What does a dream fire mean. Why dream of a fire? Fire in the dream book of the sorceress Medea

Most people who see a fire in a dream associate this with negative events that should happen in the near future. In order to understand and understand what this or that dream is a harbinger of, you need to remember all the details of what you saw and familiarize yourself with the interpretation of the dream book.

Why does a woman dream of a fire?

In most cases, such a dream means cardinal changes in life, when everything old burns down, and something new begins to be built in its place. In a dream, a woman dreams of a fire for something unexpected: an acquaintance, a change of partner, or the approval of her new project by her superiors.

An old French dream book interprets a fire in a dream, flames devouring a house, as an omen of great trouble that you need to courageously endure. But if the flame does not touch your house, this is a happy sign that promises that your merits will be highly appreciated.

In someone else's house

If you dream of a fire in a house located near her home, then the woman will soon receive important news. Whether they are good or bad depends on the color of the smoke. Upcoming events will be joyful if the smoke from the fire in the dream is light, otherwise you have to wait for negative events. Therefore, one should not rush to implement the plan, since it will not be possible to fulfill the plan in the near future.

If the dreaming fire of someone else's house or someone else's apartment is not accompanied by an unpleasant smell and black smoke, then in reality a woman will experience unprecedented success and unexpected prospects, including the implementation of all undertakings in work, as well as in love stories. In the case when smoke is visible, but there is no fire, the dreamer will face financial losses, the cause of which will be her inattention. A bright glow over a strange house indicates a big conflict in which a woman will have to intervene in reality. If she fails, innocent people may suffer.

To dream of a fire in a strange house with bright tongues of flame escaping, if the dwelling is not damaged, means a purification process in which a woman will become a participant or witness. This event will become a new transitional stage in your personal life, associated with an increase in status or an improvement in your financial situation.

For some professions related to the field of agricultural activity, tourism, or for ladies doing business, a fire in someone else's house means a rapid increase in cash income and quick success. If you dream of firefighters putting out a fire, then this indicates the help of friends on whom a woman can count on in a difficult situation. A blow of fate awaits her if in a dream a fireman runs from a fire. Most likely, parting with a loved one or the loss of a relative is ahead.

If you dream of a burnt house, walking through the ashes in a dream and getting pleasure from this process, it speaks of career advancement or an imminent unexpected inheritance. If the sensations are unpleasant, then in reality the dreamer will be disappointed, the collapse of all hopes and plans.

In my apartment

If a woman dreams of a fire in her house or apartment, which she extinguishes on her own, then defeating the fire means the successful resolution of a difficult situation that has arisen in reality and the cessation of attempts by ill-wishers seeking to interfere with her. A woman who does not even try to take part in the fire will face consequences that will be difficult to deal with.

A strongly flaring fire, despite all the dreamer's attempts to put it out, means the impossibility of coping with problems alone. Therefore, in reality it is worth asking for help from your best friends or relatives. If all property burns in a dream, but there are no dead or injured, then soon happy changes are coming in family and personal life.

An open flame in the apartment symbolizes in reality family conflicts arising from the dreamer's inability to restrain outbursts of anger. An attempt to escape from such a fire means a desire to avoid responsibility for one's actions, at the cost of which family well-being can become.

At work

Seeing a fire that engulfed in a dream a high-rise building where the office is located means the successful completion of an important matter and the patronage of a powerful person. The large sum burned at the same time testifies to the intrigues, envy and deceit of colleagues whom the dreamer fully trusts. If a woman takes part in extinguishing a fire and helps the victims, then in reality she will change her mind in connection with the circumstances that have been revealed.

In an unfamiliar place

A dream where a woman walks through the ashes in an unfamiliar place on the street where she has not been before portends a quick change of residence. If there were no victims in the fire, then everything will work out both in personal life and in business. If you dream of a burning house in a dream and the dreamer takes part in extinguishing the fire, then new unexpected hard work awaits her. Her salvation of a person portends the tragic denouement of an event that haunted the sleeping woman for a long time.

No fire

Such a dream will depend on the nuances. Black smoke without fire dreams of material losses and troubles, as well as emotional unrest.

There was a lot of smoke

If thick clubs are falling from the windows, then in reality a woman will face difficult trials, and in order to survive this period, one should accept the help of loved ones. Do not be afraid to turn to them for support, they will gladly provide it. A dense cloud of white smoke means success in the professional field, some kind of achievement and recognition, encouragement and monetary reward for a valuable offer.

Black smoke rising over the house portends a conflict in the family and is a warning. dreamer so that she can prevent discord between loved ones. Such smoke without fire also speaks of a woman's fear of changing anything in her life. Interpretations assure that fears are in vain and you need to carry out your plan, change your place of work, residence and not be afraid to move forward.

Dreaming of smoke in someone else's home means good news. If the dreamer feels suffocation at the same time, then this indicates a disease of the heart, lungs or bronchi and she needs to take care of her health. The smoke that clouded the woman's room in a dream warns that in reality she has enemies in her closest surroundings. Familiar or old friends deliberately mislead her, which can harm the dreamer, leading to undesirable consequences.

What does fire mean in a dream?

When interpreting what smoke is dreaming of in a dream, it is important to take into account the status of a woman.

For an unmarried girl

For a lonely young girl, such a dream is an omen of a new relationship that can develop into a long lasting relationship. If during a fire a girl is also burned, or burns in a flame, then in reality she will flare up a strong passion for a man. Their romance will be bright and may eventually lead to marriage.

For married

For a married woman, a dream has the opposite meaning and suggests that a long relationship with a life partner has exhausted itself. The woman will have to accept everything as it is and try to speed up the development of events herself. This should be done if the dreamer takes part in extinguishing the fire.

