Technology of the vertical method of growing cucumbers on trellises. How to make a trellis for cucumbers: we make supports from improvised means A trellis in a greenhouse for cucumbers with our own hands

Cucumber is a wild plant. This creeper needs a support to curl along it and reach for the light. Cucumbers in nature wrap themselves around trees and grow in this way. At home, these functions are taken over by the trellis. Let's find out how to make a cucumber trellis for a vegetable garden.

A trellis is a structure that is designed to keep plants upright, including cucumbers. As a rule, it consists of a support or stand (wooden or metal pole, frame) and a stretched wire (you can use a tourniquet), which allows plants to wrap around.

Such an installation is suitable for growing cucumbers in greenhouses and in open ground and has a lot of advantages:

  • A bed with cucumbers growing on a trellis does not take up much space on the site.
  • The stems do not bend without breaking at the same time, and are not trampled.
  • Simplifies watering and fertilizing, as well as pest control.
  • Reduced risk of crop diseases such as rot and powdery mildew.
  • When growing, soiling the fruit in the ground is excluded.
  • Thanks to vertical cultivation, the vegetable receives more light, so it ripens faster.
  • The overgrowth of cucumbers is excluded, since all the fruits are in sight.
  • The yield is increasing.
  • Harvesting is simplified and takes less time, because there is no need to break everything, given that the stem of the plant can reach 3 meters.
  • In addition, when picking vegetables, the skin of the hands is less injured by the protective spines that are present on the stem.
  • It is possible to create a trellis not only in the traditional way - on poles, but also on a fence, mesh, walls, in a word - wherever you can stretch the wire.
There are many options for making trellises for cucumbers, consider the most popular:
  1. Prepare 3 pillars, whose height is at least 1.5 m, to create supports, as well as metal pegs. You will also need a high density rope, if you wish, you can replace it with wire.
  2. Drive two posts along the edges of the future bed.
  3. Place another one on top, which is necessary for wrapping the rope around.
  4. Lay pegs on the sides of the beds, this must be done on each side.
  5. Attach the rope to the peg, starting from the bottom.
  6. Pull it to the crossbar. It is necessary to act, bending around it around and lowering it down again.
  7. Then wrap the rope around the peg and turn upwards.
  8. Proceed in the same way until the end of the trellis.

A trellis of this kind should be built after you have planted cucumbers, but before the first shoots appear.

The procedure for making a wooden trellis, which in appearance resembles a staircase, is as follows:
  • Prepare horizontal posts that are at least 5 cm wide. In addition, you need vertical bars 4 cm wide.
  • From wooden slats about 3 cm wide, make cells that are approximately 15 cm in size, but no more, to prevent wrapping around them.
  • To knock down cells in the form of a square or rhombus should be done using self-tapping screws.
  • Attach the lattice to the base made of four bars.
  • For construction, use only durable material, such as oak, ash, chestnut, mulberry. But birch, poplar and maple are not good. Also, never use wet wood.
  • Be sure to treat all wooden elements with antiseptics or drying oil, and the lower part of each pole must be covered with resin or grease to extend the life of the tree in the ground.
  • Instead of wooden slats, you can simply pull on a strong tourniquet.

Such a trellis also has a decorative function.

An economical option for creating a "cucumber" trellis is as follows:
  1. The central element of the structure in this case is a used tire. Suitable from a truck or tractor.
  2. Cut off one side of the tire and lay it in place of the future cucumber bed.
  3. Insert 2 metal rods into the middle of the tire. They must be placed crosswise in the form of a convex arc.
  4. Inside the circle you need to pour the soil.
  5. The space left above the wheel should be covered. An old bag, previously cut into pieces, is great for this. Tuck its edges under the edge of the tire.
  6. Cut a hole in the bag, it is better to make a cruciform one - there you have to plant seedlings of cucumbers.
  7. Cover the bed using plastic sheeting, which must be pressed down with stones. So you protect the crop from bad weather and low temperatures. For watering, it can be easily lifted, as well as when loosening.
  8. The film and burlap are removed after the cucumbers grow.
  9. Then drive a pole into the center of the circle, fixing the wheel from the bicycle on it.
  10. Next, take the wire or twine. The material must be drawn from the edges of the wheel to the tire to create a kind of "ribs" for weaving cucumbers.

Thus, what kind of trellis for cucumbers will turn out always depends on the gardener's imagination. In addition, you can simply drive a pole into the ground and let ropes from its top, fixing them in the ground.

Reading time ≈ 11 minutes

For convenience and good plant growth, each farmer strives to create supports with his own hands for sprouting cucumbers in open ground. You can design an excellent product, photos of which are easy to find on the Internet. This design will not only support the plants, but also more easily and quickly harvest.

