What can be made from laser discs. From fake discs: step-by-step instructions and photos

Progress cannot be stopped. Until recently, we were thinking about how to copy old videotapes onto CDs. And now - a whole stack of carefully collected disks is gathering dust in the closet like a useless burden. Don't rush to throw them away!

Scratched or damaged CDs and DVDs can be used to make great crafts. Designers and simply amateurs create from them many useful and necessary things for home and outdoor recreation.

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What to make from old disks

ideas from all over the world

  1. Cup coasters. The size and shape are exactly what you need. All that remains is to decorate. You can glue felt circles to the disks and decorate them with multi-colored scraps of fabric.

    Or paint it in different colors and decorate it using a stencil.

  2. Not quite sure what to call this group of crafts. Mobiles, musical pendants or dream catchers? You can hang them on your porch or in your garden and they will magically reflect light and play with the wind and sun all summer long.

    It is also claimed that structures made of discs moving in the wind effectively scare away birds.

  3. Mirror mosaic. Using scissors or pliers, break the discs into small pieces. You will get miniature shards that can be used to decorate any surface: frames, flower pots, dishes and furniture. Whatever you do, it will shine with all the colors of the rainbow.

    The technology of work is the same as when laying tiles: preparing (degreasing) the surface, applying a layer of glue or putty, laying out the mosaic, drying. The gaps between individual fragments can be filled with stained glass paints.

  4. Volumetric figures. Graphic designer and children's book illustrator Sean Avery from Australia makes figurines of truly fabulous beauty from fragments of old CDs.

  5. Crafts for children. Children love the iridescent shine and shape of the discs. Together with the kids, you can arm yourself with scissors, colored paper and turn a stack of old CDs into a home zoo.

  6. Creative lamps.

  7. Watch dials.

  8. Coffee tables.

  9. Stands.

  10. New Year decoration.

  11. Installations.
    British artist Bruce Monroe collected 65,000 used CDs and turned them into 100 sparkling lily pads, which he placed on the surface of a lake at Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania.

    The installation Wastelandscape, presented at the Centquatre cultural center in Paris, is most similar to a sea of ​​CDs.

We have listed the most interesting ways how to use old disks. If you love, then this article was created especially for you. Get more CDs, be patient and start creating!

It is better to use factory-recorded discs for work. They give a uniform reflection of all the colors of the rainbow and do not delaminate when cut. When cutting old CDs into pieces, you need to protect your hands with gloves and your eyes with plastic glasses. To make cutting the discs easier, it is more convenient to preheat them.

Crafts from old disks You can use it at home, or you can give it to your loved ones. After all, beautiful and hand-made candlesticks, boxes, vases, and photo frames bring much more positive emotions than store-bought ones.

Nikolai Laduba loves to spend time actively and goes hiking. He is a big fan of science fiction. Nikolai’s son is only 7 years old, but he shares his father’s hobbies: what could be better than cozying up and watching the Star Trek series with the whole family? Our author approaches all issues in detail, as evidenced by the quality of his articles. Nikolai's favorite book is “The Black Prince” by Iris Murdoch.

The digital era is developing at a crazy pace! Once upon a time, CDs were considered the best storage media, but now they gather dust somewhere in the garage or in boxes on the mezzanine. But some unknown force still does not allow us to get rid of them. This is probably all due to their attractive, shiny surface. If you just can't say goodbye to this beauty, we'll share 9 really worthwhile craft ideas from old CDs for the garden and cottage, which you can do with your own hands.

1. Hot pads

Let's start our master class with a description of the simplest craft, namely, a stand for hot cups or a kettle. This is a necessary thing in the household, especially considering how quickly a polyethylene tablecloth melts under the influence of heat. But for many, it is precisely this that protects the surface. Options making stands some. Depending on the amount of free time and the availability of materials, everyone will find an option to their liking.

