10 interesting magic tricks. Tricks at home: how to entertain guests

It's no secret that tricks love not only children, but also adults. After all, each of us wants to believe in miracles, and what, no matter how good a trick, convinces us of their existence. In addition, with the help of tricks you can entertain guests at any holiday. The content of the article:

If you decide to include a few magic tricks in the entertainment program of your event, then we advise you to choose those that require the participation of guests, because everyone wants to become a part of "wonderful" process. We have selected for you the easiest tricks that do not require special skills and props. But that doesn't make them any less interesting.

Magic with paper

Math tricks


  1. card wizard

    You will not need the whole deck, but only 21 cards . Lay out three rows of seven cards face down. Invite a spectator and ask him to memorize any card from the three rows. He will have to tell you which row the card is in. Then you will need to stack the cards into three piles. Put the pile in which the card chosen by the participant lies in the middle.

Now the resulting deck from 21 cards again lay out in three rows and ask the spectator to indicate to you in which column that card lies. Again, put the cards in piles and in the middle put the row that the participant in this trick pointed out to you. Do this manipulation with the layout and indication of the card again. In total, it turns out that you laid out the cards three times, put the selected row between the other two piles and collected everything in one deck. Then you put the deck behind your back and pull out the hidden card!

Secret: If you put a stack with a guessed card three times between the other two, then in the end the desired card will be the eleventh in a row in the deck.

  1. Miracle Card

    You will need the entire deck of cards. Put the cards in front of the audience and ask one of them to participate in the magical action. This lucky person will have to choose any card, memorize it and, without showing you, put it on top of the deck. You will need to divide the deck into two parts and put the bottom on top. Then lay the cards face down and show the hidden card.

Secret: Before focus NECESSARILY memorize the bottom card. When you lay out the deck, the hidden card will be above the very bottom one.

Tricks with water

  1. enchanted water

    For the experiment, you will need several transparent glasses. One of them should contain plain water. Show the audience that these are ordinary glasses and there is nothing in them. But you are a magician, so ordinary glasses and water become magical in your hands and you can change the color of the liquid. To prove this, you pour a little water into each glass and each time the color of the liquid changes. And in the end you get four glasses of red, yellow, blue and green water. Secret: You will need dyes four colors and stationery glue. Before starting the trick, grease the edge of the glass with glue and sprinkle different dyes in four places, but only a little. Then very carefully pour the water into the glass. Before pouring water into containers, you quietly twist the glass of dyes so that each time you get a different color. That's the whole secret!
  2. obedient button

Fill a glass with sparkling water. Then take a small button and drop it into the container. The button will sink to the bottom. After a few seconds, say out loud to the button to go up and it will slowly begin to move up. Then order her to go down and she will begin to sink to the bottom. This is how you can control items! Secret: The moment you throw a button into a glass, bubbles of carbon dioxide will gather around it and lift it up. Then the bubbles will disappear and the button will sink to the bottom again. The button will "drift" as long as there is carbon dioxide in the water. You just need to follow the button and order it during it!

This is how easy it is to entertain guests with magic tricks, who, no doubt, will get a lot of pleasure from participating in your performance.

If you are planning to arrange children's holiday with tricks, we advise you to watch the following video:

Focus sets

And then there are the whole sets for tricks! I had one as a kid, nostalgia! How cool it was to play real magicians with such and such accessories. I climbed on the sites of children's toys, to see if there is something similar now? It turns out as much as possible! Here compilation trick kits

After reading this article, you will be able to turn the tide and save your reputation as the king of parties and the favorite of the public. Children will squeal with delight, girls will open their eyes wide and look at you, and especially impressionable guys will yell “I have legs in my mouth, David Blaine, how do you do it?”

Focuses! Before you frown and figure out in your mind how difficult it is, how much you will have to train and make equipment, I hasten to reassure you - we will talk about simple, but effective and elegant tricks, and the inventory will be at your fingertips. In a word, you don’t have to cook a saw and a sawing box for any lady, and you only need to train a couple of times before the guests arrive.