Supports for cucumbers

The culture belongs to climbing plants and reaches for the sun. On this path, they wrap their stems around all objects that can lift them higher. If we talk about wildlife, then it can be shrubs or trees that grow within the radius of achievement. But at home, tapestries are made to make caring for the culture easy and least expensive. We will reveal the secret of manufacturing such supports with a minimum investment, as a result of which you will receive not only a reliable, but also a durable structure.

All the advantages of growing with trellises

By creating trellises for cucumbers in the open field with your own hands, you will make growing more productive, unlike planting in spreading, if you look at the photos and diagrams below.

Cucumber trellis

Itself is a special design, which consists of a stand and supporting elements. A rope, a tourniquet or wire is pulled along them so that the graceful stems of climbing plant varieties can wrap around these elements. It should be noted that the use of trellis is carried out both in the greenhouse and in the open field.

The main advantages of this cultivation can be identified:

  • getting rid of soil infections. By planting cucumbers vertically, you do not expose them to the risk of picking up spores of infections (peronosporosis, powdery mildew, and others) that have been stale from previous years, which remain in the soil after crops. Even if such spores fall on plants with vertical placement, they will remain on the lower leaves and will not disperse throughout the stem;
  • saving land space. The use of trellises will help to compactly place a vegetable bed. At the same time, the number of plants themselves can be up to three times more than in the same area with only a regular planting;
  • rapid onset of the growing season. Due to the fact that when placed vertically, ventilation of leaves and stems is much better, temperature drops between day and night are not so noticeable, which significantly speeds up ripening. In addition, all parts of the cucumber plant fall well under the sun's rays, which also positively affects the overall development and growth;
  • productivity increase. In practice, it has been proven by many gardeners who use trellises that such cultivation produces many times more fruits than with conventional placement. In this case, following the recommendations for care and cultivation, from five square meters of garden space you can get up to eighty kilograms of cucumbers;
  • healthy fruits. When greens hang freely, deformation and damage to the fruit does not occur. At the same time, the color of each cucumber is uniform, in contrast to the fruits lying on the ground;
  • simple and easy plant care. Cucumber liana evenly braids the support rods, which gives free access when processing leaves and stems from harmful insects and other pests. Watering and fertilizing such a bed is also very simple;
  • clean harvest. Ripe fruits that have grown on such a plant do not have contact with moist soil. Therefore, they do not get dirty and do not have soil particles on them;
  • high harvesting speed and minimum effort. There is no need to bend down to the ground and look for cucumbers in rich foliage. In addition, this collection minimizes stem breakage and leaf damage.

For the manufacture of such a support, you can use improvised materials that everyone will definitely find in the yard. But most often they take ready-made vertical surfaces on which the rope is pulled.

It's no secret that cucumbers (on the fruits and on the plant itself) have small needles and thorns. When harvesting, the skin of the hands is often irritated and damaged by such contact. Therefore, the use of trellises minimizes this effect.

Video: garter using cucumber supports

Features of trellises for home use

There are many options for trellis for cucumbers in the open field, you can create unique devices with your own hands, they depend on the imagination of the builder and his capabilities. On the Internet you can see a lot of photos and take the most suitable design for yourself.

All tapestries can be divided into the following types:

  1. square;
  2. rectangular;
  3. in the form of a tent;
  4. pedestal.

A variety of materials can act as support posts: wooden beams, metal pipes, or even poles made of cement. But the net itself is easy to make from hemp twine, twisting the ropes. You can also use metal wire, which greatly strengthens the support itself. Sometimes they even use special plastic.

Tip: to make the construction even cheaper, you can take metal stakes. They are hammered into the ground, and between them you need to stretch a PVC mesh, it is easy to find in any construction or garden department of stores. It is sold at an affordable price and sold by the meter. When pulling, its upper edge should be fixed with a metal wire to the supporting stakes. But the lower edge is better to bury in the ground. For fixing in the soil, you can use hard-type wire hooks, which are easy to make yourself.

If you pay a little attention to the design, you will not only make a useful building on, but also effectively decorate your garden with a new decorative element.

Beautiful trellis in the garden

Not only can a trellis help plants grow better, it is also often used for shading. For example, the canopy of the trellis will help to escape from the hot sun to crops that prefer shade - arugula, beans, chard, rhubarb, leaf mustard and others.

Also, the trellis can be built from wooden racks. At the same time, you can give it a very light look of stairs, which has rigid rungs. Or arrange it with a strictly vertical screen made of slats of small thickness.