For a pregnant woman

If, after a dream about a fire, a pregnant woman does not have any unpleasant sensations, then she will safely give birth to a healthy baby. A fire truck seen in a dream rushing to the place of disaster means worries and anxieties in connection with the problems that have arisen at work, where the authorities will urgently call the pregnant woman. Those who died in the fire mean unexpected consequences and the fact that you will have to pay dearly for your happiness.


If a woman puts out a fire in a dream in someone else's barn or house, then she can be sure of the successful completion of the work begun. Taking things out of the fire and saving property means that soon the dreamer will have major acquisitions and interesting events in his personal life or professional activity. Extinguishing a fire in a dream is a sign of trouble, and people burned in a flame portend the loss of a close or familiar person in reality, and the possible appearance of irreconcilable enemies in a woman's life.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

  • a dream about a fire that appeared on Monday means grief and tears for a woman;
  • such a dream on Tuesday night portends the betrayal of a close friend;
  • a dream about a fire on Wednesday promises a long separation from a loved one;
  • a dream from Thursday to Friday promises relief and receiving a gift;
  • a dream about a fire on Saturday warns that someone is plotting evil against the sleeping woman;
  • a dream of a burning house on Sunday night promises sadness.

Interpretation of 9 dream books

Various dream books interpret dreams depending on the circumstances that accompanied them:

  1. For example, according to Freud, if a fire was dreamed in a dream, and a woman suffocates and loses consciousness, or a burning beam falls on her, then in reality the dreamer may become a victim of an accident or other accident. If the flame is thrown onto a woman's clothes, this indicates passionate love that will bring suffering to her loved ones. For happiness, you will have to pay a big price if a person dies in a fire.
  2. Miller's dream book interprets the dream of a house on fire by the attempts of envious people to bring discord and conflicts into the family idyll of a woman. If she successfully manages to get out of the burning house, then the actions of ill-wishers will not cause much damage. The absence of people in a burning house promises an improvement in the financial situation, but if there are dead people in it, then the dreamer will face obstacles on the way to achieving the goal. To catch fire on your own means misfortune or illness.
  3. Nostradamus associates the dream of a fire with human weaknesses, obsessions, carnal pleasures and desires for change. For a woman, a fire that suddenly appears promises an early betrayal. But if the dreamer herself is the initiator of the arson, then her life will change for the better. Lightning, which caused a fire in a dream, portends an important meeting.
  4. According to Tsvetkov's dream book, such a dream portends grief and devastation. If a woman received burns, then intrigue and gossip will undermine her reputation in reality. A bright strong flame and black smoke mean big trouble in all areas of activity and in personal life. Entrance doors burned in the dreamer's house warn of mortal danger.
  5. A large-scale fire according to Loff means an unforeseen situation for a woman, where she will show self-control and resourcefulness. Feeling like a victim of fire in a dream, but not feeling pain and fear at the same time is a sign of renewal and purification in reality, leaving negative events and experiences in the past.
  6. Hasse's dream book portends fun and good news for a woman who dreamed of a bright, bewitching fire. Watching him and enjoying him portends big changes in life. Dancing around the fire is a sign of the fulfillment of cherished desires.
  7. Vanga's dream book symbolizes the dream of a fire, as a deterioration in the state of affairs in the personal and business spheres of life, as well as the coming hungry times. The presence of clubs of acrid smoke in a dream indicates the appearance in a woman's life of gossips, slandering her and weaving intrigues.
  8. Longo, interpreting the fire in a dream, assured that after waking up it is important to pay attention to your feelings, since most dreams, where the element of fire is present, depend on personal experiences. If a woman saw smoke and a strong fire in a dream, then she should think about her behavior. It is possible that close people are offended by her cowardice, selfishness, strong emotional outbursts or infantilism.
  9. According to Meneghetti's dream book, a fire in a dream for a woman means loss, health problems and financial instability. If a woman, as if in reality, saw a fire truck in a dream, then she is in danger of an accident, especially when a loud howl of a siren is heard. The city engulfed in flames symbolizes a natural disaster, a strong fire in the building - slanderers and enemies who wish the dreamer evil. If you dreamed of a fire in the forest, you can say about a dream that it promises a significant monetary profit.

It is important to interpret such dreams, given your condition after waking up. Many girls and women are attentive to dreams, expecting big changes in their lives in the future. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken in the interpretation, one should remember all the smallest details of sleep.

A fire for a woman in a dream can mean a lot of different things, from the sudden and crazy love of her life to the complete collapse of hopes and dreams. In some cases, these extremes may overlap. Seeing a real fire for a modern woman is a rare sight. Therefore, in a dream, cinematic images predominate, filled with symbolism and significance in advance. Let's try to find out why women dream of a fire.