1. Broken watch

Ask one of the guests for a watch. Do not be modest, choose a friend with a more expensive watch, and, having received it, put it in a bag. Step back to the table, take a hammer and hit with all your might, several times for effect. Take the bag and show your friend the pieces of glass, case and springs. While his face is in a complete daze and he is estimating how much a new watch will cost him - come to the table, take a magic wand, make passes over the bag - voila and give your friend an absolutely whole watch.

How to do: find 2 absolutely identical opaque bags at home, and smash your old broken watch with a hammer (you don’t wear it anyway), or buy a Chinese one for 50 rubles - the expression on your friend’s face is worth it.

Pour the pieces into one of the bags and hide in the drawer. Take the empty bag, put the whole clock in, and, leaning over the table, carefully place it in the drawer, and take out the bag with the pieces. Do with it, as described above, and returning to the table for a magic wand, bend down again and change the bag. Then a few strokes and give away a whole hour.

2. Lord of fire

Tell the guests that you are a magician and a sorcerer - the forces of fire are subject to you. While they are giggling in your face, bring a candle from the kitchen, put it on the table in front of the audience, light it and, after waiting for a significant pause, with a thunderous exclamation or gesture - whichever seems more effective to you, order the candle to go out, which it will do.

How to do: when you go to the kitchen for a candle, you need to put a few drops of silicate glue in the recess next to the wick, and also cut the wick short, otherwise you will have to shout and gesticulate for a very long time. It is advisable to try in advance on another candle in order to know exactly the extinction time.

3. Incredible striptease

The girls need to be entertained too, so tell them that you will take off the shirt of that guy in the shirt, tie and jacket in one tug without removing the jacket and tie. The guy comes up to you, you take hold of your tie, as if straightening it, and suddenly you quickly pull your shirt out from under your jacket. Everyone is surprised, and the guy shows a naked torso.

How to do: the guy is your friend, with whom you need to agree in advance. He only puts on a shirt, but does not put it on, buttoning it only at the throat, this will not be visible under the jacket, and the tie will close the unbuttoned slit of the shirt. When he comes up to you, pretending to straighten your tie, loosen the knot a little and unfasten the button on the collar. You just have to pull on the shirt sleeve.

4. Durable ball

Take the ball from the party and report that you have made it invincible with your magic touch. Take a needle and pierce it - it will remain intact. To the astonished cries of the guests about the wrong balls in your apartment - give them the needle, let the rest pierce - they will all burst.

How to do: when decorating an apartment with balloons for a party, take one and stick crosswise strips with narrow adhesive tape, making it without wrinkles, otherwise it will be noticeable. Subsequently, taking the noticed ball, pierce it with a needle exactly at the “crossroads” - nothing will happen to the ball.

5. Magic glass

As I already wrote, the beer is finished and it becomes boring. Take a plastic disposable beer glass and dip a spoon into it. Grasp the spoon with your fingers and let go of the glass - it will remain in the air. Chat and spin them, let the audience think that either you really are a great magician, or something hallucinogenic was mixed into their beer.

How to do: prepare a glass in advance. Through the middle - skip the fishing line, the plastic walls will hide it with their ribbing, the main thing is not to show it in front of a source of bright light. Make burrs on the handle of the spoon so that it clings to the fishing line. Lowering the spoon into the glass, carefully make a hook and voila - you are great and popular.

Many parents want their child to develop mentally with the help of educational games, cartoons, performances. However, tricks can also develop mindfulness, dexterity and quick wits in a child.

Tricks can be learned even at home by arranging a small performance with the participation of a child. He will surprise all guests with his ability to work miracles.

Cognitive tricks for children on their birthday

Lighting a match that has already burned out is very easy!

Spectators watch as a magician lights a burnt match. How is this possible?

It is necessary to take a simple match and cut its base with a knife so that it looks like a burnt one.

After that, you need to lower the match into black paint and wait until it dries.

Who said a spoon won't stick to your nose?

