Medicinal mushrooms in traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese medicinal mushrooms against cancer

Medicinal mushrooms have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Western medicine and pharmacology have taken a lot of usefulness from Chinese fungotherapy. The interest of science in medicinal mushrooms has increased dramatically due to the discovery of penicillin by A. Fleming, which revolutionized medicine. Currently, science continues to actively study the properties of medicinal mushrooms, expanding their list.

medicinal mushrooms

The traditional Chinese medicine mushroom cohort includes:

  • reishi, also - varnished tinder, varnished ganoderma (lat. Ganoderma lucidum)
  • shiitake (lat. Lentinus edodes or Lentinula edodes)
  • cordyceps (lat. Cordyceps sinensis)
  • griffola curly, also - meitake, maitake, (lat. Grifola frondosa)
  • coriolus, also - misty mushroom, "butterfly wings" (lat. Coriolus versicolor)
  • coconut poria, also - coconut pahima, coconut tinder, Indian bread, Virginia truffle (lat. Poria cocos)
  • ear-shaped auricularia, also - “Judas ear” (lat. Auricularia auricula)
  • umbrella fungus (lat. Polyporus umbellatus)

These mushrooms contain a complex of polysaccharides capable of fighting tumors. Mushroom polysaccharides have a strengthening effect on the protective functions of the body, and do not destroy the tumor directly. That is why they are called "protective function enhancers" (eng. HDP). The specific effect of these polysaccharides is manifested in the activation of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, stimulation of interferon and a general improvement in the immune response at the cellular level. They have no toxic effects on the human body.

The most effective are the first three on the list. Shiitake and cordyceps have an antitumor effect to a greater extent, reishi has an immunoregulatory effect.

It has been noticed that mushrooms not only heal themselves, but also enhance the therapeutic effect of other drugs. Also, over the centuries, the right combinations of mushrooms with each other have been selected, in which the strongest therapeutic effect is achieved.

Of the types of shiitake listed above, auricularia auricularis and tinder fungus are also used as food. However, eating mushrooms, even edible ones, is not always beneficial. Therefore, before treatment, and before eating any mushrooms, you should consult your doctor.
When self-collecting, a good knowledge of mushrooms is necessary, otherwise you can pick up poisonous ones.

It is one of the greatest ancient Chinese medicine longevity tonics used in cancer treatment. It is used in traditional and modern Chinese medicine to increase vitality, strength and endurance, and prolong life. Reishi enhances the immune response, reduces the side effects of chemotherapy such as nausea and kidney damage, and protects cellular DNA by enhancing antioxidant capacity.

Lentinula edodes (other names are Shiitake, Japanese Forest Mushroom or Xiang-gu, Fragrant Mushroom)

This delicate and tasty mushroom is present in many Asian cuisines. It is considered a delicacy and a medicinal mushroom. Shiitake contains a glucan called AHCC (Hexose Related Active Compound) and is widely used in alternative and complementary cancer therapy in Japan due to its immunomodulatory functions. Shiitake mushroom is also effective against cancer due to lentinan in its composition. Lentinan, a compound found in Shiitake mushrooms, is used as an intravenous anticancer drug that has anticancer properties. Clinical studies have linked lentinan to higher survival, higher quality of life, and a reduced chance of cancer recurrence.

Coriolus versicolor (other names - Multi-colored Trametes, Multi-colored polypore, Turkey Tail, Yun-Zhi)

It is one of the most well-studied medicinal mushrooms in the world. Trametes versicolor is a biological response modifier. It has been used in Chinese medicine as a tonic for centuries. Research shows that this mushroom improves survival and acts as an immune modulator with immune-boosting and anti-tumor properties. Some studies show that it can enhance the effects of chemotherapy in conventional cancer treatment and reduce the side effects of radiation therapy.

Cordyceps sinensis (other names - Cordyceps, Chinese caterpillar fungus, Dong Chun Xia Cao)

Cordyceps acts as an immune stimulant, increasing the number of T-cells (natural killer cells) that fight cancer cells and viruses, and prolong the life of white blood cells, thereby improving the resistance to infections. Scientific studies show that cordyceps has strong antitumor properties and also protects the kidneys from the side effects of chemotherapy. It is one of the most widely used tonics in anti-cancer formulas in Chinese medicine.

