Repair of the main malfunctions of the chain saw. How to choose a chain saw: tips and advice from the pros Longitudinal chain saw

The chain saw is widely popular among owners of country farms. Although it is not able to fully replace its "sister" with an internal combustion engine, but for small-volume sawmill work, there is no better option. The tool is easy to use: to start working, you just need to connect it to the network. How to choose a chain saw that has a sufficient set of functions, but at the same time does not overpay? To make a competent choice, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors, the main of which we will consider in the article.

A saw is a useful tool in the household, which is often used when cutting branches in the garden, sawing firewood and carpentry.

Compact and easy-to-use tool does not require knowledge and skills in handling a gasoline engine

Initially, manual models of chain saws were rather bulky and heavy. Not surprisingly, the introduction of electric chain saws to the market was received with enthusiasm by most consumers. In addition to ease of operation, a significant advantage of the power tool is that it is environmentally friendly, since it does not emit exhaust gases during operation. This is especially true when sawing materials in a confined space.

The main structural elements of a chain saw are:

  • electric motor in the housing;
  • guide rails;
  • oil pump with oil reservoir.

When the unit is switched on, the motor creates a rotational movement, which is transmitted to the sprocket by means of a bevel gear or direct drive. An asterisk placed in a common plane with the chain begins to rotate it, due to which the cutting blade easily cuts wood.

Recently, many manufacturers have equipped models with a centrifugal clutch, thereby preventing damage to the electric motor and saw gearbox during cycling.

Electric models of chain saws are famous for their long service life, which is achieved due to the constant lubrication of movable elements during operation.

The chain oil located in a special container is supplied by a pump to the tire, from which it is distributed through the chain through the sprockets and the cutting blade. Many models have a lubricant intensity adjustment function that allows you to work with materials of different hardness.

The volume of the container averages 120-200 ml. This volume is enough for 2 hours of continuous operation. The task of the operator is to control the level of oil in the tank, otherwise, when working “dry”, the motor will quickly overheat and the tool will fail.

To facilitate the task of controlling the volume of liquid, manufacturers make transparent inserts in the case or provide for a special probe.

Material about which is better - a chainsaw or an electric saw will also be useful:

Household or professional tool?

Like any power tool, a chain saw is represented on the market by household and professional models. Professional tools are more powerful, which allows them to be used non-stop for a longer time. It is better to choose them if you need frequent use.

Most professional models are equipped with a function to maintain a constant speed of the motor, as well as vibration protection and comfortable handles.

The only drawback of professional chain saws is their high price, which is often several times higher compared to household counterparts.

Household chain saws are more designed for short-term work. The time of continuous operation of the tool is limited to 10-15 minutes, after which it is necessary to pause, allowing the engine to "rest".

The simple design of these models and the use of inexpensive materials in the production can significantly reduce the cost of household chain saws.

In order not to miscalculate, before choosing a chain saw, determine for yourself the amount of expected work and the frequency of use of the unit. If you need a tool for seasonal work in the country, it is quite possible to limit yourself to a household option.

Options for choosing a quality electric saw

The modern market offers a wide range of models. Among the well-known brands of well-established manufacturers, the most popular are: Bosch, Sparky, Patriot ... There are also less popular brands, which often do not concede in terms of presented functions. Therefore, when choosing a chain saw, it is worth focusing not only on brand advertising, but also on the performance characteristics of a particular model.

It will also be useful material on what you should pay attention to before buying a power saw:

Parameter # 1 - location and engine power

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a tool is the power of the engine. Not only performance, but also its durability depends on this parameter.

If power surges in your electrical network are quite common, it is better to choose a tool with a sufficient supply of power. The engine of such a chain saw will not overheat when the voltage drops, giving out rated power.

The motor power of household chain saws can vary between 1.5-2 kW, and the professional one can reach 3.5 kW

In case of unstable voltage, experts recommend choosing models equipped with a thermal control system that automatically turns off the tool. The thermal relay is activated when the temperature of the motor winding reaches the set threshold. But it should be borne in mind that with too frequent shutdowns in conditions of unstable voltage, the performance of the unit is also reduced.

If you focus on the location of the engine in the design, then it can be:

  • Transverse - the axis of the engine is perpendicular to the width of the unit, and its center of gravity is slightly shifted. When working with such a tool, you will have to constantly maintain balance. It is most comfortable to work with it in a vertical plane when you cut from top to bottom.
  • Longitudinal - the design is a straight line in which all components are well balanced. This design solution provides excellent blade balance when turning, giving the tool greater maneuverability.