This trick can only be performed when there is a sweet drink on the table, such as compote or sweet coffee.

  1. First, you need to dip the spoon into the liquid, stir a little, and after a while take it out and show it to the guests.
  2. The spoon should be positioned as follows: its handle is pointing down, and you need to attach the spoon with the concave side.
  3. The magician presses the object lightly against the nose so that it sticks better and slowly releases it.
  4. The spoon, thanks to the sweet drink, sticks easily.

It takes quite a bit of time to learn this amazing trick. And the audience will be delighted.

A bottle of MountainDew sparkling water is glowing!

It is already clear from the name that the bottle containing sparkling water will glow. It is only necessary to carry out a few simple chemical reactions so that the liquid in the vessel can emit light. The effect will be incredible, as the light is so bright that it resembles a lit light bulb.

Would need:

  • MountainDew is a bottle of soda.
  • Plain soda.
  • Hydrogen peroxide solution.

There is speculation that MountainDew soda has become less popular because of its ability to glow.

  1. To do this trick, you need to take a bottle of sparkling water. Three-quarters of the water must be poured out altogether, and the rest left.
  2. The next step is to put a little bit of baking soda into the vessel, about one teaspoon, you can with a slide.
  3. Then add hydrogen peroxide, about 3 bottle caps. Then close the container and shake vigorously.
    The longer you shake the bottle, the more noticeable the effect becomes.
  4. The liquid in the vessel begins to glow. From glowing water, you can try to make various symbols, drawings, words. To do this, you just need to open the bottle and pour it on any surface so that the image comes out. This trick will work only in the dark.

You need to be careful that the liquid does not get on the surface of the skin, as well as in the eyes and inside.

The button can float in sparkling water

To carry out this magic, you need to take ordinary sparkling water and a small button. Pour the mineral water into a glass and put a button there. It turns out that she is drowning. Where are the miracles? And everything will go on.

Then, as soon as the button is in the vessel, you need to move your palm over it and say the following words: "Button, up." She will rise. And once again you need to hold your palm over the glass and say: "Button, down." She'll be down again.

The secret of this trick is simple:

  1. When the button is located at the very bottom, small bubbles form near it. When there are enough of them, they will push the button to the surface.
  2. As soon as the button pops up, the bubbles disappear, and then it comes back again. This process will continue until the gas water loses its ability to release gas.

In order for this trick to work, you need to thoroughly practice before showing it. It is necessary to calculate the time when you need to give a command to the button. Without prior preparation, the focus may fail. Watch a video of a trick for children at home:

Simple and interesting magic tricks for children and their parents

The balloon that can't burst

The magician needs to pick up a balloon, inflate it and pierce it through with a knitting needle. Surprisingly, the ball did not burst.

The child must show the audience that this ball is normal, and then pierce it with a thin needle. The balloon bursts immediately.

You will need a knitting needle, the main thing is that it be thin and long. After that, you should stick a little tape on the ball on both sides. Before showing the magic, it is best to practice piercing the ball exactly in those places where the adhesive tape is fixed. This must be done quickly and carefully.

If the spoke hits the stretched rubber, the balloon can easily burst.

The magical power of the bottle swallowed the rope

The child needs to take a vessel that has a narrow neck. A rope is lowered into it (not completely). The magician must show that the rope can enter the vessel as easily as it can exit. After that, it is necessary to turn the vessel upside down.

Viewers will see the rope hanging, as if something is holding it inside. The magician must take hold of the rope, while turning the vase over, let go and swing the vessel back and forth. Then the magician pronounces magic words, the twine calmly comes out of the neck. How could this happen?

