Belt conveyor: purpose, devices, advantages. Belt conveyor design composition features The principle of operation of the conveyor at the airport mechanics

The basis of the design of the belt conveyor are two rotating drums, on which the conveyor belt is stretched. Due to the rotation of the drive drum, the belt is constantly moving, moving the material and pouring it when the belt wraps around one of the drums.

In general, the conveyor belt device looks like this:

Knowing what the belt conveyor consists of and what is the functional purpose of its elements, it is possible to achieve the appropriate technological characteristics of the entire device by changing certain nodes. The elements indicated in the circuit diagram above perform the following tasks:

  1. The belt ensures the movement of the grain;
  2. The belt conveyor drive drives the drive drum;
  3. The drive drum transmits the torque from the drive to the belt;
  4. Upper roller supports prevent belt deflection under the weight of the load;
  5. The tensioner ensures the normal tension of the tape and the evenness of its surface;
  6. The end drum is designed to return the tape after pouring the load;
  7. Scrapers for internal and external cleaning remove debris adhering to the belt;
  8. The lower roller supports prevent the belt from deflecting under its own weight;
  9. The deflecting drums guide the sliver onto the scrapers and drums at the optimum angle.

All these elements are mounted on a metal frame, providing the necessary strength and rigidity of the structure.

With a route length of more than 50 meters, modular conveyors are usually used, since such a length causes difficulties with belt tension and reduces the efficiency of the drive.

This is the basic equipment of the conveyor. Often additional mechanisms are installed on the device to expand its functionality or to improve the quality and durability of its operation. For example, these could be:

  • Plow ejector, which shifts the load from the center of the belt;
  • Shock load absorber, which reduces the risk of belt damage when working with heavy coarse-grained loads;
  • Unloading trolley, designed to change the place of pouring the material.

Belt conveyors in grain processing plants are usually not equipped with such additional devices. Also, belt-chain conveyors are not used for the transportation of grain cargo, in which the traction force is created by a chain, and the belt is intended only for moving the load - the load on the transporting body when moving grain is small and the belt copes with both the transmission of traction force and transport at the same time.

This is a general description of the conveyor belt device. Individual elements of it should be considered in more detail.

Belt conveyor drive

Belt conveyors at grain processing enterprises are equipped with electric motors, the power of which depends on the length of the belt and the performance of the conveyor. Conveyors with a drive power of 0.55 kW to 7.5 kW are installed at grain processing enterprises, although these machine parts are selected by a specific manufacturer and conveyors with identical performance characteristics can be equipped with motors of different power.

The drive motor can be placed both horizontally and vertically - it depends on the specific model and manufacturer. On conveyors of our production, the axis of the motor coincides with the axis of the drive drum.

The plow ejector of the belt conveyor usually has its own drive with little power.

Rollers and rollers themselves

The specificity of roller supports of conveyors is that they take the greatest load through the belt, wear out quickly and require timely replacement. As a rule, standard rollers are installed on most conveyors, so they do not need to be manufactured separately, and additional kits can be purchased directly from the manufacturer.

On our conveyors, we install grooved upper rollers and straight lower ones, which minimizes the loss of material and power during the movement of the belt.

Conveyor tensioners

In conveyors of various designs, tension sections of several types are used, but the most common are designs with screw devices, in which the tension drum is pulled by tightening screws in special frame holes. In them, the belt tension is manually adjusted by the operator. On the one hand, this design has disadvantages, since the belt tension must be monitored. On the other hand, this design is simpler and more reliable, which allows, among other things, to reduce the cost of the conveyor when buying and maintaining it.

Also, tensioners of belt conveyors are equipped with speed sensors that signal the weakening of the tension.

Different belt conveyors use different cleaning knives and knifeless devices. For example, brush cleaners are often used on grain conveyors.

In general, belt conveyors for elevators, grain cleaning and grain drying complexes are made according to a single standard, since their working conditions are almost the same everywhere. In very rare cases, a reinforced or additional structure may be required. You can always contact us and we will tell you which particular conveyor is suitable for your enterprise.

