Remove the broken key from the cylinder. The key in the lock is broken, what should I do, how can I get it out? The key in the door lock broke, but I couldn’t get the piece out

They say: “the lock is jammed - move the key.” And many do just that. This often happens in rented apartments. Use the key back and forth, and lo and behold, half the key remains in the keyhole. How to remove a broken key from a keyhole? Some recommendations will help you do without a specialist, with minimal financial costs.

The process of removing a broken key from a lock

If a key breaks in a door lock, there can be many reasons; even unnoticeable defects in the lock or on the key itself become the main reason for the key breaking.

Whatever the reason for the broken door opener, there is only one solution to the problem - remove it from there.

Tools for the procedure for obtaining a piece of the key

In order to get a broken key out of a door lock, you will need some tools that you can borrow from a neighbor, if this is not a private house with a garage.

There are 3 methods of how to get a piece of key from a keyhole in a door: the loyal method, the method of opening the locking mechanism, the rough (cardinal) method.

How to get a broken key out of a lock safely?

There are options when the key gets stuck in the keyhole, the owner does not get into the house or apartment. In this case, you should do everything to carefully remove the key and not damage the lock mechanism.

The main cause of this problem is dust getting into the mechanism, which, when mixed with lubricant, turns into dust. In order for the key to come out of the keyhole, you should apply lubricant:

  1. WD-40.
  2. Processing (drained oil from a car engine).
  3. A little grease.
  4. Application of liquid silicone.

The most extreme case is the use of sunflower oil.

Lubricating the lock to remove a broken key

You need to take a medical syringe and pour oil into the lock. The key hole must be thoroughly treated (rinsed) with oil. If the key gets stuck, you do not need to use force or sudden movements, carefully move it left to right and slowly pull it towards you. If your fingers slip, use pliers. Sometimes the key can be blocked by the lock's security system. Then a paper clip or hairpin may come in handy.

The process of opening a lock with a paper clip

What to do when a piece of the key remains in the lock? Then:

These methods are applicable at the very beginning of solving a problem. If they have not solved the problem, then you should proceed to removing the lock.

Unforeseen situations often happen in life. Sometimes they are just funny, but sometimes they cause a lot of difficulties, and if they cause laughter, then after solving the problem. Such incidents include the situation when the key in the lock is broken.

This happens if once you open the door, the end of the key remains in the door and the other in your hand. It’s even more unpleasant when you urgently need to get things done. But a careless move dramatically changes plans. The door cannot be left and urgent measures must be taken to remove the remainder of the key.

The main thing in the situation is not to start panicking, otherwise you risk ruining the situation further. Study the recommendations of experts on how to remove the broken piece from the lock.


Let's figure out why the key gets stuck in the lock. There are many reasons.

  1. The key may be made of low quality material. Most cheap mechanisms are made from poor raw materials. As a result, the key can bend with a simple finger press. Therefore, it is no wonder that one day a piece will get stuck in the keyhole.
  2. It happens that the cause of the breakdown is wear of the mechanism. Often, for example, a secret section of the structure gradually breaks down when dirt and dust get there. Then it becomes increasingly difficult to turn the lock. Therefore, when signs occur, it is necessary to clean the lock, otherwise it will break one day.
  3. But the fault may also lie in the person himself, who exerts force on the mechanism, or in an evil neighbor who decides to cause trouble.

Whatever the reason, you need to decide what to do to solve the problem. There are many ways to “painlessly” open locks by specialists from the relevant services. But let's start with what it's better not to do.

Some “craftsmen” advise using super glue when opening it, supposedly capable of gluing torn pieces of metal together. Of course, the “method” is flawed. Even the best glue is not able to bind two fragments together enough to pull the piece out. Often the fragment becomes jammed, which makes removal more difficult. The situation can be worsened if chemical elements of the glue get inside the lock. Then it will not be possible to remove the fragment “painlessly”, and the larva will have to be replaced.

Another unfortunate example is the proposal to remove the key using a steel wire. In some cases, this can actually work, but it will require considerable skill.

A reliable way to remove a piece of metal from a lock is to disassemble the structure. How quickly you can do this is entirely up to you. But this method is the most reliable.

