Lunar landing calendar for September. Safe protection of plants from diseases and pests in July and August

Table of the sowing lunar calendar for the gardener and gardener for September 2016

Zodiac sign

The beginning of September is suitable for harvesting. However, it is better to refuse planting vegetables and flowers.

3-4 numbers in Taurus, 5 in Gemini

The waxing moon that governs these first days of September, according to astrologers, is best suited for planting perennial flowers, strawberries, strawberries, fruit bushes, garden trees. It is also recommended to pay attention to sowing radishes and early greens in the greenhouse.

6 in Gemini, 7 in Cancer

8-9 - in Cancer, 10 - in Leo

Nothing should be sown in these autumn days. You can collect seeds, cut tree branches, dig up the soil and fertilize it with manure.

11 in Leo, 12 in Virgo

The time is suitable for planting perennial flowers, vegetables, berry crops. It is necessary to bring peat under the trees.

This lunar period is well suited for caring for fruit trees. They should be whitened, trimmed, sprayed with pesticides. The moment is not suitable for watering seedlings on the street, in a greenhouse and at home.

Plants cannot be transplanted during this period. Suggested to do:



insect spray.

You can carry out top dressing of fruit crops and perennials.

in Scorpio

The period favors digging the soil before winter. You can schedule fertilization into the soil for this lunar day. The main thing is to choose organic compounds. Sowing activities are recommended to be abandoned.

19 - in Scorpio, 20 - in Sagittarius

This lunar day and the following days are good for preparing material for spring cuttings. It is recommended to replant fruit bushes and carry out water-charging watering.

21 - in Sagittarius, 22 - in - in Capricorn

in Aquarius

Fruit and berry crops cannot be planted during this period. It is better to dig up the site and prepare cuttings for spring vaccination.

Since these days are ruled by the waning moon, the period is not conducive to working with the soil. It is best to collect medicinal herbs, crops and seeds for storage.

28-29 - in Aries, 30 - in Taurus

The end of the month favors the transplantation of fruit trees. You need to pay attention to watering crops. The planting of winter plants will certainly succeed.

The influence of the phase of the moon on planting flowers, fruit trees and other plants

Astrologers are sure that any position of the moon has a direct impact on plants, trees, flowers, shrubs, vegetables.

In the lunar calendar, 4 main phases of the night star are distinguished, and each of them has unique abilities, influencing landings in a certain way. For example, the new moon and the day before and the day after it are well suited for:

  • pruning of trees and shrubs;
  • pest control;
  • destruction of weeds.

When the growing moon enters into force, a beneficial effect is exerted on the vegetative above-ground part. That is why it is time for sowing, transplanting plants, which for the most part develop above the soil surface. You can also do soil disinfection, top dressing.

Note! The growing moon is an excellent period for harvesting material for cuttings and grafting.

As for the full moon, which captures 3 days, then at this time it is best to plan the fight against weeds and pests, weeding the beds, activities related to the protection of seedlings and seedlings from diseases.

How does the phase of the moon affect the planting of flowers

The waning moon is a favorable period for the root system. However, it should be borne in mind that for damaged roots, on the contrary, it will be bad. These days it is recommended to carry out:

  • thinning of dense seedlings;
  • forming pruning;
  • harvesting;
  • application of organic fertilizers.

The waning moon is beneficial for work to protect crops from pests and diseases. The time is well suited for planting and sowing root crops, legumes, bulbous plants.

Accounting for regionality

Traditionally, the lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners is focused on the Moscow region and the central regions of Russia. However, summer residents need to remember about some adjustment of astrological recommendations by region.

Watering of autumn shoots in the northern regions and northwestern regions is recommended to be carried out in closed ground. As for open beds, they need water only as long as the seedlings are still small.

Note! Since the gardener's lunar calendar for September 2016 presented above is focused on the central regions, regions with which they have a difference of 5 hours or more are recommended to shift the proposed events 1 day ahead.

Lunar calendar September 2016: we take into account regionality

You should also remember about the climatic features of a particular area. If harvesting is just beginning in the central zone and the Volga region, then in the southern regions the land is still actively bearing fruit. At the same time, the Urals and Siberia begin intensive winter preparation of household plots.