The main meanings of the dream

  • To admire the huge and beautiful glow of a fire in a dream for a woman means to be in a delightful state of anticipation of love. If a fire blazes brightly, like the northern lights, and occupies almost half the sky, this is not a natural disaster, and not even Armageddon. In the format of the glow of a fire, a light and tender feeling is approaching its realization.
  • A small fire caused by a breakdown of equipment, which you managed to put out by pulling out the power and splashing a glass of water from the cooler - you happen to catch fire with a business idea that is not feasible in practice. It is quite possible that this idea will be inspired by the leadership. Don't come forward either with initiatives or with criticism. Answer direct questions that you need time to analyze the situation and expediency. Wait and follow orders carefully.
  • If you dream of a fire in a residential area, people beg for help, leaning out of the windows - this is a trap. In fact, these are not quite people, and their task is not to escape at all, but to lure you into a difficult situation. Such a dream means that someone will try to enter into your trust and beg for help, which he uses against you, spread rumors. In the near future, do not get close to strangers, newcomers. Do not talk to anyone in private, so as not to create the appearance of confidential communication. Do not give in to provocations.
  • Setting fire to something, especially your own home, causes serious changes, gossip, rumors, revelations. Set fire to someone else's house in a dream - become an instigator and take a big risk. The dream shows you the possible consequences of your actions, you are not obliged to follow your own dreams. This is not an instruction, but a warning.
  • If your own house is on fire, this is a sign of treason. If you yourself set fire to your house, you are planning to destroy your own marriage, established traditions. Perhaps you are really tired of everything and want a radical change. Perhaps you have reason for this. You are not too worried that the neighbors have a similar situation and no one lives in an ideal world, you want to deal with your own life. Go on vacation. Right now and immediately for 2 weeks. Choose an island in the warm sea, which is sometimes visited by helicopters and where there is a good beach. Take knitting or something to draw with you. A short break will not force you to return to your family, but will give you the opportunity to think it over and find the most favorable and convenient conditions for everyone.
  • Wandering on the ashes after a fire, realizing the scale of the destruction, is a serious warning, akin to foresight. You may regret your decision. If it seems to you that stirring up is a great idea, try postponing the realization of your dream for at least six months. And even if your best friend decided not to waste time and seize the initiative, do not enter into a race and competition for the heart of a handsome prince. So you save both your girlfriend and your dream, and as a bonus, you will get the opportunity to console the unfortunate woman when she comes running to you to cry and complain about the former prince, who has suddenly passed into the category of artiodactyls. Dream warnings are a useful thing if you know how to interpret them correctly.

What does a fire in a dream mean according to authoritative sources

  • The female dream book assures that if the fire does without casualties and special destruction, then this is a good sign.
  • Miller's dream book interprets a fire for a woman as a sign of an imminent move, repair, and renovation of the house. This is a happy and active sign. Fighting fire in the interpretation of a woman's dream is wasting time fighting passions, all sorts of obstacles in the way of a great and bright feeling.
  • Freud's dream book convinces that fire in a dream is a sign of passion, sexual feeling. The bigger and stronger the fire and the brighter the flame, the stronger the lust. Freud associates pouring fire with diseases of the reproductive system, cystitis, and kidney diseases.
  • Velesov's dream book interprets a fire in a dream for a woman as a sign of love, an imminent wedding, and money. If several buildings are on fire - to serious trouble. Extinguishing a fire in a dream is a disaster. In this, all dream books in relation to women are in solidarity. Perhaps this is the reason why in most countries women are not hired as firefighters - because of an allegedly bad omen. Women will have to come to terms with the fact that their task is to fan the flames of passion. As a last resort - to walk on a burning hut.
  • Vanga's dream book is harsh and does not contain the slightest hint of tender feelings. According to Vanga, burning paper in a dream is dangerous and portends serious fires in the forest, droughts, crop failures, famine years. Fire rain, meteorites are bad signs from the point of view of the fortune teller.
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus believes fire, fire in a dream is a sign of exclusively carnal passions. Hot, but rarely productive and long-lasting. Fire leaves behind a desert.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Maya

In a dream to see a fire

  • good value
    If you dreamed that you were putting out a fire, the gods want to bless you. To make them decide to help you, make a sacrifice to them: take 4 bandages, drop blood on them. Burn one bandage, let the other in the water, bury the third, tie the fourth to a tree.
  • bad value
    If you dreamed that you were burned in a fire, you are in mortal danger. For death to recede, make a fire and urinate on it.

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

In a dream to see a fire

  • In the forest - losses;
  • the house is on fire - true friends;
  • smoke from a fire - someone will become an eternity;
  • burning tree - good luck in business

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book of N. Grishina

In a dream to see a fire

  • A fire, a burnt house to see is a great misfortune.
  • To see a smut is a surprise.
  • Ashes, ashes - a difficult time, disappointment.
  • A vessel of ash is big money that will bring misfortune.
  • Seeing soot is a hard and unpleasant, but well-paid job.
  • Soot to see a lot - trouble.
  • Burning coals - money, happiness, wealth.
  • Smoldering coals - feelings that will not return.
  • Extinct coals - unsuccessful labors / punishment.
  • Matches to see - difficulty.
  • Light - misfortune / love.
  • Chips - a nuisance, gossip.
  • To pinch a splinter, to light it is a failure.
  • Dry brushwood - upcoming worries / news.
  • Brushwood burns - peace.
  • Firewood - family troubles.
  • Putting them in the oven is a quarrel of all family members.
  • Burning wood is a loss.
  • Carrying firewood is a surprise.
  • Keep in an armful - a quarrel of some family members.
  • Scattered logs - minor troubles.
  • Chopping wood is a joy.
  • Buy - gossip.
  • Selling is a quarrel.
  • Seeing oil is a big, hopeless longing.
  • Gasoline, kerosene - you are one step away from disaster.
  • But if they flare up - happy deliverance from danger.
  • Get burned from a flash - fall in love.
  • Water them with something - spoil relations with people.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Fire

  • A big fire without human casualties is a dream for happy changes in the future. Everything will work out for you both in business and in your personal life.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation Fire

  • Burn something - get rid of something unwanted, unnecessary. Self-immolation - berating yourself for something that - you know for sure - you did wrong.

Dream Interpretation: Old French dream book

Dream Interpretation Fire

  • A fire in a dream, flames devouring a house is a prediction of a great misfortune that you must meet courageously and with dignity. The raging flame of a fire, which, however, does not touch the walls of your house, is a very happy omen, a sign that your dignity will be highly appreciated.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Fire

  • Seeing this big fire, which happily does without human casualties, means changes in the future - fortunately and to your benefit.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

What is the dream of Fire

  • joy.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

What is the dream of Fire

  • A burning city is a disease.

