An effective mosquito repellent. How to make a fumigator and mosquito liquid at home How to make a mosquito solution

The mosquito season will soon come and we will seek salvation from mosquitoes in the rooms hung with nets. Someone runs to the shops and stocks up on mosquito repellents.

Staying in the fresh air becomes very uncomfortable when you constantly have to brush off the torn branches from the itchy and buzzing hordes of flying bloodsuckers.

Or use recipients of various types: from creams to sprays that are unsafe or frankly harmful to health. And everything would be fine, but what about allergy sufferers?

Yes, and children do not need extra chemical compounds on a delicate skin. We save ourselves from mosquitoes and lay the foundation for future problems with home remedies for repelling mosquitoes.

Folk remedies for mosquitoes

If you remember your grandmother's experience, when there was no choice of store-bought protective equipment. They planted useful plants that mosquitoes are afraid of; smeared with vinegar and water, kept ready soda dissolved in a glass of water to lubricate the bites. Geraniums were planted in large quantities, bird cherry trees were planted under the windows, marigolds and mint were planted along the paths.

Mosquitoes were always and always children and adults spent time outside until late. When to enjoy fresh air if not in summer? How to protect children from bites and itching, which can cause an allergic reaction and deprive the whole family of peace and sleep?

And it doesn’t hurt for adults to know how to protect themselves from mosquitoes with folk remedies without purchased tubes and mosquito sprays.

Once, on a summer student trip, we were very surprised by a classmate. He took off his T-shirt and laid it on the anthill. After a while, it became slightly damp. The guy put it on himself and, unlike us, did not wave his arms and branches and did not twitch from bites. It turned out that the T-shirt was soaked with formic alcohol and mosquitoes flew around it.

Waving branches is certainly a classic. It is the ultimate mosquito repellant of all time. And if you look for a mosquito repellent at home in the kitchen? Maybe not quite in the kitchen. We still have to open the toilet cabinets and the first-aid kit.

Mosquito repellent home remedies

All of the following mosquito products repel mosquitoes indoors more effectively. They just don't get close to the source of the bad smell. And if you put a clove smell on your clothes or skin, you can forget about mosquitoes on the street for a while.

  1. Clove cologne. If this does not turn out to be at home, it is worth looking in stores and stocking up on it for the summer season.
  2. Clove oil - purchased in pharmacies or specialized online stores.
  3. Everywhere on the windows we put pots with flowering geraniums or pellargonium. This method will protect the rooms from the penetration of mosquitoes. Proven method and completely safe. If you do not touch the foliage of the plant, then a rather pungent smell will not bother anyone, but mosquitoes recognize it very well and fly around.
  4. Poke dry cloves into the lemon halves from the store, from the department where spices are sold. Such a hedgehog with a clove-lemon smell. And arrange on saucers wherever possible.

How to make mosquito repellent cream at home

For those who have some experience in soap making or making homemade cosmetics, making mosquito repellent cream at home will not present the slightest difficulty. The author of homemade mosquito cream valentinka.

Even for those who do not have such experience, it is enough to stock all the necessary components and literally in an hour a remedy will be ready that can be used to protect even babies from mosquitoes. It is completely non-allergic because it does not contain any chemical compounds.

Some of the components can be bought at a pharmacy, some can be ordered via the Internet. Goose fat can be bought at the market and melted at home.

  • Essential oils - lavender, geranium, tea tree.
  • Liquid base oil - almond, peach, olive (in this case, jojoba oil). Also from the pharmacy, except for jojoba oil.
  • Solid butter (they are called butters). - coconut, palm, even melted goose fat. But mango butter is the best. Since it is easily absorbed into the skin, it does not leave a greasy film and does not stain clothes.
  • Ordinary beeswax, any. But it is better if you mix it with cosmetic wax, the so-called emulsion wax.
  • Regular cream jar. Clean, disinfected.
  • A pot for water and a smaller saucepan or ladle for melting the ingredients in a water bath.
  • Stirring stick or spoon.

  1. Melt the wax in a water bath
  2. When it melts about half, add emulsion wax,
  3. Then add mango butter or other butter. It melts faster than wax, and so that everything does not boil with us, it is best to add solid oils last. This is especially true for mango butter.
  4. Remove from heat, add liquid base oil, and 10-15 drops of each essential oil.
  5. Stir and pour into a prepared plastic jar of cream.
  6. Let's wait until it hardens and put it in a cool place for storage.

Now you can take a convenient jar of mosquito repellent cream with you to the country house or on a hike and smear yourself. Perfectly repels mosquitoes from both adults and children.

Proportions for a 30-gram jar of mosquito cream, you need 10 grams of liquid and solid oils and wax-containing components.

In other words, one part of the finished mosquito cream contains:

  • a third of liquid oils, including essential oils,
  • a third - solid oils (butter),
  • a third is a wax or a mixture of waxes.

Mosquito repellent at home is ready. In addition, in nature there are a huge number of plants that mosquitoes and midges are afraid of. The smell repels them.