Before construction, it is worth deciding what kind of trellis will be the result and from what materials. Do not forget that the support posts, which are installed along the edges, must be stronger and more reliable in relation to the intermediate ones. After all, the main load of a whole series is assigned precisely to the extreme pillars.

Tapestry from wooden elements

If we talk about a standard support, the height of which is 270 cm, you will need bars with a section of 5 cm. They are installed at the edges, like support posts, and bars with a section of 3.5 cm will be enough for supports in between.

To create a trellis that will stand for more than one season, opt for a hardwood (oak, chestnut, ash, mulberry). You should not use poplar, maple, birch for this, since it is these types of wood that are more susceptible to decay processes.

In any case, if you want to make the structure more reliable and durable, you should properly process the supports before mounting them into the ground. To do this, apply one or two layers of drying oil or a substance with antiseptic properties to the wood elements.

Construction of a standard trellis design

How to make a standard trellis design? The technology of creation consists in a sequence of actions, namely:

Installation of poles for support.

Determine the size of the bed and place support posts along its edges that are driven into the soil. The distance between them should be about 1.5-2 meters, then the trellis will be as functional as possible. The digging depth of such racks should be about 6 cm, which will allow the structure to stand firmly and not deform from loads under its own weight.

Fixing support posts.

Anchor supports, which are placed along the edges of the beds, must be installed slightly inclined (it is enough to observe an angle of 70 degrees), with this arrangement a general inclination of the structure will be created. In order to fix each inclined support, you need to use stretch marks made of metal wire. The free end of such an extension is tied to a metal corner, and the corner itself is fixed in the ground at a right angle (90 degrees).

Creation of the frame part of the trellis.

Using nails, it is necessary to nail a horizontal plank to the top of the posts, which are installed vertically. Such a bar performs the function of a frame - it is he who acts as the basis for attaching the crate from wooden slats of a smaller diameter.

The construction of the crate.

Take wooden slats, the thickness of which is 30 mm. Fasteners in this case can be ordinary self-tapping screws. It is necessary to ensure that the distances are the same, and that each cell is 15 cm in size. In order for the trellis to be more durable, glue waterproof tape in places where there is such a connection of the rails. It is worth noting that the shape of the cell can be the most diverse: rectangular, diamond-shaped and other shapes.

When creating a mesh for a trellis, you can use homemade staples for convenience. Making them from nails is very simple according to this principle: you need to nail several nails of a suitable size onto the rail. The distance between them should be about 0.4–0.6 m. The hats themselves can be slightly bent so that they are in the form of hooks. Then a thick and strong rope is tied to each homemade bracket, it is pulled parallel to the ground. Loose ends should be tied to the support post that is closest. Using the above scheme, you also need to pull the vertical threads.

In order to end up with a mesh with cells, you need to do the following: the rope for vertical threads should be twisted together with the wire placed across. And the ends of the thread, which remain free, are tied at the bottom of stakes buried in the ground.

Thus, you will get an excellent trellis with wooden cells or a rope net. Garter cucumbers to this type of support is extremely simple and convenient.

Standard trellis for cucumbers

We create a metal structure of the trellis ourselves

To build a metal structure that will become a support for growing weaving plants, you will have to put more effort and time than with the first option. But as a result, you will have a trellis that will last for decades.

Metal supports can be placed every 2-4 meters - this will be enough for a solid structure.

Before work, you should stock up on materials such as:

  • reinforcing bars (length 1.8 - 2 m);
  • crossbar (thin metal pipe);
  • metal stakes;
  • steel wire;
  • apparatus for welding elements;
  • hammer;
  • garden drill.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a metal support for cucumbers are given below:

  • You will need to make holes in the ground with a garden drill where the support racks will be placed in the future. The depth of such holes should be about 40 cm.
  • It is necessary to cut the reinforcement into pieces of the required length and insert into the holes made by the drill. Such pillars for good penetration are hammered.
  • The earth is poured into the resulting empty holes between the pillars and walls. It is necessary to tamp the ground well so that everything is firmly fixed.
  • Vertically installed racks must be interconnected. This is done using a thin pipe, which serves as a crossbar and is laid horizontally on top. Everything is welded together for maximum strength.
  • If you want the support to be really durable, it is worth stripping all the metal components, and then coating it with an anti-corrosion agent. For the same purpose, you can use the painting method using oil-based paints.

metal support frame

  • Now you need to form a canvas that will braid the plants. To do this, you can take an ordinary wire (more than 2 cm thick) and create a canvas by pulling it between the pegs driven into the ground and the welded crossbar. Pegs should be at a distance of 15-20 cm from both sides of the trellis.
  • It is very easy to create web cells by placing a new wire in a transverse arrangement every half a meter. The uppermost row must be made of a thicker wire with a cross section of about 3.5 cm.

