Military academy mto wa. Military Academy of Logistics named after

The history of the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport dates back to the Quartermaster course, the date of formation of which is March 31, 1900, when Nicholas II approved the "Regulations on the Quartermaster course" with a location in St. Petersburg. In 1906, the Quartermaster course became the highest military educational institution. In 1911, the Quartermaster's course was transformed into the Quartermaster's Academy with the task of training specialists to fill the positions of the highest ranks of the quartermaster department. In 1918, the academy was reorganized into the Military Economic Academy of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army.

About 1000 pupils of the academy took part in the civil war, in positions in various units of the rear of the Red Army - on the Eastern, Turkestan and other fronts.

During the pre-war period, the academy trained more than 3,000 qualified logistics organizers and military transport engineers.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, more than 13 thousand qualified logistics and transport specialists were trained. For heroism, courage and selfless military labor during the war, many academy graduates were awarded orders and medals. Among the graduates of the academy, 15 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 15 graduates were awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

In 1998, the Volsk Higher School of Logistics and the Ulyanovsk Higher Military Technical School became part of the Academy as its branches.

In 2008, the Volsk Higher Military School of Logistics (military institute), the Ulyanovsk Higher Military Technical School of Logistics (military institute), the Military Transport University of the Railway Troops and Military Communications (St. Petersburg), the Military Engineering and Technical University (St. Petersburg), Military Veterinary Institute (Moscow), Togliatti Military Technical Institute.

Today, the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport is the leading educational, scientific and methodological center for the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the rear of military units of federal ministries, departments and services.
The Academy annually conducts research on 30-40 research projects assigned by the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, the Logistics Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Academy scientists make a significant contribution to the development of domestic military science.

The inventions of WATT scientists are widely used in the gas, petrochemical, automotive, food and light industries, nuclear energy, in the construction of railways and highways, bridges and tunnels. Academy officers took an active part in the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the roads of the Non-Chernozem region, in the aftermath of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and in supporting military operations in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

At present, at two faculties: command engineering (automotive and road), distance learning, as well as at a special department (training foreign specialists), and at academic courses for retraining and advanced training, comprehensive training of officer personnel is carried out in 15 specialties and specializations of the rear and transport support. Among them, Organization of transportation and transport management (by type), Construction and operation of roads and airfields, Construction of bridges, Management of logistic support of troops (forces), Management of military units and formations, Bridges and transport tunnels, Highways and airfields, Lifting transport, construction, road machinery and equipment, Organization of transportation and transport management (by type), Logistics of the Armed Forces.

The department for training specialists with secondary vocational education of the Academy of Logistics and Transport recruits cadets for training in the following specialties:

Organization of transportation and transport management (by type);
construction and operation of motor roads and airfields;
bridge construction.

The form of education is full-time, on a budgetary basis. Graduates receive a state diploma and the qualification "technician". Duration of training - 2 years 10 months.

    A. V. Khruleva Military Academy of Logistics (VAMTO) ... Wikipedia

    Andrei Vasilievich Khrulev ... Wikipedia

    Military Financial and Economic Institute of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (VFEI VUMO RF) Former name until 1974 Yaroslavl Military School. Army General A. V. Khrulev until 1999 Yaroslavl Higher Military ... ... Wikipedia

    On July 26, 1971, the projected passage in the Zhdanovsky (now Primorsky) district was given the name General Khrulev Street. In reality, the street appeared only in 1980. Andrei Viktorovich Khrulev (1892–1962) in 1917 ended up in the ranks of ... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    Military Financial and Economic Academy (VFEA) Former name until 1974 Yaroslavl Military School. General of the Army A. V. Khrulev until 1999 Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School. gene. arm. A. V. Khruleva until 2003 branch of the Military ... ... Wikipedia

    Mikhail Konstantinovich Makartsev ... Wikipedia

    Victory Parade in St. Petersburg On May 9, 2008, the parade dedicated to the 63rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War was held on the Palace Square in St. Petersburg. The parade was broadcast by the 100 TV channel Contents 1 Parade progress 1.1 ... ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Kozlov. Georgy Kirillovich Kozlov Date of birth December 19, 1902 (January 1, 1903) (1903 01 01) Place of birth Selyakhi, Grodno province R ... Wikipedia

    St. Petersburg General information District of the city of Vasileostrovskiy Historical district of Vasilyevsky island Police station Vasilyevsky part Length 260 m Nearest metro stations ... Wikipedia

Army General A. V. Khrulev

The head of the logistics of the Soviet army left the table, greeting Professor M. M. Zagyu, the coryphaeus of the quartermaster service, who received the rank of general from the Emperor.

Thank you very much, Andrey Vasilievich! From the heart. I bow from the waist, - the guest excitedly shook the hand of the owner of the office.

Why, Comrade General?

For the true miracle that appeared to me in my declining years. I will not forget to the grave that already in the second year of the last world war, the Russian army lacked everything, absolutely everything. And now our army has plenty of everything. And for this, from the old soldier, the lowest thanks to you ...

From the point of view of a specialist, the veteran’s delighted surprise was quite understandable: the Soviet army, this huge, complex military machine that continuously inflicted crushing blows on the aggressor, was indeed supplied with plenty of food, fodder, fuel, uniforms, ammunition, various military equipment - and this in conditions mobile warfare, with a constantly changing front line! The number of wounded, who were completely cured in hospitals and returned to duty, reached 70% - a figure previously unheard of ...

The administrative and economic miracle seemed especially grandiose in comparison with the orders that prevailed during the First World War. The main reasons for the poor supply then were, firstly, the strategic mistakes of the military-political leadership in assessing the nature of a future war, because of which they did not bother to create the necessary stocks of material resources in advance, and secondly, theft and corruption, which mercilessly corroded the state apparatus. They stole in the tsarist army on a large scale and boldly, with dashing and courage, stemming from confidence in complete impunity.

The roots of the bad tradition were deep. No wonder Tsar Peter I, the creator of the regular armed forces, shouting “Thief! Thief!" he courted the closest associate, Prince Menshikov, with a club made by himself. And a century later, Tsar Alexander I spoke of his dignitaries: “They would steal my warships of the line if they knew where to hide them ...”

In the Crimean War, the theft, having taken on a truly Homeric character, struck the imagination of foreigners and had a direct impact on the course of hostilities. It got to the point that next to the new fortress, with the money stolen during construction, it was possible to erect another one of the same kind.

The system adopted in the tsarist army allowed officers to practically uncontrollably dispose of the money allocated for the food of personnel and the purchase of fodder for horses. In 1914, the dragoon captain Krym-Shamkhalov-Sokolov, in response to the request of the sergeant-major S. M. Budyonny, cursed dirtyly, and then threw three rubles and shouted: “Here, buy them a cart of firewood, let them gnaw! »

Unfortunately, such cases were far from isolated. As for the honest officers - and without them there would have been neither victory in the gigantic Battle of Galicia, nor the famous Brusilov breakthrough - they, not without reason, suspected the command that was losing confidence in deliberately lost battles and operations. After all, defeat, retreat, disorderly evacuation - this is the pool in which it is easiest to hide the traces of especially large thefts.

The soldiers, in turn, also did not always differ in their thrifty attitude to military property and willingly exchanged, for example, good-quality yuft boots (there were no tarpaulin boots then) for food and alcohol. Even rifles bought abroad were dismantled, whose bladed bayonets served as an excellent bargaining chip. Under these conditions, both General Zagyu and even General Goretsky himself, who headed the commissary service, were unconditionally decent and personally honest people, with their high professionalism could only slightly reduce the damage caused by the system.

After 1917 the situation changed dramatically. The new government has shown that it has the most effective medicine for the treatment of an old disease - red-hot iron, and most importantly, is determined to use it without hesitation. Honest officers, perked up, joined the Red Army by the thousands.

Then, in August 1918, Andrei Vasilievich Khrulev also began military service. He joined the ranks voluntarily, as an ordinary fighter, although for his incomplete 26 years he had experience of underground revolutionary activity in St. Petersburg, where, as a child, Bolshoi Aleksandrovich came to work from his native village. The punishment for "illegality" was 8 months in prison and exile - though not far away, to Estonia.

The locksmith of the Okhtinsky plant managed to be a member of the Porokhov District Committee of the RSDLP (b), deputy chairman of the district council of workers' and soldiers' deputies, chairman of the special department of the district under the Petrograd Cheka, commandant of the revolutionary guard of the district, even for some time was in charge of the financial department of the Cheka. He went, without hesitation, to any area of ​​​​work and coped everywhere thanks to his natural intelligence and remarkable energy.

