How the eaves are sewn at the roof. Do-it-yourself roof cornice filing

To give the constructed roof and the entire building a complete appearance, after finishing the facade, the installation of the filing of the roof overhangs is carried out. First, a basic structure is created for this, usually from wooden boards, and then finished with a suitable material. Now the roof is hemmed with clapboard made of wood, plastic panels, profiled sheets and a whole range of different materials. About what the purpose of the roof filing is, in addition to aesthetics, how it is done and the better to sheathe the base structure, read the article.

The part of the roof structure that protrudes from the surface of the walls is called the overhang. If you do not make such protrusions, the rain will pour directly onto the wall surface, and the building will not look very good in terms of aesthetics. The degree of protrusion of the overhangs depends on their type, the architecture of the building and the configuration of the roof. It is considered the norm when the roof with its ledge creates a protective visor with a width of 40 cm to a meter.

There are two types of roof overhangs - gable and eaves. The first are formed by the inclined slopes of the roof protruding beyond the plane of the pediments. They are formed by roof sheathing boards sewn over the rafters. Cornice ledges are the lower ends of the rafter legs or fillies. Through the cornice overhangs, the attic space is ventilated or the insulated roof is ventilated, therefore, when installing the filing of these roof elements, gaps must be left or ventilation grilles are inserted. It is impossible not to hem the cornice overhangs. First of all, it looks ugly. Secondly, if the overhangs from below are not closed, rain moisture will be blown into the space under the roof, birds will fly in and settle, and a strong wind can damage the integrity of the roofing material. In addition, excess moisture will shorten the life of the wooden parts of the truss system if they are not reliably protected from it.

For your information. Gable overhangs, in addition to the aesthetic load and protection of the pediment from precipitation, do not perform other functions, so they are hemmed tightly without worrying about leaving ventilation gaps.

Preparation of elements of overhangs for finishing, sheathing of ends

As we found out, before sheathing on the roof eaves and gable overhangs, protruding wooden parts are visible - rafters and sheathing boards, respectively. The task of sheathing is the aesthetic design of open areas of a wooden structure and their protection from atmospheric influences. The ends of the rafter legs need not only to be ennobled, but also to prepare the base for the installation of gutters, for which a frontal board or panel is installed here. Before attaching the frontal board to the rafters, it is necessary to align the protruding bars so that their ends are vertical and stand at the same distance from the adjacent wall. Align the ends of the rafter legs usually like this. After making careful measurements, mark the cut line on the extreme bars, after which an indicative thread or fishing line is pulled between the marks and intermediate elements are trimmed along it. Then the landmark is removed and the preparation of the ends is completed by trimming the extreme bars.

They do the same with the gable overhangs, making the ends of the boards of the crate equidistant from the sheathing of the gable. Here, to protect the ends of the crate, an end board is sewn on, which can be wooden or metal, if the roof is made of a similar material. Further, the overhang of the pediment without gaps is hemmed from below with a clapboard, profiled sheet or simply a wooden board well processed in all respects.

Sheathing material can be fastened across the purlin boards parallel to the gable. In this case, the filing is attached directly to the protruding rafter crate. If you need to make a filing of the overhang, placing its elements perpendicular to the pediment, longitudinal boards are attached to the crate from below near its ends and next to the pediment.

Cornice filing technology

The material used for sheathing must be securely fixed to something, while the base must lie in the same plane, which can be inclined and horizontal. An overhang hemmed at an angle is less common, but this method of finishing is sometimes used. In this case, the lining is sewn onto the rafter legs from below. This can be done if the release of the rafters is small (up to half a meter) and the bars are set fairly evenly. In this case, the angle of inclination of the roofing load-bearing bars should not exceed 30 degrees. At the bottom of the rafter legs protruding beyond the surface of the wall, boards, bars or slats are sewn, forming a crate, along which it is possible to finish the roofing cornice with almost any material used for this purpose.

But more often horizontal filing is used, especially when the roof has a steep slope. Then, first, a box structure is formed, along the lower part of which the cornice is finished. The box is made like this. First, with a certain step (usually corresponding to the step of the rafters), support bars are installed perpendicular to the wall, on which one of their ends rests. The other end of the supports is attached to the ends of the rafter legs, fastened together by a frontal board. Then, two or three (depending on the width of the cornice) boards are sewn along these bars, forming a crate for attaching the material used for filing the cornice overhang. Having dealt with the main methods of creating the basis for sheathing eaves and gable overhangs, we will consider a list of the most commonly used materials for facing work.

