins. You need to watch and not miss the moment.

Tobacco cutting is the removal of flowers at the bud stage. This procedure is also done in order to get more product sheet. Due to topping, tobacco leaves become much stronger, the nicotine content in them increases.

Flower stalks should be removed at an early stage of budding.

Read more: Stepping and growing tobacco.

Harvest of tobacco.

Photo: Mature tobacco leaves

Determining the ripeness of a tobacco leaf is very simple. The central vein becomes white. The edges of the leaf become slightly yellow, and the middle becomes a dull green color. It is very important not to miss this period and pick the leaf, otherwise it will overripe, its quality will deteriorate greatly.

Tobacco is harvested from the bottom up as the leaves ripen.

Read more: Tobacco harvesting.

Growing tobacco in a smoking garden is a very entertaining and exciting business. Once you have harvested and tasted it, you will no longer want to buy poison in the store.

Video: Growing tobacco from A to Z. A very visual video about growing tobacco at home from seeds:

This is a whole film dedicated to the cultivation of tobacco.

Another video:

You have decided to plant tobacco. No, this is not the dashing nineties, during which there was a catastrophic shortage of all goods. Yes, and more often, then they grew shag. Today, growing tobacco at home is becoming fashionable, and we have the opportunity to get high-quality, fragrant and inexpensive tobacco grown on our site. If you have acquired such a harmful and pernicious habit as smoking, then you should not allow strangers to cash in on you. Why pay huge sums of money to manufacturers for packing cigarettes, in which instead of tobacco there will be an incomprehensible substance impregnated with various synthetic compounds? Just need to know how to grow tobacco for smoking in the area.

Growing tobacco at home

Sowing for seedlings

Growing tobacco in your garden is quite simple. First of all, you should do seedlings. After all, tobacco has a rather long vegetative period and it may not have time to gain the right amount of taste and aroma, especially if it is sown directly into the soil. Gardeners who see tobacco seeds for the first time most often say that this is some kind of dust, because they are very tiny. And if they are simply sown in the ground, then the harvest may not wait at all. To properly sow tobacco seeds, you need to purchase a wide container, the height of which will be no more than 7 cm. It will be better if you have a separate cassette for each seed.

The soil should be from fertile soil, which contains clean sand, it must be poured in one layer and at the same time well moistened and leveled. Some gardeners advise watering the soil with settled water before planting the seeds. This should be done very carefully, because there is a chance to wash the tiny seeds.

Pre-soaked seeds in water, carefully spread on the prepared ground or pour onto the surface and level, while maintaining a distance. If this is not done, then the shoots will shade each other. Despite the small size, the seeds from above must be covered with earth. The layer should be no more than 0.6-0.7 cm. Close the container with glass or transparent plastic and put it in a bright place with a high temperature of 26-28 degrees.

Once a day, you need to remove the condensate that will collect on the inside of the glass or turn the glass over to the other side. If you notice that the soil has begun to dry out somewhat, you can sprinkle it with a spray bottle. Shoots appear in 8-10 days.

After the sprouts have hatched, the temperature should be lowered to 19 degrees. If this is not done, then the seedlings may stop and no longer grow. The cover must be removed after 4-5 true leaves appear, and the seedlings can already be picked. If the seedlings were in separate cups, then you can not do this.

For the first two or three weeks, it may seem that the seedlings do not grow at all and are in one place. However, this is not the case at all, it is just that at this time root system grows and only after its complete formation, the above-ground part becomes stronger and gains all power. So that small bushes do not fall off and do not lie on their side due to the weight of their own leaves, you can spud them or sprinkle a little soil on the roots.

A very important factor is the monitoring of soil moisture, because if you moisten it too much, you can earn a black leg and, accordingly, the complete destruction of all seedlings. Growth needs bright light from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. To do this, you can and should use the backlight lamps. It is strictly forbidden to put seedlings in direct sunlight, because small and thin leaves immediately burn.