  • The simplest stands They just look like painted wheels. Some people will want to paint the plate on both sides, others will leave the shiny side untouched - the choice is yours. They are most suitable for these purposes. You can apply a thick layer of paint to the surface, and then use a toothpick to “scratch” any pattern. The excess paint will be easily removed, leaving you with beautiful shiny lines. You can immediately apply the ornament with paints by hand or use a stencil. After complete drying, you can safely place hot dishes on the stand. You can protect the paint layer with two balls of acrylic varnish.
  • The stand will be more dense and heat-resistant if you stick small sea pebbles, glass beads or decorative stones on it. An interesting way to decorate - solid coffee beans. Such cute and beautiful items will make tea drinking more enjoyable. You can attach the decor with superglue or using a heat gun. It is recommended to open the surface with varnish.
  • A more painstaking way - braiding multi-colored disks threads. To do this, the base is first woven. A thread is pulled through the central hole and a small number of turns are made, about 5-7. Thus, the surface is divided into equal sectors. Now choose the color you want and thread the thread in a circle. One step under the main thread, the other above it, and so on in turn. Reminiscent of basket weaving technology. Your “web” should fill completely. You can change the colors of the threads by tying their ends. For a more uniform pattern, you need to pull the threads tightly and adjust them so that they form even circles. At the end of the work, the edges of the threads are attached with glue and hidden. If you don't want to weave in a circle, just thread the thread through the center until you cover the entire surface.
  • A method for real needlewomen - we sheathe beautiful old scratched wheels cloth. To do this, you will need not only pieces of interesting material, but also thick cardboard or padding polyester. From any of these materials you need to cut two disk-sized circles for each stand. After cutting, spread glue on both sides of the disk and secure the resulting circles. This will help the fabric not slip during subsequent work and make the stand thicker. Now you need to cut out two larger pieces from the material chosen for decoration with an allowance of about 0.5 cm on the seam. Apply the fabric, carefully check that the edges extend beyond the diameter of the disc evenly. Using several pins, pin the workpiece. Now you need to sew the edges by hand. If you know how to crochet, you can braid the circle around the perimeter with a thin thread and add a little lace. If not, don’t worry, the seam will help hide the decorative edging. After finishing the work, you just need to carefully glue it to the end of the stand with hot glue. You can make a small buttonhole. Use it to hang coasters on the wall near the kitchen table.

These are the kind of useful and cute little things you can get if you show a little imagination and perseverance.

2. Scarecrow for birds

All gardeners and summer residents know how annoying birds can be, always trying to ruin the harvest. Previously, to scare them away, a large scarecrow with flying clothes and a bucket or pumpkin instead of a head was installed in the middle of the garden. Agree, such a character can seriously frighten small children or neighbors. We suggest you make a more modern model of a scarecrow that will fascinate with its beauty and scare away birds with its bright reflections. You can determine the shape, height and other parameters based on your own needs. Principle of operation consists of tying about a dozen disks onto a base, for example, on an old shovel holder or an unusable rake.

3. Hanging seed organizer

Where do you store the seeds purchased for the planting season? Probably in some box, tied with an elastic band. Not the most convenient option. And after the seeds are sown, where do you put the packaging? Many people put it on a stick and insert it into the ground at the beginning of the bed, so that in case of successful germination and a rich harvest, they remember the plant variety and buy the same one next year. The option is not bad, but the scorching sun and rain quickly make the bright packaging unrecognizable. So that you can remember exactly what grows and where, we suggest you make an organizer. For this we required:

  • Large piece of fabric;
  • Lots of small patches;
  • Lots of disks;
  • Hot melt adhesive;
  • Thick paper.

Idea is to create a diagram of your garden with pockets, which will indicate the planting area for a particular vegetable, and seed packaging will be placed in them. In this way, you can remember not only the variety, but also record the planting date. This basic technology can be supplemented or simplified as desired, the main thing is to understand principle:

Your organizer is ready. You can simplify the design and connect the pockets together with fabric ribbons, and then hang them on a wooden plank.

4. Disco ball

Who said that a summer cottage was created only for grueling planting and harvesting work? Sometimes you need to relax and create a cheerful mood for yourself. Evening gatherings can develop into a small party, which will become more colorful with a disco ball. It's very easy to make. There are several options:

Now all that remains to worry about is a light source and rousing music.