What is the dream of Fire

  • Fire - loss; with a big flame - profit.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Longo

Dream Interpretation Fire

  • A fire dreams of a major quarrel, loss, failure in business. To escape from a fire - you are a very sensitive and vulnerable person, you are touchy and cannot forget what you have experienced for a long time. Any little thing has a note for you, it is filled with some kind of secret meaning. To see how the fire is put out - you are constantly in conflict with others because of your intemperance, and you cause a lot of suffering to your family and friends, because your behavior, in their opinion, is proof of your disrespect for them. In order not to lose their good disposition, you should behave as carefully, attentively and tolerantly as possible. If you dream that people are dying in a fire, the dream warns you of participation in a dubious enterprise. You will have high hopes for the results it can bring you. But in reality, everything will not be the way you expect. This means that your efforts will be in vain, this business will affect the interests of many people, in whose person you will have enemies.

Dream Interpretation: Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Dream Interpretation Fire

  • Fire - the desire to hide, as well as the fear of not coping with your emotions.

Dream Interpretation: Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

Dream Interpretation Fire

  • Fire - dialing 01 in a dream and waiting for the arrival of the fire brigade means that you have some kind of knowledge that can ruin your competitor's career or take your main rival out of the game in love. If in a dream you see how the firefighters who arrived at your call put out the fire, then you will publish your compromising evidence and come out of the fight as a winner, but if the fire is still not extinguished, then you will not use secret information, since your opponent will be faster than you and will compromise you in the next month.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

What is the dream of Fire

  • The primary elements are fire.
  • Elements - destroying heat.
  • Emotions - joy, turning into hysteria and then into depression.
  • Organs - small intestine, three heaters and a heart. Planets - Mars. Fire in a dream is fire in the maximum manifestation of all its negative qualities, not heat, but heat and destruction. From the point of view of conformity with human psychology, this is a state when, due to the incontinence of emotions, the desire to fight does not agree with the real danger and the activity required by the situation. The fear of fighting is above them, that is, the protective forces are so active that it leads to self-destruction and the destruction of everything around. As in the fight against the virus, a rise in high temperature can lead to the death of a person. The fire of emotions reflected in a dream without control is an annihilating chaos. Fiery excessive joy, hope and the like. They can lead to an inadequate assessment of events in two directions, physically equally dangerous. Hope for the self-destruction of the situation (it will burn out - we'll see there), when specific actions are needed - here the external yang of the situation will burn the inactive, causing a reciprocal internal fire of the yin organs: first of all, the yin organ of the heart is affected, which cannot be freed in the ring of fire from its own excess. Excessively aggressive external actions of the dreamer, all spoiling - burning; the physical basis of such behavior is the unhealthy yang organ of the small intestine. It's overflowing with waste physical and pathogenic energy and kindles the heart and things like that. On a bad chain the whole organism. In this case, bowel cleansing can be recommended as a means of calming the situation: for example, an enema and a diet (the dreamer probably abuses meat products). Fires in a dream are a sign of a complete lack of control over the external and internal situation: an all-destructive process around the dreamer and a misunderstanding of this. The dream demonstrates the lack of strength and desire to resist the state in which the dreamer is (there is no ford in the fire). When emotions and physical condition are out of control, anything can happen at any level. This condition is especially dangerous in summer, during the heat period.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Dream Interpretation Fire

  • Fire is a symbol of passion, carnal desires, a sudden capture by an idea, a desire for change.
  • Extinguishing a fire means that unrest will develop into an organized movement that will not be easy to stop, but simply impossible to prevent.
  • Taking part in arson is a symbol of decisive change that will be provoked by an unfair attitude; a dream promises problems and disorder.
  • Rescuing a person from a fire is a symbol of the tragic outcome of an event that haunted for a long time, kept in suspense and required a lot of strength.
  • Seeing a fire in a room is a symbol of betrayal, which will happen with the consent of both parties, but will subsequently bring problems that will turn into the most unexpected adventures and cataclysms.
  • Seeing horses rushing about in a fire means that in 2038 the largest number of marriages in the entire century will be concluded and this year will be the beginning of a solution to the demographic problem for many countries.
  • Seeing the ashes left after the fire is a symbol of the invention of a new housing project that will provide everyone with a decent place to live.
  • Seeing a fire ignited by lightning means meeting the main person of your life under unusual circumstances.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Fire in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Fire is a symbol of passion, carnal desires, a sudden capture by an idea, a desire for change. Extinguishing a fire means that unrest will develop into an organized movement that will not be easy to stop, but simply impossible to prevent. Taking part in arson is a symbol of decisive change that will be provoked by an unfair attitude; a dream promises problems and disorder. Rescuing a person from a fire is a symbol of the tragic outcome of an event that haunted for a long time, kept in suspense and required a lot of strength. Seeing a fire in a room is a symbol of betrayal, which will happen with the consent of both parties, but subsequently will bring problems that will turn into the most unexpected adventures and cataclysms. Seeing horses rushing about in a fire means that in 2038 the largest number of marriages in the whole century will be concluded and this year will be the beginning of a solution to the demographic problem for many countries. Seeing the ashes left after the fire is a symbol of the invention of a new housing project that will provide everyone with a decent place to live. Seeing a fire ignited by lightning means meeting the main person of your life under unusual circumstances.

Dreamed of a fire

according to Miller's dream book

To dream of a big fire, which happily does without human casualties, means changes in the future - fortunately and for your benefit.