3 weeks before transplanting seedlings into open soil, it is necessary to feed the seedlings with any potassium-phosphorus fertilizer. Tobacco is very thermophilic and at temperatures below 4 degrees, may die. Therefore, seedlings should be planted in the soil at the end of May, when all frosts are behind.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Tobacco is planted according to the scheme that must be followed. The size of the hole is 35 cm by 55 cm (the principle is the same as for seedlings of pepper or tomato). From 0.6 to 1.5 liters of clean, settled water is poured into the planting hole. Then they make a talker from the earth and plant a plant bush. It will be very favorable for further growth if it is deepened by 5 cm, thus additional roots will be stimulated.

To determine if a plant is ready for transplanting into open soil, you can count its leaves (there should be 5-7) and at the same time they should be well developed. It is better not to touch the seedling by the leaves. because they are very delicate and thin. If even a small scratch forms on the leaf, then spores of the fungus and various bacteria can penetrate there. Therefore, it is better to use the transplant method along with a clod of earth.

On the 4th day after the tobacco is transplanted into the soil, it must be fed with organic fertilizers. No more top dressing is necessary, since it is the minerals that remain in the sheets and then enter the lungs along with tobacco smoke. Smoking tobacco can be bitter and have an unpleasant odor if organic matter that is rich in nitrogen gets there.

A long and powerful root can find useful substances at any depth. If during the growth of tobacco it is very hot and the sun bakes, then it is very important in the first weeks to make an artificial shade for small sprouts. It can be a canopy made of lightweight non-woven material or gauze, and you can also use metal arcs and cover them with a cloth. The main thing is not to remove the light, but to avoid sunburn.

Tobacco care in the garden

There are several pest control options.

  • You can manually collect all the pests. This method is acceptable if you only have a few tobacco bushes.
  • Various insecticides can be used. The method will be more justified for a large plantation.

In order not to add unnecessary chemicals to nicotine, the area where tobacco grows should be kept clean and all weeds should be removed in a timely manner.

If the plants are unhealthy, then the most common cold snap below 15 degrees can completely destroy the entire plantation. It will depend on the health and general condition of the plant whether it will withstand the temperature drop or not. If the bush is very weak and frail, then most often it will not be able to live up to its so-called technical maturity. There are several ways to get rid of the disease:

If you follow the advice, then all actions must be carried out under a magnifying glass, since grains of sand with their sharp edges can scratch the seeds. Separate wet seeds with a needle.

It is impossible to grow tobacco in your garden in those beds where nightshade crops are already growing, because in this case there is a risk of earning various viral diseases from their relatives.

On soils that are poor in fertilizers, it will be necessary to fertilize with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers three times per season. At the same time, it is very important not to violate the dose and the recipe, because if there is an excess of minerals in the soil, the tobacco will become very rough and will smell bad.

So that during the growing season the leaf does not fade and does not become unsuitable for smoking, it is necessary to destroy all weak sheets in time.

Harvesting and drying

With quality care and compliance with temperature growing conditions, good tobacco can reach 2.5 m in height, and in this case there will be more than twenty leaves. Collected leaves should be left for drying indoors, the humidity in which will be high (about 90%). If an attic or a barn is used for these purposes, then additional water containers must be installed there. Thus, the raw material must be cured. However, it should not dry out and become brittle. After drying is done, we will get another product, which we call smoking.

In order for it to become of better quality, as well as to acquire a bright and rich aroma, and the necessary strength, it must be fermented. It is easy to do this on the Internet You can find more than one recommendation on this issue. There are a lot of different tips and recipes and you can use completely different technologies and additives. Most common:

  • cognac;
  • cocoa.

After the tobacco is processed in this way, its taste will be of high quality and unusual. By following the growing instructions, and by properly making and fermenting, smoking tobacco can serve as an unusual and a wonderful gift for those who love good, and most importantly, high-quality smoke.

Growing tobacco at home will bring a pleasant feeling to the gardener. And let the Ministry of Health warn ...

Virginia tobacco seeds.