5. Decorate flower pots

Many garden areas are decorated with large flower pots and hanging flowerpots. Why not make them more colorful and unusual. For this you required:

  • A large number of CDs;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Super glue;
  • Paint gun;

The essence The method consists of covering the surface of the pot with pieces of disks. If you approach the issue more creatively, you can first paint the surface of the disk with multi-colored felt-tip pens, let them dry and get a translucent colored material for creativity. After giving the discs the desired colors, you need to cut them into fragments. You can maintain proportions and choose the correct geometric shapes, or you can cut them into arbitrary pieces. Both options will end up looking beautiful. It’s just that selecting suitable “puzzles” for random cutting will take a little more time. Surface of the flowerpot must be clean, dry and grease-free.

  • Apply glue to a small area and begin placing the pieces. You can even arrange them in a certain sequence and end up with a characteristic pattern.
  • When the work is finished you need to let the glue dry.
  • You will be left with noticeable gaps that need to be covered with paint. The most convenient way to do this is with a pistol.

6. Decorative curtain

This does not mean window tulle, but a curtain that can serve as zoning both inside a country house and outside.
Just imagine how much more comfortable the area where the dacha is located will become if you fence it off from several sides with an unusual curtain. To work for us required:

  • A lot of CDs;
  • Packaging of paper clips;
  • Drill;
  • Thin drill;
  • Wooden plank.

First you need to decide on size future curtains. After this you should think about pattern. This can be done most quickly by laying the discs directly on the floor. You can place them one under the other with regular stripes; a more beautiful way is to place them offset, in a checkerboard pattern. Based on the layout method, mark the locations for the mounting holes. It is enough to do this on disks from the first and second lanes. Knowing their number, you can quickly navigate your next steps.

In this simple way, you can erect entire partitions, make them motionless, additionally securing the lower edge, and arrange entire recreation areas. And if you weave thin garlands into the gaps between the disks, you will get something unimaginable!

7. Coffee table made from CDs

What craftsmen don’t make countertops from! And we suggest not only decorating the table, but also trying do full-fledged frame from old disks and remnants of chipboard or other wood materials. To bring the tabletop decor option to life, we will need the same tools as for decorating flowerpots. And the technology will be identical. Fragments of disks or blanks as a whole are glued onto the prepared surface, as you like, and then the gaps are filled and varnished.
More the hard way Let's take a closer look. To work for us you will need:

  • A large number of disks;
  • Something that can serve as a tabletop - wooden boards, durable plastic, remnants of chipboard, etc.
  • Round wooden rods – 4 pcs.
  • Hacksaw.

The last point is necessary for the legs of the future table, so it is better that the pieces of wood are smooth and tall, and their diameter does not exaggerate the diameter of the central hole of the disks. Let's start with the legs. Remember, there was a children's toy in the form of a pyramid of multi-colored plastic bagels of different colors and diameters, which were put on a stick on a stand? This is the kind of stand that needs to be built.

For greater functionality you can do additional shelf at some distance under the tabletop. Then half of the disks are strung on the rod, then the shelf, then the remaining half. The diameter of the hole in the shelf should correspond as closely as possible to the diameter of the rod so that it does not “walk” or move. This design will also be more rigid and spacious. Decorate table top can be created in a variety of ways. You can lay out a mosaic as we suggested above, or you can cut out a part in the middle, fasten plywood or transparent plexiglass from below, place a couple of beautiful disks in a niche and cover everything with plexiglass on top.

8. We restore old chairs

There is nothing surprising in the fact that it usually ends up after it has lost its attractive appearance and there is no longer a place for it in the apartment, but one does not dare to throw it away. Our incredibly simple but effective tool will help you breathe new life into old chairs. restoration method. The resulting result will surprise not only you and your guests, but will also help complement the unusual table from the point above. So we you will need:

  • Old scary chair - unlimited quantity;
  • Lots of CDs;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Beautiful paper napkins with patterns or a glossy magazine;
  • PVA glue;
  • Grout for joints;
  • Sandpaper;

It will take about 50 discs to restore one standard size chair. We'll step away from the mirror surface and try to create something that looks like the old one. To do this we need to get rid of the mirror coating.

