Mini project "use of secondary raw materials". The project "The importance of recycling waste and the possibility of its implementation in everyday life" Use of recycled materials in everyday life

by technology

The use of recycled materials in everyday life. Sketch development»

Target: to give students knowledge about recycled materials and their use in interior decoration, to teach how to develop a product sketch.

Tasks :

    to acquaint students with a variety of secondary raw materials, additional materials, environmental requirements;

    to cultivate aesthetic taste, interest in the subject of technology and decorative and applied art;

    formation of the ability to develop a sketch of the product, work according to the scheme, apply the knowledge gained in practice;

    develop imagination, accuracy, ability to cooperate in groups;

Subject Results:

Know: types of plastics, select them for their intended purpose

Be able to: develop a sketch.

Lesson type: learning new material

Forms of student work: frontal, group, practical.

Required technical equipment: multimedia projector, screen, practical work diagrams for group work, 2 DVD discs, 6 sheets of A4 colored paper, Master glue, stationery glue, buttons - 20 pieces, wire, corrugated paper, drawing paper or cardboard, cotton pads, paints " gouache", paint brushes, newspaper,

Time: 90 minutes (2 lessons)

Course 1 lesson.

    Organizing time.

    Theme and purpose of the lesson.

Look at the pictures and name the items that are shown. (1 slide)

What is another name for these items?

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the types of recycled materials, types of plastics, learn how to develop a product sketch, and do practical work using recycled materials.

    Exploring a new topic

Secondary raw materials - materials and products that, after the initial full use (wear and tear), can be reused in production as raw materials. (2 slide)

Secondary raw materials include: plastic bags, disposable tableware, napkins, discs, cocktail tubes, foil, paper and many others.

Varieties of secondary raw materials







    construction waste(3 slide)

From recycled materials, using various techniques of arts and crafts, you can make gifts and souvenirs for relatives and friends.(4 slide)

One of the secondary raw materials is plastics.

Types of plastics and their marking

    polyethylene terephthalate. Letter marking PETE or PET.

It contains most drinks, vegetable oils, ketchups, spices, cosmetics.

Safety. Suitable for single use ONLY.

    high density polyethylene. Letter marking PE HD.

Disposable tableware, food containers, bottles for cosmetics, packaging bags, bags, toys are made from it.

    polyvinyl chloride. Letter marking PVC.

Window profiles, furniture elements, films for stretch ceilings, pipes, tablecloths, curtains, floor coverings, containers for technical liquids are made from it.

Safety. Banned for food use

    low density polyethylene. Letter marking LDPE or PEBD.

A cheap and common material from which most bags, trash bags, CDs, linoleums are made.

Safety. Relatively safe for food use

Plastic bags are not as dangerous to human health as dangerous to the ecology of the planet.

    polypropylene. Letter marking PP.

Durable and heat-resistant plastic from which food containers, food packaging, syringes, toys are made.

Safety. Pretty safe, but under certain conditions it can release formaldehyde.

    polystyrene. Letter marking PS.

A cheap and easy-to-manufacture plastic that is used to make almost all disposable tableware, yogurt cups, meat trays, fruits and vegetables, food containers, toys, etc.

Safety. It can release styrene, which is why disposable tableware is called disposable.

    polycarbonate, polyamide and other types of plastics. Letter marking O or OTHER.

They are used to make baby bottles, toys, water bottles, packaging.

Safety. Some plastics from this group are distinguished by increased environmental friendliness.(5 slide)

Ecological value.

Any secondary raw materials that a person produces must be recycled after use in order not to cause detrimental damage to our environment. If all the garbage is not recycled, then the burden of the planet may die: trees and plants will not be able to grow on the earth, the water will become undrinkable. (6 slide)

    Practical work.

Now we will make a flower from a napkin.

For work we need:

1. paper napkins in different colors

2. scissors

3. corrugated paper

4. marker

5. thin wire and thread.

.(7 slide)

    First, fold the paper napkin with an accordion.

.(8 slide)

    We tie in the middle with a thread and make a knot.