The variety of tobacco is unique in the ability to cultivate in Russia, Canada, or any climatic zone from 8 to 2. The height of the plant, even when grown in the Urals, is 2 meters. From each plant, you can collect up to 0.6 kg of tobacco leaves, of course, I mean raw, in dried form, the weight will be much lower, and in finished form, about 60 grams of tobacco. One pack of Virginia tobacco weighing 50 grams is sold in stores for 480 rubles, respectively, you can calculate your savings, due to your own harvest.

Virginia tobacco leaves reach a fairly large size, which means that the plant does not like drought and requires timely watering. Does not require a greenhouse, grows well in open ground.

The cost of 1000 seeds is only 200 rubles. 100% prepayment. Seed germination 98%. Any quantity of seeds is available.

If you buy 100 tobacco seeds or less, no one will guarantee a high percentage of seed germination, which is why, even with a planned planting on 1 acre, you need to stock up on the largest number of seeds. Summer happens once a year, and if we buy seeds in small quantities, we can lose a whole year. And the point is not only in the similarity of tobacco seeds, but also in the ability to plant them, and then care for them to the finished result. The remaining seedlings in the box do not need to be thrown away yet, they will continue to grow for some time, in the same home conditions, more on this below. There were such cases, after planting the plants in the ground, it rained heavily, and all the seedlings were simply mixed with the ground. If there were seedlings in stock, one could simply plant new plants in the ground. In general, tobacco seedlings can be sold very profitably in your city.

Tobacco seeds are very small, in one poppy seed, 6 tobacco seeds can fit, which means that planting plants requires caution in order to avoid damage to the root system. If tobacco seeds are spread between wet tissues, they will certainly germinate, but we can hardly touch them without damaging them. That is why the seeds must be sown in loose soil, from which we can extract the plant with the root, without damaging them.

The taste of Virginia Tobacco, ready-made, when smoked, changes every year, and this depends on different weather conditions. If the summer was very hot, then the tobacco will be strong enough. If, when growing tobacco, the plant received little moisture, then the taste of tobacco will be stronger. If tobacco is grown in more clay soil, then the tobacco will be stronger. As you can see, the taste of tobacco and its strength depends not only on the weather, but also on the soil.

Growing Virginia tobacco, from start to finish.

Tobacco seeds must be stored in a dry and cool place, for example, in a wooden box, which is placed in a waterproof bag made of polyethylene or aluminum foil, in the refrigerator door, where the temperature is +5 degrees. In dense polyethylene, without air, tobacco seeds suffocate, and there is a high probability of a complete lack of seedlings. But we should not forget that sometimes seedlings appear only after 3 weeks, after sowing the seeds.

In the middle of February, in ready-made boxes with moist soil, we make furrows into which we fill tobacco seeds, then sprinkle the seeds with earth. Then cover with dark polyethylene, and leave for a few days. During this time, the seeds will gain moisture, swell, and germination will begin. Every 3 days we look, but do not water, the soil was wet when we planted the seeds.

When shoots appear, remove the film, and water from the spray gun, so as not to damage the soil with a jet of water, and not to expose the roots of the plants. When 3 - 4 leaves have grown, it's time to transplant our young plants.

And now, in addition to watering and fertilizing, we need good lighting, which is not enough for plants in winter. A little lower you can get acquainted with the lighting device, which is specially designed to illuminate seedlings in the winter. You can buy special lighting for seedlings from us.

Thus, we take care of the seedlings until May - June. In climate zone 2, planting tobacco seeds is recommended in mid-June. Until the tobacco leaves are fully ripe, 3 months are enough, which is about 90 - 110 days.

The lowest leaves ripen first. In tobacco, these leaves have a very weak taste. We tear off the leaves, tie them 4 pieces into a bundle, and hang them on a pre-prepared stretched rope for further drying. After a few days, we tear off the middle leaves, then the top ones. The uppermost tobacco leaves have a strong flavor and are of better quality than the lower leaves. But if you pick the top leaves first, then there will be no fortress in them.

