Do-it-yourself plastic collector for underfloor heating. Connecting a collector of a warm floor

The underfloor heating system is the only non-stop and more efficient alternative to conventional heating. Underfloor heating can also be used as an addition to the usual scheme, for example, for one or more rooms. Its advantage is that the system always works autonomously and does not depend on the main heating circuit. Such autonomy is provided by a do-it-yourself collector for underfloor heating, which works as a multifunctional device. What is the multitasking of the collector in the "warm floor" system?

Collector device

First of all, we will analyze the concept of "warm floor". This is an autonomous heating system connected to the main heating ring. In order for the connection to be as efficient as possible and there were no heat losses at the docking points, a collector connection is used (in some cases, several collectors, if several heating circuits operate in the system). The most primitive collector for a warm water floor is a piece of a heat-conducting pipe, from which there are branches for connecting other heating pipes.

That is, the collector is a pipe scheme for distributing the coolant, which directs and regulates the flow of hot water through the heating pipes in the house. The standard connection of the underfloor heating collector is as follows: the collector input is connected to the return or coolant supply (depending on the heating scheme), the device outputs are connected to the floor heating pipe system.

The underfloor heating collector is controlled and adjusted manually or automatically. For automatic operation, it is necessary to install a control unit or a servo drive. The control device includes supply valves - two- or three-way. Feed valves differ from conventional valves in the ability to pass the coolant in one direction. You need to install the valves very carefully - if you put the valves in the opposite direction, it will quickly break.

The shut-off element of the supply valve is a steel ball or stem. When the valve handle is turned, the hole is closed, and the turning itself can be carried out manually or using servo drives connected to temperature sensors.

The two-way mixing valve allows the coolant to pass in one direction, regulating the amount of hot liquid. The adjustment is smooth and slow due to the small bandwidth of the device.

There are several technical solutions for mixing valves, and one of them is a thermostat with a liquid sensor. Such a thermostatic head controls the temperature of the coolant in the heating circuit by opening or closing the valve, thereby regulating the supply of hot coolant from the boiler to the system. The thermostat is connected to the collector so that the coolant is supplied from the return pipe continuously, and from the heating apparatus - as needed.

Thus, the installation of a manifold with a two-way valve ensures a constant and comfortable temperature of the heat carrier throughout the entire underfloor heating pipeline, and the smoothness of temperature control is ensured by the low throughput of the device. Two-way valves are easy to install and replace, they are reliable and durable. Their only drawback is that it is not recommended to include them in heating systems that are designed for a large heating area (≥ 200m 2).

The three-way supply valve has a more complex and multifunctional device that combines the capabilities of a bypass and a bypass valve in one housing. The body of a three-way manifold valve has one outlet and two inlets, and the coolant is adjusted in the same way as in a two-way device - either with a steel ball or a stem. The difference between this valve is that neither the ball nor the stem completely block the flow of coolant, and the design itself is designed to redistribute and mix the return and supply. For automatic temperature control, a servo drive is built into the valve, which operates from the signals of temperature sensors and controllers. The servo drive controls the valves in the structure, providing the desired degree of mixing of flows.

Three-way supply valves are installed in manifold units for heated rooms with a large area - ≥ 200 m 2, as well as in multi-circuit heating systems.

For underfloor heating, a common collector assembly is most often mounted, or a separate collector is installed in front of each heating circuit. If the latter option is implemented, then all collectors are equipped with flow meters, thermostats, as well as the following elements:

  1. Return and supply mixing valve;
  2. Shut-off valve for balancing the heater;
  3. Overflow valve.

You can assemble a collector for a warm floor yourself according to different schemes, and in some schemes of collector nodes, bypasses are used, but not always - only in single-circuit systems. If the underfloor heating system is organized according to a two-circuit scheme, then the collector can be included without a bypass in the secondary circuit.

Before you assemble a collector unit for a warm floor, weigh your options - sometimes it's easier to buy a finished structure. If the collector is bought, then it is better that all its parts and elements are from the same manufacturer. When assembling the assembly yourself, you must choose the material from which the main components of the assembly will be assembled: from copper, steel, polymers or brass.

