Farm and greenhouse under one roof. unusual greenhouses

RUB 19,890
(23,990 rubles)

Greenhouse parameters

  • Width: From 3.00 m
  • Height: From 2.10 meters
  • Length: unlimited
  • Frame: heavy-duty square tube 40x20 1.2 mm thick
  • Coating: cellular polycarbonate, 4mm
  • Does not require dismantling in the winter!

Greenhouse design features

And in a small farm, and for amateur summer residents who can no longer live without fresh vegetables from the garden, farm greenhouses of our production are ideal!

High quality and reliable frame are the factors that have made our products an indispensable tool for a large number of agronomists, summer residents and gardeners.

The structure is made of double galvanized arches with a section of 40x20 mm (external) and 20x20 mm (internal). Ties and arcs are in the same plane, which allows our greenhouses to withstand huge loads. This is due to the use of a 4-bolt Krabs system, with which the assembly is carried out without drilling the supporting elements.

Depending on the preferences of the summer resident and the size of the plot, you can choose a width from 2.5 m to 7 m. The length is at least 4 m and beyond - unlimited. The straight walls of an industrial greenhouse allow growing the tallest crops, plants receive sunlight and evenly heated air in optimal quantities.

By purchasing a farm greenhouse, you enjoy the process of growing a rich crop and having constantly fresh vitamins on the table.

Greenhouses and greenhouses are designed to create optimal conditions for the growth of agricultural plants. At the same time, there are basic structures that allow you to grow vegetables and herbs at certain seasonal times, and there are multifunctional complexes in which you can conduct year-round farming without regard to current climatic conditions. These mainly include farm greenhouses, the manufacture of which is carried out using modern building materials. For example, in some way, the introduction of polycarbonate as the basis for covering the frames of such structures has become revolutionary.

Varieties of greenhouses

The main feature of the separation of greenhouses is the structural design. The simplest versions are made as single-pitched frames with earth filling. In terms of cost, these are the most affordable farm greenhouses, but they also provide minimal plant production opportunities. A gable structure with a full-fledged roof formed by greenhouse frames is considered traditional. In large farms, double-slope greenhouses with main walls are also used.

The structures are also divided according to the type of organization of the internal space. In particular, there are rack and rackless versions. In the first case, farm greenhouses allow you to grow crops on shelves equipped with convenient sides. The second version is simpler in terms of design and cheaper, but it involves growing on the ground.

Advantages of polycarbonate greenhouses

Polycarbonate is a relatively new building material and its use is widespread in agriculture. This was facilitated by a unique combination of technical and operational qualities of this plastic. In particular, it is characterized by high strength, insulating function and at the same time provides light transmission, filtering out harmful radiation. In addition, a disassembled polycarbonate farm greenhouse does not cause problems during transportation. The material in terms of durability and reliability corresponds to light metals, but at the same time it is distinguished by a modest mass. In addition, when mounting with your own hands, it will allow you to perform cutting without a special tool. But there are also negative qualities of polycarbonate. It belongs to synthetic materials, which excludes environmental safety. Manufacturers strive to minimize the likelihood of harmful effects on plants, which, however, is already minimal.

Greenhouses under the film - what are the features?

In essence, this is a lightweight version of polycarbonate and classic greenhouses. The basis of this design is a metal frame, which is subsequently covered with a film material. Among the advantages of this solution are resistance to biological negative processes, water resistance and affordable price. It was the latter factor that determined the popularity that farm greenhouses received under a film on a metal frame basis. True, low cost is rarely combined with high quality material - the film coating, even in the best reinforced versions, cannot be compared in terms of strength with the same polycarbonate. Even the light transmittance of such coatings decreases over time. In addition, according to experienced summer residents, the film has to be changed every 2-3 years.

Additional equipment

The creation of favorable conditions for the growth of crops is facilitated not only by the basic materials of the greenhouse construction. The supply of facilities with additional equipment also improves the characteristics of the microclimate. For example, the introduction of ventilation systems cleans the air environment, and screening systems, if necessary, will minimize exposure to harmful sunlight. Also, modern farm greenhouses are optionally equipped with multi-circuit heating systems. In advanced configurations, the user gets the opportunity to distribute the coolant units in accordance with the needs of a particular greenhouse. Do not forget the designers and irrigation systems. Automatic pumping equipment is programmable and reproduces sprinkling with drip irrigation, also according to the requirements of plant care.