This can be seen during the period when mosquitoes are swarming around, and around some plants they are not. These are the plants that should be planted closer to the house, planted in flower beds near the front doors, under the windows.

Or put pots with indoor flowers repelling mosquitoes on balconies and window sills. or plant them in flowerpots under the windows. Marigolds, catnip, tansy, basil, wormwood - this is not a complete list of plants that can be planted in a summer cottage in order to relax calmly and comfortably in the country, without fear of mosquitoes and midges.

All these are mosquito repellents at home, which have been tested by experience and have been known for centuries. It is not necessary to poison yourself with chemical sprays, noxious smoke or commercial products that are littered with counters.

Everyone in the country is happy. And only one thing prevents you from enjoying the warm sunny suburban summer - mosquitoes. Splashing from head to toe with chemistry and walking in this “robe” all day long, while toxins in the hot sun are absorbed into the skin and harm not only bloodsuckers, is not our option. Therefore, every year we are looking for new ways of safe protection.

Today we present to your attention several workshops on making repellents at home. And most importantly - natural and at the same time - effective!

Use the power of plants.

In the article, we have already described ways to protect against blood-sucking insects with the help of plants and the essential oils contained in them. This knowledge will be useful to us today. Smelling oils that drive away hated pests will be one of the most important components for making homemade repellent. It remains only to choose the flavor that you like. To do this, let us recall and once again state the list of herbs, the smells of which are so hateful for bloodsuckers:

You can use either the essential oil of one of these plants, or several at once. For example, we really like the aromas of lavender and rosemary.

The choice is made, let's move on to manufacturing. We offer recipes for sprays and oils for application to the skin, whichever you prefer.

Spray repellent with essential oils.

Dilute a third of a teaspoon of salt and 20-25 drops of the selected essential oil in 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and shake well. Repellent spray is ready! Remember to shake the bottle each time before spraying.

Repellent oil with essential oils.

Of course, you can just put a few drops of essential oil on yourself. However, such a concentrated aroma is difficult to distribute evenly over the entire body in a way that is effective and does not suffocate oneself. Therefore, for application as a repellent, essential oils are diluted. The simplest basis for this is cosmetic oil. You can use the well-known olive oil, preheated, or buy something more exotic, such as shea butter, as it.

And to not only repel mosquitoes, but also take care of your skin at the same time, add aloe juice.

So, to get repellent oil: mix 1 tablespoon of aloe juice with 15-20 drops of essential oil and 10 drops of cosmetic diluent oil. Use on exposed skin.

Remember that the above funds can not be stored for more than a few weeks. The best container is dark glass. And the best place to store it would be a refrigerator.

Such a useful bait.

Ammonia is a well-known assistant to any housewife, both at home and in the garden. We have already devoted a whole separate article to this strong-smelling solution (you can read it here). And today we will tell you how to make a repellant out of it for application to the skin.

Repellent oil with ammonia.

Mix 1 part ammonia with 2 parts olive oil. Apply to skin.

This tool should be used immediately, it is not worth storing it.

We are delicious, mosquitoes are sad.

Speaking of smells. Did you know that, according to research, one of the most loved fragrances of modern man is vanilla. Most people associate it with home warmth and comfort, it sets you up for positive and uplifts your mood.

The most interesting thing is that the smell so beloved by a person is simply not tolerated by bloodsuckers. Therefore, using it in the preparation of repellent, we will kill two birds with one stone: we will cheer ourselves up, and insects, on the contrary, in general, you understand.

Repellent cream with vanillin.

Its recipe is very simple: mix a sachet of vanillin with a small amount of baby cream and apply on the skin.

Repellent made from coffee grounds.

The coffee aroma is also quite pleasant for humans, so this recipe for a mosquito repeller, designed not to be applied to the skin, but to get rid of insects in moments of being outdoors (for example, when you and your family decided to have dinner in the garden) we also decided to include to our article.

To prepare it, collect and dry the coffee grounds thoroughly. Place a container of coffee grounds on a picnic table and set it on fire periodically. Thick smoke - mosquitoes scatter.

And for home...

And to arrange a homemade bloodsucking trap, use the following master class:

At home, you can prepare various solutions, creams, pyrotechnic devices against blood-sucking insects based on spices, plant parts, essential oils. It has been noticed that mosquitoes and midges have a negative attitude towards certain odors, and this is used to create protection against insects. Funds can be divided into two groups, these are used on the streets and used indoors.

Folk recipes for mosquitoes for the street

Many mosquito repellent recipes can be made from what you have at home. We are talking about spices and essential oils, they require a little, and skin protection is provided for several hours.

When going to the forest, to the river, to the mountains, it is imperative to wear clothes made of thin but dense fabric. There is an opinion that mosquitoes do not like the color yellow and therefore you can choose a yellow outfit.

If possible, it is always necessary to rinse on the road, as the smell of sweat for insects is also attractive.