  1. To implement the trick, you will need a thick rope, and the length should be at least a meter in order to easily control it. Accordingly, the neck of the vase should be twice as wide as the diameter of the twine itself.
  2. It is necessary to take a glass bottle and paint it, the main thing is that it does not shine through, you can beautifully decorate it with various patterns. The most important thing is ahead: you need to take a small ball, it can also be made from a bottle cap.
  3. The main thing is that it should be slightly larger than the diameter of the inner neck of the bottle. After that, you need to lower the ball into the vessel, and do not get it until the trick is over.
  4. Once the child has shown the guests that the string can go in and out easily, he should lower the string so that it touches the bottom. Next, turn the bottle over and very slowly, which is important, turn the vessel over.
  5. The ball also rolls to the bottom and fixes the rope so that it cannot slip out of the neck of the bottle.
  6. The rope and the vessel must be held in different hands to make the trick work.
  7. Then you need to pull gently on the rope so that it is finally fixed. Let go slowly too. Spectators will see that the rope does not fall.
  8. To turn the bottle to its original position, and the rope does not slip out, you need to hold it lightly with one hand. And now the vessel swings like a pendulum. In order for the rope to be released from the vessel again, you just need to push the rope deeper and the ball will release it.

To make the effect even better, you can ask the audience to try this trick themselves. You can let them touch the bottle, check the rope. You can show guests the bottom. While they are examining it, you need to discreetly pick up the rolled out ball. After that, it’s not scary to show the inside of the vase.

Are ordinary threads also able to run?

  1. The magician needs to take coils of different colors, the first is black, and the second is white. One of them should have threads, for example, they will be on black, but not on white.
  2. Next, you need to cross your arms, cover the coils with something or clench into fists. For greater persuasiveness - read the magic words.
  3. This trick can be repeated more than once. All the time the threads will change, first on one spool, then on the other.

    It is not at all difficult to perform magic, you just need to paint both coils in the same color, that is, one side is white and the other is black.

  4. Place the coils themselves so that it seems that they are of different colors. You just need to practice turning the spools imperceptibly, then the audience will have the feeling that the threads from one spool run to another. However, only the location changes.

Incredible magical transformation of an orange into an apple

The magician must take out an orange and show it to the public. After that, it needs to be covered with some beautiful and bright scarf. Say the magic words and pull off the handkerchief. Instead of an orange, an apple appeared. How is this possible? The secret of the focus is simple.

  1. It is necessary to remove the orange peel before showing the focus so that it remains intact. After that, the young wizard must dress an apple in an orange peel. Choose the size of an apple slightly smaller than the orange itself.
  2. As soon as the trick begins, the child must tightly squeeze the apple that is in the orange peel and show the audience what is in his hand.
  3. Then, when the fruit is covered with a handkerchief, the magician should try to remove it so that the orange peel is removed along with it. It is necessary to rehearse more than once before showing the trick.

These simple tricks for kids at home can be done for a birthday or some other holiday.

What else you need to read:

Secrets and learning tricks at home

Magic thread that has no end

Near the lapel, the child notices a thread and tries to shake it off, but nothing happens. Repeat this action several times.

The young magician takes a white thread by the end and begins to pull it, and it stretches out as if it had no end.

The magician must show surprise on his face so that the audience believes him that this trick is unplanned.

To carry out the magic, you need to take the threads, it is desirable to choose a longer length, and wind them around a short pencil. After that, the child should put the pencil in the side pocket, and the end of the thread with the help of a needle should be squeezed through the fabric of the jacket.

Why a pencil? Because when the children ask to see the contents of the pocket, they will see only an ordinary pencil there. It will distract guests from thinking that threads can be wound not only on a spool. In addition, the pencil does not stand out so much in the pocket, unlike the reel.

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And I bet you can't blow out the candle?!

Everyone can blow out a candle, but is it possible to do this if you have to blow through a funnel. The funnel is wide, and its end is narrow - it will be difficult to carry out this action. Especially when the candle is in the middle of the funnel, then blowing out the candle will be generally unrealistic. Even if you apply all your lung strength, the flames will not sway.

However, there is a way by which the candle goes out easily. It is important to know the location where you want to put a candle. It is necessary to place the funnel so that the flame is at the edge of the funnel, and not in the middle. The candle will immediately go out. Why does this happen?