The talent of the nugget turned out to be in demand in a new field: at the end of February 1920, A.V. Khrulev was already the commissar of the 2nd Cavalry Division of the 1st Cavalry Army. His personal courage and organizational skills were highly valued by both Commander S. M. Budyonny and member of the Military Council K. E. Voroshilov, whom A. V. Khrulev knew from underground work since 1912.

Cavalry battles, in which up to 40 thousand sabers participated on both sides, difficult campaigns and swift raids on the rear of the enemy. Fighting in the North Caucasus against the troops of Denikin, then - on the Polish front, near Lvov and in the Crimea, against Wrangel, the elimination of gangs in Ukraine and Belarus. Yes, it's dangerous, yes, it's not easy. But ahead is the complete victory of the world revolution and beautiful blue cities where happy people of the near future live and work.

So thought the young commissar, so did the fighter-political officer Esta Gorelik, who served in his division. They fell in love and united so as not to part, sharing everything destined by fate.

However, Andrey Vasilievich was never an unfounded dreamer and he understood well that a bright future would not come by itself, it had to be built, and built today. He created 12 clubs, 16 main and 54 mobile libraries in the division, despite the battles and campaigns. And he also understood that the word must be backed up by deed, concern for people, for each specific person. And what is it like in the conditions of devastation that replaced the civil war?

So, everything must be protected, saved, carefully preserved. Savings start small, he inspired soldiers and commanders - from a button, from a cartridge, from cleaning boots. Andrei Vasilievich carefully watched that the horsemen were well fed, dressed, shod, had proper living conditions.

In 1924, the military reform began, connected with the transition to the territorial militia system in order to significantly reduce the Armed Forces and save budget funds. At the very beginning of it, Andrei Vasilyevich left for the North Caucasus to take up the post of commander of the 44th cavalry regiment. It took a little less than a year to command the unit, but even at that time he tried to delve as deeply as possible into the details of the organization of combat training, into the intricacies of the staff service.

Things were going well in the regiment, but Andrei Vasilievich felt that the previous knowledge gained at the zemstvo school and at evening general education courses in St. Petersburg was no longer enough. And therefore, when the opportunity arose to enroll in the Military Academic Courses of the Higher Political Staff, he did not refuse.

He was always eagerly drawn to knowledge, absorbed it like a sponge water, studied with great pleasure. Particularly attracted by political economy, thick textbooks read voraciously, like adventure novels.

The year has flown by unnoticed, and here we are again in the army. Commissar of a division, corps, deputy head of the political department of the Moscow Military District. At all posts, along with his seething energy, tirelessness and resourcefulness, his concern for people was clearly manifested - not abstractly, but visibly, through attention to their material security.

Such qualities, along with obvious administrative talent and economic knowledge, did not escape the attention of K. E. Voroshilov, who at that time became the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR. In July 1930, A. V. Khrulev was appointed head of the Central Military Financial Directorate of the Red Army.

It was a time of important economic transformation. The country was preparing to become an advanced industrial power, and its army was equipped with modern military equipment. At the same time, the role of financial activity in the development of the Armed Forces naturally increased.

The Central Military Financial Directorate was engaged in the implementation of the general financial policy in the People's Commissariat of Defense, the preparation and execution of its estimates, payments for military supplies to industry, the satisfaction of units and formations with various types of monetary allowances.

The appointment of Andrei Vasilyevich coincided with the transition to a centralized financing system. The budget accounts of the central departments of the People's Commissariat were closed, all loans were opened to the accounts of the Central Military Financial Directorate and used in accordance with its estimate, which made it possible to maneuver funds, managing them from one center.

But these were only the first steps, and the new chief was constantly working to improve the military financial service. Soon he proposed a number of changes aimed at ensuring the most severe planning and economy in spending finances. At the same time, the rights of unit commanders to use their own funds were expanded, and the heads of the main departments of the People's Commissariat got the opportunity to independently conclude contracts with suppliers on the basis of an approved plan and within the limits of the allocated amounts. At the same time, independent financial services were created in all levels of the Armed Forces, subordinated directly to unit commanders.

Understanding that it is possible to fulfill the planned tasks only by relying on honest and qualified employees, Andrey Vasilyevich paid great attention to the selection and placement of personnel. All those who personally knew him noted a deep, innate sense of justice. He reacted instantly to abuses and violations of financial discipline, and responsibility came quickly. It was dangerous for robbers and corrupt officials to be near such a person.

Purposeful work led to the improvement of the financial authorities, and by 1933 they already had every opportunity to eradicate mismanagement, could exercise strict control over the ruble, and pay more attention to budgeting, planning and inspection activities. On January 30 of the same year, Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi Party, became Chancellor of Germany. And a little later, on July 15, on the initiative of N. Chamberlain in Rome, the governments of Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy signed the so-called "Pact of Four", directed against the USSR. Public protests prevented its ratification and thwarted the formation of a powerful anti-Soviet coalition, but nevertheless the enemies of the Soviet Union did not abandon their intentions.

But two years earlier, I.V. Stalin, having determined the probable timing of a future war, uttered a phrase that later became famous: “We are 50-100 years behind the advanced countries. Either we will run this distance in 10 years, or we will be crushed.” Measures were outlined for a sharp expansion of the mobilization possibilities of the national economy, and, if necessary, the transfer of the entire economy to a military footing. The defense potential of the country has grown steadily.

Andrey Vasilyevich Khrulev told his subordinates more than once: "We need to plan the expenditure of state funds in such a way that every ruble is a contribution to the cause of increasing and strengthening defense." His merits were marked by the assignment in March 1935 of the military rank of "corps commissar", although not everyone approved of his independence and rigidity in defending budget estimates.

Suspicious, vindictive, confident in his own infallibility, the head of the Main Political Directorate of the Red Army, L. Z. Mekhlis, took the rigid framework of financial discipline extremely painfully and responded with a whole series of insidious intrigues and high-profile accusations. There was also a loss of political vigilance, and the failure to take sufficient measures to eliminate sabotage, and the use of one's official position, and, of course, connection with the enemies of the people.

For the time being, everything worked out, and when a smart, energetic leader was needed to restore order in another area of ​​work, they could not find a better candidate than A.V. Khrulev. In August 1936, he was appointed head of the construction and apartment department of the People's Commissariat of Defense. He quickly mastered a new business, launched the extensive construction of barracks, residential buildings for officers - the deployment of the Armed Forces was being prepared on the basis of universal military duty, and such facilities required a great many, as well as airfields for rapidly growing aviation. But it seems that new successes angered the enemies even more.

Mekhlis accused Andrei Vasilyevich of participating in the Tukhachevsky conspiracy. It looks like the arrow hit the mark this time. The corps commissar felt the thunderclouds gathering, but, overcoming the heaviness in his heart, he worked even harder than before. But now - removal from office, withdrawal to the reserve. What's next is easy to guess.

He was waiting for an arrest, but received... an order to head the department of military development of the Kyiv district.

Say thanks to Voroshilov, - Mekhlis said with frightening frankness at the meeting. - He covered you and did not allow me to do with you as I should have done. But I will try my best to make my wish come true.

Andrei Vasilyevich arrived in Kyiv late in the evening and went straight from the station to the office, where he found several employees who were late. The conversation began, casual and long. By the end, her new boss clearly understood the state of affairs, and also formulated fundamentally new tasks for high-speed construction and the organization of special assembly departments.

The trust of subordinates was won in the shortest possible time here too: to Khrulev on official and personal issues. Usually impulsive from surging energy, in difficult situations he became calm and balanced, conveying faith in his strength to subordinates. Andrei Vasilievich knew how to listen to a person, to carefully understand the details of the issue, to take good advice. At times, irritated by mistakes and omissions, he could arrange a noisy dressing down, but always without personal attacks, let alone insults. They did not take offense at such outbursts and looked at them as a parental scolding.

Important military infrastructure facilities were growing rapidly, things seemed to be going well, but in early September the phone rang in the office of the corps commissar. S. K. Timoshenko, who at that time commanded the Kyiv Special Military District, briefly conveyed the order to urgently arrive in Moscow. And nothing about the reasons for the call.

Andrey Vasilievich paced the office in anxious thought. There are no complaints about his service, but the tireless Mekhlis continues to dig under him, like a Stakhanovite miner in a mine.

Fears dissipated only after meeting with K. E. Voroshilov. They went to the Kremlin together.