The belt conveyor consists of the following elements (Fig. 4.1): a closed (endless) flexible belt 5 ; tail tensioner 1 and front drive 7 drums; working rollers 4 , which support the upper (working) branch of the tape and form its profile (straight or grooved); lower non-working rollers 10 , which support the lower (non-working) branch of the tape; roller battery 13 ; boot device 2 ; plow unloader 3 or unloading funnel 8 ; cleaning device 9 ; drive 11 , including an electric motor, gearbox and couplings; tensioner 12 ; metal structures (beds) 6 . The main components of mass-produced general purpose conveyors are standardized.

Rice. 4.1. Belt conveyor scheme

The main advantages of belt conveyors are: simplicity of design, reliability in operation, ease of maintenance and repair, relatively small weight, the ability to move goods at significant angles of inclination and unload them anywhere along the conveyor route, continuity of transportation with a high degree of automation.

The disadvantages of belt conveyors include the relatively high cost and low durability of the belt, the inability to operate at high temperatures, the difficulty of transporting goods with sharp edges, etc.

The performance of belt conveyors depends on the width, profile and speed of the belt and the bulk density of the transported cargo and can reach 30,000 tons / h.

At metallurgical enterprises, standard tapes with a width of 300 ... 3000 mm are usually used. The belt speed is usually 1...3 m / s and more (up to 8 m / With). The length of belt conveyors is determined by the strength of the belt and the features of the drive. With one drive drum and when using a belt with a textile base, the conveyor length is usually 25 ... 100 m, the use of multi-drum drives and modern high-strength belts makes it possible to increase the conveyor length up to 8 ... 10 km. The routes of belt conveyors are very diverse and can be horizontal (Fig. 4.2, A), oblique (Fig. 4.2, b), combined (Fig. 4.2, V, G, d, e), etc. In this case, to eliminate shedding of the load, the lifting angle β is taken equal to no more than 2 / 3 angles of repose of the transported cargo in motion φ D; usually the value of β is 20°.

Conveyors are divided into stationary, mobile and portable. At metallurgical enterprises, stationary conveyors are most common. Mobile conveyors are used to supply goods to several points, as a rule, located along a certain line (bunker compartments, loading funnels of process equipment, etc.). Portable conveyors are commonly used for various maintenance and repair work.

By design and purpose, general-purpose conveyors are distinguished (from GOST 22644-77 to GOST 22647-77) and special ones - for the food industry, instrument making, etc.

Rice. 4.2. Belt conveyor routes:
Ae, l– with single drum drive; andTo– with double drum drive; P - drive; NU - tension device;
r issue and r vog - conveyor rounding radii on the convex and concave sections, respectively

Principle of operation

Belt conveyors, occupying a leading position as a continuous vehicle, are especially successful in mines and mines.

Today, coal mines are experiencing an increasing rate of coal production with an increase in the load in working faces, which is due to the improvement of technological processes and the introduction of high-performance mining equipment into production.

In addition, the concentration of mining operations, the improvement of overburden schemes - all this led to the widespread use of conveyors, if necessary, to deliver coal or shale from production faces.

Another factor in the development of means of continuous transport is that the device of the belt conveyor (Fig. 1) is quite simple and its installation does not require large expenditures.

A distinctive feature of general-purpose belt conveyors can be considered an endless flexible belt (2), which plays the role of a carrier and traction organ. The support for the belt, both its working and idle branches, are roller bearings (5,6,7,8,9) at the ends conveyor belt goes around the drive (3) and tension (1) drums.

In some cases, when the conveyor is short and is intended for transportation of piece cargo, the working branch of the belt is mounted on a wooden or metal deck. The movement of the belt is carried out by the drive drum in a frictional way, and sufficient tension on the running branch of the belt creates a tension drum using a tensioner.

The transported material, and these are, as a rule, bulk materials, are loaded onto the conveyor using a loading funnel, which is installed at the beginning of the conveyor above the end drum.

The unloading of the tape is most often done at the end of the conveyor from the drive drum, but unloading can be intermediate, then either a mobile unloading trolley (4) or a stationary plow ejector (Fig. 2) is used.

The flow of material discharged from the drum is directed by the discharge box.

To clean the tape on the working side from the remnants of the load, devices with rotating brushes (made of nylon, rubber) or fixed scrapers are installed on the conveyor.

The presence of such devices for many transported materials is a necessity, since the sticking of cargo residues on the rollers of an idle branch in the form of a hard-to-remove uneven crust leads to their uneven rotation and accelerated belt wear. A very effective belt cleaning device is a rotating drum on which spiral scrapers are mounted.