Why dream of a fire in someone else's house

according to the general dream book

Fire has long symbolized purification, rebirth, renewal among different peoples. Depending on what kind of fire you see in a dream, its meaning will depend. For example, it can be a very small fire or a significant one, with white or black smoke. It is from these details that a dream can be interpreted in different ways.

What does a dream about a fire in a strange house mean according to Miller's dream book

according to Miller's dream book

A strongly blazing flame is dreaming, but no one was hurt - such a plot may hint at an imminent gratifying event. If the dreamer is lonely for a given period of life, a dream may portend a meeting with a soul mate. Another meaning is making a profit, moving up the career ladder.

Wangi's dream interpretation: interpretation of a dream about a fire in a strange house

according to Vanga's dream book

The Bulgarian clairvoyant believed that a burning house is dreaming of a change of residence, or it speaks of an upcoming global renovation of your home. Seeing a fire with clouds of smoke - to the spread of gossip and rumors against you, and they will come from a good friend. You should stop these negative statements, otherwise they will harm you. If it seemed that not only the building was on fire, but also the area around it - the expectation of some kind of trouble in the near future. You may have to change your place of residence, and this will ruin your plans. Often people think that all aspirations have now gone to dust. Do not panic, these are temporary difficulties, and in the future everything will definitely work out.

Freud's interpretation of a dream about a fire in someone else's house

according to Freud's dream book

Freud believed: a burning building means a person’s thirst for sexual intimacy, and in the near future his desire will be fully satisfied. To eliminate a fire in a dream is a hint of some kind of malfunction of the reproductive system. It is best to visit a specialist for advice. Being in a flaming building - in reality you are overcome by doubts about your attractiveness to the opposite sex. Cast aside doubts, because if a close person is nearby, then everything is going well. Be bolder and more confident in your abilities. I dreamed that after the fire, only coals remained from the house - a reflection of a waning passion for a partner. If you do not want to lose him, you need to correct the situation by reviving the former fire of love. Arrange a romantic dinner, refresh your memory of your first meeting, think about how good you were together to understand how much you love each other.

What does a dream about a fire in a strange house mean according to the dream book of Nostradamus

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If in a dream you set fire to a building with your own hands, this indicates a moral readiness for important changes, twists of fate. Putting out the flame in a dream is a fear of future changes that are expected in the near future, both favorable and negative. Burning a house from a candle - perhaps a traitor, an envious person is nearby. You should analyze your relationships with relatives and friends. If you just stand and watch the house burn, you will probably miss a happy opportunity in reality. To prevent this, look closely at the environment, act actively. In such a situation, personal life and work situation will develop safely.

Interpretation of a dream about a fire in a strange house according to the Chinese dream book

according to Chinese dream book

The ancient Chinese believed that a fire in someone else's home can carry both negative and positive meanings. If the dreamer helps to extinguish a burning house - a harbinger of favor for him in the near future. Luck will smile on him and things will go smoothly, you just have to wait a bit. Getting burned while extinguishing a fire is a hint of trouble and disappointment in reality. For some time after a dream, you should be very careful not to take unnecessary risks, trusting dubious people.

Why dream of a fire in someone else's house according to Longo's dream book

according to Longo's dream book

Seeing someone else's house burning in a dream is a sign that there may be a disagreement between you and your relatives because of other people, possibly because of your neighbors. You should be more careful about this, trying to maintain good relations. The information received from strangers and which has become the cause of the conflict may turn out to be incorrect, and correcting the situation is not always as easy as we would like. In the aspect of work, the dream suggests that it is better to suspend some ongoing project in order to avoid negativity from envious colleagues. A fire in a dream portends possible inconsistencies with the second half. It is better not to talk about your relationship with a partner to everyone and everyone - they can be destroyed due to gossip from ill-wishers. If you are trying to escape from a fire in someone else's home, most likely you are resentful of a loved one, relative or friend. You should forgive him, as a negative attitude can affect your affairs. Extinguishing the flame may mean that you bring negative emotions to your close circle, for example, you communicate rudely, do not help in case of difficulties. You should reconsider this attitude by changing your behavior, otherwise you risk being left all alone, and no one will lend a helping hand in difficult times.

Interpretation of a dream about a fire in a strange house according to a family dream book

according to the family dream book

When interpreting dreams about a fire, consider some important details of sleep that you should pay attention to: - a strong flame with black - puffs of smoke; - various experiences at the sight of fire; - you yourself are the culprit of the disaster; The house caught fire as a result of a lightning strike. Let's consider these details in more detail. A blazing fire with strong black smoke that you are looking at from the side is a warning of fate that you will soon have to endure some kind of mental anguish. This may indicate that there is some kind of ill-wisher, envious person in your environment. You should not tell everyone in a row about your successes and successes. The dreamer's experiences when observing fire are important. If he is afraid, it is a signal that some obstacles and complications may arise in the workplace. Tears at the sight of a burning building - separation for a long period from the second half. This situation can lead to discord in the relationship. If in a dream you act as an arsonist, and then watch a burning building - readiness for the changes that the wheel of Fortune is preparing for you. Do not be afraid of future changes, as they will be for the better. The fire started due to lightning striking the house - a hint of an acquaintance or meeting that will bring prosperity. If firefighters extinguished the fire in a dream, this indicates that your doubts about the environment were false.

Why dream of burning

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

fail in business; go broke; No wonder they say "get burned on something."

Why dream of a flame

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

strong anxiety.

Dreamed of a flame

according to Miller's dream book

Fighting flames in a dream predicts that you will have to put in a lot of effort and energy if you are going to get rich.

Why dream of burning

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(to himself) - if unharmed - success; reward.