Saws with a transverse engine are designed for general use. The power of such tools fluctuates around 2 kW, and the weight does not exceed 4 kg.

Saws with a longitudinal arrangement of the engine are indispensable for carpentry work.

The absence of a protruding engine on the side simplifies the work with the tool, but increases the weight of the unit, the value of which can reach 6 kg

From a considerable weight, the hands will quickly get tired, and therefore it will not be very convenient to control such a tool for several hours of continuous work - this should be taken into account.

A very good, increased power tool is offered by the German brand KRÜGER, which has long gained popularity and consumer confidence. has a compact size and is used for harvesting firewood, sawing timber, sawing off branches and branches. The power of the KRUGER electric saw is 2500 W. Impact-resistant plastic protects the device from damage. Among the functions are automatic chain lubrication, start blocking. It is convenient to work: the Kruger electric chain saw weighs only 5 kg.

The price of a Kruger electric saw is about 5,000 rubles, which is more than acceptable for a German manufacturer. Without a doubt, this device is the best demonstration of the ideal ratio of quality and price.

Parameter #2 - Chain Tension Control

In the manufacture of power saws, low-profile chains are used. Although they have lower performance, they are good because they expose the tool to less vibration, making it safer to operate.

The correct tension affects the performance and safety of work, therefore, during operation, the chains of the electric saw have to be tightened quite often

On sale there are models in two versions of the chain tension:

  • Classical - to tension the chain, the fastening screws are loosened and gently shifted with a flat screwdriver. This is a rather painstaking method that takes a lot of time and requires the necessary tools to be at hand.
  • Simplified - chain tension is achieved by loosening the nut and shifting the bar with a slider.

Lubrication of the saw unit in modern models is carried out automatically using an oil pump. The pump is activated at the same time as the saw is turned on. This greatly simplifies the maintenance of the unit. The task of the owner of the saw is to control the level of the oily liquid and add it as needed.

The presence of a lever on the side panel allows you to easily adjust the tension, the system is convenient because it does not require the use of special tools

Parameter #3 - bus length

The working tire on which the chain is fixed can have various modifications. The length of the bar is directly related to the power of the tool. It can reach 30-45 cm. Considering that thick logs are unlikely to be cut in a suburban area, a 40 cm long tire is considered the best option for household work. Tools with a longer tire will be much heavier, more powerful and, therefore, more expensive.

The quality of the cut depends on the thickness of the cutting blade.

For household tools, the standard tooth pitch is 3/8 inch: the thicker the chain, the more powerful the motor must be

On saws of various manufacturers, depending on the performance of the tool, different types of chains and bars can be installed. Over time, moving parts will wear out and need to be replaced. Therefore, in order to prevent problems with finding parts in the future, choose power tools with the most common type of chains.

Parameter #4 - soft start

Engine starting and braking systems are perhaps the most extreme operating modes of the unit. The reason for this is that at these moments, shock doses of current pass through the motor winding, which significantly reduce its resources.

Significantly facilitates work and protects the engine from extreme loads, the soft start system, which limits the starting current, allowing the motor to pick up speed gradually

The soft start system prolongs the "life" of the unit.

The presence of an inertial brake allows you to stop the motor in a split second when the tool is turned off, thereby reducing energy consumption.

Option #5 - Security

Any power saw for woodworking is a potentially dangerous tool. Therefore, when choosing a unit, it is so important to protect yourself from possible injuries in the process of using the tool.

When choosing a power tool, pay attention to whether it has an accidental switch-on lock. It will protect you from danger in case you did not comfortably grasp the tool with one hand or after turning it on found that you were not yet ready to work with it.

When working with a chain saw, “kickback” can be especially dangerous. It occurs when the end of the bar comes into contact with a hard surface of the lumber, as a result of which the tool is thrown back sharply, and its moving chain can injure the operator.

To prevent "kickback", modern models are equipped with an automatic brake system, which is a shield-shaped lever located under the handle.

The automatic brake is activated when the hand slips, when a “kickback” occurs: when pressure is applied to the guard, a spring is activated, which activates the brake and stops the chain.

How not to break a freshly bought tool?

Tool repairers note that most often electric chain saws fail in the spring. This is easily explained by the fact that during the cold winter months condensation accumulates in the windings of the electric motor of the tool. Drops of moisture and provoke a short circuit when the unit is turned on. You can prevent this problem by "withstanding" the tool before starting work in a warm room. To do this, it should be brought into the room at least a day before switching on.

A frequent provocateur of disabling the tool is a drop in mains voltage. When the voltage drops and the unit develops its rated power, due to intense heat release, the insulation can simply melt or close the armature. Therefore, when working with a tool, it is so important to monitor the stability of the current and periodically give the unit a “rest”.

A chain saw is a simple and easy-to-use tool. With proper care and compliance with safety regulations, it will last more than 5 years without requiring additional costs.

Draw an imaginary straight line along the tool bar. If the engine is placed along this line, it is a saw with a longitudinal engine. If the motor is mounted perpendicular to this imaginary axis, then you are holding a saw with a transverse motor. The layout and structure of such engines are different, which, of course, has a different effect on the operation of the electric saw, its productivity and comfort.

There are many different opinions and theories regarding the transverse or longitudinal arrangement of the engine, so let's say right away: both electric saws are efficient and easy to use, but some nuances should still be taken into account when choosing.

The main guideline when choosing is the answer to the question: why do I need an electric saw? If you are going to climb trees, cutting branches or sawing trees and bushes in the garden near the house, then, of course, you need to take a narrow and compact saw with a longitudinal motor. It is more convenient in any hard-to-reach places, maneuverable and comfortable. This is a well thought out straight tool that will not resist if you tilt it to cut at any angle and in different planes - horizontal or vertical.

If your goal is sawing logs, in order to then chop them for firewood, then feel free to take an electric saw with a transverse motor, it is somewhat cheaper. This arrangement of the motor (across) is more traditional and is used more often. The crosscut saw is light, which reduces the load on the back during operation, and is always more powerful and faster, and the speed and productivity of work is an important advantage. Undoubtedly, such a saw can also be used to form the crown of trees, but get ready for the fact that the transverse motor will touch the branches.

The convenience of working with an electric saw is influenced by many different factors, the main of which we will try to consider.

The right balance is the key to easy work

A perfectly balanced tool is one whose center of gravity is exactly in the middle. It is a pleasure to work with an electric saw with the right balance: it does not “lead to the side”, you do not need to strain your hands all the time, improving the weight distribution of the tool. Electric saws with a longitudinal engine arrangement are distinguished by such a correct weight distribution. Their design is a straight line: here is a hand for you, but a narrow saw is a direct continuation of the hand, as well as the vector of the direction of force. This is the most convenient during operation and gives a wide scope for maneuvers, it is more convenient to work with such a saw both vertically and at the desired angle.

For saws with a transverse motor, the axis of the motor is perpendicular to the bar of the saw, so the center of gravity is shifted. Because of this, there is a slight imbalance during operation - you have to constantly keep the balance of the saw.

Power is essential for successful sawing

If the saw does not have enough power to cut, it is a big problem. Therefore, it should be noted that with the same motor power, saws with a transverse and longitudinal motor behave differently. The reason for this is the different engine design.

For electric saws with a longitudinal arrangement of the engine, a bevel gear is installed in the gearbox. The cost of transmission of this kind is that it does not transfer the full power of the engine to the saw bar, partially eating it. Coefficient of performance (COP) - reduced to 85-90 percent. With saws with a transverse motor, this problem does not exist: the side motor guarantees 100% transmission of its power.

Based on this: a rip saw with a power of 2 kW will transfer 1.7-1.8 kW to the chain, depending on the manufacturer. And a saw with a transverse motor of the same power will transfer all the declared 2 kW to the movement of the chain, so it will cut faster and better.

It is worth noting that some leading European brands (for example, the German Bosch) do not produce saws with a longitudinal motor at all due to loss of power during sawing.

Which saw is more reliable and durable?

The traditional transverse motor design is simpler, it does not have a complex bevel gear, which is needed in order to rotate the axis of rotation 90 degrees.

As practice shows, in a simpler saw gearbox with a transverse gear, the gears work more reliably than in an angle gearbox, which is installed in a longitudinal engine. Thus, crosscut saws are more reliable and enduring, they are less likely to break the motor and have a longer service life.

But, at the same time, keep in mind that the reliability of the motor directly depends on the manufacturer. It is clear that a high-quality German electric saw will a priori be more reliable than a cheap Chinese model, regardless of the location of the engine.

How to choose an electric chain saw - where to look in the purchase are not examples of solid options

chain electric saw has long gained popularity as a tool for sawmilling in small volumes. To refuel it, you will not take expensive fuel, as for gasoline analogues, it is very comfortable to use oil in service. This is an excellent option for short-term sawing of firewood for cutting branches, while the tool is constantly on alert not to be able to start working, you just need to plug the plug into the outlet.

How to choose an electric saw with a sufficient set of functions without immediately overpaying too much? We will try to answer the myth question by looking at the main features of a high quality instrument.

Electric saw helps to quickly cut a small amount of firewood

Do you need an electric saw?

While you start to ask the price of certain models, you should decide whether this tool is suitable for you in general. About the electric saw chain reviews will be very different - someone likes it, but someone does not. In the bulk of the negative attitude is associated with the wrong selection of the type of instrument. Nettle, electric saw that will cope with many hours of felling trees - this is only available to a professional chainsaw. The presence of a cable is another drawback of an electric tool, tying it to a source of electricity. However, an electric saw can become your indispensable assistant in several cases:

  • if you prefer to work indoors - house, shed or garage. In a confined space, the use of petrol tools, which emit exhaust fumes, can be dangerous.
  • if you just don't want to pollute the environment with gasoline engine exhaust. In this plan electric saw does not pose any threat - it is the most environmentally friendly tool.
  • if the amount of work on the site is small and the cutting tool is not required regularly.
  • if there are no problems with the length of the cord and the presence of an electrical outlet.

The device of the electric saw allows it to be used indoors

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In the presence of the above factors, you can proceed to the selection of a suitable electric saw.

How to choose a chain saw by engine power

Engine power is the first thing you need to pay attention to. This characteristic can vary considerably, but on average it is 1000-2100 watts. Not only the performance of the saw depends on the power, but also its durability. Evaluate the stability of the voltage in your electrical network and, if its surges are a frequent occurrence, then a more powerful unit should be preferred. This is due to the fact that when the voltage drops, the motor will not be able to deliver rated power and, as a result, will quickly overheat.

Comparative test of chains for ripping and crosscutting

Comparative circuit test for longitudinal And transverse cut for cutting round timber on the plate. Page.

With the power saw "Parma M" you do not have to worry about voltage stability

If the device of the electric saw provides for the presence of a thermal control system, then the tool will simply turn off, if not, then a short circuit and breakage of the tool may occur. By the way, the presence of this system with unstable voltage is also not a panacea, since the saw will turn off too often, significantly reducing work productivity. Thus, the more powerful the motor is chosen, the less you will have to worry about the voltage in the network. For example, universal electric saw"Parma M" with a two kW engine does not lose its performance within 198-224 V. Such electric saw feedback on work performance receives only positive.

Engine location - transverse or longitudinal?

The choice of electric saw may also depend on the location of the engine in the structure. With a transverse arrangement, when the axis of the engine is perpendicular to the tire, the center of gravity of the saw will be shifted. During operation, a slight imbalance will occur, so the balance of the saw will have to be constantly aligned. The longitudinal arrangement of the engine is more convenient. The whole structure will be a straight line, which gives the saw greater maneuverability and allows you to position the tire when working at different angles. The Gardena CSI 4020-X saw is equipped with a longitudinal engine, the device of which is remarkably balanced and therefore most convenient in operation.

Gardena CSI 4020-X with longitudinal engine

Possibility of regulation chain tension

Caring for an electric saw necessarily involves adjustment chain tension. Sometimes, when the chain begins to sag, it needs to be tightened. Most often this is done with a wrench, tightening the nuts. However, in new modern models, for example, the STIHL MSE one hundred and forty C-BQ has a convenient system chain tension. To do this, there is a lever on the side of the case that allows you to easily adjust the tension.

Read also

System chain tension in the STIHL MSE electric saw one hundred and forty C-BQ

Soft start of the engine

When starting and braking the engine, a shock dose of current flows through its winding, which does not have the best effect on its condition. In order to protect the engine from such extreme loads, the best electric saws of famous manufacturers are equipped with a soft start system, which reduces the dose of starting current, accelerating the motor gradually.

Attention to safety!

Any power saw for wood is a potentially dangerous tool, so when buying, you should limit yourself to the maximum from possible injuries during its operation. Choose a model with a blocking of chain movement in case of accidental activation, kickback of the saw or grabbing the tool with one hand.

The most traumatic moment when working with an electric saw is a kickback that occurs when the end of the tire collides with a hard surface. In this case, the tool is thrown back sharply and, with the chain moving, can injure the operator. In order to prevent accidents associated with kickback, modern electric saws (Partner, Bosch, Makita, etc.) are equipped with an inertial brake.

Inertia brake shield protects against the effects of kickback GreenWorks GD40CS40 cordless chain saw. Garden Mechanisms Created by: Garden Mechanisms Posted: 16 Sept. 2015 Views: 3.2 280 Likes: 3 Dislikes: 2.7 Buy GreenWorks GD40CS40 Cordless Chain Saw: Buy GreenWorks GD40CS40K2X Cordless Chain Saw: The most powerful DigiPro brushless motor provides ...

Rotating chains as a cutting tool are used in various types of saws. Sawing speed depends on several factors - engine power, chain speed, bar length.

Consider electric chain saws:

As a drive for hand saws, gasoline or electric motors are used, diesel engines are practically not used. This is due to their massiveness and problems with starting at low temperatures.

Chain saws with electric motors and chainsaws differ in motors

The saw part of them is the same in design. Chains can be used in petrol and electric saws. The pitch and length of the chain must match. Saw chains are available in 0.325" and 0.375" pitches. In order not to confuse them when buying, the second type is marked with the number 3/8.

Which saw is better - gasoline or electric

Saws with an electric drive are equipped with motors up to 1800 - 2500 W and are designed to work on a personal plot, in a garden, on a construction site. They are more convenient than chainsaws if you have to work indoors. There is no exhaust, the noise from their work is much lower, they are lighter than chainsaws of similar power - they are easier to work in confined spaces.

It is much more difficult to perform complex work, like felling trees or sawing a thick beam with an electric saw. The distance to the place of work is limited by the length of the cable, if you have to work in the far part of the site, inconvenience arises. It is difficult and unsafe to work with an electric saw in conditions of high humidity - they are connected to a 220 V network, and all safety rules for behavior with a power tool should be observed.

It is impossible to say unequivocally that a chainsaw is better than an electric one. It depends on the working conditions and tasks that are performed with the chain saw.

For professional work in the forest, gasoline models are better, for domestic purposes and construction - electric ones.

Video - Which saw to choose, electric or gasoline?

The main types of power saw designs

The saw part of an electric saw is similar to a chainsaw. The saw part is:

  1. drive sprocket;
  2. tire;
  3. chain;
  4. clutch (centrifugal, inertial or friction).

Electric saws are equipped with tires (metal plates with grooves for chain movement and a driven sprocket) up to 45 cm long. The pitch of the chain and sprocket must match.

It is not recommended to install a longer bar on the saw. This will not increase sawing speed, but will overload the motor or cause clutch failure. It is not recommended to install a headset on the saw with a different pitch than provided for by the design.

The difference between electric saws is the location of the electric motor. If its axis of rotation is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the saw, then the layout is transverse. If the axes match, then it is longitudinal. It is from the layout that many performance qualities depend.

Crosscut saws

The engine is located in such a way that the drive sprocket is directly connected to the shaft. This eliminates power losses and increases chain dynamics. The saw instantly picks up speed, which is important when working with a large amount of material of small thickness. The efficiency of such a saw is high in almost all cases when the sawing plane is vertical or at a slight angle from the vertical.

If you want to perform a horizontal cut, then it is more difficult to work with such a saw - the torque, especially with a sufficiently large engine power, significantly affects the operator's hands. But these inconveniences are practically not felt during domestic use of an electric saw and are fully compensated by high efficiency and a high resource.

Electric saws with a longitudinal arrangement of the engine

The force from the engine is transmitted to the drive sprocket through a bevel gear. The presence of an additional mechanism of high complexity somewhat reduces the technical reliability of the saw, increases its longitudinal dimensions and imposes certain restrictions on engine power.

Rip saws are much more manoeuvrable than crosscut saws. You can work with them in a limited space at any sawing angle. In addition, a better balance of the saw allows you to work longer without rest - although the weight of both types of saws is almost the same, the better distribution of it in the longitudinal saw causes less fatigue.

What to look for when choosing an electric saw

The choice of a saw according to the location of the engine is in many cases subjective - you need to buy a tool so that it is confidently held in your hand, and it is convenient for you to work with it. At home, you rarely have to work with a saw for more than 2 - 3 hours, so the balance of the saw and the distribution of loads on the hands are practically not felt. But there are a number of parameters of power saws that you need to pay attention to when choosing.

  1. chain brake
  2. The first of these is the presence of a brake. It is necessary for human safety when working with a saw. If, when the saw is turned on, the upper part of the chain touches an obstacle in the form of a tree branch, rail, board, when the chain is clamped in the cut or other unforeseen sharp loads on the saw part, the saw will sharply bounce back. To prevent the sawyer's hands from inertial kickback, which can be quite sensitive, and at a certain angle of attack, and dangerous, electric saws are equipped with a special chain rotation stop system.

    The operation of the brake is to turn off the drive sprocket when the saw guard interacts with the sawyer's hand, or when a large inertial force is generated when the saw moves backward. The first system is called contact and is typical for power saws of the middle and budget price segments, the second, inertial, more complex and expensive. It is used in expensive models. In terms of reliability, they are almost the same, but the speed of response of the inertial system is somewhat higher. Practice shows that in domestic use the brake is activated once or twice a year. But this is quite enough for it to be installed on the model you have chosen.