The inner side of the idle branch of the belt is also protected from accidentally falling cargo particles; for this, a throwing scraper is installed at the tension drum. The belt should be cleaned after the drive drum so that the remains of the load, crumbling from vibration, do not create blockages in the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach support of the idle branch, which complicates the maintenance and operation of the conveyor.

In order to ensure centering, both branches of the tape and to exclude its possible transverse displacement, different types of centering roller bearings are used.

The design of the belt conveyor provides for a critical unit, which is the drive of the belt conveyor drum, with an electric motor, a gearbox and a coupling.

Assembly and installation of a belt conveyor

One of the advantages of a belt conveyor is the simplicity and ease with which it can be assembled at a new location and quickly disassembled after work is completed. All its elements are mounted on metal structures, which are mounted either on the foundation or on the bearing parts of the building.

The metal structure on which the drive drum, drive and unloading box is fixed is called the drive station. The same design, but with a tensioner, is called a tension station. The middle part of the conveyor is made in the form of separate identical linear sections.

Thus, the installation of a belt conveyor is reduced to the connection of all linear sections, transitional sections, drive and tension stations with bolts. Usually, when transporting bulk goods, multi-roller supports are mounted to give the belt a grooved shape. With this belt shape, for the same width and speed, productivity is almost doubled compared to a conveyor with a flat belt.

There is the use of double-drum dump trucks, the purpose of which is the intermediate unloading of only bulk cargo away from the belt along the outlet pipe. At the same time, stationary plow ejectors are used for both bulk and piece goods. In addition to stationary known designs and mobile plow ejectors, which are mounted on carts.

In addition to the listed elements, locking devices or two-block normally closed brakes are installed on the conveyors, also in the design of conveyors with inclined sections of the route, belt catchers are provided in case of a break, and safety devices and automatic control devices are mounted.

Belt conveyors can be mounted with equal success outdoors on overpasses and open areas, in tunnels, galleries, in buildings. The ambient temperature allowed during the operation of conveyors can vary from -50 to +45 °С, and in some cases they can operate at temperatures from -50 to +200 °С.

Main classifications and technical characteristics of belt conveyors

The widespread use of conveyors in almost all branches of modern industry has caused an increased interest of science in this area of ​​knowledge and practice.

As a result of this interest, the appearance of a durable rubberized fabric, new steel structures with spiral screws, etc. can be considered. The design of conveyors has been developed, as an example, the appearance of inertial conveyors, which move heavy loads over considerable distances, can be cited.

In this regard, the following form of classification of conveyors has developed in the modern world.

Based on the conveyor device itself, they are:

  • according to the type of traction body - tape, chain, cable, screw, inertial.
  • according to the type of load-carrying organ - cradle, plate, belt, bucket, scraper.
  • according to the type of transported cargo - for bulk cargo, for piece cargo.
  • by type of application - stationary, mobile, suspended.

Individually, the technical characteristics of the belt conveyor are reduced to the following indicators:

  • Load capacity 1pm in kg
  • Working: width in mm
  • Conveyor height in mm
  • Feed speed in m/min
  • Motor power in kW
  • Dimensions in mm according to:
  • length
  • width
  • height
  • Weight in kg

Types of belt conveyors

The peculiarity of a particular conveyor design depends on the type of belt used. So in industry, conveyors with a steel belt are often operated.

With the same scheme of use, they differ from general-purpose conveyors in separate structural elements, which is caused by increased belt rigidity. Drums for steel belt conveyors are made in large sizes, and roller bearings are made in the form of discs on one axis, spring rollers, and decking with or without sides.

There are conveyors with wire belts, they are characterized by supports from one horizontal roller. The peculiar loose belt of these conveyors leads to the fact that they are used for the transportation of piece goods. These conveyors are able to operate at temperatures up to 1100°.

In an effort to eliminate the tape as a traction element, the designers created rope-belt conveyors, where a tape with a load lies on two traction ropes based on blocks. The tape in combination with the traction chain made it possible to create a belt and chain conveyor. The traction chain in such a conveyor passes through the guide blocks, and the side edges of the belt rest on inclined support rollers.

When belt conveyors are used to deliver cargo to a certain height, the length of the conveyor will depend on the angle of elevation - the steeper the conveyor, the shorter it is.

