Deck description and layout example. Meaning of the cards "78 Doors" Meaning of tarot cards 78

The Tarot deck of 78 doors is not only unique, it is unusually beautiful and attractive with the simplicity of the language, not only for experienced tarot readers, but also for simple lovers of Tarot cards. Each card in the deck features an abstract or real door.

Here you will find every kind of door imaginable. You will quickly learn to comprehend the meaning of each card, since the image on it almost always gives a clear and precise answer to your question.

Experienced tarologists say that you need to feel your deck of cards. To feel the deck of 78 Doors, just touch it.

78 Doors Card Deck

Today, like seven centuries ago, Tarot cards have great popularity, and genuine interest in them is growing literally every year. Many esotericists and tarologists believe that existing decks are not enough and are trying to contribute to the history of Tarot cards by creating more and more new decks.

In the same way that designers strive to keep up with new fashion trends, tarot readers try to understand and analyze newly emerging decks. 78 Doors is now well known to everyone who is at least a little interested in the world of Tarot. This deck is modern. Her homeland is Italy, and the creator is Alliego Pietro.

Someone is attracted by the beauty of the cards and their visual design, someone is the simplicity and accuracy with which the cards answer the questions asked, and someone is bewitched by such a magical and at the same time ordinary thing as a door.

In order to better understand the meaning of the whole deck, we will try to analyze the meaning of doors in our life. We open and close several doors daily and do it more than once. Some doors swing open for us, opening up new opportunities for us, while others remain closed, even if we have made great efforts to open them.

Some doors exist only in the form of an allegory, and some doors no longer exist at all, because instead of them a brick wall has formed. Some doors require pick up the key, and some doors are hidden so far away that a person with a key in his hand is forced to send in searches.

What might be lurking behind the door? Your love may live there, a test may await there, treasures may be hidden there, or there may be the comfort of a hospitable home. Opening each door, you are already languishing in anticipation of the expected events, but at the same time you cannot know exactly what awaits you.

It is possible that a locked door will save you from the wrong path, and you are completely in vain knocking on it. It is also possible that when trying to get through a locked door, you do not notice a simpler solution to the problem. A comparison can be made between the variations of different doors that can exist in this world and the variations of different situations.

In this case, we can safely say that in the 78 Doors deck you will find a simple solution for 78 life situations. The most important characteristics that are found most often and from the lips of various Tarot specialists are simplicity and accuracy of answers.

Meaning of Tarot cards 78 Doors. Major Arcana

In the deck of 78 Doors, as in the classic deck, there are twenty-two major arcana. Consider them in order, and at the same time those doors that are depicted on each card.


The card shows a young man. He stands with a key in his hand on the top of a mountain, he has a bundle on his shoulder, and a faithful dog at his feet. The card says that you should boldly go into the future without comprehending and not dwelling on the past.

The card may indicate a lack of logic in human behavior. You feel a great accumulation of energy inside you. You want to act, to prove yourself, to take the first step towards the unknown, because you already have the key in your hands, you just have to find the door to it.

But it's not as easy as you would like. Moderate your ardor and activity, sit down and calmly consider your actions, draw up a plan and prepare yourself mentally for the fact that you will have to act consistently. In order to find the door, you need to at least decide on the direction.


On the card of the major arcan at number one, the role of doors is played by the branches of bushes rising from the ground on both edges of the card. A young man is standing in the aisle. He easily and deftly shows his acrobatic skills, mountains covered with greenery rise behind him.

Now you are open to everything new, do not be afraid to prove yourself, even if your skills are not appreciated the first time, you must be sure that you are able to achieve your goal and are ready to do it. The young man on the map is teetering on the edge of the impossible, and yet he does it.

You should think about the fact that whatever your goal is, it can be achieved with certain skills and abilities. If you are sure that your knowledge today corresponds to the desired result, then act without doubt, if not, then continue the preparation, but do not give up on the goal.


In the 78 Doors deck, the priestess is seated at a wooden table with a magic ball in front of her. She concentratedly looks deep into the ball and is ready to lift the veil of secrecy over the unknown. The card says that behind the slightly opened door you will find the answer to all the tormenting riddles and secrets. But in order to open the door, you should listen more to your intuition and trust the predictions.


On the map we see a colorful and joyful image. A beautiful woman dressed as an empress invites her subordinates, who bowed before her, to enter the garden. The door to the blooming garden is already ajar and promises pleasure and peace. The card speaks of the hospitality with which you will be greeted if you are going to visit an important place for you.

Do not refuse the help or patronage of a woman if such a prospect appears. The card also speaks of outside help, that someone will show you generosity and help solve existing problems or just get to where you would like to be.


Behind the open doors is the throne of the emperor, on which he sits. At its foot we see an imitation of the globe. As in the classic Tarot deck, the card is very strong. She speaks of strong-willed decisions, that it is in your power to overcome resistance and put your willpower on the throne.

Peace, power and grace await you, but no one is going to give it to you just like that. The doors are already open before you, but only the strong, brave, collected, responsible and resolute can enter them.

High priest

On the map we see a middle-aged man, he raises his finger up, his face is lit up with wisdom and calmness. His companions are two sheep. Behind him are doors similar to the doors of the Vatican.

This card says that having crossed the threshold of the situation in which your life is now, you will become more enlightened, wiser experience, knowing, understanding and capable of more than now. The key to this door can only be your humility, moral principles, spiritual development and mercy.


The card shows a couple of lovers and a fortune teller. She looks at the young man's hand and predicts further events in his life. Now they are all in the apple orchard, but sandy mountains begin immediately behind them.

The card says that in order to solve the problem, you should think and analyze less and listen more to your feelings and inner voice.

Now a lot depends on the decision you need to make. If it is extremely difficult for you, and you cannot find enough arguments for any of the positions, then the card advises you to turn to an experienced fortuneteller.


The design of this card may seem unexpected, especially for fans of the classic Tarot deck. Here we see a rock musician standing in the back seat of an open convertible with a driver behind the wheel and enthusiastic fans following the car.

It's time to ride with the breeze, enjoy the results achieved, dispel thoughts about the future and enjoy life. You are valued and loved, you are admired, and your knowledge and abilities are worthy of respect and envy. Rest, relax and allow yourself more than usual.


In front of the closed doors of the courthouse, two men and one woman are trying to sort things out, waving their arms. We do not know what they are arguing about and what truth they are striving to achieve, but having crossed the threshold, justice itself will decide who is right and who is not. The most important thing for you at this stage should be your innocence.

If you feel that you did and are doing the right thing, then you have nothing to fear. If you are wrong, then it is time to take responsibility for your behavior. Nothing depends on you anymore.