Grifola frondosa (other names - Curly Grifola, Maitake, "Dancing Mushroom", Hui Shu Hua)

Chinese medicinal mushrooms for cancer include the well-known mushroom Maitake (Maitake). It is widely used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine to boost the immune system, and is one of the staple mushrooms in Japanese cooking. Studies have shown that it can enhance both the innate immune response to fight infections and the adaptive immune response, resulting in a long-term immune boost. Maitake also protects cells with antioxidant properties and reduces the inflammatory factor of the COX-2 enzyme, so common in cancer physiology. Studies have also shown that Maitake has potential antimetastatic properties, as it inhibits the proliferation (spread) of cancer.

Inonotus obliquus (other names - Chaga mushroom, beveled polypore, beveled inonotus)

Chaga is a cancer mushroom that is not categorized as a Chinese mushroom. However, it is still worth mentioning, as it is one of the most powerful natural anti-cancer agents (some scientists call chaga the most effective anti-cancer mushroom).

Mushroom treatment for cancer allows the body to heal from this life-threatening disease. Doctors recommend using any natural remedies in combination with modern methods of treatment. However, it is up to you to decide whether to use chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery in the treatment of cancer. In any case, it is recommended to consult an expert in the field of cancer treatment, regardless of which medicine he belongs to.

Even ancient healers knew that some types of mushrooms are beneficial to human health and help cure many diseases.

Known fact! Peasants living in Chinese villages, people living in the mountains of Tibet, have a higher life expectancy than their urban compatriots.

In the second half of the last century, this question interested scientists who were looking for ways to extend life and new methods of treating various diseases, including cancer.

As a result, it turned out that in addition to clean air and a more measured life, medicinal mushrooms form the basis of the diet of the inhabitants of these areas. Some of them are eaten by peasants, others are used in the form of ointments, powders and tinctures for the treatment of various diseases.

After examining the composition of medicinal mushrooms, scientists found that they really have a unique, unparalleled effect on the human body and effectively fight many serious diseases, including oncology.

Until recently, medicinal mushrooms could only be purchased in China. Now you can buy the famous Chinese medicinal mushrooms from us, in the Russian Roots herbal shop.

We buy mushrooms directly from the manufacturer, which guarantees high quality products and protects against the purchase of fakes.

Healing properties of mushrooms

Fungotherapists who use Chinese mushrooms in their daily medical practice have proven their high effectiveness in combating the following diseases:

  • various types of cancer (as part of complex therapy);
  • reduced immunity, loss of strength;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • liver disease, including hepatitis;
  • metabolic disorders, including obesity;
  • infectious and viral diseases of various etiologies;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

The fight against oncology

Chinese medicinal mushrooms play a special role in the fight against cancer. The use of mushrooms in combination with chemotherapy reduces side effects, restores undermined immunity, setting the body to fight cancer, and stops tumor growth.

The anticancer effect of medicinal mushrooms is based on the fact that they contain unique, unparalleled polysaccharides - b-glucans, which, when ingested by the patient, activate cellular immunity.

In order to maintain the therapeutic effect of medicinal mushrooms and prevent tumor cells from getting used to them, fungotherapists change drugs after a certain time. Such a regular replacement gives an excellent therapeutic effect and helps to successfully fight various types of tumors.

Most often, the following types of medicinal mushrooms are used to treat cancer:

1. Larch sponge (Agaricus).

Larch sponge is used in conjunction with radiation and chemotherapy, reducing the side effects of exposure to radiation and chemicals.

2. Shiitake.

Shiitake mushroom promotes the activation of cellular immunity, which helps the body fight the tumor. It contains b-glucans, which have a pronounced immunomodulatory effect on the patient's body. In addition, shiitake contains the substance lentinan, which has an antitumor effect and prevents the growth of tumors.

3. Polypore.

Mushroom Trutovik prevents the formation of metastases in the body. It is one of the most studied medicinal mushrooms in the world. For centuries, tinder fungus has been used in traditional Chinese medicine as a tonic. Recent studies have shown that it is an excellent immunomodulator and has antitumor properties. Trutovik reduces the side effects of radiation therapy and enhances the effect of chemotherapy.

4. Enoki.

Enoki blocks the process of reproduction of cancer cells. It contains several antitumor substances at once, including Proflamin and b-glucan Flammulin. These substances activate antitumor immunity, block the nutrition of the circulatory system of the neoplasm, and restore the natural process of self-destruction of cancer cells.

5. Trameta.

Trameta inhibits the development of metastases in the body.

6. Chaga.

7. Agaricus.

Agarik accelerates the formation of lymphocytes, strengthening the body's immune defenses and mobilizing its internal reserves to fight the tumor.

8. Maitake.

Maitake effectively destroys cancer cells. Maitake is widely used in traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine as an immune booster. When ingested, it enhances the immune defense and activates the body's fight against cancer. In addition, maitake inhibits tumor growth and prevents the appearance of metastases.

9. Reishi.

Reishi mushroom inhibits tumor growth. Activates cellular immunity, helping the body fight cancer. It can be used as part of complex treatment after radiation and chemotherapy, reducing the severity of side effects.

10. Veselka.

Veselka destroys the membrane of a malignant tumor, depriving it of protection. Veselka contains special polysaccharides that stimulate the synthesis of perforin. This substance contributes to the destruction of cancer cells. Infusions prepared on the basis of this fungus are effective in cancer of the internal organs and skin. In addition, benign neoplasms (cysts, fibromas, papillomas, fibroids) are treated with Veselka.

11. Hericium.

Hericium activates the immune system, helping the body fight cancer. It contains beta-glucans, which enhance the effect of chemotherapy drugs and contribute to the destruction of tumor cells. In addition, hericium helps to remove toxins from the body, normalizing the functioning of the kidneys, liver and other internal organs.

12. Cordyceps.

Cordyceps prevents the development of the circulatory system of the tumor, preventing the tumor from growing further. It has an immunostimulating effect, increasing the synthesis of T-lymphocytes, which resist cancer cells.

Cordyceps has a pronounced antitumor effect, and also protects the internal organs from the side effects of chemotherapy drugs. This mushroom is very often used to treat various types of cancer in traditional Chinese medicine.

You can purchase all of the above types of mushrooms in our herbal store "Russian Roots". Now we buy mushrooms directly from the manufacturer, which guarantees high quality products and protects you from buying fakes.


Mushroom preparations have practically no contraindications. They are not prescribed in case of individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug, as well as children under 5 years old, pregnant and lactating women.

Where to buy Chinese Medicinal Mushrooms?

You can buy medicinal CHINESE mushrooms in our herbal store "Russian Roots". We buy mushrooms directly from the manufacturer, which ensures high quality products and protects the buyer from buying fakes.

Preparations from medicinal mushrooms are available in various forms (tinctures, suppositories, extracts, powders). If you buy 6 or more packs of mushrooms in powders of 10 grams, then we give you a discount. Residents of other regions can receive the goods by mail.

Buy new CHINESE medicinal mushrooms from the manufacturer in the Russian Roots herbal store. It's safe, convenient and easy!

  • Reishi mushroom 10 gr
  • Maitake mushroom 10 gr - 350 rubles When ordering 6 pieces - 300 rubles.
  • Mushroom Agarik Brazilian 10 gr - 350 rubles. When ordering 6 pieces - 300 rubles.
  • Shiitake mushroom 10 gr - 350 rubles When ordering 6 pieces - 300 rubles.
  • Mushroom Cordyceps 10 gr - 350 rubles. When ordering 6 pieces - 300 rubles.
  • Mushroom Veselka 10 gr - 350 rubles. When ordering 6 pieces - 300 rubles.

Ganoderma lucidum is the scientific name of the red mushroom species. Ganoderma is known in China as Lingzhi, in Japan as Reishi, and in Korea as Yongzhi. Lingzhi - this tree fungus is called the longevity mushroom. Its history dates back to the second millennium BC. Finding Lingzhi in the wild is a great success, and all due to the fact that the spores of this fungus are very rough, hard, cling to any tree bark, but they can germinate only at a certain temperature and on a wild plum, and not on every one. Healing properties of Lingzhi: Over two thousand years ago, the invaluable book "Shinnoh Honsohkyo" was published in Japan, it is the original textbook of Eastern medicine. Among all the listed super drugs, Ganoderma Lucidum took the First Place, even stood much higher than ginseng!

In traditional Chinese medicine, the Lingzhi mushroom is called the "Mushroom of Immortality", it has been awarded the highest category in terms of the breadth of action and the absence of side effects.
Linji mushrooms have unique anti-stress, regenerative, antiviral properties, as well as moisturizing and rejuvenating.
Lingzhi has been clinically proven to improve the body's immune function, metabolism and overall well-being. Linji mushrooms are rich in minerals, amino acids and vitamins. It is the strongest antioxidant.

The healing properties of Lingzhi in China have been known for a very long time. Oriental medicine has been accumulating information about it for 4 millennia. More than 2000 years ago, in the Chinese "Holy Book of miraculous medicinal plants", Lingzhi mushroom was named "the best among the 365 most valuable plants of the East", surpassing the famous ginseng in efficiency. The unique supreme mushroom Lingzhi is a precious pearl in the treasury of traditional Eastern medicine. In ancient Chinese legends, this mushroom is considered a "magic medicine" that saves the sick from death and gives people the energy to live forever. The fungus was called a plant that "gives eternal youth", or "divine grass". In ancient China, he was so legendary that his image was carved as an ornament on expensive furniture, staff handles, etc.
Ling-Shi or Lingzhi (Lingzhi) is the Chinese version of the name of this mushroom. The name Reishi (1000 year old mushroom) is most commonly used in Japan. In the US and Canada, Linji is known as Ganoderma. The name Ganoderma lucium is of Greek origin.
Currently, the valuable properties of Lingzhi are being comprehensively studied in leading medical institutions in Japan, the USA, France, and Canada. In Japan, Lingzhi fruit body dry extract is included in the official list of anticancer drugs. In traditional Chinese medicine, the mushroom is considered a miraculous remedy for many diseases.

Lingzhi mushroom infusion has the following properties: increased working capacity, normalization of blood pressure, stimulation of oxidation processes in liver mitochondria. The same therapeutic efficacy of Lingzhi in relation to morphological changes in the brain, liver, lungs and myocardium was revealed. And one of the most important properties is a strong antitumor effect. When taking Lingzhi, there is a regression of any tumors - both benign and malignant.

It can be concluded that Lingzhi has several main healing properties. First, it has a strong antitumor effect. When studying the chemical composition of Lingzhi at the American Cancer Institute, an amazing discovery was made: a substance called "lanostan" was found, which inhibits the formation of antibodies. The second is indicated for allergic diseases. Now patients with bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and other allergic diseases are cured of them with the help of Lingzhi. The third is the positive effect of the use of preparations from this fungus for any pulmonary diseases (chronic bronchitis, etc.). Fourth, the widespread and successful use of Lingzhi in cardiovascular disease. Fifth - hypoglycemic effect in diabetes mellitus.

Oncological diseases
The study of mushrooms showed that Lingzhi differs from many other medicinal mushrooms in that it contains not only active antitumor polysaccharides, but also the so-called terpenoids, which increase stress resistance and prevent the accumulation of free radicals. The specific effect of polysaccharides is manifested in the activation of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, stimulation of interferon and a general improvement in the immune response at the cellular level. They have no toxic effects on the human body, and they are safe from a medical point of view. The degree of restoration of the damaged immune system, incl. with AIDS and antitumor activity depend on the duration of therapy using Lingzhi. It is believed that it is enough to take a Lingzhi course at least once a year so as not to get cancer!
Antimicrobial action and allergic diseases
Lingzhi has an antimicrobial effect, and it does not act by suppressing, for example, staphylococcus or pneumococcus, but by killing them. Improves all types of metabolism: mineral, carbohydrate, fat, has an anti-allergic effect. Treatment of allergies with Lingzhi is a long process (it takes 1-2 years), but it is reliable and effective and does not cause any side effects!
Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and other allergic diseases are successfully treated with Lingzhi.
Cardiovascular diseases
The use of Lingzhi to improve the condition of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The results of studies at the All-Union Cardiology Center were very significant: 5 hours after taking drugs from lingzhi mushrooms, the cholesterol level dropped! In addition, a persistent decrease in pressure occurred after 14 days. This effect has been confirmed in clinical studies. Therefore, the use of this drug is directly indicated in the recovery period after a heart attack and stroke.
The mushroom normalizes blood pressure, it is also effective for symptoms of cardiovascular blockade and other heart diseases, including angina, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, fatigue, memory loss.
The immune system
Lingzhi is considered both a tonic and an adaptogenic agent. As a tonic, it strengthens the body's strength, and as an adaptogen, it helps to adapt to stress, improves health and normalizes the functioning of the body.
When using the fungus, the production of cytokinins in the body is activated. Cytokinins are immune system regulators that act immediately, do not require significant time for their effect on the immune system. Therefore, Lingzhi mushroom is a fast-acting immunoregulator. It is able to strengthen the weak, weaken the strong, and leave the normal reaction of the immune system unchanged, significantly increasing the body's resistance to disease and overall vitality.

In addition, lingzhi correct the immune system of the intestinal mucosa, actively protect the body from the action of viruses, bacteria and toxins.

Hypoglycemic action in diabetes mellitus
Compounds that lower blood sugar levels are polysaccharides, ganoderan A, B and C, isolated from mushrooms and their protein compounds. It has also been found that the corresponding polysaccharide extracts from Lingzhi in alkaline solution also have a hypoglycemic effect.

Great relief of the course of the disease brings Lingzhi to patients with epilepsy. This rare property of it was noted back in the 17th century, when it was these mushrooms that “falling” was cured by the heir to the mikado (Japanese emperor).

The use of the mushroom can take a long time, because, unlike drugs of chemical origin, lingzhi has no side effects, including delayed ones in time, and is safe in a wide range of doses.
But it should also be noted that even in microdoses, higher mushrooms have an effect on the human body to a certain extent. A. Girich describes this mechanism of action of microdoses as follows: “The absorption of a small amount of drugs occurs only in the oral mucosa by endocytosis (capture and promotion of the drug by the cell). Next, the targeted delivery of the drug to the damaged organ (energy-information mechanism) begins, and the SOS signal is a perverted wave from the side of the damaged organ. Therefore, in small doses, drugs work as regulators of pathological waves emanating from the cells of various poorly functioning organs. As a result of such an impact, there is an improvement in the elasticity of the cell membrane and metabolic processes between the cell and the intercellular space.

mystical properties
In general, the action of higher mushrooms is noted both at the physiological and at the energy-informational level. In ancient Chinese books, it is written that the mushroom has a simultaneously bitter, sweet, salty, sour and pungent taste and affects the meridians of the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs and spleen. The mushroom was described by the ancient Chinese philosopher of the first century AD Wang Chang as a plant that enhances spiritual abilities and heals bodily ailments.
It is believed that Lingzhi also has a mystical property to increase the strength of the spirit, increase a positive emotional mood. It is noted that within 20 minutes the mushroom restores the aura and helps to work out karmic problems. It was said of him that he also restores harmony between the energies of "Yin" and "Yang".

Cosmetic properties
Lingzhi is characterized as a very good remedy for giving youthful skin. The fungus regulates the synthesis of nucleic acids, and also, at the level of cellular metabolism, puts a barrier to the destructive effects of free radicals and reduces oxidative processes, which significantly slows down the aging process of the skin. Lingzhi polysaccharide complexes promote DNA synthesis and stimulate cell division, powerfully activate regeneration processes, which keeps the skin young for a long time.
Masks with Lingzhi extract allow you to quickly give the skin a beautiful and healthy look, make it elastic, visibly smooth out wrinkles, increase tone and fill with vitality.
Lingzhi contains: almost all groups of vitamins: beta-carotene, B, D, E, C; 13 kinds of amino acids; proteins; unsaturated fatty acids; immunomodulatory polysaccharides; minerals: potassium, phosphorus, Fe, Ca, Mg, Zn, manganese, boron and cobalt; more than 80 types of enzymes that are involved in all processes of splitting and building.

In its wild form, the mushroom grows on the roots and fallen tree trunks, but is found only on two or three out of 100 thousand. For the last 20 years, scientists from China, Japan and Vietnam have managed to cultivate the Lingzhi mushroom on special plantations, which made this plant available not only to emperors.

Mode of application:
Alcohol tincture: 25 gr. chopped mushrooms, pour vodka (0.25 liters), insist in a warm dark place for 2 weeks. Take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day before meals.
Decoction: 1 tbsp. l. chopped mushroom per 700 ml. water, simmer for 60 minutes. Strain. Take 200 ml. decoction 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Tea: Boil mushrooms for 5 minutes, then leave for 30 minutes. Before use, the drink can be optionally heated, filtered and drunk as tea. For one person, 2 grams of dried mushrooms per day (1 slice) is enough.