And with a decrease in the length of the conveyor, its cost decreases, the area occupied by it is reduced when it happens in a production room or in a limited area of ​​a serviced facility. Therefore, if it is necessary to reduce the length and cost of the conveyor, as well as in case of production necessity, an inclined belt conveyor and a vertical belt conveyor are used, in which the slope reaches almost 90 °.

The design of such conveyors provides for upper clamping elements, as well as a chain mesh belt, a rubberized fabric belt and rollers with an additional paddle belt. Very often, to increase the angle of inclination, special corrugated tapes are used, which have ledges or ridges on the working side.

When moving highly dusty materials, in practice, conveyors are used that have a tubular belt with a zipper and a device for opening and closing it.

For rough terrain conditions, a conveyor design with a belt was created, which is suspended on chains from brackets and steel wire ropes lying on support blocks. A variety of such conveyors can be considered tubular belt conveyors.

Despite the wide variety of the above belt conveyors, they have one common feature - it is a stationary belt conveyor.

Mobile and portable belt conveyors represent a large family. Shown here is a PLC with a steep slope, it is designed and used as a light type belt loader, having a variable angle and cross bars on the belt.

Most mobile belt conveyors use drum motors, with a built-in drive and screw tensioner, which are mounted on the top of the machine.

Belt conveyors.

Belt conveyors are most widely used in mechanical engineering, and in other industries, in particular, the construction industry, the mining industry and the food industry. This is explained by the simplicity of their design, unpretentiousness to working conditions (humidity, dust content, temperature changes), as well as satisfactory reliability, durability and maintainability.

Fig 1 Structural diagram of a belt conveyor

The design diagram of the belt conveyor is shown in Figure 1. It consists of a traction element 1, which is a conveyor belt moving along support rollers 2 installed on a prefabricated frame 3, made of several sections, a drive drum 4 with an electromechanical drive 6 and a tension drum 5 with a tensioner 7, a loading hopper 8, a mobile unloading device 9, an unloading tank 10, a deflecting drum 11 and a device 14 for cleaning the conveyor belt. At the same time, the mobile unloading device 9 contains two drums 12 and 13, enveloped by a conveyor belt 1, an electromechanical drive 15, running wheels 16 and a discharge tray 17. The device 14 for cleaning the conveyor belt is made in the form of a drum with several rows of brushes located on its periphery and receiving rotation from a separate drive with a speed slightly higher than the speed of rotation of the drive drum 4.
Belt conveyors can be horizontal or inclined with the movement of the belt with the load up or down. The value of the angle of inclination of the belt conveyor is limited by the occurrence of sliding (spilling) of the transported material down the belt under the action of gravity and must be less than the angle of friction of the load on the belt. Belt conveyors can be straight and bent in a vertical plane with a bulge up and a bulge down. With downward convexity, the belt at the bend lies on roller bearings arranged along a curve, while the radius of curvature must be large enough so that the belt does not rise above the roller bearings. When convex upwards, the tape at the bend bends around the deflecting drum or several drums located along a curve.
Traction element and at the same time load-bearing element The conveyor belt is a conveyor belt with a frame made of fabric pads interconnected by thin rubber layers. The main parameters of the conveyor belt are established by GOST 20 - 85 and are selected from the range proposed in it, depending on the operating conditions, the required traction force and the required width of the belt. To form a closed contour of the conveyor belt, its ends are connected with loops, staples and various original connecting elements, and the ends are also connected by vulcanization. In some cases, in particular, for belts of heavily loaded conveyors, thin cables and wire are used as a frame.

Fig. 2 Variants of the design of the roller bearings of the belt conveyor

Support rollers , supporting the conveyor belt with the transported material during movement, depending on the width of the belt and the required productivity of the conveyor, as well as the content of small and large fractions in the transported material, they can have a different design and quantity. In conveyors for transporting material consisting of fine and medium fractions, rigid roller bearings are used, which, depending on the width of the belt and the performance of the conveyor, can consist of one, two, three, or even five rollers (see Fig. 2a, b, c) For to improve the working conditions of the conveyor belt, shock-absorbing supports are used, in which rubber rings are worn on the rollers (see Fig. 2d), and when transporting material containing a large amount of coarse fraction (pieces), suspension hinged pores are used, consisting of a garland of elastic disks made of rubber or plastic, hinged on the longitudinal beams of the conveyor frame or on the longitudinal ropes (see Fig. 2e).
In some cases, when transporting a specific type of bulk material, it becomes necessary to ensure the movement of the conveyor belt along roller supports with rigid support rollers, but with elastic compliance in the direction perpendicular to the movement of the belt. This makes it possible to increase the shock-absorbing capabilities of the support, and at the same time perceive shock loads that occur during the transportation of bulk material containing large pieces, for example, waste sand containing large metal inclusions.