We dry the leaves of Virginia in the shade so that the room is blown with fresh air. After complete drying, we take a bottle of vodka, add 60 - 100 grams of raspberry or other syrup to vodka, stir, insert a spray bottle into the bottle, then spray from the spray bottle onto a connected bunch of leaves. After 20 minutes, the leaves are slightly soaked, and they must be put in a plastic bag, tightly closed, so that they are completely saturated with moisture from the solution. Then the leaves become very soft, now you can cut the midrib. To do this, cut the sheet lengthwise, next to the vein, remove the vein, and fold the halves of the sheets in half, on top of each other in piles.

After that, the stacks must be put under the press for three days. Then we take it out from under the press, and you can cut it finely into tobacco. For this purpose, a manual noodle cutter is suitable for us. After cutting tobacco, it is necessary to dry it for several days, just in the open air, or in a few minutes in the oven. Then other varieties of tobacco can be added to the tobacco, thereby achieving a unique taste.

There are a lot of fermentation methods, I described the simplest one. Moreover, we do not add any chemicals, and glycerin, which is necessarily added in pipe tobaccos sold. We received tobacco without chemicals, and most importantly, tobacco grown on our own and with knowledge.

For residents of the northern regions, we recommend growing shag, this is a win-win option. Regardless of the weather for the coming summer, you can grow a good crop of tobacco by growing shag. The smell of the smoke of our shag is vaguely reminiscent of the smoke of Cuban cigars, of course the tobacco is strong, but it can be fermented in the same way as Virginia, and after fermentation we will get a wonderful tobacco, not strong, with a pleasant smoke aroma. Perhaps not all varieties of shag are fermentable, but our shag is well fermented.

It is easy to get tobacco on your site.

The method of growing tobacco for smoking or processing vegetables is almost the same as the technologies for cultivating other nightshade crops.

There are two varieties of this culture:

1. Tobacco ordinary- a plant up to 3 m tall with pink inflorescences. Real tobacco loves heat very much, for this reason it develops well in hot regions;

2. ordinary shag- a plant no more than 120 cm tall, with yellowish inflorescences. In it, the content of nicotine is less than 2 times contain twice compared to conventional tobacco.

Photo - shag

From one bush, under suitable conditions, you can collect about 30 g of dry tobacco, 6-7 bushes are grown per 1 m2. Varieties with large leaves are planted according to the scheme 70x30 cm, and shag and varieties with medium leaves are planted according to the scheme 70 × 20 cm. If you have grown too strong tobacco, you can make it weaker by mixing ground stems.

Varieties of smoking tobacco

There are many varieties of this plant. As with growing vegetables, it is best to sow locally bred varieties.

Popular in the former USSR:

T Rapezond Kubanets. This variety has a growing season from sowing seeds to the last leaf breaking of 103-134 days;

Trapezond 92. Resistant to viral diseases and various factors affecting the plant. The variety has a short growing season, the leaves are broken in 95-100 days;

Samsun 85. Refers to mid-season, fast-growing varieties; leaf breaking is carried out at the age of 105 - 110 days;

Anniversary new 142 . An early ripening variety, 78-82 days pass before the leaves break. The variety has complex resistance to various diseases;

Holly 316. A variety of late ripening, leaves develop intensively. The plant contains little nicotine, the period until the end of withdrawal is 120 days.

Sowing tobacco for smoking

Tobacco seeds are very small, for this reason they will need very little. A gram of shag contains about 4,000 seeds, and about 12,000 of tobacco.

In addition, you will not need to buy them further, 2-3 plants will provide so many seeds that are enough for a hectare. The seeds of this crop remain viable for a long time, you can get seedlings from the old seed, of course, you need to take into account that their germination will decrease.

Growing tobacco for smoking is done using seedlings, it can be obtained even on the southern windowsill.

The required age for planting seedlings in the ground is 40-45 days.

If you need a lot of tobacco, then in the southern regions, sowing is done directly into the ground or seedlings are grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. Sow seeds superficially, just scatter them on pre-moistened soil.

Attention! The sowing depth of seeds of this crop should not exceed 7 mm (3 mm for shag). Having scattered the seed on the surface, it is slightly pressed into the soil and gently moistened so that the seeds do not sink into the soil.

