How to remove varnish from a wooden surface: basic technologies. Use of special washes

To remove varnish from the surface of a tree, heat treatment is often used. They can also use a mechanical method, a wash. To apply a new varnish coating on a wooden surface, you need to remove the old layer. If several old layers are applied, they will be more difficult to remove than one layer.

To remove old varnish from furniture, you can use a remover or products with chemical elements.

Remove the varnish due to the appearance of defects, chips, microcracks. They certainly form on the old coating. If you try to apply a new varnish on the old varnish, this will spoil the appearance of the product, which will lead to the fact that the varnish will very soon peel off.

The most well-known method of removing nail polish is the use of chemicals. This method is advisable to remove furniture varnish. For this purpose, a solvent, a variety of gels, powders, liquids are used.

If up to three layers are applied, it is advisable to use a liquid. It quickly weathers, does not absorb very deeply.

To remove more layers, it is preferable to use gels, pasty materials.

Attention! If you wish to use the powder, then dilute it with water before use. This allows you to make the mass thick, it will resemble a paste. Dry powder is easy to transport, store, which is a plus of this substance.

We use chemicals for processing

A chemical is applied to a wooden surface. This allows the old layer to begin to separate from the tree. This method is not suitable for removing varnish from chipboard panels, furniture. It removes the decorative film, and it provides a beautiful appearance. It is best to use this method to remove the varnish coating exclusively from a natural wood object.

To the question: how to remove varnish from wood We can say that acetone, powders, liquids, gels, universal solvents are suitable.

Modern furniture is treated with quick-drying varnishes. To remove the coating from such furniture, a solvent is required. This will help not to spoil the wood, to achieve results.

Antique furniture was treated with resin of natural origin (shellac), alcohol compositions. Denatured alcohol is used to remove shellac. It quickly and effectively removes the old layer.

If you need to remove a layer from old chipboard furniture, then this is painstaking work. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can ruin the product.

It is advisable to install the surface vertically to remove the coating. This will make it easier to clean and much more comfortable to work with. If you need to remove up to ten layers of coating, then gels are suitable.

We use mechanical cleaning

You can take a metal brush or sandpaper and remove the old layer with smooth circular movements. This will erase the protective layer down to the wood.

Use a spatula to work in those places where the coating has begun to deteriorate. This method is good for working with small surfaces. If you need to remove the old coating from large surfaces, then you should choose another method.

If you have a wood sander (eccentric), then you can significantly speed up the processing process. First, it is worth treating the tree with coarse-grained sandpaper, and then with fine-grained sandpaper.

When working with a grinder, wear a respirator and goggles. This method creates a lot of dust. To reduce it, the following conditions must be met:

  • moisten the surface with water before cleaning;
  • use sandpaper for processing;
  • while the treated area is wet, the coating will begin to resemble liquid porridge - you need to use this time period and remove the old coating;
  • when the surface of the product dries, it is worth additionally treating it with fine-grained sandpaper.

Now you know how to remove old paintwork from a product.

Heat treatment

To remove old varnish, it is advisable to use a building hair dryer, you can also use a gas, gasoline burner. The advantage of this method is the high speed of operation. The principle of operation of a building hair dryer is the same as that of a conventional one, however, it is able to heat up to a maximum of 600 ° C.

When working with a gas (gasoline) burner, you should take precautions. Since the work is to be done with an open flame, it is necessary to carry out work on the street, away from flammable objects. Keep in mind that if the wood overheats, it can catch fire, so working with a burner requires maximum care. This method is toxic. If you notice the appearance of bubbles, smoke, then stop working.

Use a remover to remove

To remove varnish from furniture, you can use a remover. Moisten the brush in the wash, apply with a bold stroke to the product. It is important to brush with one stroke, try not to touch the treated surface anymore.

To enhance the result, try to hide the surface under a film of polyethylene, you get a compress. How long it will take to wait depends on the number of old layers: usually from forty minutes if there is one old layer, and up to four hours if there are many old layers. If the old layer began to swell or the color of the old varnish changed, then the wash worked.

A spatula is required to remove softened varnish. To work safely with wood, it is better to use an old spatula (it is not so sharp) or, using a whetstone, round off the sharp edges of a new tool.

Press gently on the surface to be treated. You can't delete everything right away. Try again. It is not uncommon for cases when to remove film residues it is enough to treat the surface with sandpaper.