What to plant in September: some popular solutions

Planting work, according to the astrological advice given by the gardener's lunar calendar, should be very active in September 2016. In the first days of autumn, you can start planting perennials. Time is perfect for disembarkation:

  • bells;
  • lilies;
  • adonises;
  • peonies.

Not only flowers, but also vegetables can be planted before winter. The time is favorable for the sowing of radishes, garlic, beets, carrots, Beijing cabbage, onions and turnips. Also these days, berry bushes take root well: raspberry, irga, bird cherry, wild rose.

On a note! In September 2016, you can plant honeysuckle, gooseberries, strawberries, red and black currants.

What to plant in September 2016 according to the lunar calendar

This lunar period will be no less productive for working with greenery. It is believed that the first month of autumn is suitable for sowing:

  • spinach;
  • parsnip;
  • leek;
  • dill.

You can also go for herb seeds, parsley, lettuce and mustard.

Work in the garden and vegetable garden in September

Despite the fact that summer is over, with the onset of September, there is a lot of work in the garden and garden. First of all, you will need to harvest root crops, fruits, berries. It is equally important to clean up the area and apply fertilizer for:

  • currants;
  • pears;
  • apple trees;
  • gooseberry;
  • grapes;
  • remontant strawberries.

We work according to the lunar calendar in September 2016

In the first days of autumn, it is recommended to do the pre-winter preparation of the garden. It is necessary to process tree trunks from pests. Also, the time is great for planting some bulbous plants, vegetables, seedlings of fruit bushes, greenery.

In the same lunar period, you need to prune trees to form a beautiful crown. No less important will be water-charging watering and caring for strawberry bushes. Also, the first month of autumn will be a favorable time for the rejuvenation of the lawn and garden. It's time to work with different colors. Everything that gardeners and gardeners need to do in September is simply not listed. However, the lunar sowing calendar, indicating the phases of the night star and the influence of the signs of the zodiac, will give all the important recommendations and allow you to correctly plan activities on the site.

The first day of September falls on an annular solar eclipse and a new moon at the same time. September 1 is not recommended for:

  • picks;
  • landings;
  • sowing activities
  • transplants.

The next day is ruled by the waxing moon. The lunar calendar for September advises against transplanting, planting fruit trees and vegetables. On September 2, gardeners are not recommended to plant seeds. The gardener's lunar calendar says that ornamental plants will take root on this day. We are talking about those crops whose fruits rarely appear, for example, wild rose, honeysuckle, climbing flowers. If you mow the grass on this day, it will stop growing much.

The 3rd day of the first month of autumn 2016 according to the lunar calendar is a favorable time for preparing future beds. It is recommended to fertilize the soil under:

  • garden strawberries;
  • perennials;
  • garden trees;
  • berry bushes.

The lunar calendar for September 3-4 says it's time to plant stone fruit trees (such as cherries) in the garden. The day is ideal for laying seeds, tubers for storage. You can care for indoor flowers, decorate the garden, cut flowers.

On September 5-7, 2016, the moon continues to grow. In these days of September 2016, it is necessary to destroy pests, fertilize the land, loosen the soil, plant plantings. In these days of September, take care of pruning berry bushes and trees in the garden. Gardeners should not plant something, collect herbs, medicinal herbs, propagate plants by the root method. The lunar calendar for September 2016 recommends gardeners to preserve vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs.

On September 8-9, 2016, the phase of the moon changes: it goes into the first quarter. It's time to collect vegetables, fruits, seeds and berries. You can cut flowers. These days, take care of drying mushrooms, herbs, and vegetables. The lunar calendar for September recommends sowing seeds and planting in the ground. If you plant flowers, then stop at hyacinths, daffodils, tulips. If you plant indoor flowers on September 8-9, 2016, they will bloom faster.

  • plant herbs;
  • loosen the soil;
  • fertilize the soil.

The gardener's calendar for September recommends planting and replanting currants, plums, gooseberries, and pears on September 10-12. You can plant and transplant any other shrubs or trees. Make bouquets of flowers.

On September 13-14, as the gardener's calendar for September 2016 says, the moon is growing. But Aquarius, in which the Moon is in these days, is a barren sign of the Zodiac. It costs nothing to plant: nothing will grow. It is also impossible to transplant trees and bushes. Trim bushes, trees. You can prepare seeds, cut flowers.