Also, when choosing an industrial design, it is important to consider the following parameters:

  1. How many heating circuits will be in the system (usually from 2 to 12), the total length of the pipeline and the throughput of the circuits;
  2. The maximum allowable pressure in the pipes;
  3. Possibility of expanding the heating system;
  4. Manual or automatic collector control;
  5. Electric power of all components and assemblies;
  6. The diameter of the inner holes of the collector (capacity).

The most efficient operation of the assembled collector units can be ensured by connecting heating circuits of the same length to them. In order to equalize the pipelines along the length with sufficient accuracy, they are divided into equal segments, which are connected to the collector. The easiest way is to calculate the collector assembly in a special computer program or on an online calculator so that a phenomenon called “thermal zebra” does not appear, that is, uneven heating of the floor.

For the calculation you will need the following data:

  1. Type of decorative flooring;
  2. the area of ​​​​the heated room and the plan for placing large objects in it;
  3. Material and diameter of the pipes of the circuit;
  4. Rated power of the boiler;
  5. type of floor insulation.

Important: when laying underfloor heating pipes, pipe joints must be avoided - this is prohibited by existing regulations. It must also be remembered that the hydraulic resistance of the coolant increases at each turn of the pipeline and with an increase in its length.

When designing a floor heating system, you first need to find the optimal location for mounting the collector. As a standard, the unit is installed in a collector cabinet, and the cabinet itself is mounted at a height of 30-40 cm from the floor level next to the supply and return.

In order not to blame your own mistakes and ensure maximum heating of the underfloor heating pipes, read the instructions for connecting the collector. Then assemble the assembly in the following sequence (this applies to the industrial manifold assembly):

  1. Unpack the supply and return pipes. The tubes must be with flow meters and supply valves. If the collector is multi-section, assemble the sections into one structure;
  2. From the assembled sections, you need to assemble the assembly on the brackets (included);
  3. Next, we install shut-off valves, automation, sensors and other connecting fittings;
  4. We fix the unit to a wall or in a cabinet, mount a thermostat, a servo drive and a circulation pump;
  5. We connect pipes from the boiler and pipes from the heating circuits of the "warm floor" system.

Now the connection diagram of the underfloor heating collector is being pressure tested, after which the concrete screed can be poured. Thermal settings of the collector can be carried out after installation of the finish coat.

Do-it-yourself collector assembly

The factory collector is a rather expensive product, so many craftsmen want to make it with their own hands. Many items will still have to be bought, but the cost will be cheaper. The easiest way is to solder a home-made collector from PVC pipes and fittings Ø 25-32 mm. You will also need tees and bends of the same diameters, and valves.

Important: a home-made collector assembly has many joints, so all soldering must be carefully checked, and not only during assembly, but also during the operation of underfloor heating.

The number of valves and fittings is calculated according to the number of heating circuits. Of the tools you need a soldering iron for propylene elements and nozzles for it, special scissors for cutting pipes and a tape measure.

The marking of the collector consists in marking and cutting the pipes of the required length, observing the minimum distance between the tees. Valves and transitions are soldered to PVC tees with a soldering iron. Fittings for connecting the pump are soldered to this design. As you can see, everything is simple, but it is better to buy more complex collector assemblies ready-made.

It is an integral part of an auxiliary or main underfloor heating system. Its design, assembled according to a complete professional scheme, is quite complex, as it consists of many interdependent elements. However, in many apartments, small private cottages or country houses, the heating system is equipped according to a lightweight scheme. It can contain only a few radiators and two or three TP circuits, which makes it possible to bring them into a common cabinet with a simplified manifold (comb). Thus, in most cases, assembling a collector for a warm floor with your own hands is quite feasible. And setting up such a system later will not cause any special difficulties.

What is required to assemble the main distributor for TP?