Different methods of removing old varnish are suitable for different types of wood. When it comes to natural wood products, it is better to use various solvents.

More layers of old varnish complicate the removal process, however, and they can be removed with a grinder, burner, wash.

When restoring furniture, there is often a need to remove varnish from a wooden surface. Calling a professional master for many people is an expensive pleasure. And why, if most of the necessary tools and materials are in the house, it remains only to apply them correctly. In our article, we will look at how to remove varnish from wood using the most popular methods, without making gross mistakes.

Is it worth spending money on chemical washes?

Removing varnish from furniture often takes place using chemicals. They are a complex of specialized substances and are called washes, they can be in a liquid, powder and gel state. Their task is to destroy the outer layer of the paintwork quickly, efficiently and without much effort. The choice of a suitable remover largely depends on the type of varnish. So, it is better to remove oil varnish and paint with white spirit or turpentine, bakelite and alcohol varnish - with ethyl alcohol, and gasoline is also suitable for other categories. There are a lot of specialized washes.

Among them, one can note a means for removing varnish from wood. Docker S5 Lack. The advantage of this household chemicals is that it is odorless, so it can be used to work indoors. Despite this, when working with chemical solvents, it is necessary to ensure all safety measures - open the windows, wear a cotton suit, rubber gloves, a respirator and goggles.

The further process will consist of five main stages. The first is the preparation of the working solution. If you purchased a wash in liquid or aerosol form, you do not need to do anything, but the powder will need to be diluted with water in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. As a result, you should get a thick paste that will hold well even on a vertical surface, until it is removed. The second stage is the application of a wash. Take a paint brush, pick up the right amount of paste and spread it over the entire surface in a thick layer. The third stage is the fixation of the polyethylene film. Prepare a regular film and cover the area with the remover with it. This will help enhance the effect of the solvent. We leave the film until the remover is removed, when it becomes dark brown, and the paintwork itself swells.

The fourth stage is the removal of the wash and varnish. After the time specified by the manufacturer, the paintwork should be completely peeled off, and it can be easily removed with a spatula, after which you need to go over the surface with sandpaper several times. When working with a spatula, we recommend using a tool with non-sharp edges so as not to damage the wood. When using a new tool, its blade must be lightly processed with a whetstone. Alternatively, you can take a plastic squeegee.

The final stage is the removal of the remnants of the wash. To complete the process and proceed to the next step of the restoration, prepare the cleanser by dissolving 100–150 ml of table flavor in half a liter of water. Dip a foam sponge into the resulting mixture and walk it over the entire wooden surface, then remove excess moisture with a dry cloth and leave the furniture to dry. Instead of an acetic solution, alcohol can also be used, it will well remove adhering remains of varnish and wash.

Mechanical cleaning - sandpaper or drill?

To remove the top layer, in addition to the chemical effect on the paintwork, a mechanical method is used. It is especially effective to use it in cases where the varnish layer is rather thick, and it is problematic to remove it with solvents. When cleaning mechanically, it must be remembered that the grinding tool must move along the wood fibers so as not to violate their integrity.

The easiest option for removing varnish is coarse sandpaper or a steel brush.. They are convenient to use if the paintwork peels off in fragments, and the working area is small. At the end of work in hard-to-reach places, the varnish can be removed with a spatula. For mechanical cleaning, a special construction tool is also used - a scraper, which consists of a comfortable wooden handle and a sharpened steel plate. Due to the angular orientation of the handle, it is easy to work with such a tool, the necessary pressure is created when exposed to the surface.

And to make the process faster and with minimal effort, you will need an electric drill with a sticky or rubber-based grinding wheel. You can cut a piece of sandpaper for sanding yourself and press it with a screw.

When working with such an apparatus, a lot of chips and dust are generated, so you should open the windows, cover the work surface and nearby things with a film, and also wear a respirator and goggles. To remove varnish from furniture, we put on a drill a grinding wheel with sandpaper with a grain size of 80 to 120 mm. When the main layer is removed, we change the sandpaper to paper with a grit of 180 mm, neutralize all the remnants of the paintwork.

Exposure to heat and moisture - how does the paintwork react to them?

To remove varnish from the surface of furniture using the thermal method, heating elements are used - a blowtorch or a building hair dryer, which help soften the top layer and allow you to quickly clean the surface. When carrying out such work, you should be as careful as possible so as not to damage the wood. If the coating begins to char, smoke and bubble - this is a sign of overheating, and work must be urgently stopped. For example, when working with a building hair dryer, many do not take into account that this is a device with a high heating temperature of up to 600 ° C. As a result, the hair dryer is brought too close to the wooden surface, it begins to deform, blacken and become unusable.

