Pickled watermelons for the winter, recipe with photo. Salted watermelons in a hurry

Pickled watermelons are an unusual appetizer on the festive table. This sweet and juicy berry has a short shelf life, but you have the opportunity to close watermelons in jars for the winter. There are several recipes, the process is not complicated, and the result is amazing.

We close watermelons for the winter. Recipe #1

In the old days, pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, including watermelons, was very popular. Salted or pickled watermelons were especially delicious. Here is one of the recipes for harvesting watermelon for the winter.

Before you start work, you need to decide how you want to prepare watermelons for the winter: whole (you will need a large container for this) or pieces in jars. Even if there is no cellar or basement, you can make a blank in jars and store it in the pantry.

If the rind of the watermelon is thick, then it is advisable to cut it off, if it is thin, then you can leave it. Filling is prepared from standard ingredients: water, salt and sugar. But if you wish, you can add a little honey, celery root, a few cloves of garlic, a little vinegar, horseradish root, cherry and currant leaves.

How to close watermelons in jars:

  • choose ripe watermelons in the market or in the store - 2 kg;
  • you will need vinegar 9% - 70 ml;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • water - 1 l.


  • Pour water into a saucepan, put sugar and salt immediately, mix.
  • We put the container on the stove, wait until it boils.
  • Boil the broth for 10 minutes, then filter through a piece of gauze folded in several layers, add vinegar.
  • While the broth is being prepared, rinse each watermelon under running water, cut in half, then into slices. We put the pieces of watermelon in a jar so that later you can easily get a piece from the jar and eat it without cutting it.
  • Pour watermelon slices with ready-made broth, roll up the lids.
  • We turn the jar upside down, wrap it with a warm blanket, leave it to cool completely.

Pickled watermelons in jars for the winter in a quick way

What you need to prepare:

  • ripe watermelons - 5 kg;
  • sugar - a glass with a slide;
  • salt - half a glass;
  • water - 4 liters;
  • table vinegar 9% - 260 g.

How to pickle watermelons:

  • You will need a large saucepan, the watermelon must be cut into 2 parts and placed in halves in a container.
  • In a separate container, it is necessary to prepare a brine from water, sugar and salt. Put on fire, boil.
  • Pour vinegar into a saucepan with watermelons, pour strained marinade.
  • Put the pan on a glazed loggia, in the basement or refrigerator (any cool place) for 2 days.
  • After 2 days, the watermelons are ready, you can transfer them to pre-sterilized jars and roll them up with lids.
  • You can also marinate in slices, then you do not need to wait 24 hours, after 12 hours the appetizer will be ready.

How to close watermelons for the winter in jars - a recipe for sweet watermelon with aspirin

If you use this recipe and make a preparation for the winter, then the taste of watermelons will be slightly different than in previous recipes. It can be said that, although not completely, the sweetness of this bright berry and its amazing aroma are partially preserved.

What do you need:

  • medium-sized watermelon (for a 3-liter jar);
  • salt - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • aspirin tablets - 3 pcs.

Preparing for the winter:

  • We cut the watermelon into slices, do not cut the peel, put it in a jar (we sterilize the container in advance).
  • Boil water in a saucepan, pour watermelon slices.
  • Add salt, sugar, vinegar, aspirin tablets to the jar. Shake the jar to dissolve all the ingredients.
  • Next, roll up a jar of watermelons, wrap, leave for a day.

How to close watermelons for the winter in jars - sweet and salty watermelons

And this recipe will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. They can also be given a piece of delicious pickled watermelon to taste.


  • watermelon per 3 liter jar;
  • currant leaves - 4 pcs.;
  • cherry and oak leaves - 4 pcs.;
  • sprigs of fresh parsley - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • for marinade: salt half a tablespoon, sugar - 2.5 tablespoons, boiling water - 1 l, citric acid - 1 tsp.


  • Watermelon must be washed, cut into circles, each circle, depending on the size of the berry, cut into 4-6 or 8 parts. You will get small triangles that need to be laid in layers in a jar.
  • In the jar you need to put leaves of cherry, oak and currant, garlic cloves and parsley (all this can be on the bottom or on top).
  • Fill the watermelon with freshly boiled water, close the lids, leave for 30-40 minutes.
  • Drain the water back into the pan, add a little more water (approximately 1/4), wait until it boils.
  • Pour boiling water over the watermelons again, cover with lids, leave for 20-25 minutes.
  • Drain the water, add a little fresh water, bring to a boil.
  • We put salt and sugar in boiled water, mix, pour citric acid.
  • Pour watermelons in jars with the resulting marinade, close with lids, turn over, wrap with a warm blanket, leave for several days. Then you can put the cooled cans in the basement or in the pantry.