Finished metal trellis

This design has a rather impressive weight and it is rather inconvenient and difficult to move it every year. Therefore, you need to place it where it will not interfere. And crop shifts can grow curly beans in this place next season, or any other crop of this type. Then the harvest will undoubtedly be rich and healthy.

Creating a support for cucumbers in the open field with your own hands, as in the photos presented, is a necessary thing for every gardener. There are very few financial costs here, and little effort is needed. But the result will not keep you waiting.

You can also build a trellis from a car tire, see how to do it in the video.

Video: support for cucumbers

Not all gardeners know this fact: cucumbers are wild vine-like plants. Therefore, they are so actively drawn up to the sun's rays, and if there are any supports nearby, they wrap around them. And to achieve high yields from this vegetable crop, you can not only take good care of them, but also create favorable conditions for the development of cucumber lashes. Best of all, special trellises will help support cucumber lashes. These structures support cucumber vines in an upright position and do not allow them to sag. Such a structure is very easy to do with your own hands. And the benefits of trellises are an increase in the yield of this vegetable crop.

Of course, you can grow cucumbers without using trellises. However, it is this design that performs decorative and protective functions on the site. Their benefits are undeniable:

  • increases the yield of garden crops;
  • the fruiting period is extended;
  • land is used more efficiently.

Cucumbers tied to trellises look more decorative, take up less space. Tying cucumbers to this design allows you to organize the optimal mode for these vegetables - cucumber vines are better blown by the wind, and the sun's rays penetrate inside the cucumber plantation. When the wind “walks” along this vegetable crop, dew dries faster on the underside of its foliage during the difference between night and day temperatures.

Since everything planted cucumbers are tied vertically to the trellis, then between the rows of landings remains free. As a result, the care of this vegetable crop is facilitated. Ripening cucumbers remain clean, because they do not come into contact with wet soil, they do not start to rot because of this. All ripening fruits are always in sight, so you can immediately see which of them already need to be harvested. Harvesting is also noticeably facilitated, the time for harvesting fruits is reduced, and the lashes themselves are much less injured, because there is no need to turn the lashes over when harvesting. Cucumbers tied to trellises are less susceptible to fungal diseases and are not infected with powdery mildew.

Cucumbers tied to trellises look more decorative, take up less space

Gallery: cucumber trellis (25 photos)

Choosing and preparing a place for installing a cucumber trellis

Such a structure can be built anywhere. Usually it is tied to any vertical supports:

  • to the pillars;
  • walls of a house or barn;
  • to the fence.

As a frame, use a wire of medium thickness or twine.

Such a frame should be stretched from the beginning to the end of the cucumber bed. Therefore, before planting cucumbers in a permanent place in the open field or in a greenhouse, you should immediately decide what the trellises will be attached to, to which this vegetable crop will be tied.

Usually the rows of trellises are arranged from north to south. In this case, the midday sun will not burn the vegetable crop with its rays. The distance between the rows of cucumbers is made from 1.4 to 2.4 m. If the plot for the garden is not too large, then the row spacing can be reduced to 0.9 m.

Trellis for cucumbers on a warm bed (video)

Do-it-yourself trellis for cucumbers

Before you start making this design, you should decide on its shape. On the site, you can build trellises of the following forms:

  • in the form of a tent;
  • in the form of an arch;
  • in the form of a cabinet;
  • in the form of a lattice;
  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • mesh.

The material from which the "stands" for cucumbers are made can be very diverse. You can make trellises from:

  • tree;
  • metal mesh;
  • metal tubes.

Cucumber trellis can have different shapes

How to make a simple one-sheet design

A simple single-cavity design is performed as follows:

  1. At the beginning and end of the row, supports with a diameter of at least 50 mm and a height of up to 3 m are dug in. The material of the supports can be anything: wooden logs, metal poles. They are dug into the ground to a depth of 0.8 m for the extreme supports, and to a depth of 0.6 m for intermediate supports. The intermediate supports may have a diameter of about 40 mm.
  2. The extreme supports are dug into the ground at an acute angle and anchored with wires to the metal corners. The greatest distance between the supports can be up to 5.5 - 6 meters. But it is better if the pillars stand more often. Usually, a metal wire is pulled on these supports at the top and bottom, to which a special plastic mesh is attached.
  3. As a single-layer trellis, it is possible to stretch a wire with a thickness of at least 2 mm between the supports. The lower wire is pulled at a distance of about 20 cm from the ground surface. The next row is pulled at a distance of 0.7 m from the bottom row. The distance between subsequent rows should also be 0.7 m. The top row is stretched from a thicker wire with a diameter of about 3.5 cm, since it will carry the main load.
  4. When the seedlings of cucumbers are planted in open ground next to the seedlings, but from the top row to each seedling bush, twine should be stretched from the bottom wire to the top. On it the plant will rise up.