.(9 slide)

    We outline the edges of the accordion with a semi-oval on both sides and cut along the circled one.

.(10 slide)

    Fold the accordion in half and press well.

.(11 slide)

    Straighten 2 halves first.

.(12 slide)

    Then straighten each layer of the napkin.

.(13 slide)

    We put a bending wire for the stalk behind the middle of the thread and wrap it with corrugated paper.

.(14 slide)

So our chrysanthemum is ready.

Consolidation of the studied material

What is secondary raw material?

What are the items that we can call secondary raw materials?

Name the items that are made of plastic?

What is the ecological significance of secondary raw materials?

Turn 2 lessons.

    Organizing time.

    Theme and purpose of the lesson.

in this lesson, we will learn how to develop a sketch of a product, and in the next lesson, according to your sketch, we will make a plastic product. We will also do practical work in groups.

    Studying the material.

Sketch - A preliminary, unfinished drawing, sketch..(15 slide)

Sketches include drawings intended for one-time use in production. The image of the object in the sketch is performed according to the rules of rectangular projection, but by hand, observing the proportions between the parts of the depicted object by eye.

Sketches are used by designers when designing new machines, etc. Sketches are used when repairing equipment, when a new part needs to be made instead of a failed part. Then a sketch of the part is taken from nature.

Sketches must be made in accordance with ESKD standards for drawings. The lines on the sketch should be straight and clear. All inscriptions are made in drawing font.

Sketches are usually done on checkered paper. It's more convenient and faster. Perform sketches with a soft pencil (M or 2M).

The sequence of drawing up a sketch is disassembled according to the table, according to which a detailed explanation is given:

    choose a format, mark places for views and, if the part is symmetrical, draw axes of symmetry.

    outline with thin lines the views of the part, observing visually the proportionality of the parts of the object and the projection connection.

    making sure the images are correct, remove all unnecessary lines.

    draw extension and dimension lines.

    measure the part and put down the dimensional numbers. Outline sketch

Now let's try to develop a sketch of a flower . (show on the board)

sketching by students.

    Practical work.

Now I will divide you into groups. Each group must make a work from recycled materials using a diagram.

Group 1: Alieva S, Gaffarov M., Mustafaev L. Ismailov M - dandelion from buttons.

Group 2: Stepanov A, Pantyukhov S., Kakhramanov M, Makhramova A. - Christmas tree made of cotton pads

Group 3: Antipina Yu, Krivtsov N., Ischuk E., Ermilova V - sun

Group 4: E. Korneev, A. Alieva, E. Perepelitsyna, T. Danilova - hot stand

(help and correction of work)

    Evaluation and analysis of work.

    Consolidation of the studied material.

What is a sketch?

7. Homework: plastic bottles, scissors, sketch.

Sorting of MSW allows them to be reused after appropriate sanitization with minor environmental losses and relatively low economic costs. Preliminary sorting of MSW, which determines the efficiency of processing and cost recovery for the construction of processing facilities, is a necessary requirement for the environmental safety of MSW disposal.

Practice shows that with the recycling of waste, in addition to reducing the consumption of raw materials, we get significant savings in electricity, that is, fuel for its production. It takes much less energy to clean a bottle than to melt it and make a new bottle from the resulting material. In Finland, a study was conducted showing that when a 0.34 liter glass bottle is reused ten times, the energy consumption is 24% of the energy costs of the same disposable glass container made from recycled materials and about 16% of the energy costs of this container made from primary material. To ensure the return, the container must have a high collateral value.

Further, paper and textile waste paper is a good secondary raw material in paper production, helping to reduce deforestation: 1 million tons of waste paper saves 60 hectares of forest from cutting down. From 120-130 tons of cans you can get 1 ton of tin. This is equivalent to mining and processing 400 tons of ore, not counting other costs and the preservation of the natural environment.

Household cullet can be reused either as a raw material or as a filler in some building materials in the glass industry.

Sorted plastic is an excellent raw material for the production of building structures such as fences and railings.