Varieties, equipment and purpose of individual nodal elements of collectors have already been described in the article "". Therefore, here we recall briefly that for assemblies of its various types, you will need:

  • a pair of basic combs (monoblock or composite) for the supply and return of the coolant;
  • two-way ball valves. Two of them will be required to cut off the supply and return from the primary (radiator) heating circuit. The rest can be used as shut-off valves at the inlet / outlet of the underfloor heating circuits to the corresponding comb;
  • manual valves - rotameters for balancing the coolant flow in each branch. They are usually mounted on the supply manifold for each TP circuit;
  • thermostatic valves, manual or controlled by a controller with servomotors;
  • a circulation pump, which is advisable to purchase as a set of a ready-made mixing group, together with taps for connection, a bypass, a sump filter, etc. It should be noted that when mounting a collector for a warm floor with your own hands according to a simplified scheme, you can do without a pump, using only an automatic three-way valve or two-way Unibox type;
  • control devices - pressure gauges, thermometers;
  • security groups;
  • fittings and various connecting elements for attaching underfloor heating pipes to collectors, etc.

Collector assembly design

To simplify the assembly of the comb, its pre-drawn diagram will help. Having at hand, even an amateur sketch, you will already be insured against many editing errors. But a well-thought-out floor heating collector scheme, drawn up by a professional, should already take into account a number of parameters and practical points. The most important among them are:

  • the number of heating branches (loops);
  • determination of the characteristics of consumer devices - the diameter and footage of the pipelines of the circuits, as well as hydraulic losses in them;
  • type of heating boiler, its main operational capabilities - thermal performance, power of the circulation pump, heating temperature of the coolant;
  • the presence of additional equipment in the heating system - storage and damper tanks, pressure gauges, thermometers, safety groups, hydraulic arrows, etc.;
  • the need to provide for the possibility of scaling - connecting additional circuits, improving the control system - installing automation devices on existing control elements, as well as blocks providing remote access.

IMPORTANT! A professional floor heating collector connection scheme does not just give an idea of ​​which tap is responsible for a particular area. It allows you to place the pipelines in a more orderly manner, and in the future to facilitate the configuration and management of the heating system.

Choosing a place to install the collector TP

It is very important to determine the optimal place where the floor heating collector will be installed. It is desirable that it be located in the geometric center of the building at an equal distance from the main consuming circuits and the heating boiler. Of course, in practice, the exact distance from the comb to the heating loops cannot be maintained. And the loops themselves rarely have the same length, which leads to an imbalance in their hydraulic resistance. As a result, the coolant will tend to circulate in a short branch, and long ones may be in the mode of shortage of its flow. And although this problem is eliminated by the installation of rotameters or adjustable valves, one should still strive to achieve symmetry in the laying of pipelines.

When choosing a place to place a collector for underfloor heating in standard apartments or small cottages, one has to take into account the features of their layout. Since the manifold cabinet is not the smallest in size, in conditions of limited living space it is usually located in a pantry or in a wall technological niche. However, if the house is larger and it already has a separate boiler room, then the distribution combs with all the piping are placed directly next to the heating boiler. In large houses on two or three floors, it is even easier to maintain a geometric mounting center. In them, the installation of the collector can be carried out in the space under the stairs.

manifold cabinet

Its presence in the equipment set does not affect the functioning of the water floor heating system at all. However, the collector (mounting) cabinet is responsible for the aesthetic component of the perception of the thermal installation, as well as for the safety of its components and their settings. It protects the system controls, some of which are quite sensitive to external mechanical influences. Sometimes the material itself, for example, a polypropylene manifold, despite all its reliability, can be damaged. Given these factors, it is recommended to choose drawers with lockable doors.

The mounting height of the mounting cabinet is selected based on local conditions and the wishes of the owner of the facility. It is not strictly regulated by regulatory documents. In this case, it should be taken into account that the placement of the combs lower than 50 cm from the floor level is undesirable. The recommendation is due to the practical convenience of supplying pipes for connection and fixing to the manifold. The optimal mounting height of the cabinet is about 1 m.

Collector assembly TP

It will not be difficult even for inexperienced home craftsmen to assemble and install a collector for a warm floor, purchased in a complete set, according to the instructions supplied by the manufacturer. In this case, the most crucial moment is to control the tightness of the interfaces of elements and assemblies. And since in the factory kits most of the unfinished connections are provided on rubber or silicone gaskets (in rare cases on a fumlent), this problem can be solved by any installer quite easily.