For salting, you can take only ripe fruits without damage, preferably with a thin crust. The best time for cooking is at the end of October, since this unusual dish can be stored for only a few months and only at low temperatures. To pickle fruits in a barrel, it is advisable to use only ripe and identical in shape watermelons of late varieties. On average, one watermelon should weigh about three kilograms.

Salting ripe watermelon fruits in a barrel

Wash the watermelons thoroughly and prick each one in 10 different places using a wooden stick. So they are better saturated with brine, the fermentation process will be accelerated, and the taste will turn out to be more pronounced. Prepare: Wash and dry it well, after which you can proceed. Carefully place the fruits on the bottom of the barrel and pour the prepared brine: for every 10 liters of water, there are 800 g of salt. It is not necessary to add any spices, because the appetizer will turn out great anyway. We close the prepared barrels first with gauze, and then with a wooden lid. Watermelons can be stored in any cool place - they will be ready in about a month.

Watermelons can also be salted in ordinary glass jars of any size. Wash the fruits thoroughly, cut off a thin peel, cut into medium pieces. Many housewives decide to leave the peel, but in this case, the sterilization process takes about 20-30 minutes, but if the watermelons are without a peel, only 10 minutes. There are several recipes for such salting. We will consider them all, and already you choose the most suitable for yourself.

Method 1

This recipe provides for the use (for each liter of water):

  • 1 spoon of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar (9%);
  • 1 spoon of salt.

Carefully lay out the watermelon cut into pieces in jars, add salt and sugar. Fill everything with boiling water and sterilize the jars for 10 minutes. After that, pour vinegar into the container and roll up the jars.

Method 2

For a 3-liter jar, prepare three aspirin tablets and two tablespoons of salt and sugar. First, the jars should be sterilized, after which the fruit slices are placed in them, hot water is added. After that, take a short 10-minute break, drain the settled water into a separate saucepan, pour in the remaining ingredients and boil again. We put aspirin in a jar, fill in the resulting brine and roll up the containers.

Salted watermelon in a glass jar

Method 3

To prepare one can of salted watermelon, we need:

  • a spoonful of salt;
  • two spoons of sugar;
  • a spoonful of 70% vinegar essence.

We wash the jars with high quality, but do not sterilize yet. We put watermelon slices in them, sprinkle salt and sugar on top, pour in vinegar and clean water. We close the container with a metal lid and sterilize for about 40 minutes.

Method 4

This recipe may seem a little strange at first due to ingredients such as honey and horseradish, but you will never forget the taste of an amazing dish. To prepare, take:

  • 1 spoon of honey;
  • 30 g of horseradish;
  • 3 aspirin tablets;
  • 1 spoon of salt.

Sterilize the containers, put horseradish cut into thin slices at the bottom, and watermelon on top. Also, you need to fill the jar with the rest of the ingredients, pour boiling water and roll it up. After that, wrap the containers with pickled watermelon and wait until they cool.

But what if you expect guests in a couple of days and would really like to treat them to an unusual dish? There is one great recipe for quick salting. Instructions for preparing pickled fruits are as follows:

  1. Cut the watermelon into medium-sized pieces.
  2. Pour two tablespoons of salt on the table, a spoonful of sugar and dry mustard, mix the ingredients.
  3. Rub the dry mixture into each slice by hand.
  4. We put all the pieces in a saucepan, put a press on top and send the almost finished dish to the refrigerator for two days.

Salting watermelons in this way involves the use of fine-grained river sand - no other sand will do. Pour the sand into a large basin, add cold water and rinse thoroughly, stirring with a wooden stick. After the first flush, follow the water along with foreign matter. Repeat the sand cleaning at least two more times until there is only sand left in the container and the water is clear.

Pour sand on the bottom of the barrel with a layer of up to 10 cm, put watermelons on top. At the same time, remember that a distance of at least 2 cm should remain between the walls of the barrel and the fruits. A layer of sand about 5 cm thick is again poured on top and the fruits cut into pieces are again placed. So fill the entire barrel, and the last layer of sand should be at least 20 cm. Next, we prepare the brine - we take 500 g of salt for 10 liters of water. Fill the filled barrel with brine. It is important to remember that sand absorbs liquid rather slowly, and therefore the brine must be periodically added so that it covers the sand.

Barrel with sand for salting watermelons

If you see that during the topping up of the brine the layer of watermelon is “bare”, you will have to add sand, otherwise the salting of the watermelon will not work. The absorption of the brine is carried out for about three days.

When storing watermelons, be sure to occasionally check that there is at least a 10 cm layer of brine on top of the sand all the time. Otherwise, your fruits will simply become moldy. By the way, this recipe is more suitable for cooking watermelons with a thick crust - fruits with a thin skin can tear when removed from the barrel, sand will get inside, and as a result they will become unusable. Fruits salted in this way are stored for almost half a year, without losing their taste.

Another unusual recipe using cabbage. You will need small, strong watermelons weighing about 2 kg. Wash the fruit well before planting. Then put salted and pre-sauerkraut in a layer up to 10 cm at the bottom of the barrel, watermelons on top. The resulting voids between the fruits must be laid with cabbage. The last layer is sauerkraut. Cover the watermelons with clean gauze, put a press on top and send the barrel to the cellar for storage. Watermelons salted in this way are stored for no more than three months. By the way, a similar recipe is used for cooking.

Watermelons with sauerkraut

Another interesting recipe involves pickling along with apples. First, prepare the brine - take 800 g of salt in a bucket of water. Next, we act in exactly the same way as in the previous method: we put strong fruits in the barrel, fill the voids between the fruits with apples, but the free space between the watermelons and the walls of the barrel must be covered with purified river sand. As the barrel is filled with watermelons, pour the brine into the container. The top layer of fruits is covered with sand in a layer of 35 cm and poured with brine. Store barrels in a cool place.

And raznosolov. Each hostess has a reasonable approach to this issue: she looks in advance for new recipes for pickling, pickling, pickling and urinating in order to please her loved ones and guests with delicious treats of her own cooking during the cold period. Moreover, traditional Russian cuisine is replete with interesting preservation options.

One of the oldest ways to preserve fruits and vegetables is urination. If we delve into history, we will find an interesting fact - this method was practiced by ancient people who lived before our era in Northern Europe and Siberia. The recipe has remained virtually unchanged and is actively implemented in our century.

True, instead of barrels, glass containers, jars and plastic containers are more often used. Many clearly remember what a specific flavor bouquet endowed with soaked watermelon with apples. If you think that in urban conditions, or rather, in an apartment, it is impossible to harvest a berry, you are deeply mistaken. Everything is easier than it seems. We offer interesting variations of winter pickles.

Subtleties of conservation

For salting, you should choose fruits of small size, weighing no more than 2 kg, unripe and preferably with a thin skin. From overripe, a loose mass with an unpleasant structure will turn out. Be sure to check for damage and dents, since cracked fruits will “deflate” and turn sour during fermentation. If you are cooking watermelons soaked in a barrel, it is better not to pierce the peel, otherwise there will be no gas.

In a wooden container, whole berries are salted longer - about two months, and they turn out surprisingly tasty, juicy and fragrant. Many cooks lay out layers of cabbage or currant leaves, various fruits and vegetables. Literally after a few days, you can notice the fermentation process in the form of a foam that forms on the surface of the container (remove periodically). After that, the barrel is cleaned in a cool cellar or basement. In urban conditions, you can transfer the raw materials to glass jars and put them in the refrigerator until completely soured.

How useful are watermelons soaked in a barrel?

There is no need to talk about the healing power of pickles and preservation, however, soaked products are much more useful for their healing properties and are indicated for a number of diseases. Practitioners and homeopaths recommend including soaked watermelon in the diet of people with diabetes and overweight.

This is due to the fact that much less sugar and salt are present in the pulp of soaked berries. The composition retains all the mineral and chemical elements that we obtain from fresh vegetables and fruits. They may well make up for the deficiency of vitamins in the winter and supply the body with the missing substances. Now let's move on to the technological process - we will present a wonderful selection of delicious snacks.

How to cook pickled watermelons in jars?

Any variety with an elastic skin is suitable for harvesting. List of ingredients for a three-liter jar:

  • about 2-3 kg watermelon;
  • 15 grams of salt;
  • two large spoons of natural honey (instead of granulated sugar);
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • a tablespoon of citric acid;
  • a few currant leaves.

Cooking organization

Before making soaked watermelons, wash and cut them into small slices (triangles), without removing the seeds. If desired, you can peel the skin if it is too dense. We lay out the pieces in a sterile container along with currant leaves and garlic (layers), pour boiling water to the top and cover with a lid. Leave for 10 minutes, then drain the liquid into the pan.

Prepare the brine: dissolve honey and salt in watermelon water. Put the marinade on the stove and let it boil, then pour it into a jar, adding citric acid in advance. Quickly cover or roll up the container, wrap it with a warm cloth, leave it in the room for 6 hours. In a similar way, soaked watermelons are prepared in a saucepan and a wooden tub. Between the layers, you can put cherry leaves, celery, any greens, horseradish for a piquant taste. By the New Year holidays, the appetizer will be completely ready!

Salting in a barrel

For 10 liters of water, 500-800 g of salt will be required. We choose fruits of medium size, green-ripened. The quantity is determined depending on the size of wooden or stainless containers. We thoroughly clean the berries from contamination, remove the stalks so that the soaked watermelon ferments faster. You can also make several small punctures with a skewer.

We tightly pack all the fruits so that there are no voids left, adding roots, currant or cherry leaves. It remains to dissolve the salt in water, boil, then cool and pour into a container. We cover with a clean gauze cloth, set a heavy load (oppression). Barrels are stored in the basement / cellar. After two days, add the marinade.

After about a month, soaked watermelons will be edible. In a barrel (the recipe can be done in a city apartment), the fruits are extraordinarily tasty. This appetizer will be a great addition to any table.

Recipe with a sand layer

An ancient way of salting, which came to us from time immemorial. Whole berries are taken, not injured and without signs of damage. To begin with, washed fine sand (about 5 cm) is poured into the bottom of the barrel. Then the fruits are laid out, each layer is covered with sand. Everything is poured with salt 5% marinade.

Soaked watermelon is stored in a dark, sun-protective room for about a month. Thanks to this method, the product is crispy, does not deform under pressure, and is evenly impregnated. Try to produce a recipe in a small container, and you will be satisfied.

Recipe for urinating watermelons with apples

Another well-known method of winter preparations in traditional Russian cooking. A popular dish in Ancient Russia remains in demand and loved in modern society. It is better to choose apples of late varieties, ripe, without worms and rot. Instead of a barrel, many housewives use glass and plastic containers. So, the necessary set of components for preservation (for a three-liter container):

  • ripe watermelon;
  • apples "Antonovka";
  • leaves of red currant and cherry (by eye);
  • rye straw (how much will fit).

Dressing Ingredients:

  • a tablespoon of salt with a slide;
  • 30 ml of vinegar 6%;
  • a large spoonful of granulated sugar and, accordingly, boiled water.


Remove the stalks from the berries, cut into squares, put on the bottom of a sterilized jar. Tamp rye straw on top (you can do without it). The next layer will be apples (if large, it is better to cut). Cover each row with cherry and currant leaves.

Pour boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes. After that, the liquid is drained and the container is filled with brine. It is prepared as follows: salt is dissolved in a liter of water, boiled until the granules are completely dissolved, vinegar or essence is poured in, granulated sugar is added. Soaked watermelons with apples are tightly corked with a lid and stored in a dark room. Thoroughly sterilize lids and containers to avoid swelling.

Using a similar technology, fruits are preserved with cabbage, mustard, a variety of fruits, lemons, with the addition of savory spices. Soaked watermelons at home will delight you with amazing taste and cheer you up on frosty days!

Almost everyone loves watermelons, because they are tasty and healthy.

But what about in winter or spring, when they are not on sale?

In this case, the berries are salted and pickled. How to close and choose a watermelon, as well as its benefits and harms, you will learn by reading this article.

How to choose the right watermelon

Naturally, the most important thing in buying such a berry is the exact choice. In order not to purchase a green and unripe watermelon, you should be guided by some simple rules:

The benefits and harms of salted and pickled watermelons

Watermelon, like many other berries, is full of vitamins and minerals. The content of vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron and even phosphorus makes it useful and necessary for maintaining the human body during beriberi. Yes, and it is worth considering that the watermelon is completely non-caloric, which will please many girls and women.

Despite the fact that the berry contains a large amount of sugar, it can be eaten by people suffering from diabetes. This is due to the fact that the sugar contained in the product is rather difficult to digest, so most of it passes into the intestines.

During salting or pickling, watermelon loses a certain amount of nutrients due to hot water or a large amount of salt. But, despite this, most vitamins remain unchanged in its composition.

Interesting to know: pickled and salted watermelon is excellent for diarrhea, bloating and diarrhea, as it restores the intestinal microflora.