  • Using fine-grained sandpaper, you need to wipe off the foil and rinse the transparent plastic under water.
  • Choose the picture you like from the pages of a magazine or other sources; you can use regular colored paper. Use what you like and what suits you.
  • Spread a decent layer of PVA glue on the surface of the disk and glue it to the selected page. This must be done with all disks, so you will also need a lot of images.
  • When the glue is dry, trim off the excess paper;
  • Cut the disk into small squares 1.5 x 1.5 cm. Why such a small size? Everything is very simple. The seats of old chairs are often warped and have a dent in the middle. If you make the parts larger, they simply will not be able to fit tightly to the curved surface and accurately follow its contour. Thus, after some time, the squares will simply disappear, since there will be emptiness underneath them.
  • For the convenience of further work, you can arrange the squares by color or image style into disposable cups. This will make it much easier to follow the order and lay out the drawing.
  • Before pasting, the surface of the chair must be sanded, remove any remaining dust and degrease.
  • Start gluing the squares on PVA or any other glue, moving from the outer contour in a circle.
  • To make the chair look more harmonious, cover the back with mosaics;
  • Leave the chair until the glue has completely dried;
  • It's time to fill the voids between the tiles. Regular construction putty is suitable for this. Choose the color at your discretion.
  • Apply putty to the mosaic and spread it with a rubber spatula, carefully filling the joints;
  • Without waiting for it to dry completely, remove excess with a damp cloth. It is very important to do this right away, otherwise difficulties may arise later;
  • After the grout has completely dried, hide the back and seat with acrylic varnish. It is better to apply two layers. This will extend the life of the decorative surface.

Our new unusual chair is ready. Don't forget that you don't have to limit yourself to these recommendations. You can paint the chair legs in the same way, or just paint them.

9. Protection from rain and sun - CD roof

And finally, the most practical way using old CDs - roof renovation! Of course, no one is talking about the roof of the house, although... with due effort, anything is possible. Let's consider a smaller scale application area- for example, arranging a roof, a garden swing, a small one, for a car or outbuilding. According to our calculations, it will take about 120 CDs to cover 1 square meter of surface. Thanks to the special method of their installation, which is reminiscent of laying technology, each subsequent disk will half overlap the previous one.
Thus, the surface that will be located under the disks will be completely protected from hit by rain or melt water. Let's get started for preparatory and installation work:

  • In each disk you need to drill a hole, the size of which will ensure the free passage of the nail or self-tapping screw into it. This must be done in the place indicated in the picture.
  • You can try to drill several disks at once. This will significantly speed up the work process; most importantly, do not forget to securely fix the entire stack;
  • Now we need to decide which side you will stack the discs. If you place the blanks with the shiny side up, they will reflect the sun's rays, which will extend the life of such a coating and help make the room under the roof cooler. But on the other hand, endless sunbeams can irritate not only you, but also your neighbors, which will lead to trouble. By placing the discs with the shiny side down, you can lay out various patterns of images on the front part, which also looks very attractive;
  • Have you decided? Then it will start fasten discs to the roof. Use what you are most comfortable working with. Of course, application will significantly speed up the work.
  • Before starting installation, you should draw horizontal lines that will serve as a guide and will not allow you to deviate from straightness;
  • Get started with bottom edge, after all, each subsequent one will come on top of the previous one.
  • Be sure to make sure that the central holes of the disks also overlap, otherwise there is no point in installing a roof that has many holes.
  • Thus, it is necessary to move upward until the entire surface is completely covered.

We can confidently say that such a roof will be able to withstand the rays of the scorching sun and heavy rainfall.

Previously, we all bought CDs/DVDs with movies, music and various programs, but now they just sit there. All of them have already been reviewed and re-listened to, but it would be a shame to throw them away. Therefore, I want to tell you how to make useful and beautiful crafts with your own hands from unnecessary disks. Even a beginner can cope with the work provided below, but an experienced person will also have something to learn from this article. The range of uses for such crafts is wide: kindergarten, room decor, as well as useful little things for storing various materials.

Napkin holder made from discs

A homemade napkin holder will be an interesting and useful craft. It turns out to be stable and you can decorate it with any design. You can involve your child in the execution process. To make such a napkin holder, read the step-by-step instructions, photos and video descriptions.