There is an intention, - said Stalin, - to create a supply department of the Red Army, headed by the head of supply, and to appoint you to this post.

A searching look, a pause. And then, instead of “I will do my best to justify your high confidence,” Andrey Vasilyevich unexpectedly asked a whole series of specific questions about the tasks and methods of work of the new department. A long conversation took place, during which Stalin expressed the idea that the title "head of supply" no longer corresponds to the present. Later, the correctness of this remark was confirmed by practice.

Experience, both life and service, gave some idea of ​​the nature of the forthcoming activity, but still, where to start? After all, it was not necessary to face tasks of such scale and such complexity before.

Mekhlis would have known with whom the new chief of supply of the Red Army met immediately after his appointment! With K. E. Goretsky himself, a general of the tsarist army and chief quartermaster during the First World War! Andrei Vasilyevich listened attentively to the advice of the luminary, who turned out to be completely in line with the requirements of modern warfare. Moreover, he achieved his admission as a scientific consultant to the management staff. They used to sit in the office for hours. Goretsky helped to solve this or that complicated issue, talked about the history of the rear of the Russian army. Andrey Vasilievich himself, at every opportunity, opened the books of his scientific consultant, as well as F. A. Maksheev, N. N. Yanushkevich and other experts in the quartermaster service. The theory of the rear was comprehended in the course of hard work - the danger was getting closer and closer to the borders of the USSR.

On September 1, 1939, World War II broke out. On the same day, at an extraordinary session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, a law on universal military duty was adopted. The deployment of a mass cadre army began, and with it the mobilization of industry for the needs of the Armed Forces.

Andrei Vasilievich demanded that the management officers who went to the units not only check, but above all teach people how to organize the military economy, how to properly register and report, in order to use everything that the country gave as efficiently as possible. And she gave her defenders a lot! But it was all the more important to instill in soldiers and commanders a sense of responsibility for property and thrift. The shortcomings of the past, both in the highest levels of management and in subdivisions, could and should be eradicated ...

In 1940, immediately after the end of the Soviet-Finnish war, Andrei Vasilievich ordered the supply authorities of the North-Western Front and the Leningrad District to collect the military equipment remaining in the combat areas, put it in order and completely preserve it. And this huge work, which required the creation of special workshops, was done in the shortest possible time.

Analyzing the fresh experience of the recent war, the chief of supply of the Red Army came to the conclusion that the next large order for industry was necessary. Uniforms, equipment, camp kitchens and bakeries, workshops for repairing equipment, weapons and other commissary property - all this will be required in the future in volumes hitherto unseen. First, he convinced Voroshilov with his arguments, and then together they convinced Stalin himself.

Andrey Vasilyevich took up the placement of orders. In relations with contractors, he was demanding, persistent, but at the same time patient and flexible. So, the management of one of the factories stubbornly refused to make field kitchens, referring to the lack of scarce red copper. "Make it out of cast iron!" - the chief of supply of the Red Army neutralized their arguments.

In July 1940, the merits of Andrei Vasilyevich were awarded the Order of Lenin, and the apparatus he headed was reorganized into the Main Quartermaster Directorate of the Red Army. Then he received a new military rank - "lieutenant general of the quartermaster service." On his shoulders lay the responsibility for food, clothing, transport and household supplies and housing and maintenance, for trade in the troops. The Yaroslavl Military Economic School and the Military Economic Academy were subordinate to him.

Having acquired vast experience in a short time, Lieutenant General Khrulev looked far ahead. In the first half of 1941, an extensive inventory was carried out among the troops. As a result of large-scale, difficult and painstaking work, it became completely clear how much and what kind of property is available in units and warehouses, what is missing, what and in what volume the industry should be ordered. An important conclusion was made - mobilization deployment can be ensured.

In the same period, at the initiative of the chief commissar, the mechanized troops began to receive automobile camping workshops for repairing shoes and harnesses, changes were made to the uniform, and new standards for clothing and food supply were developed. The total calorie content of the Red Army soldier's daily ration was 3622 calories - a soldier of no army in the world had such food!

Huge stocks of materiel had to be properly deployed both strategically and operationally-tactically. The most important issue was considered as early as 1940. The command of the Red Army adhered to a point of view that was quite reasonable and, as subsequent events showed, the correct one - to place reserves beyond the Volga.

The logical decision nevertheless provoked a strong protest from the Mehlis. He demanded that material resources be accumulated in the border areas, as close as possible to a potential enemy. The head of the Main Political Directorate perceived rational arguments as wrecking and defeatist.

But at least sheepskin coats, felt boots and other winter property should be left behind the Volga, military experts said.

How do you know when the war will start? - Mekhlis asked suspiciously, hinting at treason more than transparently.

In the end, Stalin, succumbing to the persuasion of the head of the Main Political Directorate, accepted his point of view. In 1941, when I. V. Stalin was already chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, Andrei Vasilyevich once again reported to him proposals for the deployment of emergency supplies, and again to no avail!

General Khrulev imagined the unprecedented scope of a future war and understood what the rear of the Armed Forces should be like under these conditions. The railway troops underwent a radical restructuring, the medical service received a large amount of the necessary property and equipment, a wide network of medical institutions, and was strengthened by highly qualified personnel.

The Chief Quartermaster planned to fully equip the rear units with auto-tractor equipment, to create special units of military transport aviation. And most importantly - a single rear management body. But these tasks had to be solved already during the war.

That's when the stubbornness of Mekhlis affected. In the warehouses of the Byelorussian and Kyiv special military districts, the enemy captured more than half of all prepared clothing items, and in the Baltic military district - and all 100%. On the Southwestern Front, 38,000 tons of fuel and lubricants had to be destroyed so that the enemy would not get it. In addition, 31,000 double-horse and 5,000 single-horse carts, 8,000 camp kitchens, 389 bakeries, tens of thousands of sets of harnesses and saddles were lost in all districts. As for medical institutions, they were lost in general for 88,000 beds, - Andrey Vasilyevich summed up the disappointing results of the first weeks of the war.

All this now had to be restored as soon as possible. And at the same time, to remove the surviving resources from under the blows and solve the main task - to provide material means for the troops, who retreated with heavy fighting in some directions, and held a stubborn defense in others. At the same time, the actions of the rear units had to more strictly correspond to the operational-tactical situation, which was complex and not always clear.

The complexity of the problem was aggravated by the fact that the rear units of the fronts and armies, intended to carry out this complex set of tasks, were deployed and brought to full strength after the attack on the Soviet Union had become a fait accompli. And for the same reason, already directly during the war, they learned how to carry out these same tasks. In addition, they had to act under enemy bombs, under the constant threat of an attack by Nazi saboteurs and a meeting with enemy tanks that had broken through.

The management of the rear services did not stand the test either. According to pre-war views, it was supposed to be carried out by combined arms headquarters, but those, overloaded with their direct duties, were also unable to unravel the complex knots of military economic work. An urgent restructuring of both the management system and the entire organizational structure of the rear of the Red Army was required.

General Khrulev, who in July 1941 also became Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, was ready for it. Neither long conversations with K. E. Goretsky, nor a deep understanding of the experience of the rear support of the Russian army from the wars of the distant past to the latest military conflicts were not in vain for him. He presented his carefully thought-out proposals to AI Mikoyan, who was in charge of supplying the army in the State Defense Committee. He immediately informed Stalin about them, and the very next day the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to prepare a draft of the corresponding decision followed.

The work, in which the officers of the General Staff and the best logistics specialists participated, began to boil. Soon, a draft resolution of the State Defense Committee on the organization of the rear of the Red Army in wartime was ready. Stalin signed it on July 30, immediately upon presentation. And a little later, in August, he signed an order on the organization of the Main Logistics Directorate of the Red Army, the rear departments of the fronts and armies.

Now General Khrulev was in charge of organizing the rear of the Red Army, its organization, the transportation of troops and reinforcements, the supply of all types of materiel to the fronts, the evacuation of the wounded and sick. He conducted his work in close contact with A. I. Mikoyan, who headed the Committee for Food and Clothing Supply of the Red Army, and his deputy A. N. Kosygin.

The committee included leading representatives from the relevant people's commissariats. In turn, they nominated the largest specialists from various sectors of the national economy to the bodies of the Main Logistics Directorate, thanks to which the receipt of everything necessary by the army in the field was significantly accelerated. Soon a well-organized system was established for supplying troops with weapons, ammunition, food, fuels and lubricants, technical and many other types of military equipment. Transportation issues were promptly resolved, the evacuation of the wounded and sick was organized.