Fig. 3 The design of the conveyor roller support with rigid support rollers with increased shock-absorbing ability

Figure 3 shows the construction of a conveyor idler with rigid support rollers, which has an increased damping capacity. It contains racks 2 fixed on the frame 1 of the conveyor, to which, with the help of a hollow roller 3, a washer 4 and a retaining ring 5, levers 6 are attached, on which middle rollers 7 and side rollers 8 are installed, while the lower ends of the lever 6 are fixed to the ropes by means of clamps 10 9, stretched along the frame 1 of the conveyor. The levers 6 are installed evenly along the frame 1 of the conveyor in a checkerboard pattern, each edge 9 passes through the hollow rollers 3 and is attached to the frame 1 of the conveyor by means of a tensioner (not shown in Fig. 3). Such an arrangement of the support rollers allows not only to absorb shock loads, but also to change the groovedness of the conveyor belt depending on the volume of transported bulk material and the presence of large inclusions.

Fig. 4 The design of the roller support with increased shock-absorbing capacity when it is made of two mutually spring-loaded sections.

Figure 4 shows the design of the roller bearing with increased damping capacity, which is obtained by making it from two mutually spring-loaded sections. It contains side support rollers 1 and middle support rollers 2 mounted on levers 3, which are pivotally mounted on brackets 5 fixed on the frame 6 of the conveyor by means of axes 4, while adjacent arms of the levers 3 are connected to each other by means of a link 7, which, with the help of hinges 9 is connected with studs 13, passed through the holes of the brackets 12, fixed on the levers 3 and carrying the compression springs 8, the force of which is regulated by the nuts 11. . This roller support design is highly sensitive to uneven load distribution in the cross section of the conveyor belt, while changing the shape of the chute, which reduces the dynamic load on the belt. In addition, the simple and compact design of the roller support, which has a low metal consumption, can be used both at low and high conveyor productivity, i.e., it can operate in a wide range of loads.

Drive unit The belt conveyor usually consists of a motor, the shaft of which is connected by means of a flexible coupling to the drive shaft of the reduction gear, the output shaft of which, also by means of a coupling, is connected to the shaft of the driving drum. The main requirement for the conveyor drive is to ensure the required speed of the conveyor belt with the development of the necessary pulling force with minimal losses and overall dimensions of the drive. The speed of movement of the conveyor belt for a given diameter of the drive drum is determined by the speed of rotation of the motor shaft and the gear ratio of the reduction gear, therefore, being incorporated in the design, it is usually guaranteed to be ensured during operation, possibly with small deviations that are difficult to take into account when performing the calculation. The pulling force required to move the conveyor belt together with the transported material at a speed that provides the calculated productivity of the conveyor is provided by the power of the drive motor (electric motor, hydraulic motor) and the amount of adhesion (friction force) between the drum and the belt. The force of friction between the driving drum and the belt depends on the coefficient of friction, the angle of wrapping of the driving drum with the belt and the force of pressing the belt against the drum. Indicators that determine the adhesion force of the drum with the belt must be ensured without worsening the operating conditions of the conveyor belt, which significantly determine its durability. As a step-down reducer, they are successfully used for drives with a power of up to 5 kW. worm gears (see Fig. 5).

Figure 5 Worm Drive Belt Conveyor

With a higher drive power of the belt conveyor, cylindrical, bevel-cylindrical and planetary gearboxes are used as a reduction gear, the latter can be built into the internal cavity of the drive drum (see Fig. 9, 10).

Reducing 2(x) - 3(x) stage gearboxes (see Fig. 6a) are used when the overall dimension along the width of the conveyor is not limited, and a bevel - cylindrical gearbox (see Fig. 6b) - when this overall dimension of the conveyor is limited. The double-drum drive of the conveyor (see Fig. 6c, d) allows, by increasing the angle of wrapping of the drum with a belt (the wrapping angle for closely spaced drums increases to 300 degrees or more), to significantly increase the adhesion forces of the belt to the drum, which ensures an increase in the traction ability of the drive, and also carry out automatic belt tension. Two - three-motor belt conveyor drive (see Fig. 6d) is used in heavily loaded high-speed belt conveyors, in order to use lower power motors.