For those who have some experience in plumbing work, it will be more profitable to purchase and assemble a collector from various elements on their own. By doing so, you can save up to half the cost compared to a ready-made constructor. In addition, it is possible to assemble exactly the configuration that will best meet the user's needs.

Do-it-yourself polypropylene manifold

Polypropylene manifolds are among the most affordable. However, it should be noted that they take up somewhat more space than prefabricated metal ones, and even more so. It can also be problematic to install flow meters and other devices for automatic adjustment and control of the coolant supply in a polypropylene structure.

Elements for assembling the comb can be fittings used in heating or water supply systems, or finished, factory-cast products. In the latter case, the manufacturer sets a fixed number of taps, which cannot be increased on the selected model.

IMPORTANT! It is more convenient to use a manifold assembled from polypropylene fittings if its design is installed in a boiler room, boiler room or other technical room. Indeed, with the number of heating circuits from 5 or more, the plastic assembly turns out to be too cumbersome.

Accessories and tools

To completely assemble a heating manifold made of polypropylene with your own hands, you will need a special mounting soldering iron - for diffusion welding, and from materials and finished elements:

  • no more than 1 m of polypropylene pipe PN 20-25 without external reinforcing layer Ø 32 mm;
  • 1-2 m pipe PN 20-25 Ø 32 mm with internal or external reinforcement. This position can be dispensed with if the manifold does not include a mixing unit piping;
  • tees Ø 32 mm (in the amount equal to the number of branches of the TP) with branches corresponding to the diameters of the threaded adapters for connecting circuits;
  • transitional couplings plastic/metal. It is better to take models with union nuts - American;
  • Ball Valves;
  • balancing valves - suitable for heating radiators.

Assembly process

A self-made collector for underfloor heating made of polypropylene is made as follows:

  1. A piece of polypropylene pipe without external reinforcement is soldered to one of the tee inlets Ø 32 mm. Its length depends on the skill of the installer. If you are good with a soldering iron, then 5-7 cm is enough - 2 cm each for the seating depth of the pipe entering the tee and 1-3 cm between adjacent fittings. But they can be soldered and close.
  2. A plastic / metal adapter with a pipe thread or an American is soldered to the lower branch of the tee. These actions are repeated until the number of outlets is equal to the number of heating circuits (possibly +1 to the reserve). It is necessary to make two such combs, because one polypropylene manifold is designed for supply, and the other for return. However, there is no structural difference between them.
  3. From the end of the comb, an adapter sleeve is soldered onto the metal of the corresponding diameter. Subsequently, a ball valve will be connected to it to block the general supply of coolant to the TP system (if necessary).
  4. A tee (or just an elbow) is installed from the opposite end to connect the air vent.
  5. After assembling the structure of the polypropylene comb, stopcocks or control valves are screwed to the adapter couplings, an automatic or manual air vent is installed.

IMPORTANT! It is better to try to weld the plastic fittings of the tees close to each other. Otherwise, the already rather large design of the polypropylene manifold will take up even more volume.

In this way, the simplest model of a home-made plastic distributor is made. If you plan to install various service and automatic devices, then they should be soldered with the appropriate fittings. For example, for the installation of flow meters, it is necessary to replace the tees on the supply manifold with cross parts made of polypropylene. In this case, both branches of each cross are equipped with couplings with metal transitions. A metal (brass or bronze) extension of the appropriate diameter and length is screwed into the upper sleeve for installing the flowmeter, and a pipe is connected to the lower sleeve. In this way, a distributor for a warm floor made of polypropylene can be equipped with any measuring device, a safety group device or a special kind of shut-off and control valves.

Do-it-yourself metal comb for underfloor heating

For self-manufacturing of metal combs, brass or bronze fittings, tees, fittings, and plugs are used. The general scheme and assembly sequence resembles a similar process for a polypropylene comb, which only takes a little longer. This is due to the fact that each threaded connection will have to be carefully sealed with fumlent, linen tow or special sealants.

