Checking the organization of food in a medical institution. Checking the organization of food in a medical institution for patients on "__" ___________ 20__

The operative part of the decision was announced at the court session on 04/08/2019.

The decision was made in full on 04/12/2019.

Arbitration Court of the Irkutsk Region composed of Judge Boltrushko O.V.,

when maintaining the minutes of the court session by assistant judge Kuznetsov A.V.,

Having considered at the court session the case on the statement of claim of COMPANY S


1165476175193, TIN 5410062264, address: 630061, NOVOSIBIRSK REGION, CITY



FERROSPLAVOV" (OGRN 1033800845760, TIN 3804028227, address: IRKUTSK


for the recovery of 623,387 rubles. 96 kop.,

when participating in a court session:

from the plaintiff: - not present,

from the defendant: - not present,


the claim was filed for the recovery of the amount of 619 669 RUB. 94 kop. - principal debt under the contract

deliveries No. 152 of 06/14/2018, the amount of 3,718 rubles. 02 kop. - penis.

The defendant did not appear at the hearing, he was duly notified,

previously sent a petition in which he asks to schedule a court session for more

late date due to the possible settlement of the dispute amicably,

in confirmation of sending a proposal to conclude a settlement agreement

the defendant attached a screen from an e-mail about sending a proposal for

claimant's email address [email protected], in connection with which, the definition

of the Arbitration Court of the Irkutsk Region dated March 6, 2019, the case was assigned to the court

proceedings on 04/08/2019, the defendant, like the plaintiff, was invited to submit a draft

amicable agreement or the defendant's response to the statement of claim.

The defendant did not execute the court ruling, the draft settlement agreement did not

516 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of 619,669 RUB is to be recovered from it in favor of the plaintiff. 94 kop.

Due to untimely payment of debts for the supply of products according to

supply contract No. 152 dated June 14, 2018, the plaintiff charged the defendant a penalty on the basis of

reduce the amount of fines: under contract No. 925809-B-SMR-2017 dated April 28, 2018 to 100,000

rub., under contract No. 972865-VO-SMR-2018 dated June 8, 2018 - 250,000 rubles, under contract dated

04/13/20018 No. 921461-B-SMR-2017-2018 - up to 100,000 rubles; pending counterclaim


After examining the arguments of the parties, examining the materials of the case, the arbitration court


apartment buildings" (regional operator) and LLC "Stroytekhservis" (contractor)

contract No. 925809-B-SMR-2017-2018 was concluded for the performance of work on the capital

repair of common property in apartment buildings in the city of Volgograd, located

at the addresses: per. Achinsky, 4, st. them. Vuchetich, 16, st. Heroes of Malaya Zemlya, 69, st.

st. Lazorevaya, 217, Veselaia Balka, 4, Veselaia Balka, 5, Veselaia Balka, 27,

Veselaya Balka, 28, Veselaya Balka, 29.

Clause 4.1 of the agreement (subject to supplementary agreement No. 1 dated August 31, 2018)

the cost of the work performed was determined in the amount of 18,803,593 rubles 68 kopecks.

According to clause 3.1 of the contract, the entire complex (volume) of work provided for

At the same time, the timing of the implementation of individual stages of work is determined by the calendar plan

performance of work, which is drawn up by the Contractor in the form of a calendar schedule

works and may not exceed the established by paragraph 3.1 of this

of the contract, the term for the performance of all work on the objects.

In accordance with clause 6.1 of the Contract, the Contractor undertakes to perform work on

overhaul with proper quality, in the amount and terms provided for

this Agreement and its annexes, and hand over the object to the Customer in a condition,

ensuring its normal operation.

As of 07.09.2018, the Contractor delayed the deadlines for the implementation

works on the object for more than 5 days.

The customer has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally with a penalty

losses in the following cases:

Delays by the Contractor in the start of work for more than 5 calendar days for reasons beyond the control of the Customer or the owners of premises in an apartment building (clause 13.3.2).