Andrei Vasilievich did not forget either about the protection of the rear areas, or about the restoration of unusable or the use of trophy property - everything went into business. In his work, he constantly relied on the headquarters, headed by a remarkable specialist, General M.P. Milovsky, and therefore he always, at any time of the day or night, knew how the troops were provided, how the plans for orders and deliveries were carried out by industry and agriculture. Accurate and timely information helped to make the right decisions.

The rear was quickly gaining strength, reaching the calculated possibilities and even blocking them, which even made it possible ... to come to the aid of industrial enterprises that found themselves in an extremely difficult situation during the evacuation. Automobile parts of the rear delivered fuel, cotton, wool, leather and tobacco raw materials to enterprises from suppliers. The worker battalions prepared firewood and peat for the defense factories, carried out loading work, helped in the installation of equipment, the expansion of production facilities, the production of wagons, flasks, bowlers and many other absolutely necessary items in the war.

Andrei Vasilievich has repeatedly noted that the army is by nature a consumer. But otherwise, she could be left without a sufficient amount of urgently needed funds, the need for which has steadily grown.

New formations and units were formed, hundreds of thousands of people's militias were put into operation, and everyone had to be provided with uniforms, equipment, and regular meals. In the difficult days of the battle for Moscow, the efforts of the rear in the shortest possible time completed the formation of the cavalry corps of General P. A. Belov, who later distinguished himself in battles. At the same time, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief ordered A.V. Khrulev to allocate at the disposal of three armies concentrated in the capital area, two motor vehicles and one horse-drawn battalion each.

Easy to say, but where to get cars? They are not in reserve.

The task seemed impossible and yet it was solved. General Khrulev immediately called Kosygin, and with his permission, officers of the highway department, together with representatives of the district councils of deputies, raided the garages and workshops of the evacuated departments and enterprises, collecting the cars, spare parts, and rubber remaining due to malfunctions. A lot of abandoned vehicles were also found on the roads of the Moscow region.

Just two days of hard work, and all the necessary transport was collected. True, - that's the trouble - almost every car needed a major overhaul. But Andrei Vasilievich prepared the next move in advance. By his order, a car repair plant had already been set up on Shluzovaya Embankment, and the automobile battalions were ready at the specified time.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief appreciated the ingenuity of the Chief of Logistics and almost on the same days, on his recommendation, introduced designated limits on the consumption of ammunition and fuel and lubricants by the troops. At first, a whole stream of complaints poured into Moscow, but soon the commanders and commanders realized that the new system did not at all limit the capabilities of the troops, but only taught them to calculate them, made them take care of material resources, and accumulate the necessary funds for responsible operations in advance. And indeed, the state, even with all the possibilities of the Soviet Union, is by no means a bottomless barrel.

Moscow was thoroughly preparing for the defense: almost one and a half thousand water wells alone were equipped. Fortunately, they were never used, but the bypass railway, built back in August on the initiative of Khrulev, who foresaw such a development of events, and at the same time the reconstructed Moscow railway junction played a truly exceptional role in the battle for the capital.

An important factor in victory in the unfolding battle was warm uniforms. “The Nazis, hoping for a blitzkrieg, found themselves on the eve of the cold weather in summer uniforms,” Andrey Vasilyevich told the leaders of the textile industry at an extended meeting at Kosygin's. - The Soviet people will dress their troops in good overcoats, sheepskin coats, hats and quilted jackets. Everyone will be provided with felt boots.”

Behind these words stood hard work and the solution of the most complex administrative and economic tasks, reminiscent of long equations with many unknowns. But millions of sets of winter uniforms and warm clothes collected by the population were delivered to the troops on time. And the delivery of materiel in war is not an easy task in itself.

If communication is often called the "nerve of the army", then the routes of supply and evacuation can be considered its blood vessels. With what, if not with fatal blood clots, should traffic jams be compared, especially during important operations? General Khrulev had been thinking about this for a long time, because a special resolution of the State Defense Committee “On the organization of a road service on unpaved highways” appeared back in July 1941!

The main enemy of timely delivery was mud, which for a long time disabled dirt roads. It was she who caused a noticeable deterioration in supply on the Volkhov, Leningrad, Kalinin and Western fronts. And then General Khrulev again flashed his resourcefulness, proposing to form horse-drawn transport battalions.

Here's the news! - said the Supreme Commander. - In the age of technology, and suddenly a bag of oats, wagons, sleighs ...

But there was no other way out, and the first 76 horse-drawn battalions of 250 wagons or sledges each were formed in record time. It soon became clear that the horse helps out even where caterpillar vehicles sometimes fail. Moscow was bombarded with requests for horse carts, followed by formations of reindeer teams in the North and camel teams in the Caspian steppes, and in the Caucasus mountains ... mountain-pack-donkey companies have proven themselves perfectly.

At the beginning of 1942, Andrei Vasilievich went to the Volkhov Front, where a difficult situation developed with the evacuation of the wounded. Due to the lack of special medical trains, they could not be sent for treatment even to the nearest regions - Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Gorky ...

General Khrulev personally assessed the situation on the spot, determined that up to 10,000 hospital beds could be placed in the Borovichi area, and immediately instructed the rear headquarters to supply the necessary medical equipment. The order was executed clearly and quickly, so that the need for both evacuation and scarce ambulance trains disappeared by itself.

On the way back, Andrei Vasilievich stopped at the headquarters of the North-Western Front to find out the situation and needs of his troops. The command post was located in the rest house of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, not far from Valdai. It was already quite late when Khrulev arrived there and met with the commander, General P. A. Kurochkin.

They were talking, discussing pressing issues of supply, and a member of the Military Council, A. M. Pronin, entered. He brought for approval the decision of the military tribunal in the case of the chief of the rear of the front, General N. A. Kuznetsov. The chief quartermaster became interested in the essence of the matter. It turned out that Kuznetsov was accused of a criminal attitude towards providing troops by another member of the Military Council of the front, the powerful N. A. Bulganin. The tribunal did not dare to disobey him and passed the most severe sentence.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Kuznetsov is a very educated general, a conscientious person, hardworking and diligent, - Andrey Vasilyevich expressed bewilderment. What exactly is his fault?

The front commander, after thinking, refused to approve the death sentence:

I did not put Kuznetsov on trial and did not talk to the tribunal. And let this decision be approved by Bulganin himself, who started the business.

A person's life was saved. N. A. Kuznetsov was demoted. Later, he led the rear of the army, and then showed himself well in higher positions and ended his service with the rank of lieutenant general.

Bulganin cursed for a long time, having learned that the reprisal by proxy with an objectionable person did not take place. He himself, being a politician to a much greater extent than a military man, did not approve the protocol of the tribunal, for he perfectly understood how dangerous it was to leave signatures on such documents. So General Khrulev acquired another enemy, just as irreconcilable and malicious as Mekhlis, but much more sophisticated, able to wait in the wings. What exactly Kuznetsov did not please him remained a secret, known only to the chief quartermaster. Andrey Vasilyevich never opened it, except that, lamenting, he spoke about the problems that honest workers of the home front have because of their refusal to satisfy the dubious demands of some representatives of the command and persons in authority.

However, at that time, General Khrulev's thoughts were not occupied by a powerful ill-wisher, but by a supply crisis hanging over the besieged Leningrad. The organization of the supply of the city as a whole was entrusted to A.I. Mikoyan, and the Supreme Commander entrusted the solution of practical issues to the head of the logistics of the Red Army. Andrei Vasilyevich went to the Northern capital.

What shall we do, comrades? - he asked the representatives of the command of the Leningrad Front, the leadership of the city and the region who had gathered at the meeting.

A common opinion was soon developed: in no case should transport aviation be neglected, but the main supply artery should be considered the route through Lake Ladoga.

General Khrulev established a clear system for controlling the loading of wagons and the movement of goods, giving preference to food. He put a lot of effort into organizing the movement of materiel along the ice track across Lake Ladoga, the "Road of Life", or, according to official documents, "Military Highway No. 102".

It was a complex organism - or apparatus - numbering 19 thousand people. Four road maintenance regiments, a rifle guard regiment, three bridge building, 9 motor transport and two auto repair battalions, 8 hospitals - this is the list of only the main structures that were part of it.

The road builders continuously cleared and repaired the route - at times enemy aircraft destroyed up to 6 square kilometers of ice - they built bridges, built detours, and in some places they diverted the route to the side. Day and night, in any weather, often under the blows of enemy air bombs, a continuous stream of more than three thousand trucks carried to the besieged city what its defenders, residents, who continued the work of the enterprise, so needed.