Fig. 6 Schemes of various drive options for a belt conveyor with cylindrical and bevel-cylindrical reduction gears

This section of the full version of the article provides 6 examples of the design of the belt conveyor drive (see Fig. in tab.)

Fig. 11 General view and design of the drive drum of the belt conveyor

The output link of the belt conveyor drive is drive drum, which is connected to the output shaft of the reduction gear by means of a connecting, most often gear, coupling. A general view of the drive drum is shown in Fig. 11a, and its design in Fig. 11b.

In this section of the full version of the article, 6 examples of the design of the drive drum of a belt conveyor are given (see Fig. in tab.)

The tension drum of a belt conveyor differs from the drive drum in that
that it does not inform the belt of movement, but only support it, ensuring the transition from the leading to the driven branch and therefore does not have a trunnion associated with the drive (see Fig. 16a) but is installed by means of bearings on the support axis (see Fig. 16c) or together with it on bearings is located in the brackets of the tensioner (see Fig. 16b)

Figure 16 General view and design of the tension drum of the belt conveyor

Tensioners (tensioners) are installed in the belt conveyor to ensure such a tension of the conveyor belt, at which the friction forces between the drive drum and the belt make it possible to obtain the pulling force necessary for the operation of the conveyor. There are three main types of tensioners used in belt conveyors, these are screw and spring - screw, cargo and cargo - block, as well as winch and cargo - winch tensioners.

Figure 17 Screw Tensioner Design

Figure 17 shows the design of one module of the screw tensioner (the tensioner consists of two modules located in parallel and fixed on the conveyor frame), used in a set of two units to move the supports of the tension drum with a belt in conveyors up to 20 m long and up to 10 kW. It consists of a prefabricated - welded body 1, mounted on the frame of the conveyor behind the tension roller, in the guides of which there is a slider 2 with a sliding sleeve 3, as well as a lead screw 4 installed in the nut 5. Each trunnion of the tension drum axle is installed in the corresponding hole of the sliding sleeve 3 sliders 2 of one of the tensioners, after which the slider is moved by rotating the lead screw 4, which, due to the fact that the nut is fixed in the housing 1, moves in the axial direction together with the slider 2 and the tension drum support.

This section of the full version of the article provides 3 examples of the design of belt conveyor tensioners

Conveyor belt cleaners from the particles of the transported material adhering to it are used to increase its service life by ensuring normal operating conditions. The requirements for cleaning the tape are not only its complete cleaning, but also the preservation of the lining of the tape, which ensures a long service life. Conveyor belt cleaners used in industry can be divided into the following groups: scraper, roller, brush, vibration, hydraulic and pneumatic, combined (see Fig. 20).

Figure 20 Structural diagrams of conveyor belt cleaners

This section of the full version of the article describes the design of the devices for cleaning the conveyor belt shown in Fig. 20

boot device, which is supplied with the conveyor, is necessary to ensure a constant directed flow of the transported material onto its belt during its movement. The material must flow onto the conveyor belt evenly along its length, without gaps and blockages, centered along its width, and at the same time, not exert an increased dynamic effect on the belt. To load the conveyor with bulk material consisting of a homogeneous fine or medium fraction, bunkers are used, which are a welded tank without a bottom with inclined walls, which can be equipped with various types of agitators and roof breakers. To reduce dynamic loads when bulk material flows from the hopper onto the belt, an inclined tray is installed between them, which is mounted on vibration mounts, which make it possible to dampen the kinetic energy of the flow of bulk material moving along the tray, and to center the bulk material along the width of the belt, the lower radius part of the tray is made with a radius selection .