When making an arched structure, it should be remembered that this structure must be strong and stable.

We make an arch for growing cucumbers in open ground

When making an arched structure, it should be remembered that this structure must be strong and stable. On sale you can find a ready-made arch for cucumbers, and you can make this kind of trellis yourself from improvised materials - wood, metal or plastic. If the structure will constantly be in one place for more than one season, then it is better to make it from metal. A wooden structure must be treated with special anti-rotting compounds, and plastic pipes are afraid of a strong drop in temperature.

If the arch is stationary, then the soil under it will have to be changed annually. After all, this vegetable crop cannot grow in one place for several seasons in a row. Causative agents of the main diseases that affect this vegetable crop accumulate in the soil, which can be in the soil for several years.

Do-it-yourself support for plants (video)

Making a trellis from a wheel rim

For a small area, it is worth making trellises for cucumbers from bicycle wheels. This design takes up little space, so it is suitable for a small garden.

For the manufacture of such a design, the following materials and tools are needed:

  • 2 rims from bicycle wheels;
  • cord;
  • steel wire (strong enough);
  • scissors or a sharp knife;
  • fittings 2.2 m long;
  • medium-sized stones;
  • hammer;
  • ordinary garden shovel.

All spokes are removed from bicycle tires. On the site, a bed is made 20 cm larger than the diameter of the wheel. In the center of the ridge, a hole is dug 0.3 m deep, into which reinforcement is installed. With a hammer, this rod is driven into the ground to a depth of 0.3 m. The hole is covered with soil and it is well tamped. To keep the reinforcement stronger, it is covered with stones, pressing them into the soil.

For a small area, it is worth making trellises for cucumbers from bicycle wheels

Then the first wheel is inserted into the reinforcement and lowered to the ground. And the second wheel is fixed at the top of the rod. To do this, a wire is inserted into the holes from under the knitting needles from four sides and tightly wrapped around the reinforcement. You should get a structure that has a reinforcing bar in the center, and bicycle wheels on top and bottom.

Next, a dense rope or twine is cut into pieces that are twice the length of the reinforcement. Each such piece is inserted into the hole from under the spoke in the lower wheel and stretch it to a similar hole in the upper wheel. Having threaded the rope into the upper hole, the rope is tied with a double knot. Do the same with other pieces of string. When all the pieces of the rope are stretched, a cucumber bush is planted near each of them.

Installing a trellis net for growing cucumbers

The trellis mesh has its advantages and disadvantages. Usually it is stretched in a greenhouse. Such an artificial hedge should be securely fastened so that it can withstand the load of cucumber lashes along with ripening fruits.

This canvas is stretched over the beds dug in along the entire length in the greenhouse:

  • at the beginning and end of the row;
  • every 200 cm.

The posts should be deepened into the ground to a depth of 0.5 m. The height of the trellis mesh should not be more than 2 m, otherwise it will be inconvenient to harvest from it. The trellis mesh should be attached to the top and bottom of the supports. Then you can plant seedlings of cucumbers in the greenhouse. They begin to tie these vegetable plants to the net when the cucumbers grow to a height of 0.2 m. This must be done so that the plant has support from the beginning of growth. In the future, not only the main stem, but also side shoots are tied to the grid.

Gardeners practice 2 ways of growing cucumbers - vertical and spreading. When grown on a trellis, cucumbers begin to bloom and bear fruit earlier than with the traditional method of growing on the ground. Varieties and hybrids for vertical forming are selected taking into account the complex resistance to diseases and pests.

Features of the trellis method of growing cucumbers

The cucumber culture grows well on slightly acidic or neutral soils, in a site protected from the wind and well warmed by the sun. To get a big harvest with a trellis method of growing cucumbers, it is necessary to take into account the physiological characteristics of the plant:

  1. Site selection: the best predecessors for cucumber are potatoes, tomatoes, peas, cabbage.
  2. To protect the site from the winds, rocker plantings of beans, corn, and sunflowers are carried out.
  3. Soil preparation - the cultivated layer should be at least 20 cm. After installing the trellis, humus is covered in the ground (10–15 kg / m 2).
  4. To ensure an increase in the temperature of the surface layer of soil by 1–2 ° C, ridges or a broadened one-sided ridge 20–30 cm high are formed. The width of the ridges is 0.9–1 m, the ridges are 0.6–0.7 m.
  5. It is recommended to use black polyethylene film as mulch on the ridges. Mulch prevents weed growth and retains winter moisture. When installing a drip irrigation system, watering hoses are laid out with holes up under the film or placed on the soil surface along the edge of the film.