Why dream of fire

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

pipe dreams, disappointment, quarrel in personal life; body burn - notoriety; burning sensation - new friendship, exciting news; in the oven - wealth; fire and smoke - danger; on the water - great happiness; from the earth - to illness; himself on fire - high patronage; burning - illness, vice or unhappy love; to heaven - well-being in everything.

The meaning of sleep about fire

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing fire in a dream - soon you will fall in love, and your feeling will be mutual. You will be amazingly suited to each other, and in sex you will have absolute compatibility and harmony.

Dreamed of fire

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing fire in a dream is good if you yourself do not burn out. He promises lasting prosperity to sailors, travelers, all who work on the land. Seeing your house burning means loving friends and obedient children. If an entrepreneur sees his store burning, this means a rapid pace in the development of profitable business. Fighting fire and preventing it from flaring up promises you a hectic job. Seeing the charred walls of your store or warehouse predicts misfortune. You will be ready to stop fighting for success in business, considering it useless, but fate will unexpectedly support you again. If you kindle a fire in a dream, pleasant surprises await you. You can visit your distant friends. Seeing a big fire means successful and safe sailing for sailors. For writers, this promises success and honors, for business people - unlimited luck in business.

See fire in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Fire has always caused overwhelming fear among representatives of various cultures. However, it is also often associated with purification: to come out of the fire intact is to be cleansed. But if you dream that you are on fire, therefore, life seems extremely threatening and painful to you. If any object, a house, a car, and so on, is on fire, this indicates your excessive attachment to this thing: without it, you simply cannot imagine life. According to Freud, fire symbolizes male power. If you interpret the dream in this vein, then the fire shows that you are striving to master the situation and, to the best of your ability, control it. If in a dream you successfully cope with the flame, then in real life you will keep the situation under control, and vice versa. Are you questioning your own ethics? Do you seek cleansing after any transgression? Do you feel that your life is about to take some significant turn that requires spiritual preparation and rethinking?

Why dream about fire

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing a sheet of paper on fire in a dream is a strong fire, as a result of which all the forests of the globe will be destroyed. The population of the planet will experience an urgent need for wood, paper and, of course, air. To dream of a fire approaching from the sky is a sign that in the future the Earth is threatened by a large meteorite or comet. Perhaps this cosmic phenomenon will severely damage many cities of the globe and claim the lives of a large number of people. If in a dream a bad smell comes from the fire, then soon you will become aware of the evil gossip that your ill-wishers spread about you. You will have to work hard to refute the intrigues of enemies and restore your honor and dignity in the eyes of others. Keeping warm in a dream by the fire is evidence that in real life you are a very happy person who knows that in difficult times he will always find understanding and support from his family members. Believe me, this is not given to everyone, and therefore value your neighbors. Watching a fire in a stove in a dream means that your house is in great danger from a fire. Be careful when handling fire, otherwise you will find yourself without a roof over your head. To dream of a small light from a lit candle - such a dream is a good omen. Your faith in God and keeping all the commandments of the Lord will reflect magnificently in your life. You will find peace, tranquility, happiness and love. If you dreamed of cities or forests on fire, then in the future the globe is threatened by a terrible drought. There will come a time when people will not have a sip of water left, and then heavy rain will fall, which will last for several days and nights and give people the long-awaited moisture, filling the oceans, seas and lakes with water. The one who survives this drought will never harm nature, for it will be given to people to know that the drought has been sent down to them for disbelief in the Lord, renunciation of religion and a ruthless attitude towards the environment.

Dreamed of smoke

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of smoke, this is a sign that you will be completely entangled in your doubts and fears. If you dream that you are intoxicated with smoke, it means that people dangerous to you will entangle you with flattery, and, possibly, subdue you.

Smoke in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

To see thick smoke in a dream - a dream predicts the eruption of a large volcano. It is possible that settlements located near the volcano will suffer from this eruption. If you dreamed of black smoke, then there will come a time when most people will be completely dependent on nicotine. Dependence on tobacco products will become so great that there will be a need for compulsory treatment. If in a dream smoke obscures your eyes and you have nothing to breathe, then this is a bad omen. Perhaps in the future there will be a big fire. Because of the smoke of this fire, people will suffer: they will have nothing to breathe. For several weeks, it will be impossible to walk the streets without a protective mask. Watching smoke with burning in a dream is a harbinger of an environmental disaster. There will come a time when a gray cloud will descend on the Earth, which will bring serious illnesses to people. To the dreamer, such a dream predicts a serious illness. If in a dream you saw smoke with flames, then in the not so distant future the Earth is threatened by a severe drought, as a result of which there will be a lot of fires. Such a dream predicts a friendly party with old friends, where you will have a wonderful time. Seeing smoke from a rushing train in a dream is a very large railway accident, as a result of which a large number of people will suffer. To the dreamer, such a dream prophesies an unhappy journey. It is possible that some kind of misfortune will happen to you on the way: the train will derail or the plane will crash.

Why dream of smoke

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

in the room - a close scandal; from many smokers - a common opinion, agreement in important matters; smoke on the street - disappointment (depending on density); a lot away - to very important news after a while; the smell of smoke, burning - sadness, awkwardness.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Fire in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Fire is a symbol of passion, carnal desires, a sudden capture by an idea, a desire for change. Extinguishing a fire means that unrest will develop into an organized movement that will not be easy to stop, but simply impossible to prevent. Taking part in arson is a symbol of decisive change that will be provoked by an unfair attitude; a dream promises problems and disorder. Rescuing a person from a fire is a symbol of the tragic outcome of an event that haunted for a long time, kept in suspense and required a lot of strength. Seeing a fire in a room is a symbol of betrayal, which will happen with the consent of both parties, but subsequently will bring problems that will turn into the most unexpected adventures and cataclysms. Seeing horses rushing about in a fire means that in 2038 the largest number of marriages in the whole century will be concluded and this year will be the beginning of a solution to the demographic problem for many countries. Seeing the ashes left after the fire is a symbol of the invention of a new housing project that will provide everyone with a decent place to live. Seeing a fire ignited by lightning means meeting the main person of your life under unusual circumstances.

Dreamed of a fire

according to Miller's dream book

To dream of a big fire, which happily does without human casualties, means changes in the future - fortunately and for your benefit.

Why dream of a fire in someone else's house

according to the general dream book

Fire has long symbolized purification, rebirth, renewal among different peoples. Depending on what kind of fire you see in a dream, its meaning will depend. For example, it can be a very small fire or a significant one, with white or black smoke. It is from these details that a dream can be interpreted in different ways.

What does a dream about a fire in a strange house mean according to Miller's dream book

according to Miller's dream book

A strongly blazing flame is dreaming, but no one was hurt - such a plot may hint at an imminent gratifying event. If the dreamer is lonely for a given period of life, a dream may portend a meeting with a soul mate. Another meaning is making a profit, moving up the career ladder.

Wangi's dream interpretation: interpretation of a dream about a fire in a strange house

according to Vanga's dream book

The Bulgarian clairvoyant believed that a burning house is dreaming of a change of residence, or it speaks of an upcoming global renovation of your home. Seeing a fire with clouds of smoke - to the spread of gossip and rumors against you, and they will come from a good friend. You should stop these negative statements, otherwise they will harm you. If it seemed that not only the building was on fire, but also the area around it - the expectation of some kind of trouble in the near future. You may have to change your place of residence, and this will ruin your plans. Often people think that all aspirations have now gone to dust. Do not panic, these are temporary difficulties, and in the future everything will definitely work out.

Freud's interpretation of a dream about a fire in someone else's house

according to Freud's dream book

Freud believed: a burning building means a person’s thirst for sexual intimacy, and in the near future his desire will be fully satisfied. To eliminate a fire in a dream is a hint of some kind of malfunction of the reproductive system. It is best to visit a specialist for advice. Being in a flaming building - in reality you are overcome by doubts about your attractiveness to the opposite sex. Cast aside doubts, because if a close person is nearby, then everything is going well. Be bolder and more confident in your abilities. I dreamed that after the fire, only coals remained from the house - a reflection of a waning passion for a partner. If you do not want to lose him, you need to correct the situation by reviving the former fire of love. Arrange a romantic dinner, refresh your memory of your first meeting, think about how good you were together to understand how much you love each other.

What does a dream about a fire in a strange house mean according to the dream book of Nostradamus

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If in a dream you set fire to a building with your own hands, this indicates a moral readiness for important changes, twists of fate. Putting out the flame in a dream is a fear of future changes that are expected in the near future, both favorable and negative. Burning a house from a candle - perhaps a traitor, an envious person is nearby. You should analyze your relationships with relatives and friends. If you just stand and watch the house burn, you will probably miss a happy opportunity in reality. To prevent this, look closely at the environment, act actively. In such a situation, personal life and work situation will develop safely.

Interpretation of a dream about a fire in a strange house according to the Chinese dream book

according to Chinese dream book

The ancient Chinese believed that a fire in someone else's home can carry both negative and positive meanings. If the dreamer helps to extinguish a burning house - a harbinger of favor for him in the near future. Luck will smile on him and things will go smoothly, you just have to wait a bit. Getting burned while extinguishing a fire is a hint of trouble and disappointment in reality. For some time after a dream, you should be very careful not to take unnecessary risks, trusting dubious people.

Why dream of a fire in someone else's house according to Longo's dream book

according to Longo's dream book

Seeing someone else's house burning in a dream is a sign that there may be a disagreement between you and your relatives because of other people, possibly because of your neighbors. You should be more careful about this, trying to maintain good relations. The information received from strangers and which has become the cause of the conflict may turn out to be incorrect, and correcting the situation is not always as easy as we would like. In the aspect of work, the dream suggests that it is better to suspend some ongoing project in order to avoid negativity from envious colleagues. A fire in a dream portends possible inconsistencies with the second half. It is better not to talk about your relationship with a partner to everyone and everyone - they can be destroyed due to gossip from ill-wishers. If you are trying to escape from a fire in someone else's home, most likely you are resentful of a loved one, relative or friend. You should forgive him, as a negative attitude can affect your affairs. Extinguishing the flame may mean that you bring negative emotions to your close circle, for example, you communicate rudely, do not help in case of difficulties. You should reconsider this attitude by changing your behavior, otherwise you risk being left all alone, and no one will lend a helping hand in difficult times.

Interpretation of a dream about a fire in a strange house according to a family dream book

according to the family dream book

When interpreting dreams about a fire, consider some important details of sleep that you should pay attention to: - a strong flame with black - puffs of smoke; - various experiences at the sight of fire; - you yourself are the culprit of the disaster; The house caught fire as a result of a lightning strike. Let's consider these details in more detail. A blazing fire with strong black smoke that you are looking at from the side is a warning of fate that you will soon have to endure some kind of mental anguish. This may indicate that there is some kind of ill-wisher, envious person in your environment. You should not tell everyone in a row about your successes and successes. The dreamer's experiences when observing fire are important. If he is afraid, it is a signal that some obstacles and complications may arise in the workplace. Tears at the sight of a burning building - separation for a long period from the second half. This situation can lead to discord in the relationship. If in a dream you act as an arsonist, and then watch a burning building - readiness for the changes that the wheel of Fortune is preparing for you. Do not be afraid of future changes, as they will be for the better. The fire started due to lightning striking the house - a hint of an acquaintance or meeting that will bring prosperity. If firefighters extinguished the fire in a dream, this indicates that your doubts about the environment were false.