However, if you follow a few important rules, then removing varnish from wood using the thermal method is quite simple, fast, and most importantly, qualitatively. The first thing to remember is not to heat the entire surface at once, but its individual fragments with a blowtorch or a building hair dryer. Keep the heater away from the wooden surface without raising the temperature. After the paint layer has melted, it must be quickly removed with a spatula before it has time to harden again. We do this gradually with the entire surface of the furniture until the varnish coating is completely eliminated.

The safest method of removing varnish, which does not require special expenses, is water. For it, you will need a bowl of water, a foam rubber sponge and coarse sandpaper. We dip the sponge into the water, wet the entire surface of the furniture, after which we take coarse sandpaper and repeatedly walk over the wood. We continue to repeat the steps until the varnish begins to peel off and turn into gruel. At the end of the work, the furniture must be thoroughly wiped, dried and treated with fine-grained sandpaper to eliminate small roughness. This method is suitable for removing a thin layer of varnish.

Summing up, I would like to say that if you are going to cover the furniture with new paint after removing the old layer and open it with varnish, choose a wash to dissolve the paint layer, and if you tint the products with stain, use a mechanical or thermal method so that it lays evenly. We hope that one of the above methods will work for you! Good luck with your work!

Not everyone can change old furniture for new one every time, as it can be expensive. Therefore, you don’t really want to throw away your favorite dining table, comfortable chairs or a spacious closet. But this is not necessary, because you can give furniture a second life.

It will be enough to remove the varnish, which gives the furniture an untidy and shabby look., and cover the products with a new layer of varnish. And all this can be done at home. But you need to know in advance how you can wash off the old varnish from the tree, and how to quickly and effectively get rid of the old coating. There are several proven methods by which you can remove the old coating from a wooden surface.

mechanical method

A popular mechanical method, thanks to which you can achieve excellent results and ideally prepare the surface for repair. This method has one significant plus - the absence of any chemicals. But at the same time, be prepared for the fact that the process can be long, and it requires special care.

To carry out the mechanical removal of the old coating, you will need tools. It is quite possible to take a metal plate as a tool, which should be sharpened beforehand. This must be done in order for the tool to better cope with the task.

Sandpaper of various types can also quite help in this matter. A brush with metal bristles will come in handy at the very beginning of the preparatory work. You can also use a grinder or even a grinder, which will need to be equipped with a special nozzle.

You can use a router if you have one in your house.

All of the above tools will help to cope with a small layer of varnish. When using tools such as a grinder or grinder, it is recommended to be extremely careful not to damage the structure of the product itself.

Do not forget about the methods of personal safety. Work should be done with gloves, a respirator and goggles, as during cleaning there will be a lot of fine dust, which is categorically not recommended to breathe.

Work order

Before you begin the process of removing the old varnish, you need to prepare the furniture. An old table or sofa will need to be disassembled so that every detail can be carefully processed. It will be easier to remove the old coating from the door.

Prepare a special place at home, cover the floors with a film so as not to spoil the surface. It is advisable to carry out all procedures on the street, but if there is no yard, then you can do it at home.

The surface of each part must first be subjected to rough processing., be sure to use the special brush mentioned above. Next comes the turn of using coarse-grained sandpaper, which also needs to be carefully processed over the entire surface in order to remove all the old layer.

After removing the old coating, the surface of the furniture should be treated with fine-grained paper in order to carry out the so-called grinding. After this procedure, a smooth and clean surface should be obtained, which must be rid of fine dust. This can be done very quickly, especially if you have a large and soft brush.

A grinder can come in handy if we are talking about a large surface.

For example, if it is a large closet or table.

chemical method

Many people are afraid of the mechanical cleaning method only because in this way it is possible to spoil the surface and damage the tree. In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to the chemical method, which is also effective, so that you can easily do everything yourself. This method is perfect if you need to remove the old coating from an uneven, corrugated or carved surface.

To date, there are many special tools called washes. It can be liquid, powder or gel. The liquid is perfect if the product has a maximum of three layers of varnish. Gels are suitable for multi-layer coatings. A nail polish remover in powder form is ideal for surfaces with a large area.

If you choose a powder as a nail polish remover, it is recommended to dilute it with a little water before use. A thick gruel will be easier to evenly apply to the surface, and so the tool will more effectively cope with its task.

The general algorithm for working with chemicals includes the following steps:

  • Before starting work, put on gloves and a respirator to protect yourself. Remember that you are not dealing with aggressive chemicals. Otherwise, the preparation process is similar to that recommended in the case of a mechanical method.
  • On the prepared surface with an even layer using a conventional paint brush, apply the flushing liquid evenly. It needs to be applied in only one layer, and then the product should be covered with a film. After a couple of hours it will be possible to open. In the event that there are more than three or four layers of varnish, then the product must be left under the film for four hours or more.

  • After the film is removed, you need to carefully remove the layers of varnish with a conventional spatula. Try not to work with pressure and do not take too sharp a spatula, otherwise the wooden surface will be seriously damaged.
  • Then you can wash off the remaining varnish with plain water. In order to clean the surface, you can add a little table vinegar to the water. Only one tablespoon of vinegar essence is used per liter of water. After that, the product will be ready for you to cover it with a new layer of special varnish.

  • In the event that the above method did not help to completely get rid of all layers of the old coating, it is worth repeating the procedure. If only small areas with old varnish remain on the surface of the furniture, then they can be easily removed with sandpaper.

In the case of powder or aerosol application, the same instructions should be followed.

Other Methods

In addition to the methods described above, there are other cleaning methods, which in professional circles are called thermal or thermal. Using this method, the old coating is removed from the furniture by heating the surface. From high temperature, the varnish begins to melt a little and easily lags behind the material.

Undoubtedly, this method requires more careful preparation, and non-professionals should approach the process competently.

  • Be sure to protect your hands with special gloves. If you use ordinary rubber, then during a strong heating of the surface of the furniture, you can get a serious burn.

  • The room in which the whole process will take place must be well ventilated, otherwise you can get toxic poisoning.
  • Don't forget your respirator and goggles.

In order to carry out thermal cleaning at home, you can use a gas or gasoline burner. You can work with this unit only if you are not doing this for the first time. Beginners, due to inexperience, can create dangerous conditions, a fire can occur, or serious burns can be caused. Therefore, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the safety rules.

Not every professional will cope with the task of restoring furniture. Several methods can be used to address this issue. It is important to completely remove the old coating. But, before embarking on such a procedure, it is necessary to figure out how to properly remove varnish from furniture and what methods exist for this.

The following tools are needed to remove varnish:

  • polyethylene film;
  • hair dryer, which is used specifically in the construction industry;
  • blowtorch;
  • hard metal brush;
  • soft sponge;
  • tassel;
  • respirator along with a mask for protection;
  • a special chemical composition that washes everything;
  • glasses;
  • rubber gloves;
  • sandpaper;
  • sanding skin.

Existing withdrawal methods

Regardless of the method chosen, it is important that the work is done quickly but accurately.

Here are some of the most common options for those who want to understand how to remove varnish from furniture:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • thermal;
  • water.


This is an effective solution for the procedure at home.

It is important not to forget about a cotton suit that will protect the outer layers of the skin from active substances. A mask and goggles, rubber gloves are also mandatory requirements for those who decide to remove old material.

The furniture complex itself for chemical cleaning of varnish is called a wash. It is usually produced in the form of a special powder or mixture that corrodes paintwork in ten or more layers. Lacquer remover is easily purchased in specialized stores.

The stages of removing varnish from furniture can be described as follows.

  1. The first is preparation. He assumes that, according to the instructions, the powders are diluted with a certain amount of water. To obtain a thick and homogeneous consistency, all the components that make up the composition are diluted with each other. Gel formulations adhere to surfaces easily, even on vertical ones. Taking it off, you also don't have to worry about the result.
  2. Wash. A paste-like substance is applied to the furniture. A key step in the process. For application, it is recommended to use a regular brush. The surface is processed in thick layers. The movements are carried out in one direction, then you do not have to process the surface again.
  3. Next comes the application of special films. This step is necessary to enhance the effect of the wash. To do this, take a film of polyethylene, and cover the treated surface with it. The film must be left in this place, no more than 1 hour. But it is better to leave the whole structure for 3-4 hours. The quality of the varnish itself and the thickness of the coating from it determine exactly how much time must be spent in this or that case. The film is removed when the stage is completed. We get a perfect polished surface. You need to remove the film after the appearance of a dark brown tint. The paintwork itself swells at this moment.
  4. Next, proceed to the removal of varnish. If the previous steps are done correctly, then this moment will not cause any trouble. Just take a spatula and get rid of the remaining particles of material. Next, they take paper from sandpaper, it is passed several times over the base of wood. This allows you to remove parts of the material that remained after the previous processing. Removing polish from furniture is not so difficult.

It is advisable to use a spatula that does not have sharp edges. If the tool is new, it is recommended to sharpen it. Otherwise, the furniture itself will be damaged, requiring cleaning. Plastic tools are most suitable for this work.

Finally, it remains only to eliminate the wash. In this case, we need at least 0.5 liters of ordinary water. We dissolve vinegar in it, in an amount of 100-150 milliliters. We lower the sponge into the resulting solution, and then wash the entire surface. Wipe dry with a flannel cloth. When the furniture is thoroughly cleaned, it is exposed to fresh air. How to remove leftovers, we have already figured out.

Related article: What varnish to cover a wooden table?

In the video: using a remover to remove varnish.


There are several options for the so-called mechanical processing. The buyer decides what is suitable.

Option number 1

It is suitable if delamination occurs in fragments. The main tools are fine sandpaper or a steel brush. They perform circular movements: this is how the old varnish comes off the furniture without any problems at all.

Screwdrivers or spatulas help to get to hard-to-reach places.

Option number 2

How to remove the polish if the previous methods did not help? In this case, you can not do without an eccentric type grinding tool and hard sandpaper.

It is important to wear gloves and goggles for added protection before you get started. The following diagram will help you understand how to remove unnecessary parts.

  1. We fill a special machine with sandpaper with a grain size of 80 to 120.
  2. The surface is carefully processed as a whole.
  3. Sandpaper is replaced with grit up to 180 points.

The wooden lacquered surface is processed using the same tool. The main thing is to make sure at the end that there are no particles of varnish left, and that the removal is complete.


A building hair dryer or blowtorch is required when implementing this method.

The solution has two important advantages:

  1. High quality cleaning.
  2. Fast execution of all stages.

It is enough just to follow the rules so that the varnish from the wooden surface comes off easily.

During the first stage, one of the fragments of the wooden base is subjected to heating. For this, a blowtorch or a hair dryer is used. With a construction knife or a spatula, you need to clean the base from the paintwork that has been melted.

If you don't work fast enough, the varnish will have time to dry again. After one piece, move on to the next. Gradually, the varnish is removed from the entire surface.

When using the thermal technique, one must be especially careful. When firing, be sure to maintain a certain distance. Violations in the temperature regime are also unacceptable. Otherwise, the color of the wood will not change as it should, the removal will not be successful.

Related article: The technology of painting a wooden staircase and the choice of materials


Refers to the simple and safe options that are assumed in this case. The main tool is a sponge, which is properly saturated with water. Then the surface to be cleaned is thoroughly wiped. Gradually, under the influence of moisture, the coating is cleaned.

Purchased processing aids

It is necessary to understand how strong the initial destruction of the material is, what tools will make it easier to do the job.

Powder materials in this regard are considered the most professional solution, although the paste also pleases with the result. They remove up to ten layers of varnish without any problems. It will be enough to dilute the composition with water until a pasty substance is formed. With a brush, it is simply applied to the surface where the old varnish was. The work of removing old varnish from old furniture should be carried out evenly, without repetition.

Ready-made liquids or gels do not require dilution with water. Such compositions are immediately ready for application using a brush. But these tools remove only up to three layers.

The most convenient remedy for old varnish is spray, but in terms of efficiency it will lose to analogues.

After applying any of the means, the surface is closed with a film. Then it is left like that for a while. The coating material is removed when the color becomes dark and the varnish itself becomes viscous. The old coating is simply removed with a spatula from the tree. The main thing is to remember that in the future varnished surfaces require special care.

How best to remove old varnish (2 videos)

Nail polish removal methods (22 photos)

In some cases, before applying a new layer of varnish or paint, it is necessary to remove the old varnish coating. This can be done in many ways: heat treatment, use a mechanical method or a wash. It can be quite difficult to immediately decide on the choice of the most suitable option, because not every person understands the features of the use of certain means.

Consider how to choose the perfect way and remove varnish from a wooden surface at home, spending a minimum amount of time and effort.