In autumn, manure or humus, loosening material (sawdust, straw, peat, last year's foliage) are introduced into the soil - 8–10 kg / m 2. At the same time, simple superphosphate is added - 30–40 g / m 2, potassium salt - 15–20 g / m 2, if necessary, ash or lime and dug to a depth of 25–30 cm. Acceptable soil density for cucumbers is 0.4–0, 6 g/cm3. If this figure is higher, the roots may come to the surface of the ridge or slopes.

In the spring, ammonium nitrate is added to the soil - 25–30 g / m 2, potassium sulfate - 10–15 g / m 2, dug to a depth of 15–20 cm. The surface of the ridges or ridges is harrowed and leveled with a rake. The seed furrows moisten.

Growing cucumbers on a trellis in two rows allows you to harvest a larger crop from a smaller area.

Direct sowing in the ground:

  • the seeds are heated for 3–4 hours at t + 50 + 60 o C;
  • incubated for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 100 ml of water) or in garlic pulp;
  • on fertile soils, 3-4 seeds are planted per 1 linear meter, on poor soils - 4-5.

The seedling method of growing allows you to get fresh products 2 weeks earlier. Recommended varieties and hybrids for vertical cultivation:

  • Relay class hybrids;
  • parthenocarpic hybrids with a length of greenery up to 20 cm: Mill F 1, Makar F 1, March F 1;
  • fast-growing hybrids Emelya F 1, Mazai F 1, Real Colonel F 1;
  • beam gherkins Anyuta F 1 , Maryina grove F 1 , Chistye Prudy F 1 , Three tankers F 1 .

Types of trellises for growing cucumbers in open ground

For trellis cultivation, structures made of strong twine stretched in 2–3 rows or placed in the form of a hut are used. A plastic trellis net for supporting plants with cells of 15x17 cm, a length of 5 to 10 m and a width of 2 m is very popular. The net is stretched over arcs or attached to the greenhouse wall.

To equip the tapestries, poles are installed at a distance of 1.5–2 m from each other and 2 or 3 rows of wire are pulled between them:

  • 1 row at 10–15 cm on the ground surface;
  • 2 row - 1–1.3 m;
  • 3 row - 2–2.2 m.

A metal or synthetic mesh with cells measuring 10x15 cm is attached to the wire, or a strong twine is tied to the upper level with a double slip knot. The second end of the twine grabs a seedling at a height of 10 cm above the ground. Developing, the whip braids the twine and rises up.

The support consists of reinforced metal pipes or a corner and intermediate wooden posts 30 cm in diameter.

Photo gallery: various trellis designs for vertical cultivation of cucumbers

Cucumber trellis will save space in the country Cucumbers on the trellis are better ventilated Tapestry constructivism brings variety to the decor of your site Triangular trellis is very easy to manufacture Tapestry with mesh does not require much effort Tapestry gazebo takes up little space

The arrangement of a drip irrigation system allows you to increase the yield by 30%.

Drip irrigation system saves water, effort and time of the gardener

Ways to plant cucumbers on a trellis

Features of a variety or hybrid determine which planting pattern to choose in open ground - in 1 or 2 lines.

Table: cucumber growing schemes

Before the appearance of the mustache, the seedlings are grown under temporary shelter - a frame of arcs covered with a film is placed under the trellises, or the entire structure is protected with spunbond.

Cucumber lashes are formed - the seedling is tied with a free loop under the first true leaf. A peg is stuck next to the plant and the free end of the twine is tied to it. The shoot is wrapped with a rope, covering each internode. For better rooting, seedlings are blinded by 4 lower nodes - at the beginning of growth, buds of female flowers and rudiments of side shoots are plucked from the leaf axils.

Further pinching:

  • remove the side shoot above the first leaf at a distance of up to 1.6 m;
  • above the second sheet - in the section of the whip from 1.6 to 2 m.

When the plant reaches the top of the trellis, the main stem is thrown over the top wire, guided along the row and down. The formation of the plant is carried out within a month after they are planted in a permanent place.

Ripe greens are harvested every day, trying to prevent overgrowing. Timely harvesting of fruits increases productivity, as overgrown fruits inhibit the formation of new ovaries.