There are many such examples. The main difficulty in sorting for secondary raw materials is that similar waste may contain different components. A waste sorting system should be established both at the place of their appearance (that is, in the homes of residents), and after collection and removal. In the first case, it is necessary to have special containers for collecting various types of garbage and active environmental awareness of citizens. Containers filled with sorted waste must go to special re-sorting stations. The waste must then be sent for processing, incineration or landfill. This is the case in the developed countries of Western Europe and Japan, where, due to the high population density, they were the first to face the damage caused by garbage dumps to the environment, and in a timely manner they realized the importance of the problem of waste disposal.

Of course, the equipment of control sorting stations is very expensive, as well as the costs of operation and maintenance, but these costs are offset by the preservation of the environment and our health. But besides financial problems, there is another - even more important - lack of consciousness of citizens in the matter of waste disposal, because no one can be forced to sort their garbage and send it to processing stations. Therefore, serious measures are also needed in the field of promoting the environmental awareness of the population, only then it will be possible to economically recycle household waste.

Solid household waste: leave it in a landfill or recycle it?

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is good because it can be sorted and recycled. Companies around the world are actively using this opportunity to gain economic benefits and significantly reduce environmental damage. Do you want to know how the removal of municipal solid waste makes a profit?

What are the benefits of working with waste?

Practice has shown that the recycling of waste brings tangible benefits, because:

reduces the cost of raw materials for products; reduces the amount of electrical energy or fuel that is spent on the creation of raw materials.

Glass. Recycling a ready-made, but used bottle is much cheaper than melting a new one. In the first case, much less energy is expended. The Finns made calculations and came to the conclusion that when using a bottle of 0.33 liters 10 times, the cost of electricity is 24% of the same indicator of the same container, but made from recycled materials. If the bottle is blown out of unused material - 16%.

Waste paper. Not only glass pays off perfectly, but also paper and textile waste paper. Its processing saves the Earth's forests. Compare, 1,000,000 tons of waste paper saves the life of 62 hectares of forest.

Tin. If you recycle 115-125 tons of canned food, you will get 1 ton of tin. If you extract tin from ore, you will need 400 tons of natural material, which must be correctly extracted and brought to the processing site.

Household cullet. The material is in demand not only as a raw material for new products, but also as a component of a large number of building materials.

Plastic. An excellent raw material for the manufacture of a wide range of products, including fences and railings.

The main problem is incorrect sorting

The main enemy of solid waste recycling and obtaining profitable recyclables is unprofessional sorting or its absence. In this case, the garbage contains a lot of unnecessary and unusable components.

But there is a way out: we need to organize a full-fledged solid waste sorting system. For this purpose, containers for separate waste collection should be installed in the houses. At the same time, it is worth carrying out work to inform residents. At collection points and during transportation, it is also worth adhering to certain rules.

Western European countries and Japan pay great attention to the issue of sorting. Therefore, their work on the removal of solid household waste, processing and disposal is organized at the highest level. There are many times less garbage dumps here and they cause little damage to nature.

ecological culture

Re-sorting stations are expensive to operate and maintain, as is the use of specialized equipment. However, as a result, we get an improvement in the ecological state and health of city residents. One of the main obstacles on the way to the goal is the lack of environmental culture among the majority of Moscow residents. No law can force people to sort garbage and take it out for recycling.

For this reason, special importance should be given to the promotion of the idea of ​​protecting the environment. If people understand the importance of the measures taken, recycling of secondary waste will bring more profit.

Rational nature management - this is a system of activities that ensures the efficient, economic use and reproduction of natural resources (raw materials and energy), as well as the most complete technological scheme for processing production waste, taking into account the interests of a developing economy and preserving people's health.

Use of secondary raw materials

In the process of economic activity, waste is generated, which can be a potential raw material.

Depending on the sources of education, they are divided into 2 groups: waste production And consumption waste.

Waste production - these are the remains of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products that were formed during production and partially or completely lost their original consumer qualities.

Consumption waste - This is a used product that has lost its consumer qualities.

Based on the possibility of use, distinguish recyclable And non-recyclable waste.

For the former, there is a technology for processing and involving in economic circulation, for the latter, there is currently no technology.