When air exits through a narrow tube through a wide opening, it never enters the middle.

Before exiting, the air is dispersed along the walls of the vessel, so the air can only enter the flame located at the edges of the funnel. Focus will surprise all viewers with its magical feature. It's just a law of physics though.

Thin sheet capable of holding a glass

  1. The magician needs to put two vessels on the table, for example, glasses. They should be placed at some distance from each other. No need to choose heavy glasses, this will make it difficult to perform the trick.
  2. Next, the young wizard should hand the guests an ordinary white sheet and ask them to put it on the glasses, and put a third glass on top of it.
  3. Let the guests see for themselves that this is the most ordinary sheet and ordinary glasses. But the audience is at a loss, since it is impossible to do this action, since the weight of the glass is much greater than the weight of an ordinary sheet of paper.
  4. Then the young wizard folds the paper like an accordion, and the glass easily rests on the surface. A very simple and tricky way to cheer and amaze the audience.

Effective magic tricks for children of all ages

How to turn ordinary tea into ink?

Milk should be poured into one vessel, and tea should be in the other glass. But this is only for children, they should not be allowed to try the liquids in the glasses.

Instead of milk, you need to mix starch with water, you get a white liquid, similar to milk. And instead of tea - mix water and a few drops of iodine.

The magician needs to demonstrate the contents in the glasses and pour the liquid from one into another. You will get something like ink. You can invite guests to draw something on any surface with the resulting mixture or hold a competition for the best drawing.

How to pierce the ball so that it remains intact?

Before a true magician gets down to business, the presenter should invite the audience to pierce a balloon filled with air with a pencil. Of the children, no one manages to keep the ball intact.

They are convinced that it will not work to pierce it without consequences. But the magician can do miracles, so he will do it with ease.

The child will need a matchbox, or rather its case. The young wizard must fill the balloon with air through it. Then pierce the matchbox, and then the ball itself. Children will see that he remained safe and sound.

Inflate a balloon without the help of lips

Before showing the wonders of the trick, you need to ask the audience to inflate the balloon so that the lips and pumps are not involved. Guests cannot complete the task in any way, no matter how hard they try to do it. But there is only one person who can show a master class and this is a magician.

For the trick, you need an ordinary glass bottle, you need to put a balloon on it. Then put the vessel in hot water, when about two minutes have passed, the ball will begin to increase.

Why is this happening? The bottle begins to heat up, respectively, the air also becomes warm. When it heats up, it expands and is forced out of the bottle, accumulating in a ball.

As soon as the bottle cools, the ball returns to its original shape.

Incredible, the balloon can inflate on its own

  1. Again, the host asks the guests to fill the balloon with air without the help of lips. The young wizard should already take a plastic bottle and pour vinegar into it, about half a glass (adults should look after).
  2. Five teaspoons of baking soda are placed in the ball. Put a ball on the neck of the bottle. When the soda is poured into the bottle, the balloon inflates on its own.

Why is this happening? In this focus, as in the previous one, a chemical reaction takes place. When soda combines with vinegar, carbon dioxide is released, which is why the balloon is filled with it.

Magic tricks for children at home will be very educational for both children and their parents.

Tricks for children at home

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Do you want to surprise your children, cause them surprise, joyful smiles and real delight?

Give them real magic that is easy to do at home without special skills with a little preparation.

Magic water

The magician draws a flower on a blank sheet of paper. She pours water on the flower, and it becomes colored before our eyes.

The secret of the trick: in order for the trick to succeed, you need to prepare a stencil of a flower (only the outline of the flower is needed so that the inside of the flower simply does not exist). Then the contour of the flower must be placed on a leaf and covered with aniline powder. Choose the color yourself. You can also make several flowers of different colors.

Leaving the outline of the flower, blow off the aniline powder. Where there was powder, the smallest particles will still remain. Holding the outline of the flower, carefully turn the leaf over and with barely visible dots mark the outline of the flower on the other side of the leaf.