Fig. 21 Bunker for loading bulk material containing a large fraction onto a conveyor belt

Figure 21 shows the construction of such a loading chute. Between the loading hopper 1 and the belt conveyor 3 there is a tray with a curved profile in the lower part, located at a height of 30 - 50 mm above the leading branch of the conveyor belt 5, based on rollers 4. The loading tray 2 is installed on vibration mounts 8, which, using the energy of the moving flow along the material tray, improve its gravity flow and contribute to the uniform flow of material onto the conveyor belt. The end of the loading tray 2 has an oval cutout 9, which provides centering on the width of the belt of the loaded material. The presence of a curved part 7 in the loading tray 2 makes it possible to extinguish the kinetic energy of the material flow before it hits the conveyor belt and evenly distribute the material flow along the length of the belt during the entire transportation process.

Bunkers, present in the design of the considered feeders and dispensers, had a capacity, the value of which was calculated for a short operation of the equipment. However, in real production conditions, to ensure the operation of which, a constant supply of a large amount of bulk material is often required (for example, in a foundry), despite the fact that the supply of the initial material, as a rule, is carried out in batches, it must be accumulated and stored for a certain time in a container ( bunker) having significant overall dimensions. The bunker for the accumulation and storage of bulk material must ensure the continuity and uniformity of the outflow of the material at its constant density, must not have dead zones in which the material is deposited, and must not form vaults that prevent the unloading of the material. To ensure these requirements, it is necessary to correctly choose the shape and geometric parameters of the bunker, taking into account, at the same time, the patterns of movement of bulk material, as well as the method of loading and unloading it. In the hopper, the corners and transitions of the vertical walls to the inclined ones should be rounded, there should not be any ledges or other elements that prevent the flow of bulk material, and the inner surface should be smooth to ensure minimal material friction against the hopper walls.

Figure 22 Typical forms of bunkers for accumulation and storage and unloading
bulk materials.

Figure 22 shows the most typical silo shapes used in various industries. Their upper part is usually a prism or cylinder, and the lower part is a tapering funnel in the form of a cone of a truncated pyramid or hemisphere. However, in some cases, bulk material hoppers of original design are used, the creation of which, as a rule, is aimed at improving the conditions for the outflow of material and reducing the tendency to form arches.

This section of the full version of the article provides 5 examples of the design of loading hoppers for a belt conveyor

In some cases, bulk material must be fed to the conveyor in a strictly defined quantity. Feeders are used for volumetric dosed supply of bulk material to the conveyor, and weight batchers are used for mass dosed supply.

Fig. 28 Structural diagrams of feeders for feeding bulk material.

Feeders, used for volumetric dosed supply of bulk material from a hopper to a belt conveyor, are of the following types: belt, plate, drum, screw, disc, pendulum, tray, plunger, vibration, pneumatic. Figure 28 shows the structural diagrams of the listed feeders.

This section of the full version of the article provides:
- description of the principle of operation of feeders, the structural diagrams of which are shown in Fig 28
− 8 examples of the design of the main types of feeders and dispensers (see Fig. in the table).

Unloaders, providing the supply of bulk material transported by the conveyor to the place of its direct use, for example, to the feed hopper of process equipment, have a simpler design than the previously considered feeders and dispensers. The design of unloading devices depends on the type of bulk material being transported, location in space and, above all, in relation to the level of the floor of the unloading tank and the productivity of the conveyor. The most versatile type of intermediate unloaders for high-capacity conveyors are mobile unloaders, which consist of two drums mounted on a trolley and surrounded by a conveyor belt (see Fig. 1). However, such unloaders are unreasonably complex when used in conveyors of small capacity and length, therefore, plow unloaders with a much simpler design are widely used (see Fig. 38).

Figure 38 Construction of the plow unloader

It contains a plow 1 rigidly connected to a two-arm lever 2 and pivotally mounted on brackets 3 and 4, while the leading arm of the lever 2 is also pivotally connected to the rod of the driving pneumatic cylinder 5, which is fixed to the conveyor frame by means of the bracket 6. Bulk material supplied by the conveyor, with when the plow 1 is in the raised position, in which the rod of the drive pneumatic cylinder 5 is extended, it is freely transported by the conveyor belt 7. To discharge the transported material from the conveyor belt 7 into the receiving hopper 8, the rod of the drive pneumatic cylinder 5 is retracted and turns the plow 1 counterclockwise until it touches conveyor belt 7. At the same time, the bulk material transported by the belt, encountering an obstacle in its path in the form of the front plane of the plow 1, is first delayed by it, and then begins to pour into the receiving hopper 8. After filling the hopper 8 with material, the rod of the pneumatic cylinder 5 extends and turning the plow along clockwise raises it above the conveyor belt 7, thereby creating the possibility for the resumption of further unimpeded transportation of the material by the conveyor.