Recycling of materials (paper, plastic, glass, metal)

As a result of human activity, several hundred types of waste are generated, and several “classic” types are used: metal, plastics, paper, glass.

Recycling of materials solves a whole range of environmental issues:

    reducing the need for primary raw materials,

    reduced pollution of water and land,

    labor resources are released from the processes of processing raw materials.

The depletion of reserves of primary raw materials required the transfer of technology in many countries to the use of only secondary raw materials.

Receipt paper Recycling paper instead of wood requires 60% less energy, reduces air pollution by 15% and water by 60%.

High quality paper waste can be used to make writing and printing paper. By improving the technology, non-combustible paper can be made from waste paper.

Paper makes up about half of packaging materials, followed by glass, metal and plastic. The average American throws away about 500 kg of packaging materials a year.

The consumption of paper is steadily growing due to the constant development of the world market, so the widespread introduction of the recycling of paper resources will allow us to reduce the growth rate of deforestation.

plastics in the form of waste naturally decompose very slowly, or do not decompose at all. When they are burned, the atmosphere is heavily polluted with toxic substances (dioxins).

Dioxins - polychlorinated compounds containing aromatic nuclei.

Due to their high toxicity, they are classified as a special class of pollutants - toxicants or superecotoxicants.

Even in small doses, dioxins cause a mutagenic effect and have a cumulative ability. The complex nature of the action of this group of compounds leads to suppression of immunity, damage to organs and depletion of the body.

There is no toxicity limit for dioxins, the concept of MPC loses its meaning.

About 80 million tons of plastics are produced annually in the world.

The most effective way to prevent the accumulation of plastic waste is to recycle it ( recycling) and the development of biodegradable polymeric materials.

End-of-life plastics are recycled in the US, Japan and 16 industrialized countries in Europe. In the US, the relevance of plastics recycling is associated with an ever-increasing amount of waste.

Since 1955, Japan has been developing the technology for processing polymer waste. Due to the fact that there are practically no free areas for storing solid waste in Japan, plastic waste is processed by burning (thermal degradation) without the formation of secondary pollution products.

A new direction in solving the problem of plastic waste is the creation of the second generation of plastics - biodegradable polymeric materials that decompose in natural conditions to harmless compounds.

Exists three main paths creation biodegradable polymeric materials:

    synthesis of biodegradable plastics with the help of microorganisms (biopolyethers, biopolysaccharides);

    biodegradable plastics based on natural substances (natural polysaccharides, a mixture of polyethylene and starch);

    chemical synthesis (synthetic polyesters).

In 1989, the Italian chemical company Ferrusi announced the creation of the world's first completely biodegradable plastic. The plastic is made of polyethylene fabric, which contains voids filled with corn starch in an amount of 10 to 50%. Microorganisms break down new plastic into carbon monoxide and water within six months.

In Germany, a biodegradable polymer based on vegetable oil (fatty acids of the oil are bound to form a polymer) is obtained, which is completely safe for the environment. Its cost is not higher than the cost of polymers produced from oil.

glass jars are disposed of in two ways: reuse, or sent for remelting to factories for the production of glass containers. However, most of the glass containers are used once. The main problem of recycling used glass containers is their extraction from the mass of urban waste.

Recycling rate of used aluminum and tin cans varies greatly even in industrialized countries: in the UK it is 3.5%, in Western Europe - 13%, and in the USA - 55%.

In Western European countries, it is expected to increase the degree of recycling of used aluminum cans, because. to obtain aluminum from them, it is necessary to spend only 5% of the energy that would have to be spent on its production from natural raw materials.

Scrap metal is formed in the form of industrial waste (67%), depreciation scrap (31%) and metal recovered from slag dumps (2%). Depreciation scrap is decommissioned and worn-out equipment and tools, military and ship scrap, metal products and inventory. steel from scrap metal 70% cheaper than obtained from ores.

At modern trading enterprises, goods are used in packaging, which in the future should go to waste. We are talking about plastic bottles, waste paper and boxes. It is this so-called waste that is thrown into the trash can. However, few people know that the recycling of secondary raw materials is a rather profitable business, in which so far there are few competitors.