It is worth considering that many doctors recommend the use of salted and pickled watermelons, especially for gastritis, arthritis, liver diseases and constipation. Do not forget about hypertension, high cholesterol and even anemia. In all these cases, watermelon fibers help relieve symptoms and pain.

It should be noted the benefits of canned watermelon for kidney stones and sand. The berry with its juice helps to remove sand and split the formed stones. But the pulp can rid the intestines of all kinds of toxic substances or simply clean it.

Watermelon is also consumed at a temperature, with the flu, with SARS or other colds. Also, the juice of the berry acts as a sedative.

It should be noted that watermelon practically does not cause harm to the human body. The only thing that can affect your health is improper cultivation, the addition of nitrates and chemicals for growth, and storage that is not safe. That is why when buying a berry, you need to carefully consider its choice.

The classic way of salting watermelons

Salting watermelon for the winter is a fairly easy and understandable process. For salting in a hurry you will need:

  • ripe watermelon;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • a teaspoon of salt (with a small slide);
  • black pepper (peas).

Keep in mind: with proper salting, cooked watermelon can be eaten in a month.

First you need to divide the watermelon into several uniform parts. All pieces should pass through the neck of the jar (or other salting container). Bones can be removed if desired.

First you need to put a bay leaf in a jar and gently tamp the watermelon slices. After that, you need to fall asleep pepper (putting a lot is not recommended). Then you should pour salt and pour boiling water over it all. Next, just twist the jar and wait for the right moment to try this culinary miracle.

We invite you to watch a video recipe for salting watermelon in a jar:

Unusual Recipes

Watermelon with mustard

For such a dish you will need.

The recipe for pickled watermelons is very specific and not for everyone, because not everyone likes salted watermelons. But I can't imagine how you can survive the winter without canned watermelons. The recipe is proven, from the grandmother-master of seaming and twisting for the winter. The whole process of seaming watermelons for the winter should not be disturbed, since the banks can then swell and all the work will be in vain.

For 1 watermelon of 10 kg, you will need 8 2-liter cans and about 8 liters of water for brine.


  • 1 large watermelon for about 10 kg.

To prepare 1 liter. brine:

  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • 1.5 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp ascorbic or citric acid.

Spices based on 1 2-liter jar:

  • 2 sprigs of celery;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 black peppercorns;
  • 2 peas of allspice;
  • 2-3 dill inflorescences.

pickled watermelon recipe

1. Wash the jars very carefully. At the bottom of each we lay 2 sprigs of celery, 4 black peas and 2 peas of allspice. We take half of the garlic, that is, 3 cloves, cut it into several parts and also throw it at the bottom of the jar.

2. We collect water in pots at the rate of approximately 1.3 liters of water per 1 2-liter bottle. It is very important to remember the capacity of the pots you are using. Initially, we take more water, the remaining boiled water and later it is better to leave the brine from it in a saucepan than to boil it separately if there is a shortage of water, violating the proportions of the brine. We put pots of water on a large fire.

3. Wash and cut watermelon as in the photo. You should get such narrow triangles that would fit into the neck of the jar. If necessary, cut off pieces of the peel.

4. Stack the sliced ​​watermelon vertically into jars. Pieces of watermelon should fit snugly together.

5. By this time, the water should already boil. Fill jars with watermelons with boiling water to the very top. Cover with lids and let stand for 30-40 minutes.

6. Drain the water back into the pan. Put 3 cloves of garlic on top of the jars.

7. Sterilize jar lids. Put them in a small pot of water and boil.

8. We prepare the brine from the water drained from the watermelons. Add to 1 liter. water 1.5 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. salt and 1 tsp. ascorbic acid.

9. Bring to a boil and pour steep boiling brine first 1 jar to the very top.

10. Immediately cover the jar with a lid and roll it up.

We do the same with the rest of the bottles, and it’s convenient to ask someone to help you: fill the bottle with cool boiling water, cover it with a hot sterilized lid, roll it up, turn it over and take it to a warm place. Immediately you need to listen to how well the bottle is rolled up, whether the lid allows air to pass through. We put the rolled cans on a blanket with a lid down tightly to each other. Wrap well and leave in a blanket for a day. Important! Only rolled pickled watermelons should stand in a warm place without drafts. After a day, you can turn them back and remove the blanket. For another week, periodically check the jars so that they do not explode. If the lids begin to swell, then the seaming process has been disturbed in some way. The brine from the bottles should be drained and digested a couple of times before rolling up.

Have a delicious and warm winter! 🙂