You can sow seeds that have already hatched, for this they are soaked for 4 days and laid out on a damp cloth, this method will reduce the germination period by 7 days. For germination, the optimum temperature ranges from 25-28 degrees. Strongly watering seedlings of tobacco is not worth it, it is advisable to moisten them a little every day.

Planting seedlings

Seedlings are planted in the garden after they rise by 15 cm (5-6 leaves are formed).

Tobacco seedlings die from spring frosts, the soil should warm up to a depth of 10 cm. 7 days before planting the seedlings, it is necessary to harden the plants, accustoming them to open air.

For 2-3 days, watering is stopped, moistening the soil well only 2-3 hours before planting in the ground.

Seedlings are placed one at a time in each well, having previously poured 1 liter of water into them. A transplant is a shock to a young plant. For this reason, it is necessary to save, not to destroy the earthen ball on the roots.

tobacco care

During the development of plants, it is necessary to systematically loosen the soil, water, feed the plants and remove weeds.

feed them with the same frequency and in the same quantity as tomatoes. Watered infrequently, 6-8 liters per bush is enough, spending 2-3 waterings over the summer.

A well-developed tobacco bush has a root system that has grown several meters; experienced tobacco growers argue that watering adult plants of this crop is harmful.

In bushes with formed inflorescences, they are cut off and it is imperative to pinch the plants.

soil for plants

Tobacco is best grown on fresh land, it is planted after winter crops or fallow. Tobacco should not be planted after potatoes and beets.

Sandy loamy soil is best suited for this culture, in which there is a lot of nitrogen and potassium.

Tobacco is best fertilized - with cow dung, bird droppings are a good top dressing for it.

In areas with high acidity, the soil is limed, it has a positive effect on plant growth, and on the completeness of combustion of the final product.

Harvesting begins when the color of the leaves changes.

Since leaves of different colors can be found on one bush, their harvesting lasts several weeks.

Major diseases

Blackleg. Seedlings begin to lie down on the ground, after which they die, the stem above the soil turns black and becomes thin.

Mosaic. In diseased bushes, leaves with alternating light and green areas. After some time, light spots die off, infection occurs from the remnants of ill plants.

Bacterial ryabuka. Formed along the edges of the leaves of seedlings, weeping or oily spots. With high humidity, they begin to rot and spread throughout the bush. The causative agent of the disease is on tools, tobacco dust or on leaves.

Drying and fermentation

Responsible work in the preparation of tobacco is the drying of raw materials and subsequent fermentation. After harvesting, the leaves are hung in a ventilated area, it is necessary to install a container with water nearby to increase the humidity. The leaves will dry for about a month.

After that, the dried tobacco leaves are moistened from a spray gun and stacked in piles, placed in a plastic bag and incubated for 24 hours for complete moistening. As a result, they should not be raw, but only wet. Then they are put in glass jars, in which fermentation will take place.

Fermentation is a process that takes place for several weeks at a temperature of 50 degrees. This operation with raw materials is carried out to reduce the content of tar and nicotine, improve the taste and reduce the strength of tobacco. This process can be carried out in an electric oven at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. It is often more convenient and easier to dry not whole leaves, but pre-crushed raw materials.

Ready-made tobacco is used for processing plants, in smoking pipes, cigarettes are rolled from it (cigarette paper and special machines can be purchased at specialty stores). You can even make a cigar out of it - this is an interesting and fairly simple job.

What they just do not grow in garden and summer cottages, avid gardeners in vegetable gardens. An unexpected option is smoking tobacco. Why not? For a gardener-smoker, a good way to stock up on your own.

Features of the growing process

The main feature of tobacco is a wide variety of varieties. They differ greatly in the way they are planted, cared for and harvested. For example, shag is the most unpretentious option. If you grow ordinary tobacco in the garden, you will have to make a little more effort. He loves warmth more than water.

IMPORTANT! To grow tobacco in a garden, it is better to know in advance which variety is suitable for a particular area.

