Gua number - how to find your auspicious directions. Lucky combinations of numbers in feng shui People born on the 8th in feng shui


Do you relate to western group

Element: Earth

Trigram: Gen

Personality: Energetic, seeking, adventurous, revolutionary, persistent, stubborn, strong-willed, self-sufficient, self-confident, ambitious, thrifty.

Those born under the sign of the Earth are honest and straightforward people, which sometimes gets them into trouble. They are methodical and cautious, persistent and stubborn, achieving perfection in everything. Usually restrained, but when they speak, they accurately express their thoughts.

People with Gua 8 prefer solitude, are not particularly sociable, a little secretive, conservative and do not like change. They are prone to ordering, various kinds of collecting. However, excessive concentration on their own interests can quarrel them with loved ones. They should be more caring towards family members, especially since they themselves need the love and support of their relatives.

By nature, people with Gua 8 are very sensitive, although outwardly reserved towards other people.

Throughout life, they are constantly developing and reach maximum success in middle age. Very often these people are financially successful, but do not like to put it on display.

Your auspicious directions in terms of Feng Shui:

++++ Wealth and success(Shen Qi):

This sector and this direction brings material and spiritual well-being. In any case, try to turn in this direction, as it is the most favorable of all. Keep this sector clean and tidy, support its energy with appropriate talismans - you are guaranteed success and prosperity.

+++ Health and longevity(Tien Yi):

This direction is responsible for the state of health. For a speedy recovery during an illness, it is recommended to use this particular direction and sector.

++ Love and marriage(Nien Yen):

This direction is associated with relationships between family members, friends and partners. It brings romantic energies into the home and promotes family formation. By activating this sector, you can find a soul mate and maintain love for many years.

+ Personal development(Fu Wei):

Education, self-development, self-improvement - this direction is responsible for such aspects of life. It is desirable for pupils, students and people of intellectual labor to sit facing in this direction more often. It is just as effective in job interviews and exams. Working with this sector will allow you to broaden your horizons, gain new knowledge, and improve your skills.

Your adverse directions in terms of Feng Shui:

- Misfortune(minor annoyances, Ho Hai):

The weakest of all unsuccessful directions. Trouble it brings minor, but constant. You should not stay in this sector for a long time, this can lead to headaches, irritation, fatigue, and even poor health. Also, this direction contributes to quarrels, misunderstandings, debts, fines, etc.

- - five ghosts(five types of malice, Wu Kwei):

This direction is the second strongest among the negative ones and is associated with failures in human relationships, such as gossip, distrust, quarrels, misunderstandings. Sometimes it acts as an incentive for natural disasters, catastrophes, fires, big robberies.

- - - Six kills(suffering, Louis Sha):

In this direction, the energy of six different failures that come at the same time is concentrated. It can be problems with the law, illness, loss of money, breakup of a long relationship, separation from children, death of loved ones or friends. Avoid frequent stay in this sector.

- - - - Losses(total collapse, complete disaster, Chue Min):

This is the most unfavorable of all existing directions. It can lead to fatal diseases, business losses. Absolutely avoid this sector and direction!

Gua number

Advice on the application of knowledge Feng Shui in the arrangement of your apartment, cottage, or office, you can get from the Feng Shui master to ANOTHER DIMENSION.

In Feng Shui philosophy, it is believed that a person is born with his own type of fate, and from him the type of energy associated with one or another geographical direction is set - magnetic declination.

The type of fate is understood as a special energy associated with the date of birth, which is called the Gua number or personal trigram.

It is very important to know your personal trigram in order to correctly use the recommendations of the ancient knowledge of Feng Shui in practice.

The fact is that for each number of Gua there are favorable and unfavorable directions and locations, and they should be considered when you choose a place to work, sleep or rest.

Even just knowing the favorable and unfavorable directions and sectors of space will already significantly increase your level of luck!

The number of gua and types of fate

There are eight Gua numbers in total, and they are divided into two large groups, which are also called types of fate - eastern and western. For each of the groups there are common favorable and unfavorable directions and locations.

Eastern group:

  • People with Gua number 1, 3, 4 and 9.
  • Favorable directions: north, south, east and southeast.

Western group:

  • People with Gua number 2, 6, 7 and 8.
  • Favorable directions: northwest, southwest, west and northeast.

To determine which group you belong to, you should calculate your Gua number.

How to calculate the Gua number

The Gua number is calculated by date of birth, separately for men and women.

Please note that in the Chinese calendar, the year starts from February.

Therefore, if you were born in January or early February, take into account the previous year when calculating.