Materials for filing roof overhangs

When choosing how to hem a constructed roof, they pay attention to the style concept in which the building is made. For example, for a wooden house, it would be appropriate to finish the overhangs made with lumber. If the building is sheathed with siding, panels with a similar texture are suitable for finishing. You can match the material used for filing with the roofing. Now the choice of materials used for facing overhangs is such that you can easily choose something that matches the appearance of the house and personal taste preferences. For these purposes, today use the following types of cladding:

  • lumber (wooden lining, edged and planed boards);
  • profiled sheets;
  • PVC siding;
  • moisture resistant OSB boards and plywood;
  • sheet metal (galvanized or composite rolled products, aluminum sheets).

For your information. More often used for filing an inexpensive board made of coniferous wood of small thickness (up to 2.5 cm). Before carrying out finishing work, the board is thoroughly dried (at least a month), after which the one that has significant deformations is discarded. If necessary, the lumber is additionally polished from the front side, treated with protective impregnations and opened with varnish. The board is hemmed both in length (parallel to the walls) and across. During installation, deformation (ventilation) gaps of about 3 mm are left.

Hemming roof overhangs with wooden clapboard is becoming increasingly popular among homeowners made of logs or building timber. The lining visually harmonizes with wooden walls, while it is attached in a hidden way, which compares favorably with a regular board. When facing, the planks are installed perpendicular to the walls, diagonal joints are formed at the corners of the building. The convenience of lining is that properly prepared and processed wood is used in its production, so pre-installation preparation, as with a regular board, is not needed. The only thing that may be needed is varnishing, which can be done before or after lining, when the filing of the overhangs has already been completed.

A profiled sheet for filing is often used when corrugated board is also used as a roofing material. The advantage of a profiled sheet is in quick installation and low cost. But in terms of aesthetics, such sheathing is inferior to wood and even plastic siding. To ensure ventilation in the cornices with such facing of overhangs, special gratings must be embedded.

Polymer siding panels are more often used for cladding gable overhangs, but are also quite suitable for cladding the bottom of roof cornices. The plates are mounted perpendicular to the adjacent walls, attached to the elements of the wooden crate with self-tapping screws through special holes. The next bar is joined to the previous one thanks to the lock. PVC siding is equipped with additional elements that facilitate the joining of panels at the corners and covering the cut edges of the plates. Such cladding also requires the installation of ventilation grilles, the area of ​​which must be at least 1:5000 in relation to the ventilated surface, that is, the total quadrature of the roof.

Galvanized sheets for finishing overhangs are used less and less, replacing them with another budget option for sheathing - OSB boards, which have proven themselves to be weather-resistant material, while being durable and not requiring, unlike conventional lumber, special preparation and processing. OSB boards are often sheathed not only with cornices, but with gables. Another attractive feature of these plates is that you can mount another, more expensive and attractive sheathing on top of them at any time, when extra finances appear for this.

Roof filing is a very important stage in construction. Success in it guarantees a pleasant and neat appearance of the building, whether it is a house, office, and utility room. A well-hemmed roof can protect the walls of the house from the weather, and you can also make an excellent ventilation system in it, which will ensure a long life for the entire roof. After reading this article, you will learn how to properly bind and what materials to choose for this.

Filing overhangs makes the picture of roofing work completely complete. Source

Why overhangs are needed

A roof overhang is a roof overhang located at the bottom of a roof. The recommended width of the overhang is 40 - 50 centimeters. Roof eaves filing is a mandatory operation in the construction process. However, if such a process is not planned, then serious troubles can arise. The most terrible thing happens when a strong wind undermines the entire roof, passing through unlined overhangs. And also the correct lining of the roof overhangs hides all the insides of the roofing pie and gives the building a finished look.

Important! Before performing work on filing, you should complete the installation of the roof, as well as insulate the walls.

Types of overhangs

Structurally, overhangs are divided into only two main varieties: eaves and gables.

Cornice overhangs

The lower horizontal part of the roof slopes is called the cornice overhang. It plays a key role in roof ventilation. The fact is that air enters through it, which either passes through the attic, like with attic-type roofs, or through the roofing pie, like with attic-type roofs, and then leaves through the ridge. Therefore, it is impossible to nail the overhang tightly, because in this case air will not pass.

Properly made filing should provide sufficient ventilation of the under-roof space. Source

There are several ways to ventilate a roof. First, you can leave a gap between the wall and the hemming material. It should not be too big, about one and a half centimeters. Secondly, the use of sheet materials for filing overhangs makes it possible to use ready-made ventilation grilles. Thirdly, if the overhang is hemmed with boards, we can simply make gaps between them. But in the case when the roof, for example, based on bitumen, it is worth increasing the area of ​​the ventilation holes, compared with, for example, clay tiles, since the former does not let air through at all. It is also worth covering all openings with nets to prevent contamination of the roof or attic.

The side of the roof overhang is the gable overhang. The list of its functions does not include ventilation, but its main task is to reliably protect the entire roofing pie. Otherwise, the systematic ingress of moisture will nullify all the efforts of your insulation, which is located in the roofing pie, and the room will become noticeably colder. When it comes to frontal overhangs, the most important goal is tightness.

The gable overhang looks more voluminous Source

How to finish the edge of the overhang

Each type of overhang will necessarily have unclosed elements, such as the end parts of the rafters, as well as the ends of the batten. You will definitely need to beautifully finish them, protecting them from bad weather and all external factors. The choice of materials for filing roof overhangs directly depends on what you used as a roofing.

Before starting work, all protruding rafters and batten elements should be cut at the same distance from the wall. After that, it is imperative to cover them with a strapping board, to which the frontal board is then attached. It is imperative to cover all wooden elements with protective compounds and it is better to paint if it is made of wood. It is also necessary to provide attachment points for gutters. On the front overhang, you need to nail the end board to the trimmed parts of the crate, and only then use roofing materials to finish it.


Options for filing overhangs

There are a lot of options for filing overhangs, but the most common are the following:

    Overhang filing on rafters. This method is the easiest of all possible, but it requires that all rafters lie strictly on the same level and in the same plane. It is suitable for roofs with a slope of no more than 30 degrees and a protrusion of up to 50 centimeters. The hemming material is attached to the crate, which in turn rests on the roof frame. It will be better and more convenient if the hemming strips are stuffed perpendicular to the rafters.

    Horizontal Binder. Roof hemming is very fast and economical in terms of material. In order to complete this option, you must first assemble a box of two boards, and only then attach it to the rafters. The board covering the end should end slightly lower than the vertical one, so that the water that falls on it easily rolls down. If the width of the overhang is about 50 centimeters, then another longitudinal board will be needed in its middle. This is a ready-made frame for mounting roofing materials. This method is well suited for roofs with a large angle of inclination.

An important point, the frame is always assembled from beams and boards, and hemming materials are already attached to them.

Sheathing materials are attached to the roof frame Source

How to choose materials

If you are planning such an operation as hemming the roof with boards, then coniferous wood would be better for this purpose. The board must be thoroughly dried, otherwise it will warp later. Be sure to treat it with paintwork to protect it from mold and moisture. Such material can be hemmed parallel and perpendicular to the wall.

A good option is wooden lining. Its advantages over the board is that it has already been processed. However, for such purposes, it must be water resistant, it must also be dried and processed. When hemming with this material, ready-made grilles can be used for ventilation.

Good quality lining is a versatile material, which is also used when filing roof overhangs Source

PVC siding- another version of the material. Only waterproof material should be used for hemming. All fittings can be purchased in special stores. You should not mount such material along the wall, because over time it can bend a lot.

Very easy to use and affordable material is corrugated board. It is distinguished by its lightness, strength and durability, as well as an affordable price compared to other materials. If the choice fell on this option, then when filing, it is worth leaving ventilation gaps a little more than a centimeter.

The filing of the roof with corrugated board looks very nice. Source

You can also use sheets of waterproof plywood or OSB, as well as galvanized or polymer-coated steel, aluminum or copper.

Hemming roof overhangs with soffits

Roof filing using spotlights is one of the most rational ways.

Soffits themselves are strips that are produced specifically for filing roof overhangs and are a very convenient and fairly affordable tool. They can be made from any material from PVC to metal. Various colors and styles allow you to choose spotlights for any home. Usually this hemming material is sold complete with everything you need, including fittings and fasteners.

Soffits are usually sold as panels, which can have one, two or three layers. Also spotlights are solid and perforated. This method of filing is very simple and relevant, since the installation of spotlights on the roof eaves does not require special skills and abilities, as well as spending a lot of time.

Soffits are panels specially designed for filing overhangs. Source

One of the most popular ways of filing roof overhangs with spotlights is horizontal filing. When using this method, a sheathing is made and attached to the roof overhang. Then a profile cut to size is attached to the crate. Such a profile is usually cut with a grinder, and fastened to the crate with self-tapping screws. There should be two strips - one at the wall, and the other at the edge of the overhang.

Careful measurements are the basis of any construction work. Source

Then the plate is first inserted into the profile located at the wall, and then at the end of the overhang. The frontal part of the overhang can also be sewn up with a soffit.

Video description

This video will tell you more about the installation of spotlights:

Common mistakes when working with spotlights

    If the work is done by professionals, then the filing should be neat and beautiful.

    Special attention should be paid reliability of fasteners soffit panels, you can never save fastening materials and fittings, otherwise a strong wind can undermine the entire structure.

    Be sure to finish before sewing decoration of external walls.

Another important note, for filing overhangs, you should definitely get stainless fittings so that later rust does not spoil the appearance of the structure.

Sheathing overhangs, made in the same style with the facade of the cottage Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer a turnkey roof repair service. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".


The process of filing the roof is an important stage in the construction of any cottage, directly affecting its appearance. Such work can be entrusted to professionals, because they will perfectly finish the overhangs and give your home a finished look. I am sure that after reading this article, you have learned a lot of new and interesting information and learned how to hem roof overhangs, and also were able to get acquainted with such a process as filing a roof with spotlights. Now you can choose and order the correct, economical and accurate hemming of roof overhangs.

At the end of the installation of the main roof structure, it remains to give the finished look to the roof by performing a number of additional works. Note that in terms of importance, they occupy positions no lower than larger processes.

One of the finishing options is filing the roof overhangs. At the same time as finishing the overhangs, drains and ventilation are installed. It is necessary to carry out filing for any type of roof, even a flat one or with an elevation along the edge in the form of a parapet. The main difference will be in the installation method.

Why is roofing required?

The main functions of filing a roof:

  • maintaining the necessary microclimate inside the house
  • protection of heat-insulating material, increasing the heat-saving properties of the structure
  • protection from any influence of atmospheric phenomena
  • creating an attractive appearance of the roof and completeness of the house as a whole.

Can I sheathe overhangs myself?

Do-it-yourself filing of roof overhangs is quite possible even without the professional skills of a builder. It is enough just to comply with the conditions of the technology described below and be able to handle the tools.


To perform the work you will need the following tools:

  • drill
  • screwdriver
  • Bulgarian
  • hammer
  • measuring device
  • construction cradle or stepladder.

Do not forget to purchase consumables:

  • nails
  • screws
  • self-tapping screws
  • antiseptics
  • paint products.

Preparatory work

When to hem?

Registration of overhangs is carried out only after all work on wall insulation and installation of roofing material is completed. Otherwise, the thermal insulation properties will be violated due to the fact that part of the wall under the skin will remain without insulation.

How to prepare the rafters?

In advance, in the process of arranging the roof, prepare the rafters. The standard length to which the rafters are brought out of the wall of the house is 50-60 cm. If the rafters were not provided during the design process, then perform a forced lengthening by attaching additional strips, called ‹‹ filly ››.

Cut the ends of the rafters so that a line is formed perpendicular to the ground and parallel to the wall of the house. Install the first plank of the sheeting along this line. To maintain the accuracy of the distance from the wall at all rafters, use a special measuring tool. This approach will ensure the perfect evenness of the eaves.


Undoubtedly, each original project of the house needs a special approach to the process of performing work. There are two main ways. Depending on the complexity of the design, the nuances of construction will also differ. But, the main stages of the sequence will remain unchanged. The photos below of filing the roof overhangs will help you visually understand the whole technology of the process.

Rafter fastening

Apply this method if the roof of the house has a gentle slope or if you are aiming to increase the height of the building. Installation is carried out without the use of additional parts.

Box construction

Apply this design method for a large slope of the roof or for a hip roof.

Material selection criteria

In addition to observing technological nuances, the correct choice of material has a great influence on the quality and duration of operation. The price of filing roof overhangs will also mainly depend on it.
Most often, the determining criterion for selection is the material used to create the main structure of the building. In addition, its strength indicators, resistance to weather changes, protective properties, light weight, thickness are taken into account.

