Numerology of the Vedic mysteries download epub. Vidya Ananda, Ravindra Kumar - Vedic Numerology (Veda Bhavan.2006)

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This is a practical guide that provides a systematic, centuries-old teaching on how, through understanding the influence of numbers, you can learn about your character, abilities, fate, relationships with others, etc. The main goal of working with numbers is the preservation and proper use of psychic and karmic energies. And therefore, knowledge of numerology makes it possible to improve your fate and the karma of loved ones.
The book establishes the relationship of numerological vibrations with astrology, ancient Indian medicine, meditation practices and practical psychology.

Name: Vedic numerology: Ayurveda, astrology, tantra, mystical charts and formulas
Year: 1997
Pages: 285, ill.
Language: Russian
Format: pdf / rar
Size: 25.94 Mb

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This practical guide provides a systematic, centuries-old doctrine of the influence of the energy of numbers and words on the fate, character and abilities of a person. The book describes in detail the relationship of numerological vibrations with Ayurveda, astrology, tantric and Vedic psychotherapies and self-realization practices.
This book, encyclopedic in its content, contains unique astrological mantras, analyzes Sanskrit as a universal code for future events, explores the relationship of numbers with chakras, precious stones and planetary forces, manifested in the images of demigods and hierarchs. Vedic numerology, being at the same time a predictive science, sacred mystery and the art of transformation, opens the way leading to harmony, prosperity and perfection.
The material of the book is based on such scriptures as Garuda Purana, Agni Purana, Shat-chakra-nirupani, Yogatat-tva-upanishad and other authoritative treatises on Vedic and Kabbalistic systems of numerology.
The book is intended for novice numerologists, specialists in the field of predictive sciences and occult science, psychologists, as well as everyone who is striving for self-knowledge and self-improvement.

Name: Vedic numerology
Vidya Ananda, Ravindra Kumar
Genre: Numerology
Year of issue: 2006
Pages: 369
Language: Russian
Format: pdf
Size: 38 Mb


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Name: Vedic numerology
Vidya Ananda, Ravindra Kumar
Publisher: Veda Bhavan
Year: 2006
Formats: DjVu - 4.29 MB
Pages: 337
Quality: good (scanned copy)
ISBN: 5-87383-029-0

This practical guide provides a systematic, centuries-old doctrine of the influence of the energy of numbers and words on the fate, character and abilities of a person. The book describes in detail the relationship of numerological vibrations with Ayurveda, astrology, tantric and Vedic psychotechnics and self-realization practices.
This book, encyclopedic in content, provides unique astrological mantras, analyzes Sanskrit as a universal code for future events, explores the relationship of numbers with chakras, precious stones and planetary forces, manifested in the images of demigods and hierarchs. Vedic numerology, being at the same time a predictive science, sacred mystery and the art of transformation, opens the way leading to harmony, prosperity and perfection.
The material of the book is based on such scriptures as the Garuda Purana, Agni Purana, Shat-chakra-nirupani, Yogatattva Upanishad and other authoritative treatises on the Vedic and Kabbalistic systems of numerology.
The book is intended for novice numerologists, specialists in the field of predictive sciences and occult science, psychologists, as well as anyone who is striving for self-knowledge and self-improvement.

Numbers are the key to understanding human behavior, one of the simple methods for learning and training the intuitive gifts of man and for comprehending the depths of the human personality.
The study of the symbolism of numbers helps to determine the individuality of a person, his strength and talent, the obstacles that he will meet on his life path and the methods for overcoming them, internal needs, the encoding of the bioenergetic matrix and gives an algorithm for a successful and happy "living" of life.
Numerologists must forget their own individuality and devote themselves entirely to the study of the personality of others. Before using their intuition, they should learn to be calm and detached. Practicing the art of numerology develops patience, endurance and gentleness. The experience of teaching numerology will teach more than books can teach. The information contained in books only slightly opens the window of consciousness. Everyone has to work with their own awareness of this information. Information in itself is not knowledge; only direct experience allows information to become knowledge. Numerology is easy to learn and at the same time very enjoyable - just like any other creative art. She teaches to love the world around, to help people and to learn the laws of the universe.