Calculation of the number of Gua for men

  1. From the date of birth, we take the last two digits and add them. If the result is a two-digit number, then you need to add its digits. If the result is a single digit, then go to step 2.
  2. The resulting number is subtracted from 10. This will be the Gua number for this man.

If in the end it turns out number 5 then Gua this man will be 2.

Consider an example.

1. We take the last two digits of the year of birth and add them up:

The result of addition is a two-digit number, add up its digits:

2. Subtract from 10 what happened:

In total, the number of Gua for a man born in April 1973 will be 9.

If a man were born in January 1973, then 1972 would have to be taken for calculations.

Note: if the calculation needs to be done for those who were born after 2000, then in the third stage we subtract from 9, and not from 10.

Calculation of the number of Gua for women

The calculation algorithm will be as follows:

  1. Add the last two digits of the year of birth. If you get a two-digit number, add the digits of the resulting number again. If the number is single, then go to step 2.
  2. 5 should be added to the resulting number. If this results in a two-digit number, then add the digits of this number. This will be the Gua number of this woman.

If in the end it works number 5 then this woman's gua will be 8.

Consider an example.

1. Add the last two digits of the year of birth:

It turned out a two-digit number, so we add up its numbers:

2. Add 5 to the resulting number:

In total, the number of Gua for a woman born in August 1973 will be 6.

If a woman were born in January 1973, then 1972 would have to be taken for calculations.

Note: if the calculation is to be made for those born after the year 2000, then 6 would have to be added to the resulting number, not 5.

Gua numbers and auspicious directions of space

For each number of Gua there are directions of space that are favorable in a special way.

Sheng Qi- this is the most favorable direction that brings success in all endeavors. Ideally, if the front door is located in this sector.

Qian Yi- this is the direction that is often called the Heavenly Doctor. The energy of this direction gives health and longevity.

Yan-Nian is a direction that brings harmony in relationships and healthy offspring. Very well suited to accommodate the bed of the spouses.

Fu Wei- this is a direction favorable for personal growth, the development of inner strength that contributes to social success.

The Gua number indicates the personal energy of a person. It can be said that Gua number- this is your personal Feng Shui, which allows you to determine individual favorable and unfavorable directions. What does this mean?

Different directions, depending on where they are directed, have different energy characteristics. For someone, a certain direction can be beneficial, bring good luck in business, promote health and success. And for another person, it may not work at all. And to find out, you need calculate the Gua number.

How to calculate the Gua number

RThe calculation of the Gua number is simple and understandable, however, requires some care and accuracy in execution. It is calculated according to the following formulas:

  • For a man born before 2000, you need to calculate the Gua number like this - first add the last two digits of the year of birth. If the result is a two-digit number, then add them again to make one number. Then the result subtract from 10.
  • For a woman, add the last two digits of her year of birth in the same way, reduce the result to one and add the number 5.

For people born in 2000 and later, the calculation formula will be slightly different. So, for a girl, you need to add to the final result not 5 but 6. And for a boy, the result must be subtracted from 9 . If he was born in 2009, then it is clear that the Gua number cannot be equal to zero. And then it equals 9.

Important Points

  • Gua number 5 does not exist! When the final total is 5, then for a woman, the Gua number is 8 , and for a man - 2 .
  • Keep in mind that the year according to the solar Chinese calendar does not begin on January 1, as in the generally accepted one, but at the beginning of February. Therefore, if you were born between January 1 and February 4-5, then you need to make calculations as if you were born in the previous year.

To simplify the task, use the special calculator on the site, where you can not only determine the Gua number, but also find out your personality element. What is the element of personality, or

Gua number calculation. Examples

  • Add the last two digits of the year: 5 + 1 = 6
  • Add 5 + 6 = 11
  • Adding 1 + 1 = 2
  • So, the Gua number for her is 2

New Year according to the Chinese calendar in 2010 begins on February 4, so when calculating, we assume that the boy was born in 2009. That is, the Gua number is 9.

Depending on the Gua, people are divided into eastern or western groups and have their own lucky directions. These directions point to the eight cardinal directions. Four of them will be favorable, and the other four - respectively, not.

If after calculating the Gua number, you get one of these results - 1, 3, 4, 9 , then you belong to the eastern group, and the cardinal points - east, southeast, north, south will be good for you . If you received - 2, 6, 7 or 8, then you belong to the Western group and for you the best sides are west, northwest, southwest, northeast.