Types of materials used for filing cornices

Edged and planed board

A very economical way to bind. Choose conifers - larch, spruce, pine. The thickness of the board should vary between 17-22 mm. You select the width in accordance with the distance of the overhang, from 50 to 250 mm.


When choosing for lining the roof overhangs of the lining, keep in mind that its elements fit snugly one to one. Therefore, it is required to purchase and pre-install special plastic ventilation grilles on individual fragments.

It is better to purchase lining class ‹‹Extra››, which is distinguished by a high degree of quality of the feedstock without all kinds of defects and drying.

Important! When choosing wood materials, pay attention to the degree of moisture content of the raw material. It should be within 30-40%, otherwise deformation may occur during operation. You will also need to purchase antiseptic solutions and treat the wood before installation in order to avoid further decay, drying out, and increase resistance to wood-boring insects. Before installation, keep the purchased wood material outside for about a month.

PVC siding

The choice of PVC siding will allow you to perform a fairly effective filing at low cost. On sale it is present in the form of ready-made sets with U-shaped panels for finishing edges, ventilation grilles and corners. Installing it is extremely simple.
Distinctive nuances of installing PVC siding: due to the very light weight of the panel, they are mounted exclusively in a perpendicular relation to the wall on a wooden frame.


The choice of corrugated board for filing roof overhangs gives its advantages. Corrugated sheets with a thickness of 0.6-0.8 mm made of galvanized steel have an increased degree of strength and rigidity. A polymer coating gives them additional protection against corrosion. Color variations are possible, which allows solving even complex architectural problems. At the same time, please note that the installation process will be more time-consuming, as it will be necessary to cut the parts and color the sections. Ventilation occurs during operation due to gaps regulated by the wave height.


Plywood, like OSB, is quite suitable for filing roof overhangs. If you decide to work with this material, pay attention to the presence of a protective polymer coating against corrosion. Cut strips of the required width and attach them to the wooden beams with screws. At intervals of 1.5 m, cut ventilation holes.


This is a kind of profiled plastic material designed specifically for hemming roofing. Soffits have the necessary perforation, on the waves of which ventilation holes are created at certain intervals. The thickness during production is selected in accordance with the requirements of rigidity and attractiveness to this type of building material. Cutting occurs based on their overhang width parameters. Fasten the spotlights strictly perpendicular to the wall.


Visually familiarize yourself with the step-by-step execution of the work in the attached video of filing the roof overhangs.


Proceed to work only after studying the technology. By choosing the right material, based on the application described above, you can install the binder yourself without involving specialists in this field.

What materials can be used for roof overhangs?

The final stage of arranging the building is filing the roof, installing gutters and snow plows. Thanks to these works, you can give the building a complete look, protect it from environmental influences. Such work is also associated with the arrangement of ventilation in the under-roof space.

The overhang of the roof is called the protruding rafters beyond the boundaries of the facade of the building. By their design, they are gable and cornice overhangs. The cornice overhang is formed due to the slope of the rafters and with its help ventilation of the attic space is carried out. If not done, hemming the roof, then mice, birds, various insects can get there. Also, the rafters will come into contact with moisture and collapse. The gable overhang is formed by the lateral part of the slope, here it is necessary to take care that there are no gaps, and moisture does not get on the roof insulation.

Why do you need a roof overhang?

Roof filing allows you to protect the house, as well as give it a finished look. Thanks to the design of the overhang cornice, the structure of the house acquires completeness, this allows you to reduce heat loss in the room, protect all roof structures from external factors, and helps regulate the temperature balance inside the room.

Important: all cornices must be hemmed, regardless of their angle of inclination and the size of the protrusions.

Roof eaves filing: options

Are you thinking how to hem the cornice? The material that will be used for filing the roof must retain its characteristics under the influence of temperature changes, high humidity. The most common materials for filing are lining, spotlights, corrugated board, siding.

Wooden lining or edged board.

The wood used for sheathing the roof eaves must be at least 2 cm thick with medium moisture content. The main disadvantages of such material are fragility, change in characteristics under the influence of weather.


Decking - galvanized steel, treated with a layer of polymer that protects the metal. Profiled sheet panels can be cut to the required size; for ventilation, gaps are made between the sheets and the wall of the building.


Soffits are special plastic panels that are made to decorate roof eaves. Their design includes holes for ventilation. Soffit for filing is resistant to temperature extremes, exposure to the sun, moisture. Depending on the material used in the production, spotlights are based on copper, PVC, aluminum. Copper spotlights are the most expensive in terms of cost, but they are non-flammable, durable and have a unique appearance. Soffits for PVC filing have a special locking system that simplifies the installation process. Such soffits are produced solid and perforated. Galvanized soffits are the heaviest in design, which complicates the installation process. Aluminum soffits have all the advantages of soffits, their only drawback is that they are only available in white and brown colors.

Plywood and OSB

Plywood is a multilayer material based on wood fibers bonded together with glue. To impart moisture resistance, the adhesive contains phenol formaldehyde, which can be released into the environment over time.


Siding is a material originally intended for sheathing the walls of a building. They can hem the roof eaves, but it will have an unaesthetic appearance. Additionally, drilling holes for ventilation is required. Galvanized metal siding rusts over time, as condensation accumulates and there is no protective coating. So this option is rarely used.

How to hem the roof with your own hands?

When performing work on filing the roof with your own hands, you need to pay attention to the design of the roof, as well as the roofing material. In accordance with this, the roof eaves sheathing can be made in two ways:

By the rafters. In this case, the angle of inclination will be equal to the angle of the binder. This mounting method is used on flat roofs or with a slight slope. The complexity of filing a roof with your own hands will require you to know certain skills in order to create a flat surface.

Roof lining with soffit

Hemming the roof with soffit does not require significant skills from you, as they are equipped with a special locking connection. Initially, the J-profile is installed directly on the board, which is attached to the wall. We install a soffit for filing in profile. Then we fix the F-profile on the opposite side. The final stage of the installation of the overhang is made by fastening the L-profile along the outer side of the edge of the rafters.

Important: the soffit for filing must be installed at an angle of 90 degrees.

Roof eaves lining with corrugated board

The filing of the roof eaves with a profile sheet begins with the fastening of the bar at the level of the end of the rafters. The second beam is attached along the rafters. After that, you need to prepare a profile sheet. It is cut into strips of the required width, after which it is attached to the bars with screws. Leave some space for air circulation. The joints are finished with special rails.

Hemming of roof overhangs with clapboard

The filing of the roof cornice is carried out by clapboard of coniferous wood. Before starting work, check the length of the protruding rafters. It must be the same. The rafters are parallel to each other. The installation begins with the formation of a box, to which the lining will already be directly attached. For fastening, you can use special nails or self-tapping screws. To ventilate the under-roof space, special ventilation grilles are installed at regular intervals, which will facilitate the passage of air and trap debris.

Important: after carrying out all the work, the wood should be treated with special means that will protect it from moisture, as well as various insects.

Roof lining with plywood

Hemming the roof eaves can be done using moisture-resistant plywood or OSB sheets. They are made into a wooden box. Plywood boards are quite convenient for do-it-yourself installation. Large size allows you to immediately cover wide areas. For ventilation, special gratings are mounted in the plates. Such overhangs require additional staining.


so that there are no gaps, and moisture does not get on the roof insulation. Normal 0 false false false UK X-NONE X-NONE

When the installation of the roofing is completed, work begins on the sheathing of the roof overhang. This is done not only to protect the facade and ensure ventilation of the roof, but also to give a finished appearance to the building. The article will talk about what materials are used for these purposes and how the roof eaves are hemmed with soffit, corrugated board and wooden clapboard.

Roof eaves device

The eaves overhang is the protrusion of the rafters outside the facade of the house. It can be both simple and with removal. The first one is simpler in execution, and with a strong wind it will not be unpleasant to buzz in it, which cannot be said about the second option.

Roof overhang assembly

1- Gutter;

2- drip;

3- metal apron on the frontal board;

4- self-tapping screw;

6- bar 5x5 cm;

7- rafter leg (filly);

8- hemming material;

9- break;

10 - boards that are the basis of the cornice overhang;

11 - support bar for fixing breaks.

There are two types of cornice overhang - side and front.

Frontal roof eaves

Front is needed to protect the facade of the house. It represents the lateral edges of the sloping roof slopes. Accordingly, they are absent from the hip (four-pitched) roof.

The device of the front overhang of an ordinary gable roof is carried out by releasing the bearing beams fixed on the rafters. It is often possible to meet when the frontal cornice is formed by sheathing boards, which are laid on a vapor barrier under the roofing material. A cornice board is attached to them, which will later be sheathed with corrugated board or soffit.

Side roof eaves

All sloping roofs have a side overhang. It is formed by rafters that protrude beyond the walls of the house. The distance of their protrusion is calculated from the height of the house and the width of the blind area, often it is about 50-70 cm.

Although it is believed that the minimum allowable overhang size is 50 cm, there are also narrower ones.

  • In this case, the wall of the house must necessarily have good wind protection, since it will get very wet under slanting rain.
  • The second option to correct the situation is to install fillies, thereby increasing the length of the rafters. But this is a rather laborious process, and with the roof already made, few people want to open everything and redo it again. Therefore, it is important to provide for the required size of the roof overhang even at the construction stage.

The rafters are interconnected by boards along the entire length of the eaves. In the future, they will be covered with facing material.

Creation of proper ventilation of the roof through the cornices

The main function of any eaves is to protect the roof from atmospheric influences. But at the same time, it should not interfere with the natural ventilation of the under-roof space. This is important not only for residential attic floors, but also for cold roofs. The warmer air rising from the ground must pass through the eaves unhindered and, moving between the vapor barrier and roofing material, go out through the ridge. It is for this reason that it is forbidden to use various sealants and mounting foams when filing the eaves. Otherwise, condensation will form, which will lead to the wetting of the roofing insulation.

But there are exceptions here - eaves are made ventilated only under the slopes of the roof, and all frontal overhangs are closed “tightly”.

The choice of materials for filing roof overhangs

To date, there is a wide range of materials for filing the roofing cornice. Of course, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, but all of them fully protect it from moisture, provide insulation and ventilation of the roof. When making a choice in favor of a particular material, one should be guided not only by its beautiful appearance, but also by the length of its service life.


It is galvanized steel with a multi-colored polymer coating. It is resistant to mechanical damage and temperature extremes, has the necessary rigidity, and is also not afraid of wind loads. To provide the necessary ventilation, a gap is made between the corrugated board and the wall of the house equal to the height of its wave.


This is the most popular material specially designed for filing cornices. In fact, these are plastic panels that look like siding, but already have ventilation holes. They also differ from ordinary siding in that they contain UV stabilizers that protect the spotlights from the negative effects of sunlight.

Copper spotlights

This is a durable material, outwardly very aesthetic and presentable, but also quite expensive. Soffits made of copper have high fire-resistant and strength characteristics.

Aluminum spotlights

They are very light, fire-resistant, elastic, and if necessary, their repair is not difficult. They also have high color fastness, so that the color saturation does not change under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

The only drawback is the scarcity of colors - they are produced in white or brown.

Galvanized spotlights

They are durable and do not require additional care. These are durable spotlights that are not afraid of moisture and fire. But they are quite heavy, which to some extent makes their installation more laborious.

Vinyl spotlights

This is an inexpensive and most popular soffit option for filing roofing cornices. They are light in weight, perfectly protect against environmental influences, have a noble appearance, are easy to install, and also create a seamless canvas, providing full ventilation of the under-roof space.

Today they are made of fire-resistant plastic, which, moreover, is able to withstand severe loads. Three types are produced:

  • solid three-lane without ventilated holes;
  • fully perforated;
  • three-strip with a perforated center strip (the most popular).

Regardless of the material chosen for the spotlights, they are all fairly easy to install, and such work will not be difficult even for a beginner in construction. The basic rule when installing them is that they are located perpendicular to the wall, and not along.

Wooden lining and edged board

Until now, it is often possible to find that real wood is chosen for filing the cornice overhang. Since it is installed outside the house and is exposed to aggressive environmental influences, the choice of material must be approached responsibly. You can’t save and buy a lining that is too thin, its optimal thickness is 2 cm. It should also be of medium humidity (too wet will not work, as it can “lead”, but very dry is also not the best option).

To ensure ventilation, the boards are nailed with a 2 cm indent from the wall.

Sheathing of the roof overhang on the rafters

This method is rational for roofs with a small angle of inclination. The complexity of this execution of the sheathing lies in the fact that all the edges of the rafters form a flat plane.

But this can be achieved forever, then the way out will be small boards that are attached to the rafters. Their length is equal to the distance from the wall of the house to the edge of the overhang. To install them evenly, first one board is screwed from each edge of the eaves and twine is pulled between them. According to the received landmark, all other segments of the boards are attached. Sheathing to such a frame is attached to metal corners or screws.

Roof overhang filing on a wooden box

This method is ideal for roofs with a large slope. To equip such a box, a 4 cm thick edged board is taken and fastened between the wall of the house and the edge of the rafters. If one of its edges is installed directly to the rafter leg, then to fix the second edge, you will need to install a board adjacent to the wall, which is screwed to the rafters from above.

A second option is also possible, when instead of an additional vertical board, a beam is attached to the wall of the house with dowels.

On this, the frame of the box is completed, and the skin can be attached to it. To ensure the necessary rigidity of the entire structure, everything should be fixed not on nails, but on screws or corners.

Hemming of cornice overhangs with spotlights

Stages of work:

  • Soffits are completed with two special strips, which have the shape of the letter J or F. One of them is attached to a wooden rail prepared on the wall of the house, and the second from the side of the overhang. Self-tapping screws are used as fasteners. All planks must be attached absolutely evenly in relation to each other, so it is recommended that you first make a markup.
  • Then the width of the eaves overhang is measured and 6 mm is subtracted from the result. This is done in order to create the necessary gap, which compensates for the thermal expansion of the material. Soffits are cut into strips of the desired length.
  • The prepared plates are slightly bent and inserted into the grooves of the installed profiles. Where are they fixed with screws.

  • In order to hem the corner of the eaves, the length of the soffit strips must be gradually reduced, cutting off one of the sides at an angle of 45 degrees.

For their connection, an H-profile or two J-profiles are used.

For more detailed instructions on how to hem a roof eaves with spotlights, see the video below.

Important points in working with spotlights

  • The soffit is attached only at a right angle and through special holes;
  • there must be a gap so that the panel can expand or contract unhindered;
  • optimal size of fasteners: leg length 3 mm, cap width 8 mm. They should not be screwed tightly, but have a gap between the cap and the surface of the soffit equal to 1 mm;
  • the distance between the attachment points is 40 cm (more often);
  • soffits are cut using a circular saw with a blade on which the teeth are located in the opposite direction. You can also use scissors for metal or a knife. In the latter case, it is best to draw the place of the incision with it, and bending the panel along it, break off the required segment;
  • it is necessary to store and transport spotlights on a flat surface in low piles (packs of 10-15);
  • despite the fact that the manufacturer assures the possibility of installing spotlights even in winter, it is not recommended to carry out work if the temperature is below 15 degrees.

Sheathing of roof eaves with corrugated board

  • First, a bar is nailed to the wall in a horizontal position at the level of the edge of the overhang. At the same level with it, a second bar is attached along the edge of the rafter legs;
  • the corrugated board is cut to the required length (not forgetting the thermal reserve of the material and the need for a ventilation gap) and attached to the installed bars with self-tapping screws;
  • the junction of the profiled sheet and the wall is closed with an inner corner bar, and the connection of the outer edge with the rafters is decorated with a similar outer corner bar.

This completes the installation of corrugated board.

Roof overhang filing with wooden clapboard or board

It is most convenient to file roof overhangs from below, standing on scaffolding or on a stepladder.

Important! The eaves should be hemmed only after the walls of the house are completely insulated from the outside, a vapor barrier is made and the installation of the facing material is completed.

Before sheathing the overhangs with clapboard, all rafters on the side cornices must not only be of the same length, but also be exactly parallel to the wall of the house. Strapping wind boards are attached to them.

When all this is done, the installation of the skin fastening begins.

  • First, one board is screwed to the wall vertically, its lower edge should be at the level of the edge of the rafters - in the figure above (1).
  • The second board is attached between the rafters and board number 1 along their bottom edges (2). It should be parallel to the ground. Thus, the basis on which the crate will be installed is obtained.
  • When the frame is prepared, the installation of the skin itself begins.
    • When sheathing the roofing cornice with boards, a small gap must be left between them and the wall. The boards themselves are selected even, of good quality and 1-2 cm thick.
    • To ensure the necessary ventilation of the under-roof space when sheathing with wooden clapboard, it is recommended to install ventilation grilles around the entire perimeter in increments of 1.5 meters.

But often, relying on the properties of wood to "breathe", most builders do not adhere to these rules.