This section of the full version of the article provides 3 examples of the design of unloaders for a belt conveyor (see Fig. in tab.)

Special types of belt conveyors are usually used in operating conditions in which the traditional design of the belt conveyor does not properly ensure the transportation of bulk material, and sometimes even turns out to be unsuitable. Such conditions that make the use of belt conveyors difficult, first of all, are the trajectory of the belt and the distance over which it is necessary to transport the material.

Figure 41 Horizontally closed belt conveyor with a rectangular belt path

A special, horizontally closed, belt conveyor with a rectangular trajectory of the belt is shown in Figure 41. It contains a belt 1 moving on roller bearings 2 and covering unloading 3, deflecting 4, tail drums 5 and intermediate 6 at the place of material reloading. At the same time, each intermediate the drum 6 is installed under the load-carrying tape 1 with the possibility of its generatrix being located tangentially to the vertical plane passing through the longitudinal axes 7 of the two mating branches of the load-carrying tape. In order to eliminate distortions of the conveyor belt on the drums, the horizontal longitudinal axes 8 of the tail drum 5 and the axis 9 of the deflecting drum 4 are placed above the transverse axis 10 of the intermediate drum 6 by the value of their radii R1 And R2 . The drive drums in the conveyor are diagonal tail drums 5, and the tension of the conveyor belt is carried out by deflecting drums 4.
The pipeline works as follows. When the conveyor drive is turned on (the drive is not shown in Fig. 41), belt 1 moves along a rectangular closed path indicated by the arrows in Fig. 41, while reloading the transported material from one load-carrying branch of the conveyor to another located at an angle of 90 degrees to the first. In this case, the conveyor belt makes the following movement in space. If, in the direction of travel, the left side of the belt 1 from the deflecting drum 4 falls onto the intermediate drum 6 and goes to the tail drum 5, to the right along the path, then it goes to the next conveyor line with the working side up. If the tape 1 on the intermediate drum 6 is turned at an angle of 90 degrees, then it receives the same turn, but in the opposite direction, at the exit from the tail drum 5.
This design of the conveyor makes it possible to eliminate the idle branch and, accordingly, its support rollers, which greatly simplifies its design as a whole and provides convenient and safe access to all its elements, which is especially important when performing maintenance and repair work.

Conveyor and sorting lines from the Ukrainian manufacturer "Warehouse Modernization Systems". Production is the main activity of the enterprise. We have our own powerful production in the city of Poltava (village Shcherbani) back our factory is engaged in a full production cycle: we design and manufacture roller tables, belt and chain conveyors, calibrators of any type. Let's make both a simple conveyor, and with a difficult trajectory - rotary or inclined. Also in the range there are sliding roller tables and telescopic conveyors designed to quickly move products between vehicles and trains.

We manufacture and solve other complex environmental problems. We also help automate business processes in agriculture. We make projects of any complexity in the shortest possible time. We make delivery, installation and commissioning throughout Ukraine.

The SMS company is a manufacturer of lines for cargo sorting. Our lines are already successfully operating at several airports in Ukraine. The enterprise is modernized with modern equipment and works on the most efficient production technologies from the world leader TOYOTA. We carry out individual, sometimes very complex tasks from customers, but highly . In addition to delivery and installation work, Warehouse Systems has its own service sites throughout Ukraine and provides customers with reliable and fast assistance anywhere in Ukraine.

Production of warehouse metal structures in Ukraine.

In stock we always have all types of carts, rokla and stackers and more. Metal furniture, shelving, cabinets, tables, bins, tipper, mixers, industrial furniture - all this is produced at our plant. The modern equipment of our plant allows us to develop warehouse equipment and metal structures of any complexity, we design and manufacture unique projects. Here you will find everything for the warehouse!

We are constantly improving the quality and reducing the production time in order to make the customer more satisfied. Today, the SMS enterprise is a powerful production complex that can carry out a project of any complexity and volume. All products are certified and production complies with international quality standards ISO 9001.

If you did not find the solution you need on the website, please contact the hotline and your personal manager will help you. We manufacture not only equipment - we produce solutions for the customer's business. Therefore, consultation, miscalculation of the cost and design of the order - free!