Compatibility of people according to the number of Gua

In Feng Shui, there are some lucky combinations of numbers. To some extent, this affects the marriage between a man and a woman. If they have Gua numbers 1 and 6, then their joint marriage will bring wealth. Spouses with numbers 2 and 7 have every chance for a very happy life together and harmonious relationships until old age. Husband and wife who have Gua 3 and 8 it will be very boring together, they will have such a passionate relationship that many can only envy! And spouses with numbers 4 and 9 will go through life hand in hand, together achieving great fame and real recognition.

There is another approach to choosing a partner. It makes sense for people from the eastern group to create a family with people from their own group, and for representatives of the western group - with their own. According to this principle, it is much easier to achieve a general harmonious one, since the good directions of the husband and wife will coincide.

However, the Gua number does not indicate the character traits of a person, so in Feng Shui there is no such thing as the compatibility of people according to the Gua number in matters of love, marriage or business relationships! For this, the Bazi map (pillars of fate) is already used, which is compiled according to the full date of birth.

Favorable Feng Shui Directions for Gua Numbers

Each of them has its own type of energy.

  • Sheng Qi - Direction Success- the most favorable feng shui direction with the best type of energy. It ensures success in absolutely any endeavor, brings money, fame, high position in society. The direction is ideal to rotate the desktop in that direction. If the front door to the apartment and the worker "looks" here, then it will be just wonderful!
  • Tien Yi - direction Health. If the front door to the bedroom and the head of the bed are directed in this direction, or when eating, you will face it, then this will most beneficially affect your health and add vitality.
  • Yan-Nian - the direction of Love helps to create harmonious relationships in the family for a long life together. For this purpose, installing a bed with a headboard in the Yang-Nyan direction will be especially useful. If you are single and dream of a life partner, then this direction is the best for you.
  • Fu-Wei - Direction Stability great for developing internally, it gives clarity of thought. This contributes to professional development, and as a result - career growth. In this direction it will be good to direct your workplace.
Gua number Success Health Love Stability
Eastern group
1 Southeast East South North
3 South North Southeast East
4 North South East Southeast
9 East Southeast North South
Western group
2 Northeast West Northwest Southwest
6 West Northeast Southwest Northwest
7 Northwest Southwest Northeast West
8 Southwest Northwest West Northeast

Bad Directions

Their use leads to various problems.

  • Ho-Hai - Obstacles- unpleasant, but of the bad it is the weakest. Means "small failures" and small problems. It's not that scary, but it's best to avoid it if possible.
  • Lu-Sha - Six Assassins. If the desktop or bed looks in this direction, then serious conflicts may appear in the family and at work, and legal problems may unexpectedly emerge in business.
  • Wu Gui - Five Ghosts- this direction threatens with accidents and loss of money. Possible fires and theft. If you sleep with the headboard in this direction, then you can seriously fall ill or become depressed.
  • Jue-Ming - Complete collapse. This is the most unfortunate and harmful place. Avoid him at all costs, do not sit facing him during work or important meetings. The bed should not stand as a headboard in this part of the house, otherwise you will have bad dreams and you simply will not be able to sleep. For the front door, this is also an undesirable place, because every time you leave the apartment, you attract negative energy along with failures.
Gua number Complete collapse Six Killers five ghosts obstacles
Eastern group
1 Southwest Northwest Northeast West
3 West Northeast Northwest Southwest
4 Northeast West Southwest Northwest
9 Northwest Southwest West Northeast
Western group
2 North South Southeast East
6 South North East Southeast
7 East Southeast South North
8 Southeast East North South

How to Apply Auspicious and Inauspicious Directions for Gua

After calculating the Gua number and determining your favorable Feng Shui directions, you need to arm yourself with a magnetic compass and determine where you have which cardinal points.

The group is western.

Element - Earth.

Color - yellow, red.

Personality Features: energy, perseverance, ambition, foresight, self-sufficiency, self-confidence. These people are often conservative, their beliefs rarely change. They are prone to introspection and love solitude. Of the tasks facing them, they prefer those that require them to make efforts for self-development, self-improvement. They go to the goal persistently, sometimes for the sake of their own success, neglecting even relationships with loved ones. People with Gua number 8 have a tendency to order in everything and gravitate towards collecting. They are not particularly sociable, rather secretive; experienced passions usually hide in the soul, without feeling the need to share their emotions with anyone.

Favorable Directions

Direction of personal growth (fu-wei)- northeast. It is very important for people with the number Gua 8 to have all the completeness of information and high professionalism in what they undertake in life. It is the incompetence or lack of information about the subject of interest to them that can be the main reason for failure in their chosen field. Moreover, what has been said applies to a career, and the search for a life partner, and the path of spiritual development, etc. To avoid problems in this regard, they should equip the fu-wei direction in accordance with their best color scheme (yellow, ocher, beige, red). It would also be nice to activate the northeastern sector with talismans symbolizing the chosen life goal. This is where the computer, shelves with books, etc. should be located. In addition, in this sector it is desirable to place a figurine or image of a snake as a symbol of wisdom, an elephant as a sign of strength sufficient to achieve the desired, or a globe (ideally crystal) as a symbol of the fact that a person seeks to know everything about the world in which he lives. Of course, it is very good if the front door is located in the northeast, and the headboard of the bed will “look” in the same direction.

Wealth direction (sheng qi)- southwest. It is desirable for people with the number Gua 8 to do business only with those who are nice to them and whom they can trust. The ideal option in this case is, of course, a family business. However, it is important that close relationships against the background of making money together do not degenerate into purely business ones. To do this, you need to try not to oversaturate the southwestern sector with monetary symbols. And do not place your home workplace or office here. In addition, if the bedroom is located in the southwest (which is quite natural and correct for the sector of love and marriage), then there should not be symbols of Water here. For example, an aquarium with fish that attracts wealth in the bedroom can disrupt intimate harmony. But sleeping with your head in the southwest direction is very good, especially if a person is experiencing financial difficulties.

Direction of love (nyan-yang)- west. People with the number Gua 8 need to strive to ensure that their personal life never turns into a boring habit and routine performance of marital duties. Because therein lies the root of the big problems. And to help themselves in this, they should activate the western sector. But here it is advisable to exercise some caution. For example, candles, which are quite appropriate in the marriage sector, will only exacerbate problems in the west, because Fire destroys Metal (and this element, as you know, rules the western sector). Those who need to streamline or improve their personal lives should make sure that the front door to their home is located exactly in the west, and also that the head of the bed is in the nian-yang direction.

Direction of health (tian-yi)- northwest. Those who have health problems should definitely try to attract the positive energy of the northwestern sector. First of all, it is worth making sure that the headboard of the bed “looks” in the direction of the northwest. Secondly, in no case should you self-medicate, but always turn to people who are authoritative in the right field. It would be very good if in the assistant sector there would be an icon of the saint who patronizes this person. Still from time to time it is desirable to light incense here. It is best to use the aromas of geranium or jasmine for this. And it’s very good if you can arrange a dining room in the northwest.

Bad Directions

Direction of failures (ho-hai)- south. If a person with the number Gua 8 cannot achieve success and recognition in the area to which he has devoted himself, then the ho-hai energy “walks” freely in the southern sector of his house. To get rid of its negative influence, you need to eliminate the disorder in the southern zone, make sure that there is as much light as possible here. It is very good if the kitchen is located in the south (if this is not the case, but you can equip the kitchen in the south, you must definitely use this). But it should be remembered that the order in the kitchen should not just be, but it should be perfect. It is not very good if something that is a symbol of success is placed in the south - awards, images of places that a person wants to visit, etc. Because in this case, further progress towards the goal indicated by these objects and images will be significantly hampered.

Direction 5 ghosts (woo-gui)- north. Those people with a Gua number of 8 who allow the u-gui energy to “dispose” freely in the northern zone of the house are likely to experience problems with career growth and the professional field as a whole. In order to minimize the undesirable influence of u-gui in the north, one must understand the following. Firstly, an office (working home corner, work workshop, etc.) should not be located in this zone. Secondly, you cannot sleep with your head in this direction. Thirdly, you should not place items related to the professional sphere in the northern sector - business cards, documentation, office equipment, if it is used, especially systematically, according to the type of activity. The best place in the direction of u-gui in this situation is for the kitchen, bathroom, toilet.

Direction 6 killers (lu-sha)- East. This combination means, first of all, the problems of the family plan. Misunderstandings and conflicts with children, the inability to arrange comfort and coziness in the house and other troubles - this is what can lie in wait for a person with the number Gua 8, if the negative impact of this direction is not minimized. And one day, several problems can pile up at once, because lu-sha is usually troubles that come to the house in “crowds”. It is not necessary to equip a living room or other room in the eastern sector in which the family is supposed to gather together. It is not advisable to sleep with your head towards the east. It is necessary to try so that there is no front door in the east. But for the toilet and bathroom here is the place.

Direction of Total Collapse (Jue Ming)- southeast. Here the danger is especially great. It can touch any sphere, but one way or another it will affect the material sphere, since the direction coincides with the sector of wealth. It is difficult to say what can be located in the southeastern zone, except, perhaps, a toilet or, at worst, a bathroom. But what should not be here is known for sure. This is the front door, an office, a nursery (if the child has a Gua number of 8), a living room, a dining room, a bedroom. In addition, it is very important that the head of the bed is not directed to the east.

Gua number compatibility

8 and 2. A good pair of perfectly matched people. As a rule, they understand each other perfectly and do not bother each other over the years.

8 and 3. These people will make a wonderful couple who can achieve a lot in life. Moreover, if they themselves do not leave a mark in history, then their son, who will be endowed with outstanding talents, will almost certainly do so.

8 and 5, 8 and 6, 8 and 7. Quite suitable combinations of Gua numbers, which promise their owners normal and long-term relationships with each other.

8 and 1, 8 and 4, 8 and 9. There is clearly a lack of compatibility, let alone harmony. Moreover, by getting married or starting a common business, such couples put themselves and each other at great risk.

If life has driven you into a dead end, and you cannot find the right way out, the number 8 in the Bagua magic grid will best tell you how to find the right solution to a particular problem.

With the help of the philosophy of Feng Shui, you will find out why luck suddenly turned away from you and why you can’t improve your life in any way.

Gua number 8 will tell you how to organize personal space in your home so that harmony and joy come back into life.

People born under the magic number 4 are very energetic, ambitious, prudent and self-sufficient. They are filled with self-confidence. Eights are conservatives who go through life with firm and unchanging convictions. They are characterized by solitude and introspection.

And they prefer to solve problems related to self-development and self-improvement.

The main characteristic features of the Gua number 8

Persistence is the main feature of their character. They persistently achieve what they want, disregarding the views of the people closest to them. People with the number Gua 8 live in a generalized way, not letting strangers into their inner world. No one will ever know what lies in the soul of the eights, since they do not want to reveal their emotions to anyone.

Auspicious directions of Gua number 8

As the description of numbers in the philosophy of Feng Shui shows, each of the directions has only one type of luck or bad luck inherent in it. Favorable directions for the G8 will be the sides of the South-West, West, North-West and North-East.

The first auspicious direction, located in the northeast, is represented by the Hidden Place. A good life will be guaranteed, but not overly fortunate.

If the bed and the front door are located in the direction of this direction or placed in the right sector, the family will be more dominated by boys than by the fair sex.

This turn of events suggests that prosperity will always be present in the house. "Hidden place" will always protect the eight from everything bad.

The next direction for the figure eight should be called "Longevity", it is located in the west. By activating this direction, you will have a family, children, improve relationships with loved ones. It is best to equip the living room, bedroom and meeting room in this direction.

In third place is "Heavenly Doctor", a direction in the northwestern part of the house that maintains well-being at an average level. Such a direction will beneficially heal your family from all ailments. The best option for this direction is a bed, front door or kitchen.

The happiest direction according to theoryand Feng Shui, should be called "The Origin of Qi". It is located in the southwest, will help you with finances and bring great luck.

Unfavorable directions for the number 8 Gua

The unfavorable directions include such cardinal directions as East, South, North and Southeast.

Such a direction as "Harm" will give you a minimum of problems. It is located in the southeast. Basically, they will be associated with accidents and failures, conflicts with people and the law. As for men, it is not necessary to have edged weapons in the form of swords, knives, sabers and daggers in the sector.

The next direction 6 Sha in the east will bring a lot of trouble to the woman's family. If it concerns business, then this direction will cause legal problems.

Eights will often begin to appear on the way to the fulfillment of the desired obstacles and enemies.

It is best to place a toilet on this side of the house to neutralize bad Qi.

The negative side of the "Five Devils" in the north can lead to scandals in the family and at work. For eights, it carries the danger of burglary and fire. The trouble will also affect the financial part. You should not put the bed headboard in this direction, otherwise a person with the number Gua 8 will constantly suffer from nightmares.

The last negative direction, located in the south, is the most unfortunate for both men and women. You should not install the front door in this direction, otherwise your family will constantly be haunted by misfortunes one after another.

With what numbers does Gua 8 get along better?

It is worth noting the existence of some combinations that the description of Gua numbers according to Feng Shui leads. These combinations have a strong influence on compatibility between opposite sexes.

Gua number 7 is closest to the eight.

With the number Gua 9, the eight will have mutual respect. Such an alliance is most favorable.

Negative emotions in the figure eight can be caused by the numbers Gua 1, Gua 3, Gua 4. And relations with the deuce will never be higher than the friendly "Brother and Sister".