In accordance with clause 13.3.2 of the agreement, part 2 of Art. 715, Art. 450.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in connection with

delay by the Contractor of the deadlines for the performance of work for more than 5

calendar days, for reasons beyond the control of the Customer or the owners

premises in an apartment building, the regional operator notified the defendant of

refusal to execute contract No. 925809-B-SMR-2017-2018 dated April 26, 2018 in

unilaterally. The termination date is 05/10/2018.

reduce the amount of the penalty due to the fact that in fact the plaintiff was not caused

Under the contract dated April 28, 2018 No. 925809-B-SMR-2017, the defendant also refers to

opposition of residents of apartment buildings in the course of repair work, in

confirmation of which the minutes of the general meetings of owners are presented.

The customer did not provide assistance in resolving issues to the contractor.

Clause 77 of Decree No. 7 provides that the reduction in the amount of the contract

penalties payable by a commercial organization, individual

entrepreneur, as well as a non-profit organization that has violated the obligation

in the exercise of income-generating activities, is allowed in exceptional

where it is manifestly disproportionate to the consequences of the breach of obligation and may

result in the receipt by the creditor of unjustified benefits (paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 333

Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The current law enforcement practice proceeds from the fact that contractual

the penalty should not be a way to make a profit from the counterparty and should

be aimed at maintaining a balance of interests of counterparties of civil law

deals. Therefore, in determining the penalty to be recovered, the court must

to establish a balance between the measure of responsibility applied to the violator and

negative consequences for the creditor as a result of a breach


The criteria for establishing disproportion in each particular case may be

be: an excessively high percentage of the penalty; significant excess of the amount

forfeit the amount of possible losses caused by breach of obligations,

duration of default.

As can be seen from the materials of the case, the contractual agreement presented by the plaintiff for collection

penalty for improper performance by the defendant of obligations on timely

performance of work is determined in the amount of 36,808,705 rubles. 26 kop.

The court, taking into account the compensatory nature of the penalty, the balance of interests of the parties,

setting a fixed amount of the fine, independent of the number of days

delay, considers it possible to reduce the amount of fines by 2 times: under the contract from

04/28/2018 No. 925809-B-SMR-2017 - up to 470,098 rubles. 84 kopecks, under the contract dated 06/08/2018

No. 972865-VO-SMR-2018 - up to 1,215,547 rubles. 13 kopecks, under contract No. 13.04.20018

921461-B-CMR-2017-2018 - up to 641,085 rubles. 39 kop.

Ltd. "Stroytechservis" according to Art. 132 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, a counterclaim was filed for

recovery of the cost of works performed under the contract dated April 13, 20018 No. 921461-B-SMR-2017-

2018 works in the amount of 9,883,166 rubles. 38 kop.

The defendant points out that under the said contract, before its termination, there were

actually performed work in the amount of 9,883,166.38 rubles, which is confirmed

submitted acts in the form of KS-2 and KS-3.

The claimant in response to the counterclaim indicates that, in accordance with paragraph 13.3.2.

agreement, part 2 of Art. 715, Art. 450.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, due to the Contractor's delay

performance of work lasting more than 5 calendar days, for reasons

independent of the Customer or owners of premises in an apartment building,

The regional operator notified the Contractor of the refusal to perform contract No.

921416-B-SMR-2017-2018 dated April 13, 2018 unilaterally (notification

No. 6129 and dated 09/11/2018)

The date of termination of the contract is 01.10.2018.

As of 09/04/2018, work on the overhaul of heating systems

MKD No. 8,12 on P. Osipenko St., MKD No. 1 on the 51st Guards Division St., MKD No. 2 on

Tolbukhina st., as well as work on the repair of power supply networks of MKD No.

ul.Tolbukhin Contractor was not even started.

These circumstances are confirmed by reports, organizations carrying out

building control, as well as by the decision of the OFAS No. 03-8/7571 dated 11/07/208.

Certificates of completion received only in February 2019 were returned

Contractor in connection with the identified fatal defects in the work.

The regional operator was forced to conclude contracts for the performance

overhaul with VolgaTehstroy LLC, who redid all the work for

previous contractor.

These circumstances are confirmed by acts of technical inspection,

drawn up for each apartment building and signed LLC

"VolgaTehstroy", the Customer, as well as the organization carrying out the construction


Upon receipt of the said unilateral acts, the Regional Operator

sent a reasoned refusal to sign the acts to the Company (letter from

In addition, according to clause 8.1 of the contract, after completion of work in full (stage

works), the contractor presents to the Customer with a cover letter the following


acts of acceptance of work performed in the form of KS-2 (in a stitched form in three

copies, signed on their part, agreed with the organization,

carrying out construction control, as well as acts of acceptance of work performed on

form KS-2 in electronic form);

certificates of the cost of work performed and costs in the form of KS-3 (in three


Acts for hidden work;

Test reports (in case major repairs of systems are carried out

heating, electricity, hot and cold water supply or


technical and executive documentation.

However, the submitted acts of work performed are not agreed with the organization,

carrying out construction control, as well as the Contractor is not represented

executive and technical documentation.

Failure to submit a complete package of documents deprives the Customer of the opportunity

accept the volume and quality of work performed, check the completeness and correctness

execution of executive documentation, check the correctness and compliance

applied prices of contractual design and estimate documentation, that is, check and

it is impossible to accept the result of the work performed.

According to paragraph 1 of Article 702 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, under a work contract, one party

(contractor) undertakes to perform, on the instructions of the other party (customer), a certain

work and hand over its result to the customer, and the customer undertakes to accept the result of the work and

pay for it.

Evidence of delivery by the contractor of the result of work and acceptance by the customer

is an act or other document certifying the acceptance of the work performed (paragraph 2

Article 720 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

As a general rule, the delivery and acceptance of work performed are recorded in

corresponding deed signed by both parties.

If one of the parties refuses to sign the act, an appropriate

mark, and the act is signed by the other party.

The contractor has the right to require the customer to fulfill this obligation. In my

turn, the customer has the right to refuse to accept the result of the work and sign the act in

in case of detection of deficiencies in the work performed, which exclude the possibility of

use of the result of work for the purpose specified in the contract, and in the absence

the relevant terms of the contract, for the normal use of the result of the work

of this kind and cannot be eliminated.

services - accepted by the customer in full without claims only if

this act is presented to the customer for signing.

According to part 4 of article 753 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a unilateral act of delivery or acceptance

the result of the work can be declared invalid by the court only if

the motives for refusing to sign the act were recognized by him as justified.

Assessing the grounds for refusing to sign acts of completed work, the court comes

to the conclusion about their validity.

In addition, the court takes into account the fact that the defendant sent

certificates of work performed only in February 2019, together with a letter of claim for

filing a counterclaim. Prior to this, despite the termination of the contract from 01.10.2018

g., the defendant did not present the work performed for acceptance.

The defendant at the hearing expressed his intention to file a petition for

appointment in the case of construction and technical expertise.

Due to the fact that the specified petition was not declared by the defendant in the established

order with the provision of the necessary information, it cannot be considered according to


The court also takes into account the plaintiff's explanations that currently at the facility

the work is carried out by another contractor.

By virtue of Art. 110 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, legal expenses incurred by persons participating in

case, in favor of which a judicial act has been adopted, are collected by the arbitration court with

If the claim is partially satisfied, the court costs are borne by the persons

participating in the case, in proportion to the amount of satisfied claims.

Guided by Art. Art. 110, 167-170, 176, 177 Arbitration Procedural

Code of the Russian Federation, Arbitration Court


The initial claim of the unitary non-profit organization "Regional Fund

1143400000875) satisfy in part.

3459069115, OGRN 1163443064069) in favor of a unitary non-profit organization

"Regional fund for the overhaul of apartment buildings" (TIN 3460000502,

OGRN 1143400000875) a fine in the amount of 2,326,731 rubles. 36 kopecks, as well as 42,400 rubles. 37 kop.

on account of reimbursement of court costs for payment of the state fee.

Deny the rest of the claim.

Issue to the unitary non-profit organization "Regional Fund

overhaul of apartment buildings" (TIN 3460000502, OGRN

1143400000875) certificate for the return of the state fee from the federal budget

in the amount of 41,812 rubles. 88 kop.

In satisfaction of the counterclaim of a limited liability company

"Stroytekhservis" (TIN 3459069115, OGRN 1163443064069) to refuse.

Collect from Stroytechservis Limited Liability Company (TIN

3459069115, OGRN 1163443064069) to the federal budget state

fee in the amount of 72 415 RUB. 83 kop.

The decision may be appealed to the arbitration court of the appellate instance in

within a month from the date of its adoption through the Arbitration Court of the Volgograd Region.

Judge L.V. Napalkova

Medical institutions

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2003 N 330 "On measures to improve clinical nutrition in medical institutions of the Russian Federation" (as amended on October 7, 2005, January 10, April 26, 2006, June 21, 2013 ., November 24, 2016)

List of documentation of the catering unit for issuing meals and monitoring the quality of prepared food in medical institutions

Form N 1-84


for the nutrition of patients "__" __________ 20__

Head Branch (signature)

Art. honey. branch sister (signature)

Honey. dietary sister of the department (signature)

Form N 22-MZ

to the Instructions for the organization of therapeutic nutrition
in medical institutions

Name of institution __________________________________________________

Summary information on the presence of patients on food

at ___ hours "__" _______ 20__

(Back side)

Individual and additional meals
(as well as the nutrition of mothers who are in a medical institution with babies)

Form N 23-MZ

to the Instructions for the organization of therapeutic nutrition
in medical institutions

Handout list

On vacation to food ration departments

(meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.)


Dietary nurse ______ Head of production (chef) _____

Form N 1-85

to the Instructions for the organization of therapeutic nutrition
in medical institutions

Name of the medical institution ______________________________________________

I approve: ____________

Head of institution

Layout card N

Name of the dish _________________________________________________________

Indication for use _________________________________________________

Product name Gross Net Chemical composition Price
Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g calories,
Finished meal weight:

Dietitian (dietary nurse)

Production manager (chef)


Card turnover

Cooking technology:________________________________________________

Form N 44-MZ

to the Instructions for the organization of therapeutic nutrition
in medical institutions

"I approve"

Chief Physician (signature)

Name of institution _________________________________________________

Layout menu for cooking meals on ________________________

patients on "__" ___________ 20__

Day of the week

Name How many dishes N dishes by cartoteca Name of products, in grams Output of ready meals
Fruit juice Sour cream Butter Vegetable oil TO
Green pea I
Yeast L
Standard diets Reception of food and dishes included in it B

Nutritionist (signature)

Diet nurse (signature)

Head of production (chef) (signature)

Accountant (signature)

Form 1-lp

to the Instructions for the organization of therapeutic nutrition
in medical institutions

I. Information about the owner of the medical book.

II. A note on the transition to work in other institutions.

III. The results of the medical examination.

IV. The results of the study on tuberculosis.

V. The results of the study on bacillus carrying.

VI. The results of the study on helminthism.

VII. Marks on the postponed infectious-intestinal diseases.

VIII. Passing the exam on the sanitary-technical minimum.

IX. Vaccination record.

X. Special marks of sanitary supervision about this employee (violation of the rules

personal hygiene, sanitary supervision requirements, etc.).

Form 2-lp

to the Instructions for the organization of therapeutic nutrition
in medical institutions

Magazine "Health"

Page 7 - 7 of 9

In 2018, from 23 to 27 people worked in a children's preschool educational institution in different months, in 2019 - 27 people (one of them is on maternity leave). In what order should an institution submit to the FSS the information necessary for the appointment and payment of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, childbirth and other benefits related to maternity: in electronic form or on paper (the institution is located in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, involved in the pilot project)? The buyer - VAT payer has the right to take advantage of the deduction of the tax presented to him on goods, works, services, property rights if the provisions prescribed in Art. 171 and 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation conditions: the purchase is intended for a VAT-taxable operation and is registered, the buyer has an invoice drawn up accordingly. True, if this document is received late, the taxpayer may have additional questions. For what period to declare a deduction? How can it be transferred to subsequent tax periods and not miscalculate the deadline set by the legislator for this event? Is it possible to defer only part of the deduction? Four court instances, including the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, denied citizen Zh. the right to register a new D LLC. The formal basis for this refusal was the applicant’s failure to submit the documents required for state registration, determined by Federal Law No. of the executive body of the legal entity within its location, and there are also signs that the founders - legal entities LLC "P", LLC "B" and their heads are unable to manage the newly created legal entity.

Changing the VAT rate in itself, it seems, should not cause difficulties for accounting workers. Indeed, you accrue large amounts to be paid to the budget and that's all ... However, difficulties may arise during the period of transition from a lower rate to a higher one. In this article, we will present an overview of the latest clarifications of officials on this topic related to the performance of work and the provision of services. In April 2019, an error was identified: no depreciation was charged for library fund objects that were accepted for accounting and put into operation in August 2018. What corrective entries need to be made in budget accounting?

MENU LAYOUT FOR COOKING FOOD FOR SICK 20 G. Form 44МЗ menu layout for cooking. MOH for feeding patients the next day. Menu layout form 44 МЗ HOLIDAY RECORDING BOOK FOR FOOD DIET DEPARTMENTS Abbreviation Forms for public cateringOrganization of the system. Form 44МЗ menu layout FOR form 44 МЗ menu layout for food preparation. Menu layout blank form 44 mz. Offset paper A4 85 rub. Accounting in the management companies of housing and communal services, homeowners associations and housing cooperatives. Menu layout for food preparation, form N 44МЗ. MZ Menu layout for food preparation and described A sample form is shown in fig. According to order 330, the menu layout is compiled in the form 44MZ. Act of completed work ks 2 form. MZ Menu layout for cooking. The requirement is drawn up in two copies based on the final data of the menu layout form N 44MZ for each diet table. Download the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. standard form Developer Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation Source Regulations of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation dated. to the Instructions for the organization of therapeutic nutrition. Menu layout for food preparation. Does anyone know where to get this form? ? ? ? ? Form N 44MZ. 44MZ to the Instructions for the organization of clinical nutrition in medical . However, many organizations compose the menu layout in a completely different form. Annex 2 of these sanitary rules and the form also menu layouts, menu layout form 44 m3 requirement for the issuance of products form 45 mz, form. Menu layout for food preparation Form 44MZ. Form N 44MZ to the Instructions for the organization of therapeutic nutrition in the C program for non-profit organizations and autonomous institutions. Form N 44MZ to the Instructions for the organization of clinical nutrition c. Parus Forum Index 7. Forms, samples, examples of applications and petitions. Menu layout for preparing meals for patients for 20 g. Instructions are given in form 44MZ Menu layout for preparing meals and for sale in a distribution network or a public canteen. N 330 and form 44МЗ Menu layout for cooking. signature MENU LAYOUT FOR PREPARING FOOD FOR PATIENTS FOR 20 G. The consumption of the product for the preparation of food, the figure in the numerator is required, respectively. Therefore, some functions may not work correctly. From the program for housing and communal services. The browser you are using is not supported. In sanatoriums and medical institutions, the 44MZ menu layout form is almost always used for preparing meals. The page contains a sample of the document form Menu layout for cooking. FORM N 44МЗ MENU LAYOUT FOR COOKING FOOD. Form 44mz menu layout for food preparation order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 330 ed. on measures to improve clinical nutrition in an institution. MENU

Menu layout for food preparation, form N 44МЗ ed. In the menu layout form N 44MZ, the dietitian puts down the number of food products for preparing one serving of each dish as a numerator, a. Material Format The price is indicated for a package of 100 pcs Form of the form Menu layout for food preparation, form N 44MZ corresponds to Appendix k. The main tasks of sanatorium treatment are the activation of reactions. Mz to the instructions for organizing clinical nutrition in the medical menu layout for preparing meals for patients on, forms, 20 samples, forms. FORM N 44МЗ MENU LAYOUT FOR COOKING FOOD. Menu layout form 44MZ. Download sample document Menu layout for food preparation. Form N 44MZ Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated N 330 ed. Menu layout form N 44МЗ or Menu requirement form? Menu layout for food preparation. Form 44MZ recommended sample filling. Form N 44MZ with the ability to download it in DOC format and. Before transferring the menu layout of form 44MZ for calculation to the accounting department, the dietitian is obliged to make an approximate estimate of the daily cost of food. Form N 44MZ a typical free sample document with the ability to download in W. Form menu requirement for the issuance of food Form 185 Layout card Form 44MZ Menu layout. Form 44 mz menu layout form. Applied solution 1CMedicine