However, its implementation can only be achieved if it is possible to open the door. And if this cannot be done, then other options are sought.

Self-tapping screw

Sometimes a broken key can be quickly removed using a drill with a self-tapping screw and a drill. But the work must be done extremely carefully. You need to hit the end of the piece exactly, drill it and insert a self-tapping screw.

If this works, there is no need to immediately try to pull the piece out. Sprinkle a special liquid there and shake the fragment slightly. After a few minutes of such actions, try to remove it using pliers.

This tool can help without a drill if a piece comes out of the door and is large enough to grab with pliers. This should also be done carefully, do not pull with force, otherwise the mechanism will break even more.

The work begins with lubricating the key hole. Then they try to pull out the key.

What to do with an interior door?

Cases when an interior door breaks are not uncommon. If this door has a tongue, then opening it is not difficult. You will need a thin object as a tool, for example, a knife and a wide blade.

If the lock does not turn, use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws and remove the mechanism. But a nail file is also ready to cope with the task.

When the latch is triggered independently, the door is opened like this: you should push the wire into the hole so that the key (because of it the design is triggered) falls into place.

Other methods are also used:

  • To wring it out, take a crowbar or pry bar and insert it between the door and the frame. This action will change the position of the bolts, opening the door.
  • If the situation does not require delay, then simply cut off the loops with a grinder or turbine.
  • The cylinders are also knocked out with a hammer to break the fastening screw.
  • It happens that the interior door slams shut. Solving this problem is not difficult if you have a mechanism with a latch lock. You can use a regular plastic credit card by inserting it into the opening. For a more complex lock, the bolts are unscrewed.
  • Sometimes knitting needles, ballpoint pens and pencils can help. The last tools are used to press the latch, and the knitting needles are used to lift the mechanism parts.

Unusual ways

There are other ways to remove a broken key from a lock. They may look strange, but professionals use them.

  1. Two awls can be used as a removal tool. They should be thin. The tools are pushed into the lock and the fragment is shaken. Then they try to pull it out. In this case, an anti-corrosion lubricant is also used. You can also use machine oil.
  2. In another method, a jigsaw file will be useful. It is cut off so that a clove remains, pushed into the hole and turned to the sides. If the fragment gets caught, they begin to carefully pull it out.
  3. If there is a brass tube, then a piece of the key is placed on it. After a successful attempt, the tube is heated with a blowtorch, and when it cools down, it is pulled out with the fragment.
  4. You can also try using a fishing hook. In this case, a considerable amount of patience will be required. But experts consider the method highly effective. At the same time, it will not harm the lock mechanism. To remove a piece, the hook is unbent, and the notched tip is inserted into the hole, fishing out the fragment. If you succeed in hooking the key, it is carefully pulled towards you. This method, even with repeated use, often ends in success.

Breaking the lock

If the piece in the lock is so tight that nothing helps, you have to break into the mechanism. If there is one, they cut down the armored lining and then pry it up with a nail puller. As a result, either a fragment or a core will be pulled out. Then, to open the door, all you have to do is turn the cam.

If you have a drill, but you can’t screw in the self-tapping screw, drill out the cylinder in the part where the pins are located or directly in the core. This should be done slowly and carefully so as not to damage the cam. Otherwise, not only will the lock be damaged, but you will also have to use a screwdriver with a curved end to change the rotation of the lock mechanism.

You can also use a chisel to start the nail puller and open the trim. After this, the cylinder is twisted with a wrench.

If there is no gas wrench, no nail puller, no chisel, the cylinders are knocked inward. If the cam is turned to the side, the internals will be damaged. If the end protrudes, knock it down with a chisel and use a screwdriver to scoop out the insides.

In such gentle and non-sparing ways they pull out a piece of the key. For some people, it is much easier not to suffer, but to call specialists to their home so that they can quickly deal with the problem and save them from hassle and loss of time.

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In everyday life, many unforeseen situations happen that can ruin all future plans. Just imagine, you return home, insert the key into the lock, and as a friend discover that it has broken and is stuck in the door. How to solve this problem? Let's figure it out.

Required Tools

Any lock can be opened or picked, the question is how long it will take, and what tools may be needed. Here is their list:

Each item is intended to solve a specific problem. Your friendly neighbor should have something in his arsenal.

Ways to save a castle

First of all, it is worth understanding that there is several types of door locks: mortise with rod key, with locking mechanism and disk system.

Alternative methods

Another unique and quick solution is considered to be methods that use super glue, steel wire and a jigsaw file. Again, each tool is designed for a different situation.

The method with a nail file - you need to fix it with pliers and insert it into the lock so that the toothed surface is under the fragment, then slowly turn it in any direction until it pries out the stuck fragment of the key, after which we slowly remove it from the hole. If the first attempt fails, repeat it until you succeed.

The wire method is an alternative to the first method, only this time a wire is used. We are carrying out similar actions.

The method with super glue - everything is quite simple and clear here. Take the second piece of the key and coat it with glue, then we attach it to the second fragment and wait for a certain time for fixation, which is indicated on the package. At this stage, you need to hold the second head straight all the time, since with the slightest shift there is a possibility that the fixing mixture will fall directly on the mechanism itself, thereby complicating the problem. In the final we attempt to pull out the key.

Let's look at the soldering method. It will require the following tools: anti-corrosion liquid, a brass tube, a blowtorch, and a magnet. It is very important that the tube is slightly larger in diameter than the key piece, so that it can be pulled, but with little force. Her heat the end with a blowtorch and attach it to the fragment in the lock, wait a little for the material to cool and bond, then lubricate everything with anti-corrosion liquid, and bend the other end of the tube to form a handle. We turn it and pull out the fragment.

The key is not broken, but it is stuck

Sometimes situations arise when the key is not broken, but it is impossible to remove it in the usual way. This happens quite often in new locks with a metal door. This could happen when the spring is under the pin, breaks, then the lock core gets stuck tightly. The problem may lie directly in the quality of the keyhole itself, which consists of a relatively soft material; it is deformed, thereby blocking the correct entry for pins.

To solve this problem, use WD-40 or an equivalent lubricant. For application it is better to use aerosol can with nozzles that can deliver liquid to hard-to-reach places. We take a screwdriver and grab the head of the stuck key with it, slowly raising and lowering it, creating vibrations. Then pull the key towards you. It is recommended to immediately replace the support mechanism with a new one, since it will continue to cause you inconvenience.

It should be noted that this method of removing the key from the lock is effective only if it breaks in an open door; in other circumstances, you need to use the services of specialists.

Methods that destroy a castle

There is a high probability that you will have to destroy the lock mechanism itself, because the key piece was stuck thoroughly. Initially, you need to rip off the armor plate, if there is one. To do this, use a chisel and a hammer. Then they take a nail puller and pry the head of the screw with it, then either a piece of the key will come out of the lock, or the core of the device itself. Now you just need to take a small screwdriver and turn the lock cam.

There are situations when there is no place where you can screw in a self-tapping screw, in this situation it is recommended to use a drill with a drill with a diameter of 6 - 10 cm. Using this device you need to drill out the places where the pins for the lock are located, you can drill directly into the core itself, but do everything extremely carefully.

There are locks that are installed incorrectly, its cylinder mechanism extends up to 5 mm beyond the lining, then use a Swedish wrench or a gas wrench to roll the end, wipe out the excess and open the door with a screwdriver. If everything is secured correctly, then everything will be damaged, both the mechanism and the lock escutcheon. The cover is pryed off with a chisel, and then a nail puller is used, inserting it into the created gap and tearing off the protection. After this, the slightly protruding door cylinder is twisted with a key. It is worth driving the cylinder inside only if there is no gas key and other tools listed above for destroying the lock.

With this method, you should be careful, since the cam of the mechanism may be rotated, which in the future can damage the entire structure and block it.


So the most common extractions of a broken key from a lock were considered. Choose your option, taking into account your personal situation and capabilities. It should be remembered that if a key or lock is broken, this can only mean one thing: the system has worn out and requires replacement. The cause of a damaged lock may be contamination; the problem can be predicted, since such a mechanism will have minor glitches at first.

Even the most durable lock can wear out due to daily use. Dust can accumulate inside the well, and practically no one monitors the system. This is why the structure can be deformed. That is why the question often arises of how to remove a broken key from a lock without opening the entire door.

Gentle ways to solve the problem

There are several known ways to extract a key from a common system. To unlock the structure and pull out a piece of the part, use:

  • tweezers
  • hairpin
  • screwdriver
  • pliers
  • nail puller

In some situations, a piece of the key gets stuck so tightly that it is impossible to do without a hammer, drill, jigsaw or grinder.

If possible, you should try to remove the fragment from the structure using gentle methods. In this case, the mechanism remains intact and can be used in the future. In this situation, it is extremely important to prevent deformation of the pins located in the inner part of the secret. Often, to solve the problem, it is enough to simply clean the system of accumulated dust. To do this, the lock is lubricated with grease, machine oil, and liquid silicone. You can use lithol or WD-40.

If none of the suggested remedies are available, then you can pour a little sunflower oil into the structure. The easiest way to perform the procedure is with a medical syringe or a special syringe. You will need to rinse the entire core with oil. It is very important not to make any sudden movements.

It is also important to use something long, thin and sharp to pick up or push through the deformed particle. It is recommended to slightly loosen the structure, after which the part literally falls out. It will be especially convenient to use a hairpin or pin. These handy tools can easily free a broken key from a keyhole.

Jigsaw and vibration are popular methods

A jigsaw helps to cope with the problem perfectly. It must be taken into account that you will not have to work with the entire device, but only with its cutting part. Where to begin? You just need to push the blade inside and try to insert the tool under the broken part of the key. All actions are carried out very carefully. The fragment must be picked up, after which the part is carefully pulled out.

Another option (quite popular) is vibration, which is optimal for releasing the disk structure. First, the pins are thoroughly lubricated. Next, these mechanisms are moved together with the broken part of the lock into a single position. It’s good if there is someone at home, because it is necessary that the system be periodically hammered on the back side. Due to the creation of vibration, the fragment should “go” outward, where it is easiest to pick it up with pliers.

Don't forget that there are many other ways to remove a broken key from a keyhole without damaging it.

There are many times in life when failure takes you by surprise. And basically, a person is not ready for it. For example, it just so happened that the key in the lock broke off and a piece remained inside the lock cylinder. What to do? Well, of course, if the fragment sticks out enough to be caught with pliers with thin jaws, then everything is clear: we grab onto the tip and pull it out. What if the key breaks and the piece doesn’t stick out?
I will show you two reliable ways to remove a broken key, leaving the lock completely working after all the manipulations.

Removing the key piece from the lock

Before proceeding directly to extraction, it is imperative to position the key groove exactly vertically, since if the movable cylinder of the cylinder is not vertical, the key will be impossible to remove.

Method one: scissors

As a rule, a stuck fragment can be picked out with the tip of a pair of scissors. Scissors are easy to get, their ends are always sharp in most cases. Therefore, we insert the tip into the recess and create a force on the fragment and in the direction of its extraction we try to pull out this fragment.

In thirty percent of cases, this method works, of course it all depends on how the key was broken.

In this case, I clearly show that everything worked out, although I still had to tinker.
Scissors are just an example as they are easier to find. In general, an awl, a sharp knife and other items will do.

Method two: drilling a groove

Now we move on to a complex method, but more effective.
The theory is this: in close proximity to the fragment it is necessary to drill a groove with a thin drill (1.5-2 mm). To do this, parallel to the key, you need to drill a hole to a depth of approximately 2 mm. Then drill a hole from the side, turning it into a groove. And then, at the same time, drill the key fragment itself, for a better grip.

So let's get started. It is better to do this with a cordless screwdriver. We drill a hole at a distance of approximately 1 mm from the groove and to a depth of approximately 1.5-2 mm.

Next, turn the drill at an angle and drill obliquely.

You need to be especially careful here, as the drill can easily be broken. Especially if it accidentally comes off. Under no circumstances should you rush.
If the groove is level, drill a piece of the key.

Well, then we take scissors and remove the fragment without any extra effort.

The tip fits perfectly into both the groove and the hole in the key.

We got this stub.

Checking the operation of the larva

Now, let's check the larva for performance. Insert another key and turn.