On September 15, according to the gardener's calendar for September 2016, it is worth making jam, making homemade canned food (salt mushrooms, cabbage, cucumbers). The soil can be fertilized and loosened. On this day, prepare the seeds for the next summer season.

Note! 16th - full moon and penumbral lunar eclipse. It is strictly forbidden to plant and replant something (shrubs, grass, trees, flowers).

Regional features and other astrological forecasts for the second half of the month

September 17-18, 2016 The moon is waning. In Siberia, in the Urals, in the Lower and Middle Volga regions, gardeners are not advised to sow seeds and plant sprouts in the ground. The period is not very good for sowing and planting activities in Siberia, the Urals, the Lower and Middle Volga regions. Residents of these regions are worth these 2 days:

  • weed the soil;
  • fight pests;
  • mulch the soil.

On September 17-18, 2016, it is favorable to collect berries, fruits, essential oil crops (coriander, sage, basil, cumin, anise, patchouli, dill, calamus), medicinal herbs, root crops. Especially in the southern regions of Russia. In the Volga region and the central regions, it is worth digging up potatoes. Behind the Ural Range, gardeners will dry fruit.

On September 19-20, 2016 summer residents and gardeners in the central part of Russia, the southern regions and the Volga region can plant onions and winter garlic. In Siberia and the Urals, it is favorable to collect vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, and berries. After that, immediately start canning and preparing for the winter. Shrubs need to be trimmed in the area.

As the gardener's calendar for September 2016 says, on the 21st-24th the moon is waning. Gardeners should mow, cultivate, weed and mulch the soil, remove excess shoots. It is especially good to do this in the southern territories. It is better not to plant and replant herbs and shrubs. Gardeners in the Urals can pick berries, medicinal plants and root crops.

Calendar for September 2016, taking into account the phases of the moon and its position in the signs of the zodiac

On September 23-24, the waning moon is in Cancer. Focus on harvesting greens and medicinal herbs, take care of canning and salting. On September 25-27, 2016, the waning moon is in the zodiac sign of Leo. These days, take care of harvesting potatoes, drying root crops, and harvest fruits. The gardener's calendar for September 2016 on the 25th-27th day of the month recommends:

  • cut bushes and trees;
  • mulch the soil;
  • destroy pests;
  • harvest medicinal plants;
  • harvest sunflower seeds.

On September 25-27, prepare the beds for future plantings.
The gardener's lunar calendar for September recommends cultivating the soil and hilling crops on the 28th-29th. The moon these days is in the zodiacal sign of Virgo (Virgo is a barren sign). Do not do any other gardening work on these days.

September 30, 2016 The Moon enters Libra. She is still declining. Clean up the area of ​​the garden or suburban area. Do not plant or transplant anything.

September is an active time for harvesting and summing up the summer season of 2016. At the beginning of the month we dig up root crops: beets, potatoes, carrots, from the middle - pumpkin, zucchini and cabbage.

Time for pruning faded perennials: bluebells, delphiniums, daylilies, irises, phlox, astrantia, dicenter. Astilbes and peonies, as well as some varieties of hostas, will retain a beautiful decorative appearance for a long time, so they should be pruned as they are lost.

It's time to dig up and store tubers and bulbs of dahlias, gladioli and begonias.

In autumn, you should also not forget about fertilizing, we exclude nitrogen fertilizing, because. they are designed to stimulate growth. Organic fertilizers are best suited: manure and humus. For the lawn, potassium is recommended, for fruit and berry crops - complex fertilizers.

In September, the last time you can trim the hedge. In the orchard, remontant raspberries are pruned, in ordinary varieties - only fruiting trunks, young ones are shortened to a lignified part.

It's time to loosen the soil in the near-trunk circles of trees and prepare the beds for the winter sowing of vegetables.

In Virgo 09/01 - 09/03 (03:55). New moon 01.09 (12.30)

A good time for light care of plants and soil, harvesting in the garden and garden. On the day of the new moon, we do not disturb the plants.

In Libra 09/03 (3:55) – 09/05 (15:38) growing

Days for planting ornamental and berry bushes, flower and vegetable herbaceous perennials, strawberries under temporary shelter or in a greenhouse. It is also worth planting radishes, early ripening greens, green manure plants. We carry out autumn pruning of shrubs and trees, if necessary, we feed the plants with mineral fertilizers, do not forget about watering, to maintain soil moisture in the norm during this period.