Now you should be submissive to fate and avoid the manifestation of excessive emotions. Squabbles and conflicts will only worsen the situation, and only justice can resolve the dispute.


The map shows an old man. He sits on a stone in the middle of the desert and with a gesture refuses those offerings that the spirit bestows on him. The card says that you are consciously giving up something. And this is the right choice if your refusal is due to moral principles and the desire to defend your opinion.

The card says that you are now knowing yourself, refusing the world, you are delving into the study, and possibly the formation, of your own personality.

Wheel of Fortune

The map shows the beginning of the seance. Three men and one woman are seated at a round table with their hands outstretched on the table. The doors to the other world will open soon, and for these four new opportunities for knowing the truth.

The card says that with a certain attitude, you are able to move to a new level of knowledge and realization of your abilities. Now everything is in your hands and luck accompanies your decisions, but do not refuse the help of friends. Their help can play an important role in your destiny.


The map depicts doors guarded by a lion. Next to the animal is a trainer. She holds the beast by the collar and gives him important instructions. The card says that it is important to strike a balance between wisdom and strength.

Only by learning to maintain balance can you succeed and consider yourself a truly strong person. Don't forget that controlling someone else is often easier than controlling yourself.


The map shows the auditorium. Spectators watch a man imprisoned upside down in an aquarium full of water. The card says that there are extreme situations in your life, and you do not quite understand how you need to act.

If you decide to change, then you should postpone your decision. Now is not the time. In addition, in an inverted position, it is difficult to make the right decision. Wait for your position to change.


An elderly man, all wrapped in black with a hood on his head, sits on the edge of the grave and looks down. In his hands is an hourglass, and behind it is a cemetery gate. The card speaks of the inevitable. You don't have the skills and tools to stop the sand from rapidly pouring into the watch. Your task is to prepare yourself for the fact that everything in our life is invariably coming to an end, even life itself.


The girl bent at the door, on which there are two streams. She collects water from each stream in two identical jugs. The card speaks of the balance that you are experiencing at this stage of your life, or that you need to find in order to solve all unpleasant situations.


A pair of nudes, a man and a woman, stand before the face of the Devil. Not all doors should be opened, some should remain closed. There is a great temptation before you. You want to take risks and go beyond what is permitted and reasonable. It is worth remembering that having crossed the threshold, you can remain behind slammed doors.


A tower engulfed in flames at the very cliff, under which the sea waves are raging. The red sky is filled with lightning, and people are running from the tower, trying to find salvation. Not the best period in life. Everything is crumbling before your eyes. In order to save at least something, you must act quickly and be creative.


A naked girl pouring water from two jugs stands in front of an arch in an open area. The card indicates romance, easy problem solving, positive energy.


A pregnant girl is walking along the seashore on a moonlit night. In the foreground of the map is a locked door that inspires mystery and apprehension. The card speaks of uncertain anxieties for the future. It is possible that your imagination just ran wild and your nerves were shattered, or it is possible that your intuition is talking to you.


In a mysterious circle left in the middle of a field, perhaps by aliens from another planet, two naked children are dancing, holding hands. The card says that the Cosmos itself gives you energy. This energy should be directed in a peaceful direction, then not just a bright, but a rainbow streak will come in your life.

Last Judgment

We see the end of the rock, from which some people rush down, turning into demons, while others soar to heaven on angel wings, where a door awaits them, behind which there is a bright light. Your efforts will surely be rewarded, your bad deeds will be punished. Now you are naked before the face of justice and stand in line for what you deserve.


The map shows the delivery room. The birth has just ended and the doctor is holding a still bloodied baby in his arms. The happy mother reaches out her arms to hug him for the first time in her and his life. This card radiates happiness achieved through labor and torment.

Minor arcana 10 of swords

In a deck of cards of 78 doors, there are minor arcana, in the same way as in the classic deck of tarot cards. There are four suits of the minor arcana in the deck. There are goblets, swords, staves and pentacles. Each card is unique and has its own image.

It is enough just to peer at what is depicted on the map to understand its meaning and interpretation. For example, consider the ten swords. The map shows a doctor's office. A patient lies naked to the waist on a couch, a doctor bends over him and performs an acupuncture procedure. Only instead of needles, the doctor sticks small nails into the patient's body.

The patient's eyes are covered in pain. Map says about a painful situation. To resolve the situation safely, you need to contact the experts and completely trust them.


The layouts on the 78 Doors Tarot cards can be the same as using the classic Tarot deck. The cards come alive in the hands of a professional. They begin to speak with their owner in the language that their owner creates.

If it's convenient for you to get answer to your question on one card You have this right and this opportunity. If you want to get a detailed answer, then you can guess three or even seven cards.

Before complicating the process of divination, it is important to learn to understand the meaning of each card individually. The success of divination depends on how easily and quickly you become related to your new deck.

They say that the earth shuffles the cards, the rain spreads, the wind moves, and the fire separates the suits. And the Major Arcana can explain everything that happens in the world, they are the measure of an endless dance.

The deck of 78 tarot doors is interesting in its interpretation and approach. Each of the characters goes their own way, depicted on the lasso.

Doors may be old or new, or even bricked up, but they are an entrance nonetheless. Even death is interpreted as opening a new door to another life. Before proceeding to a detailed study of this deck, let's analyze the meaning of each card.

Jester or (0 Arcana)

The card symbolizes the inner child. In the upright position - openness, the beginning of a new stage of life. In the inverted - a frivolous attitude to what is happening, the infantilism of actions.

In any case, the Jester is a sign of imminent change, good or bad - the neighboring arcana will show.

Mage (I Arcana)

The card expresses activity. At the event level - a period of difficulties. Clarity of mind will help to avoid problems. Success depends on harmony between the conscious and the subconscious. Self-confidence will become a support in new endeavors.

In work schedules , The magician shows that promotion is possible if the fortuneteller takes the initiative.

In a relationship : The magician indicates that personal charm and natural magnetism will help overcome stiffness and tightness.

Tarot 78 doors, High Priestess (II Arcana)

The card represents the unknown and the unconscious. This includes premonitions, intuition, prophetic dreams. If we consider the lasso from the position of feelings, then the Priestess is patience, understanding, calmness.

For work it shows healing abilities, employment in the field of magic or esotericism. Another tarot of doors, the high priestess indicates openness in work, a desire to learn new things.

Personal Priestess : understanding, true kinship of souls, true love and warmth and a strong bond in a couple.

Empress (III Arcana)

Map of growth, fertility, pregnancy. Creativity, expressed in the creation of the new. On the emotional side, the Empress is ingenuity, new ideas, the discovery of something new.