Pros and cons of the trellis method

Growing cucumbers on a trellis has its advantages:

  • plants are evenly illuminated by the sun;
  • can effectively use a small piece of land;
  • when watering and fertilizing, moisture does not linger on the leaves, so the plants do not get sunburn;
  • facilitating work on care and harvesting;
  • when collecting fruits, the lashes are not damaged.

With the trellis method of growing, it should be borne in mind that vertically located plants require more fertilizers - the need for phosphorus increases by 20–30%. And also they are subject to the withering action of wind and sun, so they need additional watering.

Video: do-it-yourself trellis arrangement from improvised materials

Growing cucumbers on a trellis enables the plant to absorb solar energy more efficiently. Additional light radiation accelerates the development of cucumber - stems and leaves grow faster, flowers and fruits develop. The light intensity affects the yield, which depends on the ratio of male and female flowers. In bee-pollinated varieties, with insufficient illumination, more male flowers are formed, with high light, the number of female flowers increases, on which the ovary of fruits is formed.

Cucumbers are among the most popular garden crops. They are planted in open ground and greenhouses. A cucumber trellis is a handy way to support vines that cling to everything nearby while reducing the space needed for a garden bed.

Cucumber stalks grow up to 2 meters, equipped with tendrils that can twist, braiding foliage, stems of neighboring plants, a fence. Tapestries give cucumber beds organization and protect other plantings from creeping vines.

But the main advantages of trellis cultivation are not in this. The main purpose is to increase productivity and provide better conditions for the growth of cucumbers. What helps to achieve the rise of cucumber lashes on the trellis:

  • increase in yield (by 50-80%);
  • more convenient processing of stems - pruning, removal of excess ovary, formation of bushes;
  • protection against fungal diseases and pests.

Raising the bed up saves a lot of space, because a cucumber plantation can take up a significant part of the site. Beautiful trellises become a real decoration of the garden, acting as a separator or hedge at the same time.

Advantages and disadvantages of trellis

Heat-loving cucumbers have tendrils to cling to supports and are genetically programmed to grow upwards. Vertical holders provide them with this opportunity. Growing cucumbers on trellises has a number of advantages:

  1. Uniform provision of all fruits and stems with solar heat and light, ventilation and access of fresh air to greens and roots.
  2. Protection against soil pests and diseases, the pathogens of which live in the soil. When infected - an easy approach to the entire plant on the trellis for processing.
  3. Ease of care - top dressing, water for irrigation are supplied directly to the roots. The green part does not get wet, does not come into contact with unnecessary substances.
  4. The cucumbers themselves are clean, dry, evenly lit, which significantly increases the taste and decorative qualities of the fruit.
  5. Plant stems do not break, twist or twist during watering and harvesting.

Another important advantage of trellises, many summer residents call the convenience of harvesting. Climbing thickened beds, bending over three deaths, and scratching your hands on thorny leaves and stems is necessary when landing horizontally. On large plantations this becomes a serious problem.

When collecting, some of the cucumbers cannot be found; they are often found after they have reached enormous sizes.

Among the disadvantages of the method, experienced summer residents distinguish the following:

  • costs, material and labor, for the installation of tapestries, care and concern for the structure itself;
  • the need to tie the whips to the trellises in a timely manner so that they do not break or crawl to the side;
  • more frequent watering and fertilizing.

The earth dries out faster because it is not protected by the green part. It is especially important to regularly water cucumbers in hot regions and in dry, sunny weather. The beds should be mulched.

Types of supports

Most summer residents are creative in creating trellises for cucumbers. They use different materials, creating complex or very simple designs from improvised means.

Varieties of trellises for cucumbers in shape:

  • rectangular;
  • hut type;
  • round;
  • arched;
  • on a stretched mesh between supports;
  • horizontal - the stems are partially raised up and laid on openwork supports, for example, a ladder.

Note that the main problem of capital trellises is the need to grow cucumbers for a long time in one place. In this case, it is required to renew the soil annually and to fertilize especially carefully.

Non-capital cucumber trellises, for example, on a tire, are easy to move every year to a new location.

How to make a do-it-yourself cucumber trellis

Consider how to make a convenient support for cucumbers with your own hands. Usually summer residents are guided by the available materials and their own building skills.

simple rectangular

The basis of this design is timber up to 3 meters long. The usual height of the structure is 2 meters, this is how cucumber stalks grow. Preparing the frame:

  1. Corner supports are made from bars with a diameter of 50 millimeters, deepening them into the soil by 70-80 centimeters. The length of the beds and the distance between the corner supports is 5 meters.
  2. To prevent the structure from collapsing under the weight of the lashes, the corner posts are reinforced with stretch marks.
  3. Intermediate columns are deepened by 50-60 centimeters, their thickness is less - 40 millimeters.
  4. After installing the frame, it is important to properly stretch the wire - a thickness of 2 millimeters, the first row at a height of 20 centimeters, the next after 30-40 centimeters.