In turn, besieged Leningrad gave the country weapons and ammunition, unique equipment for power plants, valuable surgical instruments, serums, vaccines, equipment for hospitals, and the role of the besieged city in supplying medical equipment was extremely large.

The ice track operated clearly and smoothly, but with the onset of the warm season, the sun's rays will do what was beyond the power of Nazi aviation. Andrei Vasilyevich found a way out here too. He proposed to build 10 metal barges and four railway ferries with a carrying capacity of 1,000 tons each. Skeptics claimed that this was unrealistic. However, the task was completed by the forces of Leningrad, at the cost of their heroic efforts at shipyards, wharves and wharves, in the workshops of plants and factories, in research institutions and institutes.

But water transport itself is not all that is required to ensure the flow of goods. It was necessary to build piers with berths, equip piers and access roads, restore destroyed locks and dams, clear the basin of mines and obstacles, create ports and organize their work... Labor feat. It was he who allowed the troops of the Leningrad Front to withstand the heavy battles of the summer campaign of 1942 with honor.

The water artery did not lose its significance even later, when the Iskra operation was completed and the blockade was broken. In the summer of 1943, ships delivered almost 80 thousand tons of various cargoes to the city; they also came in handy during the laying of a telephone and 6 strands of power cable to supply electricity to Leningrad from the Volkhovskaya hydroelectric power station.

And yet, the possibilities of the ice track in winter and the water artery in summer had their limits. How to increase cargo traffic for the city and the front? Yes, it's very simple: use pipelines instead of cars and barges to deliver fuel!

The State Defense Committee made the appropriate decision, entrusting the overall management of construction to A. N. Kosygin, and the work began to boil - of course, with the most active participation of General Khrulev. It was he who helped to find both the necessary specialists and the pipes themselves, and on the spot, in Kolpino. The difficult task was solved by the joint efforts of the front, representatives of the fleet, relevant ministries and departments. In less than a month, the construction, unique for that time, was ready, and a continuous flow of oil products went to the besieged city.

Andrei Vasilyevich carefully studied and summarized the experience gained, as if foreseeing its value in the near future. In a series of responsible tasks replacing one another, under conditions of an inhuman load, he suddenly remembered: how does the architect Lev Vladimirovich Rudnev, the author of the design of the famous building of the Academy named after M.V. Frunze, feel? After all, he constantly lives in Leningrad.

It turned out that the academician was really in the besieged city and categorically refused to leave it, wanting to share all the difficulties with the people of Leningrad. Meanwhile, his physical condition cannot be called otherwise than severe! Then General Khrulev began to personally persuade the stubborn architect, spent a lot of time and, in the end, achieved success ...

Unconquered Leningrad is steadfastly defending, a brilliant victory near Moscow has been won. During the autumn-winter campaign of 1941-1942, the rear did a great job, without which the success of the troops would have been impossible. A. I. Mikoyan was personally convinced of this, having left for verification together with General Khrulev in the area of ​​​​stubborn fighting.

The activities of the supply agencies can be checked by examining documents and schedules, or you can do it the way Napoleon did: go to the final link - a soldier - and see how he is dressed, shod and fed. And not at a drill review, but on the line of combat contact with the enemy! Anastas Ivanovich and Andrei Vasilyevich walked along the trenches of the front line, talking with junior officers and soldiers. We saw that winter uniforms are well provided, hot food is received in a timely manner.

But there were more reasons for concern than for joy. The situation in rail transport was rapidly deteriorating and threatened with serious interruptions in supply. The situation could have been even worse without the railroad troops, whose existence could hardly be defended during the difficult months of 1941. Then the idea came to someone's head, not burdened with military knowledge, to disband them to compensate for the huge losses and transform them into ordinary rifle units. There were also unfortunate theorists who backed up the idea with a “scientific” basis: the army is now retreating, and therefore, the tasks of building railways do not arise.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief refused to make a hasty decision and ordered to study the issue of a special commission. However, her meeting did not bode well. After all, L. Z. Mekhlis was appointed chairman, interested in liquidating the railway troops and thereby weakening the position of the chief quartermaster, hated by him. The sophisticated head of the Main Political Directorate assembled a commission on the very day when Andrei Vasilyevich himself was not in Moscow.

Everything went as planned. Only the head of military communications, subordinate to Khrulev, Lieutenant General Kovalev categorically refused to vote for the disbandment, calling such a decision defeatist. Mekhlis picked up the phone and complained about the stubborn Stalin.

Why do you consider the liquidation of the railroad troops to be defeatism? - asked the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, inviting the general to the phone.

Because we are preparing a counterattack near Moscow and will later prepare for an offensive, and it is impossible to attack without railway troops and restoration means, which are the weapons of offensive operations, ”Kovalev answered.

That's right, Stalin said. - Pass the phone to Mehlis.

You are a defeatist, Mekhlis, - he heard. - Commission too. Disband the commission, save the troops!

Mehlis was put to shame, and the winter counter-offensive once again emphasized the importance of the railway troops. But the main role, and not only in the supply of materiel and reinforcements, but also in ensuring operational-strategic maneuver, belonged to the People's Commissariat of Railways (NKPS). And there the situation was far from brilliant.

The loss of almost half of the most developed railway network, the lack of fuel, electricity, steam locomotives, a fleet of freight cars and repair facilities, disrupted the usual rhythm and destroyed the well-established order of work. The result of administrative confusion was monstrous traffic jams that clogged the railway lines. The movement of trains was blocked, and the average daily loading of wagons was reduced by more than two times.

The People's Commissar of Railways arranged a showdown, but the method of "administrative pumping" no longer worked. Under such conditions, railway transport needed a leader whose main advantage would not be the ability to intimidate subordinates, but the ability to quickly find the right solutions.

One day in March 1942, after a meeting of the State Defense Committee, Stalin asked Khrulev to stay.

You will have to be People's Commissar of Railways, he said. - This issue has been resolved. The tasks are clear. - And, noticing the confusion, he explained: - I am aware of how difficult and responsible the work of the chief of logistics of the Red Army that has fallen to you. But the supply of the fronts is primarily a supply. Therefore, the combination in one person of two posts - People's Commissar of Railways and Chief of Logistics - will most reliably solve the problem of supplying the army with everything that is necessary to defeat the enemy. As People's Commissar of Railways, you will become closer to the entire national economy, which is in close contact with rail transport and largely depends on it ...

“You did well, Cinderella. Here is your reward - a list of new assignments. It is unlikely that Andrei Vasilyevich at that moment had associations with the fairy-tale heroine Perrault, although the situation was similar. All his attempts to refuse a new, one more position, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief resolutely rejected.

General Khrulev made his way back from the Kremlin in anxious thought. On the one hand, to the numerous duties requiring incredible effort, care was added for the five million (!) Army of railway workers, on the other hand, the idea of ​​his scientific consultant K. E. Goretsky, who had dreamed of concentrating control since the First World War, was finally being realized strategic rear and transportation in the same hands.

Employees of the People's Commissariat of Railways, where Andrei Ivanovich now resided permanently, reacted to the emergence of a new boss with due understanding. Having entrusted the current work in the Main Logistics Directorate to his deputy, General Vinogradov, he concentrated his efforts on solving the immediate problem - eliminating huge traffic jams on the railways. First of all, it was necessary to carefully listen to the opinion of experts.

L. M. Kaganovich, who previously held the post of People's Commissar of Railways, could not stand the advice of others, and simply ... forgot about the steam locomotives evacuated from the western regions of the country. Now, special groups were formed from these locomotives, with the help of which, to everyone's surprise, the congestion was eliminated in the shortest possible time.

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Somehow it so happened that in our army the rear men were like second-class servicemen. The combat commanders always demanded a lot from them, but after the battles and battles, the honors and awards of the home front workers were often bypassed. Even in the memoirs of famous commanders, not too much is told about the activities of the rear during the Great Patriotic War. Probably, for the first time in Russian military history, only the famous writer, former front-line intelligence officer, Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Karpov frankly told in his new documentary and fiction work "General of the Army Khrulev" that without a well-organized logistic support, there might not have been a victory in May 1945. Probably, with this book the writer will provoke the blows of critics from literature and history. Only Vladimir Karpov always tried to protect the historical truth and undeservedly offended military leaders by writing. He frankly points out that it was the head of the Logistics of the Red Army, General of the Army Andrey Khrulev and his rear men who ensured all the victories of our marshals. But at the same time, in his own country, the famous general, whom his contemporaries called a great statesman, turned out to be undeservedly offended and almost forgotten.