Accordingly, during the trick, the magician will circle the flower point by point, and then slowly pour water onto the flower (preferably from the side of the stem). Thus, the paint from the aniline powder will gradually appear, and the flower will become colored.

Velcro spoon

Making it so that the spoon sticks to the body part is very easy! We lower the spoon into sweet tea, take it out and press it to a convex part of the body, for example, to a finger, nose or chin. We wait until the tea dries a little, and “voila!” spoon stuck.

The secret is that the sweet tea will firmly stick the spoon to the selected part of the body.

Miracle Banana

Want to easily surprise your guests at the table? Show your guests a whole banana that has been cut into pieces in an absolutely wonderful way!

The secret of the trick: you need to pierce the banana in several places with a long needle. When piercing a banana in one place, you need to make several up and down movements, as if cutting the inside of the banana. And so that the places where we pierced the peel do not turn black, pour a little lemon juice there. That's all! The miracle banana is ready.

Magic coloring of water

The magician takes turns taking several closed glass jars with plain water inside. Shakes each jar in turn and says magic words, and the water inside becomes colored: red, blue, green, etc.

The secret of the trick is very simple: We smear gouache of any color on the inside of the lid of the jar, pour water into the jar and twist the lid. When we shake the water in the jar, it reaches the gouache and the water turns the color of the gouache. Easy and simple, and the kids love it!

magnet ball

The magician takes the balloon and sprinkles confetti on top. Confetti sticks to the balloon and the balloon becomes decorated with colorful confetti. The secret of the trick: you need to inflate the balloon and electrify it with fur or wool (rub it on the balloon), after which the balloon will begin to attract paper objects to itself. The effect will be quite long.

Coin dancer

The magician puts a coin on the neck of the bottle, and the coin begins to jump on the neck.

The secret of the trick: you need to prepare a coin that will completely cover the neck of the bottle, a bottle with a narrow neck and water. Then the open bottle should be placed in the freezer for 60 minutes. We take out the bottle and put a coin moistened with water on the neck. And she starts jumping. This is because gases expand when heated.

colorful milk

The magician takes a bowl of milk and drips colorful dyes into it. Children watch as various multi-colored stains and patterns appear. Then the magician drops a drop of liquid soap into the milk, and then the real magic begins! The paint scatters from the drop as if by magic!

After that, children can add some dyes themselves, take leaves and print multi-colored beauty on pieces of paper.

There will simply be no limit to the delight of children from magic tricks! And if you teach your child to do these magic tricks with their own hands, then they will be able to amaze their friends with their magical abilities!

I wish you a great holiday
Ekaterina Akhmetzyanova, author of the article.

Scenario for the holiday or ask any questions you can.

Unusual tricks have always attracted the attention of people and made them dream of mastering this difficult art. However, many people are left on the way to their dream by the involuntary reverence that every person has for professional illusionists. Indeed, it is practically impossible to repeat many tricks without props, talent and many years of training. However, there are many simple magic tricks that a beginner illusionist can easily master.

magic beads

Everyone knows that if you cut the thread on which the beads are strung, the glass balls will crumble. Is it so? The magician asks one of the spectators to lend him beads. Shows the jewelry to everyone, holding it by the lock. After that, he cuts the thread with scissors, and the beads are poured into a substituted glass. It would seem that the decoration is irretrievably damaged, and the guest is upset.

However, the focus is not yet complete. The illusionist rolls a bag out of a sheet of paper, pours the contents of the glass into it, and then throws a thread. A wave of the hand - and completely whole beads appear from the paper bundle, even the cut-off lock is back in place! Meanwhile, the magician straightens the paper bag, and everyone sees a sheet of ordinary clean paper.

This trick invariably causes delight and amazement of the audience and, at the same time, its secret is very simple. For him, you will need the simplest beads with a lock and a trained assistant. Take a thin thread or fishing line and thread it through each bead, next to the main thread. Tie a large knot at both ends. You will have a necklace in your hands, seemingly ordinary, but now it consists of two threads, one of which can be cut without fear.