How to make a greenhouse with your own hands

The frame is in most cases supplied as a ready-to-assemble package consisting of framed metal elements. It only needs to be mounted using the fasteners included in the kit. The most important stage in the construction of a greenhouse is the foundation. The structure is installed on a concrete base, which can be columnar or tape. For massive structures, concrete is poured into special trenches. Then power rods are deepened into the solution, on which the farm greenhouse will stand. With your own hands, you can also implement the coating of the structure. Again, the choice of materials is quite wide - from polycarbonate and glass to film. The simplest option, in terms of laying, is film coatings, which are fixed with special fasteners to the joints of frame elements.

How much do greenhouses cost?

One of the main differences between farm greenhouses and ordinary greenhouses is the dimensions. It is they who determine the high cost of structures. So, the base of the frame with a length of 5 m, a width of 2 m and a height of 2 m can cost about 50-60 thousand rubles. Such parameters are considered initial for this category of agricultural objects. The average standard size assumes 10x5x3 m. In this design, the kit already costs 100-150 thousand. The specific figure also depends on the additional equipment that farm greenhouses are provided with. The price with heating, ventilation and an automatic lighting system, for example, can be 200 thousand rubles.


The arrangement of a modern one requires serious investments. Even with self-installation, one should not expect serious savings, since in the future it may be necessary to spend on equipment for regulating the microclimate. However, a properly installed and well-equipped farm greenhouse, which costs an average of 150-200 thousand, will pay for itself pretty quickly. Structures of this type are rarely purchased to meet their own needs for agricultural products. Basically, they are considered as the best option for starting a small business on an individual production base.

The UKF building is designed for the Customer, for his region, for his volume of growing poultry, animals, for the volume of the greenhouse for growing greens.

To speed up construction and reduce its cost, the building was designed with flat foundations, without being buried in the ground, as the military usually does.

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The building is divided into two parts along the longitudinal axis. Animals (goats, sheep, rabbits) or birds live on one side, and green fodder from grain is grown on the other side.

Seedlings from grain in 10 days reach a height of 15-18 cm, the greens become juicy, there is still no lignin in it, but it contains soft dietary fiber, vitamins, growth substances, and various sugars in a liquid state.

Greens are germinated on racks in pallets. Watering can be different, at the choice of the buyer: from a hose, water mist, drip irrigation. Shelves are five-level to save space and leave room for growing vegetables, berries, herbs. Biomass during grain germination in 10-12 days increases by 5-7 times, that is, the cost of feed is sharply reduced, to about 2-3 rubles per kilogram of green fodder.

Why are the animal house (birds) and the greenhouse under the same roof? Yes, because they help each other.

Birds and animals in the process of life produce ammonia and carbon dioxide, and these gases, in turn, are necessary for plants to eat, this is foliar nutrition. At the same time, the oxygen that plants produce is necessary to speed up the metabolism of animals and birds.

Animals and birds are kept on a deep bedding of straw (sawdust), which, after use, is placed in bags in a greenhouse for biohumus maturation. Future vermicompost releases additional heat during composting, which helps to maintain the temperature in the UKF.

The building is convenient in that it can be built as short as there is enough money, and then continued by adding a few more spans to it, necessary to increase livestock or production.

Heat savings occur due to the fact that part of the roof is warm, and the part (in the greenhouse) is transparent, covered with polycarbonate. Additional heat is provided by compost from bedding in bags.

For additional heating in the winter months, a thermochemical furnace is installed to burn manure or dung, the laying is done every 8 hours.

For understanding - the area in 300 m2 lets keep 600-700 turkeys, or 1200 broilers, or 100 goats or sheep. The second 300 m2 will be under the greenhouse. The entire UKF in this case will be 12x50x4 m in size (Krepysh project).

The project "Kid" (3 + 3)x12x3.3 m provides 2 rooms 36 m2(area may vary due to length), which allows you to grow 150 chickens, or 70 turkeys, or 12-15 sheep. In addition, it is possible to divide the room for animals and birds into several compartments for separate keeping of different species. For example, 5 sheep, 50 chickens and 20 turkeys.

The cost of building materials per 1 square meter of UKF is approximately 2 thousand rubles (excluding construction costs). The payback of the building is from 1 to 2 years, depending on which markets the farmer enters and what he sells.

The following UKF projects are available:

In the premises, if necessary, are designed: a room for staff, a warehouse, sanitary facilities.

Business Ideas Using the Universal Complex for Farmers in Stories

How I became a successful farmer in retirement.

If someone had told me a few years ago that I would become a farmer, I would have laughed in my face. How can I, a city dweller who has lived in the city for 63 years, suddenly become a farmer? What nonsense… But my pension is small, and there are still many desires, so I began to look for additional earnings. So after all, we are hired not by the mind, but by age ....

Three "heroes", green garlic and dry sprouts.

"Bogatyr" - this is such a UKF - a universal complex for farmers with a width of 18 meters. Half - under the turkey, half - under the greenhouse, where feed for poultry sprouts. On one square meter, you can grow no more than 2 turkeys, so count. Not enough money for me. I thought about building a house for myself. And I began to think about how I could raise profitability ...

Farm greenhouses are designed for year-round cultivation of fruits and vegetables, seedlings, flowers, renewal of the seed fund in much larger volumes compared to country greenhouses. Greenhouses for farmers, primarily for growing crops in closed ground, provide a wide temperature regime, depending on the climatic zones and operating conditions, additionally installed in a farm greenhouse: heating, light and watering.

Farm greenhouses "turnkey" in the "Greenhouse Center" have a much larger set of functions than conventional ones. Also, a polycarbonate farm greenhouse can be used, in addition to growing crops, as an exhibition or trade pavilion, a warehouse and a hangar for storing vegetables and fruits, you just need to consider the additions necessary for this.

For private farms, greenhouses with all the necessary equipment are suitable. First, farm greenhouses are attractively priced compared to commercial greenhouses, ideal for those interested in growing their own produce and selling in small quantities. When choosing a greenhouse for farming, you need to pay attention to the frame, foundation, coating. Farm greenhouses in the Greenhouse Center store are designed and manufactured in accordance with SNiP 2.10.04-85. Greenhouses are distinguished by excellent workmanship, low cost and excellent performance.

Farm greenhouses are larger and smarter structures than traditional country ones. This is due to the need for year-round cultivation of a large number of crops. Such a greenhouse is not only the breadwinner of the owner, but also his main assistant.

First of all, it should be noted that farm greenhouses are most often capital structures, which can be of two types - semi-industrial (up to 500 m 2) and industrial (from 500 m 2). All of them are prefabricated and stationary and have a lot of advantages over small gardening structures.

Important! One of the most important features of a farm greenhouse is the presence of a solid foundation. It can be both slab and tape. The pile foundation is suitable for small structures. For example, for stationary country greenhouses.

Farm greenhouse Bitunel SPK "Niva" – Niva Greenhouse

High demands are placed on the farm base, as it must successfully withstand significant weight loads. The frames of such structures are made of profile pipes, which can be either round (25-38 mm) or rectangular. They produce galvanized or painted frame elements.

Used as a coating. For the construction of semi-industrial greenhouses, sheets with a thickness of 6-8 mm are required. For industrial - from 8 mm. Higher requirements for are due to the fact that farm greenhouses, unlike country ones, have a much larger area. More durable material is able to withstand significant snow and wind loads.

The dimensions of farm greenhouses can be very different - 8x12 m, 8x16 m, 12x40 m, etc. The height of the structures is at least 2.5 m. The shape is predominantly arched, and it was not chosen by chance. The fact is that the sloping walls and roof provide sliding of snow and water, "streamlined" for the winds. Therefore, arched greenhouses are the most convenient and reliable in operation.

Dimensions of industrial multi-span greenhouses "Atlant"

Due to the significant height of the frame, it becomes possible to grow tall plants. There are winter farm greenhouses, which provide for uninterrupted heating of the internal space and soil. The purpose of such premises can be very different: growing crops, using them as a poultry house or a pigsty, a garage, a warehouse.

Gothic greenhouses "Atlant" (from polycarbonate)

Prices for farm greenhouses

farm greenhouses

Equipment and components for farm greenhouses

There are several of them, let's get acquainted with the features of each option in more detail.

Ventilation systems

Any farm greenhouse should be equipped with vents for ventilation. Maintaining the optimum temperature for plants should occur without human intervention. For this purpose, automatic ventilation systems have been developed, including a set of vents and sensors. Each window is equipped with a special machine - a pusher.

Mechanical ventilator for greenhouses - operating instructions

The principle of operation of this device is based on temperature differences in the interior of the greenhouse. The fact that it has risen is signaled by sensors. The mechanism is triggered, and the pusher either extends, thereby opening the window, or retracts, closing it. Automatic pushers can be made from different materials, but they work on the same principle. There are electric and hydraulic machines for sale. Production material - metal or bimetal.

Greenhouse ventilator prices

greenhouse ventilator

Evaporative cooling systems (fogging)

Equipment of this type is necessary to maintain an optimal level of air humidity in the greenhouse and treat plants with protective agents against pests and diseases. A special technique (fog former) creates an aerosol fog in the room, consisting of the smallest drops of water (or any aqueous solutions) with a diameter of 0 to 49-50 microns.

If a protective compound was used to control insects, they will die even on the fly. Pests crawling on plants will be destroyed after the moisture drops. The microscopic size of the drops ensures their rapid spraying and uniform distribution over the entire area of ​​the room. With the help of a fogger, all parts of the greenhouse structure can be quickly processed and disinfected. The fog will settle not only on the upper part of the leaves of plants, but also on the lower one. Therefore, using this equipment, you can carry out the highest quality disinfection and pest control.

Fogging system - evaporative cooling of greenhouses - SIOT

Heating systems

Farm greenhouses can be heated with gas, electricity, solid fuels. Steam, air or water is used as a heat carrier. Gas heating is considered the most economical.

Greenhouse manufacturers also offer heating systems, consisting of:

  • pipes;
  • boiler;
  • heating radiators;
  • temperature sensors;
  • relays and other accessories.

Heating systems can be single-circuit and double-circuit. The main selection criterion is the rate of heating of the internal space of the greenhouse. In this regard, air heating is in the lead. With it, you can raise the temperature of the air in just a few minutes.

Water heating is considered the most reliable. One of its advantages is good heat dissipation. After turning off the boiler, the system continues to heat the room. Water heating can be implemented in different ways - using gas and electric, solid fuel boilers.

The modern solution is IR (infrared) heating. Its advantage is uniform and rapid heating of the room. The heated structural elements of the greenhouse begin to give off heat, which increases the productivity of the IR system. Infrared heaters are used as equipment. A complex piping system is not required; the soil can be warmed up.

Lighting systems

The main element of the lighting system is the lamp. At the moment, a device has not yet been invented that can 100% replace sunlight. Therefore, many owners of farm greenhouses, in an effort to provide the plants with the most comfortable conditions, are forced to combine different types of lighting. They have to choose from several types of lamps.

Table. Types of lamps for lighting farm greenhouses.

Lamp typeCharacteristics

It is considered a universal device for lighting greenhouses of any type and size. The best result is achieved by combining white and cold light fluorescent lamps. The average service life of one unit is up to 2 thousand hours.

It is used for disinfection purposes, as it emits a light spectrum that is harmful to harmful bacteria.

Actively used by farmers growing light-loving plants. The radiation spectrum contributes to the accelerated ripening of fruits.

In addition to high-quality lighting of the room, it provides warming up, as it releases a significant amount of heat during operation. Several negative aspects have been noticed when using these lamps - they attract insects, have an adverse effect on the development of young plants.

It is steadily gaining popularity, as it allows you to get the spectrum of light radiation needed in different periods of plant growth. Among the advantages are impact resistance and long service life.