Business idea

Today, such a business idea is not taken seriously by enterprising people. But not one ton of plastic waste is thrown away every day.

Therefore, recycling of secondary raw materials is a rather profitable and profitable business. The idea of ​​organizing a modern non-waste production becomes real in the conditions of management and increased savings. For example, you can profitably press paper or cardboard and then transfer the briquettes to recycling plants.

Primary investments in this business do not exceed the size of investments in any other type of medium-cost activity of business entities.

Recycling from plastics

Every year, each city dweller throws out about 400 kg of garbage. At the same time, a third are plastic products (for example, bottles).

It is in such containers that supermarkets now mainly sell mineral and carbonated water, kvass, beer, yogurt, kefir and juice.

Used plastic bottles are the raw material for the manufacture of flex used in the production of chemical fibers. The same bottles are again made from it. Thus, there is a rational circulation of plastic.

Other materials are also produced from flex. Examples include the following: brush, film, paving slabs.

Recycling is an environmentally and socially beneficial business. Studies have shown that it takes about 200 years for one plastic bottle to completely decompose. This industry in Russia is still poorly developed, so it can be classified as an economically promising type of activity.

Recycling Process

Recycling is a process that resembles a glass container collection point.

Initially, plastic bottles should be sorted by color. Then various foreign objects (metal, glass and labels) are removed from the entire mass.

The next stage is the pressing of bottles and the transfer of the resulting briquettes to the processing line, where the waste is crushed with special knives.

The finished mass enters the steam boiler, where adhesive and label residues must be removed. Further, the processing process involves the passage of the mass through a rinsing and polishing machine. Thus, flex is obtained.

Equipment list

The recycling equipment used is the following: crusher, agglomerator and granulator. These are high-performance compact machines with the help of which waste is processed into useful raw materials.


This is one of the most common types of equipment through which a large amount of plastic is passed. The principle of operation of this machine is quite simple. The feedstock enters a specialized container.

Then gradually it passes into the compartment of rotary and stationary knives. Recycling must take place with a high crushing force, which can be achieved through the use of water cooling of the system. The high stability and rotation performance of said knives is an important factor in the selection of equipment. As another feature of the crusher, ease of maintenance can be indicated, as well as the reliability of the main working units.


The processing of secondary raw materials in the agglomerator is widespread today. This is also a system involved in the recycling of recyclables, but it is much more complicated. With its help, it is possible to perform both only some individual stages of this process, and a complete complex of processing. This device produces agromerization, grinding, as well as washing and drying of raw materials.

The working elements of this system are located on a reliable frame. Low noise level, compactness and ease of operation, combined with high productivity and excellent payback, make such equipment a versatile tool for recycling.


Another device with the help of which the processing of secondary raw materials in Russia has been carried out for quite a long time is a granulator. This equipment performs operations for the processing of profiles, boxes and films. The versatility of such a machine lies in the replacement of a special screw, with which many types of plastic can be shredded. There are many varieties of granulators, differing in size, reliability of mechanical parts and performance.

Use of mini-factories

In addition to stationary lines, mobile mini-factories that process plastic bottles are also widely used. This setting is convenient for those entrepreneurs who are going to engage in this type of business in several cities.

So, hundreds of tons of plastic waste can be collected in a month. And using a portable plant, it will be easy to move from one landfill to another. By the way, such a mini-factory can even fit in a container. It only needs sewerage, water and electricity to operate. And the cost of such equipment is acceptable - 100-130 thousand dollars. And if a fully equipped line is required, then the entrepreneur will need to collect about 140 thousand dollars to purchase it.

As for the number of employees, it is enough to hire only seven people who will sort the raw materials, put them on the line and unload the finished product. The speed of one employee is about 150 kg of plastic bottles per hour. In this case, the salary will be about 700 dollars.

If we take into account all the necessary costs and line performance, then the net profit per month will be about 10 thousand dollars. All investments in such a business will pay off in a year and a half.