The top wire is taken thicker - at least 3 millimeters, since it is she who will hold most of the weight when the cucumbers begin to weave and sing.

Important: wooden structural elements for cucumbers must be treated with drying oil and fungicides to increase their service life and protect against fungi.

From lumber

With a sufficient amount of high-quality lumber, you can make a beautiful lattice that will securely hold the lashes and make it easier to grow cucumbers in the open field.

The scheme of work is as follows:

  1. Corner supports are dug in (beam thickness - 50 millimeters, depth - 70-80 centimeters). Reinforced with wire anchors.
  2. After 1-2 meters, additional racks are made, with a smaller diameter.
  3. Between the corner supports, a crossbar is laid from above, fixed rigidly, so the lattice rails will be attached to it. If desired, you can make a drawing to immediately cut the slats of the desired size.

The size of the lattice cells is 15 centimeters, the sufficient width of the rails is 3 millimeters. Such a pergola for cucumbers, with good woodworking skills, can become a decoration for a summer house.

From a metal profile

Metal structures are more durable, with good fastening they will serve for a long time for tying cucumber stems. The basis is made up of reinforcing bars with a length of more than 2 meters. They are driven into the ground along the edges of the beds.

The easiest way to attach the upper cross member from the pipe is to weld it with a welding machine. If this is not possible, twist the edges with a wire or a thick cable. In this case, the frame will not be too reliable.

Between the supports, metal stakes are driven into the ground, to which a wire mesh will be attached. Pegs should be set at a distance of 15 centimeters from each other. A wire is attached to the top tube, side supports and stakes so that the cells are 15-20 centimeters in size.

Tip: all metal parts are painted and treated with anti-corrosion agents.

From the tire

A do-it-yourself trellis for cucumbers made from improvised materials (tires and wheels) turns out to be small and convenient. A large-diameter tire is cut lengthwise, laid on the ground, the middle for a bed of cucumbers and the tire are covered with prepared soil. Metal fittings are inserted into the center, on which the wheel rim will be attached.

The bicycle wheel is freed from the tire and spokes, only the rim is used. It is attached to the top of the reinforcement with wire.

The earth is covered with burlap, in the slots of which seedlings of cucumbers are planted. If possible, a cold snap is used for shelter using agrofibre. The wire is pulled through the holes for the spokes and the tire.

When the cucumbers braid the device, it becomes like a canopy or a hut with a round top. Such stands for growing are mobile, the next year they can be moved to another place, beautifully decorating the site.

From a special mesh

Several types of nets are used to support cucumbers:

  • tapestry;
  • plastic from polycarbonate;
  • metal.

Each type has its own characteristics in fastening and caring for the material, which can be found in the instructions.

Installation rules:

  • install reliable supports along the edges - pipes (metal or plastic), wooden poles;
  • make intermediate racks for additional rigidity;
  • from above, the rail is strengthened into a thrust with a mesh previously strung on it for attaching lashes of cucumbers;
  • the sides of the net are attached to the supports with wire or twine, stretching without sagging.

Side supports require stretching and significant penetration.

Features of planting and growing cucumbers

Caring for cucumbers in trellis cultivation involves the usual set of agrotechnical actions, which additionally includes a garter. Growing in a greenhouse and outdoors are somewhat different.

In the open field

One of the important elements of a good harvest is the correct arrangement of cucumber beds - west-east, which guarantees uniform illumination throughout the day. It is also necessary to take into account the rules of crop rotation. The best predecessors are cabbage, legumes, tomatoes.

Activities before boarding:

  • installation of a trellis for cucumbers;
  • planting neighbors for protection from the winds - corn, sunflowers;
  • soil preparation - digging, spilling potassium permanganate for disinfection, applying organic fertilizers, raising the beds by 20-30 centimeters with nutrient soil.

Tapestries are built based on the capabilities and available materials. The scheme for planting seedlings of cucumbers depends on the type of bushes - with strong branching, the distance between neighbors is 30-40 centimeters, weakly branching - 25-30 centimeters. The distance between the trellises is about a meter. Summer residents often use a black film for planting, in which cuts are made to accommodate seedlings.

In most regions, seedlings require warming - they cover it with a film, creating greenhouse conditions. When the young growth is strengthened and finally warmer, the film coating is removed and the stems begin to be strengthened.