The contents of the book Vidya Ananda, Ravindra Kumar - Vedic Numerology (Veda Bhavan.2006):

Part 1

Part 2

  • The Mystery of the Sun and the Mystery of One
  • The mystery of the moon and the mystery of the number 2
  • The Mystery of Jupiter and the Mystery of the Number 3
  • The Mystery of Rahu and the Mystery of Number 4
  • The Mystery of Mercury and the Mystery of the Number 5
  • The Mystery of Venus and the Mystery of Number 6
  • The Mystery of Ketu and the Mystery of the Number 7
  • The Mystery of Saturn and the Mystery of the Number 8
  • The Mystery of Mars and the Mystery of the Number 9
  • Summary table of relationships between numbers
  • Additional information about the meaning
  • First nine numbers
  • The Mystery of Composite Numbers
  • Mystery of ten
  • The mystery of the number 12
  • The mystery of the number 14
  • The mystery of the number 15
  • The mystery of the number 16
  • The mystery of the number 17
  • The mystery of the number 18
  • The mystery of the number 19
  • The mystery of the number 20
  • The mystery of the number 21
  • The mystery of the number 23
  • The mystery of the number 24
  • The mystery of the number 25
  • The mystery of the number 26
  • The mystery of the number 27
  • The mystery of the number 28
  • The mystery of the number 29
  • The mystery of the number 30
  • The mystery of the number 31
  • Conclusion

Part 3

  • Numerology and Chakras
  • Forecasting
  • Application: numerological meaning
  • Sanskrit letters as a universal code
  • Appendix: numerological concept of the five tattvas
  • Meditation on tattva as an exit to the higher worlds
  • Application: Vedic science of divination
  • Appendix: description of the five groups of tithi / lunar days / bibliography

Numbers of Soul, Fate and Name in Vedic numerology.

Soul number
Our mental structure is directly related to the place and time of birth - to the moment when we first breathe in the air of the outside world. To draw up an astrological birth chart, you need to know the exact time, while the date of birth is quite enough for a numerologist.
The number of the Soul is obtained as a result of reducing the date of birth to a number from: 1 to 9 by summing up the numbers.
For example, a person was born on November 13th. His Soul Number is Four (1 + 3 = 4).

When determining the Number of the Soul, one should clarify the date of birth of a person. The fact is that in India, the dates do not change at midnight, but in the early morning - an hour before dawn (it can be one and a half to two hours before sunrise). This system is also adopted in Indian numerology. Therefore, when determining the date of birth, you need to pay attention to the time of day. Remember: according to the Indian system, the time from midnight to the last hour before dawn is still the previous day. If a person was born on November 14 at 02:10, in terms of numerology, his date of birth is November 13.

The number of the Soul shows how a person relates to himself and to others, to food, sex, friendship, marriage, what he wants from life, what he really strives for throughout his entire human life, but especially strongly up to the age of 35 years. After 35 years, another number becomes more active, which is called the Number of Destiny. A person begins to feel certain changes in his character. But the Soul Number never loses its importance. Each person has two images: how he sees himself and how others see him. The number of the Soul refers to the first image, to what a person thinks about himself; The number of Destiny indicates what others think of a person.

Destiny Number
The number of Destiny is obtained by reducing the full date of birth (day, month and year) to a number.

For example, a person was born on November 13, 1965 (11/13/1965). His Soul Number is nine: 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 5 = 27; 2 + 7 = 9. The numerologist also does not lose sight of the number 27, since the Two and Seven will have some effect on the fate of this person. But the main number will still be Nine. Of these three numbers, 9 and 2 play an important role, while the influence of the Seven will be much less.

The Number of Destiny is more important than the Number of the Soul and the Number of the Name. The soul can desire anything, but fate gives only what a person really deserves. It is associated with past karmas (deeds) of a person and comes into full force after 35 years. It allows us little freedom of action, but it gives us great freedom to reap the fruits of our own actions.
The number of Destiny is not subject to any external influences. If it is bad, you can’t fix it, but you can change the name so that the Number of the Name partly softens the effect of the Number of Destiny, prepare an appropriate talisman, do charity work. Then a person will still have to go through what fate has in store for him, but this path will be easier for him.

Name number
The number of Names is obtained by adding the numerological values ​​of the individual letters of his public name.
In Indian numerology, the following meanings of Latin letters are used:

A,I,J,Q,Y 1
B,C,K,R 2
G,L,S 3
D,M,T 4
E,N 5
U,V,W,X 6
O,Z 7
F,H,P 8

Name " Govind Kumar According to this system, it has the number 5:
3+7+6+1+5+4 = 26
2+6+4+1+2 = 15
26+15 = 41

Usually relatives and friends call a person simply by their first name. In some circles, he is called by his last name. The full name is written in the passport. For numerology, the “public name” is important, under which strangers know him. Most often, a public name is a given name and a surname.
Although the Number of the Name has a strong influence on the soul and life of a person, it has no power over the Number of Destiny.
The number of the Name plays an important role in social life and marriage. It is especially important for representatives of such professions in which the public name matters (politicians, artists, scientists). The number of the Name can be changed by changing the name itself.
The first letter of a public name has the biggest impact on a person

Composite numbers
Although ultimately a person has three single-digit Numbers - for the Soul, Destiny and Name, Indian numerology considers important those "composite" numbers from which they were obtained by addition. "Composite" refers to numbers written with two or more digits. People whose date of birth falls on a single digit from 1 to 9 have a “pure” Soul Number. Those whose date of birth is a two-digit number from 10 to 31 will be affected by both the total number and both terms.

For example, people of the number 1 (Units) are all those who were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month. But he and everyone are different in some ways. Those born on the first number have a “pure” Unit; numerologists consider them the most fortunate. Those born on the tenth are slightly less fortunate. Those born on the nineteenth are usually more self-confident and assertive, while those born on the twenty-eighth are more calm, they have to work hard. The differences are due to the influence of numbers in pairs (10,19, 28) on each other. For example, the date "19": Nine (Mars) makes the One (Sun) angry and impulsive. In the date "28" the Two is ruled by the Moon, which is very changeable, while the Eight is associated with the sluggish Saturn.

The first digit in a composite number is more important than the second, because it determines which "row" the given number belongs to. Thus, the composite number 12 (1 + 2) belongs to the Ones series (from 10 to 19), and 21 (2 + 1) belongs to the Twos series (from 20 to 29). Both combinations give the number 3 when added, but those born on the third of any month will be different from those born on the twelfth or twenty-first. In the life of a person born on the 12th, the One will play an important role, and in the life of a person born on the 21st, the Two.

Number Comparison
The main rule of numerology is: all numbers are good.
Each number has different energy aspects that manifest in people as strong and weak, attractive and disgusting qualities.
Practice shows that some numbers are good as the Numbers of the Soul, but bad as the Numbers of Destiny, while others have the opposite. To get accurate information about a person, one number is not enough. Most numerologists say that it is absolutely necessary to know all three Numbers - Soul, Fate and Name.

Number of residences
Most often, numerology is used to analyze relationships between people. But it can also be used to analyze the relationship between a person and his place of residence. Houses and apartments have numbers (that is, ready-made numbers), and streets, cities and countries have names, the numbers of which can be obtained by adding up the numerological values ​​of the letters. The numbers of the street, city and country do not add up, because each of them has its own special influence on the Destiny Number of a resident. If the number of residence (from apartment to country) is inconsistent with the person's Destiny Number, there may be problems.

Numerology and Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical system, a person's bodily constitution is determined by the ratio of the three dogas (energy types). These are wind (vata), bile (pitta) and phlegm (kapha). The dominant dogma in the constitution of each person is determined by astrological factors. When one of the three dogi is excited or too enlarged, it causes diseases of the corresponding kind. On the following pages, in the "Balancing the Inner and Outer" sections, diseases associated with the various numbers from 1 to 9 (and therefore with the various planets and types of bodily constitution) are listed.

One of the Ayurvedic methods of cleansing the physical body is fasting. Fasting in Ayurveda does not mean complete abstinence from food, but rather the maintenance of a certain mental attitude. On the day recommended for fasting, you should avoid work and try to relax, but do not lie down and, moreover, do not sleep. You need to calm down, avoid stress and eat only once - in the evening after meditation. For each number, recommended types of products are given. One should avoid anger, aggressive thoughts, negative emotions and all sexual activities on the day before the fast, and, of course, on the day of the fast itself.
Ayurveda recommends for internal and external use certain "gems" (precious and semi-precious stones) ground into powder. It helps to improve the electrochemical balance of the body. Gems are considered the purest form of minerals that make up both the planet Earth and the human body. Their deficiency, according to Ayurvedic doctors, causes various diseases. When taking gems in the form of a powder, mineral imbalances are eliminated and the person feels healthy. When gems are worn on the body in rings and pendants (necessarily in an open setting that allows the stone to come into contact with the body), they affect the electromagnetic field of the body and improve the electrochemical balance. Special rituals associated with wearing gems prepare the body to absorb their energy.

Andrey Kostenko