For more than five decades, there has been a legend among military and civilian historians about one photograph, which depicts all the top Soviet military leaders - front commanders, heads of the General Staff, participants in a solemn reception in honor of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War in the Kremlin. While photographing the military leaders in the first row on both sides of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Generalissimo Joseph Stalin, Marshals Zhukov, Vasilevsky, Konev, Govorov began to sit down according to merit and honor ... And suddenly Stalin noticed that the head of the rear of the Red Army, General of the Army Andrey Khrulev, was stationed in where something in the third row. Suddenly, Stalin called Khrulev, and when he approached, he told the generals standing around him that without this general there would have been no victories in the past war. After that, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief personally indicated to Andrei Khrulev a place for photographing in the first row of marshals not far from him.

This historical photograph was found in the archives by the writer Vladimir Karpov. Third to the left of Stalin in the row of marshals sits General of the Army Andrey Khrulev. Almost all the marshals have impressive medal bars, with two and three Stars of Heroes, and Khrulev has only shiny buttons on his uniform tunic. He was presented to the title of Hero of Socialist Labor in 1943, but was never given. But this military leader for his deeds in the Great Patriotic War, like no one else, deserves the highest state awards. But those military and civil officials who offered lists of awardees to Stalin apparently did not consider it that way. But nevertheless, the thought creeps in that maybe there is nothing offensive in this for the rear, even if of the highest rank, which was General Andrei Khrulev. Well, he provided the troops with everything necessary, well, he worked wholeheartedly for victory, what is heroic in this? There were many such officials during the war. After all, he himself did not lead troops into battles, he did not risk his own life. All this is so. Only this is a too superficial opinion due, perhaps, to a deliberate omission of the truth about Andrei Khrulev's activities during the war. Too much of his adherence to principles, he made himself powerful enemies, but those who really tried hard to hide the truth about the general and his activities in the name of victory.

This is probably why the general remained known for his deeds and exploits only among the military rear. In academies and schools, students and cadets carefully study his work in solving the most difficult state tasks during the war, which even the all-powerful head of the NKVD of the USSR, Lavrenty Beria, could not bear.

Here, for example, is what the current Chief of Logistics of the Russian Armed Forces, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Vladimir Isakov, said specifically for NVO about the role of General Andrei Khrulev in the Great Victory about the role of General Andrei Khrulev in the Great Victory: “It was under the leadership of Andrei Vasilyevich Khrulev that the such a logistics system that gave our soldier everything necessary to achieve victory in 1945. Having extensive experience in military, administrative and economic activities, the ability to deeply and comprehensively analyze major problems, in the first days of the war, he presented the country's leadership with the most weighty and serious arguments about the need to create a single centralized rear. This made it possible for the combined arms headquarters and commanders to pay great attention to issues of direct command and control of troops. The cost of all responsibility in that period and in those circumstances was life itself. In the shortest possible time, in the most difficult economic conditions, Khrulev created such a system of rear provision of troops, which later fully justified itself". There is no doubt about the objectivity of General of the Army Vladimir Isakov. In combat conditions in Afghanistan, he worked as deputy chief of logistics for the famous 40th Army. Was badly wounded. So he knows the work of the military rear from the very bottom and can competently assert: the rear principles laid down by Khrulev during the Great Patriotic War have not lost their relevance for the current Russian army. And you should not retreat from them, but on the contrary, you only need to improve.


From documentary sources, it is now well known what kind of situation prevailed in the first weeks and months of the war in the Kremlin, the General Staff, and the Ministry of Defense. Despite the heroic resistance of the Red Army, the military catastrophe was moving like a heavy roller from the western borders of the USSR to Moscow. In one day, the now famous military leaders-winners handed over a dozen cities. Military headquarters lost control of the troops. The head of the Main Political Directorate of the Red Army, Lev Mekhlis, who was appointed to strengthen the Western Front as a member of its Military Council, strengthened it so much that, without trial or investigation, before the formation of the commanders of the headquarters of the 34th Army, for the loss of the materiel of artillery and alleged cowardice and two days of drunkenness, he shot Major General artillery of Goncharov. And then, at the direction of Mekhlis, the commander of the army, General Kachanov, was shot by the verdict of the tribunal. Subsequently, they were rehabilitated.

And in this atmosphere of general nervousness and suspicion, the head of the Main Quartermaster Directorate of the Red Army, Lieutenant General Andrey Khrulev, proposes to Stalin and the State Defense Committee to completely reorganize the logistics of the Red Army. Appoint 7 chiefs of rear services of seven fronts, form appropriate rear support structures, organize the Main Directorate of Logistics of the Red Army with a headquarters, a military communications directorate, a road administration, and an inspection. The proposal was accepted by the GKO. Andrey Khrulev, lieutenant general of the commissary service, was appointed head of the Logistics by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR. The main quartermaster department, the fuel supply department, the sanitary department, and the veterinary department are subordinate to him.

Thus, in August, for the first time in the Red Army, as suggested by Khrulev personally to Stalin, a coherent system of logistical support for the troops was created. Combat commanders freed themselves from economic hardships and completely switched over to the leadership and command and control of troops. A mistake in this innovation could cost Khrulev his life. But he was right, on the experience of still providing troops in the tsarist army, he calculated and verified. And I wasn't wrong.

The new rear structure showed itself very effectively already at the beginning of the battle near Moscow, and then in October during the evacuation of the capital. The activities of General Khrulev at that time were very closely observed by the head of the GlavPUR, Lev Mekhlis. Back in 1935, he accused Khrulev of being implicated in the conspiracy of the military and Tukhachevsky against the Soviet regime. But then Marshal Kliment Voroshilov stood up for Khrulev, who knew him from his joint work in Petrograd in 1917, and then from his service in the First Cavalry Army. Mehlis' expectations were not met. Khrulev's logistic officers and he personally provided the troops near Moscow with everything they needed. During the October panic in the capital, Khrulev directly organized the evacuation to Kuibyshev of the General Staff, the Academy of Sciences, state food reserves, and much more.

In an atmosphere of general nervousness, extremely delicate situations arose. So, by order of the secretary of the Moscow Party Committee Shcherbakov, warm army hats, mittens, padded jackets began to be distributed from warehouses. Khrulev opposed this. Naturally, Shcherbakov complained to Stalin. Then Bulganin, a member of the military council of the front, again complained to Khrulev to Stalin that there were no warm clothes and the troops could not fight normally. In a rage, Stalin began to threaten Khrulev with arrest and execution. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief did not throw threats to the wind. However, Khrulev reported with complete composure that Bulganin's troops had already received 200 thousand complete sets of warm uniforms and the general simply did not know what he had at the front. After that, Stalin sharply reprimanded Bulganin. Naturally, such disputes multiplied the number of ill-wishers and envious people of Khrulev himself. There were even more of them when, in February-March 1942, a catastrophic situation arose on the country's railways.

All railways were clogged with freight trains, trains, wagons. The Yaroslavl, Northern, Kazan railways literally stopped. And this happened during the counteroffensive of our troops. The almighty close associate of Stalin, the People's Commissar of Railways, Lazar Kaganovich, did not report to the State Defense Committee about the imminent railway disaster throughout the country. The multifold increase in transportation on steel lines created traffic jams hundreds of kilometers long. It seemed that there was no way to solve this problem already. And with the improvement of the weather, German aviation would simply destroy all of our rail transport, which at that time was the only means of transporting troops, weapons, ensuring the activities of industry, and indeed the entire national economy.

In mid-March, Stalin urgently called General Khrulev from the front, included him in a special commission to analyze cases in the People's Commissariat of Railways. It included the most prominent figures of that time: the People's Commissar Kaganovich himself, members of the State Defense Committee Beria, Malenkov. In turn, the People's Commissar of the NKPS Kaganovich did not accept any advice and only cursed furiously, accusing the other members of the commission of incompetence. Seeing this situation, Stalin proposed to the Politburo of the party that Khrulev be appointed People's Commissar of the People's Commissariat of the People's Commissar, leaving behind him his former military post. A few days later, a solution was found on how to pull apart the railway traffic jams. Of the hundreds of locomotives evacuated from the territory occupied by the Germans in reserve, special maneuverable locomotive columns of 30 machines each were created. They, often under the fire of enemy aircraft, prevented the most grandiose railway disaster in the country, which directly played into the hands of the German command. This proposal of Khrulev turned out to be so effective in the operation of transport that during the entire war 86 special columns of the NKPS special reserve were formed, which included 1940 steam locomotives. It was they who, if necessary, ensured the fastest possible delivery of troops and weapons during all front-line operations. Probably only for this case Khrulev should have been awarded the highest state awards. But instead of orders, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Joseph Stalin, the Politburo, the State Defense Committee entrusted the head of the Logistics with such cases that others could not cope with. It is not possible to enumerate all the non-combat, but labor exploits of Khrulev and his rear that ensured victories on the battlefields. Here are just the biggest ones.


Logistics workers have created multi-month strategic fuel reserves in the grandiose oil pits in the Urals. If the Germans had succeeded in capturing the Caucasian deposits or cutting off the Caspian waterway, then the Red Army would have been able to counterattack the enemy on these reserves. During the Battle of Stalingrad, railroads were built and they provided the troops with everything they needed. Without millions of tons of ammunition, weapons, food, uniforms, our troops probably would not have survived on the Volga, and then they defeated the group of Field Marshal Paulus and drove the tanks and motorized infantry of Colonel General Manstein across the snowy steppes.

The Hero of Russia, Combat Colonel-General Gennady Troshev spoke very vividly about the work of the rear of the Russian army in a conversation: “A soldier needs a rear not only in war, but also in everyday life. not a soldier. If you don't lubricate the wheel of a car, the car won't move. We remember the rear when we want to eat, when the field uniform is utterly worn out. And we must always remember the rear." I note that this was noted by a general who served in the army for 38 years and fought in Chechnya. The writer Vladimir Karpov, retired colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union, also responded in a conversation about the rear and rear services. By the way, he, being a prisoner, dug in 1942 those same oil pits for strategic fuel reserves, which Lieutenant General Khrulev proposed to create. From these pits, he voluntarily ended up in a penal company and became a legendary scout in foot reconnaissance. Personally participated in the capture of 79 "languages". “I have the right to talk about this service, because it provided me with everything I needed during the war. Then I was even lower than the ordinary, I was one of the convicted prisoners transferred to penal wards. writer, - she did not distinguish between penalized soldiers and soldiers of the Red Army. We were supplied with everything necessary, as well as personnel units. This is the humanity of the Logistics service and General Khrulev personally. Therefore, I wrote a book about General Khrulev and the rear services, about the great importance of the rear in business victory."


But, obviously, there were figures in the country who held a different opinion about the activities of the rear and Khrulev. With the growth of popularity and authority of the general, their number grew. Khrulev obviously did not work out with the all-powerful People's Commissar of the NKVD, Lavrentiy Beria. According to the writer Vladimir Karpov, in February 1943, Stalin summoned the head of the Logistics of the Red Army and People's Commissar of Railways Andrei Khrulev and asked how long it would take to transfer the troops of the Don Front and several armies of the Stalingrad Front near Kursk and Ostashkov. Then preparations were already underway for the famous battle on the Kursk Bulge. Previously, Khrulev had already calculated that 75,000 wagons would be required for the transfer of troops. In addition, the troops were away from the railroads, which had been razed to the ground in recent fighting. Enormous work lay ahead, which Khrulev intended to complete in 2-3 months. Stalin was clearly not satisfied with such terms. And he appointed the authorized representative of the State Defense Committee for the transportation of troops under Kursk Beria, and under Ostashkov Malenkov. Stalin took only two weeks for this operation. Beria did not accept all of Khrulev's well-calculated objections. He began to shout and threaten that the NKVD would do everything without the NKPS. As a result, Beria's adventure ended in complete failure. In March, thaw began on the roads, and the bulk of the troops were still near Stalingrad.

At that time, Khrulev, seeing distrust of himself and Beria's obvious recklessness, refused the post of people's commissar of the NKPS and remained the head of the Logistics of the Red Army. But, despite this, in March he received an order to take Rokossovsky's troops out of Stalingrad to the Kursk region. He cleared all the congestion on the railroads. A huge role in this was played by previously invented and created locomotive columns. On time, 75 thousand wagons were delivered to the positions of the troops of the legendary Rokossovsky. They created a defense in depth in a timely manner. It is no coincidence that the writer Vladimir Karpov in his book asks the question, what if Khrulev's rear services had not had time to ensure this concentration? The answer is not hard to find. Prepared, fully mobilized German divisions, equipped with the latest tanks, would hit the small Soviet troops. In this case, our country could well find itself in the situation of 1941, and the Germans would again rush to Moscow or to the Volga to Stalingrad. So General Khrulev took a direct part in creating an effective defense on the Kursk Bulge, where our troops won one of the greatest and decisive battles of World War II.


And then there were other battles and battles in which the rear services comprehensively provided the troops - they supplied millions of tons of ammunition, returned millions of the wounded to service, built crossings on large and small rivers, and at the same time they themselves died from fascist bullets and shells. Well, and their chief, Army General Khrulev, he was awarded this title in 1943, probably only after the General Staff Marshals Vasilevsky, Antonov, and even the representative of the headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Zhukov, more than all other military leaders, was on the carpet with Stalin. For comparison: Zhukov visited there 127 times during the entire war, and Khrulev - 113 times. And this is not counting the numerous telephone conversations and instructions with spacing. However, our illustrious commanders do not have an account of the highest orders, and Khrulev has only a few. Two Orders of Lenin and two Orders of Suvorov, 1st class. The rest are for seniority, or even from the Civil War. The writer Vladimir Karpov quite rightly exclaims that "the Supreme Commander turned out to be greedy in relation to his quartermaster." But surely without this commander and wise statesman, the path to victory over Nazi Germany would have turned out to be completely different. During the war, Stalin relied on Khrulev, trusted him, it is a pity that he did not reward him according to his deserts.

But the battles died down and completely different laws began to rule peaceful life. In 1947, Khrulev's long-time ill-wisher, Marshal Bulganin, became the Minister of Defense, who maintained close relations with other "friends" of the chief quartermaster, Beria and Mekhlis. How could these figures have forgotten the scoldings that Stalin himself inflicted on them after Khrulev's fair reports.

The first blow was dealt to Khrulev in 1948. In broad daylight, the wife of the general of the army, Esther, disappeared in the central building of the military department near the Kremlin. The head of the Logistics of the Armed Forces was not even told for what sins she was sentenced to 10 years in the camps. And then Bulganin, already in the position of chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, after the death of Stalin, dismissed Khrulev from the Armed Forces. Only in 1957, the new Minister of Defense, Marshal Rodion Malinovsky, who knew Khrulev well and highly appreciated, reinstated him in the army. However, this time Khrulev was no longer the head of the Logistics, but a military inspector of the group of general inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Only after the death of Khrulev was he really given the highest honors in our country. As the writer Vladimir Karpov points out, at the request of Anastas Mikoyan, the general was buried not as previously expected - at the Novodevichy cemetery of the capital, but on Red Square near the Kremlin wall.

The greatest difficulties lay on the shoulders of General Khrulev during the Great Patriotic War. And he solved them with honor. It is probably no coincidence that General of the Army Isakov answered the question of "NVO" that he considers Khrulev the founder of the Logistics of our Armed Forces, including the modern one. "The principles he laid down in 1941," said quartermaster Vladimir Isakov, who provided troops in the wars in Afghanistan and Chechnya, "are still alive today." True, there was a period when, in 1951-1956. rear structure changed. But in 1956 they again returned to the rear system developed by Khrulev.

Today the rear organization is being improved. Before 2005, an interdepartmental system of logistic support will be fully formed in Russia. There will be one rear for all power departments. This will result in significant savings in public funds. In market conditions, uniform purchase prices for military products and weapons are already being established. Transparency of prices, control, competitive bidding eliminate bribery, overspending. And all this will have a positive effect on the provision and armament of the army.

They have a long tradition of educating personnel. One of the oldest institutions is the Khrulev MTO Academy, where officers and mid-level specialists are trained in the field of management and provision of material and technical means of the army and rear.


The Military Academy of Logistics named after A.V. Khrulev was founded in 1900. The task of the educational institution was to train and educate officers of the quartermaster service. Up to this point, there were no such institutions anywhere in the world. In 1906, the term of study was extended to 3 years, and the institution was equated to a school of higher military education.

The status of the academy was assigned to the university in 1911, and after the revolution, like many military universities in St. Petersburg, the institution came under the control of the Red Army. In the period 1924-1925, an attempt was made on a large-scale reorganization - all faculties were distributed among military universities, which affected the quality of education of graduates.