In general, tobacco is planted, processed and fed like many other plants. For example, the process of transplanting smoking tobacco seedlings into the ground is very similar to planting tomatoes. It follows that everyone can grow tobacco in a garden.

Planting seeds

In order to get seedlings of tobacco, seeds should be sown. Tobacco is quite capricious and heat-loving, therefore it requires proper care and knowledge of the process. At the first stage of interaction with him, it is recommended to plant a small number of plant units in order to understand the principle of its cultivation.

Tobacco seeds have some features:

  • size. They are so small that they look more like dust. Hence the peculiarities of planting the seed of tobacco for smoking: it is enough just to “scatter” them over the surface of the earth and only slightly press;
  • germination. Tobacco seeds retain their germination property for a long time. This means that fairly old seeds can also be sown;
  • quantity. A quarter of a gram of tobacco seeds is sufficient to obtain a result in the volume of the annual "smoker's supply". Such a small amount of material gives a decent yield.

Due to these features, a specific fit is required. Tobacco seeds are not planted deep. The maximum depth of their planting is up to 1 cm. To do this, simply scatter them on the surface of the soil and only slightly press into it. After that, carefully pour a thin stream of water. If the pressure is too strong, the seeds will easily wash out and spread over the surface, going beyond the allotted limits.

ATTENTION! Tobacco seeds can also be planted slightly germinated, this will speed up the seedling germination process. To germinate seeds, you need to soak them in water 4-5 days before planting.

Temperature is an important factor influencing the rate of seed germination. It should be in the range of 25-28 degrees, otherwise the seeds may not sprout at all.

Video - tobacco seed planting technology

Planting seedlings in open ground

How to understand that tobacco seedlings are ready to move into the open ground of the garden? There are a number of signs for this:

  • seedlings have a height of about 15 cm;
  • leaves have formed on it, on each unit there are about 5 plants;
  • the root system has developed sufficiently;
  • frosts have passed and the likelihood of their occurrence is minimal. This factor is extremely important, since any sudden drop in temperature can destroy the entire crop.

ATTENTION! Before transplanting into open ground, tobacco plants must be hardened off. Otherwise, they will not be able to adapt to the changed conditions.

The essence of hardening is to reduce the frequency of watering and the periodic removal of seedlings to the open air. This will help strengthen the plants and make them a little more resilient to the environment.

The process of landing in the ground is not much different from the standard. Each bush is planted in separate holes, after pouring plenty of water into it. In addition, it is worth planting tobacco with a small amount of soil so that the root system is not badly damaged. This will help the plants to more easily survive the stress of transplantation and “get sick” faster.

Care and feeding

Tobacco care involves doing the following regularly:

  • weeding from weeds is necessary as they appear;
  • loosening the soil around the plant. This helps oxygen saturate the soil and nourish the root system of the tobacco;
  • top dressing. It is similar to that which is made for tomatoes;
  • watering. Tobacco does not like abundant watering, it is better to water rarely, but plentifully. In total for the summer (not very hot) 3-4 times is enough.

When to harvest and how to dry it?

Growing tobacco is not such a responsible process as harvesting and drying it. The result directly depends on the correct implementation of these actions. Improper drying or fermentation can negate all efforts to grow tobacco for smoking.

Tobacco that has changed the color of the leaves should be removed. If at first, at the stage of maturation and growth, they are green, then ready for harvesting, they are closer to yellow. If there are leaves of different colors on one bush, then they should be collected as soon as they are ready. Hence, the harvesting process is sometimes delayed for a long time.

Drying tobacco takes place in several stages:

Pests and diseases

To protect the crop from pests, it is worth knowing which ones threaten tobacco.

Name Symptoms, characteristics Danger
peach aphid A pest that infects the leaves of a plant It threatens with the complete destruction of the crop or a significant decrease in the number
Mosaic Appears as the name suggests. Some of the leaves remain green, some turn yellow Lack of treatment threatens to destroy plants
Blackleg The plant lies down, the stem becomes thinner, withers plant destruction
black rot Plant wilting, drying Harvest death
powdery mildew White-yellow coating in the form of cobwebs on the leaves, gradually full coverage of the plant Reduces yield, adversely affects the quality of tobacco

Diseases can completely cover the entire plant and move to neighboring ones. Treatment is carried out in the same ways as for other plants. Copper sulphate and other means are well suited for processing, depending on the degree of damage to plants.