Performing the trick, you will need to take the beads by the top knot of the false thread, holding them low above the glass, carefully cut off the bottom knot. All beads still held by the main thread will instantly slip into the substituted dishes. You will have a fake thread in your hands, and the ringing of beads on glass will serve as additional confirmation of the death of the necklace.

After that, you just have to roll a triangular bag out of paper and, pouring beads and thread into it, pull out the intact beads back.

It is important! A false thread dropped into a bag can give you away, so you need to learn how to discreetly hide it in your hand, only pretending to be pushing it into a paper bundle.

How to take a shirt off through a jacket

A spectacular trick, during which the magician removes the shirt from the spectator invited to the stage, without even touching the jacket worn over it, has long become a classic of the genre. However, its secret is very simple, and you can easily do it at home.

In this trick you can not do without the help of an assistant. A person who will be randomly selected among the guests must dress in advance in a special way: throw a shirt over his shoulders without putting his hands into the sleeves, and fasten the collar and cuffs. After a jacket or any other long-sleeved clothing is worn over it, it will be impossible to guess about the unique “wardrobe” of your assistant. During the performance, it will be enough for you to unbutton the buttons and, pulling the sleeve, pull out the shirt.

Turning a handkerchief into an egg

For a holiday with friends, a trick with turning a silk scarf into an egg is great. The magician shows everyone a handkerchief and, shaking it, pushes it into a clenched fist. Then he waves his hand, utters a spell and opens his hand. To the amazement of the audience, the handkerchief is no longer in hand. Instead, an ordinary chicken egg lies in the palm of your hand. The magician breaks the egg with a pictorial gesture, among the broken shell everyone sees a piece of colored fabric miraculously found itself like that.

The transformation of a scarf, like any trick for beginners, is easy to repeat at home. For this you will need:

  • 1 egg;
  • sharp knife with a thin tip;
  • bright handkerchief made of thin fabric;
  • sandpaper or nail file.

First, you need to prepare the props, the role of which will be played by the egg. Make a small rounded hole in it and drain the yolk and protein through it. Dry the shell and gently rub the edges of the hole with sandpaper. It is in this egg that the handkerchief will be hidden during the trick, and it is important that the shell does not break ahead of time, catching on the fabric. Previously, the shell can be held for several hours in saline to make it more durable.

When everything is ready, you can proceed to the trick. Hide the egg in your fist so that it is not visible to the audience and, showing everyone the handkerchief, carefully push it through the hole into the shell. So, sim-salabim! The handkerchief in your hand has turned into a chicken egg.

It is important! Outwardly, the egg looks intact, but a hole in the side will instantly reveal your secret. Therefore, you need to hold the egg so that the thumb constantly covers it.

You can watch the tutorial for this trick in this video:

You can order this egg

Scarf through the neck

Ask your friends what happens if you wrap a scarf around your neck and tug on the ends. “Nothing good for health,” you will hear. However, nothing is impossible for a magician, and you can demonstrate to your audience how an ordinary scarf, tightened around your neck, harmlessly passes through the body and remains in your hands.

The key to this trick lies in a special way of tying a scarf. Throw the fabric over your shoulders so that it runs along the back of the neck and hangs down on both sides of the chest. Grasp the opposite end of the scarf with each hand: right for the left, and vice versa. Now it all depends on how quickly you can complete the "tying". Bring the right end to the left behind the neck, leaving a small loop. With the second hand, at the same moment, throw the second part of the scarf, covering the neck also on the left, so that the fabric presses down and hides the loop that has been obtained before.

Your neck is now wrapped in a scarf that only looks tight. A slight pull is enough, and the fabric, slipping off, will remain in your hands without causing any harm.

Of course, knowing the secret is not enough to successfully perform the trick. Remember that the more mysterious and unusual you behave, the more likely the audience will believe in your supernatural abilities.

Anyone who wants to feel like a magician for a few minutes can learn simple tricks and tricks for beginners. Video training for several of them can be viewed on this video:
