Very accurate Tibetan horoscope. Tibetan horoscope by year of birth

It is tied to certain years of a person's birth. This horoscope not only reveals the essence of a person, but also tells about his past, shows aspects of life that should be changed.

bright kite: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000

The Tibetan horoscope says that people born in these years are changeable in mood - at any moment they can turn from a beautiful butterfly into an evil dragon. A bright kite flies high in the sky, looks down on ordinary things, does not notice the complexities of life. People of this sign are very sensitive and vulnerable, open and sociable. They should be more attentive to the feelings of the people who surround them - then their life will become noticeably easier.

True friendship is possible with the Black Buffalo, pleasant company will be given by the Jade Column, rivalry with the Leather Bracelet will be developed, and useless confrontation should be expected with the Keeper of Fire.

Lucky numbers are 3, 15, 27.

Bloom time is spring.

In a past life, people of this sign painted temples, were engaged in weaving baskets, were troubadours, poets, smugglers, messengers.

Cobra: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

People born under this sign are born speakers. With their amazing stories, they evoke all kinds of emotions of others, but at the same time remain indifferent to what is happening. Success in love accompanies Cobras all his life. They are caring and a little extravagant, always trying to help others, but sometimes they forget about their own affairs and fantasies. Cobras should be more prudent if they want their own well-being. They should not plunge into suffering, seek boundless joy - it is better to remain reasonable, learn to orient themselves towards peace and tranquility.

Beautiful friendships will be made with the Hot Sun, cheerful companions can be found among people born under the sign of the Leather Bracelet, useless confrontation can be expected with the Bright Kite, rivalry with the Keeper of Flame will be beneficial.

Lucky numbers are 1, 13, 25.

Bloom time is winter.

Professions of past lives: sculptor, alchemist, troubadour, pirate, caravaneer.

fire keeper: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002

Keepers of the fire - protectors of the hearth, who also bring light to the dark world. According to the Tibetan horoscope, people of this sign have a very developed intuition, which allows them to coordinate the voice of reason with the call of the heart. They are warmly welcomed in the company of friends, but sometimes they still cannot get rid of the feeling of loneliness. Keepers of the Flame are highly moral. In order to have less loneliness in life, to be successful, people of this sign need to open up to others more often.

A good friendship can be made with a Monk accompanied by a monkey, people under the sign of the Lake Turtle will be cheerful companions, rivalry with the Jade Pillar will be beneficial, and a confrontation with a Bright Kite will be useless.

Lucky numbers are 4, 16, 28.

Bloom time is winter.

Professions of past lives: usurer, herbalist, obstetrician, cook, warrior.

Pure water source: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003

The source of clean water is a fountain of generosity, openness, energy. Cruelty, injustice and commercialism are alien to people of this sign. They bring good news and positive emotions, value good relationships, and consider betrayal unacceptable. The source of clean water can only be advised to obey your intuition - it will help in choosing a life path.

It is good to be friends with the Jade Pillar, to seek the company of the Metal Gong, to profitably compete with the Monk accompanied by a monkey, but it is useless to resist the Leather Bracelet.

Lucky numbers are 5, 17, 29.

Bloom time is autumn.

In a past life, people of this sign were diplomats, singers, coachmen, priests, winemakers, cabinetmakers.

jade column: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004

The Tibetan horoscope says that people of this sign do not like crowds of people, avoid mass social events, do not tolerate coercion and any encroachment on personal space, prefer silence and solitude, although they are very active in life. They have a brilliant mind, are in constant search for truth, which tire those around them. In society, they give the impression of cold and domineering aristocrats. The Tibetan horoscope advises people born in these years to pay more attention to the people who surround them, it is necessary to learn flexibility and insight.

True friendship can be struck up with the Metal Gong, the Spring of Clear Water will be a good company, a useful rivalry will be with the Keeper of Fire, and a useless confrontation with the Black Buffalo.

Numbers 6, 18, 30 will bring good luck.

Bloom time is spring.

Professions of past lives: messenger, horse trainer, writer, jeweler, sculptor.

metal gong: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005

People of this sign, like valiant knights, are loyal, noble and generous. They are very self-critical and sensitive. They consider any turns of life inevitable, try to hide their natural features from others, limit themselves in many ways so as not to succumb to temptation. If people of this sign want to know happiness, it is necessary to stop the race for high ideals, or at least take a short break to enjoy life here and now.

A strong friendship can arise with the Jade Column, the company will be the Source of Pure Water, the impetus for development will be given by rivalry with the New Moon, and interaction with the Lake Turtle will be useless.

Numbers will bring good luck: 7, 19, 31.

Bloom time is spring.

Professions in past lives: shoemaker, gardener, archaeologist, statue gilder, lawyer.

lake turtle: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

According to the Tibetan horoscope, people of this sign control their own destiny, creating favorable conditions for the realization of their plans. Lake turtles are gentle and loyal, they are alien to intrigue and cunning. But those born in these years should not lose sight of the fact that many of the surrounding squabblers, for whom it will not be difficult to slander anyone.

Friendship will be struck up with the Keeper of Fire, the Monk will make a cheerful company, accompanied by a monkey, a useless confrontation will take place with the Metal Gong, and rivalry with the New Moon will be beneficial.

Lucky numbers are 8, 20, 32.

Blossom time - autumn

In a past life, people of this sign were sentries, masons, porters, designed carts, and were engaged in weaving lace.

Leather bracelet: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

People born in these years are attracted by mysticism, they are interested in any secrets and riddles. Periods of isolation and a tendency to gloomy reflections are replaced by periods of active sociability. Because of the fear of being alone, people born under the sign of the Leather Bracelet are constantly moving forward in life, looking for new friends. The mask of a daring seductress or Don Juan often hides internal complexes and insecurity. The Tibetan horoscope claims that people of this sign despise aggression and conflict, but with all their independence, they remain emotionally attached to the closest people.

The Hot Sun can become a true friend, a Cobra can become a good companion, a Bright kite can become an opponent, a useless confrontation is possible with a Monk accompanied by a monkey.

The numbers that can bring good luck are 9, 21, 23.

Bloom time is winter.

In a past life, people born under the sign of the Leather Bracelet were blacksmiths, alchemists, arms dealers, blacksmiths, sculptors, courtesans.

black buffalo: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

The black buffalo acts straightforwardly, does not like detours, immediately clarifies everything in order to avoid confusing situations. People of this sign are strong and confident in their invulnerability, which is what attracts others. The Tibetan horoscope advises the representatives of this sign to be careful about their enemies, as underestimated enemies are very dangerous.

A pleasant friendship can be formed with a Bright Kite, a New Moon can be an excellent companion, a rivalry with a Hot Sun will be useful, and a confrontation with a Cobra will be useless.

Favorable numbers are 10, 22, 34.

Bloom time is summer.

In past lives, representatives of this sign were warriors, travelers, actors, blacksmiths, mountain guides.

New Moon: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

Dreamy, sensitive and gentle people are born under the sign of the moon, but they can show themselves active in business and passionate in love. The new moon is also very changeable, jealous and fickle - this creates a lot of trouble. People of the New Moon can be advised to control their own emotions and mood swings - then it will be easier and more pleasant to communicate with him.

It is good to be friends with the Bright Kite, spend time with the New Moon, compete with the Metal Gong, but the confrontation with the Jade Pillar will be useless.

Lucky numbers - 11, 23, 35.

Bloom time is spring.

In past lives, people of this sign mastered the professions of a coachman, midwife, weaving carpets, getting their livelihood through hunting, and were religious figures.

Hot sun: 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

People of this sign are full of vitality and optimism. Their greatest fear in life is to lose their freedom. You can safely rely on them in any situation, as they are stable and loyal friends. They solve any difficult situations with amazing speed and amazing benefits for themselves. Every year people of this sign become more calm, less reckless and cheerful. If the Hot Sun wants to remain interesting to society and not lose the taste for life, you must try to keep a perky spark in yourself.

A Leather Bracelet can be a good friend to this sign, a Cobra can be an excellent companion, a Black Buffalo can be a useful opponent, and a confrontation with a Keeper of Fire will be useless.

Lucky numbers are 12, 24, 36.

Bloom time is summer.

Past life professions - astronomer, carpet weaver, amulet dealer, hunter, religious figure.

Monk accompanied by a monkey: 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

The Tibetan horoscope claims that people born under this sign are very cheerful and sociable, have a vivid imagination. They love to discuss and argue, not averse to finding out the relationship. A monk, accompanied by a monkey, appreciates in people kindness, openness, spontaneity, ease of communication. In amorous affairs, people of this sign are devoted and constant, not capable of meanness. To avoid conflicts with others, people of this sign should take into account that not everyone can relate to life as easily as they do, they should be more loyal and attentive.

A wonderful friendship can be struck up with the Keeper of Fire, a lake turtle will make a cheerful company, rivalry with the Source of Clear Water will bring benefits, but people born under the sign of the Leather Bracelet should be avoided, as confrontation with them will be useless.

The numbers that attract good luck are 11, 23, 35.

Bloom time is spring.

In past lives, people of this sign mastered the profession of fortune-teller, counterfeiter, comedian, singer, and worked as ferrymen.

The Tibetan horoscope has existed for several thousand years. Each person has his own patron animal, which protects him and gives certain advantages.

Every year, the patron animal changes in the Tibetan horoscope. If you were born, say, in the year of the Fire Snake, this is your talisman, an analogue of your Zodiac Sign from the usual astrological horoscope. The vast experience of the Eastern sages in the field of predictions enables them to describe with high accuracy.

In the Eastern calendar there is also a division according to the elements. Unlike the usual horoscope, in the eastern there are five elements, not four. You should pay attention to which one you belong to. The table below will help you quickly determine this. The color shows the element associated with the year of your birth: red - Fire, blue - Water, yellow - Earth, green - Wood, white - Metal.

Tibetan animal horoscope

In total, there are 12 Signs in the Tibetan horoscope, the cycle of change of which is 12 years, that is, every year one animal replaces another.

Rat. Representatives of this Sign are very lucky in financial matters. They are caring, gentle and pleasant in communication, but extremely jealous. In love, fortune accompanies them, but Rats often miss happiness because they set their priorities wrong. The negative aspects of this Sign are selfishness and narcissism.

Bull. Bulls are straightforward, charming and very strong in terms of internal energy. They are successful in business and in love, but only as long as they believe in themselves. Even small doubts can break their spirit. For this reason, they need a person nearby who would believe in them and always keep fire in them.

Tiger. These people can be seen from afar. They are like the bright light of a beacon on a dark night. Tigers have a special charisma and charm, but this does not mean that they do not have flaws. The main problem is their excessive self-confidence and arrogance. These are proud people who almost do not know how to forgive. These are loners with the makings of leaders.

Rabbit. This year is also sometimes called the Year of the Cat. If you were born under this sign, then you tend to be careless, which brings most of the trouble. On the other hand, Rabbits have attentiveness, craving for knowledge and high creativity.

The Dragon. A strong feature of the Dragons is their individuality, moderate pride. These people can be arrogant and proud, but even in this situation they will not cease to be respected. They are full of ambition and enthusiasm. If they have any complexes, then they carefully hide them from prying eyes, because the Dragons never show their weaknesses.

Snake. Representatives of this Sign are very smart, wise and attentive to detail. They are very clean, often have a bright charisma. Snakes know how to love, but they value freedom no less than family happiness, so they need to be given the opportunity to be in solitude. This is one of the most faithful Signs of the Tibetan horoscope.

Horse. Mind is a hallmark of these people. They are famous for their ability to easily and quickly overcome problems in their life path. Their forte is wisdom and curiosity. Horses love communication and new acquaintances, but they hate gossip and rumors, as well as those who dissolve them.

Goat. People born according to the Tibetan horoscope in the year of the Goat are very eccentric and restless. They love travel, new emotions, change of scenery, new acquaintances. Goats are distinguished by their love of beauty, music and cinema. Their strength is diplomacy, the ability to find compromises.

Monkey. Representatives of this Sign fight to the end. They are persistent, have incredible endurance, determination. Their energy reserves are very large, but they are jealous and greedy. These are their main shortcomings, which are difficult for them to overcome.

Rooster. People born under the auspices of this Sign are focused on their achievements and do not tolerate losing. They have their own opinion on everything, which they do not allow anyone to challenge. Roosters are prone to adventures and risks, not only in love, but also in business. But the uncertainty that sometimes overshadows their minds, ruins plans, deprives them of their vitality. Whispers for good luck will help the representatives of this Sign stay afloat even in the darkest times.

Dog. Dogs prefer to be with close people. They value love and respect very much. They are also hardworking and tend to make the most deliberate decisions. They do not tolerate betrayal, but even he can be forgiven. These are some of the kindest people.

Pig. This Sign of the Tibetan horoscope is very unpretentious. These people can communicate with anyone, anywhere. They have a huge number of friends, they are quite popular with the opposite sex. Pigs are quite flighty, but in some situations they show incredible loyalty. They are highly intelligent and resourceful.

Tibetan horoscope by elements

The elements are also very important, because they endow a person with some additional qualities.

Metal. These people are great at experiencing stress, they can not be broken by almost nothing. They have a high resistance to negative emotions. The negative point is the lack of desire to compromise.

Fire. Fiery people in the Tibetan horoscope are called born leaders. They are able to lead others and help them. Fire is a sign of high erudition and charisma.

Tree. The element of Wood awakens in its wards the desire for new knowledge. These people never stop improving. This is their lifestyle.

Earth. The element of Earth makes people wiser and more careful. It allows you to make fewer mistakes in love, better understand people and their intentions.

Water. The water element increases emotional protection. If you were born during the period of activity of the element of Water, then you have a stronger immunity to drastic life changes. Even representatives of the Water element think very outside the box.

The Tibetan eastern horoscope is comparable in age to the astrological horoscope, so do not underestimate it. Eastern sages recommend that every person try to improve the energy of his home, because we spend quite a lot of time in our native walls. This will allow the positive Chi energy to become more active and creative. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

It is said that this horoscope was compiled and then used by Tibetan monks. And, therefore, there can be no doubt about its accuracy.

Choose your year of birth and find out about yourself both explicit and hidden character traits.

bright kite

Year of birth: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000.

People born in these years, like bright kites, soar above the ground, charge others with positive and live in their own world. It is always fun and interesting to be around them. However, representatives of this sign can be fickle and, depending on the direction of the wind or, in other words, circumstances, change their behavior or views. It is extremely important for them to learn to be more stable. And in the latter, a close person who could control the situation can help them.


Years of birth: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001.

In the East, the cobra is considered the queen of the Earth, she is worshiped, she is elevated above other living beings. People born in the year of the patronage of this animal are distinguished by a philosophical outlook on life from birth. They seem to know that they were born for high goals and have a certain mission on this planet. Representatives of this sign love to give advice, instruct others and help everyone around. It's all good. But it is important, giving energy to others, not to forget about yourself.

fire keeper

Years of birth: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002.

No wonder they say that you can look at the fire forever: it warms, soothes and relieves negative thoughts. In the same way, those born under this zodiac sign are able to defuse even the most tense atmosphere in society. It seems that only these people can console and understand their neighbor. In addition, representatives of the Keeper of Fire are distinguished by decency and honesty. The only drawback is that sometimes they themselves are too closed.

Pure water source

Years of birth: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003.

People definitely would not have survived on Earth without water and without ... a representative of this sign of the Tibetan horoscope. Those born in the above years are distinguished by sincere kindness and generosity. Only they, despite their age, manage to retain their childish spontaneity and the ability to enjoy everything around. Also, their important character trait should include developed intuition, which is definitely worth using. The only point: representatives of the Source of Pure Water should surround themselves with only the right people and beware of conflicts.

jade column

Years of birth: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004.

The people of the Jade Column are distinguished by coldness, good manners and manners of an aristocrat. It does not matter in which family they were born and what education they received. They seem to behave like true kings and queens from birth. Most often, representatives of this sign choose professions related to mental activity, or occupy high positions. The disadvantage is excessive straightforwardness and unwillingness to compromise with others.

metal gong

Year of birth: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005.

Those born in these years are distinguished by chivalrous qualities: it is important for them to achieve their goals, be honest with themselves and others, and do noble deeds. Often, representatives of the Metal Gong sign are cited as an example by others, they are admired. However, few people know that in their souls these people are very sensitive and vulnerable, and they hide their true feelings behind a mask of optimism and fearlessness. They should be able to relax and not take on too many responsibilities.

lake turtle

Years of birth: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006.

People born under this sign are distinguished by practicality, honesty and, of course, wisdom. You can safely turn to them for advice. They, like no one else, will select the right words and help to assess this or the situation objectively. Also, representatives of the Lake Turtle may look very slow and indecisive, but this is not entirely true. It's just that these people are very prudent and weigh the pros and cons before taking a step aside. And according to the horoscope, they definitely should not rush and rush anywhere, so as not to make mistakes.

Leather bracelet

Years of birth: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007.

Representatives of this sign are most often interested in mysticism, esotericism, or any secrets of this world. But at the same time, they cannot stand loneliness, so they are rarely single and love to find new acquaintances. It turns out that, on the one hand, these people can be immersed in themselves, and, on the other hand, when they see people, they become incredibly sociable and sociable. It is also important to note the conflict-free nature of their nature. Sometimes they can not defend their own opinion.

black buffalo

Years of birth: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008.

People - Black buffaloes are perceived by others as bright and strong personalities, who know exactly what they want from life. They also differ in straightness and durability. Representatives of this sign will not go around and around, but will say everything directly, as it is. Because of this, they can be feared, or at least feared. However, loved ones know the vulnerable and good-natured nature of those born under this constellation. Another important feature of these people is that they literally have a magnetic effect on the opposite sex.

In the ancient Buddhist sutras, the fate of a person is determined by the year, month, birthday: twelve years of the eastern cycle, as well as twelve months, the days of the month bear the names of certain animals.

Among them, five "hard" signs are distinguished - the signs of the Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Dog, Pig and seven "soft" signs - the signs of the Mouse, Ox, Hare, Snake, Sheep, Monkey and Rooster.

During periods of hard signs, the circumstances of life and personality traits are difficult to change, a person acts under the pressure of circumstances.

In "soft" periods, much becomes malleable, accessible to change. It must be noted that this division does not coincide with the division of signs into Yang and Yin.

If we depict the twelve signs of the cycle in the form of a circle, placing them, as is customary in the East, clockwise, and placing the sitting Buddha in the center, then one of the signs will be above the head, the other two - at the level of the ears, the next two - at the level of the shoulders and etc.

Buddhist astrologers also took into account the location of the signs "relative to the Buddha", believing that over time the zodiac circle rotates around the Buddha counterclockwise.

Especially often this arrangement of signs was taken into account to clarify the characteristics of the year of birth.

The Eastern year (beginning, as you know, not on January 1, but at the end of January - February) opens with the month of the Tiger. Therefore, at the beginning of any year (spring) the month of the Tiger is above the head of the Buddha. The sign denoting the year can be in any other place.

Thus, a person born in the year of the Tiger and the month of the Tiger is considered to be born at the head of the Buddha, and the same year in autumn (in the month of the Monkey) - at his feet. The current month (approximately corresponding to one or another European zodiac sign) is always placed above the Buddha's head.

So, if you were born in the year of the Tiger, but in June, corresponding to the month of the Horse, then the sign of the Horse will be above the head of the Buddha, and your sign of the Tiger will be in the fifth position from it: you were born near the belly of the Buddha.

If you were born in the month of the Horse, but in the year of the Dragon, then your sign (the sign of the year of the Dragon) will take place near the shoulders of the Buddha.

What do 12 cycle signs mean

1. A person born at the head of the Buddha is destined for wealth and glory.

He can even become a king or a khan (or, given our reality, the president of some region, bank or fund).

2. A person born near the ears of the Buddha is endowed with wisdom. This is a scientist, a researcher.

He is ambitious, steadily strives for his goal and, as a rule, achieves it, because he is lucky.

3. A person born at the shoulder of the Buddha enjoys the favor of those in power - and at the same time is independent, independent. His extraordinary mind allows him to go his own way.

4. Born near the hands of the Buddha - a skilled person, a master of his craft, always striving to bring what he started to the end and constantly improve in his art. He will never be left without a piece of bread.

5. A person born near the belly of the Buddha will live in abundance: even if he does not earn anything, then luck will find him. But, as a rule, this is a person who seeks to provide comfort for himself and his family, which he usually succeeds in.

6. A person born on the hips of the Buddha is a subordinate being. Most likely, he will live in a strange house, perhaps even in a foreign country, and follow the instructions of others.

7. A person born at the feet of the Buddha is surrounded by the care of others. If this is a man, he loves his wife very much and vice versa. In the house, as a rule, prosperity reigns.

Buddhist horoscope. By month of birth. For women

By month of birth

January (Ox ​​month)
Life is plentiful. March, August are dangerous for health.
Crisis years: 3, 8, 80 years.

February (Month of the Tiger)
She is distinguished by a sincere, straightforward character, kindness, and the ability to sacrifice herself. Those born under this sign also have a sense of purpose, a will to win, and enjoy the sympathy and support of others. Their life is always varied. However, there will be many meetings and partings in it. A strong alliance with a poor person is possible.
Crisis years: 40, 59 and 70 years.

March (Hare month)
Clever, direct, often married to a noble and rich man. Many people are willing to volunteer to help or just serve her.
Dangerous age: 5 and 80 years.

April (Dragon Month)
Witty. Care should be taken in years of life that are multiples of nine (9, 18, 27 ...), although 45 years, on the contrary, is a very favorable age. After 47 years, he can commit an evil deed, an unseemly act.
Crisis years: 67, 80 years.

May (month of the Snake)
Surrounded by loved ones. Until the age of thirty, moving, adventures, illnesses are possible, then life is more calm.
Dangerous age: 35, 60, 70 and 80 years.

June (month of the Horse)
Spoiled, capricious, smart, popular with men. She gets rich easily.
Dangerous age: 8, 60 and 90 years.

July (Sheep month)
She has a vital mind, resourceful, witty: they will say a word to her - she is ten. If he does good, until old age he will not know the lack of anything.
Dangerous age: 47, 50, 60, 80 years.

August (monkey month)
Doesn't need anything. There is usually only one marriage. A life filled with experiences. A calm age comes only at 50 years old, but at 53 years old it can experience great grief. At 60, either become famous or get rich.
Critical age: 28, 32, then 60 and 90 years.

September (Rooster Month)
The main character traits are intelligence, purposefulness. Safe life. At the age of 33 - a particularly favorable, calm period.
Critical years: 19, 70, 90 years.

October (Month of the Dog)
Caring daughter. Lucky, especially in achieving wealth. Can become the owner of real estate or a cool business. At the age of 18, a serious illness is possible.
Critical age: 50, 60 years.

November (Pig month)
Caring daughter. It is popular with men. In 30 and 40 years old, he can get rich.
Critical age: 33, 53, 60, 90 years old.

December (mouse month)
She is distinguished by chastity, purity of thoughts, but she is a weak and indecisive person. Marry a noble person.
Crisis age: 30, 40, 60 and 70 years.

Direct incompatibility:

Snake - Pig
Mouse - Horse
Hare - Pig

Hidden incompatibility:

Bull - Tiger

Sheep - Dog
Horse - Monkey

Rooster - Snake


Buddhist horoscope. By month of birth. For men

By month of birth

January (Ox ​​month)
Knows no need for food or clothing. At the age of 3 and 18, he can become seriously ill or get into an unpleasant story. At 50, he will get rich or make a brilliant career. Service in high-ranking circles will bring good luck. Easily influenced by others.
Crisis years 67, 80.

February (Month of the Tiger)
Wise, balanced, witty, with a worldly mindset. He does not pursue fame, but he also does not lack anything. It is difficult to be separated from loved ones. He does not forget other people's words, witty, kind-hearted. At the age of 33, 47, 53 it will manifest itself, but there is a risk to health.
Dangerous (crisis) years: 16, 67, 87.

March (Hare month)
Worldly quick-witted mind. Caring owner. Dangerous diseases in childhood. At 37 years old - full prosperity. At 47 - a new take-off, fame, wealth.
Crisis age: 60, 90 years.

April (Dragon Month)
Late child with parents. Witty, resourceful. If you pray to your guardian geniuses in April, it brings good luck. Fame and possibly wealth can come at the age of 21, 37, 47, 57.
Crisis years - 60, 80 years.

May (month of the Snake)
Cannot live next to a smart, resourceful person. We must pray to our guardian geniuses, go to the temple. Periods of calm, peaceful life at the age of 21, 37, 47, 57 years.
At 30, you should beware of fire and water.

June (month of the Horse)
Benevolent, capable of science, easily achieves wealth. At 20, you should beware of fire and water. Possesses poor health, but will live to a ripe old age.
Crisis years: 50, 60, 90 years.

July (Sheep month)
Outstanding personality, talented. One word is enough for him to build a whole theory on it. At 30 he will get rich, and at 37 he will also become famous. The motto of his life: fame and wealth.
Critical age: 40, 50, 77, 80 years.

August (monkey month)
Cannot live with parents. With age, he will become wealthy. Several marriages are possible. At 37, honors, service awards, but at 50, a fall or bankruptcy is possible. At 53 or 55, he can endure severe grief.
Dangerous years for health: 23, 28, 69, 72, 93 years.

September (Rooster Month)
He cannot live with his parents, but he will not need anything. At 40, he will make a career, achieve fame and fortune. Friends are attracted to him by kindness, disinterestedness. Respect the opinions of others.
Crisis years: 63, 66, 80 years.

October (Month of the Dog)
Surrounded by the care of loved ones. You have to go to the temple, pray and perform rituals. At the age of 29 he will become famous. Can do great things.
Dangerous age: 29, 61 and 80 years.

November (Pig month)
Get close to a wise man, cheerful and witty. Get rich, prove himself in public affairs. From an early age, he must take care of his relatives, parents, help them, otherwise at the age of 7, 16, 25 he can get into an unpleasant story.
Crisis years: 60, 70, 80 years.

December (mouse month)
The man is cruel, unkind. Has a talent for science. Bad with people. Successfully promoted. He will show himself in public affairs or become famous as a scientist. Will enjoy great prestige. Might get into trouble.
Critical age: 24, 32, 70 years.

Direct incompatibility:
Tiger - Monkey (at a critical moment they will quarrel)
Snake - Pig
Mouse - Horse
Hare - Pig
Dragon - Dog (not enough food for two)

Hidden incompatibility:

Mouse - Hare (repel each other)
Bull - Tiger
Dragon - Snake (can wrap around one another and strangle)
Sheep - Dog
Horse - Monkey
Monkey - Sheep (Monkey hits Sheep on the head)
Potential incompatibility:
Rooster - Snake
Mouse - Ox (can't share food)
Ox - Sheep (quarrel in trouble)
Dog - Pig (fight among themselves)
Horse - Rooster (The rooster will peck the horse's hooves)
Snake - Dog (The dog will catch the baby of the Snake)

Buddhist horoscope. Predictions by date of birth

Predictions are given for the days of the lunar (synodic) month, counted from the new moon and containing less than 30 days.

To determine on which lunar day you were born, you should calculate on which day after the new moon your date of birth falls.

This can be done on a calendar. However, these predictions can also be attributed simply to the birthday (day of the month). Those born on the 31st are included in the last group (they belong to the 30th).

So, we can say that: those born on the 1st, 7th, 13th, 19th, 25th days of the month live in wealth and luxury. Their house is not empty. They easily achieve success and glorify their parents.

Born 2, 8, 14, 20, 26 - these people are strong, like trees in the forest. They have a complex, quarrelsome nature. However, they are waiting for the fate of people noble or rich.

Born 3, 9, 15, 21, 27 - a happy fate awaits. They can make a good career in public service. They have a soft, friendly character. They easily converge with people, quickly forget the inflicted grievances.

Those born on 4, 10, 16, 22, 28 are born by the will of heaven. They are endowed with state wisdom, their direct duty is to protect the house and property.

Those born on the 5th, 11th, 17th, 23rd, 29th are diligent and hardworking. They are surrounded by the care and love of their neighbors, and are very happy in the family.

For those born 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 - a high fate is determined, but in everyday life they experience many difficulties.

People tend to believe in horoscopes and arrange their lives according to their sign. The stars really rarely make mistakes, each sign of the Zodiac carries a certain destiny and character. On the one hand, this is all an invention of people, but on the other hand, the roots of horoscopes grow from somewhere. Today we will consider the fate of a person from the point of view of the Tibetan horoscope. You just need to find your year of birth in the list and with a probability of 90% this horoscope will come true. This forecast was made by the monks several centuries ago, they took into account everything: astrology, numerology and divination. You will find a lot in common with yourself, your family and friends! Amazing accuracy, perhaps this particular horoscope will help you deal with your own life.

Tibetan horoscope compiled by monks several hundred years ago. They relied on knowledge not only in the field of astrology, but also numerology, as well as divination. This horoscope will answer such questions: With whom you can be friends, and whom, on the contrary, to bypass, which character traits to emphasize, and which, on the contrary, to cross out.

Just checked my birth year and forecast! I am amazed at this accuracy and reliability!

bright kite

Year of birth: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000

People born in these years are very ambiguous and contradictory. At any moment they can turn from a good fairy into an evil monster. As a rule, they do not live, but soar in the clouds, dreaming and looking down on mere mortals. As a rule, they do not notice the complexities of life - simply because they do not face them. It just so happens that someone else (spouses, parents or even children) solves all the problems for them. People of this sign are infantile, very sensitive and vulnerable. They are open and sociable, adore fun and a carefree life. However, they should be more attentive to the feelings and needs of other people.

Who to be friends with: Black buffalo
Lucky numbers are 3, 15, 27.
Bloom time is February.


Year of birth: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

People born under this sign are born speakers, philosophers and educators. They will guide anyone on the true path, tell you what to do and how to be. They love to give wise advice (after all, thanks to this, they look very smart in the eyes of others).

They are caring and a little wasteful, always trying to help others, so sometimes they forget about themselves. Loving, enjoy success with the opposite sex.
Cobras should think more about their own lives, and not immerse themselves entirely in other people's suffering.

Lucky numbers are 1, 13, 25.
Bloom time is June.

fire keeper

Year of birth: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002

Keepers of the fire are the defenders of the hearth, bringing us light and joy. According to the Tibetan horoscope, people of this sign have a very developed intuition, which allows them to coordinate the voice of reason with the call of the heart. They are warmly welcomed in the company of friends, but despite this, the Keepers of the Flame still cannot get rid of the feeling of loneliness. People of this type are incredibly decent and honest. Morality always comes first for them. A little arrogant and reserved, conservative. It doesn't hurt to be a little more open and forgiving.

Who to be friends with: Monk
Whom to fear: Bright kite
Lucky numbers are 4, 16, 28.
Bloom time is January.

Pure water source

Year of birth: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003

The source of clean water is a fountain of generosity, kindness and positive energy. Cruelty, injustice and commercialism are alien to people of this sign. They bring good news and positive emotions, value friendships, and consider betrayal unacceptable. The source of clean water can only be advised to listen to your intuition more often - it will help in choosing a life path.

Who to fear: Leather bracelet
Lucky numbers are 5, 17, 29.
Bloom time is May.

jade column

Year of birth: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004

People of this sign do not like crowds and public events. They do not tolerate coercion and any encroachment on personal space, they prefer silence and solitude. They are very active in life, have a brilliant mind, are in constant search for truth, which often tire others.

In society, they give the impression of cold and domineering aristocrats. The Tibetan horoscope advises people born in these years to pay more attention to those around them, to learn flexibility and insight.

Who to be friends with: Metal Gong
Who to fear: Black buffalo
Lucky numbers are 6, 18, 30.
Bloom time is November.

metal gong

Year of birth: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005

People of this sign, like valiant knights, are loyal, noble and generous. They are very self-critical and sensitive. They consider any turns of life inevitable, they try not to show their bad qualities to others, they limit themselves in many ways so as not to succumb to temptation. They prefer to live for someone and for the sake of someone.

People of this sign need to give up the pursuit of high ideals more often and take a break in order to enjoy life here and now.

With whom to be friends: with the Jade Column
Who to fear: Lake turtle
Lucky numbers are 7, 19, 31.
Bloom time is September.

lake turtle

Year of birth: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

People of this sign control their own destiny, creating favorable conditions for the realization of their plans. Lake turtles are gentle and loyal, they are alien to intrigue and cunning. However, they should not forget that the people around them are not so sweet and ingenuous.

Who to fear: The metal gong.
Lucky numbers are 8, 20, 30.
Bloom time is April.

Leather bracelet

Year of birth: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

People born in these years are fascinated by mysticism, they are interested in any secrets and riddles. Periods of reclusion, isolation and a tendency to gloomy reflections are replaced by periods of active sociability. Because of the fear of being alone, people born under the sign of the Leather Bracelet are constantly moving forward in life, looking for new friends. The mask of a daring seductress or Don Juan often hides internal complexes and insecurity. People of this sign despise aggression and conflicts, but with all their independence, they remain emotionally attached to the closest people.

With whom to be friends: with the Hot Sun
Whom to fear: Monk
Lucky numbers are 9, 21, 23.
Bloom time - March.

black buffalo

Year of birth: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

The black buffalo acts straightforwardly, never takes roundabout paths, prefers to clarify everything at once in order to avoid unpleasant situations. People of this sign are strong and confident in their invulnerability, which is what attracts others.

The Tibetan horoscope advises the representatives of this sign to be attentive to their enemies, they should not be underestimated. Sometimes they are very dangerous.

Who to be friends with: Bright kite
Whom to fear: Cobra.
Lucky numbers are 10, 22, 29.
Bloom time is July.

New Moon

Year of birth: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

Dreamy, sensitive and gentle people are born under the sign of the New Moon, but they can show themselves active in business and passionate in love. The new moon is very changeable, jealous and fickle - this creates a lot of trouble. People of the New Moon can be advised to control their own emotions and mood swings, then it will be easier and more pleasant to communicate with him.

Who to be friends with: Bright kite.
Whom to fear: The Jade Column.
Lucky numbers are 11, 23, 31.
Bloom time is August.

Hot sun

Year of birth: 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

People of this sign are full of vitality and optimism. They are true friends and helpers, you can safely rely on them in any situation. Most of all, people of this sign are afraid of losing their freedom. Any difficult situations are solved with amazing speed and amazing benefits for themselves. Every year people of this sign become calmer, less reckless and cheerful. If you want not to lose the taste for life, try to keep a perky spark in yourself.

Who to be friends with: Leather bracelet
Whom to fear: Keeper of fire.
Lucky numbers are 12, 24, 26.
Bloom time is October.


Year of birth: 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

People of this sign are very solid natures, as they say, with a core. They cannot be knocked off the path once chosen. At the same time, they are cheerful and sociable, have a vivid imagination, love to discuss and argue. Monks appreciate in people kindness, openness, immediacy, ease of communication.

In amorous affairs, people of this sign are loyal and constant, not capable of meanness and betrayal. To avoid conflicts, Monks should be more condescending towards others, taking into account that not everyone knows how to treat life as wisely.

Who to be friends with: Keeper of Fire
Whom to fear: A source of clean water
Lucky numbers are 11, 23, 28.
Bloom time is December.

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