In the professional field The lasso of the Empress shows inspiration, fantasy and creativity.

For love relationships - a period of growth, conception of a child, reaching a new level in a couple.

Emperor (IV Arcana), tarot 78 doors, interpretation

Stability, security, striving for order, discipline.

In the working area - responsibility, striving to achieve goals. Success depends on time and effort.

In the realm of feelings - reliability, strength of the union. But stability can lead relationships to a dead end. The inner meaning of the Emperor is to protect the home and family from the threat.

Hierophant (V Arcana)

Trust, adherence to values ​​and principles. Previously, he was interpreted as one of several angels. His presence in the layout portends a favorable resolution of the situation.

In the business field means the search for a cause by vocation and the meaning of the work in which a person is engaged. It could be fame, or just a promotion.

When a specific employee is considered, the High Priest shows that he will not allow himself to be involved in fraud and fraud.

For the love realm change in moral values, revision of relationships, access to a deeper spiritual level.

Lovers (VI Arcana)

Two plot arcana. On the one hand - romantic relationships, on the other - the consequences that must be accepted with their choice:

  • marriage;
  • moving;
  • search for compromises.

For other areas of life: an uncompromising choice without a return to the past situation. In matters of love, he shows a feeling that transforms life.

New happy relationships for singles. Arkan suggests a choice, in order to find happiness, you will have to sacrifice something.

The realization that there is no ready-made ideal partner, but one can help the other grow by revealing his uniqueness.

In the business field : Lovers - a sign of revising the position and line of behavior, setting new tasks.

Tarot cards, 78 doors, interpretation of the Chariot (Arcanum VII)

The chariot depicts a man with a guitar. He stands on his car, pleased with himself, surrounded by admirers. At the level of events, the Chariot is a sharp leap forward. This became possible thanks to the departure from the captivating old stereotypes, the thirst for a better life or new experiences.

The fear of risk gave way to curiosity. At the same time, the Chariot warns of the need to calculate strength and take reasonable risks.

in business - the desire for independence, recognition and success.

In love - breaking the old, painful form of relations, and the beginning of a new stage, or the emergence of a new union.

Tarot layouts "78 doors", Strength (VIII Arcana)

The main meaning of the Strength card is that power is possible only through gaining inner peace. The true purpose of human life is not to try to hide the instincts, but to suppress them by living a virtuous life with kindness and patience.

For a love union : Strength shows the temperament of natures, skirmishes and quarrels, which are both an integral part of relationships and a source of strength.

For business and work - creativity and enthusiasm.

Hermit (IX Arcana)

The Arcana of the Hermit expresses the knowledge of one's own personality through detachment from the world. This is a sign of important events that will happen so that the fortuneteller can realize his own destiny, the meaning of life. It will open through deep experiences. He who follows loneliness will be able to find the key to himself.

In love matters: the Hermit card is a feeling of coldness and loneliness, but through them an understanding of real needs will come.

The transition to a new form of relationship, the rejection of easy, easy meetings for the sake of the future.

For business matters: The hermit shows that there will be a revision of views, a change of interests and an understanding of the real purpose of the activity.

Wheel of Fortune (X Arcana)

"Avalon" in the tarot of 78 doors shows the Wheel of Fortune in an unusual light. The publishers transfer viewers to the mystical atmosphere of the room, where several people, seated at a round table, folded their hands, as if preparing for some kind of ritual for a conversation with the Higher powers.

The Wheel of Fortune means not only luck, but also acts as a symbol of fate, circumstances that arise without the participation of a person, obstacles to the desired. Neighboring arcana will show the necessary actions to be on top of the Wheel of Fate.

For love the lasso says that the state of affairs is stable at the moment, but if something does not suit you, you will have to live in the circumstances that have arisen, and when the lesson is completed, changes for the better will come. In work schedules shows the everyday routine and the need to take life into your own hands, change the usual course.

"78 doors", tarot website, Justice (XI Arcana) and its meaning

The Arcana of Justice speaks of the triumph of justice. He calls to understand that you will have to bear responsibility for every act and everyone receives from the world what he gives and without effort it will not be possible to reach the desired goal.

In relationships the lasso shows the state of justice and balance. But this does not mean that harmony will reign in the union. The partner will behave in the same way as the other partner.

In work – clear action and visibility of the intended goal.

The Hanged Man (XII Arcana)

The 78 door tarot deck interprets the hanged man card as a dead end of stagnation. The protagonist of the plot is on stage, hung upside down in a rectangular iron aquarium filled with water.

Surrounding people look at him from their seats. In all areas, the lasso shows a stop in business, the impossibility of progress. New thinking will be the key to a new life.

The meaning of the Death card (XIII Arcana) in the layout

In general, it is interpreted as a positive lasso. This is the end of something old and the beginning of a new one, the outcome was expected. The pain will pass, leaving room for a new beginning.

In love relationships : Regular parting with a partner to search for a new relationship, which should not be delayed.

Temperance XIV, meaning in the alignment

Characteristic features - balance, inner peace, a state of harmony. Clear action planning, a positive atmosphere and teamwork will help solve the tasks.


  1. Confidence.
  2. Kindred of souls.
  3. Understanding.
  4. Deep feeling.

Balance will open the door to life balance.

Devil - XV

Ambiguous lasso, which is difficult to decipher in a single key. In any case, it shows dependence (alcohol, drugs, one person on another), in this dependence one of the partners receives a negative enjoyment of suffering and experiences.

May show that one partner is trying to suppress the other, an alliance based on sexual needs. The devil card in the layout for a new tarot job of 78 doors shows that things are not going very “cleanly”, there may be scams, dishonest transactions that have serious consequences for the fortuneteller.

Tower - XVI

The destruction of what seemed stable. The collapse of hopes and illusions. This destruction has long been brewing and was natural. Quick action will help resolve the situation, finding solutions to eliminate the negative impact of the situation.

In love : The end of a relationship can be the impetus for the start of a new alliance. The changes will be negative, but very sudden.

In the professional field leaving work, dismissal, closing of the enterprise.

Tarot "78 doors", interpretation for all occasions: Star-XVII

In the context of doors, the Star shows perspective, creative inspiration and movement of the situation. Feeling of oneness with higher powers. To open the door, you need to share this energy of higher powers. The results of the efforts will be shown in reality later.

After a while, the meaning of the actions and decisions taken earlier, which seemed random, will become clear.

Completely new projects and tasks. Acquaintance meetings that can transform into strong friendship and marriage.