Process features

There are no universal remedies that are suitable in all cases. The choice of the optimal option depends on a variety of nuances. Here are the most important ones.

  • The thickness of the previous varnish layer. If it is thick, it will take a significant amount of time to remove it.
  • The composition of the paint material.
  • surface type. Much will depend on what exactly you have to clean from varnish: parquet or piece of furniture.


The use of chemicals (washes) is a very popular method for removing varnish from furniture, doors and other wood products. It is especially well suited if the surface is delicate. You can use ordinary solvents, special liquids, gels, powders.

The choice of the appropriate option depends on the specific situation. Denatured alcohol is suitable if you need to remove shellac.

If there are relatively few layers of varnish on the surface (up to 3), liquids can be used. Such funds are not absorbed very deeply, because they quickly disappear.

A great option for large-scale work - powders. Powdered products are convenient to transport, they also have a long shelf life. They must be diluted with water before use. This results in a thick paste-like mass, which is convenient to apply to the surface. Various ready-made pastes and gels are also suitable for situations where a significant amount of paint material needs to be removed.

Spray cans can also be used to remove varnish from wood. A foam layer appears on the treated base. Such tools are convenient to use, but they are only suitable in cases where the amount of work is insignificant.

Instructions for using washes

With the help of chemicals, the varnish should be removed in several stages.

  • Apply a wash first. This can be done with a brush. One place should be treated only once, the funds should not be too much.
  • The effect can be enhanced with a compress. Lay a plastic film over the treated base. Then you should wait a few hours. At the same time, the paint layer may begin to “swell”, and the wash may become brownish or dark brown.
  • When the paint material has softened, remove it using a spatula.. If the tool is new, the edges may be too sharp. In this case, you can use a whetstone to round them a little. This way you can do your job more accurately.

When the varnish "swells", you will need to press it as carefully as possible.

It is quite possible that it will not be possible to completely remove the layer at once. In this case, the procedure can be repeated, although some prefer to just use sandpaper.

  • The remains of the chemical will need to be washed off with an vinegar solution or plain water. The material should be removed with the utmost care, but do not treat the surface for too long, otherwise moisture can damage the wood. After rinsing the base, wipe it off and place the product in a ventilated and dry area. It is recommended to avoid direct sunlight on the surface. When the wood is completely dry, it will be possible to apply a new paint and varnish material to it.
  • When working with chemicals, you must remember about safety. The room will need to be thoroughly ventilated.

mechanical method

The essence of this method is that the varnish is peeled off the surface. It is convenient to do this with a cycle (a special tool that looks like a carefully sharpened steel plate with a handle). The pressure on the base is quite strong because the handle is angled. You can buy such a tool or create it yourself.

If you do not have the necessary fixtures at home, you can use ordinary glass. To avoid injury, wear gloves that protect the skin of the hands. Also, this option has a significant minus - the glass quickly becomes dull.

In cases where there is little varnish on a wooden surface, you can use ordinary sandpaper. You can attach it to the grinder or use it separately.

There are the following types of special devices:

  • eccentric;
  • vibration;
  • tape.

The most affordable in terms of cost are vibration machines. With the help of such devices, furniture can be cleaned of varnish. Install sandpaper on the “sole” of the device. After that, it can be used. During the implementation of such work, a lot of dust usually appears, but this method is more effective than sanding the surface by hand. The base is more even and aesthetic.

It is worth considering that dust can get on objects that are nearby, so they will need to be protected. This can be done with a polyethylene film.

Many people who want to remove varnish prefer mechanical treatment of wood, because in this case it is not necessary to use chemicals that are usually dangerous to human health. However, the use of mechanical devices has one drawback - such work is not easy and requires a significant amount of time.

Some do not want to do the mechanical processing of wood on their own, but prefer to contact specialists. Using professional equipment allows you to achieve the best results.

Heat treatment

To clean wood, it can be heated. As a result, the paintwork material will stick to the base much worse. Cracks will appear on the coating, and it can be removed with a special tool (trowel, chisel).

When carrying out heat treatment, it is worth considering several important points.

  • If the coating begins to char instead of flaking, the cleaning method will need to be changed. In this case, you can use chemicals.
  • Goggles and protective gloves must be used. Thorough ventilation is also required during and after work. When varnish is heated, it can release substances that are hazardous to human health. It should also be borne in mind that pieces of paintwork material can bounce off the base. You should also remember about fire safety.