They are among the ideal lighting solutions for farm greenhouses. Provides conditions as close to natural as possible.

Prices for phytolamps

phytolamp for plants

Shading systems

Any structure of a semi-industrial or industrial type is of considerable size and needs a screening system. With the help of this system, an optimal microclimate for plants is maintained.

There are two types of such systems:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

Any of them can be:

  • cable;
  • beam.

Each of them can be automated and have a single or double curtain function. For shading, a special opaque fabric is used. The system consists of a complex of drive mechanisms. With the help of vertical systems, it is possible to divide the space of the greenhouse into several zones and in each of them to provide the microclimate necessary for this type of plant.

Important! In addition to those listed above, farm greenhouses can use automated systems for controlling the microclimate, feeding plants with carbon dioxide, electric lighting, drip irrigation, additional humidification, and air recirculation.

Many manufacturers of farm greenhouses offer a set of technological equipment necessary for maintaining the premises and performing work.

The set may include:

  • trays (including hanging ones);
  • carts for transportation of goods;
  • irrigation and spraying equipment;
  • plant suspension systems;
  • plant tying kits;
  • sprayers.

Each manufacturer strives to somehow distinguish their products from the general mass and constantly makes improvements in the design and equipment of their greenhouses. In order to better understand all the features of these designs, you need to familiarize yourself with the most popular models.

Greenhouses of the "Farmer" series from the company "Volya"

Volya's products are very popular. The manufacturer took into account all the nuances in the work of farmers and produces the most convenient semi-industrial greenhouses in operation. One of the features of these products is the close to conical shape of the frame.

Industrial greenhouse "Farmer-7.5"

Scheme of the greenhouse "Farmer-7.5"

The need for a ledge in the upper part of the arched arch arose during the testing of the first samples of the Farmer greenhouses. It was found that the rounded shape of the walls was not enough to prevent snow from lingering on them. Therefore, it was decided to modify the shape of the arc and raise its midpoint. Ultimately, an optimal ledge size was found, and today's greenhouses can be operated with complete confidence in areas with the snowiest winters.

Industrial greenhouse "Farmer-5.0"

Industrial greenhouse "Farmer 4.6"

The company's products are designed and manufactured in accordance with the requirements of Russian standards. For the device of a framework the galvanized steel profile is used. The upper part of the structure is reinforced with support beams made of the same material. In the production of winter greenhouses, modern heat-insulating materials are used.

"Farmer 4.6"

The manufacturer offers designs of different sizes. You need to choose the width and height of the arc. The length can be different, since any of the greenhouses is easy and simple to build up. The height of the structures is from 3 to 4 m, the width is 3.6 m, 4.2 m, 4.6 m, 5 m or 7.5 m. It is possible to install a vestibule that will help prevent heat leakage in the winter.

Industrial greenhouse "Farmer 4.2"

For it is necessary to install equipment for heating and additional lighting. If there are many sunny days in the region, it is recommended to use curtains. To increase the useful area, sets of racks "Cascade" are offered. They are necessary for the use of multi-tier technology for growing plants.

Greenhouse Complex "Cold House"

The block of greenhouses "Cold house" is an industrial-type construction, consisting of modules, the number of which can be any. Each block is a separate room in which a special microclimate necessary for a given variety of grown plants can be created.

The span of the blocks is 9.6 or 8 m. The frame consists of hot-dip galvanized steel posts 5 m high, installed at a distance of 5 m from each other. Frame elements can be not only steel, but also aluminum. Along the horizontal lines of the blocks, stiffening belts are located parallel to each other, which can be equipped with drainage trays and gutters. The same structural elements are the main supports for the installation of engineering systems.

The roof of the blocks is pointed, gable, glass. Equipped with a system of rafter spacer beams. It is possible to insulate the structures with any of the modern heat-insulating materials. To install the Cold House complex, a reinforced concrete foundation 40-60 cm high is required. The manufacturer offers the installation of a concrete floor inside the greenhouses, as well as the installation of a wear-resistant self-leveling coating.

Video - Industrial greenhouse "Farmer" from the company "Volya"