Moon-XVIII or the wrong side of consciousness

Tarot cards of 78 doors (online divination), for the most part, interpret the Moon as the dark side or the wrong side of consciousness.

It personifies such qualities of a human personality as:

  • uncertainty;
  • bad premonitions;
  • fears;
  • negative experiences that prevent you from living a full life;
  • in some cases shows dependencies.

Out of fear of being rejected, a person misses an important interview because they lack experience.

Rejection of one's own individuality and insecurity does not allow one to build harmonious personal relationships. Jealousy, loneliness and distrust.


The door of the Sun says that the dark side of life is in the past and encourages you to enjoy this time. Freedom from fears, imposed thinking, doubts, clarification of the hidden. Achieving a dream that seemed impossible.

The reversed Sun indicates that the chosen path does not bring joy.

Represents awakening and the changes that will follow it. You need to accept change without resisting it, move forward without hesitation or fear. The interpretation of the tarot of 78 doors depicts the lasso of the Court in the plot of the resurrection, as a symbol of liberation.

Completion of the transformation, an important life step. Inner changes will help you find the desired goal.

World XXI

World, tarot 78 doors is interpreted as the last effort to open the lock. Soon the goal will be reached, one cycle will end and another will begin. This cycle will bring a new stage of development and perspectives. A job chosen by vocation, at least at this stage in life.

The feeling of unity in a couple, for singles - the opportunity to meet a life partner soon.

Tarot 78 doors interpretation and meaning of cards of the suit of Wands

The state of creative inspiration, the energy to move towards the goal. The opportunity to find a calling, to fully reveal talents and abilities. The personality becomes stronger in terms of will and character.

This is indicated by the fiery element represented by the Wands. Growing affection, thoughts about a joint future.

Expresses passivity, indifference, suspiciousness, caution. Indifference to the profession, problems with men for women's alignments. As a rule, difficulties have a material basis.

The lack of warmth in the union can lead to the destruction of the relationship if the partners choose to remain passive.

The map combines two storylines. The first is the achievement of the goal, and the second is the enjoyment of the reward received. A stable, stable position in the workplace, when a person independently determines the range of his tasks.

Long-term relationships built on a solid foundation. For singles, it means that the foundations of the future union have already been laid and now it only takes time.

Arkan shows a happy family. It is warm in their house, it is snowing outside the windows. The plot is the best way to convey the meaning of the card. A state of inner peace and tranquility. Promising work without shaking and the threat of layoffs, a matter of vocation. Harmony, a sense of unity and security in a couple.
A man holding a hammer in his hands stands in front of a brick wall. The world wants to test the strength of the desire to succeed and challenges. You should not give in to difficulties, they will open up new opportunities. This is indicated by a young tree next to the wall.

New project, large-scale work at the limit of possibilities. Another Five of Wands shows a couple in which both constantly argue with each other, or solve a difficult problem together.

The Six of Wands, unlike the Five, shows the entrance to the door - a logical continuation of the previous step. The depicted man is pleased with himself, and his environment welcomes him kindly. At the level of events - recognition, joy, satisfaction.

Reward for the effort spent, romantic excitement and a period of happiness. Resolving a longstanding problem between partners. Favorable news.

The protagonist of the lasso moves the stone that closes the entrance to the cave. The entrance is hidden and physical strength is needed to hold the stone. But the barrier has already been removed. The point is that there is some hidden plan, mystery, competition.

There are chances to prevent negative consequences, provided that the fortuneteller is vigilant. The Seven of Wands expresses competition in the workplace and the presence of a third person in a pair that destroys an established union.

The lasso shows changes that have not yet occurred in reality, but are already in the air, felt by intuition. Changes will come soon. In the profession, expectations or fears will come true, depending on the mood of the fortuneteller himself.

For a union that was on the brink or in a state of stagnation, the card shows new perspectives and revitalization. A breakup in a pair can only happen if negative cards predominate in the layout.

According to the plot, the hero carries a heavy door on his back, and his family is standing next to the doorway of the house. The missing door appears here as a symbol of stubbornness and inability to withstand difficulties. It is not the situation itself that is dangerous, but negative memories of past experiences.

The onset of change meets fierce resistance and attempts to cling to the old life, even if it brings pain and disappointment. Failures in the professional sphere, left far in the past, block new opportunities for growth and development. In terms of relationships, the Nine of Wands shows the fear of being deceived again.

The character looks out into the street through a shop window. The card shows vain unfulfilled expectations. Lack of understanding of the correct actions in the current situation. Time and patience will help you master the new experience. Unloved routine work, or suddenly fallen responsibility due to a new range of responsibilities.

In the realm of love, the prospects are bleak. The fortuneteller suffers from long loneliness, from which there is no way out, or there is a partner, but the situation is also unsolvable. The Ten of Wands gives advice: to reassess what is happening and find new ways to solve problems.

A young lady opens the door for a young man who hides a gift behind his back. The pages in the tarot deck are a symbol of a new opportunity, and the fiery element of the Wands shows a thought that the fortuneteller will accept with genuine joy.

At the event level, this is a long-awaited meeting, good news, an evening with friends, a gift. A new project that allows you to show your abilities, position, business trip or trip. An interesting development of the union or a new acquaintance.

The Knight of Wands is a young man leaving the walls of his native castle. The card shows the desire to live, passion and enthusiasm. Sometimes these qualities manifest as impulsiveness and aggression. The interpretation of the Knight depends on the theme of the layout. In business - impatience, the desire for quick results.

Tarot 78 doors, the meaning of the cards in the layout, indicates obstacles that kill interest in business due to being tied to the ultimate goal. May show competition. Passion and opposition of loving people. If you direct energy in a peaceful direction, together they are able to move mountains.

Shows a woman who knows how to live in harmony with herself and the outside world. She is proud and strong in character, but vulnerable, painfully perceives criticism. Passionate, bright nature. In business layouts, it shows a desire for independence, a willingness to implement new projects and goals.

In the love sphere - sensuality, openness to new impressions, new acquaintances. The transition of relations to a more mature level.

The lasso embodies the masculine qualities of the fiery element: the thirst for life, the desire for power and wealth. In the King of Wands, these qualities coexist with wisdom and generosity. The card also suggests spiritual growth.

In business: decisive action, vigor, confidence, desire for leadership in the team, sufficient experience, enthusiasm.

In love - sincere sympathy, the desire to bring joy to a partner.

Tarot 78 doors, how to guess online by the suit of Swords

A state of inspiration, the birth of a new idea, an unexpected turn, a change of outlook.

The tarot of the door, the ace of swords, means a chance that came suddenly, for which one cannot be prepared.

An ingrained way of life will change. Events will force you to assess the situation in a new way.

The two of swords of the tarot of 78 doors shows doubts that absorb, paralyze a person. In some layouts, it denotes the last attempt to change the situation. Unpleasant circumstances arose because of the inability to listen to intuition. Logic is already powerless, and the voice of the soul is not yet heard.

In love, it expresses a crisis state; a sharp break is needed to exit.

Some tarologists interpret the three of swords as disappointment from unsuccessful or unrequited love, but this is not the only interpretation. The main meaning of the Three of Swords is a choice against the will, contrary to feelings.

In professional layouts, she shows that a person goes to work that he hates every day, reprimands, an unpleasant set of circumstances. Reproaches, accusations of breaking the union.

Shows a blind old man with glasses coming out of the door of his house. He walks with a cane. No matter how long his journey takes, he will need effort and patience. This is the lasso of restrictions and missed opportunities. The onset of stagnation. Just as a blind person trusts a cane, so a fortuneteller must rely on inner sensations and intuition.
An elderly woman sits on the steps in front of a locked door. She's upset. Shows an aggravation of a quarrel, scandals, a lack of faith in oneself, a feeling of despondency. To open a closed door, you need to step over a state of despondency.

In the work area, it can show squabbles in the team, gossip, conflicts with management, which may continue in court.

For relationships, it reveals their most negative aspect in scandals, accusations, feelings of hatred and revenge, when two people want to hurt each other more.

6 swords tarot 78 doors shows the possibility of changing the situation for the better. The key to change will be the desire to escape, to find a way out. This is evidenced by the plot in which a young man carefully peers into the monitor screen, reading the information found.

In the professional field, it can mean dismissal, or a transition to a new position.

Parting with the old circle of responsibilities is an inevitable condition for the transition to a new life. Internal or external changes for relationships.

You can part with a person, or you can part with your own ideas about how he should be, and build a qualitatively new, deep relationship with him.

7 of swords shows the sharpness of the mind, turning into cunning and meanness. In a favorable scenario - an impetus for solving problems. The card shows deceit or self-deception. In the aspect of love relationships, understatement, deceit, ugly behavior on the part of a loved one. A more accurate interpretation will be prompted by neighboring arcana.
8 tarot swords (78 doors) opens a naked girl, covered with a blanket, runs down the spiral staircase, covering her face with her hands, and spirits fly after her. The Eight of Swords shows the suppression of some side of the personality. Often these are negative internal programs that control behavior, but we cover them up with emerging circumstances, for example, like this:

"I would do it if I had more opportunities, time or money."

In work - lack of development, due to the inability to show abilities. This happens when a person is not busy with their own business.

In personal life, secrets that are hidden due to fear of being a misunderstood partner. Suppressing your desires, unspoken words. Behavior in this vein will lead to the collapse of the union.

9 of swords shows a golden cage in which a person sits. His hands clench his knees, his gaze is directed into the distance. He can get out because the cage is not locked. But he continues to sit still.

The card shows loneliness, misunderstanding on the part of loved ones. The advice of the Nine of Swords is to look around and understand that only we ourselves drive ourselves into frames and cages.

Shows fear of being abandoned by someone and doubts, emotional torment. Sometimes, the shame of the revealed truth. In some cases, the card is interpreted with a positive outcome.

For example, the nine swords "78 doors" (for housing, interpretation) will predict a favorable outcome of the transaction with some effort.

The ten of swords in the tarot of 78 doors is close to the classic one in the Ryder-White tarot. The doctor puts needles in the back of the patient lying on the couch. Shows painful emotional experiences, in order to step over them, the help of a psychologist may be required.

Often symbolizes health problems, especially with the back. In the professional sphere, this is dismissal, leaving work. A crisis in love, a break, suppression of feelings, as a result of which, there is a risk of losing the most valuable thing.

The page of swords (taro of doors) is watching from around the corner behind the house standing nearby and the person at the door. He doesn't want to be seen. The door of the second house is open and the person behaves freely.

So the lasso shows that one person is open, and the second is trying to hide the truth. But new information will lead to disclosure of the situation. Conflict with superiors, tension, disputes.

Long-standing differences will be exacerbated by a loved one. An explosion of accumulated emotions can lead to separation.

Here the knight of swords is brought in the form of a centaur who is trying to open the locked door and go inside. The map shows disputes even in those areas of life that were established and did not cause problems before.

Dislike and tense atmosphere of the workplace, rejection of colleagues. Warm romantic relationships turned cold, giving way to irritation and anger.

The lasso symbolizes the situation when, as a result of claims, remarks, nit-picking and jokes, we spoil our relationship with our loved one. The Knight of Swords advises to think about actions before starting an action.

The Queen of Swords is depicted in the deck in a state close to a hypnotic trance. Her eyes are rolled up, and her image, personifying the soul, comes out through her mouth. In the profession, she shows a desire to learn and learn new things.

Flexibility of mind and ability to negotiate. In relationships, it symbolizes understanding, a new awareness of oneself and existing relationships with another person. This is an attempt to look from the outside in order to understand the cause of dissatisfaction with what is happening and solve the problem, gaining inner freedom.

The King of Swords is depicted as a doctor who came to the house of an elderly woman in a wheelchair. This image reveals the meaning of the card. On the one hand, the doctor should be involved in the problems of the patient.

On the other hand, to be able to fence off and not let them through. Arkan expresses intellectuality, a sharp analytical mind that makes a person cold, prudent, but at the same time one-sided in judgments.

In a relationship, it speaks of the need for some alienation for a sober assessment of the situation.

Fortune telling on tarot 78 doors (online) by the suit of cups

The Ace of Cups is one of the best cards in the tarot deck. It shows that the fortuneteller has a unique chance for self-expression.

From the point of view of feelings, it symbolizes joy, sensual love, warm parental feeling, an intangible gift from higher powers.

The main meaning of the lasso of 2 cups is the union of two lovers. This is symbolized by a couple standing opposite each other with gifts, in front of the half-open doors to the garden.

Joy harmony, pleasant joint time. For working layouts - an established friendly atmosphere.

The plot depicts girls gathering for some kind of celebration. The card shows fun and friendly company.

An unexpected gift or opportunity, overflowing with joy. Harmonious relationship in a couple, honeymoon period. Successful delivery of the project.

4 cups (tarot 78 doors), the card shows a full man in an armchair in front of the TV. Next to him is food and drink. The meaning of the lasso is satiety with results. Work does not bring joy and prospects, reprimands are possible.

For love, the Four of Cups carries a negative message. Jealousy, resentment, unwillingness to go to reconciliation, silence.

The Five of Cups shows a girl in a tower window. The tower door is already on fire and soon he will reach the top. Melancholy, despair, the pain of losing something important.

In work - a sign of an unsuccessful project, failure of plans. In love, a break in a relationship that was once perfect.

The description of the inverted tarot card (78 doors), 5 of cups is interpreted as a difficult way out of this situation.

Childhood memory card. This interpretation is supported by the plot of the lasso, in which the children gathered in the garden and listen to their grandmother read to them.

Memories can give strength, or they can cloud the mind. In business layouts, the lasso shows that a dreamy and frivolous attitude to work can harm your reputation. In creativity - a sign of a surge of inspiration.

The Seven of Cups shows a woman sleeping in a bed. She sees herself as an angel guarding the dragon's treasury. Deception, illusions, lack of correct vision of what is happening. The interpretation of the tarot of 78 doors of the seven of cups in a monetary matter shows unreliable deals, unrealizable offers, such as financial pyramids and easy money.
Eight of Cups tarot 78 doors shows a breakthrough, along with parting. Her advice is to leave the past life for a new experience. This parting will be sad, and the way forward is unknown.

But the fortuneteller has no other way. For the professional sphere - a sign of dismissal or leaving the previous place, and in the love sphere - a break in relations that were very significant in the past.

A full table of food is depicted, the owner sitting with a goblet in his hand. There is so much food that the dog eats the leftovers. A period of excessive joy. Strive to get as much as possible.

A good mood that can provoke relaxed work. Feeling of pleasure between lovers. But when there is a lot of pleasure, it ceases to be appreciated.

The Page of Cups expresses the impetus for a new life. It can be participation in a project, or a truce after a quarrel.

New work will bring good results and recognition. In love - enjoying each other after conflicts.

Harmony, emotional atmosphere, love, dreams. Creative approach to work, successful course of business. Love, caring attitude, truce.
The Queen of Cups is shown in the form of an angel who appeared at the prayer of a woman on her knees. Quiet work, the transformation of talent into a profession. Sensual intimacy, spiritual connection, trust, understanding.
The King of Cups is shown as a merman holding a bowl over his head. Expresses the unity of man with higher powers. Shows that even in the profession we need to rely on the call of the soul.

The desire to break the usual framework, change the direction of activity. In love, understanding the fears and doubts of a loved one, the desire to help, because he is the dearest and closest.

Study of the deck, the meaning of pentacles

Completes the description of the tarot lv "78 doors", the meaning of the cards, the suit of pentacles or coins. She is responsible for material results.

The Ace of Pentacles shows a woman holding a bunch of house keys. The main point is that we ourselves are a source of strength and opportunity, the lasso calls to look inside our personality to find answers to exciting questions.

For business - fame, success, recognition, the pinnacle of success. In the love sphere - a new love, which can become a lasting feeling, or new facets of an old union.

The plot illustrates the whirlpool of events. It is interpreted depending on the type of alignment. This is playful behavior, lightness, flexibility of the mind, and the absence of one's own point of view, suggestibility. In the professional field - high flexibility, the ability to adapt to circumstances. In the personal - joy, a frivolous attitude.
In the plot, a master making doors. Useful experience for a new stage of development. Exams, advanced training. In love, it is a decisive step in moving the union to a new qualitative level. For example, marriage, or moving.
The woman represented on the card is too big to enter the small door. The Four of Coins shows excessive anxiety about future events.

In the profession, the lasso shows that the fortuneteller clings too much to a stable job, is afraid of losing it for the sake of better opportunities. In the love sphere - unnatural behavior due to fear of being abandoned.

Illustrates a lonely elderly man in front of the doors of a doctor's office. Crisis, breakdown, depression, unrest. Reluctance due to circumstance. Difficulties can lead to job loss. Leaving for a new place. In romantic relationships - loneliness, a feeling of own uselessness.
In front of the open door, the family finds a basket of sweets. A card of patience and willingness to help. Team interest planning, realization of creative potential. Support and understanding in a couple.
7 of Pentacles, tarot 78 doors: a lady in a beautiful dress joyfully sends the news with a dove.

Slowness, slow growth, a balanced decision. Trying to speed up the process will ruin the plans. Slow but correct course of relations.

The map shows a tattoo parlor. Drawing requires clear lines and painstaking work. This is the meaning of the Eight of Pentacles. A new joy of employment, an unusual business. You will have to gain experience, even without sufficient knowledge. For couples - the transition to a new stage with promising prospects.
Young people enter the door of the house. 9 of pentacles tarot 78 doors, this is a symbol of material well-being. Successful business, profit making, good position. Faithful companion, new acquaintances.

A bright streak of relationships, when two people appear before each other in a new light.

The tree house as a symbol of prosperity and stability. Confidence. But the Ten of Coins warns of the need to remember about spiritual growth. Even in a boring business, attentiveness will help open interest. Stable financial position, new projects, good remuneration. The manifestation of love and attention of a loved one after a period of stagnation.
The Page of Pentacles is an impetus to action. Pentacles belong to the elements of the earth, so this chance has a very real material expression. Getting a new task, a clear plan, help from management. Falling in love, a strong union, a marriage proposal or another decisive step.
The knight drives up to the castle doors with a gift in his hands, a lady is already waiting for him in the distance. The personification of patience, understanding, diligence and perseverance. Diligence, reliability, intuition. Receiving a reward. Constancy and fidelity, along with careful attitude to the beloved.
Tarot 78 doors, the queen of pentacles sits on a throne surrounded by treasures. It personifies practicality, thriftiness, good nature. Caring mother, sensual, creative person. Patience and perseverance in work, along with inspiration and a creative streak. Warmth from communication with a loved one, a sense of security and protection.
The desire for prosperity, the possession of wealth. The desire for stability and reliability without abrupt changes. Orderliness, consistency and consistency in work. The fortuneteller prefers to be content with what is, but to be able to realize emerging needs. In the love sphere, it means that reliability and fidelity are placed above novelty and easy affairs.

Tarot cards "78 doors", where to order and buy? Customer Reviews

Tarot "78 doors" can be purchased at esoteric stores, bookstores, as well as at Ozone, Yandex Market and Labyrinth. The price depends on the kit. So on the "Labyrinth" a manual with a deck of cards costs an average of 1,700 rubles, excluding discounts.

Tarot cards are a mantic tool tested by many fortune-tellers and clairvoyants, which allows you to predict the course of future events and correct the situation for the better in a timely manner. There are many tarot decks created by different authors.

The Rider Waite deck is considered universal, but despite this, many alternative versions allow you to get no less truthful answers to questions. Each deck has its own distinctive features that you should pay attention to.

In this article, we will look at the Tarot meaning of 78 Doors.

By the way! We have it on our site - use it to your health!

The 78 Doors Tarot is one of the most unusual decks released over the past ten years. The deck was designed by Italian artistic director Pietro Alliego and drawn by artist Antonella Platano. Tarot 78 Doors quickly gained popularity and spread throughout domestic states.

There is a metaphorical opening of doors in the deck, symbolizing changes, the change from one state to another. Approaching the door, a person needs to make a decision: “Come in or stay outside?” Also, the questioner is concerned about what is behind this door?

The idea of ​​doors is supplemented with images of keys and guards. The doors on the lasso are depicted as open or closed. People either enter or exit. And the keys to the doors are either in plain sight or securely hidden on the lasso. Next, we will consider the meaning of each of these images in more detail.

Image of Doors

We have to use the doors every day. We constantly have to enter and exit, pass through various doors, and we are so used to this object of our everyday life that sometimes we forget its important symbolic meaning.

The door is the entrance. In many nations, the concept of "discovery" is closely intertwined with rituals that symbolize personality changes. A person acquires a higher status, changes his usual worldview, becomes “initiated”.

In ancient times, traditionally, the entrances to sanctuaries or temples were always guarded by "guardians of the threshold." As the latter, statues were used (knights, dragons, lions, sphinxes, angels and deities). The guardians of the threshold were supposed to prevent evil forces and bad personalities from entering the door.

It is from here that the famous wedding tradition comes, when the groom must bring his bride into the house in his arms - this is how he dedicates her to his wife and demonstrates to the guards that she is now the mistress of this house.

Key Images

All doors open and close with keys. It doesn't matter what - large or small, metal or gold - it is important that the key fits the lock.

The main task of the keys is to "open" and "close" - symbolically, this demonstrates the possibility of gaining access to everything: to power, certain places, people, and so on.
In its deepest sense, the key is a mantic tool, with the help of which it is possible to eliminate the boundaries between the obvious and the secret, which also symbolizes Initiation and access to higher knowledge. There are even Masonic lodges that use the key as their emblem, and it can also be the sign of the master.

Images of open and closed doors

In the deck of 78 Doors, open doors always have a positive meaning, they represent the removal of obstacles and entry. An amazing opportunity opens up for a person to visualize what is there, on the other side of the door, to expand the scope of their life limitations.

In addition, the door indicates a thirst for knowledge and a desire to make changes in your life. Thanks to open doors, you better understand what is really happening, you feel your heartbeat more sharply, you can analyze the past to create a favorable future.

Cards in an inverted position (when they are upside down) drastically change their meaning.

Meaning of the cards in Tarot 78 Doors

In general, it almost does not differ from the traditional deck, but there are some changes:

  • So, he is depicted standing on the edge of the abyss with a key in his hands, there is no door in front of him, the whole world opens up to him - you just need to take a step forward.
  • the artist painted in the image of a sorceress sitting at a table on which a deck of Tarot cards is laid out. She peers into the magic ball and unlocks the door to hidden knowledge. Its key is a real vision of the problem.
  • seduces the spirit that comes out from behind a loosely closed door and points out its weak points. The hermit is looking for the key.
  • The door is guarded by a lion. To open it, the daredevil will either have to defeat the lion, or negotiate with him, but be that as it may, you must, first of all, defeat yourself.
  • The door is closed, in order to enter it, it is necessary to achieve a state of harmony and gain patience, but the water that the girl fills in jugs gives confidence in her own strength.
  • On we see the image of people who could not cope with their vices and opened the door, which was forbidden to open. Their fate now depends entirely on their future behavior.
  • The door of the Last Judgment is the door of regularities and the final one - having passed through it, we enter a new step. Now our actions do not change the situation in any way, so we have to put up with any changes.

As for, they talk about some specific details, and also advise how to open the door, and shed light on what is hidden behind it.

Suit of Swords

Swords allow you to reveal secret thoughts.

  • - it depicts a door leading to a gigantic labyrinth. Of course, going through it will be quite difficult, and while a person still has the opportunity to go back, having lost all his illusions. Because after entering the labyrinth, his illusions will dissipate instantly.
  • The woman is older than in the traditional deck, she sits under the door, which she does not dare to open. The door managed to hide under the stormy vegetation during her thoughts.
  • indicates that a lot of effort will have to be made to open part of the doors. It will be necessary to find a special key for them, as well as creatively rethink the current situation.
  • - protects his personality, destroying the prejudices of society.

Suit of Cups

Cups open doors to the emotional, sensual world.

  • - teaches to part with the past: a woman on the map sees that her home is on fire, the flames brightly engulfed him, and she has no choice but to jump out the window. But she does not want to do this, all hoping that at the last moment someone will come to her aid and everything will be the same as before.
  • depicts children listening to their grandmother, who reads fairy tales to them.
  • enters a cave located under a waterfall, he lives an imaginary life - attractive, but fabulous, and very soon will face a harsh reality.

Tarot 78 doors

Description of the deck and example layout

So today I would like to introduce your attention to one of the most popular modern decks - tarot 78 doors. Bright, eclectic and uncommon, she can become your best friend. It is perfect for considering everyday issues, relationships in a couple, and for layouts on personality characteristics. Every day we face certain obstacles, and this deck will prove to be an indispensable assistant in finding the “key” to your problems. I would like to note that the deck often works on the principle of an oracle, that is, with pictures. But do not underestimate and simplify it, the more closely you work with this deck, the deeper you understand it, the more clearly you understand that it is able to show the ugly truth gently, sometimes ironically, but the more interesting it is to work with the deck.

Not a day goes by in our lives that we don't use the doors. We continuously enter and exit through doors, "pass through". And we are so accustomed to this indispensable detail of our life that we have forgotten about their most important symbolic role. Love and hate, friendship and struggle, joy and failure, birth and death... The 78 cards of this deck are 78 physical and metaphorical doors, giving the key to the most important door of our soul.

An example of the "Lovers" layout

M .: 1 and 6 - briefly describe the person himself;
You: Moderation

You are patient, before you do something, you think it over carefully, you are afraid of “burning yourself”. Very soft, feminine, perhaps it comes from the family, from the upbringing of parents, you have your own perception of the family, you know that a man needs to give in, make compromises.He: Supreme Court

He is a categorical person, he needs either everything or nothing. For close people, he is ready for a lot, he will make every effort to help them, but if someone crosses his path, R. does not forget evil. Surrounding people usually cannot remain indifferent to such people, they either adore them or hate them.