In Scorpio 05.09 (15:38) - 08.09 (4:20) growing

These days we are sowing in a greenhouse or under a temporary shelter of radishes, early-ripening greens, green manure plants. We lay a new lawn, mow the grass for better regrowth, fertilize the plants with mineral fertilizers if necessary, and do not forget about watering. To avoid infection of plants, it is better to refrain from planting, pruning and transplanting plants with bare roots during this period.

In Sagittarius 08.09 (4:20) - 10.09 (15:55) growing

The period for caring for plants and soil: autumn pruning, cleaning tree trunks, whitewashing. We continue to process plants from diseases and pests, carry out autumn digging in the garden, loosen the soil in the trunk circles, apply organic fertilizers: peat, compost, humus for garden plants. We harvest: potatoes, apples, pears, pumpkins for long-term storage and seeds. Sowing is not recommended - plants are unlikely to please with a good harvest in the future.

In Capricorn 10.09 (15:55) - 13.09 (00:28) growing

We continue planting ornamental and fruit shrubs, sowing flower and vegetable perennials, strawberries and daffodils, green manure plants. It's time to prepare cuttings of fruit trees for future spring vaccinations, we carry out water-charging irrigation for plants, we make organic approvals: humus, peat and compost. These days you should not save water when watering, it is recommended to maintain soil moisture above the norm.

In Aquarius 13.09 (00:28) - 15.09 (5:23) growing

A good time to take care of plants and soil. We are engaged in autumn pruning, clean tree trunks, whiten them if necessary, treat plants from diseases and pests, dig up a garden, loosen the soil in tree trunks. It is recommended to use humus, peat and compost as fertilizers, it is better to apply them under garden plants. Time to harvest in the vegetable garden and garden for long-term storage. These days, you should refrain from watering plants, the roots need air.

In Pisces 09/15 (5:23) - 09/17 (7:22). Full moon 16.09 (22:05)

We continue to carry out water-charging irrigation for plants, we apply organic fertilizers, best of all, humus, compost and peat in the near-stem circles of garden trees, under herbaceous perennials and shrubs. Do not forget about sanitary pruning, cleaning the trunks of ornamental and fruit trees, whitewashing. Time to treat plants from diseases and pests. We do not disturb the plants on the day of the full moon.

In Aries 09/17 (07:22) - 09/19 (07:58) waning

These days we are engaged in autumn digging in the garden, loosening the soil in tree trunks, making compost, peat, humus and other organic fertilizers for garden trees. We do not forget about sanitary pruning, we clean the trunks of ornamental and fruit trees, whiten them if necessary, treat plants from diseases and pests. It is not recommended to sow during this period, the plants will have a weak root system.

In Taurus 19.09 (09:58) - 21.09 (08:53) waning

A good time for planting ornamental and fruit shrubs and trees, tulips, daffodils. We prepare cuttings for spring grafting of fruit trees. We carry out water-charging irrigation, we apply organic fertilizers: humus, peat and compost to the near-stem circles of garden trees, under herbaceous perennials and shrubs. It is not recommended to save water during irrigation, soil moisture should be above normal.

In Gemini 09/21 (8:53) – 09/23 (11:33) waning

A favorable period for autumn digging in the garden: we loosen the soil in the trunk circles. We do not forget about the introduction of organic fertilizers for garden plants, we clean the trunks of ornamental and fruit trees, whiten them if necessary, and treat plants against diseases and pests. We collect seeds, as well as the harvest of apples, pears, potatoes and root crops for long-term storage. Watering plants is not recommended - the roots need more air at this time.

In Cancer 23.09 (11:33) - 25.09 (16:48) waning

Good days for autumn digging in the garden. We continue to loosen the soil in the trunk circles, we apply fertilizers based on organic matter: compost, peat and humus for garden plants. We prepare cuttings for grafting in the autumn, carry out sanitary pruning, clean the trunks of ornamental and fruit trees, whiten if necessary. We treat plants from diseases and pests, lay a new lawn, mow the existing one - these days contribute to the density of the herbage. It is not recommended to plant shrubs and trees, their winter hardiness will be significantly reduced.

In Leo 25.09 (16:48) - 28.09 (00:43) waning

A favorable period for digging in the garden, we continue to loosen the soil in the trunk circles, we apply organic fertilizers: humus, compost, peat for garden plants. We continue harvesting for long-term storage: apples and pears of late varieties, root crops, cabbage, as well as seeds. It is not recommended to disturb plants and soil, these days they need rest.