    Checking its performance is very simple. It is necessary to press the start button and, after establishing the operating speed, slightly push the upper crossbar of the brake flap. The chain should stop immediately. In some models, the motor is also switched off, but, in most cases, only the saw chain stops. This is enough to avoid strong kickback of the saw.

  3. Lubrication system
  4. The working conditions of the saw chain, bar and sprockets (leading and driven) are difficult. In addition, they experience significant loads from the resistance of the material being sawn, which causes a strong chain tension in the contact zone with it and along the entire length of the lower working edge. The rotational speed is very high. This causes frictional forces between the rotating and sliding parts of the saw set. The speed of the chain reaches 15 - 20 m / s.

    Without a reliable lubrication system, the chain and sprockets will not be able to work for a long time. They get very hot and fail after a few hours of operation (or even in less time). The lubrication system works continuously. Immediately after starting the engine, oil from a special reservoir is pumped to the back of the saw bar, where it spreads along the plane, penetrates into the guide grooves and is captured by the moving chain. As a result, the oil is carried along the entire length of the tire and enters the driven sprocket.

    When starting the saw for the first time, before working, it should be kept at low speed for 5 to 10 seconds so that the oil is completely distributed to all parts. In winter, increase this time to 30 - 40 seconds so that the tire and chain warm up normally. The oil becomes less viscous and better lubricates the headset. This simple operation will extend the life of the chain and tire by 20 - 25%;

    It is easy to check the effectiveness of the lubrication system upon purchase. To do this, just pour a few tens of grams of oil into the tank. After turning on the saw, bring the end of the tire to a sheet of paper. If oily spots appear on the paper when the chain rotates at medium speed, then the system is working properly. In the case where spots appear only after 20 - 30 seconds of operation at full power, the reliability of the system is questionable.

    The capacity of the oil tank in household electric saws is 0.12 - 0.25 liters. With an average load, this amount is enough for 1.5 - 2 hours of work. But this time depends on the type of oil pump, oil viscosity, temperature and many more factors. Therefore, it is necessary to control the oil level during operation every 20-30 minutes. It is convenient if the tank is equipped with a visual level control scale.

    Never use waste oil drained from internal combustion engines, especially diesel engines, in power saws. Such savings will reduce the life of the saw set by 30 - 40% if the oil pump does not fail earlier.

  5. Soft start system, overload protection and start blocking
  6. A high-quality electric saw should be equipped with a soft start system. It does not allow an instant increase in engine speed, which significantly increases its resource. The safety of work, service life and convenience of work depend on the presence of such a system. In modern electric saws, there is no soft start system except for the most budget models.

The survivability of the saw also depends on such a device as a thermostat. When the motor gets too hot, it simply cuts off the current.

Overheating can occur for many reasons:

  • lack of oil in the tank;
  • chain blunting;
  • too thick log;
  • destruction of the driven sprocket of the tire;
  • high outside air temperature.
If you do not control the temperature of the motor, it can quickly burn out. Replacing the engine or repairing it is expensive, so it's better to buy a more expensive saw with a thermal protection system. Especially if you are going to work with her often and for a long time.

The safety of the sawyer and the people around him directly depends on the presence of a lock on the start button. Accidentally pressing the start button causes the motor to start and the chain to rotate. The teeth of the chain are sharp, and you can get injured in an instant. The start lock protects against accidental activation. It does not affect the convenience of work.

It is very good if the saw has an inertial brake. It stops the chain almost immediately after turning off the engine. In many cases, this avoids trouble, for example, when the chain breaks, or it “meets” a nail or staple that is not noticed in the board.

An excellent feature of the electric saw is the ability to tension the chain with a special handle, without the help of a wrench. However, this is provided only in some models of the professional and semi-professional class. If this option is not provided on the saw you have chosen, you should not be upset. With the help of a key, it is easy to stretch and this process does not take much time.

Video - an example of the operation of the Makita electric saw

Choosing a saw by brand

If you focus only on the brand of the saw, it is difficult to make a mistake when choosing any model of companies:

  • Makita;
  • sadko;
  • Bosch;
  • gardena;
  • Stihl.
They produce a wide range of household and professional models of the highest quality, but, unfortunately, the highest price category. Good premium models are produced by McCulloch, Black & Decker, Intertool. When buying power saws of these brands, it is also difficult to get a low-quality tool.

Good models for the home are produced under the brands Brigadir, Interskol, Fiolent, Energomash, Foresta. Electric saws of these brands have an almost complete set of functions, but are cheaper. There is no better choice for the home workshop.