OS: yes I really am, and so is he.

M .: 2 and 7 - "what's in the head", that is, what a person thinks about theserelationships; You: Ace of swords

For you, a relationship with him is a chance to start your life anew, to get out of the "maze" in which you are now.He: King of Pentacles (additional King of Swords 9 of Swords)

He does not see prospects, and specifically, he believes that you are now in a “golden cage” and you do not have the courage to leave the person who is now next to you.

OS: I really think this relationship is the way out of my labyrinth, and he thinks that I am in a golden cage, but this cage is not gold, but iron.

M.: 3 and 8 - "what is in the soul" - what a person feels; You: 3 of wands

You now feel helpless, you understand that it will be difficult for you to deal with the situation that has developed in your life at the moment. In him you see a person who can help you, morally support you.He: 5 bowls

He also knows about the difficult stage in your life. But on his part, there is more fear that you started all this out of desperation. Intertwined is the understanding that you are now already not sweet and the fear that you will get too used to it. As a person who is not stupid, he understands that entering into a serious relationship with you is a big responsibility, and he is not sure that he can withstand this responsibility, not make you even more painful.

OS: yes, I see a person who can help me, provide moral support, and I feel that he is afraid of this

M .: 4 and 9 - subconscious desires, motives, sometimes everything is hidden;You: 2 swords

You see in him the potential of a person next to whom you can morally warm up. Expect that these relationships will develop not according to your usual scenario. Appreciate the sense of security and fragility that you experience when he is around you.He: 4 swords

He does not yet know what exactly he wants, there are a lot of doubts, a lot of all sorts of “buts”. The situation got too complicated

OS: yes you are right.

M .: 5 and 10 - intentions, open actions, what is going to be done.You: Hanged

The card rather says not about the actions that you are going to take, but about the fact that now you do not have the opportunity to do anything. There are many circumstances beyond your control that prevent you from acting.He: Ace of Cups

Now a lot depends on you, but if you are next to him, he is ready to try to be paired with you.

OS: yes we are separated by many kilometers from each other.

M.: 17 - what separates; 8 of wands

The situation you are in right now is practically a lottery. In order for everything to grow together, the element of luck, chance, is very important. There are many hopes, fantasies, but practically nothing is known for sure.OS: I don’t know if everything will work out for me with the documents so that I would move.

M.: 18 - what helps; Ace of Pentacles

It helps, first of all, your desire to bring everything to the end. You do not give up, and although, while passively, you are moving towards your goal.

OS: don't give up hope for the best

M .: 19 - what blesses; Priestess

Tarot cards of 78 doors are distinguished by the fact that they answer questions as directly as possible and show what happens behind a closed door. The deck will help to observe someone else's life.

It demonstrates everything that happens externally, and you will have to draw conclusions about the internal content yourself.

The theme of doors and keys runs throughout this deck. The doors depicted on the maps are very diverse, it is always a path to something new.

History of Tarot Cards 78 Doors

The history of this one is not as ancient as that of others, but it has undeniable advantages.

Passing through the door is not easy, for this you need to overcome fears, part with the past, but also go through the door guard, he will check whether a person is ready to overcome the door.

All doors have a lock and a key to it. They are unique and in order to pass them you need to pass the test, that is, to have knowledge.

The major arcana here are interpreted in much the same way as in a regular Tarot deck, but still their meanings are somewhat changed.

  • The Fool, standing on a cliff in the hands of a key, does not have a specific door in front of him, the whole world is open to him and he only needs to take a step.
  • The High Priestess is presented here in the form of a sorceress, Tarot cards are laid out around her, she herself looks into a magic ball and wants to understand the meaning of secret knowledge.
  • The hermit is tempted by the spirit, he comes from a loosely closed door and shows weaknesses, he is only looking for a key.
  • The door of the Force is guarded by a lion, in order to be there, you need to defeat him or conclude an agreement with him, in any case, you need to win the battle at home.
  • The Door of Moderation is closed, in order to get into it, inner harmony and patience are needed, the girl on the map draws water into jugs, this is a good sign.
  • The people from the Devil card did not overcome themselves and still opened the door, although this was not necessary, now their fate depends on their actions.
  • The door of the Last Judgment is the door of patterns, it will sum up the results and help you move to a new level, nothing will depend on a person anymore, his task is to accept the change.

This deck is very convenient to ask about the possible consequences of your actions and how to get out of a difficult situation.

In the upright position, all Tarot cards of 78 doors speak of an entrance somewhere and an open door, then in an inverted position, it indicates the qualities necessary to open the door.

Tarot cards 78 Doors suit

If you decide to study 78 doors, then you need to consider that the minor arcana indicate individual details, they give advice on how to open the door and who might be behind it.

swords help open the doors of thought. The Ace of Swords will open the entrance to a huge endless labyrinth, it is very difficult to go through it. As long as a person has not entered there, he may be in captivity of various illusions, but if you enter inside, they will quickly dissipate.

A woman on the top five, grew old under the door and did not dare to open it while she was tormented, the door was already overgrown.

The seven shows that some doors are not easy to open, they require a special key, that is, the situation needs to be rethought. The knight is unique, he eliminates stereotypes in society.

cups lead to emotions and feelings. The five says to let go of the past, the woman on it sees that her house is on fire, and she must jump out the window to escape, but she wants to stay in the house and hopes that she will be helped to put out the fire.

Children on the six listen to grandmother's tales. They will learn from those they trust. The knight goes to the cave under the waterfall.

He came up with a bright and beautiful life for himself, but soon the water will bring him to his senses. The queen is the spirit of the river. She listens with understanding to the woman's prayer and wants to help her.

Wands open the way to a career and self-expression. The girl from the deuce seeps through the door, although it is closed. A man in a troika holds a torch in his hand and meets the ships.

The seven depicts a brave man, he had the determination to open secret doors. Eight calls to listen to intuition, there are many keys on the table, but only one is suitable for the door.

Pentacles open the door to the material world.

On the six you can see a poor family, they suddenly find a basket with gifts under the door, this indicates that faith in miracles is important. On the path of the eight, a person will need to give up his individuality, while he may not receive any benefits.

The queen lives thanks to people who love her, and she should listen to them and try to always be pleasant.

It may seem that this deck is simple, but you can never be sure that exactly the right door is open, and even if it is correct, there may be a hundred other doors behind it, and behind them still others, it is never clear where they will lead.

If you have not yet fully studied the deck and understood the meaning of divination on these useful and interesting cards, you can order if they are conducted by a professional, then the result of these cards may be better than others.