When buying fittings and other plumbing parts, you should pay attention not only to their attractive price and the brilliance of novelty, but also to the true quality of the material. Firstly, it’s good to understand which manufacturer’s products you have to deal with. If the seller provides a certificate for their products, it will be absolutely wonderful. Secondly, already by some external signs it can be assumed whether it is worth contacting such a product. So, good factory parts, at a minimum, are heavier than fakes and have thicker walls. The use of thin-walled "Chinese" tees, although it will significantly reduce the cost of the comb, will critically reduce its reliability. In addition, it is quite difficult to work with counterfeit products - low-quality material can crack at any time.

IMPORTANT! The use of high-quality bronze fittings brings a home-made collector for underfloor heating closer in cost to a factory product - of course, there will be savings, but very insignificant. If it is required to install adjustable flow meters using crosses, then self-assembly of the combs becomes completely unprofitable.

Practical moments of installing a water TP distributor

  1. It is better to assemble and install a collector for a warm floor before rolling out the pipelines of the circuits. In this case, one end of the pipe is immediately fixed at the place of permanent connection, then, after laying out the loop, the second is fixed.
  2. By installing a comb with an automatic air vent at the top of the system, you will forever get rid of the problem of airing it. If the distributor is located, for example, in the basement, then you will have to install additional valves to remove air somewhere on the hinges themselves.
  3. Each of the combs should have a slight installation slope (rise to the air vent) to release air pockets.
  4. When choosing a collector assembly without a mixing unit, in which the temperature in the loops is controlled by thermostatic valves (RTL regulation), the length of the pipelines in the heating branches should be taken into account. It has been noted that such a scheme works well if the length of the pipe loop does not exceed 50 m for a pipe Ø 16 mm. If the length of the branches is higher, then the scheme of the underfloor heating collector with


The decision whether to make a collector for a warm floor with your own hands or purchase a ready-made one should be made based on the level of your installation skills, requests for the configuration of the comb, as well as financial capabilities. It will be important to take into account that:

  • if it is necessary to connect 3-5 circuits, and it is planned to locate the distribution unit in a manifold cabinet, then it is optimal to use compact metal fittings or ready-made monoblocks;
  • for a warm floor system for 5-7 circuits or more, the use of polypropylene combs is economically justified. However, in this case, it is better to install them in a specialized room;
  • for heating systems that are planned to be controlled by automation, it is advisable to buy a collector for underfloor heating in a complete factory set.

The organization of water floor heating is not a cheap undertaking. To realize all the benefits, the homeowner has to bear the cost of purchasing a large footage of pipes, installing them and installing a cement screed. It will not be possible to save on this, but it is quite possible to assemble the most expensive node of the system - a collector for a warm floor - with your own hands. Let's look at the options for homemade distribution combs and see how you can make them yourself.

We assemble the factory manifold

To save on the price of heating equipment and make the collector assembly yourself, you need to understand what factory-made products consist of. The kit includes the following parts:

  1. Distribution element for connecting the supply line for 2 or more outlets, equipped with euro cones (pipe fittings). In most cases, it is equipped with transparent flasks, where the flow rate of the coolant in each circuit (rotameters) is visible.
  2. The same for connection to the return line. Instead of flow meters, there are manually operated thermostatic valves from servo drives or RTL thermal heads. Their principle of operation is simple: when you press the spring-loaded rod, the flow area narrows, and the flow of water through the element decreases.
  3. Automatic, installed separately on the supply and return manifolds.
  4. Cranes with plugs for emptying and filling the circuits with coolant.
  5. Thermometers registering the total temperature in the supply and return.
  6. Shut-off ball valves and mounting brackets.
The device of the collector group of warm floors

For reference. On sale there are manifold units with rotameters on the return line, thermostatic valves regulate the flow. Changing the layout does not affect the operation of the heating circuits.

When purchasing a comb, you can change the completeness depending on the budget and the connection scheme to the boiler. For example, buy a distributor without rotameters, install 1 thermometer instead of two, or place the assembly in a control cabinet.

Factory kits are made in such a way that the collector for underfloor heating can be easily and quickly assembled by hand. Judge for yourself: the distribution elements are already assembled, you just need to connect them to the heating circuits and install the auxiliary parts according to the diagram. How to do it right, see the following video:

In addition to brass and steel products, there are varieties of combs made from plastic sections, as shown in the photo. Their installation is carried out in the same way, except with more care when tightening. Note that the main threaded connections on the groups for draining water and connecting pipes do not need to be packed with flax or FUM tape, rubber seals are provided almost everywhere.

Plastic distributors with installation kit

How to save on a mixing unit

Many master plumbers consider it an integral part of the floor heating manifold, although these are 2 different elements that perform separate functions. The task of the comb is to distribute the coolant along the circuits, and the mixing unit is to limit its temperature at the level of 35-45 ° C, maximum - 55 ° C. The collector connection diagram shown below works according to the following algorithm:

  1. While the system is warming up, the two-way valve standing on the supply is fully open and allows maximum water to pass through.
  2. When the temperature rises to the calculated value (as a rule, it is 45 ° C), the remote sensor acts on the thermal head, and it begins to block the flow through the valve by pressing on the stem.
  3. After the valve mechanism is completely closed, the coolant, prompted to move by the pump, circulates only in the closed floor heating network.
  4. The gradual cooling of the water registers a temperature sensor, which causes the thermal head to release the stem, the valve opens and a portion of hot water enters the system, and part of the cold goes back. The heating cycle is repeated.

Note. If the manifold thermostats are servo controlled, a bypass and bypass valve is added to the mixing assembly. The goal is to organize circulation in a small circle, when the servos for some reason suddenly block all the circuits.

Good news for those who are very limited in funds, but want to be heated with underfloor heating: the installation of a two- or three-way valve with a pump is not always needed. There are two ways to reduce the cost of the system by avoiding the purchase of a mixer:

  • power the heating circuits directly from the gas boiler through the collector;
  • put RTL thermal heads on the manifold valves.

Manifold assembly made of brass tees is regulated by automatic backflow limitation with RTL heads

We note right away that the first option contradicts all the canons and cannot be considered correct, although it is used quite successfully. The bottom line is this: high-tech wall-mounted gas boilers can maintain the temperature of the supplied water at 40-50 ° C, which is acceptable for underfloor heating. But there are 3 downsides:

  1. In spring and autumn, when there is minimal frost outside, the boiler will not be able to lower the coolant temperature below 35 ° C, which will make the rooms stuffy and hot due to the heating of the entire floor surface.
  2. In the minimum combustion mode, the parts of the heating unit are covered with soot twice as fast.
  3. Due to the same mode, the efficiency of the heat generator is reduced by 5-10%.

Advice. To avoid discomfort from heat during transitional periods, it is necessary to install traditional heating radiators in the rooms of a private house, and connect floor heating already with a strong cold snap.

RTL type thermostatic heads operate on the principle of a two-way valve, only they are located on each circuit and are not equipped with remote sensors. A thermoelement that reacts to changes in water temperature is located inside the head and blocks the flow along the circuit when it is heated above 45-55 ° C (depending on the adjustment). At the same time, the comb is connected directly to a heat source that runs on any type of fuel - wood, diesel or pellets.

Important condition. For normal operation of underfloor heating, regulated by RTL thermal heads, the length of each circuit should not exceed 60 m. More details about the device of such heating and the correct assembly schemes of the collector are also described in the next video:

How to make a polypropylene comb

A distributor welded from polypropylene fittings is the cheapest collector for a warm water floor that you can think of. It has several disadvantages:

  • the design is large and will not fit in every box, so it will have to be mounted on the wall in the boiler room;
  • it is quite problematic to install flow meters, so they simply will not be;
  • you need polypropylene so as not to make a mistake at any of the many joints.

Conclusion. It makes sense to make a PPR comb when it is planned to be installed in a boiler room, and the number of outlets is designed for 3-5 circuits, otherwise the design will come out too cumbersome. The dimensions can be judged from the photo, which shows a collector for only 2 connections, the third outlet is for connecting the line from the boiler.