In Virgo 09/28 (00:43) - 09/30 (10:52) waning

Good days for planting shrubs and trees, winter garlic and tulips. It is recommended to carry out water-charging watering, fertilizing garden plants with organic fertilizers: compost, peat and humus. When watering, do not save water by keeping the soil moisture above normal.

ATTENTION! This is an archived page, currently up to date:

Lunar calendar gardener 2016 year - work in the garden

September 2016

Table calendar: harvesting, autumn pruning

The table of the lunar calendar shown on this page is a thematic selection from the universal , for work with fruit trees and shrubs (work with garden strawberries - in the thematic calendar "Garden")

September - seeing off summer.

September is the time for harvesting, the month when you need to complete all summer work and gradually begin to prepare the plants for the cold season. In September, the main varieties of apple and pear trees ripen, this month they harvest sea buckthorn, chokeberry and red ashberry, and after the first frost - viburnum.

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is maintained by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time * )

Works in the autumn garden, activities for the care of fruit trees and shrubs

from 01 September 2016 00:00 (Thu)
to 02 September 2016 6:36 (Fri)


(In relation to the lunar calendar, a blog is maintained: Dacha and garden, entry only from the lunar calendar)

September 01, 2016 12:03 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month, - until 08/31/2016 18:22 The moon is in the sign of Leo, then in the sign of Virgo.

02 September 2016 6:36 (Fri)
to 03 September 2016 03:55 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in Virgo
Planting and transplanting berry bushes and fruit trees. It is good to plant plants for high hedges. Harvest for long term storage. It is better not to make preparations of canned food and juices, especially to roll up cans.
from 03 September 2016 3:55 (Sat)
to 05 September 2016 15:38 (Mon)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Unfavorable time for watering and liquid top dressing. Cutting of fruiting raspberry branches. Preparation of planting pits for autumn planting of trees and shrubs.
from 05 September 2016 15:38 (Mon)
to 08 September 2016 4:19 (Thursday)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Digging the soil, spreading compost, semi-rotted manure and old sawdust under trees, shrubs. Possible time for planting and transplanting any plants.
from 08 September 2016 4:19 (Thursday)
to September 10, 2016 15:54 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Bending down to the ground shoots of raspberries and branches of slate trees and pinning them with hooks. Removal of diseased and barren trees and shrubs, preparation of planting pits for spring planting. Spraying against pests with a Bordeaux mixture along the branches of berry bushes. Whitewashing boles of fruit trees. Spreading compost, semi-rotted manure, old sawdust under trees, shrubs. Harvest for storage.
from 10 September 2016 15:54 (Sat)
to September 13, 2016 0:28 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in Capricorn

Planting and transplanting fruit and berry bushes and trees, harvesting cuttings. Digging the soil, trunk circles of fruit trees and shrubs. Harvest, but not for long-term storage.

September 11 (29.08 style) - Johann the Baptist (Ivan Lenten) - in the old days the beginning of Indian summer.

from September 13, 2016 0:28 (Tue)
to September 15, 2016 5:23 (Thursday)

Waxing Moon in Aquarius

Removal of diseased branches from berry bushes, whitewashing of tree boles and bases of large branches. Mulching raspberries. Falling asleep of the central parts of the bush of insufficiently winter-hardy varieties of gooseberries with half-rotted manure. Spreading compost, semi-rotted manure and old sawdust under trees, shrubs. Harvest for long storage.

September 14 (01.09 old style) - Simeon (Semyon) Pilot. - calendar beginning of Indian summer.

from September 15, 2016 5:23 (Thursday)
to September 15, 2016 18:16 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in Pisces

Cutting trees and shrubs is strictly prohibited.
Digging the soil under the bushes to kill pests. Pulling branches of young fruit trees with twine into a loose sheaf. Tying conifers and tying them with burlap to protect against spring burns. Bending down the branches of slate trees and pinning them with hooks. Whitewashing of stems. Tying boles and bases of skeletal branches with spruce branches to protect against rodents and wrapping with covering material to protect against frost holes.
from September 15, 2016 18:16 (Thu)
to September 17, 2016 19:08 (Sat)