You will need:

  • Discs 3 pcs.
  • Ruler
  • Marker
  • Stationery knife
  • Glue gun
  • Paints


  1. Take the disk and draw a line with a marker along the extreme edge of the central part. We do the same with the second disk.
  2. Cut the disk along the drawn line.
  3. On the third disk, draw 2 parallel lines along the extreme edge of the central part of the disk.
  4. We glue the disks from which we cut off parts onto strips with a glue gun onto the marked strips of the 3rd disk.
  5. We paint the outer part of our napkin holder with paints. One side is gold and the other is silver.
  6. When you paint with a sponge you can create texture on the surface. Our napkin holder is ready!

Mirror disco ball

To decorate your interior, you can make a small disco ball from CDs. You can hang it on a lamp and it will shimmer beautifully and brightly. Let's start making the box with our own hands.

You will need:

  • Ball or Christmas ball
  • CD disk - 2 pcs.
  • Scissors


  1. We cut the disks into small squares.
  2. We begin to glue the squares onto the ball in circular stripes. So first we glue one half of the ball.
  3. If you took a ball, then you need to bend one side of the paperclip and pierce the ball with it, pulling it out through a small gap. We bend the paper clip back and then it can be hung. It will be easier with a Christmas ball, there is a ready-made mount.
  4. Now we glue the ball to the very end. Our disco ball is ready!

Video on how to make a disco ball with your own hands

Christmas decoration "Owl"

A bright and shiny owl will be used to decorate the interior for the New Year. You can hang it on the Christmas tree or in another part of the room. Let's start making our craft with our own hands, for this we have made instructions with a step-by-step description.

You will need:

  • CDs - 9 pieces
  • Glue gun
  • Plasticine
  • Scissors


  1. We take 2 disks and glue them together, placing one on top of the other until the outer line of the central circle.
  2. We make a fringe along the free edges of these discs, making frequent cuts up to 1 cm deep.
  3. Under the two disks we glue two more so that they protrude from the bottom by about 2 cm. We glue another disk in the same way, only it should protrude from the top between the two top layers.
  4. Under the two disks of the last layer we glue two more, which should protrude from the bottom a little more than the previous layer. We make fringe on the free edges as described earlier.
  5. Now we glue the side parts, which should protrude by about 3 cm.
  6. We make circles from plasticine and attach them to the circles of two disks, so we will get eyes. The pupils can be made from plasticine, or you can take peppercorns.
  7. We cut out 3 triangles from the disk - the beak and ears, and attach them to the owl with glue. We also need to cut out the eyebrows and glue them at an angle to the center.
  8. For the paws, cut out triangles from the disk, cut off the top of the triangle, and cut out small pieces from the bottom to make three fingers.
  9. Now you can attach a ribbon to the owl and hang it on the Christmas tree.

Useful craft “Clock”

This kind of craft would be interesting to do with school-age children. A clock made from old disks and a broken keyboard will appeal to any schoolchild and can decorate any children's room. You don’t need to “reinvent the wheel”, everything has already been done before you. You just need to carefully study the process of completing the craft and, together with your child, make our original watches and beautiful clocks.

You will need:

  • Clockwork
  • Glue gun
  • Unnecessary number keyboard


  1. Can be used on both sides.
  2. From the old keyboard you need to remove the buttons with the letter F. They are located at the very top, you will need numbers from 1 to 12.
  3. Now you need to glue the buttons. Marking the gluing areas in advance. To make it more convenient, first glue the numbers 12, 6, 9 and 3.
  4. You can write something on the clock, or decorate it with small decorative elements. But don't overdo it with decoration.
  5. Carefully insert the arrows from the old alarm clock into the central hole. You need to glue all the parts together.
  6. Now let it dry for hours and the craft is completely ready. This is how easy it is to make something useful for your home. You can also give such an interesting watch to a friend or work colleague.

Video on how to make an original watch

Craft fish from disks

If you need to make a craft for kindergarten or school, then this fish is perfect. A child of 3, 4, 5, 6 years old can handle it. You will be able to spend time with your child and contribute to the development of his imagination and motor skills. To make a fish craft with your own hands, read the step-by-step instructions.

You will need:

  • Colored paper
  • Scissors
  • Rope
  • Marker


  1. From colored paper we cut out a mouth, an upper fin, a tail and round eyes.
  2. Glue everything onto the disk.
  3. From a sheet of paper of the same color, fold an accordion about 1 cm wide and insert it into the hole of the disk. Spread our side fins.
  4. Using a marker, draw a pupil on the eye.
  5. To hang the fish you can glue a string.

Convenient pen holder

If you have several old disks, you can make an original stand that you can use for both pens and small tools. To make this craft with your own hands, you can watch our master class with photo and video instructions.

You will need:

  • Disks - 9 pcs.
  • Ruler
  • Marker
  • Screwdriver and drill
  • Bolts 120×6 - 4 pcs and nuts
  • Plastic bottle 0.5 l


  1. On the disk with a marker, draw two perpendicular lines passing through the center.
  2. Now we put marks on the lines, measuring 1 cm from the edge.
  3. We put all the disks together and place them on a wooden block. Using a self-tapping screw and a washer, secure the discs in a stationary position so that it is convenient to drill.
  4. We make holes using a screwdriver at the marked points.
  5. We disassemble our structure and remove one disk to the side, which will serve as the bottom.
  6. We fix 8 disks to the board using self-tapping screws in 4 holes.
  7. Using a crown of the required diameter, we make a hole in the center of the structure. And then we analyze it.
  8. We take a disk in which we did not drill the center and insert bolts into 4 holes, and secure the disk with bolts.
  9. We put another nut on each bolt and tighten it at a distance of approximately 12 mm from the previous one.
  10. We put the next disk on our structure and secure it with nuts.
  11. We tighten the next row of nuts at a distance of 12 mm and put on the 3rd disk.
  12. We put on all the discs in a similar way.
  13. When the entire structure is assembled, we cut out a part from the bottle 11 cm long and the width that you chose for yourself.
  14. We twist the bottle blank into a tube and insert it into the hole in the stand. This way it will be more convenient for you to insert pens and other objects into the stand; they will not cling. Our original stand is ready!

Magic flower

A flower made from discs that you can make with your own hands can become a beautiful interior decoration. You can also take it to a kindergarten or to an exhibition. Watch our master class and you can make such a flower easily and quickly.

You will need:

  • Discs
  • Candle
  • Scissors
  • Needle


  1. Cut off the outermost part of the disk in a circle.
  2. Using a needle, divide the disk into layers.
  3. On the shiny part of the disk we make 5 cuts to the central circle.
  4. Using a candle, heat the edges of the disks and form petals. This must be done carefully and gradually. This will give us 5 petals.
  5. We form the second part of the disk into a part of the flower in a similar way, without making any cuts. This will be the bottom solid part.
  6. We glue our blanks together with glue.
  7. We turn the flower over from top to bottom and begin to decorate it with beads, gluing them in a small circle. You need to move from the edge so that you can insert the rest of the beads into the hole of the disk.
  8. When you have transferred the beads to the front part of the flower, we place them in the same way, forming the voluminous core of the flower. The magic flower is ready!

Disc curtain

To decorate the New Year's interior, you can make an original curtain with your own hands. It’s very easy to do, you just need to find a lot of old disks and your house will sparkle with bright holiday colors.

You will need:

  • CDs
  • box of paper clips
  • Drill
  • Drill


  1. It is necessary to decide on the size of the future curtain. Place them on the floor in the chosen order. Mark with a marker the places on the disk where you need to drill holes. Using a thin drill bit, drill all the marked holes on them. To prevent the disc from cracking, you need to drill from the picture side.
  2. All that remains is to connect them using paper clips into one curtain. To do this, make a “canvas” from ready-made strips; by the way, the length of the staples can be increased, this will give the curtain dynamism.
  3. Your interesting curtain is ready! You can simply hang it on the wall, it will transform your room, make it unusual and original.

Disk candlestick

From the disk you can make an unusual candlestick that will decorate your room. You can do it yourself together with your child, as it is easy to do. To make such a candlestick, you can read the step-by-step instructions that we made for you.

You will need:

  • Candle tablet
  • Glue gun
  • Half pearls
  • Beads with a flat side (oval and droplets)


  1. We glue the pearls around the central part of the disk, along the edge.
  2. Next we glue the oval beads, this will be your second row.
  3. We glue the droplets between two oval beads with the sharp part towards the center. So we glue it alternating through two oval ones.
  4. Between the droplets you can glue smaller decorations, such as flowers.
  5. Our candlestick is ready, all that remains is to place the candle in the center.

If you have already tried all the previous options, then it’s time to make an unusual craft from old CDs. You probably have a dozen unnecessary disks lying around that you would hate to throw away and no longer need to use. Their finest hour has come! Use your imagination, take note of our master classes and go ahead to create new masterpieces!

Let's start with, perhaps, the simplest thing - decorating an old disk with ordinary stained glass paint. In terms of production, this craft is quite simple, but you can’t tell from the outside. You will need stained glass paints and imagination. You can draw both abstract ornaments or mandalas, and real plot paintings. By the way, if you don’t have stained glass paints, a regular marker will do just fine. You can download templates for drawing mandalas from the link below.

A little more complicated will be a New Year's craft made from disks, decorated with appliqués. The simplest option is an applique made of colored paper.

If your children love the animated film “Smeshariki,” then it’s time to use their old CDs to make their favorite characters. All you need is to find out from your child which character he likes best, cut out Smesharik templates from paper and glue them onto the disk. Smeshariki's New Year's craft is ready! You can draw templates for the application yourself, or you can download them from us for all the cartoon characters.

#4 Christmas tree decoration from old CDs: DIY Christmas crafts from CDs

From an ordinary disk you can make a rather unusual Christmas tree toy that looks like a ball, only this ball is flat. To make such a craft you will need: an old disk, dark acrylic paint (if not, gouache will do), a pencil and a fountain pen or a flat-head screwdriver.

If there are a lot of disks, then you may well think about creating a New Year's garland. With the right lighting, the garland will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, reminiscent of snow glistening in the sun. By the way, such a garland makes the house warm and sunny!

There aren't enough disks for the New Year's garland, but do you like the idea? See more ideas:

New Year is the most favorite holiday, associated with miracles and magic. Celebrating the new year is characterized by folk festivals and joyful meetings. It is impossible not to love this time of year, when everything around is transformed, and every house or storefront becomes like the scenery of a fairy tale. Everyone wants to participate in this transformation, and therefore they try to decorate their homes […]

The perfectly round shape is perfect for snowmen. The technique for making snowmen from disks may be different, but you should be satisfied with the result. By the way, such a craft is quite suitable for a competition for school or kindergarten.

Want to make your own disco ball for decoration? Then you will need a blank for the ball (plastic, glass, foam), an old disk, scissors and glue.

Want more Christmas ball ideas? Then look:

Today you can find a huge number of different Christmas tree decorations on store shelves, so turning an ordinary Christmas tree into a real holiday beauty is not difficult. However, New Year is a special day! The day when the old year is left behind, and new adventures, new events, new victories await ahead. But the old year did not pass without a trace, […]

You will need: an old CD, pine cones, glue, an aluminum candle stand, beads, glitter or varnish for decoration.

On a regular disk you can recreate New Year's landscapes using the decoupage technique. The disc decoupage process is standard, the result is amazing!

If, in addition to old disks, there are pieces of felt lying around the house, then you can make these cool snowmen. Well, will any of the guests guess that it is based on an ordinary unnecessary disk?

See more felt Christmas decoration ideas:

The New Year holidays are approaching, which means that very soon a forest guest will appear in almost every home in our country. Some people prefer to put up an artificial Christmas tree, some prefer to put up a real forest spruce from a Christmas market, and some even confine themselves to pine branches. However, this is not so important, because the most important feature of the New Year tree is the toys. Since ancient times, people in [...]

A great idea for a New Year's craft from old CDs would be to decorate an ordinary mirror or photo frame. The disk needs to be cut into pieces, and then the surface should be decorated with these pieces. You can keep it for yourself, or you can make an original gift to someone close to you.

If you were once a big fan of CDs, and everyone was, now is the time to give them a second life. What good are discs that just sit on a shelf collecting dust? You can now find the song or movie you need on the Internet. But you can make an unusual Christmas tree only once a year!

Still thinking about what to give your friend for New Year? The best gift is the one made with your own hands. Give your loved one a handmade bracelet that she will definitely appreciate! Well, if you have already chosen a gift for your friend, you can keep this decoration for yourself!

If you want to shine the most dazzlingly at a New Year's party, then it's time to think about a New Year's outfit. You can decorate a regular collar with pieces of an unnecessary disk. Looks very cool!

An owl would be a great idea for a New Year's craft made from old CDs. To create a night guard, you can use pieces of felt, colored paper, several disks and other improvised materials. Turn on your imagination and start creating.

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Don't know how to decorate your garden? Do you have a lot of unnecessary computer disks lying around at home? Make your own decor out of them. Since discs are no longer in demand, feel free to use them to decorate your garden. You can use them to make interesting objects, art objects, or use them for more practical solutions. In addition, it is quite fun and easy to create various crafts with your own hands. Below we will present you some creative ideas for decorating your garden using CDs. Crafts from disks for the garden 70 photo ideas, see below:

Volumetric figures from disks

Using discs you can create beautiful shapes, for example, animals. Using discs and mesh, you can make a colorful and original tail for a peacock. This craft will fit perfectly into the garden space.
A great option is to create birds. Small pieces of discs become feathers, which are attached to a dense base.

The discs, shimmering in the sun, create a unique effect thanks to the rich variety of colors. Such bright birds can be placed on tree branches so that they are in harmony with nature and look quite organic.

Of course, creating such figures is not easy; it requires skill. Use your imagination; You can create any animals and birds. This is also an excellent and educational activity for children.

Making furniture from disks

Don’t be surprised, the discs are also suitable for creating fairly durable furniture. Of course, such an idea would require a large number of disks. You can use them to create chairs, armchairs and tables. If you don’t have many disks, you can create some piece of furniture, for example, a table top, chair legs.

Garden figurines made from disks

Flowers, plants, animals, cartoon characters - all this can be created using disks, using colored cardboard, yarn, buttons, beads, ribbons and other additions as additional materials. The figurines will make your site more original and add bright notes to it.

The watch face can be attached to the center of the disk. The result will be a bright and light watch. You can even use discs to create curtains. You just need to fasten them and decorate them with beads, ribbons or other accessories.

Garden paths made from computer disks

Decorating the paths with discs is a creative solution. Just be sure to glue the discs onto a flat surface. Of course, this is an interesting option, but it is better to use it mainly for decorative paths, so as not to stain the surface of the discs.

Mosaic of disks

It can be used to decorate many surfaces. It looks especially impressive on countertops. In addition, mosaic may well protect the material from moisture, giving practicality to various things. This solution is perfect for decorating flowerpots and flower pots.

So, they look more interesting and shimmer in the sun in different colors. You can paint the discs in a variety of colors to create a more colorful mosaic. Whole paintings are made from it. Mosaic tiles are suitable for decorating a birdbath.


Borders for paths or flower beds are a necessary element for a garden plot. Try making them from regular disks, it's very simple. The advantage of discs is that they are a very practical material, but special coatings can also be used.

Take simple round discs and change their shape to add variety. Disks also help to separate different areas, for example, a vegetable garden from a garden or a recreation area.


Lamps play an important role in the design of the site. They create a warm and cozy atmosphere. And if you decorate them with disks, you will get very beautiful color shifts. Thanks to the sunlight, they will shine all day long.

Art objects

From the disks you can design an even circle, which can serve as a stand for potted plants or garden figures. In addition, such a shiny circle can be an independent art object.

You just need to correctly place it on the site, for example, place it in the center of the flower bed. You can interestingly paint the discs with paints, create your own pattern, and decorate the same pots, lanterns, and more with them.


Instead of regular stones, try using discs to decorate fountains. Water and sunlight will create a stunning effect. This option looks fresh and unusual. Silver and golden colors are created.

You can cut the discs with ordinary scissors. The main thing is not to damage the holographic film, which provides flickering. It is better to use less scratched discs to make the crafts look neater. Before work, apply glue to the side of the disc with the pattern to avoid damage.

Discs are a fairly simple and practical material from which you can create many different objects. In addition, it is very exciting to create crafts for the garden or vegetable garden with your own hands.