Photo of an electric saw from Energomash

The cheapest power saws of unknown or new brands can only be bought if you intend to turn them on only when absolutely necessary and work several times a year. Under moderate load, they work quite well. But for long-term work on the construction of a summer house, for example, or a wooden fence around the perimeter of a country house site, they are not very suitable. After 10 - 15 minutes of work, it is necessary to make a technical stop for the same amount of time. They are usually made of cheap materials and buying them is like playing the lottery.

Photo of a Forest saw

Makita and Bosch produce interesting models of cordless chain saws. They are equipped with two replaceable 36 V Li-Ion batteries with a capacity of 2.2 Ah each. Charging from a special device included in the saw kit lasts 1.5 - 2 hours. Approximately the same amount of time the saw works on one battery at an average load - up to 100 cuts in a log with a diameter of 0.1 m. Near the house, you can work with a saw almost continuously.

Photo of the electric saw company Shtil (Shtil)

The cordless saws are equipped with tires from 20 to 30 mm long. The chain for cutting is standard 3/8 inch. With a chain speed of up to 8.5 m / s, this provides decent performance, comparable to chainsaws of similar power. Cordless saws are convenient when working with low-density materials - drywall, plywood, mineral wool, OSB boards. But even with a deck board, clapboard and block house, they cope without much difficulty.

How to extend the life of an electric saw

The power saw is the type of tool that, with proper care, will last for decades.

To do this, you need to follow a few simple but important rules:

  • always monitor the oil level in the tank;
  • do not work in rainy weather and in damp rooms;
  • timely sharpen chains and change sprockets;
  • if voltage drops of more than 30 V are observed in the mains in both directions, then the saw should be connected using a current stabilizer.
  • after each session, thoroughly clean the instrument from sawdust and dirt.

Regarding the replacement of sprockets, chains and tires - they are consumables and can withstand a limited period. On the teeth of each chain there are special wear marks, upon reaching which it should be replaced. The bar and driven sprocket last approximately three times as long as the chain.

After replacing the three chains, the bar and both sprockets should also be replaced, regardless of wear. Even if they still look decent, the inevitable development of teeth and grooves will lead to accelerated chain wear or chain breakage. If you follow these simple rules of behavior with an electric saw, then it will be a faithful assistant for many years.

The first start-up of the electric saw and its subsequent maintenance

Owners of country farms widely use power tools, a chain saw is no exception to the list. A chain saw is not able to work with volumes like gasoline models, however, it can cope with a small household. Sawing and harvesting firewood, pruning, caring for trees are many times faster thanks to hand-held power tools. Starting the device is not difficult, just connect it to a 220 volt network. There is a large assortment in terms of power and price range, in order to choose the best model for the economy, a number of parameters should be studied.

How does an electric chain saw work?

For housekeeping, cutting trees and caring for the adjacent territory to the farm, you need the appropriate tool. The chain saw can cope with the tasks in an instant, does not require special maintenance, and is quite mobile. The basic principle of operation is the conversion of electric current into mechanical energy, due to which the circuit rotates. The main nodes in the electric saw:

  • The electric motor located in the case.
  • Guide bars to keep the cutting element in place.
  • Saw chain.
  • Oil pump for chain cooling and lubrication.

Manual models of chain saws of the first models were let in in a bulky case, thanks to a gasoline engine located in the body of the unit. They required frequent maintenance, because. the engine was running at full load without concomitant cooling. Mobile chain saws made it possible to avoid problems with power supply, smoke from exhaust gases, which allows you to work in an unventilated space.

Oil tank cap

The oil filling hole is located in the body, closed with a stopper. The average volume of the container is approximately 150 ml, which allows, depending on the speed, to work for at least 2 hours. When working with an electric saw, you should control the oil level in the system, otherwise it is possible to damage the engine and the cutting element.

Oil is supplied to the tire by pumping with a special pump. Most modern models are equipped with an intensive lubrication system that regulates the oil supply, depending on the load on the blade.

electric motor

The main function of the electric motor is to create rotational movements that are transmitted to the canvas. The transmission of force occurs by direct drive or bevel gear for work at high speeds. The latest models are equipped with a centrifugal clutch system that automatically stops the engine at critical loads. Reliable and durable service of the tool is achieved due to the presence of a lubrication system for moving parts.

Chain and bar

The chain cuts materials and is subjected to constant loads. Equipped with cutting edges, located to the guide rail. Due to the greater width of the chain, the constant flow of oil, jamming is excluded.