It is not recommended to plant, transplant, cut anything. Land processing.
September 16, 2016 22:05 Moscow time - astronomical full moon
from September 17, 2016 19:08 (Sat)
to 19 September 2016 7:58 (Mon)

Waning Moon in Aries

Watering and fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Land processing. Continued collection of regular batches of berries and fruits for quick processing. Favorable time for canning, drying and freezing. Preparation of containers and places for storage of crops.
from September 19, 2016 7:58 (Mon)
to September 21, 2016 8:53 (Wed)

Waning Moon in Taurus

Tying conifers with burlap and kraft paper to protect against spring burns. Tying boles and bases of skeletal branches with spruce branches to protect against rodents. Carrying out winter water-charging irrigation.
from 21 September 2016 8:53 (Wed)
to September 23, 2016 11:33 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Gemini

Pruning trees and shrubs, removing diseased trees and shrubs, preparing planting pits for spring. Digging the soil in tree trunks. Pulling branches of young fruit trees into a loose sheaf. Bending down the branches of slate trees to the ground and pinning them. Pigging until spring seedlings. Removal and burning of hunting belts. Whitewashing tree trunks and bases of large branches, as well as tying them with spruce branches to protect against rodents. Cleaning and burning of leaves affected by fungal diseases. Harvesting viburnum.

September 21 (08.09 old style) - Nativity of the Virgin ("Offering Day" - all relatives and friends came to the newlyweds).

from September 23, 2016 11:33 (Fri)
to 25 September 2016 16:48 (Sun)

Waning Moon in Cancer

Digging the soil, spreading compost, half-rotted manure and old sawdust. With the onset of frost, digging the soil under the bushes of currants, gooseberries and raspberries to destroy pests. Collection of sea-buckthorn, chokeberry and red-fruited mountain ash for canning, and autumn apples for processing.
from 25 September 2016 16:48 (Sun)
to September 28, 2016 0:43 (Wed)

Waning Moon in Leo

Unfavorable time for planting any plants. Carrying out forming and rejuvenating pruning of currants, gooseberries. Removal of diseased and barren trees and shrubs, preparation of planting pits for spring planting. fruit picking for drying and canning. Soil cultivation with incorporation of mineral fertilizers.
from September 28, 2016 0:43 (Wed)
to September 30, 2016 5:33 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Virgo

It is possible to carry out anti-aging pruning of honeysuckle, gooseberries, currants. Digging seedlings until spring. Podzimny water-charging irrigation of ornamental shrubs is possible. Favorable days for canning viburnum, processing apples.
from 30 September 2016 5:33 (Fri)
to September 30, 2016 23:59 (Fri)


It is not recommended to plant, transplant, cut anything. Digging and loosening the soil.
10/01/2016 03:11 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month,

Lunar calendar 2016- I propose to make a table with sections: Moon data and date, vegetables, flower garden, garden. And to distribute the information on these graphs.

Popular signs about the weather in September:
In September it's nicer in the afternoon, but it's worthless in the morning.
Thunder in September - to a long autumn.
September - it's wet weather, but above all fertile

Based on one rather interesting folk omen, it is compiled (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod).

* To determine the local time of the lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

The gardener's calendar for September 2016 provides astronomical data on the movement of the moon, folk signs and recommendations on when it is better to loosen the soil, harvest ripe fruits, plant vegetables, fruit trees and bushes, water plants in open and closed ground, remove weeds and dried branches in a timely manner shrubs, pest control.

Signs of September

The signs of September will help everyone involved in agriculture to predict the weather in order to harvest berries, vegetables, fruits and other crops in time, to protect plants from pests, rains. According to these signs, a skilled owner will be able to determine what type of work should be preferred this month.

The stronger the wind, the less the threat of frost.
The dog digs the ground or rolls on the ground - to rain and bad weather, curls up in a ball - to the cold.
The leaves on the birch have turned yellow - frosts are expected.
Salt dampens - to wet weather.

September 1 - Andrey Stratilat:
What is the first day of September, such is the whole autumn.
If the wind blows this day from the south, then it promises a good harvest of oats.
The departure of cranes from 1 to 5 September portends an early winter.
If at the beginning of the month the moon, as it were, rolled over on its back (first quarter), the weather will be sunny and warm for several days.

September 3 - Thaddeus:
If this day is clear, the weather will be fine for another four weeks.