Folk recipes for mosquitoes for the home

Folk remedies for mosquitoes for use in a residential building are practically no different from those used in open space. Only recipes against insects need to be slightly adapted in order for our body to respond normally to them. Most often at home, essential oils are used to limit the entry of insects into rooms. Oil of lavender, eucalyptus, anise, cloves can be dripped onto curtains, applied to the head of the bed. It is even better to use an aroma lamp to create a sustainable smell. A few drops of oil with a pleasant smell for you and repelling mosquitoes are placed in a bowl and set fire to a candle - the smell quickly spreads throughout the apartment. In the summer, it is necessary to use the aroma lamp several times a day, lighting it for 20-30 minutes.

Reliable protection for the house from insects is mosquito nets on windows and doors. Near the entrance to the house, you can also hang sprigs of elderberry, juniper, wormwood. To prevent insects from flying into the house, these plants must be constantly replaced with fresh ones.

Folk self-prepared mosquito repellents can be safely used for the longest time. Many people choose these recipes because of their cost-effectiveness.

Every summer, which everyone looks forward to, we have to deal with the invasion of small flying bloodsuckers. Their bites are painful and sometimes cause serious irritation, up to allergic reactions. Sensitive children's skin is especially affected. Of course, now on the shelves of pharmacies you can find the most modern ones. These are creams, and fumigators, and traps. There are even electronic repellers in the form of bracelets and key chains that promise to keep the mosquito army away from you.

But the more repellents appear on sale, the more people are found who do not trust "chemistry". They believe that it is much safer to create mosquito repellents at home. Centuries-old recipes based on observations of insect preferences come to the rescue. So empirically, substances and plants were identified that small "vampires" do not like.

So, here are our contenders for the ideal defenders.

In the first place we had a carnation. Dried buds are equally disgusting to insects (this is such a spice), and the latter must be diluted with water before use. But the dried heads bought in the store need to be brewed with boiling water. A glass of boiling water will need five grams of cloves. Well, you have to wait about 15 minutes until the broth is cooked. It is better to pour the obtained mosquito repellents at home into a bottle equipped with a sprayer. So decoctions and solutions are easier to spray on the skin.

Other natural "protectors": essential basil, anise, cedar, eucalyptus, can be mixed into baby cream (it is made without fragrances). In this case, the substances will stay on the skin longer.

Among the substances that are extremely unpleasant for the mosquito tribe, there is a smell that will make the bloodsuckers fly around you on the tenth side. There is no risk for you personally. Unless you yourself can not stand fish oil.

And now let's take a look at the ways that allow you to protect the premises from the invasion of insects. Large-scale mosquito repellents are needed. At home, all the same essential oils will do. A drop of the substance must be applied to the lamp, it is better to use special aroma lamps. On the windowsill we will place a herbarium of sprigs of mint, wormwood, lemon balm. Under the window you need to plant an elderberry or tomato bushes. But the easiest way is to buy and install it on the window.

If, however, some particularly zealous raider still penetrated the protection and bit you, then there is a reliable home remedy for mosquito bites. An aqueous solution of ordinary soda will soothe itching and relieve redness. In a glass, stir half a teaspoon of crystals, and then apply a cotton swab moistened with the mixture to the affected area. Aloe, plantain or parsley juice will help eliminate severe irritations. For some, it becomes much easier after applying yogurt or kefir to the skin.

Homemade mosquito repellents are quite effective, almost safe. Why almost? Do not forget that the individual ingredients included in the recipe may be allergens. Therefore, be careful with them.

For the wonderful components of a summer holiday (sun, water, barbecue) you often have to pay with your own skin. Mosquito bites are annoying and annoying consequences of outdoor activities. Warm days allow you to wear thin T-shirts and short shorts, but bloodsuckers that have flown in can turn a collective outing into nature into a collective escape.

What to do? As an option: try to choose a time when there will be fewer mosquitoes, douse yourself with repellents, or put on jackets and pants. But there is a better way to get rid of insects. We are talking about a folk remedy for mosquitoes, which includes shampoo, vinegar and sunflower oil. It is worth it to prefer it to all the expensive drugs that are produced for the purpose of scaring.


Preparing such a tool is quite simple. It is necessary to take the cheapest vegetable oil, any shampoo and 9% vinegar. All this is mixed in equal amounts until a white emulsion is obtained, and applied to exposed areas of the body before going outside. The mixture of shampoo, vinegar and oil does not evaporate from the skin as much, and there is almost no smell. Mosquitoes fly up but don't land.

“The tool can pinch a little because of the table vinegar in the composition. Therefore, it is not suitable for people with particularly sensitive skin. For the same reason, it cannot be used if there are wounds or irritation on the body.”

Vinegar repels insects, shampoo clogs pungent odors, and oil is the basis of any cream. The big plus of this folk remedy is that:

  • it is safe for children;
  • can be stored in a vial for as long as you like;
  • all ingredients at hand;
  • You can always make a new batch.

Therefore, thinking about how to get rid of annoying insects, remember about shampoo, bite and vegetable oil and you are guaranteed protection from mosquitoes.
