How to take a heavy door off its hinges. How to remove a metal front door from its hinges

Each owner must know how to remove the door from the hinges, since such a need often arises in everyday life. The difficulties lie in the fact that today several types of fittings are used, and therefore it is necessary to be able to distinguish between their types and know the principle of handling each separately. That is why this issue should be considered in more detail.

Depending on the type of fittings used, the process of removing the door may differ.

Types of loops

If we consider directly the interior door, several types of hinges are used to install it. The most common today are the following varieties:

  • Card. These are the most familiar models of door hinges, they are relatively inexpensive and have a variety of designs. In addition, among the card products, you can select your subcategories. First of all, these are overhead butterfly loops, they are screwed to the canvas without prior preparation, their halves are designed according to the principle of a puzzle. Another type of fittings is mortise hinges, their plates must be deepened, that is, cut into the material. It is these products that are the most common.
  • Screwed. Unlike standard models, screw-in hinges look like a hairpin, which goes deep into the canvas and the box. They can have a smooth surface or be complemented by threads. In the middle, the pins are connected by a hinge element. The number of studs can be different, from one to three or four on each side in more durable models. Basically, screw-in hinges are only suitable for installing light canvases. Doors that are too heavy overload the structure and can tear out the fastening.
  • Hidden. This is the most effective type of fittings, as it is completely hidden in the door leaf and does not spoil the appearance of the structure. However, it is precisely this feature that complicates the work with them.

Varieties of hinges used for interior doors

Card models

So, consider how to remove the interior door from the card hinges. All models, regardless of the principle of fastening and design, have a common principle of structure. They consist of two straight or angled plates that are screwed to the box and the canvas with self-tapping screws. They are connected by a hinged element, which sets the door in motion.

The overwhelming majority of card models consist of two halves: the upper and lower canopy. Therefore, in order to remove the door, you need to make a minimum of effort. It is best to work with an assistant, especially if the product is quite heavy or has fragile glass inserts.

First you need to support the bottom of the door and slightly raise it. After that, continue to slide it up, turning a little if necessary. At some point, the upper half will be removed from the pin and it will be possible to remove the canvas to the side.

Removing interior doors from card hinges is quite simple.

Dismantling should be done only in the open position, otherwise you will not be able to lift the door to the desired height, as the canvas will rest against the box.


Models of loops made according to the principle of a screw-in mechanism will be somewhat more difficult to remove. The hinge pin of the screw-in hinges has a small pin that must be removed from the structure to separate the halves. To do this, you must first close the door. Then, using a screwdriver or any other tool convenient for you, push the pin up and pick it up with pliers or fingers, if it is convenient for you. Then gently pull it up, twisting a little as you go. Then just peel off the canvas.

Since the main load falls precisely on the upper part of the structure, it is best to start work from the bottom loop. In order to prevent the door from falling on you, ask someone to hold it or use improvised items to prop it up.

To disconnect the screwed hinges, you need to get the pin from the hinge axis

Hidden hinges

The most difficult are the hidden loop models. To remove the interior door from them, you may need a special tool. Much also depends on the position in which the work is carried out.

  • Opened door. First you need to decide on the type of connection of the halves. For the simplest models, it is enough to use a screwdriver to unscrew half of the hardware. More complex products require a hex key. The method of knocking out the axis can also be used, but since most of the mechanism is hidden inside the canvas, it will not be very convenient to perform such manipulations.
  • Closed door. In such a situation, it is extremely difficult to cope with the task. If we are talking about hidden hinges of the balcony block, then it is enough to remove the protective caps, knock out the axis and remove the canvas in the same way as in the case of screwed fittings. But the hinges completely disguised in the door block in this position cannot be removed by the beginner. Therefore, you will either have to look for another way to open the door or call the wizard.

It is only possible to remove doors from hidden hinges in the open position.

Regardless of the type of hinges, after reinstalling them, it is necessary to lubricate the mechanism.

In order to avoid problems in the future before installing the fittings, you need to familiarize yourself with its main details and delve into the principle of operation. If you need to remove the canvas, you will already know how this or that model is arranged.

Sections of the article:

In the process of regular use of the door, over time, it may be necessary to adjust the position of the leaf. In almost any case, it may need to be dismantled. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to remove the door from its hinges, adjust its position and hang it back.

Removing the door leaf from hinges of various types

The procedure for removing the product largely depends on the type of hinge mechanisms used. There are several types of them:

  • Card;
  • Mortise;
  • screwed;
  • Invisible.

The most common are card loops. To remove doors with such hinges, it is enough to lift the canvas in the ajar position. However, most new hinge mechanisms have additional decorative elements and plugs. Therefore, to remove the door leaves, it is necessary to remove all additional hinge elements and loosen the tension of the upper fixing bolt.

The designs of mortise and screwed loop mechanisms in most cases do not differ much from card ones. Therefore, the procedure for removing the door is similar.

In addition to this classification, there is a division of all loops into removable and non-removable.

Removable hinges

Removable include all hinges that allow you to open the door leaf to a position equal to an angle of 90 0. Removing the canvas with such loops is not difficult. To do this, the door leaf opens at a slight angle. An object with sufficient strength to hold the door is placed under the canvas. Further, using a crowbar or handle as a lever, the door is lifted until it is completely removed from the hinges. A jack can be used for this. However, this procedure, even with a jack, is best done together.

Fixed hinges

Non-removable products include designs that allow opening the web on both sides of the box at an angle of 180 0. Removing a door with such hinges involves unscrewing all the existing fasteners of the mechanism. Quite often, for this purpose it is necessary to use a hexagon.

Door adjustment

Often, during prolonged intensive use, the door sags and begins to problematic open and close, and may also begin to scratch the flooring. In such cases, it is worth knowing how to act in order to lift the door on sagging hinges.

The most common causes of such a phenomenon as subsidence of the door leaf can be:

  • Deformation of fixing screws;
  • Significant weight of the canvas;
  • Hinge damage.

In any of the cases, to fix the problem, it is necessary to remove the door leaf.

Deformation of fixing screws

If deformation processes are detected, it may be necessary to replace the bent retaining screws with new ones. To do this, after removing the door leaf from the hinges, the strength of the fasteners is checked. If the hinges stagger, then use a screwdriver to remove all damaged screws. In the process of screwing in new fasteners, the gaps that have appeared are closed with the help of wedges smeared with glue. This is necessary to ensure the reliability of the fasteners.

If the holes for the fasteners are pretty broken, then the best option would be to re-hang the hinges.

Significant canvas weight

If, as a result of replacing the fasteners, the sagging of the door has not been eliminated, most likely the problem lies in the large weight of the structure. In this case, to correct the situation, an additional mounting loop is installed at a distance of 200 mm from the upper hinge mechanism.

Thus, the weight of the structure is redistributed to all available door hinges.

Hinge damage

However, there are often cases when, after intensive use, the hinge mechanism itself is damaged. In case of serious damage, it must be completely replaced. However, in some cases, this situation can be corrected by improvised means.

Using props in the form of wooden wedges, the sash rises to the level of the upper beam of the frame. After that, the distance between the loops is measured. With the help of steel wire, rings are made that are suitable in size for the fastening pins of the hinges. After that, having removed the canvas from the hinges, the rings smeared with machine oil are put on, and the door is installed in its original place.

Hanging doors

Before you hang the door on the hinges, you need to prepare a certain set of tools. For work you will need:

  • Chisel;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Hammer;
  • Drill;
  • Roulette;
  • Level;
  • A simple or construction pencil.

The installation of hinge mechanisms on the door leaf is carried out in compliance with the principle of weight distribution. The hinges are mounted at a distance of 200 mm from the top of the canvas and 200-300 mm from the bottom. If it is necessary to install an additional mount, it is mounted at a distance of 200 mm from the top hinge.

It is permissible to install only the upper part of the hinge mechanism with a hole for the pin on the door leaf. The lower half of the mechanism with a pin is fixed on the frame of the door structure.

To prepare the installation site for the mechanism, the loops are applied at the required distance and the contour is outlined with a pencil. Further, with the help of a chisel, a recess for the loops is selected. The depth of the cell must match the thickness of the fixing plate.

Installation of door hinges is carried out with self-tapping screws in a prepared place using a screwdriver. When using ordinary screws, holes are drilled with a drill to secure them. It is worth knowing that the diameter of the drill in this case should be 0.5 mm smaller than the size of the screw.

Hanging door panels is carried out by lifting the product in a position corresponding to the open doors. At the same time, the upper halves of the loops are put on with holes on the pins of the lower ones. However, before the installation of the structure, it is mandatory to process the moving parts of the hinge mechanism with lubricants.

The interior door is installed in the house, taking into account that it will serve you for many years. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account not only the aesthetic purposes of the product, but also its practical functions.

How to remove the door and hinges?

As a result of long-term operation, the canvas wears out and loses its attractiveness. In addition, due to the appearance of cracks that often form between the box and the walls, the canvas begins to close poorly. How to remove an interior door from its hinges. Such knowledge will not hurt anyone.

Types of loops

Loops are divided into the following types:

  • Card;
  • Mortise;
  • screw;
  • Invisible.


Very often used card loops (removable and non-removable). The second option makes it possible to open the doors in one direction and in the other, as shown in the photo. It is easiest to dismantle with a removable mechanism:

  1. To do this, you need to slightly open the door leaf;
  2. Then, with a crowbar, which is used as a lever, we begin to lift the canvas until it is removed from the hook;
  3. It is advisable to work with a partner so that the heavy door does not fall.

Now produce products, the design of which is more complex. Such accessories are additionally equipped with various fasteners and overlays. Before proceeding with the dismantling of euro-style doors, first remove all additional elements. Then you can unscrew the bolt a little, with which the mount is tightened. It is located at the top of the hardware, as shown in the photo.


Mortise hinges can be:

  • simple, which are put on each other;
  • also bolted.

The canvas is removed from such a mechanism in the same way as in the case of a removable one.


Screw hinges have a pin that is inserted into the box and the canvas. This mount is best suited for light interior doors (up to 25 kg). Thanks to the screw fasteners, you can easily adjust the correct position of the doorway, as shown in the photo.
Before proceeding with the dismantling of the door with screw hinges, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with their mechanism. If it is the same as for mortise and card mechanisms, then they can be dealt with using the previous methods.


The most difficult thing is to remove the canvas with invisible fasteners. However, such hinges are very well suited for interior doors. They are almost invisible, so the product has a more attractive appearance.

The mechanical part of the invisible hinges is in a special box hidden in the door frame, as shown in the photo. To remove the canvas with hidden fittings, you must first remove absolutely all fasteners. You can not look for other ways.

If you like to frequently rearrange your apartment, then it is better to install a canvas with left and right hinges. It is very easy to remove, and you can easily move furniture from room to room. Additional difficulties will be created by the decorative elements present on the canvas, as they are attached at the edges. To fix this problem, you need to unscrew the fastener at the top of the hinge.

Main stages

Now more and more often in apartments and houses they began to install plastic interior doors. All parts of the mechanism in a plastic product serve to fit it tightly to the box, as well as to smoothly close the canvas.

There are overhead and applied types of loops. Usually, invoices are used for interior plastic sheets.
To remove such a canvas, which does not have a simple mechanism, certain knowledge is needed. If you master this science, then you can easily cope with the work, guided by the video:

  1. First you need to remove the caps under which the mechanism is hidden;
  2. Then we slightly open the door and with the help of a hammer carefully begin to knock out the axis;
  3. When you see the axial mechanism, you need to grab it with pliers and pull it down, as shown in the photo. Please note that the door leaf is heavy, so you need to be careful not to miss it;
  4. Lift the plastic door 5 centimeters to release the bottom pin;
  5. Then take the canvas aside and remove.

Summing up

Often, in order to change or repair an interior door, it must be correctly removed from the hinges. As you can see, it's not that difficult. The main thing is to know what kind of hinges are installed on the frame.

The need to remove the door from the hinges is resorted to in situations where it is necessary to bring in large-sized furniture or carry out repairs. Less commonly, the procedure is used to open a house or apartment when the door mechanism breaks. The method of removal depends on the design features of the canvas and the loops themselves. During the dismantling process, certain rules must be observed. Consider how to remove the door from the hinges yourself.

Screwed loops are studs that are embedded deep into the box. The surface is smooth or equipped with a threaded connection. The studs are connected by a hinge in the middle part of the element. Loops differ in the number of pins. There are 1-4 of them, depending on the modification of the loop. They are suitable only for light models, otherwise the canvas may fall off the pins due to gravity.

Card loops are considered a classic option for installation. They are represented by overhead and mortise models. The first type of loops does not require preliminary preparation of the web and opening. The second type of fasteners is collapsible and non-removable. Such hinges must be slightly deepened into the box and door leaf before screwing.

Hidden hinges are completely masked in the doorway, allowing the "gate" to open 180°. They are considered the most reliable. The model is selected based on the weight of the canvas. This type of accessories is widely used in elite products. Unlike other types of fasteners, they do not allow canvases to sink, but they cause difficulties if dismantling is necessary - many do not know how to remove the door in the closed state.

How to remove doors with card hinges

Card loops are connected by a hinge, which scrolls when the canvas moves. The plates themselves are attached to the door and the box with special screws. The easiest way to dismantle models with loops consisting of two halves. It is enough to pry and lift at the bottom of the canvas so that the upper loop comes out of the hinge. It must be slightly rotated from side to side so that the hinge comes off faster. If the canvas has glass stakes, dismantling is recommended to be carried out with an assistant so as not to accidentally break the glass.

Important! Removal is carried out necessarily with the “gate” open, otherwise it will not work to lift the canvas. It rests against the upper part of the door frame and can deform it. Removing dents will be quite difficult.

Non-separable loops cannot be removed in this way. To dismantle the door, you will need to unscrew all the screws on the box or canvas. Non-separable card loops of the European sample are equipped with additional overlays and other decorative elements. First, it is necessary to loosen the fixing bolt on the door and dismantle the decor, protective caps, then proceed directly to the removal of the canvas. To remove the door, you need to unscrew the bar on each hinge on one side.

Dismantling hidden and screw-in hinges

Dismantling of door panels is carried out with a special hand tool. The type of screwdriver or hexagon is selected in accordance with the type of fastening. In the open door, first unscrew the half of the fittings, then the canvas is removed. In complex structures, it is necessary to knock out the axis of the mechanism. Manipulation is carried out carefully so as not to damage the canvas and the mount itself. In closed structures, it is quite difficult to open the door on your own. Most often resort to the services of a master. In balcony versions with partially masked hinges, the protective caps are removed and the canvas is dismantled by knocking out the axis. If you can’t do it yourself, you can use the services of specialized companies - find out how the doors are dismantled

Let's take a closer look at how to remove the door from the door hinges. Screwed hinges must first be disassembled. To do this, remove a small pin located in the hinge part. It is taken out when the opening is closed. With a screwdriver or other convenient tool, the pin is pushed up, picking it up with a hand or pliers. Next, the canvas is lifted and removed by turning it slightly until the mechanism is disconnected.

How to dismantle a metal-plastic door

To gain access to the hinges, you need to remove the plugs and bend the decorative trims. They are removed in the ajar door, while the lock handle should not be kept pressed. When you press the top element of the loop, the pin should move down. In order for the axis of the upper loop to come off, it is hooked with pliers. To remove the door, you need to reject the canvas towards you.

It should be borne in mind that it is quite heavy, so the work must be done carefully, without haste. The canvas is lifted until it jumps off the hinges. If it is necessary to repair the door leaf or fastening mechanisms, the removal of the leaf is not always appropriate. The design allows you to carry out repairs in assembled form.

How to dismantle a metal door

When removing a metal door from its hinges, you will need a solid object backing. The lifting of the canvases is performed in a slightly open position at about 40 ° with a crowbar, slightly turning until the loops are separated. All decorative elements and plugs are removed from the internal removable loops, then the canvas is removed in the standard way.

Features of dismantling the door

This procedure must be performed carefully so that the box, lock, hinges and the door itself remain intact. Particular attention must be paid to the places where the screws are to be screwed in. Damage to the attachment points will not allow the loop to be installed back. It will loosen, and such an installation will become unreliable.

If the old hinges are strongly stuck to each other during operation, a special rust spray will help to remove the effects of corrosion. The aerosol is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the loop. The solution must be allowed to stand for some time, after which the loops should be carefully cleaned.

Removed fittings must be checked for defects before installation. Mechanisms are thoroughly lubricated. Broken and deformed loops are thrown away. New fittings are purchased with the same fasteners as the defective element. Skews are adjusted by tightening the fasteners. In order for the hinges and the lock to last for a long time, they must be periodically applied with a special lubricant.

I had a need to repair the front door in the house. The door is old and heavy, still Soviet times. We tried to pick it up with a neighbor, but it does not give in. They wanted to unscrew the hinges from the door frame, but it also didn’t work out, they just tore off the slots on the screws. Can you tell me any way how to remove it?

Starting to remove the old door from the hinges, first of all, pay attention to the hinges themselves. You obviously never lubricated them or rarely lubricated them. But all the same, even with surface lubrication, the hinges and the inside of the axle cartridge rust from time to time. And it is very difficult to remove the door from rusty hinges. Inspect the hinges carefully: old-style hinges necessarily have a gap in the fold of the cartridge, or there may not even be a top plug in the hinge cartridge. After that, take a regular medical syringe and fill it with automotive or any engine oil. Put the needle on the syringe and pour oil into even a small gap found. If there is not a single click, then drill a hole in the top of the loop chuck with a drill. To spread the oil inside the hinge, shake the door several times in different directions.
Next you will need a nail puller and a small wooden wedge. After that, invite a neighbor (he will hold the door so that it does not fall sideways). Open the door so that it does not rest against the top trim of the box when removed and do not drive the wedges tightly under the side of the door opposite the hinges. After that, slip a nail puller under the door from the hinge side and lift the door a little. Then hammer a wooden wedge under the door a little. Then again with a nail puller and a wedge. Do this operation 2-3 times and the door will easily come off the hinges.
If you do not have a nail puller available, then two wooden wedges can be successfully used instead. They are inserted under the door from the side of the hinges TOGETHER with each other. Here the technology is quite simple: you need to gradually and evenly hammer all three wedges with a hammer.
When removing a heavy door, an assistant must be present. Otherwise, when the door comes off the hinges, you will definitely get a good door leaf on your spine. Therefore, it is better not to joke with safety equipment.

Alexey master
I will add a little about the tool with which you can lift the door. Not everyone has a nail puller handy, but an ax may be available. The method is well known, but you never know. The ax is slipped flat into the gap between the bottom of the canvas and the floor. They are located closer to the side on which the hinges are screwed. In order not to spoil the floors, you can put a piece of plywood under the ax. Further, behind the ax handle, the ax is turned sideways so that it rises almost perpendicular to the floor from the position flat on the floor and with the ax handle (wooden handle) up. This results in an increase in the applied force due to the difference in the shoulders. The ratio of the total length of the ax and the height of its metal part plays a role. I tried to lift different wooden doors in this way, it worked. It is important to correctly apply a large force to the bottom of the door leaf and in the right direction up. Some use a nail puller, others use an axe, and someone on the farm has a special crowbar, with which crutches are pulled out of the sleepers.

Archimedes' rule will help you, that is, any lever will do. The efforts of a person of average build with a crowbar should be enough to lift even a massive iron door or gate, the main thing is that there should be a gap between the floor and the door. There are a lot of options for implementing the “lever” method here.
You also need to take into account that if you apply force only in one place (especially at a distance from the hinges), then the hinges may warp a little and the door will wedge, that is, it will not work.
I will offer my own, “scientific” method, if the situation is really difficult - take two jacks or clamps, place them evenly along the length of the door base and turn the nuts just as evenly. This effort will give no less than from the "lever" method. Maybe a little abstruse, but why not?
Structurally, the hinges are of very different designs, and if it is possible to drop transformer or machine oil, so that it gets on the hinge pin, then be sure to do it. Wait 10 minutes and get to work.