September 5 - Lingonberry Magnifier:
If there is no frost, it won't freeze in September."
If lingonberries ripen, then you need to hurry with the oats reaping.
If the cranes fly low, then the winter is warm, if it is high, then it is cold.
If the cranes pulled south, winter will come early.
Cranes fly low, quickly, silently - expect bad weather soon.

September 7 - Bartholomew's Day:
A large harvest of mushrooms during the summer heralds a long winter.
Bartholomew has come, life for this winter!

September 8 - Natalia Ovsyanitsa:
A large harvest of mountain ash - to frost.
A cold morning heralds an early and cold winter.

September 10 - Anna and Savva Skirdniki:
If the fallen leaves cling tightly to the heap, then this portends a harsh winter.

September 11 - Beheading of the head of the Baptist John:
If the cranes flew south, it will be early winter.
Medicinal roots are collected on Ivan the Lenten.
Thunder on this day portends Divine protection and a long warm autumn.

September 14 - Semyonov day:
If the geese fly away, wait for early winter.
If it rains on this day, then the autumn will be rainy.
If there is a lot of nettennet, wild ducks sit down, and starlings do not fly away - the autumn is long and dry.
If there is a wind from under the sun on Semenya, in winter the winds will be from the north.
If the wind blows on Semyon from the southern region, the winter will be rotten or warm.
If the weather is warm on Seeds, then the whole winter will be warm.
Flies and cockroaches are buried on Seeds (to disappear).
If you kill a fly before the Seed-day, seven flies will be born; if you kill after Semyon, seven will die.

September 21 - Nativity of the Virgin:
If the weather is good, then the whole autumn will be like that.

September 23 - Peter and Paul Autumn:
A lot of berries on a mountain ash portends a harsh winter.
If there are a lot of mountain ash in the forest, the autumn is rainy, if there are few, it is dry.

September 24 - Fedora Autumn:
Two Fedoras a year - autumn and winter, one with mud, and the other with cold.
If the bees start another summer, then there will be a long and warm autumn.

September 27 - Exaltation, Shift:
If it is cold on Vozdvizhenye, next summer it will be warm.
Geese fly high to Vozdvizhenye - to a high flood, low - to a small one.

September 28 - Nikitin's day:
If a goose stands over a puddle and raises its paw - to cold, stands on one leg - to frost, rinses in water - to heat, hides its nose under the wing - to early winter.

Sowing calendar for September 2016

In September, for growing and harvesting vegetables, fruits, flowers and other plants in open and closed ground, both weather conditions and astronomical and astrological data on the movement of the Moon, its phases and position in the signs of the Zodiac are important. To do this, we present the lunar sowing calendar for September 2016.

The calendar shows the phases of the moon, lunar days and the position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac in Kyiv time.

September 1- change of phases of the moon, IV / I phase, new moon, solar eclipse (12:05), 29/30/1st lunar day (6:08, 12:05), Moon in Virgo. Day of rest and planning.

September 2- Phase I, growing, 1/2 lunar day (7:13), Moon in Virgo. It is favorable to collect seeds, plant and replant plants, shrubs, trees, sow grass on lawns.

September 3- I phase, growing, 2/3rd lunar day (8:08), Moon in Virgo / Libra (3:57). It is favorable to collect beans and other legumes, sow, plant, transplant climbing plants, medicinal herbs.

4 September- I phase, growing, 3/4th lunar day (9:21), Moon in Libra. It is favorable to sow, plant, transplant climbing plants, medicinal herbs.

September 5- I phase, growing, 4/5th lunar day (10:23), Moon in Libra / Scorpio (15:41). It is favorable to sow, plant, transplant leafy vegetables, medicinal herbs, water and fertilize plants, mow lawns.

6 September- Phase I, growing, 5/6th lunar day (11:24), Moon in Scorpio. It is favorable to sow, plant, transplant leafy vegetables, medicinal herbs, water and fertilize plants, mow lawns.

September 7- Phase I, growing, 6/7th lunar day (12:24), Moon in Scorpio. It is favorable to sow, plant, transplant leafy vegetables, medicinal herbs, water and fertilize plants, mow lawns.

8 September- Phase I, growing, 7/8th lunar day (13:23), Moon in Scorpio / Sagittarius (4:21). It is favorable to plant tall vegetables, fruit bushes and trees, to fight pests living on the ground.

9th of September- change of phases of the moon, phase I / II (14:51), growing, 8/9th lunar day (14:20), Moon in Sagittarius. It is favorable to plant tall vegetables, fruit bushes and trees, to fight pests living on the ground.

10 September- Phase II, growing, 9/10th lunar day (15:13), Moon in Sagittarius / Capricorn (15:56). It is favorable until (15:56) to plant tall vegetables, fruit bushes and trees, to fight pests living on the earth. After (15:56) it is favorable to plant and sow winter root crops and vegetables, feed flowers, fight against pests living in the ground.

11 September- Phase II, growing, 10/11 lunar day (16:03), Moon in Capricorn. It is favorable to plant and sow winter roots and vegetables, feed flowers, fight pests living in the ground. Believers cannot work.

12-th of September- Phase II, growing, 11/12 lunar day (16:48), Moon in Capricorn. It is favorable to plant and sow winter roots and vegetables, feed flowers, fight pests living in the ground.

September 13- Phase II, growing, 12/13 lunar day (17:28), Moon in Capricorn / Aquarius (0:30). Favorable for planting flowers, medicinal herbs, loosening the soil.

September 14- Phase II, growing, 13/14th lunar day (18:05), Moon in Aquarius. Favorable for planting flowers, medicinal herbs, loosening the soil.

September 15th- Phase II, growing, 14/15 lunar day (18:38), Moon in Aquarius / Pisces (5:25). It is favorable to plant edible honeysuckle in the garden.

16 of September- change of phases of the moon, phase II / III, full moon, lunar eclipse (22:09), 15/16 lunar day (19:09), Moon in Pisces. Day of rest and planning.

September 17- Phase III, waning, 16/17 lunar day (19:39), Moon in Pisces / Aries (2:11). It is favorable to sow and plant everything that grows quickly and is quickly consumed, to harvest cereals, to fertilize cereals, vegetables and fruits.

September 18- Phase III, waning, 17/18 lunar day (20:11), Moon in Aries. It is favorable to sow and plant everything that grows quickly and is quickly consumed, to harvest cereals, to fertilize cereals, vegetables and fruits.

September 19- Phase III, waning, 18/19 lunar day (20:44), Moon in Aries / Taurus (8:02). It is favorable to plant trees, bushes, hedges and root crops, fertilize flowers, fight pests living in the ground.

September 20– Phase III, waning, 19/20th lunar day (21:21), Moon in Taurus. It is favorable to plant trees, bushes, hedges and root crops, fertilize flowers, fight pests living in the ground.

September 21– Phase III, waning, 20/21 lunar day (22:03), Moon in Taurus/Gemini (8:56). It is favorable to fight pests living on plants and the earth.

September 22nd- Phase III, waning, 21/22 lunar day (22:50), Moon in Gemini. It is favorable to fight pests living on plants and the earth.

23 September- change of phases of the moon, phase III / IV (12:58), waning, 22/23rd lunar day (23:44), Moon in Gemini / Cancer (11:35). It is favorable to water plants after a drought, to fight pests living on plants and the ground.

September 24- Phase IV, waning, 23rd lunar day, Moon in Cancer. It is favorable to water plants after a drought, to fight pests living on plants and the ground.

September 25- Phase IV, waning, 23/24th lunar day (0:44), Moon in Cancer / Leo (16:50). It is favorable to water plants after a drought, to fight pests living on plants and the ground.

September 26- Phase IV, waning, 24/25th lunar day (1:47), Moon in Leo. It is favorable to plant perishable vegetables, cut fruit trees and bushes.

September 27- Phase IV, waning, 25/26th lunar day (2:25), Moon in Leo. It is favorable to plant perishable vegetables, cut fruit trees and bushes.

September 28- Phase IV, waning, 26/27th lunar day (3:57), Moon in Leo / Virgo (0:44). It is favorable to plant and replant plants, shrubs, trees, sow grass on lawns.

September 29- Phase IV, waning, 27/28th lunar day (5:03), Moon in Virgo. It is favorable to plant and replant plants, shrubs, trees, sow grass on lawns.

September 30th- Phase IV, waning, 28/29th lunar day (6:07), Moon in Virgo / Libra (10:53). It is favorable to sow, plant, transplant climbing plants, medicinal herbs.