A new round in the history of development began in 1932, when the Military Transport Academy was established in Moscow, and in 1935 the Military Economic Academy was founded in the city of Kharkov. The merger of the two institutions took place in the post-war period, in 1956. Since 1999, the academy has been training specialists with a complete higher military education, and since 2010, cadets with secondary specialized training have also begun to graduate from the walls of the institution.

General Khrulev

Khrulev Andrei Vasilyevich - General of the Army, career military man and honored statesman. Born into a peasant family in 1892, at the time of the 1917 revolution he was a worker at the Okhta gunpowder factory and took an active part in the storming of the Winter Palace. Since 1918 he served in the regular troops of the Red Army. During the Civil War, he served as the head of the political department of one of the divisions.

In 1925, Andrei Vasilyevich Khrulev was educated at the higher courses of the Red Army, after which he was appointed to work in the central apparatus of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the Soviet Union. Since 1939, he headed the army supply department, and since 1940, he took the post of chief army quartermaster.

With the outbreak of hostilities, Lieutenant-General A. V. Khrulev became deputy people's commissar of defense of the country and took over the leadership of the Main Directorate of Logistics of the army in the field. During the Great Patriotic War, for about a year, in parallel with other duties, he served as People's Commissar of Railways. In 1943, Andrei Vasilyevich was appointed head of the Main Logistics Directorate, and later - head of the rear of the entire Red Army.

In the post-war period, A. V. Khrulev held senior positions in the logistics department of the USSR Armed Forces. Since 1951, he was appointed deputy minister in the national economy and was engaged in the development of the building materials industry. In 1958 he returned to the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union as an adviser-inspector. He died in 1962 and was buried in Red Square. The Khrulev Military Academy bears the name of an outstanding military man who managed during the war to organize and debug one of the most important parts of the regular army - logistics.


At the present stage, the Khrulev Academy is the leading educational and methodological center for the material and technical support of the Russian army. The university graduates officers and specialists in the field of organizing the logistics of any kind of troops of the Russian Ministry of Defense and other authorities where military service is supposed.

Since August 2016, Lieutenant General A. V. Toporov, who has experience in military operations in Syria, has been appointed head of the academy. .

The education system is focused on the education and training of personnel for the following structures:

  • Ministry of Defense.
  • Border Service.
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • For the armies of other countries (training of military personnel from foreign countries is carried out at a special faculty).

In addition to training new personnel, the Khrulev Academy provides retraining for current and retired officers and teachers. The research direction of the university deals with the problems of organizing the provision of the army in combat and peaceful conditions, publishes articles, monographs, military-theoretical publications and much more.

Branches and main divisions

The A.V. Khrulev Military Academy of Logistics is the head educational institution, which includes branches:

  • Engineering and technical military institute.
  • and military communications.
  • Branch of the Academy in the city of Volsk (material and technical support).
  • Branch of the Academy in the city of Omsk.
  • Branch of the Academy in the city of Penza.

The main faculties of personnel training:

  • Command or material and technical support.
  • Command-engineering or automobile-road.
  • Retraining of personnel and advanced training.
  • Special training.
  • Division of secondary vocational education.
  • Junior specialist training battalion.
  • Sixteen departments, a separate discipline.
  • Research units and institutes.
  • Faculty of distance learning.

The Khrulev Academy implements the educational process at the bases located in the Leningrad region, in the city of Luga, the village of Privetninskoye. Students have access to workshops, communications and information technology materials, library, club, museum, editorial and publishing departments.

Automobile and Road Faculty

The largest faculty of the academy is command and engineering, which trains specialists in three areas:

  • Construction, use, restoration of roads, as well as their technical cover.
  • Construction, use, restoration of bridges and crossings, as well as their technical cover.
  • Logistic support (organization of logistics, management).

Cadets master the sciences for 5 years. Classes are conducted by experienced teachers and military personnel, many of whom have scientific degrees. The training contains a theoretical part and a large amount of practical work. Classrooms are equipped with modern interactive stands with working models. Part of the practical training is carried out on two training fields (road commandant training and bridge training), where seventeen training grounds are equipped.

Faculty of Logistics and Railway Troops

The structure of the faculty includes the departments:

  • Organizations of material and technical support.
  • Department of railway troops.
  • Material support.
  • Organization of material and technical support of the Navy.

The Khrulev Academy in this area of ​​study implements master's training for cadets in the following specialties:

  • Troop Supply Management (specialization - Logistics Management, Management of Provision of Rocket Fuel and Fuel, Food Supply, Clothing Supply).
  • Management, command of parts of the railway troops.

The training is designed to train the army command staff in the units engaged in logistics.


At the academy Khrulev, there are 17 departments, the basis of their activity is the training of military personnel and scientific work. The structure of the faculties includes the following departments:

  • Organization of material and technical support of troops and rear.
  • Organizations of the military-technical support of the Navy.
  • Support for the rear of the National Guard troops.
  • Army logistics department.
  • military messages.
  • Road service.
  • Technical support.
  • foreign languages.
  • Physical training.
  • Tactics and operational art.
  • Russian language.
  • Humanitarian, social and economic disciplines.
  • Railway Troops.
  • Restoration and operation of bridges and crossings.
  • General technical and general scientific disciplines.
  • The use of subdivisions (parts) of MTO.

All departments are staffed by military personnel with extensive theoretical knowledge and rich practice. Employees carry out scientific, research work, generate new methods of providing troops for the smooth functioning of the structures of the armed forces in peacetime and wartime. Many departments have published educational and methodological manuals, conduct analytical activities that contribute to improving the quality of education of cadets, and inculcate the skills of practical application of the acquired knowledge.

Levels of Education

The Khrulev Academy trains specialists at the following levels of professional education:

  • Specialized secondary.
  • Higher (bachelor's degree, specialist's degree, master's degree, higher qualification).
  • Additional education.

Directions of secondary vocational education:

  • Technique and technology of land transport (auto, railway).
  • Management in technical systems.
  • and environmental management.
  • mechanical engineering
  • Economics and Management.
  • Communication systems
  • Electronics and radio engineering.

Higher education is conducted in the following areas:

  • Technique and technology of construction.
  • Military administration.
  • Technique and technology of land transport.
  • and electrical engineering.
  • Weapons and weapon systems.

Requirements for candidates

Candidates for admission to a university for full military special training are considered citizens who meet the following requirements:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Completed a full course of high school education.
  • The age of applicants is from 16 years old and not more than 22 years old (who have not completed military service).
  • Citizens who have served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (age restrictions - up to 24 years).
  • Military personnel (on conscription in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, up to 24 years).
  • Entering the departments to receive full military special training is allowed for applicants up to 27 years old.
  • Citizens under the age of 30 are allowed to enter the departments of secondary military special training.
  • Women are recruited only in one branch, located in the city of Volsk, for the specialty "Logistics".

Selection rules

To participate in the competitive selection to the selection committee of the VA MTO, candidates submit the following information:

  • Documents (passport or military ID to prove citizenship and be subject to military conscription), a high school diploma or a diploma of secondary vocational education.
  • Information about the benefits in admission, achievements, information about the results of the exam.

When selecting candidates, the selection committee takes into account:

  • State of health and fitness for military and combat service.
  • Applicability of candidates according to the data of psychological studies (psycho-emotional, psycho-physiological, psychological).
  • Results of entrance examinations and tests (USE).
  • Physical preparation of candidates.

The selection is held from 1 to 30 July. According to past admissions, the average competition for open specialties is three people per place. All candidates go through preliminary and final medical selection. The duration of training in full military special training (specialty) is 5 years, secondary military special education (qualification level - technician) lasts for 2 years 10 months. During the entire course of study, cadets live in barracks with full property and food allowance at the expense of the state.


Military Academy. A. V. Khruleva (main branch) is located in St. Petersburg, at the address: Admiral Makarov embankment, building 8.

Branches in St. Petersburg:

  • Institute of Railway Troops and Military Communications - st. Suvorovskaya (city of Petrodvorets), building 1.
  • Engineering and Technical Military Institute - st. Zakharyevskaya, building 22.

Nonresident institutes (branches):

  • The city of Omsk (armored engineering) - the village of Cheryomushki, the 14th military town.
  • City of Volsk (institute of software), Saratov region - st. named after Maxim Gorky, building 3.
  • The city of Penza is the 5th (artillery and engineering) military town.