For work, you will need no more than 2 m of PPR pipes with a diameter of 32 mm and the same tees in terms of the number of branches. In addition, we need polypropylene-metal threaded adapters, ball valves and straight radiator valves used for balancing. Manufacture of a collector for underfloor heating circuits according to the instructions:

  1. After carefully measuring the depth of the pipe entering the tee and putting a mark on the outside, solder these 2 parts together.
  2. Set aside the same distance from the end of the fitting along the pipe and cut it off and clean the end. Solder the adapter to the lower branch of the tee.
  3. Repeat the operations described in paragraphs 1 and 2. Weld the resulting second block with the first, then go to the third and so on.
  4. Solder an elbow or a tee for mounting the air vent from one end of the PPR, and a coupling for a ball valve from the other.

Examples of collectors from PPR - for 3 and 9 outlets

Advice. Weld the fittings close to each other, otherwise the structure will grow to unimaginable sizes and look unsightly.

When the main welding work is done, it remains to screw the taps and radiator valves to the couplings, and put the automatic air bleeder in place. Assembly details of the node are clearly demonstrated in the video:

Distributor made of metal fittings

If metal fittings are used instead of polypropylene, then it will be possible to slightly reduce the size of the structure and do without a soldering iron. But here another pitfall awaits you in the form of cheap thin-walled tees, which are scary to take on with a pipe wrench - low-quality material can crack. If you buy solid fittings, then the total price of the product will approach the factory manifold, although the savings will still remain.

For manufacturing, it is necessary to choose tees female / male thread made of good brass, shown in the photo, and ball valves with a low stem and a butterfly handle. All the same radiator valves will go to the second part of the comb. The assembly technology is simple: pack the thread with flax or thread and twist the fittings together, and then install taps and other parts.

Advice. When assembling, try to direct all side outlets in one direction, like the tap stems, so that the home-made collector looks presentable. When winding the pipe fittings, remove the handles and adjusting caps into it so that they do not cling to adjacent taps.

Putting flowmeters on a comb of brass fittings is a difficult question. Then the supply line will have to be assembled from crosses and special adapters for rotameters should be installed. Some of them are also made for Eurocone, so the adapter will have to be machined. It is easier to balance the system without flowmeters.

As you can see in the photo, there is nowhere to put the rotameter here.

Is it worth it to make a collector yourself - conclusions

If you want to connect 3-4 floor circuits on a budget basis, then it is definitely worth tormenting yourself with polypropylene. Provided that the comb is planned to be placed in the boiler room, and not inside a beautiful closet somewhere in the corridor. Soldering must be done very carefully so that after 1-2 years your product does not leak.

When it is necessary to assemble a collector for 8-10 underfloor heating circuits, then use high-quality brass fittings. Of course, in terms of dimensions, such a product will come out more than the factory one, but it will save on the number of parts.

Water heating structures differ in many ways from similar electric underfloor heating. In general, the main difference lies in the nature of the coolant, which is heated by central heating or an electrical appliance.

In this design, the collector plays the main role, which is designed to ensure the high-quality and efficient operation of all equipment.

That is why, below we will consider what this device is and how to install a collector for a warm floor with your own hands.

What is a collection unit for?

The main function of the collector is to mix the coolant and distribute it to all heating circuits.

The principle of operation is the entry of a heated liquid (often water) into the structure, where it is mixed with the cooled liquid and redistributed for circulation in the underfloor heating system. The level of mixing of cold and hot water can be adjusted and changed using special valves.

Collector usage has a number of advantages, including:

  • system operation safety;
  • long service life of the structure;
  • economical energy consumption.

How to mount and install a comb for a warm floor with your own hands?

For a warm floor, you can use both a factory comb and make it yourself. Often, the finished version is made of metal (for example, brass, bronze). As for the self-made structure, it can be assembled from plastic and iron.

It is not difficult to make a comb on your own, the main thing is to correctly calculate all the necessary parameters and characteristics for a particular underfloor heating system.

To do this, you will need the following tools:

  1. Scissors.
  2. Soldering iron.
  3. Wrenches.

All this will be enough to make a plastic comb. Additionally, you can get plumbing crabs, but this is not necessary.

By soldering the individual elements of the comb, a complete version of the design is formed. At the beginning of manufacturing, it is necessary to connect the tees using small pipe sections.

Advice: When soldering, leave a small distance between the tees. In the future, this will allow you to add another contour to the design.

After connecting the tees, you need to combine them with couplings in order to connect plastic pipes later.

The finished device should consist of two main elements, namely: return and supply. The latter, moreover, should be higher when connecting a warm floor.

Installation of a comb of a heat-insulated floor

The comb is installed on the wall of the room and the ends of the underfloor heating pipelines are connected in series to it.

Each of the connecting plastic pipes must be laid in the corresponding room or distributed in a certain way in different rooms.

Related video:

The comb should be placed close to the base of the floor surface in order to maintain the ideal temperature for underfloor heating.

In addition, valves for subsequent filling and emptying and appropriate end and vent plugs should be connected to the equipment. But this is only necessary if you mounted the comb with your own hands. The package of the factory version, often includes all the necessary elements.

Scheme of installation and connection of the collector of the warm floor

After all the main components are assembled and the distribution combs are installed, you can begin the installation process of the underfloor heating collector.

If this is your first time working with such equipment, then in order to avoid malfunctions and interruptions in the operation of the system, we advise you to seek help from professionals. But if you have certain skills, then these recommendations will certainly help you.

Advice: Before installing the collector, it is necessary to choose and carefully prepare the optimal location for it. This largely depends on the dimensions of the device, which differ depending on the manufacturer.

The collector cabinet is conveniently located in a recess in the wall, while it is better if the installation is located in close proximity to the contours of the warm floor.

To install and connect the collector, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Mount the collector cabinet in the niche chosen for it in the wall surface.
  2. All details of the combs are fixed by means of metal strips, clamps and other structural elements are tightened. After all connections, the device must be securely fixed to the wall.
  3. Further, pipes are supplied from the boiler and into the boiler, using the appropriate tees.
  4. All plastic pipes are being installed.
  5. Equipment testing at low power. If the equipment works without failures, then it is necessary to check it at a higher power (about 65% of its maximum value).

In a private house is a costly business. However, for the reliable operation of such a system, savings are inappropriate. But despite this, there are options for how to reduce the cost of the heating system. For example, instead of buying a new collector, you can put in a little effort and make it yourself. This article will discuss the question of how to make a collector for a warm floor with your own hands, using polypropylene.

Polypropylene is successfully used in modern heating systems. With the correct calculation of the pipe diameter, you can make a warm floor from polypropylene pipes.

A distribution manifold can also be assembled from polypropylene fittings. To do this, you will need the following components:

  • Pipes Ø25 and Ø32 mm.
  • Plugs Ø32 mm.
  • Couplings 32×1″ and 25×3/4 with female thread.
  • American ball valves.
  • Couplings 25×3.4 with external thread.
  • Security group.
  • Tees Ø25 and Ø32 mm.
  • Sealant.
  • Automatic air vent.

The structure and installation of the collector

As a rule, the collector consists of two parts and ours will be no exception. Its first part is intended for uniform distribution of the hot coolant through the pipes from the boiler.

When producing a polypropylene floor heating collector, make an additional outlet in case a heating circuit is added.

All components of the comb are connected by thermal welding with special equipment. Connect a safety group and an air vent to one of the parts of the collector. A tap is also connected, which, in case of repair, will serve to drain the coolant from the system. As for the other part of the collector, to which the return pipes will be connected, a tap and an air vent are mounted on it in the same way. Moreover, a circulation pump is installed on the return, which will create a forced movement of the coolant through the heating circuits. It must be mounted with the arrow pointing towards the boiler.

To create an economical underfloor heating system, it is recommended to install a three-way valve after the circulation pump. In addition, the system is equipped with a check valve.

So, making a comb out of polypropylene is not difficult. It is important to follow the outlined schemes. For a warm water floor, the collector will serve as an excellent means of evenly distributing heat energy over the entire floor area. If you still have questions regarding how to assemble the collector, write questions to our experts or leave comments at the end of this article.


From the provided videos, you will learn how to make a collector for a warm water floor made of polypropylene:
