Recommendations on how to remove the old foundation. We break the old concrete foundation in proven ways How to dismantle the old foundation with your own hands

I’ll try point by point and in my own words (I’m completely new, please don’t get angry if something happens).

Yes. These people are aware and it is not a question to disturb them.

They climbed into the basement, looked, thought for a long time. There is an opinion that the basement is most likely lined with bricks and plastered from the inside. That is, you can’t really see anything from the basement, I’ll try to take pictures with a flashlight after all (I’m planning a sortie there at the weekend).

If there is a brick base in the documentation, then it should be visible to the naked eye. Inspection is done as follows - walk around the house. look at the base, look for the slightest cracks on it. if the cracks are longitudinal, then perhaps the plaster has simply come off. If transverse, then remember in what places.

There is definitely a basement and it is plastered (of the same type as with a layer of mortar interspersed with gravel).
I will look for cracks / cracks and take pictures of them (if any) and the general plan and about. As I understand it, this will give general information on the state of the basement (and therefore the foundation indirectly).

Take a good camera with a flash (a phone is no good) and take a picture, take a picture, take a picture. then post it here and don't forget to take a look at the photos yourself. Sometimes some moments are not immediately noticeable, but in the pictures they become more distinct.

I'll try of course, but see above. As I understand it, in order to get to the fund from the inside, it will be necessary to break the walls of the basement (which, in fact, is not included in the plans yet).

If everything is fine with the foundation and it is intact, then I would demolish the house and the above-ground part of the foundation - the basement. And what would be left underground. Well, reinforced tape right on it.

This is the most interesting part of the whole case for me at the moment.
How I see all this I (I'll try to explain): there is an old foundation. Options for resolving the issue with the new:
1. Most likely "reinforced concrete" so to speak: still, pick out the old fund (at least where it will intersect with the planned new one) and fence the new one in full (as an option, the option proposed by a fellow architect: 1.5m tape down with reinforcement and all the necessary things).
2. Make the foundation of a new house "on top of the old one". There are already a lot of questions here. In appearance, it seems to be easier and less costly in terms of money / work. But what is the right way to organize all this?
Is there any need for a connection between the new and the old foundation in this case? Or will the old foundation be, roughly speaking, the bearing layer for the new one? What is the correct way to do it in this case?
Will the tape turn out already above the ground? Will it be necessary to do any preliminary preparation before the actual tape itself? As I see it for myself, for example: the old fund is covered with layers of rubble and sand from the ground level. Further waterproofing (I would be very grateful for a more detailed description of the cake), formwork / reinforcement and pouring. Is it worth making a tape or is a plate better in this case? In general, there are a lot of questions and options, I would like to eventually pick up something and have a certain concept.

If the soil is sandy, then there is almost no frost heaving, but for that the sand is very susceptible to washing away and the drainage system must be kept in order.

Can you be more specific here as well? Do you mean stormwater / blind area or already something in terms of drainage or something like that?

Sorry for the many letters, but that's the thing

If the house is too dilapidated, or a new building needs to be erected on the site of the old building, then the structure will have to be completely dismantled. Moreover, it is necessary to remove not only the walls and the roof, but also the foundation. Such work requires special attention, since it is of a specific nature. It is not always possible to dismantle the foundation with your own hands without the use of special tools and equipment. In addition, for such work it is necessary to prepare technical documentation approved by professionals. Let's consider the features of this procedure in more detail.

Beginning of work

After the building has already been demolished, do not rush to immediately begin dismantling the concrete foundation. First you need to decide on the method of dismantling, correlate the costs, clarify what equipment and in what quantity will be needed. And it is also important to take care of the removal of all construction debris and waste in advance, to familiarize yourself with the safety rules in detail. And already on the basis of all the prepared information, draw up a detailed work plan. Only after that you can start dismantling.

Choice of method

To date, several technologies for dismantling the foundation are known.

To find out which one is right for your case, you need to consider several parameters:

  • the depth level at which the base of the building is located;
  • type and configuration of the foundation (tape, pile);
  • the presence of reinforcement;
  • the state of the concrete mass;

  • type and characteristics of the soil;
  • availability of groundwater;
  • the degree of accessibility of the object;
  • type of material - concrete, brick, but;
  • remoteness of neighboring buildings and so on.

The most common and obvious methods for dismantling a concrete base are manual and mechanical methods. Many people think that manual disassembly of the foundation is the best and easiest option, because it requires only your own strength and time to implement. However, this method is very lengthy, and it is far from always possible to use it. It is important to consider not only the total cost that the work will cost, but also the energy costs and the rationality of the time spent. At the same time, it should also be understood that not the same dismantling technologies are suitable for every site. So, for a summer cottage, which is located in a remote area, the type of work that is different from the methods of dismantling the foundation in a large residential area will be optimal.

Let's consider both options in more detail.


This is the simplest and roughest method of work. It would be quite fair to call it "ancient" and the most non-technological. It does not require almost any financial outlay, which is why manual processing still attracts some homeowners. However, the huge amount of time and effort that will have to be spent on dismantling is incommensurate with the cost savings. And if you can destroy a brick or rubble foundation with your own hands, then it will not work at all for a monolithic concrete foundation. Especially if its frame is made with the addition of reinforcement. The same applies to the strip foundation.

If you still decide to dismantle the foundation manually, then arm yourself with a pickaxe and a sledgehammer. And also involve all friends and relatives in the work, or rather, hire a team of workers. After all, you can't do it alone.


Much more often, the dismantling of the foundation is carried out precisely with the involvement of special equipment. With the help of it, it will be possible to break even strong reinforced concrete, rubble concrete and pile foundations.

To perform the work you will need the following equipment:

  • hydraulic hammer;
  • jackhammer;
  • perforator;
  • hydrocline;
  • diamond cutter;
  • hydraulic shears and the like.

But also for the implementation of the mechanized method, excavators with a hydraulic hammer, cranes, and so on are sometimes involved. This mainly applies to cases where the concrete base has a large area or is located deep underground. The crane is used when mounting the base from FBS blocks, therefore it becomes necessary to immerse the constituent elements for reuse. The hydraulic hammer is most often used to destroy a monolithic concrete foundation. The tool finds on weight and fastens on the excavator. It is with the help of such equipment that the bridge supports are dismantled. It should be noted that the cost of work with the involvement of special equipment is quite high. However, the efficiency and speed of this method is at the highest level.

In addition to the advantages of mechanized dismantling of the base, this technique has significant disadvantages. So, special tools and equipment produce a lot of noise. This means that permission to carry out such work may not be obtained. This is especially true in cases where the building is located next to a school, kindergarten, hospital or other similar public institution. In addition, working with technology requires utmost care and caution. It is important to carefully take care of security. You can not get close to the equipment, because the fragments of the material can scatter over long distances and cause harm to others.


Since the first two methods of work are far from always possible to apply, professionals have developed alternative options.

Let's list some of them.

  1. Explosion. The main advantage of this method is speed - concrete or any other material is destroyed instantly. However, the explosion creates a lot of noise. This means that it is also not suitable for all areas. But also this method is not always safe, since concrete fragments can scatter over long distances and cause damage to neighboring structures. In addition, the cost of such services is quite high.
  2. Corrosive substances. If none of the listed dismantling methods suits you, you can use another simple but effective method. First you need to drill holes in the surface of the base, then pour in a special solution that destroys materials. It will take a lot of time to complete such a process - from 8 to 50 hours. However, there are no restrictions on its use. And even nearby kindergartens or hospitals will not prevent you from dismantling the foundation.
  3. Ultrasound. Crushing of the material is carried out due to powerful ultrasonic waves, which are directed into the prepared cavities. The base destroys blocks of the required size. This is a very convenient and effective way, but the price of such work is quite high.

Our company provides services for the dismantling of the foundation at low prices. We have experience, special equipment and tools, qualified specialists. We travel around Moscow and the region. We have licenses and provide contracts and acts of work performed.

The dismantling of the foundation is considered not only the final stage of the demolition of the building, but also one of the most time-consuming. In some cases, the foundation is dismantled during the complete liquidation of the unfinished building, which happens if the foundation is recognized as unsuitable according to the results of the assessment by the expert commission.

It is considered a difficult task to independently dismantle a strip foundation, monolithic and any other. Entrust the work to professionals!

What is the cost of dismantling the base?

The cost of services for the dismantling of the foundation in our company depends on the following:

  • bookmark depth/width;
  • used special equipment and tools;
  • type of foundation: at the lowest price, the columnar foundation is dismantled, and the pile and reinforced concrete monolithic ones will cost more;
  • distance from neighboring buildings;
  • availability of communications and engineering systems.

After leaving the site, our specialist draws up an estimate, sets a date for the work.

Price for services

Download price list for types of dismantling works Download a standard contract for dismantling work
Description Unit Price
Foundation dismantling m3 1900 rubles
Dismantling the foundation (tape monolith) m3 from 3000 rubles
Dismantling the foundation (rubble tape) m3 from 2000 rubles
Dismantling the foundation (reinforced concrete slab) m3 from 7000 rubles
Dismantling of metal structures, hangars, farms ton from 3000 rubles
Demolition of masonry/house m3 250 rubles
Dismantling of asphalt and porous concrete m3 90 rubles
Reinforced concrete dismantling m3 400-450 rubles
Dismantling of ceilings (precast concrete) m2 from 500 rubles
Dismantling of the floor slab monolith m3 from 4000 rubles
Recycling/removal of brick and concrete scrap m3 from 300 rubles
Dismantling of the reinforced concrete fence l.m. from 2000 rubles
Garbage removal m3 from 450 rubles

Full list at the link

An example of dismantling the foundation of a private house in Moscow

At the request of the customer, the foundation of the residential building was completely dismantled to the ground. The received concrete, brick garbage is utilized. The territory was cleared of construction debris and the relief layout was made.

An example of the dismantling of the foundation, recycling of reinforcement and concrete

Methods for dismantling the foundation

Before destroying the old foundation, the specialists of our company go to the site and assess its condition. During the inspection, the foundation material is taken into account - brick or concrete, as well as its variety, for example, pile, tape, columnar, etc. From these factors, prices for dismantling are formed.

Methods for its destruction include:

  • Hydraulic press cylinders. When dismantling the foundation on small sites where there are high requirements for vibration and noise, this method will be the most optimal. Also, during operation, there are no flying fragments, which allows you to be near the equipment during operation.
  • Diamond tools. To carry out the dismantling of high-strength reinforced concrete foundations, diamond tools are used. This method has such advantages as low noise and vibration levels, but the cost will not be much higher than the previous one.
  • hydraulic tools. This type of dismantling is used quite often, since the price for it is one of the most affordable. The old foundation is subject to destruction, in this case, under the influence of a hydraulic hammer for an excavator or pneumatic hand hammers. This is great for dismantling a monolithic foundation and tape. When parsing, the construction of a brick / concrete base is crushed into small pieces.

The company "Topstroy" performs the dismantling of the foundation of FBS, rubble stone, brick, reinforced concrete products of any type. To do this, we have everything you need: technical equipment and specialists with extensive experience in the implementation of such projects. As the main arguments in favor of choosing our company for cooperation, I would like to note:

  • affordable prices for services due to the availability of our own technical and human resources and the ability to perform work in full without the involvement of third-party organizations;
  • Efficiency (we will always find the opportunity to complete the order in a time convenient for the client);
  • excellent reputation, which has developed over more than 14 years of work in the construction market of Moscow;
  • provision of a full range of services related to construction, dismantling, earthworks, laying of engineering communications;
  • availability of all certificates, permits, licenses necessary for the performance of such tasks, regular retraining of personnel.

The type of foundation and the technology of its construction are of decisive importance in calculating the price of work. The method of performing work, the amount of special equipment used, the time spent and the amount of manual labor of workers will largely depend on this. So the dismantling of the strip foundation will require the use of jackhammers, hand tools, and for powerful building structures - special mechanisms, materials and equipment.

At the same time, the dismantling of the block foundation is most often performed manually, since one of the important features of the material used for its construction (FBS) is the possibility of its reuse for its intended purpose. But on the other hand, such work requires more time to remove the seam with a jackhammer, bend the mounting loops, and bring them to a vertical position.

Foundation demolition price

For the dismantling of the foundation, the price always varies depending on the specific conditions of the work, so all calculations are carried out individually after the examination is carried out by a specialist directly on the spot. Important factors in this are:

  • the location of the object;
  • foundation type;
  • its depth;
  • the need to remove construction debris;
  • distance to the nearest landfill for solid waste disposal.

A separate factor is the choice of how the work is performed. Manual analysis of the foundation is performed only for relatively small and simple structures.

Deeper and stronger bases will require the use of special equipment (attached equipment, hydraulic hammers), which always becomes an additional expense item.

Modern methods of performing work, technical capabilities, and the level of training of specialists allow us to perform the most complex tasks with minimal material, time and physical costs. That is why we recommend contacting professionals who can complete the task quickly, efficiently and inexpensively, taking into account all the wishes of the customer.

Topstroy specialists are always ready to consult in detail, offer the best scheme for the execution of work with the ability to meet the budget allocated for these purposes.

There are various ways and methods to dismantle the structure, based on which, the prices for dismantling the foundation can vary significantly. Contact us, we will be happy to help.

Dear Colleagues!

It would probably be more correct to address this article to everyone who was going to build something, but oh well, it’s more familiar to me, because I think everyone has built something at least once in their life, but as a rule, before building something, you need to remove or break something, well, one in a word, to clear the site for new construction.

The story will be short, it will be about how to destroy and remove the old concrete foundation or any monolithic concrete structure that has already served its time and interferes with your future plans with its location.
About 15 years ago, I was invited to consult on how to remove an old and rather powerful foundation from under the equipment on the territory of an operating oil refinery, and close to the equipment operating around the clock. You understand, it was impossible to blow up, there was no technology as powerful as it is now. And the foundation was just lovely, how good, it was even a pity to break it, although it was built in the 30s of the last century, when swotting, sparks flew out, the peaks of jackhammers became dull within 10 minutes. That's how they could build at that time.
I asked for a couple of days to think and began to rummage through my database and imagine I found a way out. Back then, not everyone was friends with computers, I myself just started to master it, so I kept everything in paper form.
Of course you will say that now there are a lot of opportunities. In general, you will be right, there really are hydraulic hammers, diamond cutting and other equipment, and there are companies that provide these services, but firstly, this can not be applied everywhere (due to various reasons, remoteness, no access to equipment, etc.) Second, it's all very expensive. In general, read on. What are the options.
I found in my library that such a chemical NRS-1 is produced in the Moscow region. They are still releasing this product under the name SIGB, here is their website I will briefly describe what it is.
NRS-1 (non-explosive destructive agent of the first modification) and it is intended for the destruction of mainly concrete and reinforced concrete monoliths, but can also be used for other solid structures. This agent is a powder, non-flammable and non-explosive. When mixed with water, a working mixture is formed, which, being poured into the cavity (hole), significantly increases in volume, creating pressure on the walls. A stress is created in the massif, which exceeds its ultimate tensile strength, and the massif collapses with the formation of cracks. Far and deep I will not go into theory.
This is the technology I used to destroy the old foundation at the existing oil refinery.
The most difficult was drilling the holes, the administration allocated 5 workers with powerful punchers, they drilled holes in a week (the optimum diameter is approximately 30 mm), the hole pattern is shown in the figure, during this time the HPC-1 powder was brought and I started work.
Prepared the working mixture as follows. I poured water into a clean container (for example, a bucket), after which, with continuous stirring, the powder is gradually poured into it at the rate of 270 ml of water per 1000 g of powder. The mixing time of the mass should not exceed 8-10 minutes.
Holes filled with working mixture to the mouth. I must say that the use of HPC is effective at temperatures from +2 to +30 degrees Celsius. The higher the wall temperature, the colder the water should be.
A day later, we got the result as in the picture, the floor of the plant came running to look at the “consequences” of our work. True, where there was reinforcement, it was necessary to cut it with a special tool. I must say that this “pleasure” is not cheap, then I don’t remember how much it cost, but now 1 kg of such a powder costs about 120 rubles / kg. It took us 1.5 tons for the entire foundation, but the company is rich, and they had no other choice. More details about this technology can be found on the site that I indicated above.
Of course, I understand that it is not always advisable to use such an expensive technology, but let it be in your database, just in case, maybe it will come in handy. You can always find special equipment for performing such work on the Internet, there are no problems, but all this is very expensive today.
And what to do if, as they say, the budget is limited or if the entrance of equipment is impossible. Here are some tips from my experience.
1 I did this several times when there was no puncher and jackhammer at hand, you need to take a blowtorch and heat it in the place where you need to break the foundation, and then pour it with water. A great way, concrete or stone itself begins to crack and you just have to finish it off.
2 We use the “weak” side of concrete, low bending and tensile strength. We drill a hole or several, from the edge of the foundation no more than 200 mm, insert a PIKU from a jackhammer into the hole (as in the figure), it is better to weld a bar to the peak so that it is more convenient to hold and work with a sledgehammer, this is even better than a jackhammer. Instead of a pike, you can order a new PIKU from a turner, made of ordinary metal, from a bar with a diameter of 30.0 mm, only make a pointed (conical part) longer than about 150.0 mm, then the impact force will be less and the concrete will break down better. I think you understand me.
3 You can use a scarpel, as in the picture, and work with a sledgehammer, break off pieces of concrete in parts, but holes are still needed in this case.
4 There is another old great-grandfather method (by the way, it was used in ancient Egypt), you need to drill holes (preferably with a diameter of 30.0 mm) along the chip line, insert, or rather drive in wooden corks (the corks should fit very tightly into the holes) from dry wood (wood must be taken of hard rock and preferably from the core of a tree, birch can also be used) and soaked with water (when wet, the wood increases in volume by about 15%), when a crack starts, you can use the methods described above. This method is especially good if there are already large holes in the concrete monolith, wood, when impregnated with water, develops colossal forces and tears any concrete, including any natural materials, including granite.
It is better to impregnate wooden corks in this way. On top of the driven cork we put an ordinary plastic disposable cup of water, after piercing a hole in the bottom with a needle or a small carnation (this is so that the water gradually saturates the wooden cork with water). In 10 hours you will see that your foundation will be covered with cracks.
An example is like this. All the above methods are applicable to any other materials, including those of natural origin. Well, perhaps that’s all, although they say “breaking is not building”, but sometimes it’s not easy to break. If you have any other options write, I will be very interested and I will certainly add them to this post.

In addition, I would like to advise you to visit my website, I hope that you will be able to learn a lot of interesting and useful information about the production of certain types of concrete and other building materials. I will share with you my more than 30 years of experience in this industry.

I wish you success.
Create, dare and win!
Sincerely, Nikolai Pastukhov.