Video - step by step instructions for growing tobacco in the garden

Thus, growing tobacco for smoking in the garden is real. To do this, it is enough to take care of it approximately the same as for other plants. Tobacco does not like abundant watering, but loosening should not be neglected. In addition, air temperature is important. After harvesting, it is important to properly dry and ferment it. It's a shame to lose the harvested tobacco crop at the last stage, so the drying process should be taken with special responsibility.

Growing tobacco at home, despite the general trend towards smoking cessation, is becoming increasingly popular. The thing is that ground tobacco is an effective natural remedy for pest control. In addition, some traditional medicine recipes recommend using tobacco leaf in the manufacture of medicinal products for external use. Therefore, for many gardeners, the question is relevant: how to grow tobacco at home?

When deciding to start growing tobacco at home, you should definitely take into account that the taste characteristics of the product depend on the area and soil where the culture grows. So, for example, the texture of the leaves of a plant grown on soils with a low level of moisture and a minimum content of mineral salts will be very thin, and the shag will be non-aromatic. And, conversely, in bushes grown on silty or clay soil, the leaves will be small, but dense and fragrant.

Growing tobacco from seeds at home

Contrary to the fears of newcomers to the business, growing tobacco at home is not difficult. It is important to make the right choice of crop variety. For warmer regions where tobacco is traditionally cultivated, almost all plant varieties are suitable; in the temperate climate zone, the varieties Trapezond 15, Cigarny 17 and Bryansky 91 are recommended for cultivation. For a personal plot, the varieties of tobacco "Trapezond 15" and "Trapezond Kubanets" are perfect, which ripen in 3-3.5 months, which is almost a month earlier than other varieties ripen.

How to plant tobacco for seedlings?

As for any crop that requires a long period of warm temperature to grow, it is more expedient for tobacco to use a seedling method of growing.

Planting tobacco for seedlings is carried out in late March - early April. You can sow dry seed material, but agrotechnicians assure that hatched seeds grow better. To do this, 4-5 days before planting, seeds wrapped in a cloth are soaked in warm water diluted with a few drops of tartaric acid. Soaking time - day. The procedure reduces the distillation period by almost a week, and has a positive effect on further and increased yields.

Then the seeds are washed and placed on a damp cloth in an enameled (faience) dish in a warm place. It is necessary to ensure that the cloth is wet at all times. When the seeds hatch on the 3rd - 4th day, they are dried and mixed with clean sand or humus. Seeds are sown in pots or wooden boxes with nutritious soil, while the embedment depth is 0.5 - 0.8 cm. After planting, the soil is watered from a spray bottle.

When growing tobacco seedlings, it is important to observe the irrigation regime: it is necessary to water little by little, but daily. It is advisable to pick seedlings in the “ears” stage, when 3-4 true leaves appear. 2 times fertilize seedlings with mineral fertilizers or infusion. A week before planting in the ground, the seedlings are hardened with air and the number of waterings is reduced.

Planting seedlings of tobacco

When the height of the seedlings reaches approximately 15 cm, and the number of leaves increases to 5-6 (this number does not include cotyledon leaves), the seedlings can be planted in open ground. In this case, it is necessary that warm weather is already established. A furrow is prepared in advance, holes are made in it. Half a liter of water is poured into each hole, the hole is deepened with a peg, and a bush is inserted vertically into it. Wet earth is pressed against the roots, and dry soil is poured on top so that less moisture is lost.

During the growing season, regular loosening of the earth, watering and weeding should be carried out. Tobacco is fertilized in the same way as tomato fertilizer. When flowers appear, the inflorescences break off. It is also necessary to systematically carry out pinching - the removal of lateral shoots.