Why dream of burning

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

fail in business; go broke; No wonder they say "get burned on something."

Why dream of a flame

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

strong anxiety.

Dreamed of a flame

according to Miller's dream book

Fighting flames in a dream predicts that you will have to put in a lot of effort and energy if you are going to get rich.

Why dream of burning

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(to himself) - if unharmed - success; reward.

Why dream of fire

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

pipe dreams, disappointment, quarrel in personal life; body burn - notoriety; burning sensation - new friendship, exciting news; in the oven - wealth; fire and smoke - danger; on the water - great happiness; from the earth - to illness; himself on fire - high patronage; burning - illness, vice or unhappy love; to heaven - well-being in everything.

The meaning of sleep about fire

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing fire in a dream - soon you will fall in love, and your feeling will be mutual. You will be amazingly suited to each other, and in sex you will have absolute compatibility and harmony.

Dreamed of fire

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing fire in a dream is good if you yourself do not burn out. He promises lasting prosperity to sailors, travelers, all who work on the land. Seeing your house burning means loving friends and obedient children. If an entrepreneur sees his store burning, this means a rapid pace in the development of profitable business. Fighting fire and preventing it from flaring up promises you a hectic job. Seeing the charred walls of your store or warehouse predicts misfortune. You will be ready to stop fighting for success in business, considering it useless, but fate will unexpectedly support you again. If you kindle a fire in a dream, pleasant surprises await you. You can visit your distant friends. Seeing a big fire means successful and safe sailing for sailors. For writers, this promises success and honors, for business people - unlimited luck in business.

See fire in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Fire has always caused overwhelming fear among representatives of various cultures. However, it is also often associated with purification: to come out of the fire intact is to be cleansed. But if you dream that you are on fire, therefore, life seems extremely threatening and painful to you. If any object, a house, a car, and so on, is on fire, this indicates your excessive attachment to this thing: without it, you simply cannot imagine life. According to Freud, fire symbolizes male power. If you interpret the dream in this vein, then the fire shows that you are striving to master the situation and, to the best of your ability, control it. If in a dream you successfully cope with the flame, then in real life you will keep the situation under control, and vice versa. Are you questioning your own ethics? Do you seek cleansing after any transgression? Do you feel that your life is about to take some significant turn that requires spiritual preparation and rethinking?

Why dream about fire

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing a sheet of paper on fire in a dream is a strong fire, as a result of which all the forests of the globe will be destroyed. The population of the planet will experience an urgent need for wood, paper and, of course, air. To dream of a fire approaching from the sky is a sign that in the future the Earth is threatened by a large meteorite or comet. Perhaps this cosmic phenomenon will severely damage many cities of the globe and claim the lives of a large number of people. If in a dream a bad smell comes from the fire, then soon you will become aware of the evil gossip that your ill-wishers spread about you. You will have to work hard to refute the intrigues of enemies and restore your honor and dignity in the eyes of others. Keeping warm in a dream by the fire is evidence that in real life you are a very happy person who knows that in difficult times he will always find understanding and support from his family members. Believe me, this is not given to everyone, and therefore value your neighbors. Watching a fire in a stove in a dream means that your house is in great danger from a fire. Be careful when handling fire, otherwise you will find yourself without a roof over your head. To dream of a small light from a lit candle - such a dream is a good omen. Your faith in God and keeping all the commandments of the Lord will reflect magnificently in your life. You will find peace, tranquility, happiness and love. If you dreamed of cities or forests on fire, then in the future the globe is threatened by a terrible drought. There will come a time when people will not have a sip of water left, and then heavy rain will fall, which will last for several days and nights and give people the long-awaited moisture, filling the oceans, seas and lakes with water. The one who survives this drought will never harm nature, for it will be given to people to know that the drought has been sent down to them for disbelief in the Lord, renunciation of religion and a ruthless attitude towards the environment.

Dreamed of smoke

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of smoke, this is a sign that you will be completely entangled in your doubts and fears. If you dream that you are intoxicated with smoke, it means that people dangerous to you will entangle you with flattery, and, possibly, subdue you.

Smoke in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

To see thick smoke in a dream - a dream predicts the eruption of a large volcano. It is possible that settlements located near the volcano will suffer from this eruption. If you dreamed of black smoke, then there will come a time when most people will be completely dependent on nicotine. Dependence on tobacco products will become so great that there will be a need for compulsory treatment. If in a dream smoke obscures your eyes and you have nothing to breathe, then this is a bad omen. Perhaps in the future there will be a big fire. Because of the smoke of this fire, people will suffer: they will have nothing to breathe. For several weeks, it will be impossible to walk the streets without a protective mask. Watching smoke with burning in a dream is a harbinger of an environmental disaster. There will come a time when a gray cloud will descend on the Earth, which will bring serious illnesses to people. To the dreamer, such a dream predicts a serious illness. If in a dream you saw smoke with flames, then in the not so distant future the Earth is threatened by a severe drought, as a result of which there will be a lot of fires. Such a dream predicts a friendly party with old friends, where you will have a wonderful time. Seeing smoke from a rushing train in a dream is a very large railway accident, as a result of which a large number of people will suffer. To the dreamer, such a dream prophesies an unhappy journey. It is possible that some kind of misfortune will happen to you on the way: the train will derail or the plane will crash.

Why dream of smoke

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

in the room - a close scandal; from many smokers - a common opinion, agreement in important matters; smoke on the street - disappointment (depending on density); a lot away - to very important news after a while; the smell of smoke, burning - sadness, awkwardness.