The principle of operation of the electric saw

Work with an electric saw is carried out in accordance with the maximum loads specified in the technical documentation. Chain saws when used, have some features. The process begins with connecting the tool to a 220 V household network, pressing a button. The motor is driven, transfers the rotating force to the chain mechanism through a gearbox or transmission.

The chain attached to the bar allows you to saw blades. The chain is lubricated by an oil pump located in the housing. In modern electric saws, the force is controlled, depending on this, the right amount of oil is supplied to the blade.

How to choose a chain saw

When choosing any power tool, you need to pay attention to the technical characteristics and power. The volumes and quality of the processes carried out at the site depend on these indicators. It is possible to choose a power saw from those presented with a large assortment on the market, but you should pay attention to trusted manufacturers.

In order to get guaranteed, time-tested tool reliability, you should pay attention to the following companies:

  • Stihl.
  • Bosch.
  • Makita.
  • partner.

There are cheaper analogues from Chinese or domestic manufacturers. When buying, you should pay attention to proper safety, the mass of the tool. When working, the absence of these requirements can cause a lot of trouble and harm health.

Engine Power Ratings

The parameter must be correctly studied, to choose an electric saw that meets the tasks. For example, for cutting down old bushes or branches in the garden, a low power option is suitable, as it is safer for small jobs and economical.

With regular use of the tool, for example, cutting down medium-sized trees, it is worth turning to more powerful models. The average power for an electric saw is from 1.5 to 2 kW. The motor power range for large volumes of processes should vary from 2.5 to 5 kW.

It is important to understand that increased power can fail in the old electrical wiring, so you should purchase a stabilizer, use new wiring. In some models, there is a function to increase the power at low current, which allows you to continue operations at reduced voltage.

The presence of a blocking function

The blocking device is designed for the safety of the operator during work. The design consists in such a way that it is impossible to turn on the electric motor without an appropriate effort on the handle or pressing a button. Self-respecting manufacturer, cares about the safety of customers. In the event of a lack or bypass of the blockage, a serious cutting tool can injure a person.

A chain saw that is not equipped with security systems is highly discouraged for purchase. The absence of a system indicates a zero manufacturer's safety guarantee, or the proposed saw is a completely budget model, or maybe a fake.

Features of the location of the engine

In electric saws, the engine is located in two ways - a longitudinal or transverse device. For vertical cuts, the best option is a transverse motor, it will allow you to make a straight cut at an angle of 90 degrees. On the shelves of stores it is possible to meet models in which the balance is disturbed. It will be difficult to work with such saws with outstretched arms, a change in position may not bring the desired result.

The longitudinal placement of the engine appeared later, the design requires a gear mechanism to transfer force to the chain, respectively, this is displayed on the price of the device. A chain saw with a transverse motor is used in all types of work, regardless of the location of the products.

Bar length

The tire is selected according to several parameters, the characteristics of the length affect the performance and speed of processes. If operations with thick tree species are supposed, then it is worth choosing a longer tire. Such a device will allow you to saw through the trunk at a time, but it has an increased price.

For sawing firewood or hilling bushes in suburban areas, models with a short tire are suitable. Such electric saws require less engine power, respectively, the price is one level lower. For normal conditions, a length of 30 cm or more is sufficient.

chain brake

When working with an electric saw, it is not uncommon for cases of kickback when the worker is pushed away from the object. Such cases are caused by contacts of a chain rotating at high speeds with a solid stationary object. The conditions may cause injury to the hands or other parts of the operator's body.

For safe operation, the chain saw is equipped with a chain brake. The device is located in such a way that during the impact, the operator can sharply pull the lever, thereby stopping the saw. The solution is similar to the principle of operation of the emergency button located at the stationary equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages of power tools

The volume of surfaces processed by a chain saw of the type directly depends on its level. A professional electric saw is used for long-term work and is able to replace a chain saw with a combustion engine. The cordless variety of power saws of the middle, professional class will make it possible to work away from the mains, without requiring fuel.

The purchase of any unit must be considered and carefully weighed. The technical condition of the tool must be at the proper level in order to perform work efficiently. With a small volume, a chain saw for wood may not pay back the investment.

When buying, you need to pay attention to the main elements:

  • The quality of the oil pump - it must be reliable, able to pump different types of oil into the system. It is worth paying attention to the viscosity and the warranty period.
  • The gearbox of budget models is often made of plastic. It is worth asking if it will be possible to replace it and how much it will cost financially.
  • The size of the chain must be selected running, the cutting element tends to often stretch and tear. You also need to pay attention to the tension mechanism.

Compliance with the conditions, thoughtful steps will make it possible to purchase a durable and reliable electric saw.
